Results for 'Reasons of Par tiality'

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  1.  7
    A Study of Moderate Impartialism. 성창원 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 84:235-255.
    온건한 공평주의에 따르면 도덕은 기본적으로 공평성을 지니지만 그것은 편향성의 이유와도 양립 가능하다. 이러한 입장을 옹호하기 위해서는 편향성의 이유들을 적극적으로 논구할 필요가 있는데, 이러한 이유들을 이해하는 입장에는 크게 두 가지가 있다. 한편으로 환원주의에 따르면 편향성의 이유들은 근본적으로 도덕의 이유들에 의해 정당화되며, 다른 한편으로 비환원주의에 따르면 그 이유들은 주어진 편향성을 지지하는 구체적 가치들의 고유한 구조와 내용에 의해 담보되며 도덕의 이유들로 환원되지는 않는다. 비환원주의적 입장은 도덕의 이유들로 환원되지 않는 편향성의 이유들의 독립적 성격을 인정할 수 있다는 점에서 많은 지지를 받고 있다. 그리고 온건한 공평주의를 (...)
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    La justice par convention; signification philosophique de la doctrine de Rawls.par Jules Vuillemin - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1-2):155-166.
    RésuméOn examine ?on;abord les termes explicites et implicites du contrat de justice selon Rawls. Ensuite on rappelle ľinterprétation ‘procédurale’ que ce dernier donne de ľautonomie kantienne et ľon montre ľinanité de cette interprétation. Cependant la doctrine de Rawls exprime avec bon‐heur une conception sceptique de la justice.SummaryAfter a short examination of the explicit and implicit contract of justice according to Rawls, the reasons afforded by him to give a Kantian foundation to the contract are recalled and rebutted. However Rawls's (...)
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    Can natural behavior be cultivated? The farm as local human/animal culture.Pär Segerdahl - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (2):167-193.
    Although the notion of natural behavior occurs in many policy-making and legal documents on animal welfare, no consensus has been reached concerning its definition. This paper argues that one reason why the notion resists unanimously accepted definition is that natural behavior is not properly a biological concept, although it aspires to be one, but rather a philosophical tendency to perceive animal behavior in accordance with certain dichotomies between nature and culture, animal and human, original orders and invented artifacts. The paper (...)
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  4. How Physicalists Can—and Cannot—Explain the Seeming “Absurdity” of Physicalism.Pär Sundström - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (3):681-703.
    According to a widely held physicalist view, consciousness is identical with some physical or functional phenomenon just as liquidity is identical with loose molecular connection. To many of us, this claim about consciousness seems more problematic than the claim about liquidity. To many—including many physicalists—the identification of consciousness with some physical phenomenon even seems “absurd” or “crazy”. A full defence of physicalism should explain why the allegedly correct hypothesis comes across this way. If physicalism is true and we have reason (...)
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  5. Colour and Consciousness: Untying the Metaphysical Knot.Pär Sundström - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 136 (2):123 - 165.
    Colours and consciousness both present us with metaphysical problems. But what exactly are the problems? According to standard accounts, they are roughly the following. On the one hand, we have reason to believe, about both colour and consciousness, that they are identical with some familiar natural phenomena. But on the other hand, it is hard to see how these identities could obtain. I argue that this is an adequate characterisation of our metaphysical problem of colour, but a mischaracterisation of the (...)
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    Aspects historiques de l'insertion du bouddhisme dans quelques sociétés d'Asie.Par Jacques May - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (4):285-298.
    RésuméAu cours de son développement historique, le bouddhisme a montré une capacité remarquable à s'insérer dans les contextes sociaux les plus variés. Les cas de l'Inde et de Ceylan sont examinés, l'un longuement, l'autre brièvement. L'auteur cherche àétablir quelques‐unes des raisons pour lesquelles, à partir d'un donné social analogue, le bouddhisme a disparu de l'Inde, mais s'est maintenu à Ceylan.SummaryIn the course of its historical development Buddhism has shown a remarkable ability to find its way into the most diverse social (...)
