Results for 'Professor L. H. Allen M. A. PhD'

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  1.  27
    Psychological studies.Professor L. H. Allen M. A. PhD - 1926 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 4 (2):110-118.
  2.  34
    Contrast Sensitivity Is a Significant Predictor of Performance in Rifle Shooting for Athletes With Vision Impairment.Peter M. Allen, Rianne H. J. C. Ravensbergen, Keziah Latham, Amy Rose, Joy Myint & David L. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363277.
    _Purpose:_ In order to develop an evidence-based, sport-specific minimum impairment criteria (MIC) for the sport of vision-impaired (VI) shooting, this study aimed to determine the relative influence of losses in visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) on shooting performance. Presently, VA but not CS is used to determine eligibility to compete in VI shooting. _Methods:_ Elite able-sighted athletes ( n = 27) shot under standard conditions with their habitual vision, and with their vision impaired by the use of simulation (...)
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    Cue Effects on Memory for Location When Navigating Spatial Displays.Sylvia Fitting, Douglas H. Wedell & Gary L. Allen - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1267-1300.
    Participants maneuvered a rat image through a circular region on the computer screen to find a hidden target platform, blending aspects of two well-known spatial tasks. Like the Morris water maze task, participants first experienced a series of learning trials before having to navigate to the hidden target platform from different locations and orientations. Like the dot-location task, they determined the location of a position within a two-dimensional circular region. This procedure provided a way to examine how the number of (...)
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    Educating the design stance: Issues of coherence and transgression.Norman H. Freeman & Melissa L. Allen - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):141 - 142.
    Bullot & Reber (B&R) put forth a design stance to fuse psychological and art historical accounts of visual thinking into a single theory. We argue that this aspect of their proposal needs further fine-tuning. Issues of transgression and coherence are necessary to provide stability to the design stance. We advocate looking to Art Education for such fundamentals of picture understanding.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]William L. Allen, Henry L. Ruf, Chernor M. Jalloh, John Donnelly, Jerry H. Gill, Lee Barrett, Ronald L. Hall & William Kluback - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (1):185-189.
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    Ethics, Genetic Technologies and Equine Sports: The Prospect of Regulation of a Modified Therapeutic Use Exemption Policy.M. L. H. Campbell & M. J. McNamee - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (2):227-250.
    The use of genetic technologies within the equine industries has become increasingly common since the horse genome was published in 2009 (Wade et al. 2009). Testing for genes coding for disease in...
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    The concept of population in biology.L. H. M. Jonckers - 1973 - Acta Biotheoretica 22 (2):78-108.
    In view of the confusion about the use of the term ‘population’ in biology, an analysis has been made of the use of the concept of population in biology. Origin and development, logic and epistemology of the population-concept have been investigated for that purpose. It appears that several concepts of population coexist in biology. The term ‘population’ is used for all these concepts, so it is not amazing that confusion has arisen. This confusion is the more dangerous, since ‘population’ plays (...)
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  8. Natural deaths while driving: would screening for risk be ethically justified?L. H. Cheng & R. M. Whittington - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (4):248-251.
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the epidemiology and the underlying pathological conditions of natural deaths among motor vehicle drivers. Sudden death while driving may cause damage to properties, other vehicles or road users. Although the Medical Commission on Accident Prevention recommended restrictions to drivers at risk of sudden death due to their medical conditions, these restrictions are useless if they do not result in greater safety to the public. DESIGN: A retrospective study of natural deaths of motor vehicle drivers. SETTING: Natural deaths (...)
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  9.  21
    Rifle Shooting for Athletes With Vision Impairment: Does One Class Fit All?Peter M. Allen, Keziah Latham, Rianne H. J. C. Ravensbergen, Joy Myint & David L. Mann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System.R. L. Constable, S. F. Allen, H. M. Bromley, W. R. Cleaveland, J. F. Cremer & R. W. Harper - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1299-1302.
