Results for 'Ralf Küsters'

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  1.  2
    Moralità, istituzioni e società civile: testo presentato da Sir Ralf Dahrendorf in occasione del conferimento del Premio Internazionale Senatore Giovanni Agnelli, terza edizione : Torino, Teatro Regio, 30 marzo 1992.Ralf Dahrendorf & Premio Internazionale Senatore Giovanni Agnelli - 1992 - [S.N.].
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    Chomsky on Grammar and Mind.Harold H. Kuester - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):157-172.
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    Polanyi on Religion.Harold Kuester - 1984 - Faith and Philosophy 1 (1):77-88.
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    The Dependence of Stephen Toulmin’s Epistemology on a Description/Prescription Dichotomy.Harold H. Kuester - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:521-530.
    Toulmin is one of the three or four best-known philosophers of science who, beginning in the late 1950’s, attempted a thoroughgoing criticism of logical positivism (the philosophy of science which predominated at that time). The paper argues that Toulmin depends upon the same sort oftheory-observation dichotomy which resulted in many of the difficulties which bedeviled logical positivism. Thus Toulmin’s criticism is neither as radical nor as trouble-free as many suppose.
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  5. The grounding argument against non-reductive moral realism.Ralf M. Bader - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 12.
  6. Reflecting Davidson: Donald Davidson responding to an international forum of philosophers.Ralf Stoecker (ed.) - 1993 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    Review of Ralf Dahrendorf: Essays in the Theory of Society[REVIEW]Ralf Dahrendorf - 1968 - Ethics 78 (4):323-324.
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  8. Towards a Hyperintensional Theory of Intrinsicality.Ralf M. Bader - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (10):525-563.
  9. The Political Dimension of Reconciliation: A Theological Analysis of Ways of Dealing With Guilt During the Transition to Democracy in South Africa and (East) Germany.Ralf K. Wüstenberg & Randi H. Lundell - 2009
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    Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag.Ralf Walkenhaus & Rüdiger Voigt (eds.) - 2006 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
    Inhalt Einfuhrung - Staat im Wandel. Rudiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag I. Konzeptualisierung und Systematisierung von Staatswandel Ralf Walkenhaus: Entwicklungslinien moderner Staatlichkeit.
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  11. Marx in Perspektive.Ralf Dahrendorf - 1953 - Hannover,: J.H.W. Dietz.
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    Fortschritt in den Kulturwissenschaften?Ralf Konersmann, John Michael Krois & Dirk Westerkamp - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2007 (1):9-10.
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    The nonobjectivity of past events in quantum mechanics.Ralf Quadt - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (8):1027-1035.
    It is shown in this paper that a classical way of speaking about the past can be rejected when quantum systems without superselection rules are considered. To show this, use is made of a formal quantum language. The noncontextuality of quantum measurements is a presupposition of the quantum language. In addition, it is shown that introspective measurements, in contrast to the claims of Albert et al., do not violate the noncontextuality, and hence the result of rejecting the classical way of (...)
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    Der Tod als Voraussetzung der Organspende?Ralf Stoecker - 2012 - Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Ethik 58 (2):99-116.
    Since the middle of the 20th century our ability to manage death has changed. The dying of a human being can be hastened, slowed or even forestalled. As a result we need to reconsider death as a prerequisite for organ donation and hence the brain death criterion. In Germany, the debate about that criterion has been going on for some months. The author outlines that debate and discusses problems arising from a new category of donors, the so-called non-heartbeating donors. He (...)
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  15. The Role of Kant’s Refutation of Idealism.Ralf M. Bader - 2012 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 94 (1):53-73.
    This paper assesses the role of the Refutation of Idealism within the Critique of Pure Reason, as well as its relation to the treatment of idealism in the First Edition and to transcendental idealism more generally. It is argued that the Refutation is consistent with the Fourth Paralogism and that it can be considered as an extension of the Transcendental Deduction. While the Deduction, considered on its own, constitutes a 'regressive argument', the Refutation allows us to turn the Transcendental Analytic (...)
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  16. Person-affecting utilitarianism.Ralf M. Bader - 2022 - In Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Tim Campbell & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.
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    Eye-Tracking Technology and the Dynamics of Natural Gaze Behavior in Sports: A Systematic Review of 40 Years of Research.Ralf Kredel, Christian Vater, André Klostermann & Ernst-Joachim Hossner - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Agents and Causes: Dispositional Intuitions As a Guide to Causal Structure.Ralf Mayrhofer & Michael R. Waldmann - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (1):65-95.
    Currently, two frameworks of causal reasoning compete: Whereas dependency theories focus on dependencies between causes and effects, dispositional theories model causation as an interaction between agents and patients endowed with intrinsic dispositions. One important finding providing a bridge between these two frameworks is that failures of causes to generate their effects tend to be differentially attributed to agents and patients regardless of their location on either the cause or the effect side. To model different types of error attribution, we augmented (...)
