Results for 'Psychotherapists Professional ethics'

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  1.  10
    Aids: Crisis in Professional Ethics.Elliot D. Cohen - 1994 - Temple University Press.
    --Do patients have the right to know their physician's HIV status?-Can a dentist refuse treatment to an HIV-positive patient?-How do educators determine whether to allow an HIV-positive child to attend school, and if they do, should the parents of other children be informed?-Should a counselor break confidentiality by disclosing to a wife that her husband is infected with HIV?This collection of original essays carefully examines the difficult moral choices the AIDS pandemic has presented for many professionals-physicians, nurses, dentists, teachers and (...)
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    Ethics for psychotherapists and counselors: a proactive approach.Sharon K. Anderson - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Mitchell M. Handelsman.
    Basics of awareness : knowing yourself -- Basics of awareness : privilege and social responsibility -- The process of acculturation : developing your professional ethical identity -- The ethical culture of psychotherapy -- "I can't believe it's not therapy" : boundaries of the psychotherapy relationship -- Confidentiality : a critical element of trust in the relationship -- Informed consent : the three-legged stool -- Making the most of supervision -- Ending psychotherapy : the good, the bad, and the ethical (...)
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    Re-visiting professional ethics in psychotherapy: reflections on the use of talking therapies as a supportive adjunct for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and ‘medically unexplained symptoms’.Joanne Hunt & Charlotte Blease - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Following years of debate over the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), public health bodies in the UK and beyond have determined that no psychotherapy is clinically proven for this patient group. In the field of ME/CFS and the wider arena of ‘medically unexplained symptoms’ (MUS), patient survey data and qualitative research capturing patient experiences and psychotherapist attitudes suggest that therapeutic practice may sometimes fall short of required ethical standards. This raises questions about how (...) can safely support, as opposed to treat, people with these debilitating conditions. We consider four ethical principles that feature throughout psychotherapists’ codes of practice, those of respect, competence, responsibility and integrity, and discuss examples of good and poor practice in this arena as evinced by recent empirical literature. Following this, we offer a variety of suggestions to help strengthen ethical psychotherapy practice with patients with ME/CFS and other MUS. In terms of practitioner education, we recommend greater emphasis on humility, reflexivity and disability-affirming practices, exploration of personal as well professional ethics, and integration of patient expertise-by-experience, accompanied with the latest evidence, into foundational and ongoing training. In terms of ongoing practice, we suggest consideration of formalised patient-focused feedback systems and greater transparency vis-à-vis patient access to clinical notes. Finally, we underline the importance of elevating patients from mere subjects to co-producers of psychotherapy research. (shrink)
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    When Expertise and Ethics Diverge: Lay and Professional Evaluation of Psychotherapists in Israel.Danah Amir & Simon Shimshon Rubin - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (4):375-391.
    Do psychotherapists' unethical practices influence how they are perceived? The 202 Israeli lay and professional psychology participants rated systematically varied descriptions of effective therapists and potential clients under conditions of no difficulties, practice without a license, and a previous sexual boundary violation on indexes of evaluation and willingness to refer. Participants completed a measure of important variables in therapist selection. Effective standard therapists were rated most favorably, unlicensed therapists were rated favorably, and therapists who violated sexual boundaries in (...)
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    Psychology, ethics, and change.Susan Fairbairn & Gavin Fairbairn (eds.) - 1987 - New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    The contributors consider the ethical issues surrounding the use of psychological approaches to bring about change in human well-being. They raise many profound and disturbing questions that will stimulate debate in this important area.
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    The Ethics of Mandatory Personal Psychotherapy for Trainee Psychotherapists.Gavin Ivey - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):91-108.
    Although the psychotherapist's personal psychotherapy has received considerable research attention in recent years, little systematic investigation of the ethical issues involved has been published. This article provides a rigorous interrogation of mandatory personal psychotherapy as a training requirement for mental health professionals, a topic that remains ethically contentious. The article begins with a discussion of why MPP is an explicitly ethical issue, before debating the ethics of MPP under six questions, each worded to capture a salient ethical issue relevant (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Issues and ethics in the helping professions.Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey & Patrick Callanan - 2015 - United States: Brooks/Cole/Cengage Learning. Edited by Marianne Schneider Corey, Cindy Corey & Patrick Callanan.
