Results for 'Raïssa Maritain'

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  1. Jacques Et Raïssa Maritain Œvres Complètes.Jacques Maritain, Jean-Marie Allion, Raïssa Maritain & Cercle D'études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain - 1982
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    Raïssa Maritain – Une Femme Extraordinaire.Lily An-Kim - 2014 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 30:16-25.
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    Une amitié américaine: Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman: 1942-1971.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer. Edited by Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman & Claire Coleman.
    New York, été 1942. Peu après la déclaration de la guerre, les Maritain ont quitté la France et se sont réfugiés aux Etats - Unis. Tout en poursuivant son oeuvre littéraire, Jacques donne des cours et des conférences à travers le pays. Raïssa publie Les grandes amitiés et achève la rédaction de ses souvenirs, souvent interrompue par la maladie et les souffrances qui l'accablent. L'arrachement à leur pays, le désastre en Europe et le sort des Juifs ne cessent de (...)
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  4. Raissa Maritain . Leon Bloy - Pilgrim of the Absolute. [REVIEW]Donald A. Gallagher - 1948 - The Thomist 11:259.
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    Thomas Merton Translates Raissa Maritain.Judith D. Suther - 1976 - Renascence 28 (4):181-190.
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    Sacred Dread: Raissa Maritain, the Allure of Suffering, and the French Catholic Revival . By Brenna Moore. Pp. xiii, 293, Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 2013, $30.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (6):1068-1068.
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  7. La verità, radice della conversione di Jacques e Raïssa Maritain (1906-2006).Piero Viotto - 2006 - Studium 102 (5):667-686.
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    Loneliness and the Existent: The Dark Nights of Raissa Maritain and Pierre Reverdy.Bernard Doering - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:11-23.
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  9. La paradoja del amor en la experiencia espiritual de Raïssa Maritain.L. Grosso García - 1993 - Ciencia Tomista 120 (3):507-534.
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    Jean-Luc Barré, Jacques et Raïssa Maritain. Les mendiants du ciel.Emmanuel Tourpe - 1996 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 94 (1):178-179.
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    Review of Jean-Luc Barré, Jacques and Raissa Maritain: Beggars for Heaven_. [REVIEW]William Sweet - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (5).
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    The Achievement of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain: A Bibliography 1906–1961. Par Donald et Idella Gallagher. New York, Doubleday, 1962. 256 pages. $7.95. [REVIEW]Roland Houde - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (3):340-342.
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    The Achievement of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain: A Bibliography, 1906-1961. [REVIEW]Joseph W. Evans - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (3):381-383.
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    The Wisdom of Youth: Essays Inspired by the Early Work of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain. Edited by Travis Dumsday. Pp. xviii, 353, Washington DC: American Maritain Association, distributed by The Catholic University of America Press, 2016, $39.95. [REVIEW]Norman Tanner - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (2):329-330.
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    MARITAIN, Jacques, MARITAIN, Raïssa, Oeuvres complètes. Volume VMARITAIN, Jacques, MARITAIN, Raïssa, Oeuvres complètes. Volume V.Lionel Ponton - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (2):259-260.
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    Lettres intimes.Dominique Mougel, René Mougel, Michel Fourcade, Sylvain Guéna, Jacques Maritain & Raïssa Maritain (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Desclée De Brouwer.
    Tout ce qui est dans l'oeuvre de Jacques, nous l'avons d'abord vécu à l'état de difficulté vitale et d'expérience, - les questions de l'art et de la morale, de la philosophie, de la foi, de la prière, de la contemplation. Cela nous a d'abord été donné à vivre, à chacun selon sa nature et la grâce de Dieu », notait Raïssa en 1934. Cette correspondance confirme le propos, qui nous fait pénétrer dans « l'amour fou » de deux vies données (...)
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  17. Maria nella vita di Raissa e Jacques Maritain. Con tre testi inediti.P. Viotto - 1988 - Humanitas 43 (3):358-377.
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  18. Recension de "Maritain R., Journal de Raïssa, coll. Poche, Paris, DDB, 2018, 11x17, 404 p., 9,90 €. ISBN 978-2-220-09540-0". [REVIEW]Alejandro Pérez - 2019 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 141 (2):340.
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    Marc Chagall et les Maritain. Une définition de l'art religieux.Régis Ladous - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 84 (4):545-560.
    Dans une perspective néo-thomiste, Jacques Maritain considère qu’un artiste est religieux non par les thèmes qu’il choisit ou la foi qu’il professe, mais lorsqu’il saisit les formes dans les choses et les reconstruit selon la nécessité de sa « subjectivité créatrice ». C’est ainsi que Maritain a pu reconnaître en Chagall le type même de l’artiste religieux. S’il n’a jamais essayé de « christianiser » le peintre, il n’en a peut-être pas été de même avec Raïssa Maritain, (...)
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    Jacques et Raïssa Maritain: les mendiants du Ciel: biographies croisées.Jean-Luc Barré - 1995 - Paris: Stock.
