Results for 'Quantum foundations'

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  1. Quantum Foundations of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics.Orly Shenker - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge. pp. Ch. 29.
    Statistical mechanics is often taken to be the paradigm of a successful inter-theoretic reduction, which explains the high-level phenomena (primarily those described by thermodynamics) by using the fundamental theories of physics together with some auxiliary hypotheses. In my view, the scope of statistical mechanics is wider since it is the type-identity physicalist account of all the special sciences. But in this chapter, I focus on the more traditional and less controversial domain of this theory, namely, that of explaining the thermodynamic (...)
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    Quantum foundations and open quantum systems: lecture notes of the Advanced School.Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen (ed.) - 2015 - [Hackensack,] New Jersey: World Scientific.
    The Advanced School on Quantum Foundations and Open Quantum Systems was an exceptional combination of lectures. These comprise lectures in standard physics and investigations on the foundations of quantum physics. On the one hand it included lectures on quantum information, quantum open systems, quantum transport and quantum solid state. On the other hand it included lectures on quantum measurement, models for elementary particles, sub-quantum structures and aspects on the philosophy (...)
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    Exploring Quantum Foundations with Single Photons.Martin Ringbauer - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This thesis uses high-precision single-photon experiments to shed new light on the role of reality, causality, and uncertainty in quantum mechanics. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the current understanding of quantum foundations and details three influential experiments that significantly advance our understanding of three core aspects of this problem. The first experiment demonstrates that the quantum wavefunction is part of objective reality, if there is any such reality in our world. The second experiment shows that (...)
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    Quantum foundations in a nutshell: Emily Adlam: Foundations of quantum mechanics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 84pp, £ 15.00 PB.Albert Solé & Antonio Vassallo - 2021 - Metascience 31 (1):17-20.
  5.  42
    My Discussions of Quantum Foundations with John Stewart Bell.Marian Kupczynski - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-20.
    In 1976, I met John Bell several times in CERN and we talked about a possible violation of optical theorem, purity tests, EPR paradox, Bell’s inequalities and their violation. In this review, I resume our discussions, and explain how they were related to my earlier research. I also reproduce handwritten notes, which I gave to Bell during our first meeting and a handwritten letter he sent to me in 1982. We have never met again, but I have continued to discuss (...)
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    Electron Charge Density: A Clue from Quantum Chemistry for Quantum Foundations.Charles T. Sebens - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (4):1-39.
    Within quantum chemistry, the electron clouds that surround nuclei in atoms and molecules are sometimes treated as clouds of probability and sometimes as clouds of charge. These two roles, tracing back to Schrödinger and Born, are in tension with one another but are not incompatible. Schrödinger’s idea that the nucleus of an atom is surrounded by a spread-out electron charge density is supported by a variety of evidence from quantum chemistry, including two methods that are used to determine (...)
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  7. Probability and quantum foundation.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    A classical probabilistics explanation for a typical quantum effect in Hardy's paradox is demonstrated.
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    Measurement-Based Quantum Foundations.Jochen Rau - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):380-388.
    I show that quantum theory is the only probabilistic framework that permits arbitrary processes to be emulated by sequences of local measurements. This supports the view that, contrary to conventional wisdom, measurement should not be regarded as a complex phenomenon in need of a dynamical explanation but rather as a primitive—and perhaps the only primitive—operation of the theory.
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  9. Predictions and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Foundations: A Study of Examples.Valia Allori, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghì - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (2):323-352.
    A major disagreement between different views about the foundations of quantum mechanics concerns whether for a theory to be intelligible as a fundamental physical theory it must involve a ‘primitive ontology’ (PO), i.e. variables describing the distribution of matter in four-dimensional space–time. In this article, we illustrate the value of having a PO. We do so by focusing on the role that the PO plays for extracting predictions from a given theory and discuss valid and invalid derivations of (...)
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    The problems in quantum foundations in the light of gauge theories.Yuval Ne'eman - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (4):361-377.
    We review the issues of nonseparability and seemingly acausal propagation of information in EPR, as displayed by experiments and the failure of Bell's inequalities. We show that global effects are in the very nature of the geometric structure of modern physical theories, occurring even at the classical level. The Aharonov-Bohm effect, magnetic monopoles, instantons, etc. result from the topology and homotopy features of the fiber bundle manifolds of gauge theories. The conservation of probabilities, a supposedly highly quantum effect, is (...)
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    Collective Electrodynamics: Quantum Foundations of Electromagnetism.Carver A. Mead - 2002 - MIT Press.
    Carver Mead offers a radically new approach to the standard problems of electromagnetic theory.