    This contemporary, comprehensive, and practical text helps you discover and determine your own guidelines for helping within the broad limits of professional codes of ethics and divergent theoretical positions. This text is the relied-upon, essential text for students in any helping field-the book many students return to well into their professional careers. The authors raise what they consider to be central issues, present a range of diverse views on the issues, discuss their position, and present opportunities for (...)
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  8.  22
    Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: a practical guide for psychologists.Kenneth S. Pope - 1991 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Edited by Melba Jean Trinidad Vasquez.
    The comprehensive guide to ethics "An excellent blend of case law, research evidence, down-to-earth principles, and practical examples from two authors with outstanding expertise. Promotes valuable understanding through case illustrations, self-directed exercises, and thoughtful discussion of such issues as cultural diversity."--Dick Suinn, president-elect 1998, American Psychological Association "The scenarios and accompanying questions will prove especially helpful to those who offer courses and workshops concerned with ethics in psychology."--Charles D. Spielberger, former president, American Psychological Association; distinguished research professor of (...)
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    Life Witness: Evolution of the Psychotherapist.Toksoz Byram Karasu - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Jason Aronson.
    Life Witness is a blueprint for the formative evolution of a psychotherapist: from beginner/technician who practices a single school of therapy to a seasoned clinician with a transtheoretical paradigm. Ultimately such a clinician, by transcending the field of psychotherapy itself, becomes a master psychotherapist and addresses the larger dilemmas of human existence -- the context within which all patients' psychological conflicts are experienced. -- from book jacket.
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    Professional boundaries and the ethics of dual and multiple overlapping relationships in psychotherapy.Andrew Crowden - 2008 - Monash Bioethics Review 27 (4):10-27.
    The moral status of professional boundaries and the ethical nature of dual and multiple overlapping human relationships in contemporary clinical practice remain enduring problems in all health care disciplines. In this paper I explore the ethics of dual or multiple overlapping relationship and apply a virtue ethics framework to the case of psychotherapy.After clarifying the context and meaning of commonly used terminology, and considering what some of the key Australian codes of ethics relevant to psychotherapy advise (...)
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  11.  14
    Codes of ethics for the helping professions.Gerald Corey & Marianne Schneider Corey (eds.) - 2015 - Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
    This brief supplement offers students a handy resource that contains codes of ethics for the various professional organizations. Available for packaging with this textbook at a nominal price.
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    Red flags in psychotherapy: stories of ethics complaints and resolutions.Patricia Keith-Spiegel - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Preface : how and why the stories came to be -- Introduction : self-deception and red flags -- Sammy meets the wolf : meet the characters who will decide the cases -- I'm not your monkey : loss of control with a difficult client -- Junk yard therapy : self-delusion and exploitation -- Rats! : warring colleagues -- The John : a predator at work and play -- The raid on Hollywood Boulevard : the professional role vs. the right (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: a practical guide.Kenneth S. Pope - 2007 - San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Edited by Melba Jean Trinidad Vasquez & Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas.
    Psychotherapy holds out the promise of help for people who are hurting and in need. It can save lives and change lives. In therapy, clients can find their strengths and sense of hope. They can change course toward a more meaningful and healthy life. They can confront loss, tragedy, hopelessness, and the end of life in ways that do not leave them numb or paralyzed. They can discover what brings them joy and what sustains them through hard times. They can (...)
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  14.  41
    Personal, Practical, and Professional Issues in Providing Managed Mental Health Care: A Discussion for New Psychotherapists.James R. Alleman - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (4):413-429.
