Results for 'RCR training'

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  1. A qualitative approach to responsible conduct of research (rcr) training development: Identification of metacognitive strategies.Vykinta Kligyte, Richard T. Marcy, Sydney T. Sevier, Elaine S. Godfrey & Michael D. Mumford - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):3-31.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: (1) educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, (2) educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and (3) educational efforts should be embedded in a broader (...)
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    America COMPETES at 5 years: An Analysis of Research-Intensive Universities’ RCR Training Plans.Trisha Phillips, Franchesca Nestor, Gillian Beach & Elizabeth Heitman - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):227-249.
    This project evaluates the impact of the National Science Foundation's policy to promote education in the responsible conduct of research. To determine whether this policy resulted in meaningful RCR educational experiences, our study examined the instructional plans developed by individual universities in response to the mandate. Using a sample of 108 U.S. institutions classified as Carnegie “very high research activity”, we analyzed all publicly available NSF RCR training plans in light of the consensus best practices in RCR education that (...)
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    A Qualitative Approach to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Development: Identification of Metacognitive Strategies.Kligyte Vykinta, Marcy Richard, Sevier Sydney, Godfrey Elaine & Mumford Michael - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):3-31.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: (1) educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, (2) educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and (3) educational efforts should be embedded in a broader (...)
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    Institutional requirement and central tracking of RCR training of all researchers and research eligible individuals.Helene Lake-Bullock, Jenny Smith, Emily Matuszak, Jeeyoung Chun, Jennifer Hill, Billy Clark, Laura Lodder, Baron Wolf & Lisa Cassis - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    The University of Kentucky has required that all researchers and research-eligible individuals complete RCR training every 2 years to ensure there is at least a baseline of RCR training throughout the wider research community. The overall goal is to create a research climate that fosters RCR across the institution for approximately 14,400 researchers and research eligible faculty, staff, and trainees engaged in research or creative work. A systematic data strategy was developed and implemented to identify individuals required to (...)
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  5. Application of a sensemaking approach to ethics training in the physical sciences and engineering.Vykinta Kligyte, Richard T. Marcy, Ethan P. Waples, Sydney T. Sevier, Elaine S. Godfrey, Michael D. Mumford & Dean F. Hougen - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):251-278.
    Integrity is a critical determinant of the effectiveness of research organizations in terms of producing high quality research and educating the new generation of scientists. A number of responsible conduct of research (RCR) training programs have been developed to address this growing organizational concern. However, in spite of a significant body of research in ethics training, it is still unknown which approach has the highest potential to enhance researchers’ integrity. One of the approaches showing some promise in improving (...)
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    Responsible Conduct of Research Training and Trust Between Research Postgraduate Students and Supervisors.Sara R. Jordan & Phillip W. Gray - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (4):297 - 314.
    Does responsible conduct of research (RCR) training improve levels of trust between researchers? Using data gathered as part of a survey on the attitudes of master's and doctoral-level students toward RCR, we found that RCR training correlated with a weakened beliefs of students toward their supervisors' ethicality but a stronger belief in the ethicality of their peers. We believe that these findings point to new avenues of research on trust in the academic setting and to needs for curriculum (...)
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    A Qualitative Approach to Responsible Conduct of Research Training Development: Identification of Metacognitive Strategies.Michael D. Mumford, Elaine S. Godfrey, Sydney T. Sevier, Richard T. Marcy & Vykinta Kligyte - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):33-39.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of on-going career (...)
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    Pedagogical Support for Responsible Conduct of Research Training.Misti Ault Anderson - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):18-25.
    The number of training programs for the responsible conduct of research has increased substantially over the past few decades as the importance of research ethics has received greater attention. It is unclear, however, whether the proliferation of RCR training programs has improved researcher integrity or the public's trust in science. Rather than training researchers simply to comply with regulations, we could use the opportunity to develop researchers' ability to understand and appreciate the ethical ideals that inform the (...)
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    Character Comes from Practice: Longitudinal Practice-Based Ethics Training in Data Science.Louise Bezuidenhout & Emanuele Ratti - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey, Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 181-201.