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    (1 other version)Consciousness and Intentionality of Action.Pär Sundström - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 35:215-220.
    One much discussed issue in contemporary philosophy is the relation between consciousness and intentionality. Philosophers debate whether consciousness and intentionality are somehow ‘connected’; whether we have reason to be more optimistic about an ‘objective,’ ‘scientific’ or ‘third person’ ‘account’ of intentionality than about an analogous account of consciousness. This paper is intended as a limited contribution to that debate. I shall be concerned only with the intentionality of action. Not everything which is true of intentionality of action is true of (...)
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    Detecting Deception within Small Groups: A Literature Review.Zarah Vernham, Pär-Anders Granhag & Erik M. Giolla - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:186099.
    Investigators often have multiple suspects to interview in order to determine whether they are guilty or innocent of a crime. Nevertheless, co-offending has been significantly neglected within the deception detection literature. The current review is the first of its kind to discuss co-offending and the importance of examining the detection of deception within groups. Groups of suspects can be interviewed separately (individual interviewing) or simultaneously (collective interviewing) and these differing interviewing styles are assessed throughout the review. The review emphasizes the (...)
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  9.  78
    “Reasonable Hostility”: Its Usefulness and Limitation as a Norm for Public Hearings.Karen Tracy - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (3):171-190.
    “Reasonable hostility” is a norm of communicative conduct initially developed by studying public exchanges in education governance meetings in local U.S. communities. In this paper I consider the norm’s usefulness for and applicability to a U.S. state-level public hearing about a bill to legalize civil unions. Following an explication of reasonable hostility and grounded practical theory, the approach to inquiry that guides my work, I de-scribe Hawaii’s 2009, 18-hour pub-lic hearing and analyze selected segments of it. I show that this (...)
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    The reasonableness of christianity and its vindications.Reasonableness Of Christianity - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum.
  11.  82
    Weighing Reasons.Chris Tucker - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This entry explains what the issue of weighing reasons is about and then discusses a number of theories concerning weighing reasons. The general issue concerns how reasons (or considerations or pros and cons) systematically interact to determine the normative status of some action, belief, or attitude. For example, it concerns how reasons determine whether an action is permissible, required, or what ought to be done. The general issue also concerns how reasons aggregate or themselves result (...)
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    Withholding and withdrawing treatment for cost‐effectiveness reasons: Are they ethically on par?Lars Sandman & Jan Liliemark - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (2):278-286.
    In healthcare priority settings, early access to treatment before reimbursement decisions gives rise to problems of whether negative decisions for cost‐effectiveness reasons should result in withdrawing treatment, already accessed by patients. Among professionals there seems to be a strong attitude to distinguish between withdrawing and withholding treatment, viewing the former as ethically worse. In this article the distinction between withdrawing and withholding treatment for reasons of cost effectiveness is explored by analysing the doing/allowing distinction, different theories of justice, (...)
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  13.  15
    Reasoning about Art.David Kelley - 2001 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2 (2):335 - 340.
    David Kelley discusses the relationship between philosophy and sense of life and explains why he and William Thomas do not consider sense of life essential to the explanation of why art is a major human value, though it is essential to explaining how people create and experience art. Kelley also challenges the claim by Kamhi and Torres (in their article, "Critical Neglect of Ayn Rand's Theory of Art? Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Fall 2000) that aesthetics, as a branch of (...)
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  14.  38
    Reasons and Reason.Barbara Held - 1999 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 3 (1):43-52.
    Katherine Morrison charges that in my book, Back to Reality, I failed to make my case for the adoption of a modest realism in postmodern (narrative) therapy, because I failed to establish the motive behind that movement’s adoption of antirealism. In fact, in Back to Reality, I put forth several reasons for therapists of all stripes to favor a modest realism over antirealism, reasons which do not depend upon the motives of narrative therapists, whatever they may be.Katherine Morrison (...)
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    Five Reasons why Margaret Somerville is Wrong about Same-Sex Marriage and the Rights of Children.Scott Woodcock - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (4):867.