    Written by a former corporate manager pursuing counseling as a 2nd career, this article offers pointed views on managed mental health care. Values of practitioners that are a mismatch for managed care are noted, and more specific disadvantages and advantages are examined. Loss of client confidentiality is addressed and procedures and technologies for its reclamation are noted. Negative effects on therapy are acknowledged and potential for better accountability and research are pointed out. Economic disadvantages of a small provider's practice as (...)
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    The Beginning Psychotherapist's Companion.Jan Willer - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    With a reassuring and clear writing style, Willer offers practical suggestions and clinical examples to address the professional development and emotional concerns of the beginning psychotherapist. She guides readers through structuring the first session, making clinical observations, and establishing a therapeutic alliance. Through the use of culturally diverse clinical vignettes, Willer discusses the foundations of ethical practice, including informed consent, confidentiality, documentation, and setting boundaries. The reader is guided on how and when to refer clients for medication and other (...)
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  16.  5
    Therapy thieves: how to save mental health care from its providers.Francis A. Martin - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Acting on what started as a hunch, Dr. Francis Martin has cataloged well over 20,000 distinct approaches to counseling and psychotherapy that are advertised on the webpages of licensed, practicing mental health providers. No doubt some portion of them are harmful, but the sheer volume of advertised practices and techniques, often with names deceptively similar to actual evidence-based practices, should be cause for concern among all stakeholders in the helping professions - from educators and researchers to policy makers and insurance (...)
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  17.  19
    Informed consent in psychotherapy: a survey on attitudes among psychotherapists in Switzerland.Manuel Trachsel, Yvonne Nestoriuc, Jens Gaab, Marc Inderbinen, Martin Grosse Holtforth & Klara Eberle - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe legal and ethical guidelines of psychological professional associations stipulate that informed consent by patients is an essential prerequisite for psychotherapy. Despite this awareness of the importance of informed consent, there is little empirical evidence on what psychotherapists’ attitudes towards informed consent are and how informed consent is implemented in psychotherapeutic practice.Methods155 psychotherapists in Switzerland completed an online survey assessing their attitudes regarding informed consent. ResultsAmong the surveyed psychotherapists, there was a high consensus on important information (...)
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  18.  3
    Ethics in HIV-related psychotherapy: clinical decision making in complex cases.John R. Anderson & Robert L. Barret (eds.) - 2001 - Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Perhaps no other population exposes the clinician to more moral and legal dilemmas than clients with an HIV-positive diagnosis. What does the therapist do about the HIV positive patient who is having sex with unnamed partners and refuses to stop? What should be said in end-of-life decisions? What of the adolescent who is HIV positive but whose guardian does not wish the youth to be informed of his status?
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    Therapeutic Contract and Ethical Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy.Sunjida Shahriah, Sunjida Islam & Khalid Arafat - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):11-15.
    Psychotherapists and counsellors confront several ethical dilemmas as they tend to provide effective services. There has been much debate among psychotherapists and counsellors alike around the utility of therapeutic contracts. Some view contracts as being restrictive to the therapeutic process and often hindering the work done in sessions. In contrast, many counsellors and psychotherapists use those agreements to revisit specific therapeutic topics and establish the guidelines necessary for this professional arrangement. No matter the opinion or preference (...)
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  20.  58
    Speaking the unspeakable: the ethics of dual relationships in counselling and psychotherapy.Lynne Gabriel - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Are dual relationships always detrimental? Speaking the Unspeakable provides an in-depth exploration of client-practitioner dual relationships, offering critical discussion and sustained narrative on thinking about and being in dual relationships. Lynne Gabriel draws on the experiences of both practitioners and clients to provide a clear summary of the complex and multidimensional nature of dual relationships. The beneficial as well as detrimental potential of such relationships is discussed and illustrated with personal accounts. Subjects covered include: · Roles and boundaries in dual (...)
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  21.  13
    Values in dialogue: ethics in care.Axel Liégeois - 2016 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Values in dialogue offers a practical and theoretical model for ethics in care, that has grown from experience and research. The foundation of this ethical model is laid in the care relationship and in relational personalism. It consists of three pillars: values, dialogue, and attitudes. On this basis, a practical model for ethical reflection is developed. The aim is to empower professionals in their own ethical reflection and responsibility in concrete care situations. The model is applied on several topics, (...)
