Results for 'Rafael Leal-Arcas'

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  1.  84
    Recommendations for Responsible Development and Application of Neurotechnologies.Sara Goering, Eran Klein, Laura Specker Sullivan, Anna Wexler, Blaise Agüera Y. Arcas, Guoqiang Bi, Jose M. Carmena, Joseph J. Fins, Phoebe Friesen, Jack Gallant, Jane E. Huggins, Philipp Kellmeyer, Adam Marblestone, Christine Mitchell, Erik Parens, Michelle Pham, Alan Rubel, Norihiro Sadato, Mina Teicher, David Wasserman, Meredith Whittaker, Jonathan Wolpaw & Rafael Yuste - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):365-386.
    Advancements in novel neurotechnologies, such as brain computer interfaces and neuromodulatory devices such as deep brain stimulators, will have profound implications for society and human rights. While these technologies are improving the diagnosis and treatment of mental and neurological diseases, they can also alter individual agency and estrange those using neurotechnologies from their sense of self, challenging basic notions of what it means to be human. As an international coalition of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners, we examine these challenges and make (...)
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    O Som do Ensaio: deslocamentos e padrões da linguagem televisiva.Bruno Souza Leal & Rafael José Azevedo - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
  3.  40
    Dispositivos de atenção psicossocial no Brasil e gestão pela liberdade: breves relatos históricos das práticas relacionadas à saúde mental.Marcus Vinícius do Amaral Gama Santos, Higor Theobald Seabra da Cruz, Laura Petrenko Dória, Bárbara Victor Souza, Letícia Gomes Canuto, Mateus dos Santos Martins, Rafael de Souza Lima & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):75-91.
    The main objective of this work is to understand the daily practices of user management in post-reformist devices in the Brazilian mental health field. Through Foucault's genealogical work on government practices, understood as forms of conducting the behavior of others, it is possible to open a possible field for the study of the practices of psi knowledge, considering them as forms of management that act by through the free and natural acts of individuals. More specifically, our goal is to examine (...)
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    Rafael Lazcano, Fray Alonso de Veracruz (1507-1584). Misionero del saber y protector de indios. Col. Perfiles 26, Ed. Revista Agustiniana, Guadarrama (Madrid), 2007 [ISBN 978-84-95745-69-9 / 13,5 X 20,5 cm / 153 pp.]. [REVIEW]Manuel Leal Lobón - 2023 - Isidorianum 17 (34):376-381.
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    Casuística sobre el perdón del talión en el Muntajab al-aḥkām de Ibn Abī Zamanīn.M. Arcas Campoy - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (2):387-403.
    En el libro IX del Muntajab al- aḥkām del jurista andalusí Ibn Abī Zamanīn (m. 399/1008) figura un capítulo acerca del perdón (´afw) del talión (qisāṣ/qawad) en diferentes casos de delitos de sangre intencionados. Este trabajo ofrece el análisis y comentario de la casuística contenida en este capítulo, así como la edición del texto árabe a partir del manuscrito n. 1730/d de la Biblioteca General de Rabat y cotejado con el n. 5952 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Túnez.
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    Opaque Selves: A Ricœurian Response to Galen Strawson’s Anti- Narrative Arguments.Kristofer Camilo Arca - 2018 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (1):70-89.
    As narrative conceptions of selfhood have gained more acceptance within various disciplines including philosophy, psychology, and the cognitive sciences, so too have these conceptions been critically appraised. Chief among those who are suspicious of the overall viability of ‘narrative identity’ is the philosopher, Galen Strawson. In this paper, I develop five arguments underlying Strawson’s critique of narrative identity, and respond to each argument from the perspective of the hermeneutic phenomenology of Paul Ricœur. Though intuitive, I demonstrate that none of Strawson’s (...)
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  7. Qadis and qa'ids on the eastern frontier of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada (15th century).M. Arcas Campoy - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (2):487-501.
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    Mechanical and Structural Artefacts Used in “The Mystery of Elche”.A. Navarro-Arcas, S. M. Marco Lozano & Emilio Velasco-Sánchez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):157-183.
    In the city of Elche, every year, on the 14th and 15th of August, a sacred musical play about the death, the Assumption and the Coronation of the Virgin Mary is held. This event, known as the “Misterio de Elche”, is unique in the world. Since the middle of the 15th century it has been performed in the Basilica of Santa Maria and in the streets of the ancient city of Elche, located in the Valencian Community. In this work, classified (...)
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    Introdução ao pensar.Arcângelo R. Buzzi - 1972 - Petrópolis : Editora Vozes,: Editôra Vozes.