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  12. (1 other version)Quantum Information Theory & the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Christopher Gordon Timpson - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics is a conceptual analysis of one of the most prominent and exciting new areas of physics, providing the first full-length philosophical treatment of quantum information theory and the questions it raises for our understanding of the quantum world. -/- Beginning from a careful, revisionary, analysis of the concepts of information in the everyday and classical information-theory settings, Christopher G. Timpson argues for an ontologically deflationary account of (...)
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  13.  18
    Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils.Giulio Chiribella & Robert W. Spekkens (eds.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides the first unified overview of the burgeoning research area at the interface between Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information. Topics include: operational alternatives to quantum theory, information-theoretic reconstructions of the quantum formalism, mathematical frameworks for operational theories, and device-independent features of the set of quantum correlations. Powered by the injection of fresh ideas from the field of Quantum Information and Computation, the foundations of Quantum Mechanics are in the midst (...)
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  14.  62
    Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Emily Adlam - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific theory. But more than 100 years after it was first introduced, the interpretation of the theory remains controversial. This Element introduces some of the most puzzling questions at the foundations of quantum mechanics and provides an up-to-date and forward-looking survey of the most prominent ways in which physicists and philosophers of physics have attempted to resolve them. Topics covered include nonlocality, contextuality, the reality of the wavefunction and the measurement problem. (...)
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  15.  10
    Foundations of Quantum Theory: From Classical Concepts to Operator Algebras.Klaas Landsman - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book studies the foundations of quantum theory through its relationship to classical physics. This idea goes back to the Copenhagen Interpretation (in the original version due to Bohr and Heisenberg), which the author relates to the mathematical formalism of operator algebras originally created by von Neumann. The book therefore includes comprehensive appendices on functional analysis and C*-algebras, as well as a briefer one on logic, category theory, and topos theory. Matters of foundational as well as mathematical interest (...)
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  16. Two Forms of Inconsistency in Quantum Foundations.Jer Steeger & Nicholas Teh - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1083-1110.
    Recently, there has been some discussion of how Dutch Book arguments might be used to demonstrate the rational incoherence of certain hidden variable models of quantum theory. In this paper, we argue that the 'form of inconsistency' underlying this alleged irrationality is deeply and comprehensively related to the more familiar 'inconsistency' phenomenon of contextuality. Our main result is that the hierarchy of contextuality due to Abramsky and Brandenburger corresponds to a hierarchy of additivity/convexity-violations which yields formal Dutch Books of (...)
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    Quantum metaphysics and the foundations of spacetime.Vincent Lam, Laurie Letertre & Cristian Mariani - 2022 - In Antonio Vassallo, The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The main research programs in quantum gravity tend to suggest in one way or another that most spacetime structures are not fundamental. At the same time, work in quantum foundations highlights fundamental features that are in tension with any straightforward space- time understanding. This paper aims to explore the little investigated but potentially fruitful links between these two fields.
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    Aims and Scope of the Special Issue, “Quantum Foundations: Informational Perspective”.Andrei Khrennikov & Blake C. Stacey - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (8):1003-1008.
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  19. (1 other version)The foundations of quantum mechanics and the approach to thermodynamic equilibrium.David Z. Albert - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):669-677.
    It is argued that certain recent advances in the construction of a theory of the collapses of Quantum Mechanical wave functions suggest the possibility of new and improved foundations for statistical mechanics, foundations in which epistemic considerations play no role.
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  20. Foundations of Relational Realism: A Topological Approach to Quantum Mechanics and the Philosophy of Nature.Michael Epperson & Elias Zafiris - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Elias Zafiris.
    Foundations of Relational Realism presents an intuitive interpretation of quantum mechanics, based on a revised decoherent histories interpretation, structured within a category theoretic topological formalism. -/- If there is a central conceptual framework that has reliably borne the weight of modern physics as it ascends into the twenty-first century, it is the framework of quantum mechanics. Because of its enduring stability in experimental application, physics has today reached heights that not only inspire wonder, but arguably exceed the (...)
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  21.  33
    Introduction: Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Foundations.Howard Barnum, Stephanie Wehner & Alexander Wilce - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (8):853-856.
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    Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: An Exploration of the Physical Meaning of Quantum Theory.Travis Norsen - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Authored by an acclaimed teacher of quantum physics and philosophy, this textbook pays special attention to the aspects that many courses sweep under the carpet. Traditional courses in quantum mechanics teach students how to use the quantum formalism to make calculations. But even the best students - indeed, especially the best students - emerge rather confused about what, exactly, the theory says is going on, physically, in microscopic systems. This supplementary textbook is designed to help such students (...)
