Results for 'Regulationa and Governance'

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  1.  56
    Externalities as a Basis for Regulation: A Philosophical View.Rutger Claassen - 2016 - Journal of Institutional Economics 12 (3):541-563.
    Externalities are an important concept in economic theories of market failure, aiming to justify state regulation of the economy. This article explores the concept of externalities from a philosophical perspective. It criticizes the utilitarian nature of economic analyses of externalities, showing how they cannot take into account values like freedom and justice. It then develops the analogy between the concept of externalities and the 'harm principle' in political philosophy. It argues that the harm principle points to the need for a (...)
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    Cabasilas, the Divine Liturgy and Political Governance: A Polis as Liturgy.John Bekos - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (4):405-417.
    The truth of the Church corresponds to a ‘political’ ethic that is cultivated in the Divine Liturgy. To the extent that the Church is signified in the Divine Liturgy, the criterion for what is politically prudent should be sought in the Divine Liturgy. We will argue that such a pursuit leads to the designation of a governance ethics that concerns not only political and church leaders but also any Christian, or any person, who exercises ‘governance’ within the framework (...)
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  3. Global rules and private actors: Toward a new role of the transnational corporation in global governance.Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo & Dorothée Baumann - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):505-532.
    : We discuss the role that transnational corporations should play in developing global governance, creating a framework of rules and regulations for the global economy. The central issue is whether TNCs should provide global rules and guarantee individual citizenship rights, or instead focus on maximizing profits. First, we describe the problems arising from the globalization process that affect the relationship between public rules and private firms. Next we consider the position of economic and management theories in relation to the (...)
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    Corporate Governance and CSR Nexus.Maretno A. Harjoto & Hoje Jo - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):45 - 67.
    Some argue that managers over-invest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to build their personal reputations as good global citizens. Others claim that CEOs strategically choose CSR activities to reduce the probability of CEO turnover in a future period through indirect support from activists. Still others assert that firms use CSR activities to signal their product quality. We find that firms use governance mechanisms, along with CSR engagement, to reduce conflicts of interest between managers and non-investing stakeholders. Employing a (...)
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    Reflections on different governance styles in regulating science: a contribution to ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’.Ine Van Hoyweghen, Jessica Mesman, David Townend & Laurens Landeweerd - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    In European science and technology policy, various styles have been developed and institutionalised to govern the ethical challenges of science and technology innovations. In this paper, we give an account of the most dominant styles of the past 30 years, particularly in Europe, seeking to show their specific merits and problems. We focus on three styles of governance: a technocratic style, an applied ethics style, and a public participation style. We discuss their merits and deficits, and use this analysis (...)
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    Business and Government Ethics in the “New” and “Old” EU: An Empirical Account of Public–Private Value Congruence in Slovenia and the Netherlands.Dejan Jelovac, Zeger van der Wal & Ana Jelovac - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):127-141.
    This study reports on the hierarchy of organizational values in public and private sector organizations in Slovenia and the Netherlands. We surveyed 400 managers in Slovenia and 382 in the Netherlands using an identical questionnaire on the importance of a selection of values in everyday decision making. In Slovenia, impartiality, incorruptibility, and transparency were rated significantly higher in the public sector, while profitability, obedience, and reliability were rated more important in business organizations. In contrast, in the Netherlands, 11 values differed (...)
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  7. Intention, practical rationality, and self‐governance.Michael Bratman - 2009 - Ethics 119 (3):411-443.
    Explores the difficult problems that arise from efforts to understand the characteristic norms of practical rationality involved in planning agency. It is noted that "cognitivists" tend to view these rationality norms as norms of theoretical rationality while others see the notion that these rationality norms have a distinctive normative force as a "myth." The focus is on finding a middle path that emphasizes links between practical reason, planning structures, & the metaphysics of self-governance. The reason planning agents conform to (...)
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  8. Development and validation of the situational self-awareness scale.John M. Govern & Lisa A. Marsch - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (3):366-378.
