Results for 'Rafael Essler'

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  1. With the Future Behind Them: Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time.Rafael E. Núñez & Eve Sweetser - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):401-450.
    Cognitive research on metaphoric concepts of time has focused on differences between moving Ego and moving time models, but even more basic is the contrast between Ego‐ and temporal‐reference‐point models. Dynamic models appear to be quasi‐universal cross‐culturally, as does the generalization that in Ego‐reference‐point models, FUTURE IS IN FRONT OF EGO and PAST IS IN BACK OF EGO. The Aymara language instead has a major static model of time wherein FUTURE IS BEHIND EGO and PAST IS IN FRONT OF EGO; (...)
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    The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives.Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The Gongsun Longzi is often considered the only extant work of the Classical Chinese “School of Names”, an early intellectual tradition mainly concerned with logic and the philosophy of language. The Gongsun Longzi is a heterogeneous collection of five chapters that include short treatises and largely fictive dialogues between an anonymous persuader and his opponent, which typically revolve around a paradoxical claim. Its value as a testimony to Early Chinese philosophy, however, is somewhat controversial due to the intricate textual history (...)
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    The Temporality of Freedom: Retrogressive vs. Progressive Conceptions of Freedom between Schelling and Sartre.Rafael Holmberg - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (4):429-445.
    Not only is freedom a shared concern of Sartre and Schelling, which would not be anything particularly unique, but for both philosophers, freedom must be articulated out of an ontological ground, or within the confines of an ontological system. A contradiction nevertheless appears to arise regarding the “orientation” of Sartre and Schelling’s respective “ontologies of freedom”: the freedom of Sartre, reflecting a contemporary stoic-inspired doctrine, is directed toward the future, while for Schelling, with affinities to the temporal logic of psychoanalysis, (...)
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    Dwelling and Hospitality: Heidegger and Hölderlin.Rafael Winkler - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (3):366-387.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 366 - 387 In this article, I focus on Heidegger’s conception of hospitality in his first and final lectures on Hölderlin’s _Germania_, _Remembrance_, and _The Ister_. I argue that the hospitality of the foreigner for Heidegger is the condition of possibility of dwelling understood as the happening of history.In the first section I analyze the notions of hospitality in Levinas and Derrida. The second section unpacks some of the senses of the earth in (...)
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  5. Which Secular Grounds? The Atheism of Liberation Philosophy.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2021 - APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 2 (20):2-5.
    *Winner of the American Philosophical Association's 2020 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought* This essay offers a novel account of the secularity of Latin American liberation philosophy. It challenges the accepted notion that liberation philosophy applies the methods and approaches of Latin American liberation theology to the philosophical arena, thus putting liberation theology on secular grounds. While this formulation is true insofar as liberation philosophy is not bound by the hermeneutics of any particular religious tradition, this formulation could be misconstrued (...)
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  6. Ist die Idee des Guten nicht transzendent oder ist sie es doch? Nochmals Platons ΕΠΕΚΕΙΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΥΣΙΑΣ.Rafael Ferber - 2005 - In Damir Barbarić (ed.), Platon über das Gute und die Gerechtigkeit / Plato on Goodness and Justice / Platone sul Bene e sulla Giustizia. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 149-174.
    Plato scholars such as Matthias Baltes (1940-2003) and Luc Brisson have defended the thesis that Plato‘s Idea of the Good is on the one hand beyond being (epekeina tês ousias) in dignity and power, but is nevertheless not transcendent over being. The article gives first (I.), an introduction into the status questionis. Second (II.), it delivers the most important arguments for the thesis of Baltes and Brisson. Third (III.), it gives two counterarguments against the thesis. Fourth (IV), it deals with (...)
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    Rigidez de jure y de facto en los términos generales para clases naturales.Rafael Miranda - 2012 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):57-90.
