Results for 'Py Maéna'

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  1.  14
    Les médecins, la communication et l’influence en santé après la loi du 9 juin 2023.Bruno Py - 2023 - Médecine et Droit 2023 (183):121-125.
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  2. Deliverance, Hrot, and Felvidek [Czechia].Čeněk Pýcha & Martin Váňa - 2025 - In Michal Mochocki, Paweł Schreiber, Jakub Majewski & Yaraslau I. Kot (eds.), Central and Eastern European histories and heritages in video games. New York: Routledge.
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    Explantation de pacemaker en temps de pandémie : conduite à tenir pour la récupération chez les sujets décédés des prothèses fonctionnant avec batterie lors de l’épidémie de covid-19.Bruno Py - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (163):88-91.
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    Michael Löwy: marxismo e crítica da modernidade - Resenha.Py Fábio - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (44):1659-1664.
    Livro QUERIDO, Fábio Mascaro. Michael Löwy: marxismo e crítica da modernidade. São Paulo: Boitempo; Fapesp, 2016. 199p. ISBN 978-85-7559-483-4.
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    Fallait-il sacrifier le secret professionnel sur l’autel de la santé publique?Bruno Py - 2021 - Médecine et Droit 2021 (166):1-2.
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  6. Quelques méthodes d'intelligence artificielle pour la modélisation de l'élève. STE, Vol 5-2.D. Py - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Enjeux Juridique de la date de la mort figurant dans un acte de décès.Bruno Py - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (46):23-28.
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    Expert : un métier, une fonction, une adulation.Bruno Py - 2013 - Médecine et Droit 2013 (120):53-56.
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  9.  26
    L’expertise de santé : mission médicale, juridique ou prédictive?Bruno Py - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 12 (2):129-140.
    La mission du juge est de trancher les litiges. Or, avant de d’appliquer une règle juridique, il est nécessaire de connaître précisément les faits de la cause. « Da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus ». L’expert est le spécialiste de l’analyse des faits dont le juge a besoin. Dans le domaine de la santé, l’expert est incontournable tant pour étudier la santé corporelle que la santé mentale. On note toutefois une évolution considérable qui tend à demander à l’expert, non plus (...)
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    Responsabilité pénale de l'échographe.Bruno Py - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (51):9-14.
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  11. Hanʼguk chʻŏrhak chonggyo sasangsa: Yŏsan Yu Pyŏng-dŏk Paksa hwagap kinyŏm.Pyæong-dæok Yu & Yæosan Yu Pyæong-dæok Paksa Hwagap Kinyæom Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwæonhoe (eds.) - 1990 - [Chŏlla-pukdo Iri-si]: Pogŭpchʻŏ Wŏnʼgwang Taehakkyo Chonggyo Munje Yŏnʼguso.
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  12. Catullus 54, a note+ textual interpretation of'carmina', poem-54.Py Forsyth - 1987 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 80 (6):421-423.
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  13. La Bibliothèque Victor Cousin à la Sorbonne.A. Py - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 18:197-198.
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  14. λμ-calculus and Böhm's theorem.Rene David & Walter Py - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):407-413.
    The λμ-calculus is an extension of the λ-calculus that has been introduced by M Parigot to give an algorithmic content to classical proofs. We show that Bohm's theorem fails in this calculus.
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    LÖWY, Michael. Romantismo e messianismo: ensaios sobre Lukács e Walter Benjamin.Fabio Py Murta de Almeida - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):808-813.
    Resenha LÖWY, Michael. Romantismo e messianismo : ensaios sobre Lukács e Walter Benjamin. Trad. Myriam Vera Baptista e Magdalena Pizante Baptista, 2. ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2012. 213p.
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    Agamben, G. Pilatos e Jesus.Fabio Py Murta - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):379.
    Agamben, G. Pilatos e Jesus. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2014.
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    The general theory of deception: A disruptive theory of lie production, prevention, and detection.Camille Srour & Jacques Py - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (5):1289-1309.
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  18.  29
    Leitura sobre a criação - gênesis 1 sobre exercício maximalista E minimalista.Fabio Py Murta de Almeida - 2009 - Revista de Teologia 4.
    A motivação deste artigo é de apresentar resumidamente o que tem sido discutido academicamente sobre a formação do Primeiro Testamento, assim se tomou em voga dois termos que têm circulado o vocabulário acadêmico desde 1996 (a partir dos Congressos de Metodologia Histórica), maximalismo e minimalismo. E, em cima desses dois modos de pensar se fez um exercício perceptivo sobre a leitura do texto de Gênesis 1, mostrando a importância dessas discussões para a atualização hermenêutica dos discursos teológicos de hoje.
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  19.  31
    Zacarias O livro pela pesquisa.Fabio Py Murta de Almeida - 2008 - Revista de Teologia 3.
    Com este artigo se pretende passar pelas leituras feitas sobre o texto do profeta Zacarias. Não há a intenção de se fazer uma abordagem exegética, mas antes, apenas um histórico da pesquisa do profeta - tão pouco lido no Brasil e na América Latina. Sua relevância conduz ao conhecimento das posições e propostas mais clássicas e as mais inovadoras da interpretação deste texto profético. Como também reconhecendo as últimas dificuldades encontradas na sua interpretação.
