Results for 'Raúl Zarzuri'

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  1. Tensiones y desafíos en la participación política juvenil en Chile.Raúl Zarzuri - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):103-115.
    Este texto intenta reflexionar sobre algunas construcciones que se han realizado de los jóvenes chilenos respecto de la participación política. Se señala, que más que un desencanto con ella, hay un desencanto con una cierta forma de construir la política en Chile, la cual no tiene conexiones con la ..
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    What Is Complex/Emotional About Emotional Complexity?Raul Berrios - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Review of Raul Hilberg: The Destruction of the European Jews[REVIEW]Raul Hilberg - 1962 - Ethics 72 (2):148-149.
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  4. Moral Responsibility of Robots and Hybrid Agents.Raul Hakli & Pekka Mäkelä - 2019 - The Monist 102 (2):259-275.
    We study whether robots can satisfy the conditions of an agent fit to be held morally responsible, with a focus on autonomy and self-control. An analogy between robots and human groups enables us to modify arguments concerning collective responsibility for studying questions of robot responsibility. We employ Mele’s history-sensitive account of autonomy and responsibility to argue that even if robots were to have all the capacities required of moral agency, their history would deprive them from autonomy in a responsibility-undermining way. (...)
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  5. Pensar a partir de Kant: la interpretación filosófica del mito en Paul Ricoeur.Raúl Kerbs - 2004 - Diálogo Filosófico 58:97-118.
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  6. Ontological Collectivism.Raul Saucedo - 2022 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):233-269.
    I give shape to a neglected debate in metaphysics, the debate over the ontological priority between individuality and collectivity. I distinguish the debate from more familiar ones in the recent literature and articulate what I call ontological collectivism, the view that collectivity is prior to individuality. I defend the in-principle intelligibility of the view from forceful general objections and argue that not only is it coherent but also of significant interest to the literature: it allows for overlooked alternatives on a (...)
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  7. Reasoning About Collectively Accepted Group Beliefs.Raul Hakli & Sara Negri - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):531-555.
    A proof-theoretical treatment of collectively accepted group beliefs is presented through a multi-agent sequent system for an axiomatization of the logic of acceptance. The system is based on a labelled sequent calculus for propositional multi-agent epistemic logic with labels that correspond to possible worlds and a notation for internalized accessibility relations between worlds. The system is contraction- and cut-free. Extensions of the basic system are considered, in particular with rules that allow the possibility of operative members or legislators. Completeness with (...)
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  8. On the possibility of group knowledge without belief.Raul Hakli - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):249 – 266.
    Endorsing the idea of group knowledge seems to entail the possibility of group belief as well, because it is usually held that knowledge entails belief. It is here studied whether it would be possible to grant that groups can have knowledge without being committed to the controversial view that groups can have beliefs. The answer is positive on the assumption that knowledge can be based on acceptance as well as belief. The distinction between belief and acceptance can be seen as (...)
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    On Dialectical Justification of Group Beliefs.Raul Hakli - 2011 - In Hans Bernhard Schmid, Daniel Sirtes & Marcel Weber (eds.), Collective Epistemology. Ontos. pp. 119-154.
    Epistemic justification of non-summative group beliefs is studied in this paper. Such group beliefs are understood to be voluntary acceptances, the justification of which differs from that of involuntary beliefs. It is argued that whereas epistemic evaluation of involuntary beliefs can be seen not to require reasons, justification of voluntary acceptance of a proposition as true requires that the agent, a group or an individual, can provide reasons for the accepted view. This basic idea is studied in relation to theories (...)
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  10. Two kinds of we-reasoning.Raul Hakli, Kaarlo Miller & Raimo Tuomela - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (3):291-320.
    Page 1. Economics and Philosophy, 26 291--320 Copyright C Cambridge University Press doi: 10.1017 / S0266267110000386 TWO KINDS OF WE-REASONING RAUL HAKLI, KAARLO MILLER AND RAIMO TUOMELA University of Helsinki.
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    El deseo de razón y la alteridad constitutiva Apuntes sobre el ser humano en la Ética de Spinoza.Raúl de Pablos Escalante - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (58):245-269.
