Results for 'R. Muciño'

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  1. Sorting Out Ethics.R. M. Hare - 1997 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This book is divided into three parts: in Part I, R. M. Hare offers a justification for the use of philosophy of language in the treatment of moral questions, together with an overview of his moral philosophy of ‘universal prescriptivism’. The second part, and the core of the book, consists of five chapters originally presented as a lecture series under the title ‘A Taxonomy of Ethical Theories’. Hare identifies descriptivism and non‐descriptivism as the two main positions in modern moral philosophy. (...)
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    Rationales and argument moves.R. P. Loui & Jeff Norman - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (3):159-189.
    We discuss five kinds of representations of rationales and provide a formal account of how they can alter disputation. The formal model of disputation is derived from recent work in argument. The five kinds of rationales are compilation rationales, which can be represented without assuming domain-knowledge (such as utilities) beyond that normally required for argument. The principal thesis is that such rationales can be analyzed in a framework of argument not too different from what AI already has. The result is (...)
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    Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction.R. Paul Thompson & Ross Upshur - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ross Upshur.
    What kind of knowledge is medical knowledge? Can medicine be explained scientifically? Is disease a scientific concept, or do explanations of disease depend on values? What is ‘evidence-based’ medicine? Are advances in neuroscience bringing us closer to a scientific understanding of the mind? The nature of medicine raises fundamental questions about explanation, causation, knowledge and ontology – questions that are central to philosophy as well as medicine. In this book Paul R. Thompson and Ross E. G. Upshur introduce the fundamental (...)
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    İsl'm Düşüncesinde Âyet İle Tehaddî Yaklaşımı Ve Bunun Tahlîli.Zakir Demi̇r - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):529-555.
    İ‘câzü’l-Kur’ân literatürüne bakıldığında ilim adamlarının i‘câzın ne anlama geldiği, tehaddînin mâhiyeti ve bu olgunun ne şekilde tahakkuk ettiği konusunda birtakım çözüm yolları bulmaya çalıştıkları; bu konuyu nazm, fesâhat ve belâgatla ilişkilendirerek çok sayıda teori ortaya koydukları görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda Kur’ân metninin ne kadarının mu‘ciz olduğu, muârızlarına müteveccih tehaddînin asgari miktarı meselesinde serdedilen görüşlerden biri, Kur’ân’ın iç düzenin en küçük birimi olan âyetle tehaddîdir. İslâm düşünce tarihinin klasik ve modern dönemlerinde savunucusu bulunan bu yaklaşıma göre Kur’ân’ın en küçük birimi olan âyet (...)
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    Facts and the Factitious in Natural Sciences.R. C. Lewontin - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 18 (1):140-153.
    The problem that confronts us when we try to compare the structure of discourse and explanation in different domains of knowledge is that no one is an insider in more than one field, and insider information is essential. An observer who is not immersed in the practice of a particular scholarship and who wants to understand it is at the mercy of the practitioners. Yet those practitioners are themselves mystified by a largely unexamined communal myth of how scholarship is carried (...)
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    Co-immune subspaces and complementation in V∞.R. Downey - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):528 - 538.
    We examine the multiplicity of complementation amongst subspaces of V ∞ . A subspace V is a complement of a subspace W if V ∩ W = {0} and (V ∪ W) * = V ∞ . A subspace is called fully co-r.e. if it is generated by a co-r.e. subset of a recursive basis of V ∞ . We observe that every r.e. subspace has a fully co-r.e. complement. Theorem. If S is any fully co-r.e. subspace then S has (...)
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    Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology.Guillaume R. Fréchette & Andrew Schotter (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, edited by Guillaume R. Fréchette and Andrew Schotter, aims to confront and debate the issues faced by the growing field of experimental economics. For example, as experimental work attempts to test theory, it raises questions about the proper relationship between theory and experiments. As experimental results are used to inform policy, the utility of these results outside the lab is questioned, and finally, as experimental economics tries to integrate ideas from other disciplines like psychology (...)
