Results for 'Reconciliation Political aspects.'

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  1.  52
    Taking wrongs seriously: acknowledgement, reconciliation, and the politics of sustainable peace.Trudy Govier - 2006 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    How can we respond in the aftermath of wrongdoing? How can social trust be restored in the wake of intense political conflict? In this challenging work, philosopher Trudy Govier explores central dilemmas of political reconciliation, employing illustrative material from Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Peru, and elsewhere. Govier stresses that reconciliation is fundamentally about relationships. Whether through means of truth commissions, apologies, community processes, or criminal trials, the basic goal of reconciliation is improved (...)
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    Political reconciliation, the rule of law and post-traumatic stress disorder.Colleen Murphy - 2006 - In Nancy Potter, Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing Damaged Relationships. Oxford University Press.
    I discuss why one critical aspect of the process of political reconciliation involves the restoration of mutual respect for the rule of law and suggest that psychological research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) provides valuable resources for understanding how successfully to restore such mutual respect.
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    Apology and reconciliation in international relations: the importance of being sorry.Christopher Daase (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book inquires into the role and effects of public apologies in international relations. It focuses on two major questions - why and when do states issue apologies for historic crimes and how and under what conditions are these apologies successful in remedying conflictive relationships? In recent years, we have witnessed an unseen popularity of apologies, particularly in the public sphere, with numerous politicians, managers and clergymen being eager to apologise and atone for the wrong-doings of their countries or institutions. (...)
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    Power, Punishment and Reconciliation in the Political and Social Thought of Simone Weil.Christopher Hamilton - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (3):315-330.
    The aim of this article is to explore some aspects of the significance of Simone Weil's work for the question of reconciliation. Focusing on Weil's notion of power, and investigating its plausibility, the article argues that her thinking is less useful than is sometimes supposed for grounding a cosmopolitan ethic. It further argues that Weil's philosophical outlook, with its emphasis on loving everything that happens as an expression of God's will, is in danger of being incapable of taking seriously (...)
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  5. Deliberative Democracy and the Politics of Reconciliation.Duncan Ivison - 2010 - In David Kahane, Melissa Williams & Daniel Weinstock, Deliberative Democracy in Practice. Vancouver: UBC Press. pp. 115-137.
    The problem of historical injustice presents a deep challenge to the aspirations of deliberative democrats, especially to those “deliberative activists” who seek to advance deliberation in deeply unjust circumstances (Fung 2005, 399). But the debate over historical injustice can itself benefi t from taking a “democratic turn.” Much of the literature is dominated by arguments over historical entitlement theories of justice or by a legalistic focus on the possibilities for compensation and reparation.1 That much of it is deeply skeptical as (...)
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  6.  43
    Just and Unjust Peace: An Ethic of Political Reconciliation.Daniel Philpott - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    In the wake of political evil on a large scale, what does justice consist of? Daniel Philpott takes up this question in Just and Unjust Peace. While scholars have written about many aspects of dealing with past injustice, no general ethic has emerged. Philpott seeks to provide a holistic model that delivers concrete ethical guidelines for societies striving to build peace.
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  7. The Nature and Moral Importance of Political Reconciliation.Colleen Murphy - 2004 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Societies in transition from repressive rule or civil conflict to a just social order confront distinctive challenges. Many authors claim that the long-term stability of newly established democracies depends crucially upon the ability of former adversaries to reconcile. Interestingly, however, authors typically assume, rather than attempt to prove, the truth of this claim, thereby presupposing the moral value of political reconciliation. Similar assumptions underlie debates about whether truth commissions can be morally justified in granting amnesty to perpetrators of (...)
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    War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. Weber.David H. Messner - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):214-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. WeberDavid H. MessnerWar, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry Theodore R. Weber EUGENE, OR: WIPF & STOCK, 2015. 182 pp. $23.00Weber's book makes a helpful contribution to enlivening more theologically grounded strategies for peacemaking through reconciliation. It is a careful, systematic work that takes as its foundation a distinctively Christian view of [End Page 214] (...)
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  9. Punishment, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.Bill Wringe - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1099-1124.
    It is sometimes thought that the normative justification for responding to large-scale violations of human rights via the judicial appararatus of trial and punishment is undermined by the desirability of reconciliation between conflicting parties as part of the process of conflict resolution. I take there to be philosophical, as well as practical and psychological issues involved here: on some conceptions of punishment and reconciliation, the attitudes that they involve conflict with one another on rational grounds. But I shall (...)