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  23. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1944 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    Written by an internationally renowned philosopher, this volume offers a three-part philosophical interpretation of quantum physics. The first part reviews the basics of quantum mechanics, outlining their philosophical interpretation and summarizing their results; the second outlines the mathematical methods of quantum mechanics; and the third section blends the philosophical ideas of the first part and the mathematical formulations of the second part to develop a variety of interpretations of quantum mechanics. 1944 edition.
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    Quantum Theory: a Foundational Approach.Charis Anastopoulos - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a textbook on quantum mechanics. It is addressed to graduates and advanced undergraduates. The book presents quantum theory as a logically coherent system, placing stronger emphasis on the theory' s probabilistic structure and on the role of symmetries. It makes students aware of foundational problems from the very beginning, but at the same time, it urges them to adopt a pragmatic attitude towards the quantum formalism. The book consists of five parts. Part I is a (...)
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    Mathematical foundations of quantum theory.A. R. Marlow (ed.) - 1978 - New York: Academic Press.
    Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory is a collection of papers presented at the 1977 conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory, held in New Orleans. The contributors present their topics from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialization, but all shared a common interest in answering quantum issues. Organized into 20 chapters, this book's opening chapters establish a sound mathematical basis for quantum theory and a mode of observation in the double slit experiment. (...)
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    (2 other versions)Quantum theory, reconsideration of foundations 5: Växjö, Sweden, 14-18 June 2009.A. I︠U︡ Khrennikov (ed.) - 2010 - Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics.
    As previous Växjö conferences on quantum foundations, QTRF-5 was notable not only for the contributions of the papers presented there but also for its exciting debates. These debates offered a great diversity of opinions on foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) and its future developments: from those defined by the view of those who adhere to the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation (which rejected realism and causality), at one end of the spectrum, to those who subscribed to realist views (...)
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  27. Philosophical foundations of quantum field theory.Harvey R. Brown & Rom Harré (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Quantum field theory, one of the most rapidly developing areas of contemporary physics, is full of problems of great theoretical and philosophical interest. This collection of essays is the first systematic exploration of the nature and implications of quantum field theory. The contributors discuss quantum field theory from a wide variety of standpoints, exploring in detail its mathematical structure and metaphysical and methodological implications.
  28. (1 other version)Philosophical foundations of quantum field theory.N. Huggett - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (4):617-637.
    Much attention has been directed to the philosophical implications of quantum field theory (QFT) in recent years; this paper attempts a survey in low-technical terms. First the relations of QFT to other kinds of theory, classical and quantum, particle and field, are discussed. Then various formulations of QFT are introduced, along with related interpretations. Finally a review is made of some of the most interesting foundational problems.
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  29. (1 other version)A Foundational Principle for Quantum Mechanics.Anton Zeilinger - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (4):631-643.
    In contrast to the theories of relativity, quantum mechanics is not yet based on a generally accepted conceptual foundation. It is proposed here that the missing principle may be identified through the observation that all knowledge in physics has to be expressed in propositions and that therefore the most elementary system represents the truth value of one proposition, i.e., it carries just one bit of information. Therefore an elementary system can only give a definite result in one specific measurement. (...)
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  30.  87
    A Snapshot Of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics.Maximilian Schlosshauer, Johannes Kofler & Anton Zeilinger - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):222-230.
    Foundational investigations in quantum mechanics, both experimental and theoretical, gave birth to the field of quantum information science. Nevertheless, the foundations of quantum mechanics themselves remain hotly debated in the scientific community, and no consensus on essential questions has been reached. Here, we present the results of a poll carried out among 33 participants of a conference on the foundations of quantum mechanics. The participants completed a questionnaire containing 16 multiple-choice questions probing opinions on (...)
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  31. The Physical Foundation of Quantum Theory.Mehran Shaghaghi - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-36.
    The number of independent messages a physical system can carry is limited by the number of its adjustable properties. In particular, systems with only one adjustable property cannot carry more than a single message at a time. We demonstrate that this is true for the photons in the double-slit experiment, and that this is what leads to the fundamental limit on measuring the complementary aspect of the photons. Next, we illustrate that systems with a single adjustable property exhibit other (...) behaviors, such as noncommutativity and no-cloning. Finally, we formulate a mathematical theory to describe the dynamics of such systems and derive the standard Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics as well as the Born probability rule. Our derivation demonstrates the physical foundation of quantum theory. (shrink)
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    The foundations of quantum mechanics.P. J. Bussey - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (5):491-528.
