Results for 'Protest movements History'

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  1. (1 other version)The Frankfurt School’s Interest in Freud and the Impact of Eros and Civilization on the Student Protest Movement in Germany: A Brief History.Peter-Erwin Jansen - 2009 - PhaenEx 4 (2):78-96.
    The essay focuses on the impact of Marcuse’s Eros and Civilization in Germany in 1968. First, the essay discusses how Freud’s theory was used in the late twenties at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt. Then, it focuses on how certain of Adorno and Horkheimer’s ideas were developed in Eros and Civilization . Finally, it shows how Marcuse’s work became relevant for the intellectual development of the student movement in Germany.
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    Special Section: Technical Infrastructures, Transnational Protest Movements and the Use of Counter-Expertise.Maria Buck & Kira J. Schmidt - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (3):271-279.
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    Peace through Protest? [Lawrence S. Wittner, Confronting the Bomb: a Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement ].Andrew G. Bone - 2013 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 33 (2).
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    Sector as personality: The case of farm protest movements[REVIEW]Luther Tweeten - 1987 - Agriculture and Human Values 4 (1):66-74.
    the personality of the farm sector is basically healthy and has many of the favorable attributes embodied in the image of the family farmer as self-reliant and independent; and as committed to fair play, due process, and democratic ideals. But a darker side of the farm personality traits has emerged in the course of American history. Social scientists for the most part have given little attention to negative personality traits of farmers and the goals, values, and beliefs that underlie (...)
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    Protestant Character of Modern Buddhist Movements.Yukio Matsudo - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):59-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 59-69 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Views on Ritual Pactice Protestant Character of Modern Buddhist Movements Yukio MatsudoUniversity of HeidelbergWhat is the relationship between ritual and ethical activities in Nichiren Buddhism, as practiced in the Soka Gakkai (SG)? SG is a lay Buddhist organization which is, as such, involved extensively in secular affairs, specifically in the field of educational, cultural, social, and peace-promoting programs. (...)
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    The Women's Movement in India Today-New Agendas and Old ProblemsThe History of Doing: An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women's Rights and Feminism in India, 1800-1990Fields of Protest: Women's Movements in IndiaReinventing Revolution: New Social Movements and the Socialist Tradition in IndiaTwo Faces of Protest: Contrasting Modes of Women's Activism in IndiaWomen and Right-Wing Movements: Indian Experiences. [REVIEW]U. Kalpagam, Radha Kumar, Raka Ray, Gail Omvedt, Amrita Basu, Tanika Sarkar & Urvashi Butalia - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (3):645.
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    The History and Philosophy of the Metaphysical Movements in America. [REVIEW]A. S. S. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):348-348.
    A highly readable account of the development and present teachings of spiritualism, theosophy, New Thought, Divine Science, Church of Religious Science, Unity, and Christian Science. Professor Judah has personally participated in a number of the movements and hence his approach is reasonably sympathetic, although his general attitude is that of a liberal Protestant. He successfully demonstrates not only the tremendous variety of doctrines and personalities active in the above groups, but also indicates the substantial agreement in major areas. The (...)
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    We Are Still Here: A Photographic History of the American Indian Movement.Dick Bancroft, Laura Waterman Wittstock & Rigoberto Menchu Tum - 2013 - Borealis Books.
    The American Indian Movement, founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, burst into that turbulent time with passion, anger, and radical acts of resistance. Spurred by the Civil Rights movement, Native people began to protest the decades--centuries--of corruption, racism, and abuse they had endured. They argued for political, social, and cultural change, and they got attention. The photographs of activist Dick Bancroft, a key documentarian of AIM, provide a stunningly intimate view of this major piece of American history from 1970 (...)
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    The great refusal: Herbert Marcuse and contemporary social movements.Andrew T. Lamas (ed.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Herbert Marcuse examined the subjective and material conditions of radical social change and developed the "Great Refusal," a radical concept of "the protest against that which is." The editors and contributors to the exciting new volume The Great Refusal provide an analysis of contemporary social movements around the world with particular reference to Marcuse's revolutionary concept. The book also engages-and puts Marcuse in critical dialogue with-major theorists including Slavoj Žižek and Michel Foucault, among others. The chapters in this (...)