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  10. Literatura de hoy, mitos de siempre: René Belletto, un escritor francés de actualidad.José Manuel Torre Arca - 1991 - El Basilisco 10:68-75.
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  11. Effect of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Elite Spanish Student-Athletes’ Perception of the Dual Career.Lucia Abenza-Cano, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Lourdes Meroño & Antonio Sánchez-Pato - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of the present research was to assess elite student-athletes’ perception of the dual career during the lockdown caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, compared with a group of elite student-athletes who could develop their dual career under normal conditions. A total of 150 elite athletes who were also undergraduate or postgraduate students self-completed the “Perceptions of dual career student-athletes ” questionnaire. From them, 78 did it during the mandatory lockdown period due to the state of emergency caused (...)
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  12. With the Future Behind Them: Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time.Rafael E. Núñez & Eve Sweetser - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):401-450.
    Cognitive research on metaphoric concepts of time has focused on differences between moving Ego and moving time models, but even more basic is the contrast between Ego‐ and temporal‐reference‐point models. Dynamic models appear to be quasi‐universal cross‐culturally, as does the generalization that in Ego‐reference‐point models, FUTURE IS IN FRONT OF EGO and PAST IS IN BACK OF EGO. The Aymara language instead has a major static model of time wherein FUTURE IS BEHIND EGO and PAST IS IN FRONT OF EGO; (...)
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  13. The tangle of space and time in human cognition.Rafael Núñez & Kensy Cooperrider - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):220-229.
  14.  24
    Cadíes y alcaides de la frontera oriental nazarí (s.XV).María Arcas Campoy - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (2):487-502.
    Este trabajo se centra, dentro del marco de la práctica jurídica, en la actividad judicial en la frontera oriental granadina en los últimos años del reino nazarí. La fuente documental es el pleito que Lorca y Vera sostuvieron por la delimitación de sus términos a lo largo del siglo XVI. La información viva y real aportada por los testigos, en su mayoría cristianos nuevos y de avanzada edad, viene a arrojar luz sobre la delimitación de competencias, actuaciones y jurisdicciones no (...)
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    The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives.Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The Gongsun Longzi is often considered the only extant work of the Classical Chinese “School of Names”, an early intellectual tradition mainly concerned with logic and the philosophy of language. The Gongsun Longzi is a heterogeneous collection of five chapters that include short treatises and largely fictive dialogues between an anonymous persuader and his opponent, which typically revolve around a paradoxical claim. Its value as a testimony to Early Chinese philosophy, however, is somewhat controversial due to the intricate textual history (...)
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  16.  37
    For the Sciences They Are A‐Changin’: A Response to Commentaries on Núñez et al.’s (2019) “What Happened to Cognitive Science?”.Rafael Núñez, Michael Allen, Richard Gao, Carson Miller Rigoli, Josephine Relaford-Doyle & Arturs Semenuks - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):790-803.
    A recent issue of Topics in Cognitive Science featured 11 thoughtful commentaries responding to our article “What happened to cognitive science?” (Núñez et al., 2019). Here, we identify several themes that arose in those commentaries and respond to each. Crucial to understanding our original article is the fundamental distinction between multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary endeavors: Cognitive science began (and has stayed) as multidisciplinary but has failed to move on to form a cohesive interdisciplinary field. We clarify and elaborate our original argument (...)
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    Moral Enhancement Should Target Self-Interest and Cognitive Capacity.Rafael Ahlskog - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (3):363-373.
    Current suggestions for capacities that should be targeted for moral enhancement has centered on traits like empathy, fairness or aggression. The literature, however, lacks a proper model for understanding the interplay and complexity of moral capacities, which limits the practicability of proposed interventions. In this paper, I integrate some existing knowledge on the nature of human moral behavior and present a formal model of prosocial motivation. The model provides two important results regarding the most friction-free route to moral enhancement. First, (...)
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  18.  53
    When Corporations Cause Harm: A Critical View of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Crimes.Rafael Alcadipani & Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):285-297.
    Corporations perform actions that can inflict harm with different levels of intensity, from death to material loss, to both companies’ internal and external stakeholders. Research has analysed corporate harm using the notions of corporate social irresponsibility and corporate crime. Critical management studies have been subjecting management and organizational practices and knowledge to critical analysis, and corporate harm has been one of the main concerns of CMS. However, CMS has rarely been deployed to analyse CSIR and corporate crime. Thus, the aim (...)
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  19. Paraconsistent Belief Revision based on a formal consistency operator.Rafael R. Testa, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Márcio M. Ribeiro - 2015 - CLE E-Prints 15 (8):01-11.