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    Plato's Divided Line and Dialectic.R. Hackforth - 1942 - Classical Quarterly 36 (1-2):1-.
    The old question whether or no the doctrine of ‘intermediate mathematical objects’ ascribed to Plato by Aristotle is to be found in the Divided Line of Republic vi, has been recently raised again in a careful and lucid discussion by Mr. W. F. R. Hardie. I may clear the ground by saying at once that I agree with that part of Mr. Hardie's chapter which deals with those criticisms of the traditional view that have been put forward by Prof. Ferguson (...)
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    The Relationship between Religion and the State in the Context of Freedom of Thought, Belief and Expression in Spinoza.Ferhat Akdemi̇r - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:3):316-338.
    Spinoza felsefe tarihinde ve felsefi düşüncede daha çok monist ontolojisi ve panteist teolojisi ile dikkatleri çeken bir filozoftur. Ancak o aynı zamanda önemli bir ahlak ve siyaset teorisyenidir. Özellikle siyasal felsefesinde düşünce ve ifade özgürlüğüne ve din-devlet ilişkisine dair, çağının sınırlarını aşan özel ve özgün görüşlere sahip olduğu ve yaşadığı çağda önemli bir demokrasi ve düşünce özgürlüğü savunucusu olduğu söylenebilir. Ne var ki felsefesinde ontolojiye ve teolojiye dair görüşlerinin ön plana çıkarılması nedeniyle olsa gerek, onun ahlaka ve siyasete ilişkin görüşleri (...)
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  10.  10
    Christology in Political and Liberation Theology.R. R. Reno - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):291-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHRISTOLOGY IN POLITICAL AND LIBERATION THEOLOGY R. R. RENO Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems ; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself. (...)
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    Yahy' b. Ziy'd el-Ferr'’nın “Ma‘'ni’l-Kur’'n” Adlı Eserinde Dil-Kültür İlişkisi.Rıfat Akbaş - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):1299-1328.
    İslâm coğrafyasının genişlemesi neticesinde Arap olmayan toplulukların İslâm dini ile tanışmaları beraberinde bir takım problemleri de getirmiştir. Bu problemler arasında, Kur’ân’ın yanlış anlaşılma endişesi en başı çekmektedir. Arapçaya hâkim olmamaktan kaynaklanan dil hatalarının âyetlere kadar sirayet ettiğini gösteren birçok rivayetin varlığı da bunu teyit etmektedir. Bundan dolayı hicrî birinci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren dil ile ilgili faaliyetler aralıksız bir şekilde devam etmiştir. Bu faaliyetler arasında, Kur’ân’ın üslûbunu, âyetlerde yer alan kelimelerin delâleti ve sesletimini, cümlelerin iç bütünlüğü ile filolojik tahlillerini ele (...)
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  12. Dört Kaynak Hipotezi Karşıtı Olarak John Van Seters ve Tevrat Eleştirisi.Muhammed Ali Bağır - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:233-258.
    Asırlarca Tevrat’ın Musa tarafından yazılan vahiy mahsulü bir eser olduğuna inanıldı. Geleneksel Yahudiliğin günümüzde de devam ettirdiği bu inanç Batı dünyasında yapılan eleştirel çalışmalarla sorgulanmaya başlandı. Bu araştırmalarda, Tevrat’ın değişik zamanlarda yaşayan farklı isimler tarafından kaleme alınan bir eser olduğu ortaya konuldu. Bu eleştirel araştırmaların zirve noktasını Julius Wellhausen tarafından son şekli verilen ve Tevrat’ın dört farklı kaynaktan oluştuğunu ileri süren Dört Kaynak Hipotezi oluşturur. Çoğunlukla kabul gören bu görüşe, 1970’lerden itibaren yapılan bazı çalışmalarla ciddi anlamda itiraz edildi. Bu makalenin (...)
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    Dr. Grice and the contract ground.R. E. Ewin - 1969 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):25 – 30.