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    Science for the people: documents from America's movement of radical scientists.Sigrid Schmalzer, Daniel S. Chard & Alyssa Botelho (eds.) - 2018 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    For the first time, this book compiles original documents from Science for the People, the most important radical science movement in U.S. history. Between 1969 and 1989, Science for the People mobilized American scientists, teachers, and students to practice a socially and economically just science, rather than one that served militarism and corporate profits. Through research, writing, protest, and organizing, members sought to demystify scientific knowledge and embolden "the people" to take science and technology into their own hands. (...)
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    Popular Movements in Autocracies: Religion, Repression, and Indigenous Collective Action in Mexico.Guillermo Trejo - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a new explanation of the rise, development and demise of social movements and cycles of protest in autocracies; the conditions under which protest becomes rebellion; and the impact of protest and rebellion on democratization. Focusing on poor indigenous villages in Mexico's authoritarian regime, the book shows that the spread of US Protestant missionaries and the competition for indigenous souls motivated the Catholic Church to become a major promoter of indigenous movements for land (...)
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    Mediated Intersections of Environmental and Decolonial Politics in the No Dakota Access Pipeline Movement.Alexandra Deem - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (5):113-131.
    This article explores the politics of digital protest and emergent forms of sociality in the #NoDAPL (No Dakota Access Pipeline) movement using Elizabeth Povinelli’s concept of geontopower. I begin by situating the concept of geontopower in relation to a range of biopolitical, decolonial, and ecocritical theory in order to show its importance in conceptualizing the interconnectedness of decolonial and environmental interests. I use this theoretical framework to analyze several instances of what I call ‘digital decoloniality’ in the #NoDAPL movement, (...)
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    “Ganhando o Brasil para Jesus”: alguns apontamentos sobre a influência do movimento fundamentalista norte-americano sobre as práticas políticas do pentecostalismo brasileiro("Winning Brazil for Jesus":some notes about the American fundamentalist movement).Daniel Rocha - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (22):583-604.
    Este artigo apresenta uma breve reflexão sobre a politização do fundamentalismo protestante norte-americano e sua possível influência no tipo de práxis sociopolítica que vem caracterizando o pentecostalismo brasileiro a partir de meados da década de 1980. Partindo de uma discussão sobre o que seria, de fato, o fundamentalismo e sobre os desenvolvimentos e reconfigurações desse movimento ao longo da história norte-americana, buscar-se-á analisar a influência e os possíveis paralelos entre o fundamentalismo e o recente engajamento político-eleitoral que vêm marcando o (...)
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    The protesting self of bioethics and the patient.O. V. Popova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):346-355.
    The article considers the history of bioethics formation as a human rights movement aimed at establishing patient autonomy and limiting the practice of uncontrolled medical manipulation of human body, biomedical experimentation on people in the name of science, “public good” and other values. It is shown that the forms of expression and content of the statements of the protesting bioethical expert and the content turned out to be extremely diverse and based on conflicting ethical principles, actually demonstrating total rejection (...)
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    Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom, and the Human Subject.Richard Eldridge - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Developing work in the theories of action and explanation, Eldridge argues that moral and political philosophers require accounts of what is historically possible, while historians require rough philosophical understandings of ideals that merit reasonable endorsement. Both Immanuel Kant and Walter Benjamin recognize this fact. Each sees a special place for religious consciousness and critical practice in the articulation and revision of ideals that are to have cultural effect, but they differ sharply in the forms of religious-philosophical understanding, cultural criticism, and (...)
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    Shipwrecked: Patočka's philosophy of Czech history.Aviezer Tucker - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (2):196-216.
    Czech history defies dominant Western progressive historical narratives and moral evolutionism. Czech free-market democracy was defeated and betrayed three times in 1938, 1948, and 1968. The Czech Protestants were defeated in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Consequently, Czechs have a different perspective on the traditional questions of speculative philosophy of history: Where are we coming from? Where are we going? What does it mean? They ask further: where and why did history go wrong?Jan Patocka , the leading (...)
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    “Murdered Mozarts.” narrative of a previous malian student generation in the era of the crumbling state.Noemi Steuer - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):468-485.
    After the coup d’état in 2012, the Malian state experienced progressive decomposition in terms of loss of territorial integrity as well as in the functioning of its institutions. Against this backdrop, this article examines life histories of a former student generation whose members were actively involved in the protest movement of 1980. At the time they fought for student rights and democratization under a military junta, but were not able to induce the desired change. Today they portray themselves as (...)