    In this chapter, we propose a non-traditional RCR training in data science that is grounded in a virtue theory framework. First, we delineate the approach in more theoretical detail by discussing how the goal of RCR training is to foster the cultivation of certain moral abilities. We specify the nature of these ‘abilities’: while the ideal is the cultivation of virtues, the limited space allowed by RCR modules can only facilitate the cultivation of superficial abilities or proto-virtues, which (...)
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  10. A Comparison of the Effects of Ethics Training on International and US Students.T. H. Lee Williams, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan L. Watts, James F. Johnson & Logan M. Steele - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1217-1244.
    As scientific and engineering efforts become increasingly global in nature, the need to understand differences in perceptions of research ethics issues across countries and cultures is imperative. However, investigations into the connection between nationality and ethical decision-making in the sciences have largely generated mixed results. In Study 1 of this paper, a measure of biases and compensatory strategies that could influence ethical decisions was administered. Results from this study indicated that graduate students from the United States and international graduate students (...)
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    Mentoring for Responsible Research: The Creation of a Curriculum for Faculty to Teach RCR in the Research Environment.Dena K. Plemmons & Michael W. Kalichman - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):207-226.
    Despite more than 25 years of a requirement for training in the responsible conduct of research, there is still little consensus about what such training should include, how it should be delivered, nor what constitutes “effectiveness” of such training. This lack of consensus on content, approaches and outcomes is evident in recent data showing high variability in the development and implementation of RCR instruction across universities and programs. If we accept that one of the primary aims of (...)
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  12. Graduate Socialization in the Responsible Conduct of Research: A National Survey on the Research Ethics Training Experiences of Psychology Doctoral Students.Lindsay G. Feldman, Adam L. Fried & Celia B. Fisher - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (6):496-518.
    Little is known about the mechanisms by which psychology graduate programs transmit responsible conduct of research (RCR) values. A national sample of 968 current students and recent graduates of mission-diverse doctoral psychology programs completed a Web-based survey on their research ethics challenges, perceptions of RCR mentoring and department climate, whether they were prepared to conduct research responsibly, and whether they believed psychology as a discipline promotes scientific integrity. Research experience, mentor RCR instruction and modeling, and department RCR policies predicted student (...)
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  13.  19
    What Does it Mean to Teach “RCR”?Elizabeth Heitman - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (2):171-185.
    Formal instruction in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) has been a component of research training in the basic and biomedical sciences for over 30 years, due in large part to federal requirements for RCR education in research training programs funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF). With the increasing complexity of basic and biomedical science, federal guidance on the scope of RCR education has likewise evolved to include more and more topics. (...)
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    Developing a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum for professionalism and scientific integrity training for biomedical graduate students.N. L. Jones, A. M. Peiffer, A. Lambros, M. Guthold, A. D. Johnson, M. Tytell, A. E. Ronca & J. C. Eldridge - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10):614-619.
    A multidisciplinary faculty committee designed a curriculum to shape biomedical graduate students into researchers with a high commitment to professionalism and social responsibility and to provide students with tools to navigate complex, rapidly evolving academic and societal environments with a strong ethical commitment. The curriculum used problem-based learning (PBL), because it is active and learner-centred and focuses on skill and process development. Two courses were developed: Scientific Professionalism: Scientific Integrity addressed discipline-specific and broad professional norms and obligations for the ethical (...)
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    Ensuring PhD Development of Responsible Conduct of Research Behaviors: Who’s Responsible?Sandra L. Titus & Janice M. Ballou - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):221-235.
    The importance of public confidence in scientific findings and trust in scientists cannot be overstated. Thus, it becomes critical for the scientific community to focus on enhancing the strategies used to educate future scientists on ethical research behaviors. What we are lacking is knowledge on how faculty members shape and develop ethical research standards with their students. We are presenting the results of a survey with 3,500 research faculty members. We believe this is the first report on how faculty work (...)
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  16. Six domains of research ethics: A heuristic framework for the responsible conduct of research.Kenneth D. Pimple - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (2):191-205.
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple yet comprehensive organizing scheme for the responsible conduct of research (RCR). The heuristic offered here should prove helpful in research ethics education, where the many and heterogeneous elements of RCR can be bewildering, as well as research into research integrity and efforts to form RCR policy and regulations. The six domains are scientific integrity, collegiality, protection of human subjects, animal welfare, institutional integrity, and social responsibility.