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    Interface Cannot Replace Interlocution: Why the Reductionist Concept of Neuroimaging-Based Capacity Determination Fails.Ralf J. Jox - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 4 (4):15-17.
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    Testing evolutionary theories of discriminative grandparental investment.Ralf Kaptijn, Fleur Thomese, Aart C. Liefbroer & Merril Silverstein - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (3):289-310.
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    SWIFT: A Dynamical Model of Saccade Generation During Reading.Ralf Engbert, Antje Nuthmann, Eike M. Richter & Reinhold Kliegl - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):777-813.
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  22. (1 other version)Proper forcing and remarkable cardinals.Ralf-Dieter Schindler - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):176-184.
    The present paper investigates the power of proper forcings to change the shape of the universe, in a certain well-defined respect. It turns out that the ranking among large cardinals can be used as a measure for that power. However, in order to establish the final result I had to isolate a new large cardinal concept, which I dubbed “remarkability.” Let us approach the exact formulation of the problem—and of its solution—at a slow pace.Breathtaking developments in the mid 1980s found (...)
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    Menschenwürde und Hirntod.Ralf Stoecker - 2013 - In Jan C. Joerden, Eric Hilgendorf & Felix Thiele (eds.), Menschenwürde und Medizin: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot. pp. 876-895.
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    Eine pragmatistische Rekonstruktion des Hegelschen Systems.Ralf Beuthan - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (5):816-820.
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    Universities After Communism: The Hannah Arendt Prize and the Reform of Higher Education in East Central Europe.Ralf Dahrendorf - 2000
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    Ein bildmächtiger Gang durch Nietzsches Leben. Rezension zu: Michel Onfray, Maximilien Le Roy.Ralf Eichberg - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1).
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    Horizonte des Horizontbegriffs: hermeneutische, phänomenologische und interkulturelle Studien.Ralf Elm (ed.) - 2004 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
  28.  12
    »Ich ist ein Anderer«. Zur Rede von Stellvertretung und Opfer in der Christologie.Ralf Frisch & Martin Hailer - 1999 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 41 (1):62-77.
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    Die klassische Lehre von den Umständen einer Handlung.Ralf Lutz - 2017 - In Franz-Josef Bormann (ed.), Lebensbeendende Handlungen: Ethik, Medizin Und Recht Zur Grenze von ‚Töten‘ Und ‚Sterbenlassen‘. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 95-122.
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    Function and Purpose in Kant's Theory of Knowledge.Ralf Meerbote - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:845-861.
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    Rickerts Auseinandersetzung mit dem Riehlschen Realismus.Ralf Meerbote - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (3):346-362.
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    »Maschiach achschaw!« - Die Erlösungslehren Menachem Mendel Schneersons.Ralf Müller - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 6 (1):47-64.
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    Thin equivalence relations in scaled pointclasses.Ralf Schindler & Philipp Schlicht - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (6):615-620.
    For ordinals α beginning a Σ1 gap in equation image, where equation image is closed under number quantification, we give an inner model-theoretic proof that every thin equation image equivalence relation is equation image in a real parameter from the hypothesis equation image.
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    Weak Covering at Large Cardinals.Ralf ‐ Dieter Schindler - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):22-28.
    We show that weakly compact cardinals are the smallest large cardinals k where k+ < k+ is impossible provided 0# does not exist. We also show that if k+Kc < k+ for some k being weakly compact , then there is a transitive set M with M ⊨ ZFC + “there is a strong cardinal”.
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  35. Eine bisher unbeachtete Quelle des «Streits der Fakultäten».Ralf Selbach - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (1):96-101.
  36.  10
    (1 other version)Das Pilatus-Problem und die Vorzüge eines dynamischen Verantwortungsbegriffs.Ralf Stoecker - 2007 - In Jochen Berendes (ed.), Autonomie durch Verantwortung. Impulse für die Ethik in den Wissenschaften. pp. 147-160.
    Der Begriff der Verantwortung spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die Moralphilosophie. Verantwortung ist eine Konsequenz unserer Handlungsfähigkeit sowie eine Vorbedingung von Verdienst und Schuld. Was allerdings in der Moralphilosophie häufig unter Verantwortung verstanden wird, ist in einer wichtigen Hinsicht simpler als unser alltägliches Verantwortungsverständnis, weil ihm dessen dynamischer Charakter fehlt. Ziel meines Beitrags ist es, auch in der Philosophie stattdessen für einen komplexen, dynamischen Verantwortungsbegriff zu plädieren. Nach meiner Überzeugung lassen sich dadurch eine Reihe schwieriger philosophischer Probleme auflösen und vor (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Wer Weiss, was die ZUKUNFT bringen wird? Prognosen als Erkenntnistheoretische Herausforderung.Ralf Stoecker - 2001 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 34:1-22.