  11. Implementing Mathematics with The Nuprl Proof Development System.R. L. Constable, S. F. Allen, H. M. Bromley, W. R. Cleaveland, J. F. Cremer, R. W. Harper, D. J. Howe, T. B. Knoblock, N. P. Mendler, P. Panangaden, J. T. Sasaki & S. F. Smith - 1985 - Prentice-Hall.
  12.  60
    Establishing New Mappings between Familiar Phones: Neural and Behavioral Evidence for Early Automatic Processing of Nonnative Contrasts.Shannon L. Barrios, Anna M. Namyst, Ellen F. Lau, Naomi H. Feldman & William J. Idsardi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:154710.
    To attain native-like competence, second language (L2) learners must establish mappings between familiar speech sounds and new phoneme categories. For example, Spanish learners of English must learn that [d] and [ð], which are allophones of the same phoneme in Spanish, can distinguish meaning in English (i.e. /deɪ/ ‘day’ and /ðeɪ/ ‘they’). Because adult listeners are less sensitive to allophonic than phonemic contrasts in their native language (L1), novel target language contrasts between L1 allophones may pose special difficulty for L2 learners. (...)
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  13.  52
    The Thinking Muse: Feminism and Modern French Philosophy.Jeffner Allen, Iris Marion Young & Professor of Political Science Iris Marion Young - 1989
    "... some very serious critiques of French existential phenomenology and post-structuralism... the contributors offer some refreshingly new insights into some tried and 'true' philosophical texts and more recent works of literary theory." -- Philosophy and Literature "By bridging the gap between 'analytic' and 'continental' philosophy, the authors of The Thinking Muse: Feminism and the Modern French Philosophy largely overcome the cultural polarity between 'male thinker' and 'female muse'." -- Ethics "These engaging essays by American Feminists bring toether feminist philosophy, existential (...)
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  14.  78
    Ensuring PhD Development of Responsible Conduct of Research Behaviors: Who’s Responsible?Sandra L. Titus & Janice M. Ballou - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):221-235.
    The importance of public confidence in scientific findings and trust in scientists cannot be overstated. Thus, it becomes critical for the scientific community to focus on enhancing the strategies used to educate future scientists on ethical research behaviors. What we are lacking is knowledge on how faculty members shape and develop ethical research standards with their students. We are presenting the results of a survey with 3,500 research faculty members. We believe this is the first report on how faculty work (...)
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  15. Religiosity and Moral Identity: The Mediating Role of Self-Control.Scott John Vitell, Mark N. Bing, H. Kristl Davison, Anthony P. Ammeter, Bart L. Garner & Milorad M. Novicevic - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (4):601-613.
    The ethics literature has identified moral motivation as a factor in ethical decision-making. Furthermore, moral identity has been identified as a source of moral motivation. In the current study, we examine religiosity as an antecedent to moral identity and examine the mediating role of self-control in this relationship. We find that intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of religiosity have different direct and indirect effects on the internalization and symbolization dimensions of moral identity. Specifically, intrinsic religiosity plays a role in counterbalancing the (...)
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  16.  71
    10 years of BAWLing into affective and aesthetic processes in reading: what are the echoes?Arthur M. Jacobs, Melissa L.-H. Võ, Benny B. Briesemeister, Markus Conrad, Markus J. Hofmann, Lars Kuchinke, Jana Lüdtke & Mario Braun - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:127321.
    Reading is not only “cold” information processing, but involves affective and aesthetic processes that go far beyond what current models of word recognition, sentence processing, or text comprehension can explain. To investigate such “hot” reading processes, standardized instruments that quantify both psycholinguistic and emotional variables at the sublexical, lexical, inter-, and supralexical levels (e.g., phonological iconicity, word valence, arousal-span, or passage suspense) are necessary. One such instrument, the Berlin Affective Word List (BAWL) has been used in over 50 published studies (...)
