Results for 'Rafael Scopacasa'

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  1.  13
    Old habits die hard: Samnites, Rome, and the perception of international relations in Republican Italy, c. 350–200 BC.Rafael Scopacasa - 2019 - História 68 (1):50.
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    La racionalización del sufrimiento: una aproximación epistémica al problema evidencial del mal en el mundo.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):97-114.
    Hay sufrimiento en el mundo, hay mal en el mundo. Existe evidencia de ambos. No todo sufrimiento parece ser con vistas a un bien mayor. Es decir, parece haber casos de mal gratuito o injustificado. El pasado 2 de febrero del 2024, observamos en Viña del Mar - Chile las trágicas consecuencias de un devastador incendio forestal, probablemente provocado intencionalmente por el ser humano. Ante escenarios de este tipo, el desafío epistémico para quienes creemos en Dios es preguntarnos si este (...)
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    (1 other version)La sabiduría de Grecia. El estatus de la retórica en la filosofía de Emmanuel Levinas.Rafael Stockebrand Gómez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-17.
    El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar el estatus de la retórica a partir de la filosofía de Emmanuel Levinas. Esto a propósito de las reflexiones sobre la ética y el lenguaje, en donde se instala la inquietud del rol que cumpliría la retórica –como un lenguaje dirigido a la persuasión– dentro de la dimensión de la ética levinasiana. En un primer acercamiento observamos que la retórica corresponde al lenguaje político de la violencia y la dominación, no obstante, buscaremos (...)
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    Cultural Heritage and Moral Obligations: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Preservation and Innovation.Rafael Costa - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):508-523.
    In light of social change and rapid technological improvement, "Cultural Heritage and Moral Obligations: A Philosophical Inquiry into Preservation and Innovation" sets out to investigate the ethical aspects of cultural heritage. This investigation explores the value of cultural legacy as a storehouse of human knowledge, identity, and community while recognising its enormous influence on the construction of both personal and societal narratives. It recognises the difficulties presented by the needs of development and the demands of respecting the past as it (...)
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    Integrating cooperation and conflict: Comments on Raymond Boudon's paper.Eliezer Ben-Rafael - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):29 – 31.
    (1993). Integrating cooperation and conflict: Comments on Raymond Boudon's paper. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 29-31.
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    A neural-symbolic perspective on analogy.Rafael V. Borges, Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Luis C. Lamb - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):379-380.
    The target article criticises neural-symbolic systems as inadequate for analogical reasoning and proposes a model of analogy as transformation (i.e., learning). We accept the importance of learning, but we argue that, instead of conflicting, integrated reasoning and learning would model analogy much more adequately. In this new perspective, modern neural-symbolic systems become the natural candidates for modelling analogy.
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    African Information Ethics in the context of the global Information Society.Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz, Thomas Hausmanninger, M. Nakado, F. Weil & M. Nagenborg - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7:1-353.
  8. Ethics and Information in the digital age.Rafael Capurro & F. H. Stuttgart Hbi - unknown
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  9.  14
    Orden europea de detención y entrega y defensa del orden constitucional de los Estados miembros de la UE.Rafael Arenas García - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (53).
    Las órdenes europeas de detención y entrega emitidas por los tribunales españoles con relación a los implicados en el intento de derogación de la Constitución en Cataluña en el año 2017 han supuesto una prueba para el instrumento. En este trabajo se analizan las razones por las que en los distintos países que han conocido del caso (Bélgica, Alemania, Reino Unido e Italia) no han sido ejecutadas, mostrando de esta forma en qué errores han incurrido las autoridades de estos países (...)
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  10. La recepción del pensamiento nietzscheano en el siglo XX.Rafael del Hierro - 1994 - Endoxa 4:233-253.
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    A pandemia e o isolamento social a partir de Rousseau.Rafael Leite - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):426-437.
    The aim of this paper is to connect the COVID-19 pandemic with philosophical elements taken from Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Three main points will be covered: the philosopher and the isolation; the nomenclature on the idea of social isolation; and the way in which the socio-political organization of a certain community is essential in order to obtain success or face failure in situations classified as catastrophic.