    This article discusses the manipulation and measurement of levels of situational self-focus, which is generally labeled ''self-awareness.'' A new scale was developed to quantify levels of public and private self-awareness. Five studies were conducted to assess the psychometric properties, reliability, and validity of the Situational Self-Awareness Scale (SSAS). The SSAS was found to have a reliable factor structure, to detect differences in public and private self-awareness produced by laboratory manipulations, and to be sensitive to changes in self-awareness within individuals over (...)
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  9.  42
    Governance of Transnational Global Health Research Consortia and Health Equity.Bridget Pratt & Adnan A. Hyder - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):29-45.
    Global health research partnerships are increasingly taking the form of consortia of institutions from high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries that undertake programs of research. These partnerships differ from collaborations that carry out single projects in the multiplicity of their goals, scope of their activities, and nature of their management. Although such consortia typically aim to reduce health disparities between and within countries, what is required for them to do so has not been clearly defined. This article takes a (...)
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  10.  7
    National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law: National Reports.Anneli Albi & Samo Bardutzky (eds.) - 2019 - The Hague: Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press.
    This two-volume book, published open access, brings together leading scholars of constitutional law from twenty-nine European countries to revisit the role of national constitutions at a time when decision-making has increasingly shifted to the European and transnational level. It offers important insights into three areas. First, it explores how constitutions reflect the transfer of powers from domestic to European and global institutions. Secondly, it revisits substantive constitutional values, such as the protection of constitutional rights, the rule of law, democratic participation (...)
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  11. Practices, Governance, and Politics: Applying MacIntyre’s Ethics to Business.Matthew Sinnicks - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (2):229-249.
    This paper argues that attempts to apply Alasdair MacIntyre’s positive moral theory to business ethics are problematic, due to the cognitive closure of MacIntyre’s concept of a practice. I begin by outlining the notion of a practice, before turning to Moore’s attempt to provide a MacIntyrean account of corporate governance. I argue that Moore’s attempt is mismatched with MacIntyre’s account of moral education. Because the notion of practices resists general application I go on to argue that a negative application, (...)
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    The governance of science: ideology and the future of the open society.Steve Fuller - 2000 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
    This ground-breaking text offers a fresh perspective on the governance of science from the standpoint of social and political theory. Science has often been seen as the only institution that embodies the elusive democratic ideal of the 'open society'. Yet, science remains an elite activity that commands much more public trust than understanding, even though science has become increasingly entangled with larger political and economic issues.
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    Corporate Governance Quality and CSR Disclosures.MuiChing Carina Chan, John Watson & David Woodliff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-15.
    Given the increasing importance attached to both corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance, this study investigates the association between these two complimentary mechanisms used by companies to enhance relations with stakeholders. Consistent with both legitimacy and stakeholder theory and controlling for industry profile, firm size, stockholder power/dispersion, creditor power/leverage, and economic performance, our analysis of the annual reports for a sample of 222 listed companies suggests that firms providing more CSR information: have better corporate governance ratings; are (...)
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  14.  25
    Ethics and governance: business as mediating institution.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that ethical business behavior can be enhanced by taking fuller account of human nature, particularly with respect to the need for creating relatively small communities within the corporation. Timothy Fort discusses this premise in relation to the three predominant theories of business ethics--stakeholder, virtue, and contract. Drawing heavily from philosophy, he analyzes traditional business ethics and legal theory. Overall, his work provides a good example of how to integrate normative and empirical studies in business ethics, a task (...)
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  15.  10
    Ethics and Governance of Biomedical Research: Theory and Practice.Daniel Strech & Marcel Mertz (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    In this book, scholars with different disciplinary and national backgrounds argue for possible answers and analyse case studies on current issues of governance in biomedical research. These issues comprise among others the research-care distinction, risk evaluation in early human trials, handling of incidental findings, nocebo effects, cluster randomized trials, publication bias, or consent in biobank research. This book demonstrates how new technologies and research possibilities multiply or intensify already known governance challenges, leaving room for ethical analysis and complex (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Forms and government of fear: changes in the conceptual paradigms and crisis of the institutions for control.Francesco Cerrato - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The essay confronts the classical forms of the government of social fears, elaborated in the course of modern and contemporary history, (in particular, national state and welfare systems)with the ongoing processes of economic and political globalization. The authors also discusses the question of the transformation of the subjective gaze, either individual and collective, regarding the historical time and in reference to the possible shift to a postmodern epoch.
