Results for 'Regine Vogl'

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  1.  19
    Beauvoir’s Myths as a Concept for Analyzing Gendered Asymmetries.Claudia Gather & Regine Vogl - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (2):243-267.
    Can the concept of myths, as developed by Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex, help us to better understand and sociologically examine social inequalities in heterosexual couple relationships? Beauvoir has shown how women are defined as the Other. Her conceptualization of myths plays an important role in the production of asymmetry between men and women. How can we translate these myths, to a sociological micro level to examine couple relationships? We illustrate the feasibility of this approach through the comparison (...)
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    Meaning Change in Grammaticalization: An Enquiry Into Semantic Analysis.Regine Eckardt - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores the semantic and pragmatic mechanisms underlying grammaticalization. Regine Eckardt argues that language change frequently involves a structural reorganization at the phonological, morphological, and syntactic levels. Speakers not only master the structural aspect of such reanalyses, they also-as the author argues-keep a detailed mental record of what has happened to meaning. The author develops semantic reanalysis as the semantic correlate and tracks its effects in meaning change. Several case studies offer new insights in the architecture of conceptual (...)
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    Global Corruption: Applying Experience and Research to Meet a Mounting Crisis.Frank Vogl - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (2):171-190.
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    Disclosure of individual research results in clinico-genomic trials: challenges, classification and criteria for decision-making.Regine Kollek & Imme Petersen - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):271-275.
    While an ethical obligation to report findings of clinical research to trial participants is increasingly recognised, the academic debate is often vague about what kinds of data should be fed back and how such a process should be organised. In this article, we present a classification of different actors, processes and data involved in the feedback of research results pertaining to an individual. In a second step, we reflect on circumstances requiring further ethical consideration. In regard to a concrete research (...)
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    Surprise, Curiosity, and Confusion Promote Knowledge Exploration: Evidence for Robust Effects of Epistemic Emotions.Elisabeth Vogl, Reinhard Pekrun, Kou Murayama, Kristina Loderer & Sandra Schubert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  6.  16
    The Specter of Capital.Joseph Vogl - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    The Specter of Capital provides a searching historical analysis and critique of the role of classical and neoclassical economic theory in creating the economic conditions which produced the global financial crisis.
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    Reanalysing selbst.Regine Eckardt - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (4):371-412.
    This paper investigates the meaning of German selbst (≈ E N-self) in its intensifying use, and the relation of this selbst to the focus particle selbst (≈ E even). I propose that intensifying selbst denotes type-lifted variants of the identity function on the domain of individuals, and that the observed stress accents must be analysed in terms of by now well-established focus theories. This analysis covers the core range of data correctly, predicting obligatory stress on selbst, sortal restrictions, centrality effects, (...)
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    Vom Schwangerschaftsabbruch zur Embryonenselektion? : Expansionstendenzen reproduktionsmedizinischer und gentechnischer Leistungsangebote.Kollek Regine - 1999 - Ethik in der Medizin 11 (Suppl 1):121-124.
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  9. Licensing or.Regine Eckardt - 2007 - In Uli Sauerland & Penka Stateva (eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 34--70.
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  10.  21
    Télévision : l'adoption laborieuse d'une référence unique.Régine Chaniac - 2003 - Hermes 37:81-93.
    L'évolution de la mesure d'audience TV est indissociable des principales étapes qui ont mené d'une télévision publique en situation de monopole à un système mixte public/privé. Les résultats du panel postal de l'ORTF, premier dispositif fiable et permanent , sont réservés aux seuls dirigeants des chaînes, afin d'éclairer une politique de programmes encore volontariste, tandis que le CESP mène une enquête parallèle à destination de la profession publicitaire. La montée de la compétition entre chaînes publiques s'accompagne de l'attention croissante accordée (...)
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    Échanges entre adultes et enfants et entre enfants: figures d’une activité responsive.Régine Delamotte - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):114-130.