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    Reconciliation—No Pasarán: Trauma, Testimony and Language for Paul Celan.Magdalena Zolkos - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (3):269-282.
    This article intervenes in the project of theorizing the politics of reconciliation and transitional justice with the suggestion that (a) more attention be paid to subjective experiences and discursive sensitivities affected/shaped by the trauma of historical violence and injustice, and that (b) the constitutive as well as potentially subversive working of these experiences and sensitivities be recognized. It focuses specifically on Paul Celan (1920?1970), a Jewish-Romanian-German poet and Holocaust survivor, proposing a reading of his work that connects aspects of (...)
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    Democracy and the Political Unconscious.Noëlle McAfee - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Political philosopher Noelle McAfee proposes a powerful new political theory for our post-9/11 world, in which an old pathology-the repetition compulsion-has manifested itself in a seemingly endless war on terror. McAfee argues that the quintessentially human desire to participate in a world with others is the key to understanding the public sphere and to creating a more democratic society, a world that all members can have a hand in shaping. But when some are effectively denied this participation, whether (...)
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  12. ‘This thing called reconciliation…‘forgiveness as part of an interconnectedness-towards-wholeness.Antjie Krog - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):353-366.
    Regular reference is made, within the discourse around the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to the fact that ubuntu, an indigenous world view, played a role in the process. This paper tries to show that despite these references, important analysts of the TRC had insufficiently accounted for this worldview in their critical readings of the Commission's work and therefore found aspects of the process incoherent and/or morally and legally confused. I am not arguing that the TRC was not (...)
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  13.  10
    Decency and difference: humanity and the global challenge of identity politics.Steven C. Roach - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Decency remains one of the most prevalent yet least understood terms in today's political discourse. In evoking respect, kindness, courage, integrity, reason, and tolerance, it has long expressed an unquestioned duty and belief in promoting and protecting the dignity of all persons. Today this unquestioned belief is in crisis. Tribalism and identity politics have both hindered and threatened its moral stability and efficacy. Still, many continue to undertheorize its political character by isolating it from the effects of identity (...)
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  14.  4
    Politics of difference: epistemologies of peace.Hartmut Behr - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book develops a notion of differences and "otherness" beyond hegemonic and hierarchical thinking as represented by the legacies of Western philosophical and political thinking. In doing so, it relates to the 20th Century phenomenological discourse, especially to Georg Simmel, Alfred Schütz, Emmanual Lévinas, and Jacques Derrida, and drafts our understanding of difference as a genuine human experience of a social and political world that is in motion and transformative, rather than static and predictable. On this basis of (...)
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  15. The Significance of Politics in the Liberation Theology of Juan Luis Segundo and Gustavo Gutierrez.Raul Luis Cotto-Serrano - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    The objective of this study has been to establish the level of significance that Gustavo Gutierrez and Juan Luis Segundo attribute to politics in their contributions to liberation theology and to extract the relevant consequences for political theory. ;A systematic analysis of the theory of history in the works of these two authors indicates a higher level of integration between Christianity and politics that is usual in Christian political thought. Liberation is equated with salvation and political liberation (...)
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  16.  62
    Mourning and Forgiveness as Sites of Reconciliation Pedagogies.Michalinos Zembylas - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (3):257-265.
    This paper explores mourning and forgiveness not simply as sources of existential, political, or emotional meaning, but primarily as possible sites of reconciliation pedagogies . Reconciliation pedagogies are public and school pedagogical practices that examine how certain ideas can enrich our thinking and action toward reconciliation—not through a moralistic agenda but through an approach that views such ideas both constructively and critically. Mourning and forgiveness may constitute valuable points of departure for reconciliation pedagogies, if common (...)
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    Le geste du pardon: parcours philosophique en débat avec Paul Ricoeur.Guilhem Causse - 2014 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Dans la crise mondiale, écologique et économique, sociale et politique que nous traversons, la coexistence juste et pacifique des hommes devient un enjeu crucial. L'ampleur des crimes commis au XXe siècle pourrait laisser sceptique quant à notre capacité à relever un tel défi. Pourtant, ce même siècle a vu surgir un recours nouveau : le pardon. Jusque-là privilège de la conscience religieuse individuelle, il s'est invité au plan politique, avec succès. Depuis 1950 en effet, de nombreux pays ont recouru au (...)