    In his very interesting book The Grounds of Moral Judgement, Dr. G. R. Grice tries to reconstitute contract theory so as to give an account of morality such that moral requirements can be explained in terms of what he calls the contract ground. He wants to go on and argue from this that it is irrational to be immoral, but my concern lies immediately with the contract ground. I think that faults can be found in the setting up of the (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Plato.R. M. Hare - 1982 - In Richard Mervyn Hare, Jonathan Barnes & Henry Chadwick (eds.), Founders of thought. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 724-726.
    The earliest philosopher whose work has survived extensively, Plato remains the starting-point in the study of logic, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy. R.M. Hare provides a concise, well-connected introduction to Plato's dialogues, focusing on the central problems which led Plato to become a philosopher. He describes these problems and Plato's solutions with great clarity, and sets them in the context of Plato's life and times, and his place in the history of philosophy.
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    Two Fragments of an Old English Manuscript in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.R. I. Page, Mildred Budny & Nicholas Hadgraft - 1995 - Speculum 70 (3):502-529.
    In 1962 appeared one of the classic articles in Anglo-Saxon manuscript studies, the publication of two eleventh-century fragments of leaves of Old English found in the binding of a seventeenth-century printed book in the library of the University of Kansas, Lawrence. The fragment that more nearly concerns the present article now carries the shelf mark Pryce MS C2:1 in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library . It is a large part of a single leaf from The Legend of the Holy Cross (...)
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    History, the Human, and the World Between.R. Radhakrishnan - 2008 - Duke University Press.
    _History, the Human, and the World Between_ is a philosophical investigation of the human subject and its simultaneous implication in multiple and often contradictory ways of knowing. The eminent postcolonial theorist R. Radhakrishnan argues that human subjectivity is always constituted “between”: between subjective and objective, temporality and historicity, being and knowing, the ethical and the political, nature and culture, the one and the many, identity and difference, experience and system. In this major study, he suggests that a reconstituted phenomenology has (...)
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    Psychoanalysis as Natural Philosophy.R. D. Hinshelwood - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):325-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 325-329 [Access article in PDF] Psychoanalysis as Natural Philosophy R. D. Hinshelwood Keywords evolution, psychopathology, ethics, unconscious phantasy Andreas De Block has offered us a most fascinating paper. We do not have to agree with all his points to be profoundly stimulated by them. His core proposition is that Freud pathologizes ordinary psychology and personalities, as well as the abnormal. There has been (...)
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    The Beauty of Psychotherapy.R. D. Hinshelwood - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):301-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 301-305 [Access article in PDF] The Beauty of Psychotherapy R. D. Hinshelwood Keywords awe, psychotherapy, representation, self-esteem The Enlightenment was devoted to clear uncontaminated reason; its success has given us the terrific achievements of science and technology. However, it has bequeathed problems too. Untrammeled reason has led to the devaluing and exclusion of emotions. Emotions are irrational—self-deception, akrasia, and so on. They were (...)
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  19.  12
    Interpretive political science: selected essays.R. A. W. Rhodes - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. A. W. Rhodes.
    Interpretive Political Science is the second of two volumes featuring a selection of key writings by R.A.W. Rhodes. Volume II looks forward and explores the 'interpretive turn' and its implications for the craft of political science, especially public administration, and draws together articles from 2005 onwards on the theme of 'the interpretive turn' in political science. Part I provides a summary statement of the interpretive approach, and Part II develops the theme of blurring genres and discusses a variety of research (...)
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    Ett problem för Hares supervenienstes.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2004 - SATS 5 (2):47-58.
    The supervenience thesis about value customarily expresses two intuitions: (i) that there is some kind of dependence between the value and the natural properties of the value bearer; (ii) that if you assert that x is valuable and if you agree that y is relevantly similar to x, with regard to natural properties, you must be prepared to assert that y too is valuable. R M Hare’s account of supervenience is problematic since it only expresses (ii) but not (i). A (...)