    ABSTRACT The first part of this article relies on a number of well-known notions drawn directly from Bakhtin's work, while bringing to bear others inspired by the Bakhtinian perspective. The second part proposes a study dealing with the diverse kinds of verbal interactions rooted in Bakhtin's notion of responsive act. These include interdiscursivity, interlocution, and intralocution, elaborated by Jacques Brès among others, as well as moves and shifts, which we owe to Frédéric François. In the third part, this body of (...)
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    Words in time: diachronic semantics from different points of view.Regine Eckardt, Klaus von Heusinger & Christoph Schwarze (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
    The collection focuses on meaning change as a topic of interdisciplinary research.
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  13. Selbsterschaffung und die Irreversibilität der Zeit bei AN Whitehead.Regine Kather - 1992 - Philosophia Naturalis 29 (1):135-159.
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  14. Spiritus Creator.Regin Prenter - 1953
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    (14 other versions)Éditorial.Régine Scelles - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 170 (4):3-5.
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    Die Entstehung einer Figurine?: Material Engagement und verkörperte Kognition als Ausgangspunkt einer Entwicklungsgeschichte symbolischen Verhaltens.Regine Elisabeth Stolarczyk, Sebastian Scheiffele, Duilio Garofoli & Miriam Noël Haidle - 2017 - In Christian Tewes, Thomas Fuchs & Gregor Etzelmüller (eds.), Verkörperung - Eine Neue Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 251-280.
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    Processing interactions between phonology and melody: Vowels sing but consonants speak.Régine Kolinsky, Pascale Lidji, Isabelle Peretz, Mireille Besson & José Morais - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):1-20.
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    Le Spectre du Capital.Joseph Vogl - 2013 - Diaphanes.
    « Le spectacle auquel nous assistons sur les théâtres de l’économie financière internationale est-il pure déraison? » Dans un contexte de crise financière omniprésente et durablement installée, Joseph Vogl interroge le système capitaliste, ses arcanes, ses modes de fonctionnement, la manière dont il se perpétue. Censé reposer sur une confiance multilatérale, le système des marchés est en réalité traversé d’inquiétude et d’instabilité. Tel un spectre agitant dans l’ombre les flux de capitaux, le monde financier se voit entouré d’une aura (...)
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    The (In)Visibility of Diversity in Alternative Organizations.Regine Bendl, Alexander Fleischmann & Angelika Schmidt - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    Reflecting current debates on ‘organizational virtues’ as going beyond the capitalocentrist bias of contemporary economies and to see diversity as ‘ethical responsibility,’ this article explores ‘ethical organizing’ at the intersection of alternative organizations and diversity. Our interest in a diversity-oriented analysis of alternative organizations stems from the assumption that those which question taken-for-granted notions of existing economies and follow alternative values of autonomy, solidarity, and responsibility might also be likely to challenge existing diversity relations and, thus, potentially open up new (...)
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  20.  19
    The impact of alphabetic literacy on the perception of speech sounds.Régine Kolinsky, Ana Luiza Navas, Fraulein Vidigal de Paula, Nathalia Ribeiro de Brito, Larissa de Medeiros Botecchia, Sophie Bouton & Willy Serniclaes - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104687.
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  21.  13
    Pourquoi ai-je si mal à mon frère?Régine Scelles - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):151-165.
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    Datavisions – On Panoptica, Oligoptica, and (Big) Data.Regine Buschauer - 2016 - International Review of Information Ethics 24.
    In focusing on relations between data and vision and proposing to address big data in terms of currently dominant optical metaphors, the paper makes a case for an approach that allows for clearer distinctions between big data as ‘visions’, and data technologies. assessing notions and visions of panoptic data technologies, I outline three perspectives on the nexus between data and vision. Following Bruno Latour’s counter-image of “oligoptica”, I argue, more generally, in favour of a conceptual framework that understands big data (...)
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  23. Formale diachrone Semantik =.Regine Eckardt - 1998 - Konstanz: Fachgruppe Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz. Edited by Regine Eckardt.
    A logic for generic sentences -- A dynamic causal theory of references.
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    Good-bye note from the previous Editors-in-Chief.Regine Eckardt - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 42 (1):1-2.
