Results for 'Renate Reck'

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    Prosaisk trossamfund?Renate Recke - 2006 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 41 (4):309-322.
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  2. Structures and structuralism in contemporary philosophy of mathematics.Erich H. Reck & Michael P. Price - 2000 - Synthese 125 (3):341-383.
    In recent philosophy of mathematics avariety of writers have presented ``structuralist''views and arguments. There are, however, a number ofsubstantive differences in what their proponents take``structuralism'' to be. In this paper we make explicitthese differences, as well as some underlyingsimilarities and common roots. We thus identifysystematically and in detail, several main variants ofstructuralism, including some not often recognized assuch. As a result the relations between thesevariants, and between the respective problems theyface, become manifest. Throughout our focus is onsemantic and metaphysical issues, (...)
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  3. Renate Bartsch. Adverbialsemantik. Die Konstitution logischsemantischer Repräsentationen von Adverbialkonstruktionen.Ewald Lang & Renate Steinitz - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14:137-151.
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  4. Surrogacy in Australia: New Legal Developments.Renate Klein - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (2):23.
    Klein, Renate The practice of surrogacy in Australia has been controversial since its beginning in the late 1980s. In 1988, the famous 'Kirkman case' in the state of Victoria put surrogacy on the national map. This was a two-sisters surrogacy - Linda and Maggie Kirkman and the resulting baby Alice - in which power differences between the two women were extraordinarily stark: Maggie was the glamorous and well spoken woman of the world; Linda who carried the baby, was the (...)
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    Ecophilosophy and the Problem of Monitoring Hazards.Renat Apkin & Emily Tajsin - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (3):163-170.
    There is a strong interconnection between the social and environmental spheres. The efforts of monitoring and forecasting of disastrous events can illustrate benefits and threats of technicization and science. In ecophilosophy the forecasting of hazards is today extremely needed. It is not about creating theoretical unified structures or practical return to holistic harmony of a primordial man with nature. It is about, as Félix Guattari once held it, the complexity of the relationship between humans and their natural environment. Though the (...)
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  6. The Curious Eye of the Reader: Perspective as Interaction with Narrative.Renate Brosch - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte (eds.), Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 143--165.
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  7. The value history: A necessary family document.Renate G. Justin - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 8 (3).
    Patients' wishes regarding health care and dying must be taken into consideration by their physicians. Competent patients need to record directives about their care in advance of a crisis situation. The primary care physician, seeing the patient at the time of a routine office visit, is in a favorable position to explore and record attitudes. A patient's value system should be part of a medical history before hospital admission. Details in a Value History Questionnaire facilitate guiding an incompetent patient through (...)
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    Realism In Santayana’s Life Of Reason.Andrew Reck - 1967 - The Monist 51 (2):238-266.
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  9. The New American Philosophers an Exploration of Thought Since World War Ii.Andrew J. Reck - 1968 - Louisiana State University Press.
  10. Resolution is a Decision Procedure for Many Propositional Modal Logics.Renate A. Schmidt - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 189-208.
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  11. Ich bin der Apostel und Märtyrer der Engländer gewesen: die Repräsentation Newtons durch Voltaire.Renate Wahsner - 1994 - Berlin: Forschungsschwerpunkt Wiss.-Geschichte und Wiss.-Theorie der Förderungsges. Wiss. Neuvorhaben.
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  12. Frege's influence on Wittgenstein: Reversing metaphysics via the context principle.Erich Reck - 2005 - In Michael Beaney & Erich Reck (eds.), Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Vol. I. London: Routledge. pp. 241-289.
    Gottlob Frege and Ludwig Wittgenstein (the later Wittgenstein) are often seen as polar opposites with respect to their fundamental philosophical outlooks: Frege as a paradigmatic "realist", Wittgenstein as a paradigmatic "anti-realist". This opposition is supposed to find its clearest expression with respect to mathematics: Frege is seen as the "arch-platonist", Wittgenstein as some sort of "radical anti-platonist". Furthermore, seeing them as such fits nicely with a widely shared view about their relation: the later Wittgenstein is supposed to have developed his (...)