    En este trabajo centrado en la Ética se resaltará la dimensión de alteridad de la esencia del ser humano y, por lo tanto, en el caso de Spinoza, de la noción de deseo. A partir de esta alteridad constitutiva, el modo dicotómico de pensar lo social y lo individual es reconsiderado mediante un deseo que, sin dejar de ser singular, es y persevera en relación con los demás. Con el fin de no reducir la noción de deseo a una de (...)
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    Higher Physical Activity Levels May Help Buffer the Negative Psychological Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.Raul Antunes, Ricardo Rebelo-Gonçalves, Nuno Amaro, Rogério Salvador, Rui Matos, Pedro Morouço & Roberta Frontini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explored the associations between physical activity anxiety levels, and the perception of satisfaction of basic psychological needs, during Coronavirus Disease 2019 lockdown. Thus, 1,404 participants ranging from 18 to 89 years old completed a questionnaire in the period between 1st and 15th April 2021. The survey included sociodemographic data and the following validated instruments: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the Basic Need General Satisfaction Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to examine variation in (...)
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    El „Sueño de Escipión“ , el „díptico de la Consecratio“ y la rehabilitación oficial de Virio Nicómaco Flaviano.Raúl Villegas Marín - 2017 - Klio 99 (2):644-675.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 644-675.
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    L'insurrection en Argentine et la déclaration du groupe Situacionès.Raúl Sánchez - 2002 - Multitudes 1 (1):154-160.
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    Bisimulations for Knowing How Logics.Raul Fervari, Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada & Yanjing Wang - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):450-486.
    As a new type of epistemic logics, the logics of knowing how capture the high-level epistemic reasoning about the knowledge of various plans to achieve certain goals. Existing work on these logics focuses on axiomatizations; this paper makes the first study of their model theoretical properties. It does so by introducing suitable notions of bisimulation for a family of five knowing how logics based on different notions of plans. As an application, we study and compare the expressive power of these (...)
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    The Three Waves of Dialectic in the Republic.Raúl Gutiérrez - 2015 - In Gabriele Cornelli (ed.), Plato's Styles and Characters: Between Literature and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 15-32.
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    Validation of a Physical Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Instrument Toward Inclusion of Students With Disabilities.Raúl Reina, Roberto Ferriz & Alba Roldan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. Frege's Ontology: Being, Existence, and Truth.Raul Corazzon - unknown
    "One of Frege's main semantic principles, is however, missing in Dummett's book, [Frege: philosophy of language] and it is has been ignored by most Frege scholars. That principle is the thesis concerning the ambiguity of the word 'is'. Angelelli come close to attending to it when he makes some remarks on identity and predication, and Matthias Schirn puts special emphasis on the role of the thesis in Frege's work. However, the great majority of Frege scholars have neglected the ambiguity doctrine, (...)
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    The Logic of Decadence.Raúl Gutiérrez - 2003 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 3:85-102.
  20. Psychophysical Evidence.Raul Kompass - 2004 - In Christian Kaernbach, Erich Schröger & Hermann Müller (eds.), Psychophysics Beyond Sensation: Laws and Invariants of Human Cognition. Psychology Press. pp. 451.
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    Filologia digitale (a partire dal lavoro per l'edizione informatica dello Zibaldone Laurenziano di Boccaccio).Raul Mordenti - 2012 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 2 (1):37-56.
    The transformation of the text from the pre-information technology and Gutenberg modes to the model marked by information or digital technology is such that it substantially changes not only the concept of the text but also the nature of philology itself. This paper presents and discusses the problems encountered in producing a digital edition of the Zibaldone Laurenziano, Giovanni Boccaccio’s handwritten manuscript conserved in the Laurenziana Library in Florence (Pluteo XXIX, 8). The Medieval text in general, and even more with (...)
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    El problema del tiempo en la filosofía de san Agustín..Raúl Alberto Piérola - 1941 - Santa Fe,: Imprenta de la Universidad.