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    Leo Strauss's defense of the philosophic life: reading "What is political philosophy?".Rafael Major (ed.) - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Yet precisely because the book is so foundational, if we want to understand Strauss’s notoriously careful and complex thinking in these essays, we must also consider them just as Strauss treated philosophers of the past: on their own ...
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    Platón de Atenas: vida e ideas principales.Rafael Morla - 2007 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 12:17-38.
    Platón de Atenas, sin discusión uno de los grandes maestros de Occidente, y probablemente el verdadero fundador de la filosofía. Sus ideas encontraron eco en sus discípulos, sobre todo Aristóteles, que pese a haber formado una nueva escuela, y haber externado algún juicio crítico, fue un gran platónico. La influencia de Platón se siente a lo largo de la Edad Media y de la Modernidad, y aún la filosofía contemporánea se ve compelida a volver sobre sus pasos, a fin situar (...)
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    (1 other version)Quelques éléments relatifs à l'influence de la violence en Colombie sur la structure et l'évolution de la famille en Colombie.Rafael Rojas - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 191 (1):93.
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    The Americans in Two Works of the Enlightenment.Rafael E. Tarrago - 2000 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 3 (3):76-86.
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    Erratum to: Toward a comparative theory of agents. [REVIEW]Rafael Capurro - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (4):489-489.
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    Rafael Gutierrez Girardot.Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (128).
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    Rafael Moreno y su filosofar sobre la educación mexicana.Rafael Moreno - 1971 - Ciudad Universitaria, México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos, Eizayadé Moncada & Enrique Villarreal.
  19. Dr. Rafael Pizani: Introducción al derecho.Rafael Pizani - 1956 - [Caracas,: Librería "Pensamiento Vivo,".
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    Rafael Corazón, Por qué pensar si no es obligatorio, Madrid, Rialp, 2014.Rafael Reyna - 2016 - Studia Poliana:144-145.
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  21. Suter, Rafael (2020). Logic in China and Chinese Logic: The Arrival and (Re-)Discovery of Logic in China. In: Fung, Yiu-ming. Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic. Dordrecht: Springer, 465-507.Rafael Suter & Yiu-Ming Fung (eds.) - 2020
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    GRECO, Tommaso: La legge della fiducia. Alle radici del diritto Ramis Barceló, Rafael.Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
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  23. With the Future Behind Them: Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time.Rafael E. Núñez & Eve Sweetser - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):401-450.
    Cognitive research on metaphoric concepts of time has focused on differences between moving Ego and moving time models, but even more basic is the contrast between Ego‐ and temporal‐reference‐point models. Dynamic models appear to be quasi‐universal cross‐culturally, as does the generalization that in Ego‐reference‐point models, FUTURE IS IN FRONT OF EGO and PAST IS IN BACK OF EGO. The Aymara language instead has a major static model of time wherein FUTURE IS BEHIND EGO and PAST IS IN FRONT OF EGO; (...)
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  24. Supporting human autonomy in AI systems.Rafael Calvo, Dorian Peters, Karina Vold & Richard M. Ryan - 2020 - In Christopher Burr & Luciano Floridi, Ethics of digital well-being: a multidisciplinary approach. Springer.
    Autonomy has been central to moral and political philosophy for millenia, and has been positioned as a critical aspect of both justice and wellbeing. Research in psychology supports this position, providing empirical evidence that autonomy is critical to motivation, personal growth and psychological wellness. Responsible AI will require an understanding of, and ability to effectively design for, human autonomy (rather than just machine autonomy) if it is to genuinely benefit humanity. Yet the effects on human autonomy of digital experiences are (...)
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  25. Rafael Villavicencio mas alla del positivismo.Rafael Fernández Heres - 1989 - Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia.
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  26. The tangle of space and time in human cognition.Rafael Núñez & Kensy Cooperrider - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):220-229.
  27.  46
    Unpublished Documents Relating to Rafael Bombelli in the Archives of Bologna.S. Jayawardene & Rafael Bombelli - 1963 - Isis 54 (3):391-395.