    In this paper two systems of AGM-like Paraconsistent Belief Revision are overviewed, both defined over Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs) due to the possibility of defining a formal consistency operator within these logics. The AGM° system is strongly based on this operator and internalize the notion of formal consistency in the explicit constructions and postulates. Alternatively, the AGMp system uses the AGM-compliance of LFIs and thus assumes a wider notion of paraconsistency - not necessarily related to the notion of formal (...)
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  20.  21
    Spanish Pre-Olympic Athletes’ Motivations and Barriers to Pursuing Dual Career as a Function of Sociodemographic, Sport and Academic Variables.Adrián Mateo-Orcajada, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Lucía Abenza-Cano, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Lourdes Meroño, Emanuele Isidori & Antonio Sánchez-Pato - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The dual career allows elite athletes to attain their maximum competitive and academic performance, but the COVID-19 pandemic hindered their development and changed their perception of the importance given to the sporting and educational environment. For this reason, the aim of the present study was to determine the differences in the motivations and perceived barriers, the importance given to academic qualifications, and the perception of the dual career from a multifactorial perspective, of elite athletes according to sex, type of sport (...)
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  21. Modeling as a teaching learning process for understanding materials: A case study in primary education.Andrés Acher, María Arcà & Neus Sanmartí - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):398-418.
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  22. Second sailing towards immortality and God.Rafael Ferber - 2020 - Mnemosyne 74 (3):371-400.
    This paper deals with the deuteros plous, literally ‘the second voyage’, proverbially ‘the next best way’, discussed in Plato’s Phaedo, the key passage being Phd. 99e4-100a3. I argue that (a) the ‘flight into the logoi’ can have two different interpretations, a standard one and a non-standard one. The issue is whether at 99e-100a Socrates means that both the student of erga and the student of logoi consider images (‘the standard interpretation’), or the student of logoi does not consider images but (...)
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  23. Why Did Plato not Write the ‘Unwritten Doctrine’? Some Preliminary Remarks.Rafael Ferber - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):127-149.
    This article asks the question “Why did Plato not write the ‘unwritten doctrine’?” and answers it by citing a combination of two obstacles. The first derives from the limitations of the episteme available to an embodied soul about the essence of the good. Even if the dialectician has access to some kind of knowledge, the mismatch between the unchanging essence of the good and the precarious logoi which aim to identify it (and allow others some measure of access to it) (...)
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    Heidegger and the Question of Man’s Poverty in World.Rafael Winkler - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (4):521 – 539.
    This article offers a new reading of Heidegger's thesis of the animal in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. Framing Heidegger's text through a brief analysis of Protagoras' genetic story of nature and of man's nature in Plato's eponymous dialogue, our reading brings out three key elements common to both texts: living nature as a normative rather than a physical order, the poverty of man's world in relation to the animal, and the attempted redemption of the latter through the acquisition of (...)
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  25.  38
    Casuística sobre el perdón del talión en el Muntajab al-aḥkām de Ibn Abī Zamanīn.Maria Arcas Campoy - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (2):387-403.
    En el libro IX del Muntajab al- aḥkām del jurista andalusí Ibn Abī Zamanīn (m. 399/1008) figura un capítulo acerca del perdón (´afw) del talión (qisāṣ/qawad) en diferentes casos de delitos de sangre intencionados. Este trabajo ofrece el análisis y comentario de la casuística contenida en este capítulo, así como la edición del texto árabe a partir del manuscrito n. 1730/d de la Biblioteca General de Rabat y cotejado con el n. 5952 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Túnez.
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    Dwelling and Hospitality: Heidegger and Hölderlin.Rafael Winkler - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (3):366-387.
    _ Source: _Volume 47, Issue 3, pp 366 - 387 In this article, I focus on Heidegger’s conception of hospitality in his first and final lectures on Hölderlin’s _Germania_, _Remembrance_, and _The Ister_. I argue that the hospitality of the foreigner for Heidegger is the condition of possibility of dwelling understood as the happening of history.In the first section I analyze the notions of hospitality in Levinas and Derrida. The second section unpacks some of the senses of the earth in (...)
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  27.  24
    Reclaiming Cognition: The Primacy of Action, Intention and Emotion.Rafael Núñez & Walter J. Freeman (eds.) - 1999 - Imprint Academic.
    Traditional cognitive science is Cartesian in the sense that it takes as fundamental the distinction between the mental and the physical, the mind and the world. This leads to the claim that cognition is representational and best explained using models derived from AI and computational theory. The authors depart radically from this model.