    En este escrito se argumentará que uno de los problemas centrales de la rigidez en los términos generales para clases naturales es consecuencia de no distinguir entre términos rígidos de jure y términos rígidos de facto en dichos casos. Se sostiene que los enunciados de identidad necesarios defendidos por Kripke en Naming and Necessity consideran la ocurrencia de términos que designan a una misma clase (clases que poseen entre sí la relación transmundana de ser una misma clase) a través de (...)
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  8. Mortality of the Soul and Immortality of the Active Mind (ΝΟΥΣ ΠΟΊΗΤΊΚÓΣ) in Aristotle. Some hints. Kronos : philosophical journal, 7:132-140. Kopieren.Rafael Ferber - 2018 - Kronos : Philosophical Journal 7:132-140.
    The paper gives (I) a short introduction to Aristotle’s theory of the soul in distinction to Plato’s and tries again (II) to answer the question of whether the individual or the general active mind of human beings is immortal by interpreting “When separated (χωρισθεìς)” (de An. III, 5, 430a22) as the decisive argument for the latter view. This strategy of limiting the question has the advantage of avoiding the probably undecidable question of whether this active νοῦς is human or divine. (...)
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  9. "The origins of objectivity in communal discussion" : einige Bemerkungen zu Gadamers und Davidsons Interpretationen des "Philebos".Rafael Ferber - 2010 - In Christopher Gill & François Renaud (eds.), Hermeneutic philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's response to the Philebus. Sankt Augustin: Academia. pp. 211-242.
    The first chapter, "Der Hintergrund von Gadamers 'Phänomenologischen Interpretationen' in Sein und Zeit" traces the origins of Gadamer’s interpretation of the Philebus in Sein und Zeit. Especially important is that Dasein is, thanks to speech , already outside of itself in the world. The second chapter "Gadamers Dialektische Ethik" gives a short summary of the main points of Gadamer's interpretation of the Philebus. The third chapter "Davidsons reinterpretation of von Gadamer's Dialektischer Ethik" 222-231), points especially to the fact that Davidson (...)
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  10. Alle Menschen streben von Natur nach Wissen.Rafael Ferber - 2014 - Studia Philosophica:167-183.
    The article is the revised version of an inaugural lecture given at the University of Lucerne on 8 November 2001. In part (I), I give an interpretation of the first sentence of the Aristotelian Metaphysics: ‘All men desire by nature to know’. In part (II), I show how, for Aristotle, this desire to know constitutes a continuum from knowledge given by sense perception to knowledge of the first principles. In part (III), I compare this Aristotelian conception to Plato’s more ‘existentialist’ (...)
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  11. I knew I Shouldn’t Do It; But I Did It: Davidson on Causal Strength and Weakness of Will.Rafael Martins - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (2):05-20.
    Reasons for action is a widely employed methodology in practical philosophy, and especially in moral philosophy. Reasons are facts that explain and justify actions. But, conceptually, if reasons were causes, incontinent actions would be impossible. When an agent ranks an evaluation about what to do as his best judgement, it entails that he has a reason for acting as that judgement prescribes. But when an agent acts incontinently, he acts in accordance to an intention that is not aligned with his (...)
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  12. Le Bien de Platon et le problème de la transcendance du Principe. Encore une fois l’ἐπέκεινα τῆς οὐσίας de Platon.Rafael Ferber - 2017 - Chôra 15:31-43.
    The article again treats the question of whether ≪the Idea of the Good is a Reality in the Universe, or beyond it. Is it immanent or transcendent?≫. Plato scholars such as Matthias Baltes and Luc Brisson have defended the thesis that Plato’s Idea of the Good is, on the one hand, beyond being in dignity and power, but, on the other, is nevertheless not transcendent over being. The article delivers first the most important arguments for the thesis of Baltes and (...)
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  13. Das normative "ist".Rafael Ferber - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (3):371 - 396.
    Despite the fact that Aristotle and Frege/Russell differ in how to understand the ambiguity in the meaning of the word “is”, their theories share a common feature: “is” does not have a normative meaning. This paper, however, (I) shows (a) that there is a normative meaning of “is” (and correspondingly a constative meaning of the word “ought”) and (b) that the ambiguity of “is” is itself ambiguous. Furthermore, it proposes (c) a performative criterion for making a distinction between constative and (...)
