Results for 'Reading Strategies'

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  1.  21
    Promoting Metacognition of Reading Strategies in a Higher Education Context in Pakistan.Bushra Khurram - 2022 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 61 (2):35-47.
    _To develop reading skills of students, teachers have been advised to provide metacognitive reading strategy instruction by researchers. However, previous research has provided limited understanding of how teachers could foster metacognition of reading strategies in a ‘real’ classroom setting. Moreover, previous research pre-supposed an a priori list of teaching practices in the lessons and did not take into account the needs of the students and the context during metacognitive reading strategy instruction. Studies facilitating metacognitive (...) strategy instruction in an ESL setting are also rare. This paper reports on an action research that provides a detailed data-led understanding of how metacognition of reading strategies could be promoted in an ecologically valid university level ESL classroom setting. The study participants of this study were eight undergraduate university students. Data for the study was collected through learner diaries, interviews, think aloud protocols, note-taking, researcher journal and end of class feedback in two action research cycles over an academic year. The findings revealed that providing explicit instruction and opportunities for collaborative discussion about strategy use as well as promoting students’ interest in reading helped raise students’ awareness, use and regulation of reading strategies. Implications of the study are discussed. _. (shrink)
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    Metacognition as a Reading Strategy in Incoming University Students.Erika Belinda Ramirez-Altamirano, Angel Salvatierra Melgar, William Camilo Yauris-Polo, Sandy Guillen-Cuba, Carlos Huamanquispe-Apaza & Percy Lima-Roman - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):245-258.
    Reading and reading comprehension is of great importance for students to be able to grasp the main idea of what they are reading, for which reading strategies are needed. The objective of the research is to analyze and describe the perspectives of the reading strategies they use and how to help entering university students to face their professional studies. The methodology used is descriptive and correlational among its elements, it is of cross-sectional and (...)
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    Reading strategies for children and adults: A quantitative model.Doris Aaronson & Steven Ferres - 1986 - Psychological Review 93 (1):89-112.
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    Subjects and reading strategies in hypermedia: The re-emergence of the author.Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):525-555.
    Following the much-vaunted ‘death of the author,’ this article investigates the re-emergence of the author's subjectivity (and the relation of this to readers' strategies) in electronic texts. Specifically, it looks at the design of ‘hypertextual transpositions’ — a particular kind of information-intensive hypermedial application presenting a ‘classic’ literary text by providing an electronic version and a series of multimedial added materials that can be used in reading, enjoying, and/or studying the literary text. By closely analyzing a sample of (...)
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  5. Practices Without Foundations? Sceptical Readings of Wittgenstein and Goodman: An Investigation Into the Description and Justification of Induction and Meaning at the Intersection of Kripke's "Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language" and Goodman's "Fact, Fiction and Forecast".Rupert J. Read - 1995 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    'Practices without foundations' is, in genesis and in effect, a discussion of the following quotation , which serves therefore as an epigraph to it: ;Nelson Goodman's discussion of the 'new riddle of induction' ... deserves comparison with Wittgenstein's work. Indeed ... the basic strategy of Goodman's treatment of the 'new riddle' is strikingly close to Wittgenstein's sceptical arguments .... Although our paradigm of Wittgenstein's problem was formulated for a mathematical problem it ... is completely general and can be applied to (...)
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    Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload ca. 1550-1700.Ann Blair - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (1):11.
    This article surveys some of the ways in which early modern scholars responded to what they perceived as an overabundance of books. In addition to owning more books and applying selective judgment as well as renewed diligence to their reading and note-taking, scholars devised shortcuts, sometimes based on medieval antecedents. These shortcuts included the use of the alphabetical index, whether printed or handmade, to read a book in parts, and the use of reference books, amanuenses, abbreviations, or the cutting (...)
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  7. Effect of reading strategies for procedural text on recall, comprehension, and task-performance.Cb Mills, Va Diehl, Lc Mou & Dp Birkmire - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):529-529.
  8.  23
    Reading Amount and Reading Strategy as Mediators of the Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Reading Motivation on Reading Achievement.Xiaocheng Wang, Lina Jia & Yuanying Jin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Designing System Reforms: Using a Systems Approach to Translate Incident Analyses into Prevention Strategies.Natassia Goode, Gemma J. M. Read, Michelle R. H. van Mulken, Amanda Clacy & Paul M. Salmon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Turn of the Glass Key: Popular Fiction as Reading Strategy.Peter J. Rabinowitz - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):418-431.