    Starting from a set of assumptions mainly of an “operational” or experimentally based nature, a derivation of quantum mechanics is presented, with the aim of clarifying the essential features of the theory and their interpretation. Various properties of quantum mechanics such as the addition of amplitudes, the calculation of probabilities, de Broglie's equations, and energy-momentum conservation are derived from first principles. It is investigated whether quantum amplitudes may be constructed from quantities of higher order than complex numbers. (...)
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    On foundational and geometric critical aspects of quantum electrodynamics.Eduard Prugovečki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (3):335-362.
    The foundational difficulties encountered by the conventional formulation of quantum electrodynamics, and the criticism by Dirac, Schwinger, Rohrlich, and others, aimed at some of the physical and mathematical premises underlying that formulation, are reviewed and discussed. The basic failings of the conventional methods of quantization of the electromagnetic field are pointed out, especially with regard to the issue of local (anti)commutativity of quantum fields as an embodiment of relativistic microcausality. A brief description is given of a recently advanced (...)
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  34.  8
    The Quantum Dissidents: Rebuilding the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (1950-1990).Olival Freire Junior - 2015 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    This book tells the fascinating story of the people and events behind the turbulent changes in attitudes to quantum theory in the second half of the 20th century. The huge success of quantum mechanics as a predictive theory has been accompanied, from the very beginning, by doubts and controversy about its foundations and interpretation. This book looks in detail at how research on foundations evolved after WWII, when it was revived, until the mid 1990s, when most (...)
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  35. Quantum Physics and Consciousness: The Quest for a Common Conceptual Foundation.Thomas Filk & Albrecht von Müller - 2009 - Mind and Matter 7 (1):59-80.
    Similar problems keep reappearing in both the discussion about the “hard” problem of consciousness and in fundamental issues in quantum theory. We argue that the similarities are due to common problems within the conceptual foundations of both fields. In quantum physics, the state reduction marks the “coming into being” of a new aspect of reality for which no causal explanation is available. Likewise, the self-referential nature of consciousness constitutes a “coming into being” of a new quality which (...)
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  36. The Quantum Strategy of Completeness: On the Self-Foundation of Mathematics.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Cultural Anthropology eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 5 (136):1-12.
    Gentzen’s approach by transfinite induction and that of intuitionist Heyting arithmetic to completeness and the self-foundation of mathematics are compared and opposed to the Gödel incompleteness results as to Peano arithmetic. Quantum mechanics involves infinity by Hilbert space, but it is finitist as any experimental science. The absence of hidden variables in it interpretable as its completeness should resurrect Hilbert’s finitism at the cost of relevant modification of the latter already hinted by intuitionism and Gentzen’s approaches for completeness. This (...)
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    Preface of the Special Issue Quantum Foundations: Theory and Experiment. [REVIEW]Andrei Khrennikov & Gregor Weihs - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (6):721-724.
  38. Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Alireza Mansouri - 2016 - Tehran: Nashre Ney.
    The revolution brought about by quantum mechanics in the early 20th century was nothing short of remarkable. It shattered the foundational principles of classical physics, giving rise to a plethora of controversial and intriguing conceptual questions. Questions that still perplex and confound the scientific community today. Is the quantum mechanical description of physical reality complete? Are the objects of nature truly inseparable? And most importantly, do objects not have a specific position before measurement, and are there non-causal (...) jumps? These vital problems continue to garner more attention as time passes, particularly with the fading of positivism. If you're a student seeking to explore the fascinating philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics, this book might be just what you need. Written in Persian, brings you closer to the heart of quantum controversies and the fascinating world of quantum mechanics. (shrink)
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  39. Quantum Control in Foundational Experiments.Lucas C. Céleri, Rafael M. Gomes, Radu Ionicioiu, Thomas Jennewein, Robert B. Mann & Daniel R. Terno - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):576-587.
    We describe a new class of experiments designed to probe the foundations of quantum mechanics. Using quantum controlling devices, we show how to attain a freedom in temporal ordering of the control and detection of various phenomena. We consider wave–particle duality in the context of quantum-controlled and the entanglement-assisted delayed-choice experiments. Then we discuss a quantum-controlled CHSH experiment and measurement of photon’s transversal position and momentum in a single set-up.
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    The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Historical Analysis and Open Questions - Cesena 2004: Cesena, Italy, 4-9 Ocober 2004.Claudio Garola, Arcangelo Rossi & Sandro Sozzo (eds.) - 2006 - Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.
    This volume provides a unique overview of recent Italian studies on the foundations of quantum mechanics and related historical, philosophical and epistemological topics.