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  14. Was jede Seele sucht und worumwillen sie alles tut.Rafael Ferber - 2013 - Elenchos 34 (1):5-31.
    The article first (i) gives an exegesis of the famous passage in the Republic, 505d11-506a2. Attention is drawn to the fact that the principle that every soul does everything for the Good (panta prattei) can be translated in two ways: Every soul does everything for the sake of the Good, or goes to all lengths for the sake of the Good. Depending on the different translations, we have a different picture of the platonic Socrates in the Republic, an intellectualistic Socrates (...)
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    La invención del porvenir: El tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Juan David García Bacca.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (1):85-101.
    El propósito fundamental del presente artículo es el de ofrecer una reconstrucción y exégesis de las reflexiones del filósofo español exiliado Juan David García Bacca en torno al problema filosófico del tiempo. En este sentido, a través de la lectura de varias de sus obras extraeremos aquellos elementos de su pensamiento que nos ofrecerán herramientas conceptuales para prefigurar las tensiones vinculadas al tratamiento de estas cuestiones por buena parte de la tradición filosófica occidental. De esta forma, partiendo del diagnóstico de (...)
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  16. Plato's "Side Suns" : Beauty, Symmetry and Truth. Comments Concerning Semantic Monism and Pluralism of the "Good" in the "Philebus".Rafael Ferber - 2010 - Elenchos 31 (1):51-76.
    Under semantic monism I understand the thesis “The Good is said in one way” and under semantic pluralism the antithesis “The Good is said in many ways”. Plato’s Socrates seems to defend a “semantic monism”. As only one sun exists, so the “Good” has for Socrates and Plato only one reference. Nevertheless, Socrates defends in the Philebus a semantic pluralism, more exactly trialism, of “beauty, symmetry and truth” . Therefore, metaphorically speaking, there seem to exist not only one sun, but (...)
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  17. Introduction to "Sophistae".Rafael Ferber - 2014 - In Fulvia de Luise & Alessandro Stavru (eds.), Socratica III. Academia Verlag. pp. 201-203.
    Plato’s “Apology of Socrates” is a masterpiece of the philosophical literature. The question remains as to how much it has been influenced by earlier works, e.g. of Gorgias of Leontinoi and Euripides. Nevertheless, comparative studies on Hippolytus’ defense in Euripides’ tragedy of the same name, on Gorgias’ “Defense of Palamedes” and on Plato’s “Apology” do not exist. The short paper gives an introduction into the status quaestionis.
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  18. (1 other version)Der Ursprung der Wissenschaft bei Anaximander von Milet.Rafael Ferber - 1986 - Theologie Und Philosophie 61 (4):551-561.
    The paper deals with the beginning and the main properties of the science of nature (he peri physeos historiê). According to Themistius (DK 12 A 7), the founder of this kind of Ionic philosophy is Anaximander of Miletus because he was the first who wrote about nature (especially a cosmography and a cosmogony) and developed three main principles of nature: 1. Nature has a mathematical structure (Arist. De coelo I3 295b10-14.32); 2. nature has a physical structure (DK 12 A 10-11); (...)
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  19. Practical Reason and Moral Motivation:An Analysis of Arguments Against Internalism.Rafael Martins - 2013 - Itaca 24:184-200.
    In The moral problem (1994), Michael Smith tries to link three conflicting theories that alone are intuitively plausible, nevertheless, they do not seem to work well together. The first proposes that moral judgments are in fact beliefs about objective matters. The second states the concept of “practicality requirement”. The third is a humean belief-desire psychology, i.e. if a moral judgment is sufficient to explain actions, then it must involve a desire. If that is the case, it cannot be simply a (...)
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  20. II Symposium Platonicum. Grüdung der Internationalen Platon-Gesellschaft.Rafael Ferber - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (1):138 - 141.