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    Use of Data Mining to Determine Usage Patterns of an Online Evaluation Platform During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Rafael E. Reigal, José Luis Pastrana-Brincones, Sergio Luis González-Ruiz, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Juan Pablo Morillo-Baro & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  29.  20
    Young University Students’ Academic Self-Regulation Profiles and Their Associated Procrastination: Autonomous Functioning Requires Self-Regulated Operations.Rafael Valenzuela, Nuria Codina, Isabel Castillo & José Vicente Pestana - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The measurement problem in consciousness research.Rafael Malach & Ned Block - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5):516-517.
    States of sensory absorption may offer a means to disentangle perception from report. Interestingly, such states lead to an antagonistic relationship between perceptual and cognitive-access networks, suggesting that perceptual awareness does not depend on a read-out by high order cognitive-access mechanisms. Rather, it may emerge internally, through a cooperative coding dynamics, whereby each neuron simultaneously represents and reads-out the perceptual awareness state.
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    Structural Inequality in Collaboration Networks.Rafael Ventura - 2022 - Philosophy of Science:1-28.
    Recent models of scientific collaboration show that minorities can end up at a disadvantage in bargaining scenarios. However, these models presuppose the existence of social categories. Here, we present a model of scientific collaboration in which inequality arises in the absence of social categories. We assume that all agents are identical except for the position that they occupy in the collaboration network. We show that inequality arises in the absence of social categories. We also show that this is due to (...)
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  32. Sokrates: Tugend ist Wissen.Rafael Ferber - 1991 - Elenchos 12:39-66.
    The article examines the Socratic principle that (1) virtue is knowledge and its corollary that (2) nobody errs voluntarily (nemo sua sponte peccat). It tries to show (I) that both principles are paradoxa, i.e. from a phenomenological point of view, they seem to be false; (II) that nevertheless the platonic Socrates accepts both principles as true; and finally (III) that these principles are analytical truths a priori which can only be understood if a person (soul) finds them in him- or (...)
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    Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden.Rafael Lindqvist & Marie Sépulchre - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (2):124-136.
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  34. Las competencias sobre el agua en las reformas estatutarias.Rafael Sánchez Camacho - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:58-78.
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  35. Aesthetic Experience and Certainty.Rafael Azize - 2017 - In Anja Weiberg & Stefan Majetschak, Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 15-17.
    Wittgenstein’s mature philosophy offers a therapeutic way out of some conundrums stemming from taxonomic expectations regarding philosophical description of experience in general. The paper asks if this is also true of the facts of aesthetic experience. This possibility is hinted at by examining an application of the notion of certainty to aesthetic experience. Some traits of possible uses of central concepts of the mature Wittgenstein to a philosophical aesthetics inspired by the “new method” are also canvassed.
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  36. Speaking and Translating: Aesthetics, Aspect-Seeing, and Interpretation.Rafael Azize - 2019 - In Alois Pichler, Paulo Oliveira & Arley Moreno, Wittgenstein in/on Translation. Campinas: Unicamp University Press. pp. 281-308.
    The anthropologist James Frazer investigates the ritual gesture in search of be- liefs about the physical world by the native. Wittgenstein considers this a case of aspect- blindness, one that is disruptive of the conditions for understanding the native’s most triv- ial gestures. Unable to cast his glance from within the native situation, this methodological view from nowhere has an arresting effect on experience – in particular, the experience of speaking. This interruption is to be examined by means of a (...)
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    Rigidez de jure y de facto en los términos generales para clases naturales.Rafael Miranda - 2012 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):57-90.
    En este escrito se argumentará que uno de los problemas centrales de la rigidez en los términos generales para clases naturales es consecuencia de no distinguir entre términos rígidos de jure y términos rígidos de facto en dichos casos. Se sostiene que los enunciados de identidad necesarios defendidos por Kripke en Naming and Necessity consideran la ocurrencia de términos que designan a una misma clase (clases que poseen entre sí la relación transmundana de ser una misma clase) a través de (...)
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  38. The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Conscious Perception: The Localist Perspective.Rafael Malach - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):93-114.
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    Baroque tower on a gothic base: A Lakatosian reconstruction of students' and teachers' understanding of structure of the atom.Rafael Blanco & Mansoor Niaz - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (4):327-360.
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  40. As Far as the Eyes can Reach: Complete Analysis in the Intermediate Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler, Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 23-25.
    Conceptual analysis is one of the notions undergoing dramatic changes during Wittgenstein's intermediate period. There's an aspect of such changes which might prove characteristic of the new directions taken by Wittgenstein's thought after 1929: it is the notion of complete analysis. We believe that Wittgenstein's treatment of this notion is also an interesting indication of new concerns generated by the "new method" itself, in terms of its radical openness to dialogism and its anti-dogmatism. Our aim here will be to explore (...)