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  13. Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena.Renate Mayntz - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2):237-259.
    mechanism" is frequently encountered in the social science literature, but there is considerable confusion about the exact meaning of the term. The article begins by addressing the main conceptual issues. Use of this term is the hallmark of an approach that is critical of the explanatory deficits of correlational analysis and of the covering-law model, advocating instead the causal reconstruction of the processes that account for given macro-phenomena. The term "social mechanisms" should be used to refer to recurrent processes generating (...)
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  14. Dedekind's structuralism: An interpretation and partial defense.Erich H. Reck - 2003 - Synthese 137 (3):369 - 419.
    Various contributors to recent philosophy of mathematics havetaken Richard Dedekind to be the founder of structuralismin mathematics. In this paper I examine whether Dedekind did, in fact, hold structuralist views and, insofar as that is the case, how they relate to the main contemporary variants. In addition, I argue that his writings contain philosophical insights that are worth reexamining and reviving. The discussion focusses on Dedekind''s classic essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?, supplemented by evidence from Stetigkeit und (...)
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    The ethics of COVID-19 tracking apps – challenges and voluntariness.Renate Klar & Dirk Lanzerath - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (3-4):1-9.
    As COVID-19 continues to spread, a variety of COVID-19 tracking apps (CTAs) have been introduced to help contain the pandemic. Deployment of this technology poses serious challenges of effectiveness, technological problems and risks to privacy and equity. The ethical use of CTAs depends heavily on the protection of voluntariness. Voluntary use of CTAs implies not only the absence of a legal obligation to employ the app but also the absence of more subtle forms of coercion such as enforced exclusion from (...)
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    From Frege to Wittgenstein: Perspectives on Early Analytic Philosophy.Edited by Erich H. Reck (ed.) - 2002 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Analytic philosophy - arguably the most important philosophical movement in the 20th century - has gained a new historical self-consciousness, particularly about it's own origins. The period between 1880 and 1930 saw the most important work of its founding figures (Frege, Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein) take root and flourish. The fifteen previously-unpublished essays in this collection explore different facets of this period, with an emphasis on the vital intellectual relationship between Frege and the early Wittgenstein.
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  17. Dedekind, structural reasoning, and mathematical understanding.Erich H. Reck - 2009 - In Bart Van Kerkhove (ed.), New Perspectives on Mathematical Practices: Essays in Philosophy and History of Mathematics. World Scientific. pp. 150--173.
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    Editorial Introduction.Erich H. Reck - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (4):389-393.
    In many accounts of the history of logic, especially from the second half of the twentieth century and partly still today, Frege’s first book, Begriffsschrift (1879), is singled out as the beginnin...
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    Tense, predicates, and lifetime effects.Renate Musan - 1997 - Natural Language Semantics 5 (3):271-301.
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    Science and Environmental Health. Case of Radon Radiation.Renat Apkin - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (4):37-42.
    This paper offers a contribution to ecophilosophy from the perspective of the scientific research of the environment. The problem considered in the paper deals with a specific issue of environmental risk, namely, the problem of radon ionizing radiation and the highest permissible security norms of it. This problem, now rarely discussed in ecological communities, is one of more important for humankind’s health and safe existence. The awareness of harmful and beneficial biological effects of various environmental factors is a basic step (...)
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  21. Die Selbstverwirklichung des Menschen als pädagogische Aufgabe in den Frühschriften Nietzsches.Renate Brink - 1972 - Düsseldorf,: M. Triltsch Verlag.
  22.  43
    Tension between perceived collocation and actual geographic distribution in project teams.Renate Fruchter, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema & Virpi Ruohomäki - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (2):183-192.
    This paper describes an exploratory comparative study of knowledge workers and their challenges in high tech global project teams. More specifically we focus on the tension between perceived collocation and actual geographical distributed project work as a function of: (1) the demand to distribute and shift attention in multi-teaming, (2) virtuality i.e. number of virtual teams participants engage in, (3) the continuous adjustment and re-adjustment to new places they perform their activity, and (4) the collaboration technologies they use. We present (...)
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    (1 other version)Mr. Collie Goes to London: – The House of Lords Decision in Common Services Agency vs. The Scottish Information Commissioner.Renate Gertz - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (1).