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  17.  27
    Making our Measures Match Perceptions: Do Severity and Type Matter When Assessing Academic Misconduct Offenses?Thomas H. Stone, Jennifer L. Kisamore, I. M. Jawahar & Jocelyn Holden Bolin - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (4):251-270.
    Traditional approaches to measurement of violations of academic integrity may overestimate the magnitude and severity of cheating and confound panic with planned cheating. Differences in the severity and level of premeditation of academic integrity violations have largely been unexamined. Results of a study based on a combined sample of business students showed that students are more likely to commit minor cheating offenses and engage in panic-based cheating as compared to serious and planned cheating offenses. Results also indicated there is a (...)
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  18.  53
    The Importance of Imagination in Aesthetic Experience: Polanyian Thoughts on Elcombe.Peter M. Hopsicker PhD - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (2):209-218.
    In his recent work, ‘Sport, Aesthetic Experience, and Art as the Ideal Embodied Metaphor’, Tim L. Elcombe explores links between sport and art from a pragmatically informed conception of aesthetic experience. However, Elcombe's work does not highlight the role of the imagination in the interpretation of the aesthetic something Michael Polanyi claims to be the ‘cornerstone of aesthetic theory’. With the backdrop of an increased interest in the aesthetics, phenomenology, and epistemology of sport, this discussion essay seeks to defend the (...)
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  19.  66
    Transcriptional regulation of beta-secretase by p25/cdk5 leads to enhanced amyloidogenic processing.Y. Wen, W. H. Yu, B. Maloney, J. Bailey, J. Ma, I. Marie, T. Maurin, L. Wang, H. Figueroa, M. Herman, P. Krishnamurthy, L. Liu, E. Planel, L. F. Lau, D. K. Lahiri & K. Duff - 2008 - Neuron 57:680-90.
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of p25, an activator of cdk5, led to increased levels of BACE1 mRNA and protein in vitro and in vivo. A p25/cdk5 responsive region containing multiple sites for signal transducer and activator of transcription was identified in the BACE1 promoter. STAT3 interacts with the BACE1 promoter, and p25-overexpressing mice had elevated levels of pSTAT3 and BACE1, whereas cdk5-deficient mice had reduced levels. Furthermore, mice with a (...)
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  20.  28
    Simulation of the thallus development of antithamnion plumula (ellis) le jolis, (rhodophyceae, ceramiales).J. Lück, H. B. Lück, M.-Th L'Hardy-Halos & C. Lambert - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (3-4):329-351.
    The development of the typical cladomothallus of the red algae Antithaminion plumula (Ellis) Le Jolis [= Pterothamnion plumula (Ellis) Nägcli], (Rhodophyceae, Ceramiales) is simulated with the help of a formal language called L-systems. Two types of uniseriate filaments are distinguished: axial filaments of cladomes with indefinite growth and branching and pleuridia with definite growth and branching. The rythmical acropetal formation of secondary axes with basitonic arrangement contrasts with the intercalary basitonic formation of pleuridia, resulting in an acrotonic arrangement within an (...)
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  21.  32
    Harmonizing competing rationalities in evaluating governance.M. L. Bemelmans-Videc & H. J. M. Fenger - 1999 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 12 (2):38-51.
    Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) investigate the regularity (conformity to legislation) and performance (economy, efficiency, and effectiveness) of central government policies and administration through the instrument of accountability. Both types of audit have their own research process and set of standards. This article deals with the question of whether this distinction inhibits a proper appraisal of policy and administration and investigates the possibilities for SAIs to attain more integrated assessment procedures. This question is of vital importance, not only to SAIs but (...)
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  22.  21
    The Four Stages of Youth Sports TBI Policymaking: Engagement, Enactment, Research, and Reform.Hosea H. Harvey, Dionne L. Koller & Kerri M. Lowrey - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):87-90.