  28. AGM-Like Paraconsistent Belief Change.Rafael R. Testa, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Márcio M. Ribeiro - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):632-672.
    Two systems of belief change based on paraconsistent logics are introduced in this article by means of AGM-like postulates. The first one, AGMp, is defined over any paraconsistent logic which extends classical logic such that the law of excluded middle holds w.r.t. the paraconsistent negation. The second one, AGMo , is specifically designed for paraconsistent logics known as Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs), which have a formal consistency operator that allows to recover all the classical inferences. Besides the three usual (...)
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    Contours of time: Topographic construals of past, present, and future in the Yupno valley of Papua New Guinea.Rafael Núñez, Kensy Cooperrider, D. Doan & Jürg Wassmann - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):25-35.
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    The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives.Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The Gongsun Longzi is often considered the only extant work of the Classical Chinese “School of Names”, an early intellectual tradition mainly concerned with logic and the philosophy of language. The Gongsun Longzi is a heterogeneous collection of five chapters that include short treatises and largely fictive dialogues between an anonymous persuader and his opponent, which typically revolve around a paradoxical claim. Its value as a testimony to Early Chinese philosophy, however, is somewhat controversial due to the intricate textual history (...)
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  31.  36
    For the Sciences They Are A‐Changin’: A Response to Commentaries on Núñez et al.’s (2019) “What Happened to Cognitive Science?”.Rafael Núñez, Michael Allen, Richard Gao, Carson Miller Rigoli, Josephine Relaford-Doyle & Arturs Semenuks - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):790-803.
    A recent issue of Topics in Cognitive Science featured 11 thoughtful commentaries responding to our article “What happened to cognitive science?” (Núñez et al., 2019). Here, we identify several themes that arose in those commentaries and respond to each. Crucial to understanding our original article is the fundamental distinction between multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary endeavors: Cognitive science began (and has stayed) as multidisciplinary but has failed to move on to form a cohesive interdisciplinary field. We clarify and elaborate our original argument (...)
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  32. Die Unwissenheit des Philosophen, oder, Warum hat Plato die "ungeschriebene Lehre" nicht geschrieben?Rafael Ferber - 1991 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    The debate over Plato’s “ so called unwritten doctrines”, which he communicated only to a small circle of trusted disciples, has caused a stir among philosophers in recent decades. Rafael Ferber assumes a differentiated position in this controversy. He is convinced that the unwritten doctrines did exist, but that Plato, for reasons inherent in the process of gaining knowledge, was unable to communicate these doctrines even to his closest disciples. In this book, Ferber outlines the discussion and summarizes the (...)
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    Moral Enhancement Should Target Self-Interest and Cognitive Capacity.Rafael Ahlskog - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (3):363-373.
    Current suggestions for capacities that should be targeted for moral enhancement has centered on traits like empathy, fairness or aggression. The literature, however, lacks a proper model for understanding the interplay and complexity of moral capacities, which limits the practicability of proposed interventions. In this paper, I integrate some existing knowledge on the nature of human moral behavior and present a formal model of prosocial motivation. The model provides two important results regarding the most friction-free route to moral enhancement. First, (...)
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  34. Towards an ontological foundation of information ethics.Rafael Capurro - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (4):175-186.
    The paper presents, firstly, a brief review of the long history\nof information ethics beginning with the Greek concept of parrhesia\nor freedom of speech as analyzed by Michel Foucault. The recent concept\nof information ethics is related particularly to problems which arose\nin the last century with the development of computer technology and\nthe internet. A broader concept of information ethics as dealing\nwith the digital reconstruction of all possible phenomena leads to\nquestions relating to digital ontology. Following Heidegger{\textquoteright}s\nconception of the relation between ontology and metaphysics, (...)
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  35. Facing the Sunrise: Cultural Worldview Underlying Intrinsic-Based Encoding of Absolute Frames of Reference in Aymara.Rafael E. Núñez & Carlos Cornejo - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):965-991.