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    ‘Aplicação’ e ‘Uso’ no período intermediário de Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - 2004 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia 14 (2):255-274.
    A mudança da concepção do critério geral da significação que tinha Wittgenstein no seu período intermediário para a concepção dos critérios de significação do seu período posterior justifica que se fale numa correlativa mudança na aplicabilidade do conceito de ‘uso’. Acompanhar esta mudança é importante para se caracterizar o âmbito do pragmático tal como Wittgenstein o concebe, e bem assim o tipo de investigação sobre os fundamentos do simbolismo linguístico e sobre a ligação entre linguagem e mundo que esse filósofo (...)
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    La humanidad es bíblica. Emmanuel Lévinas.Rafael Stockebrand Gómez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):557-566.
    La presente traducción fue realizada del original “Die Menschheit ist biblisch”, publicado en _Jüdisches Denken in Frankreich. Gespräche mit Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Lévinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, Luc Rosenzweig_ por Jüdischer Verlag. Frankfurt am Main en 1994, páginas 117-131. Agradezco a la profesora Elisabeth Weber, editora y traductora de la obra, por la autorización para publicar esta traducción. Asimismo agradezco a Sara Bertschik por sus agudos comentarios. Esta traducción fue realizada en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt (...)
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  43. Meio e forma em Niklas Luhmann: a limitacionalidade autoconstrutiva da sociedade.Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni - 2006 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 11 (2):133-162.
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    Practical Logic and the Analysis of Legal Language.Rafael Hernández Marín - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (3):322-333.
    Abstract.One of the theses of the present work is that, at the strictly logical and methodological level, practical logic has neither made, nor can it make any contribution to the philosophy of law, since none of the three branches of practical logic that have been taken into account, namely, the logic of norms, deontic logic and legal logic, seems to be theoretically possible. The contribution of practical logic to the analysis of legal language is assessed in terms of both the (...)
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    Historia de las ideas y hermenéutica analógica: apuntes para una filosofía de la historia en Latinoamérica.Rafael Gómez Pardo - 2011 - Universitas Philosophica 28 (57):123-161.
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  46. Moral Judgments as Descriptions of Institutional Facts.Rafael Ferber - 1994 - In [no title]. pp. 719-729.
    Abstract: It deals with the question of what a moral judgment is. On the one hand, a satisfactory theory of moral judgments must take into account the descriptive character of moral judgments and the realistic language of morals. On the other hand, it must also meet the non-descriptive character of moral judgments that consists in the recommending or condemning element and in the fact that normative statements are derived from moral judgments. However, cognitivism and emotivism or “normativism” are contradictory theories: (...)
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  47. Moral Judgments as Descriptions of Institutional Facts.Rafael Ferber - 1994 - In [no title]. pp. 719-729.
    It deals with the question of what a moral judgment is. On the one hand, a satisfactory theory of moral judgments must take into account the descriptive character of moral judgments and the realistic language of morals. On the other hand, it must also meet the non-descriptive character of moral judgments that consists in the recommending or condemning element and in the fact that normative statements are derived from moral judgments. However, cognitivism and emotivism or “normativism” are contradictory theories: If (...)
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  48. La transformación del concepto de persona a la luz de la doctrina de la soberanía de Carl Schmitt.Rafael Campos - 2020 - Valenciana 26:183-204.
    La finalidad del presente artículo es descubrir la presencia del concepto de persona en la doctrina de la soberanía de Carl Schmitt. A pesar de que este concepto tuvo un amplio desarrollo metafísico en el seno del pensamiento cristiano durante la antigüedad tardía, jamás pudo desembarazarse de la impronta jurídica de sus creadores los juristas romanos. Por tal razón, sirvió como soporte conceptual para el posterior despliegue de la noción de persona jurídica, sistematizada a lo largo de la modernidad. Para (...)
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  49. Das normative "ist" und das konstatiere "soll".Ferber Rafael - 1988 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 74:185-192.
    Despite the fact that Aristotle and Frege/Russell differ in how to understand the ambiguity in the meaning of the word "is", their theories share a common feature: "is" does not have a normative meaning, but a constative meaning. This paper, however, shows (1) that there is a normative meaning of "is" (and correspondingly a constative meaning of the word "ought") and (2) that the ambiguity of "is" is itself ambiguous. Furthermore, the paper proposes (3) a performative criterion for making a (...)
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  50. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, Die Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert.Rafael Ferber & Matthias Vonarburg - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (1):230.
    This is a review of: Wilhelm Vossenkuhl. Die Möglichkeit des Guten. Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert, München. C. H. Beck 2006.
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