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    (1 other version)Más allá del criticismo radical. Lange y la herencia kantiana en Nietzsche.Raúl Villarroel Soto, Daniel Pérez Fajardo & Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 77:205-215.
    El esclarecimiento y la determinación exacta de cuáles pueden haber sido las fuentes, autores o ideas que influyeron decisivamente el pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche y el modo como tales referencias teórico-conceptuales pudieron haber quedado incorporadas y expresadas luego en toda la extensión de su obra, constituye uno de los asuntos más complejos y difíciles de abordar para la investigación académica especializada. A materializar dicha tarea indagatoria se dirige este artículo, buscando con ello proveer una estrategia de lectura que permita visualizar (...)
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    ciudad latinoamericana moderna: finales del siglo XIX-1920.Raúl Zhingre - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    Este trabajo estudia la historia de la ciudad moderna de finales del siglo XIX-1920, en el que destaca la ciudad culta e higiénica. De este modo, la ciudad se vinculó a las políticas de planificación, higiene, ornato, celebraciones religiosas, conmemoraciones y juntas de embellecimiento. Esto sirvió de promoción de la ciudad moderna al servicio del urbanismo de las élites, a los intereses por construir memorias nacionales y modernizar las repúblicas. Se inauguraron calles, parques y edificios; situación que permitía un escenario (...)
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  25. (2 other versions)Parthood and location.Raul Saucedo - 2009 - In Dean Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 5. Oxford University Press UK.
    I argue that from a very weak recombination principle and plausible assumptions about the nature of parthood and location it follows that it's possible that the mereological structure of the material world and that of spacetime fail to correspond to one another in very radical ways. I defend, moreover, that rejecting the possibility of such failures of correspondence leaves us with a choice of equally radical alternatives. I also discuss a few ways in which their possibility is relevant to various (...)
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  26. Conversaciones con Raúl Prebisch.C. Mallorquín Raúl Prebisch - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 25.
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    Stylistique et sémiotique tensive : Convergences et divergences.Raul Dorra & Blanca Alberta Rodriguez - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):239-256.
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    Sobre lo común. Entrevista a Pierre Dardot realizada por Raúl González Meyer.Pierre Dardot & Raúl González Meyer - 2024 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (2):151-166.
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    Clustering extension of MOVICAB-IDS to distinguish intrusions in flow-based data.Raúl Sánchez, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):83-102.
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    Anotaciones sobre el pensamiento de J. Martí y la posibilidad de interpretarlo desde el punto de vista marxista.Raúl Fornet Betancourt - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:223-262.
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    Martin Heidegger on the History of Metaphysics as Ontotheology.Raul Corazzon - unknown
    "Heidegger's way of understanding the originary phenomenon of truth is to "make clear the mode of being of the cognition itself." His starting point is a proposition that is not based on intuition. Someone says with his or her back to the wall: this picture hangs askew. The proposition embodies the claim to have discovered the picture (as a being) in the "how" (the mode) of its being. The proposition displays this "how" of being in language. In the attempt to (...)
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    The Rediscovery of John Poinsot (John of St. Thomas).Raul Corazzon - unknown
    Language and Ontology: Linguistic Relativism (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) vs. Universal Grammar Universal Ontology vs. Ontological Relativity Semiotics and Ontology: The Rediscovery of John Poinsot (John of St. Thomas) Annotated Bibliography of John Deely. First part: 1965-1998 Annotated Bibliography of John Deely. Second part: 1999-2010..
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  33. The motions of the soul.Raul Dorra & Veronica Estay Stange - 2007 - Semiotica 163 (1-4):111-129.
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  34. Poesía y sentido.Raúl Echauri - 1992 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 9:127-132.
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    Percepção Sensível em Descartes.Raul Ferreira Landim Filho - 2021 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 23 (2):1-28.
    Neste artigo procuramos analisar e responder a três questões: [a] As sensações são apenas estados mentais? [b] São as sensações estados mentais intencionais, isto é, percepções sensíveis? [c] São as percepções sensíveis ideias sensíveis? Para responder a estas questões, analisamos as condições corporais das sensações, a expressão destas condições na mente e mostramos sob que condições as sensações são percepções intencionais e sob que condições percepções intencionais podem ser consideradas como ideias.