    ABSTRACT: In written work and a lecture at the 2008 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences that was co-sponsored by the Canadian Philosophical Association, Margaret Somerville has claimed that allowing same-sex marriage is unethical because doing so violates the inherently procreative function of marriage and thereby undermines the rights and duties that exist between children and their biological parents. In my paper, I offer five reasons for thinking that Somerville’s argument for this conclusion is unpersuasive. In each case (...)
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    Hegel’s Reasons For Using the Concept of an Absolute.Crawford L. Elder - 1983 - Idealistic Studies 13 (1):50-60.
    “Spirit,” Hegel writes in par. 389 of the Encyclopaedia, “is the existent truth of matter—the truth that matter itself has no truth.” The same claim is made in more understandable form in the Zusatz which follows: “the material, which lacks independence in the face of spirit, is freely pervaded by the latter which overarches this its Other,” reducing this Other “to an ideal moment and to something mediated.” Philosophers who have written on Hegel will recognize these passages as ones which (...)
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  17.  54
    (1 other version)Mathematics and plausible reasoning.George Pólya - 1968 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    2014 Reprint of 1954 American Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This two volume classic comprises two titles: "Patterns of Plausible Inference" and "Induction and Analogy in Mathematics." This is a guide to the practical art of plausible reasoning, particularly in mathematics, but also in every field of human activity. Using mathematics as the example par excellence, Polya shows how even the most rigorous deductive discipline is heavily dependent on techniques of guessing, inductive (...)
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  18.  14
    The Critique of Historical Reason and the Challenge of Historicism.Sophie Marcotte-Chenard - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (3):553-574.
    RésuméDans cet article, nous examinons le projet d'une critique de la raison historique mené par Wilhelm Dilthey et l'accusation d'historicisme portée contre lui par Heinrich Rickert. En comparant leurs tentatives respectives d'offrir un fondement philosophique aux sciences humaines, nous montrons que Dilthey et Rickert, en dépit de leurs divergences, convergent vers une réinterprétation productive de l'historicisme et conduisent à une reconfiguration de la relation entre philosophie et histoire. Cet article analyse trois implications théoriques et pratiques de l'historicisme : la mise (...)
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  19.  34
    Section I phenomenology of life in the critique of reason.Of Reason - 2011 - Analecta Husserliana: Phenomenology/Ontopoiesis Retrieving Geo-Cosmic Horizons of Antiquity: Logos and Life 110:14.
  20.  17
    Primary reasons: From radical interpretation to a pure anomalism of the mental.Gerhard Preyer - 2000 - ProtoSociology 14:158-179.
    The paper gives a reconstruction of Donald Davidson’s theory of primary reasons in the context of the unified theory of meaning and action and its ontology of individual events. This is a necessary task to understand this philosophy of language and action because since his article “Actions, Reasons, and Causes” he has developed and modified his proposal on describing and explaining actions. He has expanded the “unified theory” to a composite theory of beliefs and desires as a total (...)
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  21.  25
    Psychoanalysis and Critique of Modern Reason. A Comparative Reading of Adorno and Lyotard.Agnès Grivaux - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:53-73.
    Cet article revient, à partir de la pensée de Jean-François Lyotard, sur la façon dont la première Théorie critique a mobilisé la psychanalyse à des fins de critique de la raison moderne. Dans ses textes des années 1970, Lyotard a proposé de croiser psychanalyse et économie politique en dialoguant de façon critique avec le croisement proposé par Adorno dans les années 40. L’article vise, par une lecture croisée d’Adorno et de Lyotard à propos du rapport entre psychanalyse et économie politique, (...)
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  22.  81
    The Scope of Reason.Alfred J. Ayer - 1985 - Dialectica 39 (4):265-277.
    Summary By means of examples drawn from everyday experience, the author investigates what conditions must be satisfied in order that behaviour may be called rational or irrational. Does the attribution of irrationality apply to means or to ends? Is it based on consideration of the total cost? Is heroism irrational? Cannot what is irrational for one person be rational for another? Finally, the author uses this approach to come to the problem of induction and to that of moral freedom.RésuméL'auteur examine, (...)