    July 2008 saw a conclusion to a case which began with a request to the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service under the Freedom of Information Act 2002 and culminated in a hearing in front of the House of Lords as Court of Appeal. The outcome, however, can be considered both a triumph and a failure for data protection law.This paper analyzes the House of Lords decision to determine whether the judgment has provided more legal clarity in an (...)
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    Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy.Andrew J. Reck - 1987 - Noûs 21 (2):283-287.
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    The Composition of Mutanabbī's Panegyrics to Sayf al-DawlaThe Composition of Mutanabbi's Panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla.Renate Jacobi, Andras Hamori, Mutanabbī & Mutanabbi - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):685.
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    Zur entstehung einer „buchkultur” in der zweiten hälete Des 5. jahrhunderts V. U. Z.Renate Johne - 1991 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 135 (1):45-54.
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    Perspective: Can a Physician Always Be Compassionate?Renate G. Justin - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (4):26.
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    Sozialwissenschaftliches Erklären: Probleme der Theoriebildung und Methodologie.Renate Mayntz - 2009 - Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
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    Tense across Languages.Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.) - 2011 - Niemeyer.
    "This book addresses recent developments in the study of tense from a cross-paradigm and cross-linguistic point of view. Leading international scholars explore challenging ideas about tense at the interfaces between semantics and syntax as well as syntax and morphology. The book is divided into three main subsections: 1) Tense in tenseless languages; 2) Tense, mood, and modality, and 3) Descriptive approaches to some tense phenonema. Although time is a universal dimension of the human experience, some languages encode reference to time (...)
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    Substance, process, and nature.Andrew J. Reck - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (18):762-772.
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  31. The Declaration of Independence as an "Expression of the American Mind".Andrew J. Reck - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (121/122):401.
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    „KORRUPTION” - Ein kulturkritischer Begriff Friedrich Nietzsches zwischen Geschichtsphilosophie und Ästhetik.Renate Reschke - 1992 - Nietzsche Studien 21 (1):137-162.
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    Combining Dynamic Logic with Doxastic Modal Logics.Renate A. Schmidt & Dmitry Tishkovsky - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 371-391.
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    Hans Martin Dober: „Reflektierender Glaube“. Die Vernunft der Religion in klassischen Positionen.Renate Schindler - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (4):359-368.
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    About the predictability and complexity of complex systems.Renate Sitte - 2009 - In Moulay Aziz-Alaoui & Cyrille Bertelle (eds.), From System Complexity to Emergent Properties. Springer. pp. 23--48.
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  36. A study of theory unification.Renat Nugayev - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):159-173.
    The epistemological problems of unification of two distinct theories are discussed. An approach related to the work of Soviet authors (Stepin, Podgoretzky and Smorodinsky) is used and developed. The notion of ‘crossbred objects’—theoretical objects with contradictory properties which are part of the domain of application of two independent theories—is introduced which helps to describe the dynamics of revolutionary theory change. The occurrence of the cross-contradiction of two theories is reconstructed and the reductionistic and the synthetic means of its elimination are (...)
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  37. Frege, Dedekind, and the Origins of Logicism.Erich H. Reck - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (3):242-265.
    This paper has a two-fold objective: to provide a balanced, multi-faceted account of the origins of logicism; to rehabilitate Richard Dedekind as a main logicist. Logicism should be seen as more deeply rooted in the development of modern mathematics than typically assumed, and this becomes evident by reconsidering Dedekind's writings in relation to Frege's. Especially in its Dedekindian and Fregean versions, logicism constitutes the culmination of the rise of ?pure mathematics? in the nineteenth century; and this rise brought with it (...)
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    A Leak in the Academic Pipeline: Identity and Health Among Postdoctoral Women.Renate Ysseldyk, Katharine H. Greenaway, Elena Hassinger, Sarah Zutrauen, Jana Lintz, Maya P. Bhatia, Margaret Frye, Else Starkenburg & Vera Tai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  39. Introduction : Analytic philosophy and philosophical history.Erich H. Reck - 2013 - In The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1-36.