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    Effectiveness of a responsible conduct of research course: A preliminary study.Sean T. Powell, Matthew A. Allison & Michael W. Kalichman - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (2):249-264.
    Training in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) is required for many research trainees nationwide, but little is known about its effectiveness. For a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of a short-term course in RCR, medical students participating in an NIH-funded summer research program at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) were surveyed using an instrument developed through focus group discussions. In the summer of 2003, surveys were administered before and after a short-term RCR course, as well as (...)
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  18. Intrinsic Ethics Regarding Integrated Assessment Models for Climate Management.Erich W. Schienke, Seth D. Baum, Nancy Tuana, Kenneth J. Davis & Klaus Keller - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):503-523.
    In this essay we develop and argue for the adoption of a more comprehensive model of research ethics than is included within current conceptions of responsible conduct of research (RCR). We argue that our model, which we label the ethical dimensions of scientific research (EDSR), is a more comprehensive approach to encouraging ethically responsible scientific research compared to the currently typically adopted approach in RCR training. This essay focuses on developing a pedagogical approach that enables scientists to better understand (...)
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    How Do Scientists Perceive the Relationship Between Ethics and Science? A Pilot Study of Scientists’ Appeals to Values.Caleb L. Linville, Aidan C. Cairns, Tyler Garcia, Bill Bridges, Jonathan Herington, James T. Laverty & Scott Tanona - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-23.
    Efforts to promote responsible conduct of research (RCR) should take into consideration how scientists already conceptualize the relationship between ethics and science. In this study, we investigated how scientists relate ethics and science by analyzing the values expressed in interviews with fifteen science faculty members at a large midwestern university. We identified the values the scientists appealed to when discussing research ethics, how explicitly they related their values to ethics, and the relationships between the values they appealed to. We found (...)
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    A Room with a View of Integrity and Professionalism: Personal Reflections on Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research in the Neurosciences.Emily Bell - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):461-469.
    Neuroscientists are increasingly put into situations which demand critical reflection about the ethical and appropriate use of research tools and scientific knowledge. Students or trainees also have to know how to navigate the ethical domains of this context. At a time when neuroscience is expected to advance policy and practice outcomes, in the face of academic pressures and complex environments, the importance of scientific integrity comes into focus and with it the need for training at the graduate level in (...)
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    A New Method for a Virtue-Based Responsible Conduct of Research Curriculum: Pilot Test Results.Eric Berling, Chet McLeskey, Michael O’Rourke & Robert T. Pennock - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):899-910.
    Drawing on Pennock’s theory of scientific virtues, we are developing an alternative curriculum for training scientists in the responsible conduct of research that emphasizes internal values rather than externally imposed rules. This approach focuses on the virtuous characteristics of scientists that lead to responsible and exemplary behavior. We have been pilot-testing one element of such a virtue-based approach to RCR training by conducting dialogue sessions, modeled upon the approach developed by Toolbox Dialogue Initiative, that focus on a specific (...)
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  22.  18
    Beyond Compliance.Elizabeth A. Luckman & C. K. Gunsalus - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (2):219-239.
    Formalized Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) programs have become a compliance requirement. Yet evidence consistently demonstrates that compliance-based ethics training focused on teaching regulations and “rules” fails to create ethical cultures. Research and practice in behavioral ethics have demonstrated that there is value in moving away from rule-based, normative, ethics education toward approaches rooted in descriptive explainations about how and why individuals make unethical decisions, and focused on environmental and cultural influences. We examine the circumstances—and subsequent assumptions—that lead to (...)
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    A phenomenographic study of scientists’ beliefs about the causes of scientists’ research misconduct.Aidan C. Cairns, Caleb Linville, Tyler Garcia, Bill Bridges, Scott Tanona, Jonathan Herington & James T. Laverty - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (4):501-521.
    When scientists act unethically, their actions can cause harm to participants, undermine knowledge creation, and discredit the scientific community. Responsible Conduct of Research training i...
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    A Proposal for Thinking Strategically About Ethics Education.Camille Nebeker - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 14:32-46.