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  23.  24
    Early Studies in Human Reasoning: A Case Study of the Pitfalls of Interdisciplinary Work.Vanessa Lehan - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (2):353-366.
    Dans cet article, je décris une partie de l’histoire des travaux sur le raisonnement humain mené par les philosophes et les psychologues en psychologie expérimentale. Ce travail interdisciplinaire particulier est intéressant, car il montre de quelles façons la recherche interdisciplinaire peut solidifier certaines idées préconçues omniprésentes dans un domaine particulier. Les travaux en psychologie expérimentale ont démontré que certains systèmes normatifs ne parviennent pas à modéliser le raisonnement dans des contextes de langage naturel. J’affirmerai, par conséquent, que les philosophes devraient (...)
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  24. Mindreading with ease? Fluency and belief reasoning in 4- to 5-year-olds.Anika Fiebich - 2014 - Synthese 191 (5):1-16.
    For decades, philosophers and psychologists have assumed that children understand other people’s behavior on the basis of Belief Reasoning (BR) at latest by age 5 when they pass the false belief task. Furthermore, children’s use of BR in the true belief task has been regarded as being ontogenetically prior. Recent findings from developmental studies challenge this view and indicate that 4- to 5-year-old children make use of a reasoning strategy, which is cognitively less demanding than BR and called perceptual access (...)
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  25.  20
    Whose Public Reason? Which Justification of Laws? A Natural Law Response.Jiří Baroš - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 112 (4):507-524.
    Un des problèmes persistants pour la philosophie pratique est de découvrir un procédé adéquat pour justifier des lois dont la finalité est de réguler le fonctionnement des démocraties constitutionnelles. Les libéraux partisans de la raison publique nient que cette justification puisse provenir de doctrines substantielles, étant donné que les lois doivent pouvoir être justifiées par tous les citoyens (raisonnables). La tradition de la loi naturelle offre un test utile quant à la plausibilité de cette thèse. L’article montre comment les deux (...)
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  26. Parity, moral options, and the weights of reasons.Chris Tucker - 2022 - Noûs 57 (2):454-480.
    The (moral) permissibility of an act is determined by the relative weights of reasons, or so I assume. But how many weights does a reason have? Weight Monism is the idea that reasons have a single weight value. There is just the weight of reasons. The simplest versions hold that the weight of each reason is either weightier than, less weighty than, or equal to every other reason. We’ll see that this simple view leads to paradox in (...)
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  27.  56
    Are Reasons Enough? Sen and Ricoeur on the Idea of Impartiality.Todd S. Mei - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (2):243-270.
    Amartya Sen argues that a conception of impartiality built upon “trans-positional objectivity” provides a potential remedy to conflicts of distributive justice by securing the most “reasonable reasons” in a debate. This article undertakes a critical analysis of Sen’s theory by contrasting it with Paul Ricoeur’s claim that impartiality is a normative concept and therefore that the demand faced within the arena of competing distributive claims is not one of providing the most reasonable reasons but of exposing and understanding (...)
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  28.  69
    The Moral Law as a Fact of Reason and Correctness Conditions for the Moral Law.Byeong D. Lee - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (1):47-66.
    In the second Critique, Kant claims that the moral law is given as a fact of reason. In this paper, contra the standard view, I argue that there is a non-dogmatic way of defending this claim. And Kant’s principle of morality is widely taken to be a formal principle. How then can such a formal principle be reconciled with our substantial moral end? In this paper, I also argue that Kant’s principle of morality can be construed as a formal principle (...)
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  29.  46
    Perceptual access reasoning: developmental stage or system 1 heuristic?Joseph A. Hedger - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):207-226.
    In contrast with the two dominant views in Theory of Mind development, the Perceptual Access Reasoning hypothesis of Fabricius and colleagues is that children don’t understand the mental state of belief until around 6 years of age. Evidence for this includes data that many children ages 4 and 5, who pass the standard 2-location false belief task, nonetheless fail the true belief task, and often fail a 3-location false belief task by choosing the irrelevant option. These findings can be explained (...)