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    The power of memory in democratic politics.Philip J. Brendese - 2014 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    Introduction : coming to terms with memory -- The tragedy of memory : Antigone, memory, and the politics of possibility -- Remembering to forget : democratizing memory, Nietzschean forgetting, and South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission -- Introducing segregated memory and segregated democracy in America -- Remembering what others cannot be expected to forget : James Baldwin and segregated memory -- Making silence speak : Toni Morrison and the Beloved community of memory -- In memory of democratic time : (...)
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    Towards an African Theology of Reconciliation: A Missiological Reflection on theInstrumentum Laborisof the Second African Synod.I. L. O. Chu - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (6):1005-1025.
    This essay is a critical theological and pastoral study of the Working Document of the Second African Synod. The article engages the articles in the document which deal with the theme of reconciliation. This essay begins by exploring the Christological and ecclesiological foundations for an African theology of reconciliation as found in the working document. While engaging the significant aspects of the working document which relate to articulating an African theology of reconciliation, this essay shows the limitations (...)
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  20.  26
    Reformed spirituality and the spirit of reconciliation: A personal journey.Piet Meiring - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-7.
    The article represents auto-ethnographical reflections about the author's journey towards reconciling diversity with the advent of democracy in South Africa. The author recounts aspects of his participation in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It focuses on aspects of Reformed theology and spirituality as instruments for reconciling diversity. Local and international theologians opposed apartheid, calling it an unjust and indefensible political system, using their Reformed conviction, often applying the very same notions and principles. The article discusses the opposition to (...)
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  21.  28
    Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation[REVIEW]Michelle Wolff - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):202-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation by Jennifer HarveyMichelle WolffDear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation Jennifer Harvey grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2014. 262 pp. $25.00Absent of opaque theory and disembodied ideology, Jennifer Harvey’s Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation presents an indispensable introduction to the problem of “whiteness” illustrated with concrete examples from (...)
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  22. Social Choice Theory and Deliberative Democracy: A Reconciliation.Christian List & John Dryzek - 2003 - British Journal of Political Science 33 (1):1-28.
    The two most influential traditions of contemporary theorizing about democracy, social choice theory and deliberative democracy, are generally thought to be at loggerheads, in that the former demonstrates the impossibility, instability or meaninglessness of the rational collective outcomes sought by the latter. We argue that the two traditions can be reconciled. After expounding the central Arrow and Gibbard-Satterthwaite impossibility results, we reassess their implications, identifying the conditions under which meaningful democratic decision making is possible. We argue that deliberation can promote (...)
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  23.  19
    A Discourse on African Philosophy: A New Perspective on Ubuntu and Transitional Justice in South Africa.Christian B. N. Gade - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the influence of ubuntu on South Africa’s post-apartheid transitional justice mechanism, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and—in contrast to ethnophilosophy—takes differences, historical developments, and social contexts seriously.
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  24.  12
    Offical apologies and the quest for historical justice.Michael Robert Marrus - 2006 - Toronto: Munk Centre for International Studies.
    He is the author, among other books, of The Politics of Assimilation: French Jews at the Time of the Dreyfus Affair, Vichy France and the Jews (with Robert Paxton), The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century, The Holocaust in History, Mr. [...] I am grate- ful as well to the Ford Foundation, which supported a series of seminars on the subject of apologies I organized at the Munk Centre for International Studies of the University of Toronto during the academic (...)
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  25.  51
    Enduring injustice.Jeff Spinner-Halev - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Governments today often apologize for past injustices and scholars increasingly debate the issue, with many calling for apologies and reparations. Others suggest that what matters are victims of injustice today, not injustices in the past. Spinner-Halev argues that the problem facing some peoples is not just the injustice of the past, but that they still suffer from injustice today. They experience what he calls enduring injustices, and it is likely that these will persist without action to address them. The history (...)
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  26.  8
    Kwagŏ ch'ŏngsan ŭi yullijŏk siron: t'ongil Han'guk ŭi sae chip'yŏng: t'ongil ihu Pukhan ŭi ch'eje p'ongnyŏk kwa kwagŏ ch'ŏngsan e taehan Han'guk kyohoe ŭi yŏkhal.Wŏn-ch'ŏn Kim - 2019 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    Redemptive hope : from the age of enlightenment to the age of Obama.Akiba Lerner - 2015 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This is a book about the need for redemptive narratives to ward off despair and the dangers these same narratives create by raising expectations that are seldom fulfilled. The quasi-messianic expectations produced by the election of President Barack Obama in 2008, and their diminution, were stark reminders of an ongoing struggle between ideals and political realities. Redemptive Hope begins by tracing the tension between theistic thinkers, for whom hope is transcendental, and intellectuals, who have striven to link hopes for (...)