    This article advances, for the first time, a framework for situating public health law interventions as occurring in a predictable four-stage process. Whether the intervention is related to mandatory seat-belt laws, HIV prevention through needle-exchanges, or distracted-driving laws, these public health law interventions have generally been characterized by the following four stages. First, a series of publicized incidents, observances, or outcomes generate significant media attention, and are framed as public health harms. Then, a few select states evaluate such harms and (...)
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  23.  27
    Measuring Athletic Mental Energy (AME): Instrument Development and Validation.Frank J. H. Lu, Diane L. Gill, Cynthia M. C. Yang, Po-Fu Lee, Yi-Hsiang Chiu, Ya-Wen Hsu & Garry Kuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:419794.
    Although considerable research indicates that mental energy is an important factor in many domains, including athletic performance (Cook & Davis, 2006), athletic mental energy (AME) has never been conceptualized and measured. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conceptualize and develop a reliable and valid instrument to assess athletic mental energy. In Study 1, a focus group interview established the initial framework of athletic mental energy. Study 2 used a survey to collect athletes’ experiences of athletic mental energy and (...)
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  24.  54
    (1 other version)A study in many-valued logic.L. H. Hackstaff & Józef M. Bocheński - 1962 - Studies in East European Thought 2 (1):37-48.
  25.  62
    Does Marx Have an Ethic of Self-Realization?: Reply to Aronovitch.Derek P. H. Allen - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):377-386.
    There are some Marxist moral philosophers who think that a distinctive and defensible ethic can be unearthed from Marx's writings. The task of unearthing it must, of course, be kept distinct from the task or elaborating and defending it. Professor Aronovitch undertakes both tasks in his paper, but he does not always succeed in keeping them apart. As a result, I believe, damage is done to the exegetical side of his project.The question of whether there is a Marxian ethic (...)
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  26.  47
    Index of Names Abbarno, J., 122n, 128 Abetti, G., 184n, 202 Achterhuis, H., 37.R. Ackermann, G. Aichholzer, J. Alexander, T. J. Allen, H. Arendt, J. M. Atienza & Atting Tw - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González, Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo.
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    Professor P. K. Gode Commemoration Volume.Ludwik Sternbach, H. L. Hariyappa & M. M. Patkar - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (2):154.
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  28.  18
    Contemporary Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]L. H. C. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):380-381.
    The principal contemporary moral views are treated under three headings: 1) Intuitionism, represented by G. E. Moore, H. A. Prichard, and W. D. Ross; 2) Emotivism, as expounded by C. L. Stevenson; and 3) Prescriptivism, R. M. Hare's view. Warnock carefully distinguishes the questions these views were designed to answer from the questions which he feels they do in fact answer. Warnock emphasizes throughout the problem of the relation between moral discourse and conduct, as well as the question of the (...)
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  29. Dotting the I's and crossing the T's: autonomy and/or beneficence? The 'fetus as a patient' in maternal–fetal surgery.H. Catarina M. L. Rodrigues, Paul P. van den Berg & Marcus Düwell - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):219-223.
    Chervenak and McCullough, authors of the most acknowledged ethical framework for maternal–fetal surgery, rely on the ‘ethical–obstetrical’ concept of the fetus as a patient in order to determine what is morally owed to fetuses by both physicians and the women who gestate them in the context of prenatal surgery. In this article, we reconstruct the argumentative structure of their framework and present an internal criticism. First, we analyse the justificatory arguments put forward by the authors regarding the moral status of (...)
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  30.  76
    Randomized Controlled Trials of Maternal‐Fetal Surgery: A Challenge to Clinical Equipoise.H. C. M. L. Rodrigues & P. P. van den Berg - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (8):405-413.
    This article focuses on maternal-fetal surgery (MFS) and on the concept of clinical equipoise that is a widely accepted requirement for conducting randomized controlled trials (RCT). There are at least three reasons why equipoise is unsuitable for MFS. First, the concept is based on a misconception about the nature of clinical research and the status of research subjects. Second, given that it is not clear who the research subject/s in MFS is/are, if clinical equipoise is to be used as a (...)