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  22.  13
    Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy: positive approaches to decision making.Samuel Knapp - 2015 - Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Edited by Michael C. Gottlieb & Mitchell M. Handelsman.
    New and experienced psychotherapists alike can find themselves overwhelmed by an ethical quandary where there doesn't seem to be an easy solution. This book presents positive ethics as a means to overcome such ethical challenges. The positive approach focuses on not just avoiding negative consequences, but reaching the best possible outcomes for both the psychotherapist and the client. The authors outline a clear decision-making process that is based on three practical strategies: the ethics acculturation model to help (...)
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  23. Court-Mandated Patients’ Perspectives on the Psychotherapist’s Dual Loyalty Conflict – Between Ally and Enemy.Helene Merkt, Tenzin Wangmo, Félix Pageau, Michael Liebrenz, Corinne Devaud Cornaz & Bernice Elger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Mental health professionals working in correctional contexts engage a double role to care and control. This dual loyalty conflict has repeatedly been criticized to impede the development of a high-quality alliance. As therapeutic alliance is a robust predictor of outcome measures of psychotherapy, it is essential to investigate the effects of this ethical dilemma. Methods: This qualitative interview study investigates patients’ perceptions of their therapists’ dual role conflict in court-mandated treatment settings. We interviewed 41 older incarcerated persons using a (...)
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    The inescapably ethical character of psychotherapy.Amy Fisher Smith - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):231-239.
    Reviews the book, Ethics and values in psychotherapy by Alan C. Tjeltveit . Many psychologists are aware of the ethical and inescapably value-laden nature of psychotherapy . Despite this awareness about values, however, much confusion persists about the nature and management of values in practice. Tjeltveit's text seeks to address such questions among many others. This fine book is one of the first works to comprehensively integrate the research regarding values inescapability with broader ethical theory and philosophy and its (...)
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    Ethical Concerns in Psychotherapy and Their Legal Ramifications.Andrew Thompson - 1983
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  26. (1 other version)Ethics and decision making in counseling and psychotherapy.R. Rocco Cottone - 2016 - New York,: Springer Publishing Company. Edited by Vilia M. Tarvydas.
    Introduction to ethical issues and decision-making in counseling and psychotherapy -- The mental health professions and counseling specialties -- Value issues in counseling and psychotherapy -- Ethical decision-making processes -- Introduction to ethical principles in counseling and psychotherapy -- Introduction to ethical standards in counseling and psychotherapy -- Privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication -- Informed consent -- Roles and relationships with clients -- Professional responsibility -- Counselor competency -- Ethical climate -- Office and administrative practices -- Technology in the (...)
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    Guide to Ethical Practice in Psychotherapy.Andrew Thompson - 1990 - Wiley-Interscience.
    Presents a comprehensive set of basic ethical principles for the professional practice of psychotherapy. Defines unethical practices; refers to relevant portions of existing professional codes; and provides guidelines for behavior not covered by current codes. Also discusses legal matters that may arise in the practice of psychotherapy, noting the distinction between what is legal and what is ethical.
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  28. Philosophers, Ethics, and Emotions.Lydia B. Amir - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (2):447-458.
    In this paper I continue to probe the roles of philosophy and psychology in moral education. In a previous article published in this journal, I criticized the moral views of various schools of psychotherapy, and argued that philosophers are the sole professionals equipped to teach normative morality in a pluralistic, critical, and reasoned way . In this paper, I argue that effective moral education involves emotional education; that philosophers’ views of emotions tend to be reductive, and when they are not, (...)
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    Therapeutic Ethics in Context and in Dialogue.Kevin R. Smith - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Psychotherapy helps one enact ideas about a good life, and therapists practice orientations rooted in their chosen approach. A 'good life' can therefore mean different things depending on the therapy. Building on the philosophy of Charles Taylor, Smith examines the link between therapy, ethics and the root of therapeutic views in comparison to modern, Western ideas about 'living well'. This is one of two complementary volumes. This volume builds on the last to explore what it means to engage the (...)