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  40. (1 other version)Frege or Dedekind? Towards a reevalaution of their legacies.Erich H. Reck - 2013 - In The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 139-170.
    The philosophy of mathematics has long been an important part of philosophy in the analytic tradition, ever since the pioneering works of Frege and Russell. Richard Dedekind was roughly Frege's contemporary, and his contributions to the foundations of mathematics are widely acknowledged as well. The philosophical aspects of those contributions have been received more critically, however. In the present essay, Dedekind's philosophical reception is reconsidered. At the essay’s core lies a comparison of Frege's and Dedekind's legacies, within and outside of (...)
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  41. Frege on truth, judgment, and objectivity.Erich H. Reck - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 75 (1):149-173.
    In Frege's writings, the notions of truth, judgment, and objectivity are all prominent and important. This paper explores the close connections between them, together with their ties to further cognate notions, such as those of thought, assertion, inference, logical law, and reason. It is argued that, according to Frege, these notions can only be understood properly together, in their inter-relations. Along the way, interpretations of some especially cryptic Fregean remarks, about objectivity, laws of truth, and reason, are offered, and seemingly (...)
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  42. Frege on Numbers: Beyond the Platonist Picture.Erich H. Reck - 2005 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 13 (2):25-40.
    Gottlob Frege is often called a "platonist". In connection with his philosophy we can talk about platonism concerning three kinds of entities: numbers, or logical objects more generally; concepts, or functions more generally; thoughts, or senses more generally. I will only be concerned about the first of these three kinds here, in particular about the natural numbers. I will also focus mostly on Frege's corresponding remarks in The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884), supplemented by a few asides on Basic Laws of (...)
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    A Normtheoretical Approach to Functional and Status Types of Language.Renate Bartsch - 1989 - In Ulrich Ammon (ed.), Status and Function of Languages and Language Varieties. De Gruyter. pp. 197-215.
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  44. Semantiek en Montague Grammatica.Renate Bartsch - 1978 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 70:117-136.
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  45. Einleitung: Subjektivität und Selbsttranszendenz.Renate Breuninger & Peter L. Oesterreich - 2020 - In Renate Breuninger & Peter L. Oesterreich (eds.), Subjektivität und Selbsttranszendenz: unterwegs zu einem neuen Idealismus. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Erzogene Natur: über die Symbiose von Natur- und Humanwissenschaft.Renate Buchmayr - 1993 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien.
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    Who wants these stories? Reflections on ethical implications of the re-publication of a missionary work.Renate Eigenbrod - 2006 - Journal of Academic Ethics 4 (1-4):221-243.
    This paper discusses ethics in the context of Aboriginal Studies. Taking the example of a late-nineteenth century missionary work, a collection of out-of-print Mi’kmaq stories, it examines the ethical implications of the potential re-publication of such a text. It is argued that the Baptist missionary Silas T. Rand, who translated and transcribed the narratives, did his work from a Eurocentric perspective. The biases of a colonial ideology built into his translations/interpretations which are often quoted as authoritative would be further perpetuated (...)
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    Building common ground in global teamwork through re-representation.Renate Fruchter & Rodolphe Courtier - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (3):233-245.
    We explore in this paper the relation between activities, communication channels and media, and common ground building in global teams. We define re-representation as a sequence of representations of the same concept using different communication channels and media. We identified the re - representation technique to build common ground that is used by team members during multimodal and multimedia communicative events in cross-disciplinary, geographically distributed settings. Our hypotheses are as follows: (1) Significant sources of information behind decisions and request for (...)
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    Distributing attention across multiple social worlds.Renate Fruchter & Marisa Ponti - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (2):169-181.
    Being a member of both local and global teams requires constant distribution and re-distribution of attention, engagement, and intensive communication over synchronous and asynchronous channels with remote and local partners. We explore in this paper the increasing number of social worlds such participants distribute their attention to, how this affects their level of engagement and attention, and how the workspace, collaboration technologies, and interaction modes afford and constrain the communicative events. The use of information and collaboration technologies (ICT) shapes and (...)
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    Der Wert der Bildung: menschliche Entfaltung jenseits von Knappheit und Konkurrenz.Renate Girmes - 2012 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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