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  30. La critique de la philosophie hégélienne par Marx en 1844-1847 ; Kant and Marx as critics of reason / Jindřich Zelený. Problèmes philosophiques et méthodologiques de la détermination historique. [REVIEW]Oliver Tenzer - 1968 - In Jindrich Zelený, Oliver Tenzer & Vysoká Skola Ekonomická V. Praze (eds.), Etudes philosophiques. Prague: Ecole des hautes études économiques à Prague.
  31.  74
    John Rajchman, Michel Foucault. La liberté de savoir. Traduit de l'anglais par Sylvie Durastanti** Alan Sheridan, Discours, sexualité et pouvoir. Initiation à Michel Foucault. Traduction et présentation par Philip Miller** Garu Gutting, Michel Foucault's Archeology of Scientific Reason** Charles E. Scott, The Question of Ethics. Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger. [REVIEW]André Berten - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (92):688-694.
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    The role of answer fluency and perceptual fluency in the monitoring and control of reasoning: Reply to.Valerie A. Thompson, Rakefet Ackerman, Yael Sidi, Linden J. Ball, Gordon Pennycook & Jamie A. Prowse Turner - 2013 - Cognition 128 (2):256-258.
    In this reply, we provide an analysis of Alter et al. response to our earlier paper. In that paper, we reported difficulty in replicating Alter, Oppenheimer, Epley, and Eyre’s main finding, namely that a sense of disfluency produced by making stimuli difficult to perceive, increased accuracy on a variety of reasoning tasks. Alter, Oppenheimer, and Epley argue that we misunderstood the meaning of accuracy on these tasks, a claim that we reject. We argue and provide evidence that the tasks were (...)
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  33.  32
    Challenges for a revised view of Bentham on public reasoning.James Shafe - 2014 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 13.
    Selon une lecture classique, la théorie benthamienne de la démocratie est fondée sur le principe du principe selon lequel l’agrégation des suffrages individuels reflète l’intérêt public. C’est pourquoi les commentateurs ont en général porté leur attention sur la façon dont le vote réalise l’agrégation des intérêts individuels plutôt que sur les délibérations publiques qui précèdent le vote. Récemment, Peter Niesen et Oren Ben-Dor ont pourtant étudié les processus de délibération collective chez Bentham. Cet article pointe des difficultés avec ces deux (...)
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    On the Parity between Secular and Religious Reasons.Cécile Laborde - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (3):575-587.
    The contributors to this Special Issue all suggest that Christianity is compatible with political liberalism. In this paper, I first illuminate the grounds of this compatibility. I then focus on one distinctive—yet unexplored—premise of the compatibility argument. This is the thought that religious and secular reasons are essentially on a par, in terms of their contribution to public reasoning. I critically examine Christopher Eberle’s claim that, as their epistemological status is equivalent, both secular and religious reasons may play (...)
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  35. The Riddle of Reason: In Search of Husserl's Concept of Rationality.Witold Plotka - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    La compréhension de la raison humaine a été déterminante pour la phénoménologie de Husserl. Des Recherches logiques à la Krisis , le problème de la raison semble l'un de ses principaux thèmes de réflexion. Husserl aborde la question sous plusieurs angles distincts, évoquant les concepts de monde, de temps et de responsabilité. Ses découvertes l'ont conduit à identifier la crise de la culture. Les commentateurs doivent aujourd'hui mettre en question le concept husserlien de raison, s'ils veulent comprendre pleinement cette thèse. (...)
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    American Classical Liberalism and Religion: Religion, Reason and Economic Science.Leonard P. Liggio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Rerum Novarum, the papal encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, has had a major impact on Catholic thinking. Issued in 1891 it immediately received much public attention. This was especially the case in the United States where it was seen as the response re-affirming the sanctity of private property long sought by the American bishops in the public debates with Henry George and his supporters. George was a central public figure in the United States, England and Ireland, whose speeches and writings (...)