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    (1 other version)Psychoanalysis and Ethics in Documentary Film.Agnieszka Piotrowska - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This distinctively interdisciplinary approach to the subject encompasses filmmaking, psychoanalysis, philosophy and popular culture and offers a unique insight into documentary film practice from a psychoanalytic perspective. At the heart of the enquiry is belief that ‘transference-love’ is present in the documentary encounter. With a focus on testimony-driven film and a foreword by Michael Renov, who calls this book 'a radical and compelling account', _Psychoanalysis and Ethics in Documentary Film _covers a range of topics including: Four fundamental concepts of (...)
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  31. Toward a hermeneutic model of ethical decision making in clinical practice.Ephi J. Betan - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):347 – 365.
    Documented ethical violations and empirical research have demonstrated that, despite professional standards and formal training in ethical principles, some psychotherapists engage in unethical behaviors that compromise the welfare of clients. It appears that competing values and interests that emerge in the therapeutic endeavor can interfere with therapists' considerations of ethical standards and their willingness to act ethically. Expanding current models of ethical decision making, this article offers a hermeneutic model that recognizes that in addition to moral reasoning, the (...)
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  32.  26
    Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics.Trachsel Manuel, Şerife Tekin, Nikola Biller-Adorno, Jens Gaab & John Sadler (eds.) - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Psychotherapy is a well-established, efficacious, and fully accepted treatment for mental disorders and psychological problems. Psychotherapy is an interpersonal practice engaging patient values, interests, and personal meanings at every step. Thereby, psychotherapy abounds with moral issues. In psychotherapy ethics, numerous moral issues converge, including self-determination or autonomy, decision-making capacity and freedom of choice, coercion and constraint, medical paternalism, boundaries between health and illness, insight into illness and the need for therapy, dignity, under- and overtreatment, and much more. The Oxford (...)
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  33.  48
    The Nature of Professional Training and Perceptions of Adequacy in Dealing With Sexual Feelings in Psychotherapy: Experiences of Clinical Faculty.Matt L. Riggs, Joseph Lovett & Cindy Paxton - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):175-189.
    How do therapists learn to manage sexual feelings in the therapeutic relationship in an ethical, responsible manner? Data from 293 university-based psychotherapists show that the minority who report that their training prepared them to do so "very well" were more likely to have received "content-specific" training related to the topic or an opportunity to explore themselves as sexual beings, or both. In addition, they had experience with supervisors who modeled the belief that sexual feelings are a normal, expected part (...)
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    The Oxford handbook of psychotherapy ethics.M. Trachsel (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics explores a whole range of ethical issues in the heterogenous field of psychotherapy. It will be an essential book for psychotherapists in clinical practice and valuable for those professionals providing mental health services beyond psychology and medicine, including counsellors and social workers.
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    Malpractice arising from negligent psychotherapy: Ethical, legal, and clinical implications of Osheroff V. chestnut Lodge.Wendy L. Packman, Mithran G. Cabot & Bruce Bongar - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (3):175 – 197.
    Traditionally, there have been few legal actions brought against psychotherapists that allege negligent psychotherapy and negligent treatment of psychiatric disorders. However, in the case of Osheroff v. Chestnut Lodge, a patient-physician (Dr. OsheroE) sued Chestnut Lodge, a private psychiatric facility, for negligence based on the staff's decision to apply a psychodynamic model of treatment (through psychotherapy) and not a biological model. The case sparked a heated debate between adherents of the psychodynamic model and those of the biological model. This (...)
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    Freudian slips: the casualities of psychoanalysis from the Wolf Man to Marilyn Monroe.Luciano Mecacci - 2000 - An Rubha, Scotland: Vagabond Voices. Edited by Allan Cameron.
    A history of psychoanalysis through the twentieth century, critiquing Freud as a scientist and as a creative thinker, and considering the political and social environment in which psychoanalysis was born and applied.