    Training in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) is mandated for select trainees supported by federal funds. RCR Instructors typically address standards and accepted practices for the planning, conduct and reporting of academic research. While this focus may be relevant to future academic scientists, the majority of science graduate students pursue careers in non-academic employment sectors (e.g., government, non-profit, industry). The ethical and regulatory conventions, norms and expectations of the academic setting may not always transfer to other work environments. (...)
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    The Role of the National Science Foundation Broader Impacts Criterion in Enhancing Research Ethics Pedagogy.Seth D. Baum, Michelle Stickler, James S. Shortle, Klaus Keller, Kenneth J. Davis, Donald A. Brown, Erich W. Schienke & Nancy Tuana - 2009 - Social Epistemology 23 (3):317-336.
    The National Science Foundation's Second Merit Criterion, or Broader Impacts Criterion , was introduced in 1997 as the result of an earlier Congressional movement to enhance the accountability and responsibility as well as the effectiveness of federally funded projects. We demonstrate that a robust understanding and appreciation of NSF BIC argues for a broader conception of research ethics in the sciences than is currently offered in Responsible Conduct of Research training. This essay advocates augmenting RCR education with training (...)
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    Reflecting on Responsible Conduct of Research: A Self Study of a Research-Oriented University Community.Rebecca L. Hite, Sungwon Shin & Mellinee Lesley - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):399-419.
    Research-oriented universities are known for prolific research activity that is often supported by students in faculty-guided research. To maintain ethical standards, universities require on-going training of both faculty and students to ensure Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). However, previous research has indicated RCR-based training is insufficient to address the ethical dilemmas that are prevalent within academic settings: navigating issues of authorship, modeling relationships between faculty and students, minimization of risk, and adequate informed consent. U.S. universities must explore ways (...)
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    Using a Two-Tier Test to Examine Taiwanese Graduate Students’ Misunderstanding of Responsible Conduct of Research.Sophia Jui-An Pan & Chien Chou - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (6):500-527.
    The present study investigates Taiwanese graduate students’ general understanding and misunderstanding of Responsible Conduct of Research. A total of 580 graduate students responded to the self-developed Responsible Conduct of Research Reasoning Test. The results reveal that, first, students did not have sufficient knowledge to reason why a particular instance of research conduct was doable or not. Second, the statistical results show that female students, students majoring in the humanities or the social sciences, doctoral-level students, and students with RCR-related training (...)
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  28.  41
    Standards of Scientific Conduct: Are There Any?Michael Kalichman, Monica Sweet & Dena Plemmons - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):885-896.
    The practice of research is full of ethical challenges, many of which might be addressed through the teaching of responsible conduct of research . Although such training is increasingly required, there is no clear consensus about either the goals or content of an RCR curriculum. The present study was designed to assess community standards in three domains of research practice: authorship, collaboration, and data management. A survey, developed through advice from content matter experts, focus groups, and interviews, was distributed (...)
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  29. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Research Ethics in STEM Education at Universities: A Scoping Review.Kazumi Homma, Paul Levett, Ryan Watkins & Ekundayo Shittu - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-31.
    There is a growing number of studies on research ethics in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education at universities while a comprehensive list of variables that may develop or nurture research ethics is lacking. The present study undertook a scoping review of studies on research ethics in STEM education at universities to determine the extent research ethics studies have been undertaken, the methodologies used, and if there will be any research gaps. Online databases were used to identify peer-reviewed journal (...)
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    The Role of Professional Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning in Practical Ethics.Rosa Lynn Pinkus, Claire Gloeckner & Angela Fortunato - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):767-787.
    The use of case-based reasoning in teaching professional ethics has come of age. The fields of medicine, engineering, and business all have incorporated ethics case studies into leading textbooks and journal articles, as well as undergraduate and graduate professional ethics courses. The most recent guidelines from the National Institutes of Health recognize case studies and face-to-face discussion as best practices to be included in training programs for the Responsible Conduct of Research. While there is a general consensus that case (...)
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    Potential for Bias in the Context of Neuroethics: Commentary on “Neuroscience, Neuropolitics and Neuroethics: The Complex Case of Crime, Deception and fMRI”.Stephanie J. Bird - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):593-600.