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  31.  18
    Children's Situated Right to Work.Cristina L. H. Traina - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (2):151-167.
    ALTHOUGH "CHILD LABOR" IS UNIVERSALLY CONDEMNED, CHILD WORK will be a feature of global life for the foreseeable future because many children without adequate access to the requisites of human dignity must work to gain them. With help from the recent work of John Wall, Mary M. Doyle Roche, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, and others, the author claims children's right to work in Ethna Regan's sense, as an expression of a "situated universal." Rights on this view are real but contingent. They (...)
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  32.  22
    Couple Communication in Cancer: Protocol for a Multi-Method Examination.Shelby L. Langer, Joan M. Romano, Francis Keefe, Donald H. Baucom, Timothy Strauman, Karen L. Syrjala, Niall Bolger, John Burns, Jonathan B. Bricker, Michael Todd, Brian R. W. Baucom, Melanie S. Fischer, Neeta Ghosh, Julie Gralow, Veena Shankaran, S. Yousuf Zafar, Kelly Westbrook, Karena Leo, Katherine Ramos, Danielle M. Weber & Laura S. Porter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:769407.
    Cancer and its treatment pose challenges that affect not only patients but also their significant others, including intimate partners. Accumulating evidence suggests that couples’ ability to communicate effectively plays a major role in the psychological adjustment of both individuals and the quality of their relationship. Two key conceptual models have been proposed to account for how couple communication impacts psychological and relationship adjustment: the social-cognitive processing (SCP) model and the relationship intimacy (RI) model. These models posit different mechanisms and outcomes, (...)
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  33.  65
    Undressing difference: The hijab in the west.Anita L. Allen - manuscript
    On March 15, 2006, French President Jacques Chirac signed into law an amendment to his country's education statute, banning the wearing of conspicuous signs of religious affiliation in public schools. Prohibited items included a large cross, a veil, or skullcap. The ban was expressly introduced by lawmakers as an application of the principle of government neutrality, du principe de laïcité. Opponents of the law viewed it primarily as an intolerant assault against the hijab, a head and neck wrap worn by (...)
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  34.  36
    Evaluating the effect of three teaching strategies on student nurses’ moral sensitivity.H. L. Lee, S. -H. Huang & C. -M. Huang - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):732-743.
    Background: The Taiwan Nursing Accreditation Council has proposed eight core professional nursing qualities including ethical literacy. Consequently, nursing ethics education is a required course for student nurses. These courses are intended to improve the ethical literacy. Moral sensitivity is the cornerstone of ethical literacy, and learning moral sensitivity is the initial step towards developing ethical literacy. Objectives: To explore the effect of nursing ethics educational interventions based on multiple teaching strategies on student nurses moral sensitivity. Based on the visual, auditory (...)
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  35.  28
    Ideas and ideals: Honouring Joyce Mitchell cook.Anita L. Allen - 2021 - Think 20 (59):31-47.
    In the twentieth century, most PhD-trained academic philosophers in both the United States and United Kingdom were white men. The first black woman to earn a PhD in Philosophy was Joyce E. Mitchell Cook. A preacher's daughter from a small town in western Pennsylvania, Cook earned a BA from Bryn Mawr College. She went on to earn degrees in Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology from St Hilda's College at Oxford University before earning a PhD in Philosophy from Yale University in 1965. (...)
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  36. Islām kā ʻimrānī niẓām.G̲h̲ulām Rasūl Cīmah - 2004 - Lāhaur: ʻIlm va ʻIfrān Pablisharz.
    Sociological system in accordance with modern times.
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    Biocultural heritage of transhumant territories.M. H. Easdale, C. L. Michel & D. Perri - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):53-64.
    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recently declared transhumance pastoralism as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The notion of heritage seeks to recognize the culture behind the seasonal grazing movements along herding routes, between distant and dissimilar ecosystems. The pastoral families move with their herds from pasturelands used during the winter (winter-lands) to areas pastured during the summer (summer-lands). Whereas this is a key step towards the recognition of the cultural dimension associated to this ancient practice, a (...)