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    La loi du 10 mai 2024 contre les dérives sectaires : application dans le domaine de la santé : séparer le bon grain scientifique de l’ivraie charlatanesque. [REVIEW]Bruno Py - 2024 - Médecine et Droit 2024 (189):112-115.
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    Ethical considerations for involving adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention research.Andrew Mujugira, Kenneth Ngure, Juliet Allen Babirye, Joel Maena, Joselyne Nansimbe, Simon Afrika Akasiima, Hadijah Kalule Nabunya, Florence Biira, Emmie Mulumba, Maria Janine Nambusi, Stella Nanyonga, Sophie C. Nanziri, Doreen Kemigisha, Teopista Nakyanzi, Juliane Etima, Betty Kamira, Monica Nolan, Clemensia Nakabiito, Brenda Gati, Carolyne Akello & Rita Nakalega - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundInvolvement of adolescent girls in biomedical HIV research is essential to better understand efficacy and safety of new prevention interventions in this key population at high risk of HIV infection. However, there are many ethical issues to consider prior to engaging them in pivotal biomedical research. In Uganda, 16–17-year-old adolescents can access sexual and reproductive health services including for HIV or other sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and antenatal care without parental consent. In contrast, participation in HIV prevention research involving investigational (...)
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  22.  25
    Spontaneous Comparison of Nanotechnology and Controversial Objects among Laypersons, Scientists and Environmentalists.Maïté Brunel, Céline Launay, Maryelle Henry, Nadine Cascino, Jacques Py & Valérie Le Floch - 2023 - NanoEthics 17 (3):1-8.
    Nanotechnologies are a controversial topic, as they seem promising but also cause concern. Previous research has highlighted the potential link between nanotechnologies and other hazardous technologies. The aim of this research was to analyse the discourse on this topic by three groups of participants: laypersons, scientists and environmentalists. Thirty-four people (13 laypersons, ten scientists and eleven environmentalists) were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. Lexical and thematic analyses showed that scientists engage in explanatory discourse and perceive fewer risks than laypersons and (...)
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  23.  30
    Combustível da fé: mudança socioeconômica e rearranjo religioso em Macaé – RJ.Leonardo Gonçalves de Alvarenga & Fabio Py Murta de Almeida - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):389-413.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as mudanças socioeconômicas ocorridas na cidade de Macaé a partir de 1980 e seus efeitos sobre o campo religioso, com foco nos evangélicos e nos sem-religião. A metodologia lança mão de dados quantitativos do IBGE e procura analisar esses dados para ultrapassar uma leitura superficial e avançar na análise desse campo religioso complexo, que está diretamente relacionada à chegada da Petrobras na cidade de Macaé, inaugurando uma nova era na região, com a injeção de (...)
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    L'incapacité totale de travail en matière pénale : pour une approche médico-...légale.F. Doriat, P. Peton, H. Coudane, B. Py & F. Fourment - 2004 - Médecine et Droit 2004 (64):27-30.
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    Training Participants to Focus on Critical Facial Features Does Not Decrease Own-Group Bias.Tania Wittwer, Colin G. Tredoux, Jacques Py & Pierre-Vincent Paubel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Impact de la Loi no 2019-222 du 23 mars 2019 de programmation 2018–2022 et de réforme pour la justice sur l’office du médecin légiste. [REVIEW]Laurent Martrille, Antoine Perrin & Bruno Py - 2019 - Médecine et Droit 2019 (157):77-81.
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    Automatic recognition, elimination strategy and familiarity feeling: Cognitive processes predict accuracy from lineup identifications.Tania Wittwer, Colin G. Tredoux, Jacques Py, Alicia Nortje, Kate Kempen & Celine Launay - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98 (C):103266.
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    氣學.Han-gi Ch°oe & Pyæong-uk Son - 2004 - Sŏul-si: Tʻongnamu. Edited by Pyŏng-uk Son.
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    Obsutum Maenae Caput.S. Eitrem - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (3-4):72-.
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  30. Únos Európy: mýtus--divertimento k filozofii dějin.Jiérâi Néemec - 1994 - Praha: Dauphin.
  31.  3
    Únos Európy: mýtus--divertimento k filozofii dějin.Jiří Němec - 1994 - Praha: Dauphin.
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    Christopher I. Beckwith, The Greek Buddha : Py.Silvia D’Intino - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:213-217.
    Si c’est avec le bouddhisme que l’Inde entre véritablement dans l’histoire, tant dans l’histoire de la philosophie que dans celle des événements et lieux mémorables, pour la première fois gravée sur la pierre et le rocher – une donnée à la fois remarquable et problématique –, la perception d’une Inde compacte et quelque peu isolée dans l’ensemble du monde a longtemps encouragé une vision incomplète de la civilisation indienne et de son passé. On constate que les grands changements s’accompagn...
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    (1 other version)Thought-suppression in the Pātañjalayogaśāstra: against Ian Whicher’s interpretation of Patañjali’s yoga.Joseph Suk-Hwan Dowd - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):19-32.