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    Quantum theory, reconsideration of foundations 4: Växjö (Sweden), 11-16 June, 2007.Guillaume Adenier (ed.) - 2007 - Melville, N. Y.: American Institute of Physics.
    This conference was devoted to the 80 years of the Copenhagen Interpretation, and to the question of the relevance of the Copenhagen interpretation for the present understanding of quantum mechanics. It is in this framework that fundamental questions raised by quantum mechanics, especially in information theory, were discussed throughout the conference. As has become customary in our series of conference in Växjö, we were glad to welcome a fruitful assembly of theoretical physicists, experimentalists, mathematicians and even philosophers interested (...)
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    Informational foundations of quantum theory: critical reconsideration from the point of view of a phenomenologist.Tina Bilban - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):581-594.
    Several contemporary interpretations of quantum mechanics use the concept of information as a tool for addressing and explaining the quantum world. In the article, I focus on Zeilinger-Brukner's informational foundations of quantum theory. I propose that with a phenomenological approach—which, unlike most of the contemporary interpretations of quantum mechanics, exceeds the mere dichotomy between realism and anti-realism—we can address the epistemological questions re-opened by IFQT and the parts of the interpretation that are recognized as problematic (...)
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  43. Axiomatic foundations of Quantum Mechanics revisited: the case for systems.S. E. Perez-Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1996 - International Journal of Theoretical Phyisics 35:1805-1819.
    We present an axiomatization of non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics for a system with an arbitrary number of components. The interpretation of our system of axioms is realistic and objective. The EPR paradox and its relation with realism is discussed in this framework. It is shown that there is no contradiction between realism and recent experimental results.
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    Axiomatic foundations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics: A realistic approach.S. E. Perez Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1993 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 32 (9):1507-1522.
    A realistic axiomatic formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics for a single microsystem with spin is presented, from which the most important theorems of the theory can be deduced. In comparison with previous formulations, the formal aspect has been improved by the use of certain mathematical theories, such as the theory of equipped spaces, and group theory. The standard formalism is naturally obtained from the latter, starting from a central primitive concept: the Galilei group.
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  45.  29
    Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.A. R. Turquette - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54 (5):513.
  46.  18
    The Quantum Mechanics Conundrum: Interpretation and Foundations.Gennaro Auletta - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This comprehensive volume gives a balanced and systematic treatment of both the interpretation and the mathematical-conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics. It is written in a pedagogical style and addresses many thorny problems of fundamental physics. The first aspect concerns Interpretation. The author raises the central problems: formalism, measurement, non-locality, and causality. The main positions on these subjects are presented and critically analysed. The aim is to show that the main schools can converge on a core interpretation. The second (...)
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    Foundations of Mind IV: Quantum Mechanics Meets Neurodynamics.Sean O. Nuallain - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):1-5.
    This is a description of the aims, agenda and organization of a conference, organized by Foundations of Mind and hosted by the CIIS Centre for Consciousness Studies that took place on 31st January, 2017. Teh proceedings of this conference are published in this special edition. The topic was 'Quantum Mechanics Meets Neurodynamics: An Emerging 21st Century Science of Consciousness'. This the fourth Foundations fo Mind conference. The proceedings of the other three conferences have also been published in (...)
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    The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and the Evolution of the Cartan-Kähler Calculus.Jose G. Vargas - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (7):610-647.
    In 1960–1962, E. Kähler enriched É. Cartan’s exterior calculus, making it suitable for quantum mechanics (QM) and not only classical physics. His “Kähler-Dirac” (KD) equation reproduces the fine structure of the hydrogen atom. Its positron solutions correspond to the same sign of the energy as electrons.The Cartan-Kähler view of some basic concepts of differential geometry is presented, as it explains why the components of Kähler’s tensor-valued differential forms have three series of indices. We demonstrate the power of his calculus (...)
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  49. Quantum Mechanics: Knocking at the Gates of Mathematical Foundations.Radu Ionicioiu - 2015 - In Alexandru Manafu, The Prospects for Fusion Emergence. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 313: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 313.
  50. Quantum Physics and Consciousness: The Quest for a Common Conceptual Foundation.Michael Silberstein - unknown
    Similar problems keep reappearing in both the discussion about the “hard” problem of consciousness and in fundamental issues in quantum theory. We argue that the similarities are due to common problems within the conceptual foundations of both fields. In quantum physics, the state reduction marks the “coming into being” of a new aspect of reality for which no causal explanation is available. Likewise, the self-referential nature of consciousness constitutes a “coming into being” of a new quality which (...)
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