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  38.  24
    Feminist Readings of Early Modern Culture: Emerging Subjects.Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of English and Women'S. Studies Valerie Traub, Valerie Traub, Callaghan Dympna, M. Lindsay Kaplan & Dympna Callaghan - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    How did the events of the early modern period affect the way gender and the self were represented? This collection of essays attempts to respond to this question by analysing a wide spectrum of cultural concerns - humanism, technology, science, law, anatomy, literacy, domesticity, colonialism, erotic practices, and the theatre - in order to delineate the history of subjectivity and its relationship with the postmodern fragmented subject. The scope of this analysis expands the terrain explored by feminist theory, while its (...)
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  39.  50
    Hermeneutics, Neuroscience and Psychiatry.Michael T. H. Wong - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (1):13-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hermeneutics, Neuroscience and PsychiatryMichael T. H. Wong, MBBS, MD, MA, MDiv, PhD, FRCPsych, FRANZCP, FHKAM (bio)Hermeneutic practice in mental health has been a theme in Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (PPP) since its very beginnings. In this essay I argue that hermeneutics, the theory and practice of interpretation, promotes therapeutic interaction between mental health professionals, patients and their family.Why does this patient present in such a way at this particular (...)
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  40.  24
    The Search for the Legacy of the Usphs Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Reflective Essays Based Upon Findings From the Tuskegee Legacy Project.M. Joycelyn Elders, Rueben C. Warren, Vivian W. Pinn, James H. Jones, Susan M. Reverby, David Satcher, Mary E. Northridge, Ronald Braithwaite, Mario DeLaRosa, Luther S. Williams, Monique M. Willams, Vickie M. Mays, Malika Roman Isler, R. L'Heureux Lewis, Harold L. Aubrey, Riggins R. Earl & Virginia M. Brennan (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    The Search for the Legacy of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee is a collection of essays from experts in a variety of fields seeking to redefine the legacy of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The essayists place the legacy of the study within the evolution of racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Contributors include two leading historians on the study, two former United States Surgeons General, and other prominent scholars from a wide range of fields.
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  41. Partial and impartial ethical reasoning in health care professionals.H. Kuhse, P. Singer, M. Rickard, L. Cannold & J. van Dyk - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (4):226-232.
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the relationship between ethical reasoning and gender and occupation among a group of male and female nurses and doctors. DESIGN: Partialist and impartialist forms of ethical reasoning were defined and singled out as being central to the difference between what is known as the "care" moral orientation (Gilligan) and the "justice" orientation (Kohlberg). A structured questionnaire based on four hypothetical moral dilemmas involving combinations of (health care) professional, non-professional, life-threatening and non-life-threatening situations, was piloted and then mailed (...)
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    (1 other version)The Uselessness of Polygenic Scores for Addressing Campus Drinking.Bennett Knox, Hannah Allen & Stephen M. Downes - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):437-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Uselessness of Polygenic Scores for Addressing Campus DrinkingBennett Knox (bio), Hannah Allen (bio), and Stephen M. Downes, PhD (bio)Here we articulate a negative answer to Turkheimer and Greer’s question: “Is it possible to envision a genetically informed program that ethically intervenes on campus drinking?” (Turkheimer & Greer, 2024). However, first, we note that the authors cover an immense amount of ground in their paper. They lend insight (...)
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    Memory systems do not divide on consciousness: Reinterpreting memory in terms of activation and binding.L. M. Reder, H. Park & P. D. Kieffaber - 2009 - Psychological Bulletin 135 (1).
    There is a popular hypothesis that performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks reflects 2 distinct memory systems. Explicit memory is said to store those experiences that can be consciously recollected, and implicit memory is said to store experiences and affect subsequent behavior but to be unavailable to conscious awareness. Although this division based on awareness is a useful taxonomy for memory tasks, the authors review the evidence that the unconscious character of implicit memory does not necessitate that it be (...)