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  37. Athens and Jerusalem: The contemporary problematic of faith and reason.Fred Lawrence - 1999 - Gregorianum 80 (2):223-244.
    Socrates et Platon sont à l'origine de ce qu'on entend traditionnellement par raison - les philosophes qui cherchent la façon juste de vivre qui dépasse la sagesse conventionnelle. 'Jérusalem' fait référence à la foi dont l'origine est l'appel de Dieu à Abraham, le père commun des religions juive, chrétienne et musulmane, et qui se rapporte à la transformation que Dieu offre à l'humanité qu'il sanctifie. Il a fallu attendre le XIIe siècle et l'entrée des oeuvres philosophiques d'Aristote dans l'Occident latin (...)
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    Reason and Coercion: In defence of a Rational Control Account of Freedom.Mark Leon - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (4):733-740.
    According to Pettit, an account of freedom in terms of rational control fails to suffice, for he argues that such an account lacks the resources to rule out coerced actions as unfree. The crucial feature of a coerced action is that it leaves the agent with a choice to make, an apparently rational choice to make. To the extent that it does this, it would seem to leave the agent as free as he would be in any other case where (...)
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    Comparaison des structures induites sur un ensemble de réponses ouvertes par le choix de l’unité statistique.Mónica Bécue-Bertaut - 2003 - Corpus 2.
    Le choix de l’unité statistique de segmentation du corpus, ainsi que celui de la distance entre les réponses, induit une structure sur l’ensemble des réponses. Nous proposons d’appliquer une méthodologie statistique, l’analyse factorielle multiple pour tableaux de contingence, AFMTC, pour, d’une part, comparer les structures induites sur un même corpus par différentes unités statistiques et, d’autre part, définir une distance entre textes capable de prendre en compte différentes unités et de profiter ainsi de l’information véhiculée par chacune d’elles. Pour présenter (...)
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  40. Preuves par excellence.Jacques Dubucs & Sandra Lapointe - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):219-234.
    Bolzano fut le premier philosophe à établir une distinction explicite entre les procédés déductifs qui nous permettent de parvenir à la certitude d’une vérité et ceux qui fournissent son fondement objectif. La conception que Bolzano se fait du rapport entre ce que nous appelons ici, d’une part, « conséquence subjective », à savoir la relation de raison à conséquence épistémique et, d’autre part, la « conséquence objective », c’est-à-dire la fondation , suggère toutefois que Bolzano défendait une conception « explicativiste (...)
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  41. The State, Philosophy, and the Tyranny of the Logos: an Introduction to François Châtelet’s “Classical Greece, Reason, and the State”.Adam E. Foster - 2023 - Parrhesia 2023 (38):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, see the following excerpt: -/- Though his work has until now gone untranslated and been largely ignored in English scholarship, the historian of philosophy François Châtelet played a major role in the development of French thought that is on par with that of his more well-known contemporaries. Born in 1925, Châtelet was founding member of the University of Vincennes, Paris VIII’s experimental department of philosophy alongside Michel Foucault in the aftermath of the 1968 student protests. (...)
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    The Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Uncaused Beginning of the Universe.Chad Allen - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (3):555-562.
    Des philosophes théistes comme Thomas D. Sullivan ont adapté les arguments cosmologiques bases sur le Principe de raison suffisante pour les ajuster à la cosmologie contemporaine du Big Bang Leur thèse centrale est que uisque le Big Bang n'a pas pu avoir une cause physique et puisque tout a une cause, le Big Bang a dû avoir une cause non physique ou surnaturelle. Des philosophes non théistes qui acceptent la cosmologie standard du Big Bang ont remis en question la vérité (...)
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  43.  47
    Par-delà la raison pratique : l'Indian Evidence Act et sa nature performative.Ranabir Samaddar & Nicole G. Albert - 2013 - Diogène n° 239-239 (3/4):86-108.
    This article is about the Indian Evidence Act. It also explains how evidence is the script that carries law’s unconscious. One one hand, evidence is the site of reason, on the other hand it is also the performative site of the unconscious. The operation of the Evidence Act requires a court, arguments, ways of producing evidence, counter-arguments, scrutiny of the nature of the evidence submitted, and finally the disputation around what constitutes an evidence, and then the judgement. The article argues (...)