    This is a report on the II Symposium Platonicum, which took place in Perugia, Italy, September 1-6, 1989, and on the founding of the International Plato Society, which took place in Bevagna, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy, September 3, 1989.
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  21. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, Die Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert.Rafael Ferber & Matthias Vonarburg - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (1):230.
    This is a review of: Wilhelm Vossenkuhl. Die Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert, München. C. H. Beck 2006.
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    Violence and the Sacred Revisited: The Case of the Narco-World.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):235-256.
    In this article, I seek to contribute to the recent philosophical interest in the phenomenon of narco-culture. I build on the intervention initiated by Carlos Alberto Sánchez’s A Sense of Brutality: Philosophy after Narco-Culture (2020) by articulating the spiritually “generative” aspects of violence. For this endeavor, I turn to the French philosopher René Girard, whose work audaciously understands community-building and the maintenance of social order as a violent process of sacralization. This conception of violence then permits me to challenge some (...)
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    Pasado, presente y futuro de la noción de información.Rafael Capurro - 2014 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (1):110-136.
    Este artigo apresenta de forma resumida a complexa historia da noção de informação na tradução greco-romana, medieval e moderna. A partir da etimologia latina dessa noção e de suas raízes nos conceitos gregos de eidos / ideia e morphé se mostra como a noção de informação no seu conceito ontológico (‘dar forma a algo’) perde sua relevância na modernidade, mantendo-se o sentido de ‘dizer algo a alguém’. As teorias da informação no século XX apoiadas na concepção de sistemas técnicos de (...)
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    Reconciliation with the River: Analysis of a Concept Emerging from Practice.Rafael Ziegler - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (4):399-421.
    The European Rivers Network (ERN) calls for the ‘reconciliation of citizens with their rivers and lakes’, as a necessary step for freshwater protection and restoration of rivers. It co-ordinates annual river-bathing days with collective river jumps; upstream and downstream, across Europe, citizens simultaneously jump into rivers and lakes. But what is ‘reconciliation with the river'? This paper analyses that concept as the acknowledging and restoring of distorted, marginalised or blocked capabilities, and, based on this analysis, critically discusses the practical contribution (...)
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  25. Integración y desintegración del tiempo en la persona y en la sociedad actuales.Rafael Alvira - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López (eds.), La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 15--28.
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    Modification of Semivalues for Games with Coalition Structures.Rafael Amer & José Miguel Giménez - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (3):185-205.
    Consideration of reference systems for semivalues leads us to a global representation of the action of a semivalue on a game. Using this representation, we show how to modify semivalues to take account of coalition structures on the player set. The players' allocations according to a semivalue, including a modified semivalue, can be computed by means of products of matrices obtained from the multilinear extension of the game.
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    A solidez da espiritualidade sálmica diante da sociedade líquida atual.Rafael Gouvêa Domingues - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):104-112.
    This article seeks to clarify the value of the Christian faith improvements through well founded arguments, in order to protect it from a certain lessening to the immanent and temporal ideas, aiming to the existentiality of the Christian being who reads up on what is eschatological. The proposed itinerary is achieved by the authentic awareness of sin, so that the sinner recognizes himself as such one and experiences the saving presence of God, both personally and socially. The methodology used was (...)
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  28. Philosophie, Sprache, Erkenntnis, Wahrheit, Sein, Gut.Rafael Ferber - 2008 - Munich: C. H. Beck.
    The book (1994, revised and enlarged 8th edition 2008) provides an introduction to six key concepts in philosophy – philosophy, language, knowledge, truth, being and good. At the same time, it aims to initiate its readers into the process of philosophical thinking. The book is addressed to students and laypeople, but also contains new ideas for specialists. It is written in a clear, accessible and engaging style, and its author ‘shares, and manages to convey, something of Plato's own commitment to (...)
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    The unbroken Krebs cycle. Hormonal‐like regulation and mitochondrial signaling to control mitophagy and prevent cell death.Rafael Franco & Joan Serrano-Marín - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (3):2200194.