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    Informational risk, institutional review, and autonomy in the proposed changes to the common rule.M. Allyse, K. Karkazis, S. S. Lee, S. L. Tobin, H. T. Greely, M. K. Cho & D. Magnus - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (3):17-19.
    In 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services proposed changes to the regulations that govern human subjects protection in federally funded research. The proposed changes involve modifying inclusion standards for minimal-risk research and removing the necessity of review from certain categories of noninvasive research. All studies would instead be required to comply with privacy protections as initiated by the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act . We argue that relying on HIPAA to protect participants from participation-related risks in noninvasive (...)
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    I-4 Ordinis Primi Tomus Quartus: De Recta Latini Graecique Sermonis Pronuntiatione.M. Cytowska, J. Domanski, C. L. Heesakkers & J. H. Waszink (eds.) - 1969 - Brill.
    This volume of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus contains several works intended for scholarship in Classics. It includes discourse on the correct pronunciation of Latin and Greek, rhetoric, and Classical Latin, in a compendium of the handbook by Lorenzo Valla, as well as a declamation in praise of medicine.
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    Cancellations of elective surgery may cause an inferior postoperative course: the 'invisible hand' of health-care prioritization?H. Magnusson, L. Fellander-Tsai, M. G. Hansson & L. Ryd - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (1):27-31.
    Elective surgery can be cancelled when resources are overwhelmed by emergency cases. We hypothesized that such cancellations, on psychological grounds, are followed also by inferior clinical results and we conducted a retrospective survey of patients following joint replacement surgery. Sixty patients having suffered from administrative cancellation prior to their operation during an 18-month period and with six months follow-up were identified and compared with another 60 matched patients after having the same type of surgery but without prior cancellation. All patients (...)
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    Transformative Poetry. A General Introduction and a Case Study of Psalm 2.Archibald L. H. M. Van Wieringen - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (2):3-20.
    The structure of Psalm 2 is based on direct speeches in the text. These direct speeches characterise the communication that takes place in the text. The text-immanent author addresses the text-immanent reader with a question in the first line and with a makarismos in the last line. The direct speeches of the characters enable the text-immanent reader to undergo a development in his striving towards the beatitude. In this development, the ‘now’ of the birth of the Anointed One / Son (...)
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    Science, History and Social Activism.Everett Mendelsohn, Garland E. Allen & Roy M. Macleod - 2001 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights not only aspects of the career of Everett Mendelsohn, one of the premier historians of biology of our age, but also a wide range of topics that are now grouped under the general heading of science studies. This broad collection includes articles on the relations between science and the military, science as narrative, natural history and conservation, Marxism and science, the Human Genome Project, and the relation of philosophy to the study of embryonic development in the 18th (...)
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    Modern French Philosophy.L. Scott-Fox & J. M. Harding (eds.) - 1980 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a critical introduction to modern French philosophy, commissioned from one of the liveliest contemporary practitioners and intended for an English-speaking readership. The dominant 'Anglo-Saxon' reaction to philosophical development in France has for some decades been one of suspicion, occasionally tempered by curiosity but more often hardening into dismissive rejection. But there are signs now of a more sympathetic interest and an increasing readiness to admit and explore shared concerns, even if these are still expressed in a very different (...)
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    Faculty Members' Perceptions of Advising Versus Mentoring: Does the Name Matter? [REVIEW]Sandra L. Titus & Janice M. Ballou - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1267-1281.
    The recommendations, during the past 20 years, to improve PhD scientific training and graduate school success, have focused on the significance of mentoring. It is well established that PhD students with mentors have significantly more success in graduate school as demonstrated by publishing papers before they graduate and by making presentations. Have faculty and academic institutions embraced the mentoring role? This study explores the views of 3,500 scientists who have primary responsibilities to educate PhD and MD/PhD students. Faculty members report (...)
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