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  28.  41
    Kulturphilosophe und die Kritik der gefühlsreichen Vernunft.Eiji Makino - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:223-232.
    This discourse aims to consider the relationship between culture and emotion in light of cultural philosophy by analyzing the sublime emotion,which is an emotional expression of human beings. Firstly,consideration will be given to the necessity of analyzing the sublime emotion in terms of the cultural,social and political aspects of present-day Japan. Secondly, the double-barreled characteristics of the sublime emotion, which have been lost amidst the globalizing trends of the day, will be clarified. In this regard, in particular, I would (...)
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  29.  48
    Rebuilding Social Fabric in Failed States: Examining Transitional Justice in Bosnia. [REVIEW]David A. Hoogenboom & Stephanie Vieille - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (2):183-198.
    This paper examines the importance of reconciliation in post-conflict state-building. We argue that while the economic and political aspects are vital components of the state-building tool-kit, states can hardly be reconstructed without the support of the society. Individuals and communities are central to the re-establishment of peace and democracy. We will conduct a case study analysis focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter Bosnia). After more than 10 years of international supervision, Bosnia remains fragmented by ethnic tension, and continues (...)
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  30.  20
    The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World.Michael Ignatieff - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    "Cover " -- "Title Page " -- "Copyright " -- "Dedication" -- "Contents" -- "Introduction: Moral Globalization and Its Discontents" -- "1. Jackson Heights, New York: Diversity Plaza" -- "2. Los Angeles: The Moral Operating Systems of Global Cities" -- "3. Rio de Janeiro: Order, Corruption, and Public Trust" -- "4. Bosnia: War and Reconciliation" -- "5. Myanmar: The Politics of Moral Narrative" -- "6. Fukushima: Resilience and the Unimaginable" -- "7. South Africa: After the Rainbow" -- "Conclusion: Human (...)
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  31.  49
    Political aspects of intercultural dialogue.Radmila Nakarada - 1990 - World Futures 28 (1):5-11.
  32. Introduction: Forgiveness and Conflict.Paula Satne - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):999-1006.
    The papers collected in this volume are a selection of papers that were presented - or scheduled to be presented - at a workshop entitled Forgiveness and Conflict, which took place from 8-10 September 2014, as part of the Mancept Workshops in Political Theory at the University of Manchester. Some of these contributions are now compiled in this volume. The selected papers draw from different philosophical traditions and conceptual frameworks, addressing many aspects of contemporary philosophical debates on the nature (...)
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  33.  11
    Reconciliation Politics: Conservative Evangelicals and the New Race Discourse.Nancy D. Wadsworth - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (3):341-376.
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    Rethinking the legitimacy of truth commissions: "I am the enemy you killed, my friend".Nir Eisikovits - 2006 - Metaphilosophy 37 (3-4):489–514.
    The most contentious aspect of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) concerned its amnesty‐granting powers. In return for perpetrators providing full disclosure about their crimes, the TRC was authorized to release them from both criminal responsibility and civil liability. This essay takes up the thorny question of how such a commission might be morally justified. Part 1 discusses the political circumstances that led to the creation of the TRC. Part 2 provides a critical survey of some previous (...)
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  35. The Nature and Limits of Forgiveness.Alice MacLachlan - 2008 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation is a philosophical investigation of forgiveness, in both interpersonal and political contexts. The aim of the dissertation is to demonstrate the merits of a broad, multidimensional account that remains faithful to the moral phenomenology of forgiving and being forgiven. Previous philosophical work has tended to see forgiveness primarily in terms of reactive attitudes: specifically, the struggle to overcome resentment. Yet defining forgiveness along these lines fails to do justice to common intuitions that, for example, forgiveness may be (...)
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  36.  28
    Una fenomenologia (del) possibile. Crisi del significato e senso della contingenza tra Heidegger e Richir.Francesco Pisano - 2019 - In Anna Pia Ruoppo, Essere eEssere e Tempo novanta anni dopo: attualità e inattualità dell'analitica esistenziale. FedOA - Federico II University Press. pp. 185-197.