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    Exposing the roots of constructivism: nominalism and the ontology of knowledge.R. Scott Smith - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Though nominalism is a major presupposition in academia and western society, R. Scott Smith shows that nominalism undermines all knowledge whatsoever. In light of the many clear examples of knowledge that we do have, nominalism should be replaced by a realist view of properties.
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    The Hellenism of Clement of Alexandria.R. E. Witt - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):195-.
    In seeking to understand the development of philosophy in later antiquity it is important to take account of Clement of Alexandria, perhaps the first Christian writer to be greatly influenced by the systems of Greece. Accordingly in this article certain aspects of Clement's doctrine will be selected for examination where his obligations to the philosophers have apparently hitherto received insufficient attention. In a valuable paper Mr. R. P. Casey has dealt with many important points, but there is room for further (...)
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    The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. [REVIEW]B. R. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (3):517-517.
    A re-issue of Darwin's pioneer work on expression. In addition to the text, this edition includes a brief preface by Margaret Mead and added illustrations meant to show the results of some recent work in the field established by Darwin's inquiry.---R. B.
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  24. I—R. Jay Wallace: Duties of Love.R. Jay Wallace - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):175-198.
    A defence of the idea that there are sui generis duties of love: duties, that is, that we owe to people in virtue of standing in loving relationships with them. I contrast this non‐reductionist position with the widespread reductionist view that our duties to those we love all derive from more generic moral principles. The paper mounts a cumulative argument in favour of the non‐reductionist position, adducing a variety of considerations that together speak strongly in favour of adopting it. The (...)
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  25.  15
    Science and Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):818-818.
    Beginning with a sketch of Aristotelian science and the challenge of the new sciences, Smith leads the reader into a consideration of problems concerning the relation of philosophy and science. Smith provides a panoramic view of traditional and contemporary points of views. Smith also attempts to develop and defend an Aristotelian theory of the philosophy of nature.—R. J. B.
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  26. The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):562-562.
    The key word in the title of this book is "essay," for Strawson has not written an introduction to Kant, nor a commentary on the Critique. It would be closer to truth to say that Strawson has attempted to extract and to translate into a contemporary idiom what he takes to be philosophically important in the Critique. Kant's major positive achievement, according to Strawson, is the partial carrying out of a certain program, viz., "that of determining the fundamental general structure (...)
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  27. Horizons of a Philosopher. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):823-823.
    A collection of essays by a group of international scholars from Israel, England, the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and Argentina testify to the humane influence of Baumgardt. There is little that unites the subject matter of these essays and only one deals explicitly with the thought of Baumgardt. A bibliography of Baumgardt's writings is included.—R. J. B.
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  28. Contemporary Philosophy (La Philosophie Contemporaine). Volume II, Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):571-572.
    This second volume in the series designed to review the work done in various areas of philosophy during the period 1956-1966 is concerned with the philosophy of science. There are forty essays on a variety of topics in the philosophy of science describing the work done in that area in the past decade and a bibliography covering the same period. Most are in English, some in French or German. Some representative topics and their authors are: Laws, Models, Causality, Induction and (...)
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    Autour d'Aristote. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):187-187.
    A rich collection of essays in honor of Msgr. Mansion, including a study of Mansion's work, several essays on Plato, studies of various aspects of Aristotle's philosophy--textual and systematic analyses of his metaphysics, logic, psychology and ethics--and some essays on the influence of Plato and Aristotle on medieval philosophy. Contributors include Diès, Wilpert, Ross, and Minio-Palaello.--A. R.
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  30. Decision Making: An Experimental Approach. [REVIEW]R. A. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):355-355.
    A revised and expanded version of studies by McKinsey, Winet and the authors, in axiomatic theories of value, together with a report of experiments designed to test the formal theories. This volume makes an important contribution to the theoretical and experimental investigation of values and decision-making, both of which subjects are still in their infancy. Experimental studies by Mosteller and Nogee and theoretical discussions of von Neumann and Morgenstern are criticized and improved. Ch. IV contains original suggestions for a theory (...)