    Even among critics not particularly concerned with detective fiction, Dashiell Hammett’s fourth novel, The Glass Key , is famous for carrying the so-called objective method to almost obsessive lengths: we are never told what the characters are thinking, only what they do and look like. Anyone’s decisions about anyone else’s intentions are interpretive decisions, dependent on correct presuppositions—on having the right interpretive key. The novel’s title, in part, refers to this kind of key. Ned Beaumont, the protagonist, has to decide (...)
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  11. She Can Read: Feminist Reading Strategies for Biblical Narrative.Emily Cheney - 1996
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  12.  58
    Hard choices and weak Wills: The theory of intrapersonal dilemmas.Daniel Read & Peter Roelofsma - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (3):341 – 356.
    Social dilemmas occur when individuals make choices that are in their own best interest but not in the interest of society as a whole. Intrapersonal dilemmas occur when people make choices that are in the best interest of themselves at the moment of choice, but not in the best interest of themselves in the long run. A number of writers have observed that we can usefully model this self-defeating behavior by treating each individual as an aggregate of selves which have (...)
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  13.  20
    Analysis of the Structural Validity of the Reduced Version of Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory.Daniel Ondé, Virginia Jiménez, Jesús M. Alvarado & Marta Gràcia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The application of metacognitive strategies is considered a basic skill of the student at any educational level. In the present study, we evaluate the reduced version of the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory in Spanish, a self-report instrument designed to measure the metacognitive awareness of students and their perception of the strategies that they use while they are reading school materials. MARSI-R is formed by three subscales: global reading strategies, problem-solving strategies, (...)
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  14. Comparative Scriptural Studies as an Approach of Doing Biblical Studies in China: Taking Zhu Xi's Scripture Reading Strategy as a Case Study.You Bin - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (4):665-686.
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    The Impact of Language Opacity and Proficiency on Reading Strategies in Bilinguals: An Eye Movement Study.Diego de León Rodríguez, Karin A. Buetler, Noëmi Eggenberger, Marina Laganaro, Thomas Nyffeler, Jean-Marie Annoni & René M. Müri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  16. Effects of cognitive-based reading strategies in.Chi-Ming Ho & 何志明 - unknown
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    Sophistry about symmetries?Niels C. M. Martens & James Read - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):315-344.
    A common adage runs that, given a theory manifesting symmetries, the syntax of that theory should be modified in order to construct a new theory, from which symmetry-variant structure of the original theory has been excised. Call this strategy for explicating the underlying ontology of symmetry-related models reduction. Recently, Dewar has proposed an alternative to reduction as a means of articulating the ontology of symmetry-related models—what he calls sophistication, in which the semantics of the original theory is modified, and symmetry-related (...)
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  18.  14
    Reading datasets: Strategies for interpreting the politics of data signification.Lindsay Poirier - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    All datasets emerge from and are enmeshed in power-laden semiotic systems. While emerging data ethics curriculum is supporting data science students in identifying data biases and their consequences, critical attention to the cultural histories and vested interests animating data semantics is needed to elucidate the assumptions and political commitments on which data rest, along with the externalities they produce. In this article, I introduce three modes of reading that can be engaged when studying datasets—a denotative reading, a connotative (...)
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  19.  34
    Improving reading comprehension strategies through listening.C. Aarnoutse, S. Brand-Gruwel & R. Oduber - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (2):209-227.
    The goal of this study was to determine whether it is possible to teach children with serious decoding problems four text comprehension strategies in listening contexts. The subjects were 9-11 year old students from special schools for children with learning disabilities. All the students were very poor at decoding; half of the group were also poor listeners, whereas the other half consisted of normal listeners. The experimental children were trained in strategies of clarifying, questioning, summarising and predicting through (...)
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  20.  12
    Reading Comprehension in L2: Effect of Explicit Instruction of Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies.Rodrigo Matamala Poblete & Belén Muñoz Muñoz - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:160-176.
    Resumen: La instrucción explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje ha emergido como una ventaja para la enseñanza de lenguas. En Chile, diferentes investigaciones han abordado este tema, limitándose a describir el tipo de estrategias utilizadas en L2 en contextos universitarios, por lo que es necesario ampliar el enfoque de estos estudios e incorporar a aprendientes secundarios. En este sentido, la presente investigación se propuso estudiar el impacto de la instrucción explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje cognitivas y metacognitivas en la lectura en (...)