    I present some aspects of Sein und Zeit’s phenomenology of possibility as a key feature of Heidegger’s theoretical confrontation with the crisis of European culture. I draw from paragraphs 73-74 for an inquiry into the relation between possibility and historicity within the structure of the Dasein. Specifically, I consider the concept of repetition in light of Heidegger’s idea that authentic historicity is to be grounded in temporality. Many interpreters found the concept of repetition to be the mark of a conservative (...)
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    Peace without Reconciliation: Political Attitudes to Reconciliation in Northern Ireland.Robert Perry - 2014 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 24 (1):3-27.
    After a historic agreement was reached, between the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Fein (SF), Power-sharing government resumed in Northern Ireland in 2007. Both political parties committed themselves to peaceful, democratic and consensual self-government in Northern Ireland. This was the first time that Northern Ireland was to be run by a government in which all the main nationalist (nationalists want Northern Ireland to be reunited with the rest of Ireland) and unionist (unionists want Northern Ireland to remain part (...)
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  38.  26
    Political aspects of euripidean tragedy - (V.) Wohl euripides and the politics of form. Pp. XVIII + 200. Princeton and oxford: Princeton university press, 2015. Cased, £27.95, us$39.95. Isbn: 978-0-691-16650-6. [REVIEW]Rocco Marseglia - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):28-30.
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    Ethico-Political Aspects of Conceptualizing Screening: The Case of Dementia.Martin Gunnarson, Alexandra Kapeller & Kristin Zeiler - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (4):343-359.
    While the value of early detection of dementia is largely agreed upon, population-based screening as a means of early detection is controversial. This controversial status means that such screening is not recommended in most national dementia plans. Some current practices, however, resemble screening but are labelled “case-finding” or “detection of cognitive impairment”. Labelled as such, they may avoid the ethical scrutiny that population-based screening may be subject to. This article examines conceptualizations of screening and case-finding. It shows how the definitions (...)
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  40. The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy: essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi & Charles E. Butterworth (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge: Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press.
    This volume consists of nine essays on the political teaching of such Muslim philosophers as al-Kindi and al-Razi, as well as the more familiar al-Fârâbî, ...
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  41. Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Political Aspects.Vojin Rakic - 2012 - Bioethics-Medicine-Politics:121-126.
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  42. Socio-political Aspects of the Mannix Episcopate 1913-1931: Part II.Race Mathews - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):202.
    Mathews, Race This essay - appearing in two parts - examines aspects of the early and middle phases of the episcopate of Archbishop Daniel Mannix, in the context of a wider study of responses to Catholic social teachings in Victoria between 1891 and 1966. Part I dealt mainly with Mannix's significance and early life, and the focus in Part II is on the episcopate up to and including the onset of the Great Depression.
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  43. Moral and political aspects of school reform: The example of Poland.Heliodor Muszynski - 1992 - Paideia 16:93.
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    Ethico-Political aspects of clinical judgment in opportunistic screening for cognitive impairment: Arendtian and aristotelian perspectives.Martin Gunnarson & Kristin Zeiler - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):495-507.
    This article examines a population-based opportunistic screening practice for cognitive impairment that takes place at a hospital in Sweden. At the hospital, there is a routine in place that stipulates that all patients over the age of 65 who are admitted to the ward will be offered testing for cognitive impairment, unless they have been tested within the last six months or have been diagnosed with any form of cognitive impairment. However, our analysis shows that this routine is not universally (...)
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  45. Ideology. Political Aspects.Michael Freeden - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 11--7174.
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    The political aspect of religious development.Evan Edward Thomas - 1937 - London,: J. Heritage.
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  47. Unreasonable Resentments.Alice MacLachlan - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (4):422-441.
    How ought we to evaluate and respond to expressions of anger and resentment? Can philosophical analysis of resentment as the emotional expression of a moral claim help us to distinguish which resentments ought to be taken seriously? Philosophers have tended to focus on what I call ‘reasonable’ resentments, presenting a technical, narrow account that limits resentment to the expression of recognizable moral claims. In the following paper, I defend three claims about the ethics and politics of resentment. First, if we (...)
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  48. Socio-political Aspects of the Mannix Episcopate 1913-1931 Part I.Race Mathews - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (1):3.
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    The Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Fauzi M. Najjar & Charles E. Butterworth - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):680.
  50. The Political Aspect of Religious Development. E. E. Thomas - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):108-110.
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