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    Nonviolence—A Brief History: The Warsaw Lectures by John Howard Yoder.Carter Aikin - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):216-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nonviolence—A Brief History: The Warsaw Lectures by John Howard YoderCarter AikinNonviolence—A Brief History: The Warsaw Lectures John Howard Yoder Edited By Paul Martens, Matthew Porter, and Myles Werntz Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press, 2010. 150 pp. $29.95This helpful collection of lectures, delivered during a 1983 Polish Ecumenical Council (PEC) conference in Warsaw, displays John Howard Yoder’s emerging conviction that nonviolent action is not only a faithful (...)
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    Unity trend and separatism in the history of domestic baptism.Yu Ye Reshetnikov - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 13:50-60.
    Exploring the history of the Baptist movement in Ukraine and Russia, one can see two contradictory trends inherent in the internal development of this movement: the tendency to unite and the tendency towards separatism. These tendencies are dominated by one another, then they develop in parallel, restraining one another. Another VS Solovyov noted that Protestants, unlike Catholics, have an idea of ​​salvation in "small ships", which leads to separate tendencies in Protestantism. These tendencies find their theological substantiation in principle (...)
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    The Age of Reform, 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe.Steven Ozment - 2020 - Yale University Press.
    _Celebrating the fortieth anniversary of this seminal book, this new edition includes an illuminating foreword by Carlos Eire and Ronald K. Rittges_ The seeds of the swift and sweeping religious movement that reshaped European thought in the 1500s were sown in the late Middle Ages. In this book, Steven Ozment traces the growth and dissemination of dissenting intellectual trends through three centuries to their explosive burgeoning in the Reformations—both Protestant and Catholic—of the sixteenth century. He elucidates with great clarity the (...)
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    Sem lenço, sem documento e com uma Bíblia nas mãos: o movimento estudantil evangélico nos anos sessenta (Without handerchief, without document and a Bible in hands: the evangelical student movement in the sixties). DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n26p385. [REVIEW]Eduardo Gusmão de Quadros - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):385-398.
    Os movimentos juvenis tiveram papel destacado nas transformações do campo protestante no Brasil durante as décadas de cinquenta e sessenta. Neste artigo, enfocamos especialmente a história dos grupos evangélicos que exerceram o trabalho religioso dentro das universidades: a Associação Cristã Acadêmica e a Aliança Bíblica Universitária do Brasil. Para compreender melhor as inovações que trouxeram, traçamos primeiramente um quadro do protestantismo brasileiro após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Em segundo lugar, fazemos uma história das organizações estudantis de tradição evangélica, enfatizando suas (...)
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    Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, Its History and Theology by Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M.Gary Culpepper - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):332-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:332 BOOK REVIEWS lier Christian dualism into a balanced, theological whole. As a protreptic device, Jackson's book may be, in a certain way, part of a collective movement that may form a prolegomenon for a new synthesis-informed by the patristic authors but written as a vademecum for contemporary inquiry. The Catholic University ofAmerica Washington, D.C. ROBIN DARLING YOUNG Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catlwlic Church, Its History (...)
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    The Foundations of Mysticism. Vol. I of The Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism by Bernard McGinn.Louis Dupré - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):133-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 133 The Foundations of Mysticism. Vol. I of The Pl'.esence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism. By BERNARD McGINN. New York: Crossroad, 1991. Pp. xxii and 49. Index and bibliography. $39.00 (cloth). With this work Bernard McGinn delivers the first of a projected four volume History of Western Christian Mysticism. The Foundations in· cludes, as one might expect, the Scriptural tradition, Neoplatonic phi· (...)
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    Scriptural Authority: A Christian (Protestant) Perspective.Reinhold Bernhardt - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:73-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Scriptural AuthorityA Christian (Protestant) PerspectiveReinhold BernhardtThe Sola Scriptura Principle in the Reformation MovementIn curbing the authority of the ecclesiastical Magisterium the Reformation movement brought the authority of the Holy Scripture to the forefront as the normative foundation of Christian theology. One of its basic axioms is the sola scriptura principle, meaning that all one needs to know in order to live in a salvific relation to God can be (...)