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    How to Strengthen Patients’ Meaning Response by an Ethical Informed Consent in Psychotherapy.Manuel Trachsel & Martin Grosse Holtforth - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:451789.
    In the present contribution, we argue that all health care professionals and particularly psychotherapists should provide a plausible rationale for their treatment including an etiological model and a model of unique and common change mechanisms. The provision of a plausible rationale has two goals: (1) meet the ethical challenge of informed consent, and (2) to improve treatment outcome by fostering the meaning response. In the course of the ethical and a legal obligation of psychotherapists to obtain patients’ informed (...)
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  38. Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Psychotherapy: Persistent Dilemmas, Ethical Issues, and a Proposed Decision-Making Process.W. Brad Johnson & Jeffrey E. Barnett - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):147-164.
    Religion and spirituality are important aspects of the lives of most psychotherapy clients. Unfortunately, many psychotherapists lack the training to effectively and ethically address these issues with their clients. At times, religious or spiritual concerns may be relevant to the reasons clients seek treatment, either as areas of conflict or distress for clients or as sources of strength and support that the psychotherapist may access to enhance the benefit of psychotherapy. This article reviews persistent ethical issues and dilemmas relevant (...)
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    Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Psychotherapy: Persistent Dilemmas, Ethical Issues, and a Proposed Decision-Making Process.Jeffrey E. Barnett - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):147-164.
    Religion and spirituality are important aspects of the lives of most psychotherapy clients. Unfortunately, many psychotherapists lack the training to effectively and ethically address these issues with their clients. At times, religious or spiritual concerns may be relevant to the reasons clients seek treatment, either as areas of conflict or distress for clients or as sources of strength and support that the psychotherapist may access to enhance the benefit of psychotherapy. This article reviews persistent ethical issues and dilemmas relevant (...)
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    Emerging Practices of Counseling and Psychotherapy in China: Ethical Dilemmas in Dual Relationships.Jing Deng, Mingyi Qian, Yiqun Gan, Sherlyn Hu, Jun Gao, Zheng Huang & Lili Zhang - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (1):63-86.
    A qualitative study was conducted with 48 Chinese counselors and psychotherapists who were interviewed in 2006 and an independent sample of 50 participants who responded to a survey in 2014. This study aims to explore how the new emerging expansion of mental health practice is related to issues and challenges of dual role relationship and how the well-engrained values and social characteristics of Chinese culture influences perceptions and resolution of ethical dilemmas. The participants identified similar dual relationships in 2006 (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Professional ethics and civic morals.Emile Durkheim - 1957 - New York: Routledge.
    In Professional Ethics and Civic Morals , Emile Durkheim outlined the core of his theory of morality and social rights which was to dominate his work throughout the course of his life. In Durkheim's view, sociology is a science of morals which are objective social facts, and these moral regulations form the basis of individual rights and obligations. This book is crucial to an understanding of Durkheim's sociology because it contains his much-neglected theory of the state as a (...)
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    Professional ethics and personal integrity.Tim Dare & W. Bradley Wendel (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Professional roles are often thought to bring role-specific permissions and obligation, which may allow or require role-occupants to do things they would not be permitted or required to do outside their roles, and which as individuals they would rather not do. This feature of professional roles appears to bring them into conflict both with 'ordinary' or non-role morality, and with personal integrity which is often thought to demand some form of personal endorsement of one's conduct. How are we (...)
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    Professional Ethics Considerations of Research Ethics Board Members in Canada.Maureen Muldoon - 2006 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 25 (1-4):67-80.
    This paper explores issues of professional ethics that are relevant to those who engage in the ethical review of research with human subjects. Codes of ethics of a number of professional groups are examined for guidance offered to research ethics board members. The thought of the philosopher, Mike Martin, is introduced as a way to highlight some of the ethical issues that reviewers encounter in their work. Martin believes that ideals contribute to the coherence of (...)
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  44. Professional ethics in Polish Medicine.Stefan Konstanczak & Bogna Choinska - 2011 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 1 (1-2):14-20.
