Results for 'Renaud Denuit'

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  1. Herbert Marcuse: révolution et philosophie: repenser mai 68: essai.Renaud Denuit - 2018 - Marcinelle, Belgique: Les Éditions du CEP.
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    La phénoménologie et le concept de vie: Un entretien avec Renaud Barbaras.Renaud Barbaras, Tarek Dika & William Hackett - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2):153-179.
    Interview with Renaud Barbaras, conducted on May 18, 2011.
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    Entrevista com Renaud Barbara O pertencimento: novos rumos.Renaud Barbaras, Paulo César Rodrigues, Fabrício Rodrigues Pizelli & Gabriel Gurae Guedes Paes - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):17-34.
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  4. La résistance du sensible. Merleau-Ponty critique de la transparence, avec une préface de Renaud Barbaras.Emmanuel Alloa & Renaud Barbaras - 2014 - Kimé.
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    The Poverty of Radical Ecological Economics: A Critique of Clive Spash from the Viewpoint of the Austrian School.Renaud Fillieule - 2023 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 29 (1):21-43.
    This paper delves into the work of Clive L. Spash, a British radical ecological economist well-known in his field who currently holds a professorship at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. We start with an examination of the principles of his “social ecological economics.” We then critically evaluate his attack on economic growth and his perspective on the standard economic models of climate change. Lastly, we explore his approach to science as a theoretical pursuit and his policy recommendations. The (...)
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  6. Criminalizing the State.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (2):255-284.
    In this article, I ask whether the state, as opposed to its individual members, can intelligibly and legitimately be criminalized, with a focus on the possibility of its domestic criminalization. I proceed by identifying what I take to be the core objections to such criminalization, and then investigate ways in which they can be challenged. First, I address the claim that the state is not a kind of entity that can intelligibly perpetrate domestic criminal wrongs. I argue against it by (...)
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    The Being of the Phenomenon: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology.Renaud Barbaras - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    The Being of the Phenomenon opens European post-structuralism to further study and is certain to inspire new thinking about the origins of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology.
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    On S-Convexity and Risk Aversion.Michel Denuit, Claude Lefèvre & Marco Scarsini - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (3):239-248.
    The present note first discusses the concept of s-convex pain functions in decision theory. Then, the economic behavior of an agent with such a pain function is represented through the comparison of some recursive lotteries.
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    Benchmark values for higher order coefficients of relative risk aversion.Michel Denuit & Béatrice Rey - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):81-94.
    The existing literature on savings, insurance, and portfolio choices under risk has revealed that quite often comparative statics results depend, among other things, upon the values of the coefficients of relative risk aversion and relative prudence. More specifically the benchmark values for these coefficients are, respectively, one and two. Recently, several papers investigated constraints on the higher degree extensions of the coefficients of relative risk aversion and of relative prudence. The present work provides a unified approach to this question based (...)
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    Introduction.Renaud Barbaras & Patrick Burke - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:13-14.
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  11. La conception catholique de l'état.Renaud Briey - 1938 - Paris: Bloud & Gay.
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    The Unmaking of a Constitution: Lessons from the European Referenda.Renaud Dehousse - 2006 - Constellations 13 (2):151-164.
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    Decreasing higher-order absolute risk aversion and higher-degree stochastic dominance.Michel Denuit & Liqun Liu - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (2):287-295.
    Fishburn and Vickson showed that, when applied to random alternatives with an equal mean, 3rd-degree and decreasing absolute risk aversion stochastic dominances represent equivalent rules. The present paper generalizes this result to higher degrees. Specifically, higher-degree stochastic dominance rules and common preference by all decision makers with decreasing higher-order absolute risk aversion are shown to coincide under appropriate constraints on the respective moments of the random variables to be compared.
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  14. On s-convexity and risk aversion.Denuit Michel, Lefevre Claude & Scarsini Marco - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (3).
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  15. Compte-rendu de l'article de Paul Wathelet, Rhésos ou la quête de l'immortalité.Jean-Michel Renaud - forthcoming - Kernos.
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    Limits and possibilities of contemporariness. Hermeneutische wege. Hans-Georg Gadamer zum hundertsten by günter Figal.François Renaud - 2002 - Research in Phenomenology 32 (1):257-268.
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    Le tournant de l'expérience: recherches sur la philosophie de Merleau-Ponty.Renaud Barbaras - 1998 - Paris: Vrin.