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    Sinai and the Areopagus: Philip Melanchthon, Natural Law, and the Beginnings of Athenian Legal History in the Shadow of the Schmalkaldic War.Alexander D. Batson - 2024 - Journal of the History of Ideas 85 (4):713-748.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sinai and the Areopagus:Philip Melanchthon, Natural Law, and the Beginnings of Athenian Legal History in the Shadow of the Schmalkaldic WarAlexander D. BatsonIn late August 1546, Philip Melanchthon had some seriously strange dreams. One night, he saw a man in the Elbe struggling to keep his head above the river's powerful current. As Melanchthon approached to help, he recognized the drowning man's visage: Charles V. Despite Melanchthon's attempts (...)
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    Social theory and the political imaginary: practice, critique, and history.Craig Browne - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Social Theory and the Political Imaginary: Practice, Critique and History is an innovative work of synthesis, critique, and analysis. It presages a social theory perspective that recognises the constitutive significance of the political imaginary in modernity. Social theory's current dilemmas are explored through a series of interlinked asssessments of some of its recent substantial strands, specifically, Luc Boltanski's pragmatism and the wider 'practical turn', the perspectives of multiple modernities and global modernity, the outlook of social and political imaginaries, and (...)
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    Buddhism and Christianity: A Multicultural History of Their Dialogue (review).David Loy - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):151-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 151-155 [Access article in PDF] Buddhism and Christianity: A Multicultural History of their Dialogue. By Whalen Lai and Michael von Bruck. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 2001. xiv + 265 pp. This book is an abridged translation of Buddhismus und Christentum: Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog, first published in 1997 by Verlag C. H. Beck in Munich. I do not know how much has been lost in the (...)
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    The kingdom of God is here and now: Protestant eschatology, in the context of postmodernism.Roman Soloviy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:83-96.
    For modern Protestant theology there is a keen interest in eschatology, which, however, is interpreted not so much as the classical theological doctrine of the completion of history, which includes the theme of the church's takeover, the second coming of Christ and the millennial kingdom, as a teleological doctrine, focused on the questions of the final destination of reality, the achievement the world of its eternal purpose. Taking into account the fact that in modern Ukrainian religious studies there is (...)
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    Pluralizing humanism: religions and secularisms beyond power.Slavica Jakelic - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Humanism is appealed to today whenever we want to tackle the conditions of dehumanization in the contemporary world. But for humanism to be viable in the twenty first century, this book argues, it needs to be pluralized. Employing theoretical, historical and sociological arguments, the book moves beyond the discourse of critique. It engages theories of religion and secularism, as well as postmodern, postcolonial, and decolonial critiques of Western humanist projects, to uncover the ideas and practices of religious and secular humanisms (...)
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    Gegen Kernkraftwerke kämpfen Windenergie, Basisbewegung und Technologien des Protests in Spanien, 1976–1984.Jaume Valentines-Álvarez - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (3):311-344.
    In 1975, the death of dictator Francisco Franco opened the door to a turbulent period known as the “Spanish Transition.” In the wake of the 1973 oil crisis, national politics, political violence and social demands were interwoven with international shifts in science and technology and global debates on “energy transitions.” In close dialogue with foreign environmental groups, the anti-nuclear movement in Spain deployed a large repertoire of collective action; it ranged from pleasant activities to violent direct actions against nuclear technologies, (...)
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    Les nouveaux désobéissants: citoyens ou hors-la-loi?Manuel Cervera-Marzal - 2016 - [Lormont]: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Les nouveaux désobéissants sont-ils de dangereux " hors-la-loi " qu'il convient de traiter et de sanctionner en tant que tels ou, au contraire, sont-ils des " citoyens " exemplaires dont la bravoure permet d'approfondir la démocratisation de nos institutions? La citoyenneté est-elle compatible avec la désobéissance et, si oui, à quelles conditions, jusqu'où et dans quel but? Au cours des trente dernières années, le centre de gravité de la contestation sociale s'est progressivement déplacé du répertoire d'actions légal (vote protestataire, syndicalisme, (...)
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    Israel und die Geister von '68: eine Phänomenologie.Christoph Schmidt - 2018 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Träume eines Geistersehers : unhistorische Überlegungen -- Die deutsche Studentenrevolte und ihr Nachspiel der Identitäten -- Der Ausgang aus der selbst verschuldeten Unmündigkeit als Auszug aus der Schuld -- Kairos und Krise : Ernst Blochs Philosophie der eschatologischen Formen und die Aporie des messianischen Augenblicks.