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  17.  45
    The Promise and Reality of Public Engagement in the Governance of Human Genome Editing Research.John M. Conley, R. Jean Cadigan, Arlene M. Davis, Eric T. Juengst, Kriste Kuczynski, Rami Major, Hayley Stancil, Julio Villa-Palomino, Margaret Waltz & Gail E. Henderson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):9-16.
    This paper analyses the activities of five organizations shaping the debate over the global governance of genome editing in order to assess current approaches to public engagement (PE). We compare the recommendations of each group with its own practices. All recommend broad engagement with the general public, but their practices vary from expert-driven models dominated by scientists, experts, and civil society groups to citizen deliberation-driven models that feature bidirectional consultation with local citizens, as well as hybrid models that combine (...)
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  18. Rakesh K Tandon** Head, Gastroenterology and Medical Director, Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute for Liver, Renal and Digestive Diseases, New Delhi.Governing Body & Japi Order - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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    A socialist republican theory of freedom and government.James Muldoon - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1):47-67.
    In response to the republican revival of the ideal of freedom as non-domination, a number of ‘radical’, ‘labour’ and ‘workplace’ republicans have criticised the limitations of Philip Pettit’s account of freedom and government. This article proposes that the missing link in these debates is the relationship between republicanism and socialism. Seeking to bring this connection back into view in historical and theoretical terms, the article draws from contemporary radical republicans and the writings of Karl Kautsky and Rosa Luxemburg to propose (...)
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  20. Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective.Silke Machold, Pervaiz K. Ahmed & Stuart S. Farquhar - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):665-678.
    The mainstream literature on corporate governance is based on the premise of conflicts of interest in a competitive game played by variously defined stakeholders and thus builds explicitly and/or implicitly on masculinist ethical theories. This article argues that insights from feminist ethics, and in particular ethics of care, can provide a different, yet relevant, lens through which to study corporate governance. Based on feminist ethical theories, the article conceptualises a governance model that is different from the current (...)
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  21.  95
    Corporate Governance and Codes of Ethics.Luis Rodriguez-Dominguez, Isabel Gallego-Alvarez & Isabel Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):187-202.
    As a result of recent corporate scandals, several rules have focused on the role played by Boards of Directors on the planning and monitoring of corporate codes of ethics. In theory, outside directors are in a better position than insiders to protect and further the interests of all stakeholders because of their experience and their sense of moral and legal obligations. Female directors also tend to be more sensitive to ethics according to several past studies which explain this affirmation by (...)
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  22.  15
    The Philosophical and Normative Foundations of Corporate Governance Models.Kuti Shoham & Idan Shimony - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 5:87-91.
    The literature on management identifies three models for the relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as the corporation’s goals: the shareholder model of corporate governance, the employee governance model and the stakeholder model. One can identify in current business practice a further model of corporate governance, which may be entitled “the controlling shareholder model”. The goal of this paper is to show that these models are grounded in long-standing philosophical (...)
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  23.  42
    Of death and dominion: the existential foundations of governance.Mohammed A. Bamyeh - 2007 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Death is the opposite not of life, but of power. And as such, Mohammed Bamyeh argues in this original work, death has had a great and largely unexplored impact on the thinking of governance throughout history, right down to our day. In Of Death and Dominion Bamyeh pursues the idea that a deep concern with death is, in fact, the basis of the ideological foundations of all political systems. Concentrating on four types of political systems—polis, empire, theocracy, and modern (...)
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    Proximity and Rationalisation: The Limits of a Levinasian Ethics in the Context of Corporate Governance and Regulation.Samuel Mansell - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):565-577.