    The Aymara of the Andes use absolute (cardinal) frames of reference for describing the relative position of ordinary objects. However, rather than encoding them in available absolute lexemes, they do it in lexemes that are intrinsic to the body: nayra (“front”) and qhipa (“back”), denoting east and west, respectively. Why? We use different but complementary ethnographic methods to investigate the nature of this encoding: (a) linguistic expressions and speech–gesture co-production, (b) linguistic patterns in the distinct regional Spanish-based variety Castellano Andino (...)
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    When Corporations Cause Harm: A Critical View of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Crimes.Rafael Alcadipani & Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):285-297.
    Corporations perform actions that can inflict harm with different levels of intensity, from death to material loss, to both companies’ internal and external stakeholders. Research has analysed corporate harm using the notions of corporate social irresponsibility and corporate crime. Critical management studies have been subjecting management and organizational practices and knowledge to critical analysis, and corporate harm has been one of the main concerns of CMS. However, CMS has rarely been deployed to analyse CSIR and corporate crime. Thus, the aim (...)
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  37.  39
    Two Kinds of Process or Two Kinds of Processing? Disambiguating Dual-Process Theories.Rafael Augusto - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):277-298.
    Dual-Process Theories (D-PTs) claim there are two qualitatively different types of processes in the human brain-mind. Despite forming the basis for several areas of cognitive science, they are still shrouded in ambiguity: critics erroneously attack D-PTs as a whole (e.g., Evans and Stanovich Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(3), 2013), the qualitative/quantitative distinction is not clear enough (De Neys Perspectives on Psychological Science 16 (6): 1412–1427, 2021; Dewey 2022) and, given this criterion, deciding between qualitative or quantitative differences may even be (...)
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  38.  51
    Sylvia Wynter’s New Science of the Word and the Autopoetics of the Flesh.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2022 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 14 (1):72-88.
    This essay proposes that the work of Sylvia Wynter, a canonical figure in Afro-Caribbean philosophy, demonstrates other ways of doing philosophy, a comparative philosophy carried out as a cross-cultural exercise. Sylvia Wynter has argued for a “New Science of the Word” by drawing from the contributions of Frantz Fanon (sociogeny), Aimé Césaire (poetic knowledge), and the field of cybernetics, among other sources. This essay aims to explain the framework and methodology of the New Science and the original transdisciplinary engagement that (...)
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  39. Paraconsistent Belief Revision based on a formal consistency operator.Rafael R. Testa, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Márcio M. Ribeiro - 2015 - CLE E-Prints 15 (8):01-11.
    In this paper two systems of AGM-like Paraconsistent Belief Revision are overviewed, both defined over Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs) due to the possibility of defining a formal consistency operator within these logics. The AGM° system is strongly based on this operator and internalize the notion of formal consistency in the explicit constructions and postulates. Alternatively, the AGMp system uses the AGM-compliance of LFIs and thus assumes a wider notion of paraconsistency - not necessarily related to the notion of formal (...)
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  40.  21
    The Ethics of Overlapping Relationships in Rural and Remote Healthcare. A Narrative Review.Rafael Thomas Osik Szumer & Mark Arnold - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):181-190.
    It is presently unclear whether a distinct “rural ethics” of navigating professional boundaries exists, and if so, what theoretical approaches may assist practitioners to manage overlapping relationships. To be effective clinicians while concurrently partaking in community life, practitioners must develop and maintain safe, ethical, and sustainable therapeutic relationships in rural and remote healthcare. A narrative review was conducted identifying a significant body of qualitative and theoretical literature which explores the pervasiveness of dual relationships for practitioners working in rural and remote (...)
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    Settler colonialism and therapeutic discourses on the past: a response to Burnett et al.’s ‘a politics of reminding’.Rafael Verbuyst - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (1):53-69.
    In ‘A politics of reminding: Khoisan resurgence and environmental justice in South Africa’s Sarah Baartman district’, Burnett et al. scrutinize the memory activism of the Gamtkwa Khoisan Council, which is part of the wider ‘Khoisan resurgence’ sweeping across post-apartheid South Africa. Although the authors missed important nuances, they also pointed out flaws in the way I used Niezen’s ‘therapeutic history’ [Niezen, R. (2009). The rediscovered self: Indigenous identity and cultural justice. McGill-Queen’s Press] in my work to account for why Khoisan (...)