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    Das türkische Exil als Geschichte von Frauen und ihr Beitrag zum Wissenschaftstransfer in die Türkei von 1933 bis 1945.Regine Erichsen - 2005 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 28 (4):337-353.
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    La spécularité diffractée: Mise en abyme et début de film.Régine-Mihal Friedman - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (1-2):51-66.
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    Die Wahrheit der Wissenschaft: "Deutsche und Jüdische Physik".Regine Kather - 1995 - In Michael Daxner & Eveline Goodman-Thau (eds.), Bruch Und Kontinuität: Jüdisches Denken in der Europäischen Geistesgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 103-118.
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  28. Spinozas Einflub auf Ethik und anthropologie A. Einsteins.Regine Kather - 1993 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 9:275-296.
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    We all are rembrandt experts – or, how task dissociations in school learning effects support the discontinuity hypothesis.Régine Kolinsky & José Morais - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):381-382.
    We argue that cognitive penetration in non-early vision extends beyond the special situations considered by Pylyshyn. Many situations which do not involve difficult stimuli or require expert skills nevertheless load on high-level cognitive processes. School learning effects illustrate this point: they provide a way to observe task dissociations which support the discontinuity hypothesis, but they show that the scope of visual cognition in our visual experience is often underestimated.
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    Antiautoritäre Erziehung.Regine Masthoff - 1981 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
  31. Plautus.Regine May - forthcoming - The Classical Review.
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    Experimentelle Arbeiten russischer Mediziner an der Leipziger Universität in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.Regine Pfrepper & Gerd Pfrepper - 2006 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 14 (3):162-173.
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    The Symbolic Relevance of Feedback: Return and Disclosure of Genomic Research Results of Breast Cancer Patients in Belgium, Germany and the UK.Imme Petersen Regine Kollek - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (4).
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    Spielformen des Selbst: das Spiel zwischen Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis.Regine Strätling (ed.) - 2012 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Das Spiel konstituiert ein”Dazwischen“, einen Raum des Als-ob, welcher der sozialen Welt sowohl angehört als auch von ihr abgehoben ist. Diese”ontologische Ambivalenz“macht den Begriff des Spiels für viele zu einem idealen Vermittler im Nachdenken über die Beziehung von Subjektivität, Kunst und Alltagspraxis. Ist der Begriff des Spiels auch nach den Diskussionen um den Status des Subjekts im Zeichen der Postmoderne geeignet, die ästhetischen und alltagspraktischen Formen zu fassen, in denen sich Selbstverhältnisse konstituieren? Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen dieser (...)
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  35. Die physik Roger Bacos.Sebastian Vogl - 1906 - Erlangen,: Druckerei von Junge & sohn.
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  36. Kunsttheorie und Kunst: [mit e. Exkurs, Kunst u. Kunsterziehung].Hubert Vogl - 1977 - [Schwabach, Reichenbacher Str. 7: H. Vogl, Selbstverl.].
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    Hellenistic Poetry, Magical Gems and ‘the Sword of Dardanus’ in Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche.Regine May - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):845-861.
    Apuleius’ tale of Cupid and Psyche is shown to feature detailed knowledge of ancient magic integrated into the plot, especially the magic of the so-called ‘Sword of Dardanus’ spell and of other papyri with Middle Platonic content. A recently published gemstone from Perugia testifies to the wide distribution of the ‘Sword’. Apuleius’ allusion to the erotic spell involves both Cupid and Venus torturing Psyche. Although Venus’ intentions are to prevent the bond between the lovers, her actions inadvertently echo those depicted (...)
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  38.  17
    Rezension: Bakman, Nina, Fünf Psychoanalytikerinnen. Frauen in der Generation nach Sigmund Freud.Regine Lockot - 2023 - Psyche 77 (12):1126-1129.
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    Temporalité et génocide.Régine Waintrater - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 243 (1):107-121.
    Tous les évènements traumatiques instaurent un rapport spécifique au temps. Parmi eux, le génocide constitue un paradigme de l’expérience extrême. Le génocide est un évènement qui échappe au temps commun et qui instaure une nouvelle temporalité, tant pour les victimes que pour les bourreaux. En analysant des témoignages oraux et écrits de rescapés de la Shoah et du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, on constate que la temporalité instaurée par le génocide continue longtemps après la fin des massacres à se (...)