    L'oeuvre de Merleau-Ponty est tout entiere commandee par le souci de mettre rigoureusement en oeuvre le mot d'ordre husserlien de retour aux choses memes, ce qui exige, conformement au geste amorce par Husserl dans la Krisis, de reconnaitre l'oeuvre de l'idealisation -c'est-a-dire de l'objectivation- la meme ou elle se fait oublier, afin de la neutraliser. A l'instar de Bergson, pour qui la tache de la philosophie etait d'aller chercher l'experience au-dessus du tournant ou, s'inflechissant dans le sens de l'utilite, elle (...)
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  18.  21
    Introduction to a phenomenology of life.Renaud Barbaras - 2021 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. Edited by Leonard Lawlor.
    In Introduction to a Phenomenology of Life, renowned French philosopher Renaud Barbaras aims to construct the basis for a phenomenology of life. Called an introduction because it has to deal with philosophical limits and presuppositions, it is much more, as Barbaras investigates life in its phenomenological senses, approached through the duality of its intransitive and transitive senses. Originally published in French (Introduction à une phénoménologie de la vie) Introduction to a Phenomenology of Life first defines the problem of life (...)
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    Risk aversion, prudence, and asset allocation: a review and some new developments.Michel M. Denuit & Louis Eeckhoudt - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):227-243.
    In this paper, we consider the composition of an optimal portfolio made of two dependent risky assets. The investor is first assumed to be a risk-averse expected utility maximizer, and we recover the existing conditions under which all these investors hold at least some percentage of their portfolio in one of the assets. Then, we assume that the decision maker is not only risk-averse, but also prudent and we obtain new minimum demand conditions as well as intuitively appealing interpretations for (...)
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    Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Criminal Law.Francois Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos (eds.) - 2012 - Hart Publishing.
    In the last two decades, the philosophy of criminal law has undergone a vibrant revival in Canada. The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has given the Supreme Court of Canada unprecedented latitude to engage with principles of legal, moral, and political philosophy when elaborating its criminal law jurisprudence. Canadian scholars have followed suit by paying increased attention to the philosophical foundations of domestic criminal law. Because of Canada's leadership in international criminal law, both at the level of (...)
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  21.  35
    Almost expectation and excess dependence notions.Michel M. Denuit, Rachel J. Huang & Larry Y. Tzeng - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (3):375-401.
    This paper weakens the expectation dependence concept due to Wright and its higher-order extensions proposed by Li to conform with the preferences generating the almost stochastic dominance rules introduced in Leshno and Levy. A new dependence concept, called excess dependence is introduced and studied in addition to expectation dependence. This new concept coincides with expectation dependence at first-degree but provides distinct higher-order extensions. Three applications, to portfolio diversification, to the determination of the sign of the equity premium in the consumption-based (...)
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  22.  27
    Le désir et la distance: introduction à une phénoménologie de la perception.Renaud Barbaras - 1999 - Paris: Vrin.
    Cette introduction explique la perception, reconnue par Husserl sous le titre de "donation par esquisses". Il s'agit d'opérer une réduction radicale qui va de la critique du néant au monde comme a priori de tout apparaître. A ce monde correspond un sujet dont le sens d'être fait problème puisqu'il est à la fois un moment du monde et en rapport avec la totalité comme telle.
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  23. Life and perceptual intentionality.Renaud Barbaras - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):157-166.
    Husserl is the first philosopher who has managed to account for the specificity of perception, characterized as givenness by sketches (Abschattungen); but neither Husserl nor Merleau-Ponty have given a satisfying definition of the subject of perception. This article tries to show that the subject of perception must be conceived as living being and that, therefore, the phenomenology of perception must lead to a phenomenology of life. Here, life is approached from an existential point of view, that is to say, as (...)
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    Rhétorique philosophique et fondement de la dialectique.François Renaud - 2006 - Philosophie Antique 6 (6):137-161.
    The commentary of Plato’s Gorgias by Olympiodorus of Alexandria (ca. 505-after 565) is the only ancient commentary of the dialogue that has survived. This little-known and neglected commentary is truly of historical and hermeneutical interest. Beyond its value for our understanding of late Neoplatonism, Olympiodorus’ interpretation can renew in some respects our reading of the Platonic text and can contribute to current methodological debates, as presuppositions traditionally dominant in Plato scholarship (about chronology, dialogue form, dialectic, etc.) are being increasingly questioned. (...)
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    Le mythe de la bougonie : Aristée, Orphée, Virgile.Renaud Pasquier - 2013 - Labyrinthe 40:135-139.