    Do we sometimes know what will happen in the future? There are two intuitively plausible answers. The prognostic thesis says that we frequently know what will happen, the agnostic thesis says that we never do. Examining the question in the light of different conditions of knowledge supports the prognostic thesis. Yet there is still room for the agnostic intuition, as an expression of oUf necessarily suboptimal epistemic situation with respect to the future, but also of our freedom, in principle, to (...)
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  38.  6
    Sterben lassen: über Entscheidungen am Ende des Lebens.Ralf J. Jox - 2011 - Hamburg: Edition Körber-Stiftung.
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    Living Will Versus Will to Live? How to Navigate Through Complex Decisions for Persons With Dementia.Ralf J. Jox - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):85-87.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 85-87.
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    Indicators of causal agency in physical interactions: The role of the prior context.Ralf Mayrhofer & Michael R. Waldmann - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):485-490.
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  41. Kant and the Categories of Freedom.Ralf M. Bader - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4):799-820.
    This paper provides an account of Kant's categories of freedom, explaining how they fit together and what role they are supposed to play. My interpretation places particular emphasis on the structural features that the table of the categories of freedom shares with the table of judgements and the table of categories laid out by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason. In this way we can identify two interpretative constraints, namely (i) that the categories falling under each heading must form (...)
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  42. Stochastic Dominance and Opaque Sweetening.Ralf M. Bader - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):498-507.
    ABSTRACTThis paper addresses the problem of opaque sweetening and argues that one should use stochastic dominance in comparing lotteries even when dealing with incomplete orderings that allow for non-comparable outcomes.
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    Kant's Transcendental Psychology.Ralf Meerbote & Patricia Kitcher - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (4):862.
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    Hui Shi und die Entwicklung im des philosophischen Denkens im Alten China.Ralf Moritz - 1973 - Berlin: Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients.
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    Freuds Traumtheorie aus der Perspektive seines Spätwerks.Ralf Binswanger & Lutz Wittmann - 2024 - Psyche 78 (8):673-705.
    Der vorliegende Beitrag soll das Verständnis von Freuds Traumtheorie erleichtern. Die vorgestellte neue Perspektive basiert auf dem fünften Kapitel von Freuds »Abriß der Psychoanalyse« (1940a). Dieses Kapitel enthält eine kompakte Zusammenfassung von Freuds Traumtheorie unter Anwendung des strukturellen Gesichtspunktes. Die Autoren schlagen vor, dieses Kapitel als eine Art Lesehilfe für die Lektüre der »Traumdeutung« zu verwenden, was durch einige Absätze aus deren siebtem Kapitel illustriert wird. Auf diese Weise soll deutlich gemacht werden, dass »Die Traumdeutung« nicht umgeschrieben werden muss, um (...)
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    Theorie und Praxis der Menschenwürde.Ralf Stoecker - 2019 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Mentis.
    Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. – Trotz ihrer prominenten Rolle im Grundgesetz und in vielen anderen Dokumenten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat sich die moderne Philosophie lange Zeit nur wenig um die Menschenwürde gekümmert. Erst als um die Jahrtausendwende herum die Würde von Embryonen zur Diskussion stand, zeigte es sich, wie spannend und schwierig es ist, ein angemessenes philosophisches Verständnis der Menschenwürde zu finden. Dieses Buch basiert auf drei Grundgedanken: dass die Menschenwürde aus ihren Verletzungen heraus verstanden werden muss, (...)
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  47. Qualitativität und Ähnlichkeit: Grundprobleme der Eigenschaftstheorie.Ralf Busse - 2008 - Facta Philosophica 10 (1):185-230.
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  48. Medical futility at the end of life: the perspectives of intensive care and palliative care clinicians.Ralf J. Jox, Andreas Schaider, Georg Marckmann & Gian Domenico Borasio - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):540-545.
    Objectives Medical futility at the end of life is a growing challenge to medicine. The goals of the authors were to elucidate how clinicians define futility, when they perceive life-sustaining treatment (LST) to be futile, how they communicate this situation and why LST is sometimes continued despite being recognised as futile. Methods The authors reviewed ethics case consultation protocols and conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 physicians and 11 nurses from adult intensive and palliative care units at a tertiary hospital in (...)
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  49. The non-transitivity of the contingent and occasional identity relations.Ralf M. Bader - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (1):141-152.
    This paper establishes that the occasional identity relation and the contingent identity relation are both non-transitive and as such are not properly classified as identity relations. This is achieved by appealing to cases where multiple fissions and fusions occur simultaneously. These cases show that the contingent and occasional identity relations do not even satisfy the time-indexed and world-indexed versions of the transitivity requirement and hence are non-transitive relations.
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  50. The Asymmetry.Ralf Bader - 2022 - In Jeff McMahan, Timothy Campbell, Ketan Ramakrishnan & Jimmy Goodrich (eds.), Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 15–37.
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