    In this article, I explore how the ideas of French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas offer insights into a debate often held today in the field of corporate governance, concerning the relative merits of statutory and voluntary approaches to the regulation of business. The philosophical position outlined by Levinas questions whether any rule-based systematisation of ethical responsibility, either statutory or voluntary, can ever equate to a genuine responsibility for the other person. I reflect on how various authors have adapted Levinas’s philosophy (...)
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  25. Gender Diversity in Corporate Governance and Top Management.Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):83-95.
    This article examines whether and how the participation of women in the firm’s board of directors and senior management enhances financial performance. We use the Fama and French (1992, 1993) valuation framework to take the level of risk into consideration, when comparing firm performances, whereas previous studies used either raw stock returns or accounting ratios. Our results indicate that firms operating in complex environments do generate positive and significant abnormal returns when they have a high proportion of women officers. Although (...)
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  26.  11
    Democracy, citizenship, and corporate governance reform: How to deal with the internationalization of corporate activity.Grahame Thompson - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):42-57.
    Commercial companies are increasingly being recognized as agents of societal governance operating alongside the public authorities in their traditional role as governance bodies. In addition, companies are claiming to be ‘corporate citizens’ in the way they deal with their environmental, employment and social/ethical responsibilities. Given the fact that large corporations are now heavily internationalized in their operational characteristics – with branches, subsidiaries, affiliates and extended supply chains operating in multiple jurisdictions – can such organizations be brought into a (...)
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  27.  13
    Sovereignty and Government in Africa after Independence.Ivor Chipkin - 2018 - Social Imaginaries 4 (1):113-131.
    This essay is a contribution to the field of institutional studies in that it treats the State as a substantial phenomenon, composed of institutions that require analysis in their own right. Here, the focus is on the political form of African states from the 1960s to the 1980s. On the one hand, I will follow Bourdieu here in insisting that the study of government demands that we know something of the history of political thought (la pensée politique). This simple observation (...)
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  28. Social Reporting and New Governance Regulation.David Hess - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (3):453-476.
    This paper argues that social reporting can be an important form of New Governance regulation to achieve stakeholder accountability.Current social reporting practices, however, fall short of achieving stakeholder accountability and actually may work against it. By examining the success and failures of other transparency programs in the United States, we can identify key factors for ensuring the success of social reporting over the long term. These factors include increasing the benefits-to-costs ratios of both the users of the information and (...)
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    Cybernetic governance: implications of technology convergence on governance convergence.Andrej Zwitter - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-13.
    Governance theory in political science and international relations has to adapt to the onset of an increasingly digital society. However, until now, technological advancements and the increasing convergence of technologies outpace regulatory efforts and frustrate any efforts to apply ethical and legal frameworks to these domains. This is due to the convergence of multiple, sometimes incompatible governance frameworks that accompany the integration of technologies on different platforms. This theoretical claim will be illustrated by examples such as the integration (...)
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  30. Governance in the era of CRISPR and DIY-Bio regulatory guidance of human genome editing at the national and global levels.Scott J. Schweikart - 2021 - In I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely & Carmel Shachar (eds.), Consumer genetic technologies: ethical and legal considerations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Organizational Loyalties and Models of Firms: Governance Design and Standard of Duties.Fabrizio Cafaggi - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (2):463-526.
    This paper makes the two following claims: 1) The legal dimension of loyalty within organizations goes beyond duties. The governance design aimed at ensuring loyalty may strongly affect standards that characterize each layer of the organization. The interaction between standards of duty and the governance dimension of loyalty should, therefore, be more tailored to specific legal forms and their functional correlation with ownership and financing. 2) There is a greater divergence than has so far been acknowledged between the (...)
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  32. The Governance of Global Value Chains: Unresolved Human Rights, Environmental and Ethical Dilemmas in the Apple Supply Chain.Thomas Clarke & Martijn Boersma - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):111-131.
    The continued advance of global value chains as the mode of production for an increasing number of goods and services has impacted considerably on the economies and societies both of the developed world and the emerging economies. Although there have been many efforts at reform there is evidence of unresolved dilemmas of human rights, environmental issues and ethical dilemmas in the operation of the global value chain. This paper focuses on the role and performance of Apple Inc in the global (...)