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  44. Valencior pars in the Defensor Pacis of Marsilius of Padua.Sérgio Ricardo Strefling - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):225-244.
    Marsílio de Pádua (1280-1343) foi um pensador da Idade Média que escreveu duas obras de filosofia política que influenciaram a modernidade. Este estudo analisa o termo valencior pars, da obra Defensor Pacis. Marsílio parece definir essa parte preponderante como sendo a representação do conjunto dos cidadãos que não tem uma natureza débil. Isso sugere que a valencior pars é tanto qualitativamente superior quanto uma maioria numérica dos cidadãos. O apelo a uma mistura de considerações quantitativas e qualitativas era familiar no (...)
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    Pascal et la „preuve par la force“: L’examen nietzschéen d’une conscience intellectuelle „blessée“.Lucie Lebreton - 2018 - Nietzsche Studien 47 (1):217-239.
    Pascal and the „Proof by Power“. Nietzsche’s Examination of a wounded intellectual conscience. This paper sheds new light on Nietzsche’s praise of Pascal’s probity by analysing what the German philosopher calls the „proof by power“. This proof, adopted by Christianity at large, consists in making pleasure and well-being the very criteria of truth and, as such, it represents for Nietzsche a sheer dishonest form of reasoning. When Pascal finally decides to use this proof in the Pensées, he is already conscious (...)
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    Une critique d’explication par les causes finales.Celine Bonicco - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (4):637-662.
    RÉSUMÉ: Cet article se propose de montrer comment la critique de la théorie contractualiste opérée par David Hume est la conséquence politique de son analyse de la causalité. Hume rejette le contractualisme avant tout pour des raisons méthodologiques : une explication par les causes finales n’est jamais une explication satisfaisante. Or, le contractualisme applique au domaine politique l’argument du desseinprésenté dans les Dialogues sur la religion naturelle. La genèse du politique déployée dans le Traité de la nature humaine doit alors (...)
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  47. Handbook of Action Research. Participative.P. Reason & H. Bradbury - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    The Twofold Division of St. Thomas’s Christology in the Tertia Pars.John F. Boyle - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):439-447.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE TWOFOLD DIVISION OF ST. THOMAS'S CHRISTOLOGY IN THE TERTIA PARS JOHN F. BOYLE UniveYsity ofSt. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota ST. THOMAS AQUINAS divides the tertia pars of his Summa theologiae into three parts, the first of which, embracing the first fifty-nine questions, is on the Savior Himself. This section, in turn, is divided into two parts: the first considers the mystery of the incarnation (qq. 1-26); the second, (...)
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    Distinguishing Charity as Goodness and Prudence as Rightness: A Key to Thomas’s Secunda Pars.James F. Keenan - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):407-426.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DISTINGUISHING CHARITY AS GOODNESS AND PRUDENCE AS RIGHTNESS: A KEY TO THOMAS'S SECUNDA PARS JAMES F. KEENAN, S.J. Weston School of Theology Cambridge, Massachusetts HE RESPECTIVE functions of charity and prudence Thomas Aquinas's moral theology provide a key to his nderstanding of the virtues. Charity and prudence serve distinct functions. In Thomas's position, a person can have the acquired virtues without having charity; such a person has a virtuous (...)
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  50. Normativity at the edge of reason - review of Cecile Malaspina, An Epistemology of Noise. [REVIEW]Iain Campbell - 2021 - Radical Philosophy 9:93-96.
    In recent years noise seems to have become an interdisciplinary concept par excellence, apt to capturing important dynamics at work whether in technological, scientific, social, or aesthetic domains. But when economists, biologists, psychologists, and musicians speak of noise, are they really all referring to the same thing? In An Epistemology of Noise Cecile Malaspina takes this dispersion of the notion of noise as a starting point, and moreover accepts that, when removed from its mathematical formulation in information theory and spread (...)
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