    L'aventure de Jacques et Raîssa Maritain constitue un parcours unique par son ampleur et son rayonnement. Centre de gravité de la vie spirituelle et littéraire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres, point de ralliement des générations perdues et refuge des poètes maudits, le couple tissa autour de lui le réseau d'influence le plus riche et foisonnant de l'histoire de ce siècle. Disciples de Bergson et de Léon Bloy, confidents de François Mauriac, de julien Green et de Jean Cocteau, amis de Péguy, de Mounier (...)
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    Raissa, Jacques and the Abyss of Christian Orthodoxy.William Bush - 1988 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 4:25-32.
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    Jacques and Raïssa Maritain: beggars for heaven.Jean-Luc Barré - 2005 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    A lost childhood -- The stranger -- Confidence in the unknown -- Violence and grace -- A little bridge thrown across the abyss -- Raïssa's guests -- God or Jean Cocteau? -- The sound of hidden springs -- Return from Rome -- The darkest part of ourselves -- The fullness of the day -- Poor means -- A Catholic in the resistance -- The archipelago on the sea -- The memory of the angels.
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    The Wisdom of Youth.Travis Dumsday (ed.) - 2016 - Washington, DC: American Maritain Association.
    Both Jacques and Raïssa Maritain produced large and diverse bodies of writing, and their creative lives spanned decades and encompassed the most turbulent periods of the twentieth century. Scholarly engagement with their work continues to reap new insights, and that includes engagement with the writings produced in the earlier portions of their respective careers. Those earlier portions were themselves remarkably productive, and issued not only in important writings but also in profoundly influential professional and personal relationships nurtured and developed (...)
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    Poetry as Spiritual Exercise.Jean Wahl, Russell J. Duvernoy, Christopher Lura & Anna-Marie Hansen - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (3):793-796.
    “La Poésie Comme Exercice Spirituel” first appeared in a 1942 issue of Revue Fontaine edited by Jacques and Raissa Maritain and was subsequently republished in Wah’s 1948 text Poésie, Pensée, Perception, published by Calmann-Lévy. The following is a translation of the Fontaine version. I have noted all of the variations from the latter version in the notes. As I emphasize in my commentary, the piece is a notable display of Wahl’s eclectic range of influences. Most importantly, it shows the (...)
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  25. Bible et Philosophie: le sacrifice d'Abraham.X. Tilliette - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (1):133-146.
    L'A. examine ici le regard que la philosophie porte sur la Bible. Pour ce faire, il ne s'intéresse qu'au sacrifice d'Abraham et il observe ce qu'en disent des philosophes comme Hegel ou Kant. A leur attitude réprobatrice, l'A. oppose celle de Sören Kierkegaard et de son ouvrage Crainte et tremblement. Celui-ci fait d'Abraham un intrépide chevalier de la foi qui abolit le chevalier tragique et résigné. Il en va tout autrement chez Kafka, Raïssa Maritain et Giulio Lequier dont l'A. (...)
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    In search of harmony: metaphysics and politics.James G. Hanink (ed.) - 2019 - Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association/The Catholic University of America Press.
    Two of Jacques Maritain's enduring classics are Existence and the Existent and The Person and the Common Good. In the first he explores the key themes of his constructive Thomism while engaging broad currents of existentialist thought. In the second he proposes a personalist-communitarian vision that illuminates the common good. Maritain's paired concerns of metaphysics and politics, and their often-surprising connections, set the stage for this new volume. In Search of Harmony: Metaphysics and Politics is comprised of original (...)
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  27. Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism.Ralph McInerny, Mabelle L. Andison & J. Gordon Andison (eds.) - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Published in 1913 as _La Philosophie Bergsonienne_, this incisive critique of the thought of Henri Bergson was Jacques Maritain's first book. In it he shows himself already to have an authoritative grasp of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and an uncanny ability to demonstrate its relevance to alternative philosophical systems such as that of Henri Bergson. Volume 1 in the series _The Collected Works of Jacques Maritain_, this edition faithfully reproduces the 1955 translation published by the Philosophical Library. (...)
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    The education of man: the educational philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1967 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Donald Arthur Gallagher & Idella J. Gallagher.
  29. A Maritain reader: selected writings.Jacques Maritain - 1966 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Image Books. Edited by Donald Arthur Gallagher & Idella Gallagher.
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    The Maritain volume of the Thomist: dedicated to Jacques Maritain on the occasion of his sixtieth anniversary.Jacques Maritain (ed.) - 1978 - Great Neck, N.Y.: Core Collection Books.
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    Jacques Maritain, Yves Simon: correspondance.Jacques Maritain - 2008 - Tours: CLD. Edited by Yves René Marie Simon, Florian Michel, René Mougel & Anthony O. Simon.
    t. 1. Les années françaises, 1927-1940 -- t. 2. Les années américaines, 1941-1961.
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    Péguy au porche de l'Eglise: correspondance inédite Jacques Maritain, Dom Louis Baillet.Jacques Maritain - 1997 - Paris: Cerf. Edited by René Mougel, Robert Burac & Louis Baillet.
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  33. Untrammeled Approaches: The Collected Works of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1996 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Bernard E. Doering.