    Peu à peu, tandis que Virgile achève la description ethnographique de la ruche, un glissement s’opère dans son propos : il célèbre d’abord la chasteté des abeilles, et le renouvellement de l’espèce par une miraculeuse génération spontanée ; il explique ensuite leur admirable organisation sociale par un lien privilégié avec la divinité, puisque les abeilles posséderaient une « parcelle d’intelligence divine » ; après ce bref aperçu d’une mystique panthéiste, i...
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    A presença do filósofo.Renaud Barbaras - 2009 - Cadernos Espinosanos 20:37.
    O artigo homenageia a obra de Bento Prado Jr, enfatizando a originalidade e o aspecto crítico de sua postura filosófica. Neste sentido, ele analisa a força do conceito de “Presença” – eixo central da tese de doutoramento do autor, publicada sob o título Presença e campo transcendental –, capaz de desenhar de maneira inédita um ponto de convergência entre as filosofias de Bergson, Sartre e Merleau-Ponty.
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    Jan Patočka: Liberté, existence et monde commun.Renaud Barbaras, Nathalie Frogneux & Jan Patočka (eds.) - 2012 - Argenteuil: Le Cercle herméneutique.
    Un texte inédit de Jan Patocka (1907-1977) intitulé " Sur les problèmes des traductions philosophiques " (1968) dans une traduction française originale d'Erika Abrams ouvre ce volume collectif qui cherche à penser l'existence humaine et le monde commun grâce à l'oeuvre aussi capitale que protéiforme de ce philosophe tchèque. Des spécialistes en phénoménologie, en philosophie sociale et politique, en anthropologie et en esthétique déploient ici sa richesse et sa fécondité à travers quatre problématiques : le Monde commun, le Mouvement critique (...)
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    La faute caractérisée, source d’un dommage corporel, engageant une responsabilité pénale.Renaud Clement - 2008 - Médecine et Droit 2008 (88):10-13.
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    Regimes of Comparatism: Frameworks of Comparison in History, Religion and Anthropology.Renaud Gagné, Simon Goldhill & Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Historically, all societies have used comparison to analyze cultural difference through the interaction of religion, power, and translation. When comparison is a self-reflective practice, it can be seen as a form of comparatism. Many scholars are concerned in one way or another with the practice and methods of comparison, and the need for a cognitively robust relativism is an integral part of a mature historical self-placement. This volume looks at how different theories and practices of writing and interpretation have developed (...)
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    Afghanistan: Biden and Trump—the Same Cowardice.Renaud Girard - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (196):160-162.
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    La liberté à corps perdu.Renaud Hétier - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1):269-277.
    La liberté a été assez largement réduite, dans la modernité occidentale, à une occurrence individualiste. C’est la liberté de l’individu « face au monde » et eu égard aux autres dont il s’agit surtout. Notre propos consistera en une critique de cette idée, au profit d’une compréhension relationnelle de la liberté. Il apparaîtra que nous avons besoin de soutien mutuel pour être et rester libre et que, à l’heure de l’Anthropocène, c’est la Terre qui nous soutient qui a elle aussi (...)
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    L'origine du mot "almanach".H. Renaud - 1947 - Isis 37 (1/2):44-46.
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    Notes and Correspondence.H. Renaud - 1945 - Isis 36 (1):69-70.
  34. The movement of the living as the originary foundation of perceptual intentionality.Renaud Barbaras - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 525--538.
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    Eric Voegelin et l'Orient: millénarisme et religions politiques de l'Antiquité à Daech.Renaud Fabbri - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'échec des printemps arabes et l'instauration d'un nouveau Califat de la terreur en Syrie et en Irak nous contraignent à repenser la place du religieux dans le monde contemporain. Rivés sur les questions sécuritaires, nous manquons encore néanmoins d'outils philosophiques pour comprendre la montée d'un nouveau totalitarisme millénariste et apocalyptique. Le présent ouvrage s'appuie sur les travaux d'Eric Voegelin (1901-1985), un philosophe américain d'origine allemande encore trop peu connu en France et dont toute l'oeuvre vise à mettre en lumière les (...)
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    Die Resokratisierung Platons: die platonische Hermeneutik Hans-Georg Gadamers.François Renaud - 1999 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Pratique du portrait chez Violette Leduc.Kiev Renaud - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35 (1-2):85-104.