    The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) or Krebs cycle, which takes place in prokaryotic cells and in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells, is central to life on Earth and participates in key events such as energy production and anabolic processes. Despite its relevance, it is not perceived as tightly regulated compared to other key metabolisms such as glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. A better understanding of the functioning of the TCA cycle is crucial due to mitochondrial function impairment in several diseases, especially those that occur with (...)
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    Sobre la esencia humana: algunas consideraciones sobre "Antropología trascendental, II. La esencia de la persona humana", de Leonardo Polo.Rafael Corazón González - 2004 - Studia Poliana 6:211-223.
    En el tomo II de la Antropología trascendental, L. Polo estudia la esencia humana de acuerdo con el método del abandono del límite mental. La esencia aparece entonces como la manifestación y el disponer de la persona, que hace posible la constitución del don que completa la estructura donal del amar y el aceptar personal. La tarea de constituir el don toma el relevo a la búsqueda de réplica, que no puede alcanzar su tema, al ser éste inaccesible al intelecto (...)
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    Mathematical Formulation and Comparison of Solution Approaches for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Access Time Windows.Rafael Grosso, Jesús Muñuzuri, Alejandro Escudero-Santana & Elena Barbadilla-Martín - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  32. Aristotle and Ibn òHazm : on the logic of the Taqråib.Rafael Ramâon Guerrero - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.), Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
  33.  15
    Grandezas y miserias de las universidades, una perspectiva histórica.Rafael Gumucio - 2001 - Polis 1.
    El autor postula la importancia de reformar el sistema universitario chileno, evaluando los elementos cualitativos y de equidad en las universidades. Este artículo resume la historia de las relaciones entre la sociedad y la universidad, y establece analogías entre la crisis entre 1900 y 1910, primer Centenario de la Independencia, y la que comienza a incubarse en 1997; y luego analiza el rol de los movimientos estudiantiles en los cambios en la sociedad política y también en la universidad, en especial, (...)
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    Defensa de Quinto Ligario. Marco Tulio Cicerón.Rafael Henao - 1994 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 10:173-180.
    Tiene usted en sus manos la traducción del que, para muchos, es el mejor discurso de Cicerón. Las circunstancias eran bien difíciles. Encendida la guerra entre César y Pompeyo, la nobleza romana en pleno apoyó a este avezado general empeñado en lid armada con uno novel.
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    El Paraguas. Ex-perimentos. Homo-no.Rafael Iglesia - 2008 - Polis 1 (10-11):32-37.
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    Poderia Quine ser um cognitivista moral?Rafael Martins - 2007 - Critica.
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  37. Realismo Moral Naturalista: Problemas Semânticos.Rafael Martins - 2010 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro
    As the intuitions about moral phenomenology shows the metaphysical distinction between mind-dependent and mind-independent properties has set the metaethical distinction between normativity and objectivity in ethics. Traditionally, many arguments were built in order to show that moral realists cannot account, in naturalist vocabulary, for the process of determining moral reference due to the desiderative disposition taken to be necessarily part of the meaning of moral terms. This dissertation assess some anti-realists arguments like is-ought thesis, the argument from queerness, the argument (...)
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    Teoria de la antijuridicidad.Rafael Márquez Piñero - 2003 - México: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
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  39. Reparos a la teoría egológica del derecho.Rafael Pizani - 1954 - [Caracas,: Ediciones Edime.
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    The Eros of Memory.Rafael Argullol - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):49-53.
    The author considers the tension and contradiction between memory and consciousness. Memory brings to the surface the critical peaks of our lives and weaves them into the present, but in a seemingly arbitrary way that the author describes as the ‘instinct of consciousness’; memory constructs a secret story, a personal ‘golden age’, of our lives that diverges from the official story we try to legitimize, not only to the external world but also in our own personal world. This secret story (...)
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    Towards a Polycentric Humanism.Rafael Argullol - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (2):123-126.