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    Logical consistency in simultaneous statistical test procedures.Rafael Izbicki & Luís Gustavo Esteves - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (5):732-758.
  43. Second sailing towards immortality and God.Rafael Ferber - 2020 - Mnemosyne 74 (3):371-400.
    This paper deals with the deuteros plous, literally ‘the second voyage’, proverbially ‘the next best way’, discussed in Plato’s Phaedo, the key passage being Phd. 99e4-100a3. I argue that (a) the ‘flight into the logoi’ can have two different interpretations, a standard one and a non-standard one. The issue is whether at 99e-100a Socrates means that both the student of erga and the student of logoi consider images (‘the standard interpretation’), or the student of logoi does not consider images but (...)
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  44. The topography of high-order human object areas.Rafael Malach, Ifat Levy & Uri Hasson - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (4):176-184.
  45. Numbers and Arithmetic: Neither Hardwired Nor Out There.Rafael Núñez - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (1):68-83.
    What is the nature of number systems and arithmetic that we use in science for quantification, analysis, and modeling? I argue that number concepts and arithmetic are neither hardwired in the brain, nor do they exist out there in the universe. Innate subitizing and early cognitive preconditions for number— which we share with many other species—cannot provide the foundations for the precision, richness, and range of number concepts and simple arithmetic, let alone that of more complex mathematical concepts. Numbers and (...)
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    Innovation, ethics and our common futures: a collaborative philosophy.Rafael Ziegler - 2020 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The important yet contradictory role of innovation in society calls for a philosophy of innovation. Critically exploring innovation in relation to values, the economy and social change, Rafael Ziegler proposes a collaborative theory and practice of innovation that aims to liberate possibilities for our common futures. Following cues from the arts and drawing on the innovation literature across the social sciences, this book exposes pro-innovation bias and the gospel of disruptive change. Not only entrepreneurs but also civic networks and (...)
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    Strategies for Teaching Professional Ethics to IT Engineering Degree Students and Evaluating the Result.Rafael Miñano, Ángel Uruburu, Ana Moreno-Romero & Diego Pérez-López - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):263-286.
    This paper presents an experience in developing professional ethics by an approach that integrates knowledge, teaching methodologies and assessment coherently. It has been implemented for students in both the Software Engineering and Computer Engineering degree programs of the Technical University of Madrid, in which professional ethics is studied as a part of a required course. Our contribution of this paper is a model for formative assessment that clarifies the learning goals, enhances the results, simplifies the scoring and can be replicated (...)
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  48. The Temporality of Freedom: Retrogressive vs. Progressive Conceptions of Freedom between Schelling and Sartre.Rafael Holmberg - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (4):429-445.
    Not only is freedom a shared concern of Sartre and Schelling, which would not be anything particularly unique, but for both philosophers, freedom must be articulated out of an ontological ground, or within the confines of an ontological system. A contradiction nevertheless appears to arise regarding the “orientation” of Sartre and Schelling’s respective “ontologies of freedom”: the freedom of Sartre, reflecting a contemporary stoic-inspired doctrine, is directed toward the future, while for Schelling, with affinities to the temporal logic of psychoanalysis, (...)
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  49. Emotion Regulation in Everyday Life: The Role of Goals and Situational Factors.Rafael Wilms, Ralf Lanwehr & Andreas Kastenmüller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50. Perché Platone nel Timeo torna a sostenere la dottrina delle idee.Rafael Ferber - 1997 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 18 (1):5-28.
    In the whole Corpus Platonicum, we find in principle only one "direct argument" (Charles Kahn) for the existence of the ideas (Tim.51d3-51e6). The purpose of the article is to analyse this argument and to answer the question of why Plato in the Timaeus again defended the existence of the ideas despite the objections in the Parmenides. He defended it again because the latent presupposition of the apories in the Parmenides, the substantial view of sensibles, is removed through the introduction of (...)
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