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  21.  10
    Le Papillon Des Étoiles and Hindu Philosophy: Reading Strategy on ‘Repetition of Suffering and Escape from Suffering’.Hyoyeop Park - 2008 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 24:5-26.
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  22.  11
    Reading psychology and news communication strategies for affective computing.Beichun Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Reading psychology is an important basis for formulating news strategies. The purpose of this paper is to study how to analyze and study the psychological mechanism of reading and news communication strategies based on affective computing. It described the conditional random field. This paper put forward the problem of affective computing, which is based on affective computing technology. Then it expounded the concept of conditional random fields and related algorithms, and designed and analyzed cases of news (...)
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  23. Symptomatic readings: Žižekian theory as a discursive strategy.Chris McMillan - 2008 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 2 (1).
    Lacanian psychoanalysis, embodied in contemporary thought by Slavoj Žižek’s dialectical materialist rehabilitation of universality, enables a form of political analysis based on the possibility of structural change. Many political theorists argue that because psychoanalysis stresses the negative ontological base of the social it is fundamentally conservative and nihilistic. Conversely, the very political value of psychoanalysis lies in its accent on the Real. The main political insight of Lacanian psychoanalysis is not to reveal the contingency of the social, but rather the (...)
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  24.  14
    Strategies for sense reading in the process of learning to solve text problems in primary school.Valentina Vladimirovna Kokoreva, Alla Anatolyevna Vendina & Lyudmila Viktorovna Andrukhiv - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):261-265.
    The article deals with the issue of the formation of semantic reading skills in mathematics lessons in elementary school in the process of analyzing and solving plot text problems. Attention is focused on the stages of analyzing the text of the task in accordance with the known types of semantic reading. For each of these stages, a brief description of the students' activities is given. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of (...)
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  25.  18
    Reading Accuracy as a Function of Teaching Strategy, Personality and Word Complexity in Seven‐year‐old Children.R. J. Riding & E. M. Rigby Smith - 1984 - Educational Studies 10 (3):263-272.
    (1984). Reading Accuracy as a Function of Teaching Strategy, Personality and Word Complexity in Seven‐year‐old Children. Educational Studies: Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 263-272.
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    Dynamic Assessment of Reading Difficulties: Predictive and Incremental Validity on Attitude toward Reading and the Use of Dialogue/Participation Strategies in Classroom Activities.Juan-José Navarro & Laura Lara - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:230315.
    Dynamic Assessment (DA) has been shown to have more predictive value than conventional tests for academic performance. However, in relation to reading difficulties, further research is needed to determine the predictive validity of DA for specific aspects of the different processes involved in reading and the differential validity of DA for different subgroups of students with an academic disadvantage. This paper analyzes the implementation of a DA device that evaluates processes involved in reading (EDPL) among 60 students (...)
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  27.  37
    Feedback Strategies in Foreign Language Reading Classes.Omid Tabatabaei & Azade Banitalebi - 2011 - Asian Culture and History 3 (2):p59.
    In today’s schools, reading in an L2 is a very challenging task, and it is impossible to ignore the role of feedback in optimizing reading achievement. The present study was an attempt to investigate the type of both positive and corrective feedback moves utilized by L2 teachers in L2 reading comprehension classes. The study concentrated on six different kinds of corrective feedback, namely, explicit correction, recast, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback, elicitation, and repetition, as well as four positive (...)
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    Reading Accuracy as a Function of Teaching Strategy, Personality and Word Complexity in Seven‐year‐old Children.R. Riding & E. Rigby Smith - 1984 - Educational Studies 10 (3):263-272.
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  29.  50
    Two Paradigmatic Strategies for Reading Zhuang Zi's "Happy Fish" Vignette as Philosophy: Guo Xiang's and Wang Fuzhi's Approaches.John R. Williams - 2018 - Comparative Philosophy 9 (2).
    One of the most beloved passages in the Zhuang-Zi text is a dialogue between Hui Zi and Zhuang Zi at the end of the “Qiu-shui” chapter. While this is one of many vignettes involving Hui Zi and Zhuang Zi in the text, this particular vignette has recently drawn attention in Chinese and comparative philosophy circles. The most basic question concerning these studies is whether or not the passage represents a substantial philosophical dispute, or instead idle chitchat between two friends. This (...)