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  36. We Stand a Chance.Raul Hakli - 2019 - In Randall E. Auxier & Megan A. Volpert (eds.), Tom Petty and Philosophy: We Need to Know. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing.
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    Paul Ricoeur en Los límites Del pensamiento kantiano: La hermenéutica Del testimonio.Raúl A. Kerbs - 2006 - Discusiones Filosóficas 7 (10):169-181.
    Se trata de mostrar que la“hermenéutica del testimonio” deRicoeur, a pesar de darle la dimensiónde la contingencia histórica que le faltaal concepto de “mundo del texto” y deintroducir la mediación histórica de laconciencia, no rompe con loslineamientos kantianos desde loscuales Ricoeur ha concebido suhermenéutica filosófica, ya que eltestimonio es pensado desde la relaciónkantiana entre las ideas y supresentación sensible.This paper intends to show that in spiteof the fact that Ricoeur’s “Hermeneuticsof Testimony” provides the historic dimension that is missing in the (...)
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  38. La teoría de la evolución y la iglesia Católica.Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (17):111-122.
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  39. Análisis matemático del fenómeno económico- social ''producción- uso''.Raúl Pey - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 6 (2-3):85-94.
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    More on the claimed identity between inertial mass and gravitational mass.Raúl A. Rapacioli & Fundación Julio Palacios - 2001 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 4 (3):139.
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    A survey on the inventory-routing problem with stochastic lead times and demands.Raúl F. Roldán, Rosa Basagoiti & Leandro C. Coelho - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:15-24.
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  42. Logística.Raul da Costa Torres - 1954 - Lisboa,:
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    Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony. By Bruce Grelle.Raúl Zegarra - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (2):420-421.
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  44. Políticas sociales, gobiernos progresistas y movimientos antisistémicos.Raúl Zibechi - 2010 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 35:5-20.
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    discurso eurocéntrico en los manuales españoles de Historia del Arte de Bachillerato.Raúl López Castelló & David Parra-Monserrat - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:326-343.
    Esta investigación analiza la presencia del discurso eurocéntrico en los manuales de Historia del Arte de Bachillerato desde una dimensión sociogenética. La muestra se compone de ejemplares pertenecientes a editoriales españolas de alcance nacional (Anaya, ECIR, Ediciones Ruiz, SM, Teide y Vicens Vives) en una cronología que comprende los distintos periodos por los que ha atravesado la materia entre 1953 y 2006. El estudio deriva de la aplicación de un guion de análisis documental que contempla, entre sus variables, la construcción (...)
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    Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality.Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume offers eleven philosophical investigations into our future relations with social robots--robots that are specially designed to engage and connect with human beings. The contributors present cutting edge research that examines whether, and on which terms, robots can become members of human societies. Can our relations to robots be said to be "social"? Can robots enter into normative relationships with human beings? How will human social relations change when we interact with robots at work and at home? The authors (...)
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    Eliciting mixed emotions: a meta-analysis comparing models, types, and measures.Raul Berrios, Peter Totterdell & Stephen Kellett - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  48. Reflexiones en torno a la universalidad poética de la comedia aristofánica.Raúl Alexander Murcia Barón - 2012 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 22:99-108.
    This analysis comes from a philosophical glance at Aristophanic comedy, where the problem seems to move towards universality of poetry. The common manner to face this problem is getting close to the concepts of learning and inference, introduced in the field of a sort of action or a sort of character without consideration for the Aristotle’s horizon of the poetic research télos, érgon, oikeía hedone and katharsis, or the Greek theatrical-poetic representation as an autonomous form of universal mythos. The underestimation (...)
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  49. Filosofía latinoamericana:¿ posibilidad o realidad?Raúl Fornet Betancourt - 1992 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:247-265.
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  50. Introducción: aprender a filosofar desde el contexto del diálogo de las culturas.Raúl Fornet Betancourt - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 90:365-382.
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