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    Hannah Arendt e il '68: tra politica e violenza.Eugenia Lamedica - 2018 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    Erasmus of Rotterdam and His Influence on the Development of the Protestant Reformation in the Southern Netherlands.Guido Marnef - 2016 - Erasmus Studies 36 (1):35-52.
    _ Source: _Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 35 - 52 A number of Protestants and their adversaries produced striking testimonies to the influence which Erasmus exercised on Protestant-minded people in the sixteenth-century Southern Netherlands. Yet Erasmus’ impact on the break-through and the further development of the Protestant reform movements is more complex than these testimonies seem to suggest. The first part of this article tries to probe Erasmus’ influence by using the evidence from the printing press. Data about book (...)
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    Post-truth, education and dissent.David Nally - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):609-621.
    In recent scholarship, a widely agreed upon definition of post-truth has proved elusive, particularly because the term is used in tandem with so-named alternative facts, fake news, misinformation, and references to an anti-expert, anti-intellectual climate. This paper will consider recent educators’ efforts in the Australasian region to address the political and cultural disruption that post-truth has evoked, by inquiring into how their pedagogy mirrors or differs from that used in public spaces by protest movements. In the first section, (...)
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    Arendt's idea of the university.Gent Carrabregu - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (4):604-634.
    ABSTRACT This article offers the first comprehensive reconstruction of Hannah Arendt's contribution to the venerable chapter of modern intellectual history known as ‘the Idea of the university.’ Arendt first jotted down her thoughts on this topic in a 1946 letter to Karl Jaspers, in response to the manuscript of his then forthcoming book Die Idee der Universität. She later revisited the topic in three different moments. We trace these three sequels back to three contemporary political crises to which she (...)
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  37. The Digital Agency, Protest Movements, and Social Activism During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Gul Kacmaz Erk (ed.), AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES 32. AMPS. pp. 1-7.
    The technological revolution and appropriation of internet tools began to reshape the material basis of society and the urban space in collaborative, grassroots, leaderless, and participatory actions. The protest squares’ representation on Television screens and mainstream media has been broad. Various health, governmental, societal, and urban challenges have marked the advent of the Covid-19 virus. Inequalities have become more salient as poor people and minorities are more affected by the virus. Social distancing makes the typical forms of protest (...)
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    Hyperpolitiek en politiek engagement in de eenentwintigste eeuw.Anton Jäger - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (1):24-38.
    Hyperpolitics and Political Commitment in the Twenty-First Century What do the January 6th invasion of the Capitol and the anti-racist demonstrations of mid-2020 have in common? Both birthed some of the largest protest movements in American history, but also diminished rapidly after their initial, pre-revolutionary peak. This article reads the recent political sequence through the concept of ‘hyperpolitics’. In contrast to previous types of post-politics or mass politics, ‘hyperpolitics’ stands for a distinctly novel mode of political commitment (...)
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    Resistance, Repression And Gender Politics In Occupied Palestine And Jordan.Frances S. Hasso - 2005 - Syracuse University Press.
    This book focuses on the central party apparatus of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front branches established in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Jordan in the 1970s, and the most influential and innovative of the DF women's organizations: the Palestinian Federation of Women's Action Committees in the occupied territories. Until now, no study of a Palestinian political organization has so thoroughly engaged with internal gender histories. In addition, no other work attempts to systematically compare branches (...)
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    Word and Mystery: The Acoustics of Cultural Transmission During the Protestant Reformation.Braxton Boren - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    To a first-order approximation we can place most worship services on a continuum between clarity and mystery, depending on the setting and content of the service. This liturgical space can be thought of as a combination of the physical acoustics of the worship space and the qualities of the sound created during the worship service. A very clear acoustic channel emphasizes semantic content, especially speech intelligibility. An immersive, reverberant acoustic emphasizes mystery and music. One of the chief challenges in acoustical (...)
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    Reformation and transformation today: Essentials of reformation tradition and theology as seen from the perspectives of the South.Jerry Pillay - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    The Protestant Reformation is one of the greatest turning points in the history of Christianity. In some senses, it is described as a ‘theological revolution’ which led to the emergence of the Protestant movement and the separation of the Church. This research explores some of the theological themes that became the turning point of Christianity. These themes are sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria. This article attempts to briefly explore these essential theological principles (...)