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  30.  12
    Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research.Rona F. Flippo & David C. Caverly (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    This _Handbook _is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source available for college reading and study strategy practitioners and administrators. In response to changing demographics, politics, policy, issues, and concerns in the field of college reading and study strategies since publication of the first edition in 2000, this new edition has been substantially revised and fully updated to reflect the newest research in the field, including six new chapters and a more user-friendly structure to make it easier for (...)
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  31.  15
    Strategies for Improving Text Reading Ability Based on Human-Computer Interaction in Artificial Intelligence.Guorong Shen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In order to improve text reading ability, a human-computer interaction method based on artificial intelligence human-computer interaction is proposed. Firstly, the design of the AI human-computer interaction model is constructed, which includes the Stanford Question Answering Dataset and the designed baseline model. There are three components: the coding layer is based on a cyclic neural network, which aims to encode the problem and text into a hidden state; the interaction layer is used to integrate problems and text representation; the (...)
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  32.  48
    Reading History in a Revolutionary Age: Strategies for Interpreting 1688 in Richard Price, James Mackintosh, and Edmund Burke.Morgan Rooney - 2008 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 27:27.
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    SOCRATES’ STRATEGIES - (M.) Marshall Reading Plato's Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry. Exploring Socrates’ Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement. Pp. x + 223, figs. London and New York: Routledge, 2021. Cased, £120, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-36763632-6. [REVIEW]James H. Collins - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):459-461.
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  34. Spoken sentence processing strategies vary with reading skill.Dj Townsend, C. Carrithers & T. Bever - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):322-322.
  35. Assessing Cognitively Complex Strategy Use in an Untrained Domain.George T. Jackson, Rebekah H. Guess & Danielle S. McNamara - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):127-137.
    Researchers of advanced technologies are constantly seeking new ways of measuring and adapting to user performance. Appropriately adapting system feedback requires accurate assessments of user performance. Unfortunately, many assessment algorithms must be trained on and use pre‐prepared data sets or corpora to provide a sufficiently accurate portrayal of user knowledge and behavior. However, if the targeted content of the tutoring system changes depending on the situation, the assessment algorithms must be sufficiently independent to apply to untrained content. Such is the (...)
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  36.  21
    New Strategies for Reading Vergil.Deborah Davies - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (2):173-176.
  37.  36
    Early medieval daoist texts: Strategies of reading and fusion of horizons.Friederike Assandri - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (3):381-396.
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    The Diabolical Strategy of Mimesis: Luce Irigaray's Reading of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Susan Kozel - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):114-129.
    In this essay I explore the dynamic between Luce Irigaray and Maurice Merleau-Ponty as it unfolds in An Ethics of Sexual Difference. Irigaray's strategy of mimesis is a powerful feminist tool, both philosophically and politically. Regarding textual engagement as analogous for relations between self and other beyond the text, I deliver a cautionary message: mimetic strategy is powerful but runs the risk of silencing the voice of the other.
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  39.  29
    Positive Psychology Broadens Readers’ Attentional Scope During L2 Reading: Evidence From Eye Movements.Chi Yui Leung, Hitoshi Mikami & Lisa Yoshikawa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:472204.
    While positive psychology has drawn increasing interests among researchers in the SLA literature recently, little is known with respect to the relationship between positive psychology and mental processes during L2 reading. To bridge the gap, the present study investigated whether and how positive psychology (self-efficacy) influences word reading strategies during L2 sentence reading. Based on previous studies, eye-movement patterns with first-fixation locations closer to the beginning of a word can be characterized as an attempt to process (...)
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  40. Apocalyptic "Madness": Strategies for Reading Ecce Homo.John Whitmire - 2020 - In Duncan Large & Nicholas Martin (eds.), Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo”. De Gruyter. pp. 335-359.
    In this paper, I examine the claim that Nietzsche was already mad (or on the verge of madness) when he wrote Ecce Homo, arguing that this assumption, not the book’s quasi-autobiographical style, has been the chief impediment to a serious philosophical consideration of the text. I briefly take up several recent treatments of the work that attempt to counter the claim of madness commonly made about it, noting that while each of them gives us a good partial rejoinder, they all (...)