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    Further Speculations by T. E. Hulme. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (3):519-519.
    A collection of previously unpublished essays--philosophical, literary and critical--presenting the influential views of T. E. Hulme and throwing new light upon the complex personality of their originator. The book also includes Hulme's war diary, his controversy with Russell on war, some poems and fragments, and a complete bibliography of his writings.--A. R.
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    Il Realismo Integrale di M. Blondel. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):360-360.
    An analysis of the realism of M. Blondel, with an attempt to distinguish its traditional elements from its novel features. Blondel's emphasis on the inseparability of philosophy and action is argued to be the foundation of his return to Christian realism.--A. R.
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    Le Marxisme. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):156-157.
    A short study of the historical circumstances to which Marxism responded, and of the systematic character of its dialectic. The strength of Marxism the author finds to lie in its comprehensiveness, its weakness in the contradiction which arises from its espousal of humanitarian goals and its rejection of individual freedom.--A. R.
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    La pensée anglo-saxonne depuis 1900. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):176-176.
    A laudable attempt to inform the student of general trends in British and American thought. There are chapters on idealism, realism, pragmatism, logical positivism and evolutionism. Though intended to promote better philosophic communication between the Continent and the "Anglo-saxons," this book will naturally be of more interest to Continentals.--A. R.
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    Metafisica di una Crisi. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):705-705.
    An attempt, by a Rosmini scholar, to develop a contemporary metaphysics capable of accounting for the spiritual crisis of our time. Beginning with the theoretical problems of "the ethics of the spirit," the author moves dialectically to the existential problems of the relation between choice and situation.--A. R.
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    New Foundations for Ethical Theory, Part I. [REVIEW]R. A. A. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):693-693.
    An illuminating discussion of the logic of normative systems. The approach is semantical rather than syntactical, in the sense that the systems are defined by reference to truth-conditions rather than by axioms and rules. The results are substantially in accord with the familiar syntactic systems of deontic logic, but they do diverge in some non-trivial details. A perceptive study.--A. R. A.
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  37.  26
    Nietzsche in der Hispania. Ein Beitrag zur hispanischen Kulturund Geistesgechichte. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):807-807.
    A discussion of the influence of Nietzsche in the Spanish-speaking world, extensive in scope but lacking in depth. Rukser fails to evaluate properly the extent and significance of Nietzsche's effect upon Machado, and he treats Baroja at length but superficially. The bibliography of works on Nietzsche in Spanish is unusually extensive. Unfortunately his acquaintance with the material often does not extend beyond the title, and many important works are left unevaluated.--A. R.
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    Ontologia del Conocimiento. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):588-588.
    This voluminous treatise develops a "temporal" theory of knowledge out of the basic premisses of Sein und Zeit. It depends completely on Heidegger, aping his style as well as his terminology.--A. R.
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    Recovery of Faith. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):363-363.
    An attempt to formulate a non-sectarian faith from a study of the elements entering into all creeds. The author makes an appeal for the effectiveness of religious belief in troubled times.--A. R.
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    Six Keys to the Soviet System. [REVIEW]R. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):186-186.
    An informative study of the conditions, the strengths, and the weaknesses of Russian totalitarianism by an expert on Russian affairs. The "Keys" are: the necessity of a struggle for power within the totalitarian regime, the necessity for secrecy and the complete control of all activity, the proscription of labor, the contempt for democratic election, the constant need for colonial expansion, and the subordination of the people to the state.--A. R.
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    The Quest for Being. [REVIEW]R. J. B. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):192-192.
    A collection of popular and semi-technical philosophic essays written during the past twenty-five years, in which Hook defends an "experimental or pragmatic naturalism." A large part of the essays are concerned with defending naturalism against its critics and subjecting the recent revival of religion and theology to a devasting polemical attack. Hook's tough-minded intelligence is evident throughout, though he does little toward a careful explication of the knottier problems that cluster about naturalism.--R. J. B.
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    Use and Abuse of History. [REVIEW]R. D. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (3):518-518.