    With this new volume of the _Collected Works of Jacques Maritain_, the University of Notre Dame Press is publishing the first English edition of a remarkable group of essays which Maritain prepared for publication in the year before his death. He brings together various writings which had previously not appeared in print or had circulated privately. The heart of the book is to be found in two series of articles. The first consists of ten philosophical essays. There are essays (...)
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  34. Man and the state.Jacques Maritain - 1951 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    A reprint of Maritain's classic reflection on social and political issues.
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    Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier (1929-1939).Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier & Jacques Petit - 1973 - [Paris]: Desclée de Brouwer. Edited by Emmanuel Mounier & Jacques Petit.
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  36. Journet Maritain Correspondance.Charles Journet & Jacques Maritain - 1996
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    Jacques Maritain e Gabriel Marcel: un'amicizia attraverso la corrispondenza (1928-1967).Giovanni Botta, Jacques Maritain & Gabriel Marcel (eds.) - 2016 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
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    (1 other version)A Maritain Anthology On Art and Poetry.Jacques Maritain - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (3):325-341.
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    Intergender Communication Stereotypes.Raissa Dragneva - 1992 - Communications 17 (1):91-102.
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    ZILLES, Urbano. O racional e o místico em Wittgenstein. 2ºed. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 1994, p.96.Raíssa Marcelli Rocha - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 7 (14):104-106.
    A obra "O racional e o místico em Wittgenstein" é uma das obras do professor Urbano Zilles, da PUC-RS, que tem a finalidade de mostrar um panorama da filosofia de Ludwig Wittgenstein com leitura e análise de suas principais obras: Tractatus Lógicus-philosophicus e Investigações Filosóficas.
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    Being in the world: a quotable Maritain reader.Jacques Maritain - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling.
    Aristotle -- Art and the artist -- Being -- The Christian life -- Christian philosophy -- The Church -- Culture and civilization -- Democracy and democratic society -- Descartes and Cartesian philosophy -- Philosophy of education -- Evil -- Ethics -- Faith -- Freedom -- God -- History -- Humanism -- Intellect and intelligence -- Knowing and knowledge -- Man -- Marx and Marxism -- Metaphysics and metaphysicians -- Moral philosophy -- Mystery and mysticism -- Natural law and human rights (...)
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    Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism.The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain, Joseph W. Evans & Leo R. Ward - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (4):561-562.
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    Extrait d'une lettre de Jacques Maritain à Lucien Lévy-Bruhl.Jacques Maritain - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):475 - 477.
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    The person and the common good.Jacques Maritain - 1947 - New York,: C. Scribner's Sons. Edited by John J. Fitzgerald.
    Presenting with moving insight the relations between man, as a person and as an individual, and the society of which he is a part, Maritain's treatment of a lasting topic speaks to this generation as well as those to come. Maritain employs the personalism rooted in Aquinas's doctrine to distinguish between social philosophy centered in the dignity of the human person and that centered in the primacy of the individual and the private good.
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    The moral experiences of pediatric nurses in Brazil: Engagement and relationships.Raissa Passos dos Santos, Eliane Tatsch Neves & Franco Carnevale - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1566-1578.
    Background: Pediatric nursing care involves many significant ethical challenges. Although nurses are broadly recognized as professionals with relevant knowledge about children and families, little is known about how nurses experience ethical concerns in their everyday practice. Objective: The objective of this study was to better understand the moral experiences and related moral distress experiences of nurses working in pediatric settings in Brazil. Design: Interpretative phenomenological study conducted through narrative interviews. Participants and research context: Nine nurses working in three pediatric settings (...)
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    Bergsonian philosophy and Thomism.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    This critique of Henri Bergson is Jacques Maritain's first book. In it he shows he has a grasp of the thought of St Thomas Aquinas and an ability to show its relevance to other systems such as that of Bergson. This text presents Jacques Maritain's as a philosopher, a Thomist and a critic.
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    The Philosopher and the Provocateur: The Correspondence of Jacques Maritain and Saul Alinsky.Jacques Maritain & Saul David Alinsky - 1994
    Far more telling than mere biography, this collection of the extant letters exchanged between philosopher Jacques Maritain and social activist Saul Alinsky reveals a deep and intimate friendship, however unexpected and unlikely. Indeed, to all who knew or knew of them the dignified, prominent philosopher and the earthy, truculent genius of social reform seemed antithetical to one another in almost every way. The Maritain-Alinsky correspondence began in 1945, shortly after they met, and continued until Alinsky's death in 1972. (...)
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    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Scribner.
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    The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old Layman Questions Himself About the Present Time.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    At eighty-five, Jacques Maritain, the most distinguished Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, has written what he offers as his last book, and it turns out to be a shocker. The peasant, as Maritain calls himself in the title, is a man who calls a spade a spade; and a storm of controversy descended immediately on the book's publication in France, as both Right and Left reeled from the force of Maritain's criticism.The Peasant of the Garonne is (...)
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    The Education of Man: The Educational Philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Donald Gallagher, Idella Gallagher & Jacques Maritain - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):109.
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