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    China’s making and governing of educational subjects as ‘talent’: A dialogue with Michel Foucault.Weili Zhao - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (3):300-311.
    As an imprint of Confucian culture, China’s education intersects state governance in making and governing educational subjects as ‘talent’, an official translation of the Chinese term ‘rencai’ (literally, human-talent). Whereas the English word ‘talent’ itself denotes ‘[people with] natural aptitude or skill’, ‘talent’ is currently mobilized in China not only as a globalized discourse that speaks to the most aspired educational subjects for the 21st century but also as a re-invoked cultural notion that relates to Confucian wisdom. Drawing upon (...)
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  34.  88
    Berle and Means revisited: The governance and power of large U.S. corporations.Mark S. Mizruchi - 2004 - Theory and Society 33 (5):579-617.
  35.  19
    Psychological Governance and Public Policy: Governing the Mind, Brain and Behaviour.Diego Palacios-Díaz & Rocío Fernández-Ugalde - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (6):787-789.
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    Organizational Governance and Ethical Systems: A Covenantal Approach to Building Trust.Cam Caldwell & Ranjan Karri - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):249-259.
    . American businesses and corporate executives are faced with a serious problem the loss of public confidence. Public criticism, increased government controls, and growing expectations for improved financial performance and accountability have accompanied this decline in trust. Traditional approaches to corporate governance, typified by agency theory and stakeholder theory, have been expensive to direct and have focused on short-term profits and organizational systems that fail to achieve desired results. We explain why the organizational governance theories are fundamentally, inadequate (...)
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    Reasonable disagreement and the justification of pre-emptive ethics governance in social research: a response to Hammersley.Mark Sheehan, Michael Dunn & Kate Sahan - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):719-720.
    In this response, we first tackle what we take to be the core disagreement between ourselves and Hammersley, namely the justification for our model of social research ethics governance. We then consider what follows from our defence of governance for ethics review and show how these claims attend to the specific concerns outlined by Hammersley.
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    Hybrid Production Regimes and Labor Agency in Transnational Private Governance.Jean-Christophe Graz, Nicole Helmerich & Cécile Prébandier - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):307-321.
    Little consensus exists about the effectiveness of transnational private governance in domains such as labor, the environment, or human rights. The paper builds on recent scholarship on labor standards to emphasize the role of labor agency in transnational private governance. It argues that the relationship between transnational private regulatory initiatives and labor agency depends on three competences: first, the ability of workers’ organizations to gain access to processes of employment regulation, implementation, and monitoring; second, their ability to insist (...)
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  39. The governance of laws of nature: guidance and production.Tobias Wilsch - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):909-933.
    Realists about laws of nature and their Humean opponents disagree on whether laws ‘govern’. An independent commitment to the ‘governing conception’ of laws pushes many towards the realist camp. Despite its significance, however, no satisfactory account of governance has been offered. The goal of this article is to develop such an account. I base my account on two claims. First, we should distinguish two notions of governance, ‘guidance’ and ‘production’, and secondly, explanatory phenomena other than laws are also (...)
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    On democracy, freedom and government & other selected writings.John Stuart Mill - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Zbigniew Janowski & Jacob Duggan.
    On progress, education and future -- On ideologies and governments -- On religion, liberty, and freedom of speech -- On women and equality -- On America and democracy.
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    Strengthening bottom-up and top-down climate governance.Jo Dirix, Wouter Peeters, Johan Eyckmans, Peter Tom Jones & Sigrid Sterckx - 2013 - Climate Policy 3 (13):363-383.
    Although the UN and EU focus their climate policies on the prevention of a 2 8C global mean temperature rise, it has been estimated that a rise of at least 4 8C is more likely. Given the political climate of inaction, there is a need to instigate a bottom-up approach so as to build domestic support for future climate treaties, empower citizens, and motivate leaders to take action. A review is provided of the predominant top-down cap-and-trade policies in place – (...)