    Résumé Cet article propose de dégager les techniques d’embaumement littéraire à l’œuvre dans la pratique du portrait chez Violette Leduc, c’est-à-dire les stratégies d’écriture servant à garder vivant le souvenir des personnes aimées. La métaphore de l’embaumement vient de Simone de Beauvoir, dans sa préface de La Bâtarde. L’analyse montre que la mémoire chez Leduc est décrite comme aussi tangible que la vision. L’inexorable mouvement du temps est caricaturalement grossi comme sous l’effet d’une loupe, ce qui permet de le saisir (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Desire and distance: introduction to a phenomenology of perception.Renaud Barbaras - 2006 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Desire and Distance constitutes an important new departure in contemporary phenomenological thought, a rethinking and critique of basic philosophical positions concerning the concept of perception presented by Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, though it departs in significant and original ways from their work. Barbaras’s overall goal is to develop a philosophy of what “life” is—one that would do justice to the question of embodiment and its role in perception and the formation of the human subject. Barbaras posits that desire and distance inform (...)
  39.  11
    O absoluto fenomenológico.Renaud Barbaras - 2023 - Phainomenon 36 (1):9-20.
    The same subjectivity that makes the world appear belongs, as an integral part, to that which it makes appear, so that there is no alternative between the phenomenological involvement of the world by subjectivity and the ontological involvement of subjectivity by the world. These are the two faces, already abstract, of a fundamental and original situation, in other words, a primitive fact or an archifact. We have thus transported the correlation to the terrain of the world in the form of (...)
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    “Local–Global”: the first twenty years.Renaud Chorlay - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (1):1-66.
    This paper investigates how and when pairs of terms such as “local–global” and “im Kleinen–im Grossen” began to be used by mathematicians as explicit reflexive categories. A first phase of automatic search led to the delineation of the relevant corpus, and to the identification of the period from 1898 to 1918 as that of emergence. The emergence appears to have been, from the very start, both transdisciplinary (function theory, calculus of variations, differential geometry) and international, although the AMS-Göttingen connection played (...)
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    Yelena Baraz, A Written Republic: Cicero’s Philosophical Politics.François Renaud - 2014 - Philosophie Antique 14:355-359.
    Dans la foulée des publications récentes sur Cicéron philosophe, cette excel­lente étude explore à nouveaux frais son projet « encyclopédique » (sous la dicta­ture de César, 46-44) par le biais d’un examen des prologues. Yelena Baraz (désormais Y.B.) justifie dans son introduction cette approche méthodologique. Cicéron possédait un cahier de prologues (volumen prohoemiorum) et écrivait des prologues indépendamment de l’ouvrage (ad Att. XVI, 6, 4). Cela signifie, explique-t-elle, qu’il conceva...
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    Life and Phenomenality.Renaud Barbaras - 2008 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 8 (1):127-138.
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    Métaphysique du sentiment.Renaud Barbaras - 2016 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Pt. 1. La séparation -- Les deux sens de la finitude -- La scission -- L'archi-événement -- La métaphysique -- Le langage -- Biologie privative -- L'exode -- L'exil -- Le langage -- Pt. 2. Le sentiment -- Le poétique -- Le sentiment -- Ipséité et ouverture -- Michel Henry -- Merleau-Ponty -- Heidegger -- Henri Maldiney.
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    Riassunto: I tre sensi della carne.Renaud Barbaras - 2008 - Chiasmi International 10:33-33.
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    Invisible Kin: Works and Days 280-285.Renaud Gagné - 2010 - Hermes 138 (1):1-21.
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  46. L'esthétique de la peur chez Empédocle.Renaud Gagné - 2006 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24 (1):83-110.
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    Boys Meet Girls, Paris Meets Hollywood: Opportunities Missed in French Films En Chanté.Renaud Lagabrielle - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (1):115-127.
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    Constructing moral concepts of God in a global age.Myriam Renaud - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Constructing Moral Concepts of God in a Global Age sets aside arguments about God's existence and focuses on what people say and think about God. It offers a theological method, or step-by-step approach to exploring and, if warranted, reframing personal convictions about God and the worldviews shaped by those convictions. Since a moral God is more likely to foster a moral life, this method integrates an ethical check to ensure that conceptions of God and their associated worldviews are validly moral. (...)
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    18. ethical-philosophical implications of a globalization process.Michel Renaud - 2000 - In Guillaume de Stexhe & Johan Verstraeten (eds.), Matter of breath: foundations for professional ethics. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 3--291.
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    Basic Challenges for Governance in Emergencies.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2013 - In Alice MacLachlan & C. Allen Speight (eds.), Justice, Responsibility, and Reconciliation in the Wake of Conflict. Springer.
    What are emergencies and why do they matter? In this chapter (in its penultimate version), I seek to outline the morally significant features of the concept of emergency, and demonstrate how these features generate corresponding first- and second-order challenges and responsibilities for those in a position to do something about them. In section A, I contend that emergencies are situations in which there is a risk of serious harm and a need to react urgently if that harm is to be (...)
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