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  42. The Missing Link / Monument for the Distribution of Wealth (Johannesburg, 2010).Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei & Jonas Staal - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):242-252.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 242—252. Introduction The following two works were produced by visual artist Jonas Staal and writer Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei during a visit as artists in residence at The Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa during the summer of 2010. Both works were produced in situ and comprised in both cases a public intervention conceived by Staal and a textual work conceived by Van Gerven Oei. It was their aim, in both cases, to produce complementary works that could (...)
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    5 Sola Реформації. Богословські принципи гетерогенного протестантизму.Sannіkov Serhii - 2017 - Схід 3 (149):83-92.
    The paper displays the religious and theological foundations, which initiated the reformation process with the help of nowadays popular markers known as 5 Sola of Reformation. It demonstrates the main theological principles which identify Protestantism among other religious groups. But simultaneously the hermeneutics of these principles divides Protestantism into many currents, which forms this religious movement heterogeneity. The main focus of the article lays on the comparative description of each of five features of the theological system of Reformed theology in (...)
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    Moral Responsibility in a Context of Scarcity: the Journey of a Haitian Physician.Paul Pierre - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):89-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moral Responsibility in a Context of Scarcity:the Journey of a Haitian PhysicianPaul PierreAlmost all Haitian physicians have been involved in some sort of "social movement" at one point in their professional life. In a country characterized by a natural inclination to question authority, fighting the status quo of the ineffective, corrupt and disorganized [End Page 89] Haitian health system often appears to be the right thing to do.In 2002, (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Neha Vora - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):8-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface At a time when access to safe abortions is being curtailed in the United States under the pretext of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Feminist Studies issue focuses on abortion and women’s embodiment. The essays by Melissa Oliver-Powell, Rachel Alpha Johnston Hurst, and Jennifer L. Holland each contribute new approaches to the stillvexed topic of abortion, positioning movements for abortion access in relation to historical (...)
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    Preemptive War, Americanism, and Anti‐Americanism.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (3):365-385.
    The war against Iraq unleashed in March 2003 spawned an attempt to silence the protest movement by accusing it of anti‐Americanism. This essay argues that the theory according to which right‐wing anti‐Americanism and left‐wing anti‐Americanism coincide is a myth. A new issue appears now, a paradox that characterizes the United States, where democracy developed within the white community concomitantly with the enslavement of blacks and the deportation of American Indians. In the American “Herrenvolk democracy,” a line of demarcation between (...)
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community.Jeffrey Flynn (ed.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In Solidarity, Hauke Brunkhorst brings a powerful combination of theoretical perspectives to bear on the concept of "democratic solidarity," the bond among free and equal citizens. Drawing on the disciplines of history, political philosophy, and political sociology, Brunkhorst traces the historical development of the idea of universal, egalitarian citizenship and analyzes the prospects for democratic solidarity at the international level, within a global community under law. His historical account of the concept outlines its development out of, and its departure (...)
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    Lord Acton and "The Insanity of Nationality".Timothy Lang - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (1):129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.1 (2002) 129-149 [Access article in PDF] Lord Acton and "the Insanity of Nationality" Timothy Lang "I hope I need not warn you against Montalembert's declamation about Poland—He has no idea of the insanity of nationality...." Acton to Richard Simpson, 25 September 1861 The sixty-year period that culminated in the First World War witnessed a momentous transformation in the European state system. (...)
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    Preface to “Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience”.W. J. T. Mitchell - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 39 (1):1-7.
    If journalism is the first draft of history, these three essays might be described as a stab at a second draft. It is an attempt by three scholars from different disciplines, with sharply contrasting methodologies, to provide an account of the protest movements of 2011, from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street. We deploy the perspectives of ethnography, political thought, and iconology in an effort to produce a multidimensional picture of this momentous year of revolutions, uprisings, (...)
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    Ordinary democracy: sovereignty and citizenship beyond the neoliberal impasse.Ali Aslam - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    While various democratic theorists have looked at particular instances of recent social movements (Occupy or the Arab Spring, for example), none have yet attempted a more general theoretical take on what it is that relates all of these movements and what that running thread can tell us about democratic theory. Ordinary Democracy argues that there is a commonality to these movements as well as a striking lesson about the nature of democracy, sovereignty, agency and solidarity today: in (...)
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