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    Digital Sovereignty, Digital Expansionism, and the Prospects for Global AI Governance.Huw Roberts, Emmie Hine & Luciano Floridi - 2023 - In Marina Timoteo, Barbara Verri & Riccardo Nanni (eds.), Quo Vadis, Sovereignty? : New Conceptual and Regulatory Boundaries in the Age of Digital China. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 51-75.
    In recent years, policymakers, academics, and practitioners have increasingly called for the development of global governance mechanisms for artificial intelligence (AI). This paper considers the prospects for these calls in light of two other geopolitical trends: digital sovereignty and digital expansionism. While calls for global AI governance promote the surrender of some state sovereignty over AI, digital sovereignty and expansionism seek to secure greater state control over digital technologies. To demystify the tensions between these trends and their potential (...)
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    Ethical Governance: Insight from the Islamic Perspective and an Empirical Enquiry.Chaudhry Ghafran & Sofia Yasmin - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):513-533.
    Charity governance is undergoing a crisis of confidence. In this paper, we suggest an alternative approach to how governance could be perceived and conceptualized by considering the ethical notions of governance embedded in religious enquiry, with a specific focus on the Islamic perspective of governance. We firstly develop an ethical framework for charity governance, utilizing insight from the Islamic perspective. Secondly, we undertake an empirical study to assess the experience of governance within Islamic charity (...)
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    Transnational Governance, Deliberative Democracy, and the Legitimacy of ISO 26000: Analyzing the Case of a Global Multistakeholder Process.Christian Weidtmann & Rüdiger Hahn - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):90-129.
    Globalization arguably generated a governance gap that is being filled by transnational rule-making involving private actors among others. The democratic legitimacy of such new forms of governance beyond nation states is sometimes questioned. Apart from nation-centered democracies, such governance cannot build, for example, on representation and voting procedures to convey legitimacy to the generated rules. Instead, alternative elements of democracy such as deliberation and inclusion require discussion to assess new instruments of governance. The recently published standard (...)
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    Ethics and governance in sport: the future of sport imagined.Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & S. J. Parry (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    What is, or what should be, the function of sport in a globalized, commercialized world? Why does sport matter in the 21st century? In Ethics and Governance in Sport: the future of sport imagined, an ensemble of leading international experts from across the fields of sport management and ethics calls for a new model of sport that goes beyond the traditional view that sport automatically encourages positive physical, psychological, social, moral and political values. Acknowledging that sport is beset by (...)
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    The Contribution of Environmental and Social Standards Towards Ensuring Legitimacy in Supply Chain Governance.Martin Mueller, Virginia dos Santos & Stefan Seuring - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):509-523.
    Increasingly, companies implement social and environmental standards as instruments towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) in supply chains. This is based on the assumption that such standards increase legitimacy among stakeholders. Yet, a wide variety of standards with different requirement levels exist and companies might tend to introduce the ones with low exigencies, using them as a legitimacy front. This strategy jeopardizes the reputation of social and environmental standards among stakeholders and their long-term trust in these instruments of CSR, meaning that (...)
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    Goal-Based Private Sustainability Governance and Its Paradoxes in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector.Janina Grabs & Rachael D. Garrett - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3):467-507.
    In response to stakeholder pressure, companies increasingly make ambitious forward-looking sustainability commitments. They then draw on corporate policies with varying degrees of alignment to disseminate and enforce corresponding behavioral rules among their suppliers and business partners. This goal-based turn in private sustainability governance has important implications for its likely environmental and social outcomes. Drawing on paradox theory, this article uses a case study of zero-deforestation commitments in the Indonesian palm oil sector to argue that goal-based private sustainability governance’s (...)
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    Democracy and government.Samuel Peterson - 1919 - New York,: A.A. Knopf.
    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
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  49. State and government in medieval Islam: an introduction to the study of Islamic political theory: the jurists.Ann K. S. Lambton - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I RELIGION AND POLITICS: THE LAW Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, believes in the divine origin of government. It follows, therefore, that political ...
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  50. Number and government.Claire Grant - 2007 - In Michael D. A. Freeman & Ross Harrison (eds.), Law and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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