    This work, the Yale Terry Lectures for 1954, provides a condensed survey of historiography from the earliest times to the present day. Comments on individual authors are brief but deft. The author renews his polemic against Toynbee and other system-builders who impose imaginative constructions on history. A tone of genteel common sense and judicious balance pervades the work; this makes it, if unexciting, at least quite satisfying.--D. R.
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  43.  28
    What is Philosophy? [REVIEW]R. F. D. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):558-559.
    With his usual conciseness and lucidity, Körner attempts to show what philosophy is by looking at what it does, i.e., by investigating its problems, its branches and its history. Körner begins by setting out classic problems ranging from the problem of class-existence to the problem of freedom, and follows this by an investigation of various methodologies. After this introductory material the bulk of the book ranges over the central problems of most branches of philosophy and concludes with a brief sketch (...)
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    Our Knowledge of Fact and Value. [REVIEW]R. G. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):525-525.
    Hall's final statement of his "intentionalistic empiricism" in epistemology and ethics. He takes emotional experience to be basic; perceptions are only an abstracted portion of this experience. Truth as a property of empirical propositions, and legitimacy as a property of value propositions, are interpreted as unanalyzable relations between propositions and facts or values. The test of truth and legitimacy is coherence. The examples of emotionally expressive language found throughout the second half of this work show sensitivity to the variety in (...)
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  45. The Language of Ethics. [REVIEW]R. G. E.: - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):531-531.
    A re-evaluation of modern naturalism, intuitionism, emotivism, and of the linguistic approaches to the epistemology of ethics, followed by a study of the meaning of ethical sentences through the use of five categories: descriptive, emotive, evaluative, directive, and critical. The contrast developed between emotive and evaluative language, and the discussion of the bearing of critical meaning on the analysis of "ought" sentences are the most interesting.--E: R. G.
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    Emotion and Object. [REVIEW]R. M. K. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):166-167.
    In an attempt to discover that which makes man distinctively human Wilson takes as his starting point two opposing accounts of what distinguishes man from inanimate objects and indicates why both of them are invalid. The Cartesian concept maintains that man is distinct from the inanimate by virtue of his consciousness, the neo-Wittgensteinian views the distinction as one of behavior and interaction explicable in terms of reason and motives. Wilson agrees that emotion and behavior constitute the primary difference between man (...)
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  47.  37
    History of Philosophy. [REVIEW]R. M. K. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):388-389.
    This is a fine work that purports to serve as an introduction to philosophic problems surveyed from the historical perspective. Hartnack chooses to focus on a single work or theme of those philosophers who have significantly contributed to the development of philosophy starting with Heraclitus and ending with Wittgenstein. He renders concise and uncomplicated accounts that capture the nucleus of the problems. What makes this book stand out among so many other similar endeavors is that the expositions are not only (...)
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  48.  34
    Metod analiza v souremennoi burzhoznoi filosofi. [REVIEW]R. D. K. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (1):189-190.
    A significant advance toward a more objective understanding of western philosophy in Soviet philosophical circles. Unlike the off-hand condemnations of western philosophers which so often fill the pages of Voprosy Filosofii, this Georgian philosopher presents a well documented historical development of twentieth century analytic philosophy from Russell's atomism, through Wittgenstein's Tractatus, logical positivism, and recent trends in English analysis. The "moral" of the story is that western thinkers are gradually coming to see the poverty of their philosophical perspective; linguistic analysis (...)
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  49.  36
    Reason for Living. [REVIEW]R. D. K. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (3):529-529.
    The author divides present ideological tendencies into three groups: Christian, Communist, and agnostic. Subsequent chapters attempt to outline a "small-1 liberal" theology designed to provide a "reason for living" through "the present chaos."--K. R. D.
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  50.  12
    The Art of Thinking. [REVIEW]R. T. L. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):586-586.
    A shallow book in which the author gives us his opinions on topics ranging from religion to the policy of grading students.--R. T. L.
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