    Neuroscience research, like all science, is vulnerable to the influence of extraneous values in the practice of research, whether in research design or the selection, analysis and interpretation of data. This is particularly problematic for research into the biological mechanisms that underlie behavior, and especially the neurobiological underpinnings of moral development and ethical reasoning, decision-making and behavior, and the other elements of what is often called the neuroscience of ethics. The problem arises because neuroscientists, like most everyone, bring to their (...)
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    Faculty Members' Perceptions of Advising Versus Mentoring: Does the Name Matter? [REVIEW]Sandra L. Titus & Janice M. Ballou - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1267-1281.
    The recommendations, during the past 20 years, to improve PhD scientific training and graduate school success, have focused on the significance of mentoring. It is well established that PhD students with mentors have significantly more success in graduate school as demonstrated by publishing papers before they graduate and by making presentations. Have faculty and academic institutions embraced the mentoring role? This study explores the views of 3,500 scientists who have primary responsibilities to educate PhD and MD/PhD students. Faculty members (...)
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  34. The user's needs for trained manpower in fluid power by Max F. Covert.Apprentice Training - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 110.
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  35. Thomas Allen Nadelhoffer.Post Doctoral Training - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (2):123-149.
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  36. Los vínculos del'Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales' de Frankfort con la Universidad de Buenos Aires en los años' 30.Martín Traine - 1994 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 40:89.
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  37. The crime of authenticity : regulating boundaries of identity around Jewish community through the image of Russian Jewish criminality.Kelly Armanda Train - 1999 - In Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train, Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
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    REC Members' Perceptions of Their Training Needs: Report of an AREC Audit.Paula McGee, Gordon Taylor, Roger Rawbone, on Behalf of the Arec Training Needs Working Group, Carol Dawson, Kate McGarva & Richard Nicholson - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (4):119-131.
    The Association of Research Ethics Committees is one of the leading providers of training and education for members of Research Ethics Committees. The introduction of the research governance strategy and the increasing complexity of ethical review place great demands on research ethics committee members that in turn creates challenges for training providers. This paper presents the outcome of an audit of REC members' views about training. Findings demonstrate that REC members are not a homogenous group. Several distinct (...)
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  39. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  40. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity.Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train (eds.) - 1999 - Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
    Social justice is a concept we take for granted. We assume that it means using state structures to ensure equality and fairness. But is that true? Or, do state structures of social order actually inhibit creativity, freedom, social welfare, and belonging? This collection broadens the boundaries of the ways we think about what constitutes criminality and interrogates issues of social justice and power in new, innovative and critical ways. The essays examine a wide variety of themes, including the deconstruction of (...)
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    Trial and error versus "insightful" problem solving: Effects of distraction, additional response alternatives, and longer response chains.Gary A. Davis, Alice J. Train & Mary E. Manske - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (3p1):337.
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    Administration of Public Education in the United States.Samuel Train Dutton & David Snedden - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (17):473-474.
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    Proximate units in word production: Phonological encoding begins with syllables in Mandarin Chinese but with segments in English.Padraig G. O’Seaghdha, Jenn-Yeu Chen & Train-Min Chen - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):282-302.
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  45. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Inc Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  46. The Ideas of Chomsky.Tony Tyley, Noam Chomsky, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee & Inc B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas. Edited by Bryan Magee.
  47. Bryan Magee Talks to Bernard Williams About Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
  48. Bryan Magee talks to Bernard Williams about Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Jill Dawson & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - .
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  49. Bryan Magee Talks to Geoffrey Warnock About Kant.Bryan Magee, G. J. Warnock, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    The Contribution of Moral Case Deliberation to Teaching RCR to PhD Students.Giulia Inguaggiato, Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Fenneke Blom, Lex Bouter & Guy Widdershoven - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-18.
    Teaching responsible conduct of research (RCR) to PhD students is crucial for fostering responsible research practice. In this paper, we show how the use of Moral Case Deliberation—a case reflection method used in the Amsterdam UMC RCR PhD course—is particularity valuable to address three goals of RCR education: (1) making students aware of, and internalize, RCR principles and values, (2) supporting reflection on good conduct in personal daily practice, and (3) developing students’ dialogical attitude and skills so that they can (...)
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