    Western tradition has always been fundamentally anthropocentric. With the scientific mind, modern humans have achieved a sort of colonization of the rest of nature, where only their own benefit makes any sense. This conception has been in a period of crisis since the second half of the 20th century, particularly the final third, and we are witnessing the toppling of some of the ontological principles that made western humanity. Greek philosophy, the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Renaissance, these are the three great (...)
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    The Failed Prophecy of Shinto Nationalism and the Rise of Japanese Brazilian Catholicism.Rafael Shoji - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 35 (1):13-38.
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    A indissociabilidade entre Física e Visão de Mundo segundo Paul K. Feyerabend.Rafael Velloso & Antonio Augusto Passos - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (3):509-537.
    Paul Feyerabend, entre os anos de 1948 e 1970, discutiu diversas questões concernentes à mecânica quântica: problema da medição, a complementaridade e o “corte” entre o regime macro e micro, foram alguns dos assuntos mais estudados. Desde seus primeiros trabalhos acadêmicos, é possível identificar aspectos que o serão caros durante toda sua vida, como é o caso da relação entre conhecimento físico e visões de mundo. A partir de uma reconstrução de seu pensamento (entre os anos de 1948 e 1970), (...)
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    "Coisas que as pessoas sabem": computação e territórios do senso comum.Rafael Wild, Vanessa Maurente, Cleci Maraschin & Maria Cristina Biazus - 2011 - Scientiae Studia 9 (1):149-166.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility as a Vehicle to Reveal the Corporate Identity: A Study Focused on the Websites of Spanish Financial Entities. [REVIEW]Rafael Bravo, Jorge Matute & José M. Pina - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):129-146.
    This study explores the relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an element of the corporate identity of Spanish financial institutions. Specifically, it aims to analyze the CSR actions developed by financial entities through the analysis of all the available information disclosed in their websites. A content analysis applied to 82 banking institutions, followed by different quantitative analyses, reveals the multidimensionality of CSR. Findings show that, while the number of entities institutionalizing CSR values as core elements of their identities is (...)
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    Avempace en las obras de santo Tomás de Aquino.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico 48 (1):55-78.
    Santo Tomás de Aquino siguió en muchas de sus obras la exigencia de Aristóteles de mostrar las diversas opiniones que se habían emitido acerca de una determinada cuestión. Aquí se quiere poner de manifi esto el conocimiento indirecto que santo Tomás tuvo de un fi lósofo andalusí, Avempace, a través de las citas que hizo Averroes, y cómo las doctrinas de Avempace le sirvieron, una vez refutadas o rechazadas, para confi rmar su propia posición.
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  47. Review of: Eugen Fink: Grundfragen der antiken Philosophie, Würzburg 1985. [REVIEW]Rafael Ferber - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (1):694-696.
    This is a review of lectures given by Eugen Fink at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau in the winter term of 1947/48, “Fundamental Questions of Ancient Philosophy,” edited by Franz A. Schwarz.
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  48. "M. Hossenfelder:" Die Philosophie der Antike 3. Stoa, Epikureismus und Skepsis. [REVIEW]Rafael Ferber - 1989 - Studia Philosophica 48:200.
    This is a book review of “Malte Hossenfelder: Die Philosophie der Antike 3, Stoa, Epikureismus und Skepsis”.
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    The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789–1914, Immanuel Wallerstein, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011. [REVIEW]Rafael Khachaturian - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (4):273-288.
    The book continues Immanuel Wallerstein’s historical narrative of the modern world-system. It focuses primarily on the social and political developments in the European core during the nineteenth century, tracing the rise of liberal hegemony, the growth of the administrative state, and the emergence of modern social science. It also examines the rise of anti-systemic socialist, feminist, and nationalist movements that challenged the liberal project. The book successfully illustrates how the world-systems framework can be used to analyse the intersection between the (...)
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  50. Heidegger and Beyond: Michael Lewis' Heidegger and the Place of Ethics. [REVIEW]Rafael Winkler - 2006 - Pli 17.
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