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  41. A Sociobiological Explanation of Strategies of Reading and Writing Philosophy.Rw Gilman - 1990 - Philosophical Forum 21 (3):295-323.
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  42.  49
    Strategies of Deconstruction: Derrida and the Myth of the Voice.Joseph Claude Evans - 1991 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Strategies of Deconstruction _ was first published in 1991. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. In the past two decades, the "movement" of deconstruction has bad tremendous impact on a number of academic, disciplines in the United States. However, its force has been rather limited in the field of philosophy, despite the fact that in Europe the practice of deconstruction emerged in (...)
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  43.  23
    Word reading skills in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review.Ana Paula Vale, Carina Fernandes & Susana Cardoso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of research suggests that children with autism spectrum disorder are at risk of reading and learning difficulties. However, there is mixed evidence on their weaknesses in different reading components, and little is known about how reading skills characterize in ASD. Thereby, the current study aimed to systematically review the research investigating this function in children with ASD. To this purpose, we reviewed 24 studies that compared children with ASD and children with typical development in (...)
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  44. Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research.George Rossolatos - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    The cultural consumption research landscape of the 21st century is marked by an increasing cross-disciplinary fermentation. At the same time, cultural theory and analysis have been marked by successive ‘inter-’ turns, most notably with regard to the Big Four: multimodality (or intermodality), interdiscursivity, transmediality (or intermediality), and intertextuality. This book offers an outline of interdiscursivity as an integrative platform for accommodating these notions. To this end, a call for a return to Foucault is issued via a critical engagement with the (...)
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    A strategy to what end? “The strategy of model building in population biology” in its programmatic context.Zvi Hasnes-Beninson - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-33.
    “The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology” published by Richard Levins in 1966 has been cited over 2500 times. For a paper concerned with modeling approaches in population biology a surprisingly large part of the attention. The Strategy received comes from history and philosophy of biology, and specifically from accounts on model and model formulation. The Strategy is an unusual paper; it presents neither new data nor a new formal model; at times it reads like a manifesto for some (...)
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    Viewing Strategies in Children With Visual Impairment and Children With Normal Vision: A Systematic Scoping Review.Anke Fonteyn-Vinke, Bianca Huurneman & Frouke N. Boonstra - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Viewing strategies are strategies used to support visual information processing. These strategies may differ between children with cerebral visual impairment, children with ocular visual impairment, and children with normal vision since visual impairment might have an impact on viewing behavior. In current visual rehabilitation practice a variety of strategies is used without consideration of the differences in etiology of the visual impairment or in the spontaneous viewing strategies used. This systematic scoping review focuses on viewing (...)
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    Examining the online reading behavior and performance of fifth-graders: evidence from eye-movement data.Yao-Ting Sung, Ming-Da Wu, Chun-Kuang Chen & Kuo-En Chang - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:137361.
    Online reading is developing at an increasingly rapid rate, but the debate concerning whether learning is more effective when using hypertexts than when using traditional linear texts is still persistent. In addition, several researchers stated that online reading comprehension always starts with a question, but little empirical evidence has been gathered to investigate this claim. This study used eye-tracking technology and retrospective think aloud technique to examine online reading behaviors of fifth-graders ( N = 50). The participants (...)
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    Reading the Bible Theologically.Darren Sarisky - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Theological interpretation of the Bible is one of the most significant debates within theology today. Yet what exactly is theological reading? Darren Sarisky proposes that it requires identification of the reader via a theological anthropology; an understanding of the text as a collection of signs; and reading the text with a view toward engaging with what it says of transcendence. Accounts of theological reading do not often give explicit focus to the place of the reader, but this (...)
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    Modelling Strategies: Creating Autonomy for Biology's Theory of Games.Sergio Sismondo - 1997 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 19 (2):147 - 161.
    John Maynard Smith is the person most responsible for the use of game theory in evolutionary biology, having introduced and developed its major concepts, and later surveyed its uses. In this paper I look at some rhetorical work done by Maynard Smith and his co-author G.R. Price to make game theory a standard and common modelling tool for the evolutionary study of behavior. The original presentation of the ideas — in a 1973 Nature article — is frequently cited but almost (...)
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  50. Chapter 5. Reading a Ciceronian Preface: Strategies of Reader Management.Yelena Baraz - 2012 - In A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics. Princeton University Press. pp. 150-186.
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