    ABSTRACT The Pātañjalayogaśāstra (PYŚ) is typically understood to define yoga as thought-suppression. In several publications, Ian Whicher has sought to avoid the conclusion that the PYŚ endorses thought-suppression by proposing that the PYŚ’s definition of yoga refers not to thought-suppression but to liberation from the puruṣa’s misidentification with the mind. I argue that Whicher’s proposal is unsuccessful because the PYŚ portrays thought-suppression as necessary for this liberation.
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    Phoneme‐Order Encoding During Spoken Word Recognition: A Priming Investigation.Sophie Dufour & Jonathan Grainger - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12785.
    In three experiments, we examined priming effects where primes were formed by transposing the first and last phoneme of tri‐phonemic target words (e.g., /byt/ as a prime for /tyb/). Auditory lexical decisions were found not to be sensitive to this transposed‐phoneme priming manipulation in long‐term priming (Experiment 1), with primes and targets presented in two separated blocks of stimuli and with unrelated primes used as control condition (/mul/‐/tyb/), while a long‐term repetition priming effect was observed (/tyb/‐/tyb/). However, a clear transposed‐phoneme (...)
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    Computation of probabilities in causal models of history of science.Osvaldo Pessoa Jr - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (2):109-124.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the ascription of probabilities in a causal model of an episode in the history of science. The aim of such a quantitative approach is to allow the implementation of the causal model in a computer, to run simulations. As an example, we look at the beginning of the science of magnetism, “explaining” — in a probabilistic way, in terms of a single causal model — why the field advanced in China but not (...)
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  36. Comments on Mark Kalderon's “The Open Question Argument, Frege's Puzzle, and Leibniz's Law”.Peter Alward - unknown
    A standard strategy for defending a claim of non-identity is one which invokes Leibniz’s Law. (1) Fa (2) ~Fb (3) (∀x)(∀y)(x=y ⊃ (∀P)(Px ⊃ Py)) (4) a=b ⊃ (Fa ⊃ Fb) (5) a≠b In Kalderon’s view, this basic strategy underlies both Moore’s Open Question Argument (OQA) as well as (a variant formulation of) Frege’s puzzle (FP). In the former case, the argument runs from the fact that some natural property—call it “F-ness”—has, but goodness lacks, the (2nd order) property of its (...)
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    Aesthetics, Criticism, and Psychotherapy.John Z. Sadler - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):307-310.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 307-310 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetics, Criticism, and Psychotherapy John Z. Sadler Keywords aesthetics, psychiatry, psychotherapy, Sibley In his wide-ranging survey of how Kantian aesthetic theory is implicated in psychothera-py, John Callender has raised at least a dozen potentially profound and rewarding possibilities in applying aesthetic theory to psychiatry and psychotherapy. Although the idea of marrying aesthetic theory to psychiatry and psychotherapy is (...)
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    The Etymology of Aramaic √prns ‘to distribute, supply’.Aaron Michael Butts - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):245.
    The Aramaic verbal root √prns ‘to distibute, supply’ is first attested in the Middle Aramaic period. It is then widely attested across all of the dialects of Late Aramaic. Outside of Aramaic, the root √prns is also found in post-Biblical Hebrew. A number of proposals have been made for the etymology of this root, but there continues to be no consensus on this question. The present note argues that the verbal root √prns ‘to distribute, supply’ derives from Greek προνοῆσαι, the (...)
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    Acumulación Por despojo Y neoextractivismo en américa latina. Una reflexión crítica acerca Del estado Y Los movimientos socio-ambientales en el nuevo siglo.Claudia Composto - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES-PY X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 El despojo capitalista de la naturaleza se ha convertido en uno de los signos distintivos –y trágicos- de nuestra época. América Latina es una de las regiones del planeta más ricas en biodiversidad y, no casualmente, se constituye como uno de los principales destinos de la privatización y mercantilización de los bienes naturales a manos de transnacionales y Estados. No obstante, son numerosas las resistencias sociales que emergen para defender sus (...)
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    Skovorodar: z︠h︡ytti︠a︡, tvorchistʹ, spadok.Nazar Fedorak, Natalii︠a︡ Kosenko & Hryhoriĭ Savych Skovoroda (eds.) - 2022 - Kharkiv: Vydavnychyĭ dim "Shkola".
    Vikhy z︠h︡ytti︠a︡ -- Z︠H︡ytti︠e︡pys -- Baĭky Kharkivsʹki -- Sad Boz︠h︡estvennykh pisenʹ, proroslyĭ iz zeren Svi︠a︡toho Pysʹma -- Zerna mudrosty.
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    Experimental Realization of Popper's Experiment: Violation of the Uncertainty Principle? [REVIEW]Yoon-Ho Kim & Yanhua Shih - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1849-1861.
    An entangled pair of photons (1 and 2) are emitted in opposite directions. A narrow slit is placed in the path of photon 1 to provide the precise knowledge of its position on the y-axis and this also determines the precise y-position of its twin, photon 2, due to quantum entanglement. Is photon 2 going to experience a greater uncertainty in momentum, that is, a greater Δpy because of the precise knowledge of its position y? The experimental data show Δy (...)
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