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    The (In)Visibility of Diversity in Alternative Organizations.Regine Bendl, Alexander Fleischmann & Angelika Schmidt - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (2):273-289.
    Reflecting current debates on ‘organizational virtues’ as going beyond the capitalocentrist bias of contemporary economies and to see diversity as ‘ethical responsibility,’ this article explores ‘ethical organizing’ at the intersection of alternative organizations and diversity. Our interest in a diversity-oriented analysis of alternative organizations stems from the assumption that those which question taken-for-granted notions of existing economies and follow alternative values of autonomy, solidarity, and responsibility might also be likely to challenge existing diversity relations and, thus, potentially open up new (...)
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    L'audience, Un Puissant Artefact.Régine Chaniac - 2003 - Hermes 37:35-48.
    La mesure d'audience est au coeur de l'activité des médias dits de masse: elle sert de référence pour quantifier les auditoires et s'impose comme mode de consultation du public. Le présent numéro d'Hermès présente tout d'abord les systèmes de mesure d'audience des différents médias , mettant en évidence que l'audience est le résultat d'un ensemble de contraintes et d'un consensus toujours fragile entre les partenaires concernés. La deuxième partie, plus particulièrement centrée sur la télévision généraliste, analyse les effets de la (...)
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  42. Imperatives as Future Plans.Regine Eckardt - unknown
    Disjoint imperative sentences like ( Nimm die ) Hände hoch, oder ich schiesse! , literally ( take your ) hands up, or I’ll shoot! intuitively present the addressee with all her alternatives for action. The speaker informs that all future worlds, as far as the speaker can forsee, are such that the addressee raises her hands or gets killed. I propose a semantic/pragmatic analysis for sentences in the imperative mood that adopts this exhausitve description of future alternatives as a semantic (...)
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  43. Richard v. Schubert-Solderns erkenntnistheoretischer Solipsismus.Regine Ettinger - 1912 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 25:69.
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    Die Wiederentdeckung der Natur: Naturphilosophie im Zeichen der ökologischen Krise.Regine Kather - 2012 - Darmstadt: WBG.
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    Humans as Social Being and Part of Nature.Regine Kather - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):75-90.
    Humans are, as Cassirer has demonstrated, an animal symbolicum that interprets the world by means of signs. Since the second half of the 20 th century the relation of cultures is influenced strongly by modern technology: On the one hand, nearly every culture is longing for modern technology to achieve a more comfortable life; and, on the other, modern technology changes the way of life deeply. At first sight technology seems to be a neutral instrument, a mere tool that is (...)
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  46.  14
    The development of separability in visual perception.Régine Kolinsky - 1989 - Cognition 33 (3):243-284.
  47.  13
    Mit Freud in Berlin.Regine Lockot - 2021 - Psyche 75 (4):352-357.
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  48. Luther and Lutheranism.Regin Prenter - 1981 - In A. Freire Ashbaugh, Niels Thulstrup & Marie Mikulová Thulstrup (eds.), Kierkegaard and great traditions. Copenhagen: Reitzel.
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    Spirit’s Stories.Joseph Vogl - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (1):275-284.
    Opening with an essay entitled »Faust und die Sorge«, the first issue of the DVjs entered the world in a year of economic crises, national bankruptcy, and hyperinflation. This situation suggests viewing the project of Geistesgeschichte as reflecting stories of care (Sorge) and crises of the spirit (Geist). The thematization of such stories is here traced with respect to various scenes: Goethe’s Faust II, conflicts regarding hermeneutic power, and finally the history of political economy itself.
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    Was heißt Denken nach dem Ende des Durchblicks?: Zum Tod von Gilles Deleuze.Joseph Vogl & Alexander Kluge - 2011 - In Friedrich Balke & Marc Rölli (eds.), Philosophie Und Nicht-Philosophie: Gilles Deleuze - Aktuelle Diskussionen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 315-336.
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