    Justifying the existence of professional ethics in medicine is usually connected with the traditions of a profession and with a humanistic dimension of these ethics, pointing at the same time to their culture-forming character. With such an attitude, professional ethics is treated as a part of all mankind’s output, and its teaching turns out to be an important element of preparation for taking part in culture. Taking into account the cultural meaning of professional (...), one should notice that all discussions about the character of relations of medicine and ethics exceed the very health care system. The dilemma outlined in the article deals with the problem whether the existence of medical ethics requires external regulations or is this also a creation of the very representatives of medicine and only they can formulate it. If the latter is to be assumed, ethics in medicine would have to be independent of other detailed ethics and it would not need to be included in any other more general theory. In the first solution, medical ethics is becoming a part of general ethics and, therefore, it would be justified to include it in a more general theory – bioethics. The authors indicate that professional ethics does not limit freedom of the staff but gives a special opportunity to use it. Records constituting its contents are mostly standardized by a professional group which sets criteria of recruitment on its own and general duties resting on their members. (shrink)
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    Professional Ethics in a Virtual World: The Impact of the Internet on Traditional Notions of Professionalism.Ellen M. Harshman, James F. Gilsinan, James E. Fisher & Frederick C. Yeager - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):227-236.
    Numerous articles in the popular press together with an examination of websites associated with the medical, legal, engineering, financial, and other professions leave no doubt that the role of professions has been impacted by the Internet. While offering the promise of the democratization of expertise – expertise made available to the public at convenient times and locations and at an affordable cost – the Internet is also driving a reexamination of the concept of professional identity and related claims of (...)
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  46.  24
    Teaching Professional Ethics.Koen Raes - 1997 - Ethical Perspectives 4 (4):243-245.
    In teaching professional ethics to students of a particular profession , one must start from the actions which are essential within the professional practice which is central to a particular academic training. Although universities do not, as such, provide particular profession-oriented trainings, but are, in the main, inspired by scientific research, most curricula are nevertheless clearly linked to professional careers. First and foremost, we should elucidate the values at stake from an internal perspective, from within the (...)
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    Professional ethics and librarians.Jonathan A. Lindsey - 1985 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press. Edited by Ann E. Prentice.
  48.  22
    Professional Ethics: A Trust-Based Approach.Terrence M. Kelly - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Professional Ethics: A Trust-Based Approach explores the unique nature of professional duty and virtue in light of the trust that professionals must invite, develop, and honor from those they intend to serve.
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  49.  7
    Professional Ethics in terms of Confucianism. 김형석 - 2014 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 80 (80):7-34.
    ‘유교에 직업윤리가 존재하는가?’ 이 논문에서는 전문직을 위한 직업윤리에서 서구의 공리주의적 윤리의식 뿐만 아니라 유교의 윤리의식 역시 긍정적인 역할을 수행할 수 있다고 보았다. 오늘날 동아시아 사회에서 유교적인 에토스ethos는 여전히 강하게 영향력을 끼치고 있기 때문이다. 전통사회에서처럼 전면에서 국가를 운영하는 지도적 이념으로 작용하고 있지는 않지만, 사회구성원 대부분이 동의하는 문화나 가치규범속에서 여전히 작용하고 있으므로, 전통적인 유교이념에 기반하는 윤리ethics 역시 적극적 역할을 할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 작업을 위해서는 첫머리에 던진 질문에 대한 답을 먼저 시도해볼 필요가 있다. 즉 유교 전통에서 직업윤리에 대해 논의할 수 있는 (...)
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  50. Professional Ethics of Teachers of Philosophy.Vasil Gluchman - 2012 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 2 (3-4):144-152.
    I am not trying to present a full concept of professional ethics of an academic. I would like to focus on philosophical and ethical reflection of the specific area of an academic work in Slovakia. Almost two hundred years ago, the Slovak enlightenment philosopher Ján Feješ (1764 - 1823) responded to the situation of his era and he stated that a reviewer must, in the given area, be even better educated than the author himself. A different example can (...)
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