Results for 'Reza Sharghi-Moshtaghin'

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  1.  27
    On phase transformations in a Ni-based superalloy.Sirous Asgari, Reza Sharghi-Moshtaghin, Mehdi SadeghAhmadi & Pirouz Pirouz - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (10-12):1351-1370.
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    Students’ Online Cheating Reasons and Strategies: EFL Teachers’ Strategies to Abolish Cheating in Online Examinations.Reza Taherkhani & Saba Aref - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):539-559.
    The current study aimed to explore effective strategies for preventing cheating in online examinations by surveying students to determine their cheating strategies. A total of 406 Iranian students at BA, MA, and PhD levels in four programs, including English language teaching, English literature, Linguistics, and English language translation, participated in this study using a convenient sampling technique. The sample was drawn from 83 universities across all 31 provinces of Iran. The researchers developed a 30-item questionnaire and a 4-item interview to (...)
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    Sanctification of marriage, religious coping and marital adjustment of Iranian couples.Reza Fallahchai, Maryam Fallahi, Arefeh Moazenjami & Annette Mahoney - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (2):121-134.
    This study examined cross-sectional links of the theistic and non-theistic sanctification of marriage and positive and negative religious coping with marital adjustment for 316 married Muslims from Iran. Perceiving marriage to be a manifestation of God and reflective of sacred qualities as well as engaging in positive and negative religious/spiritual coping strategies each uniquely contributed variance to marital adjustment, after controlling for each other and global indicators of devotion to Islam, and demographic variables. Specifically, theistic sanctification, non-theistic sanctification, and positive (...)
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  4. The trace of pragmatism in Niels Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics.Reza Malih & Afsaneh Ashekari - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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  5. Collective epistemic virtues.Reza Lahroodi - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):281 – 297.
    At the intersection of social and virtue epistemology lies the important, yet so far entirely neglected, project of articulating the social dimensions of epistemic virtues. Perhaps the most obvious way in which epistemic virtues might be social is that they may be possessed by social collectives. We often speak of groups as if they could instantiate epistemic virtues. It is tempting to think of these expressions as ascribing virtues not to the groups themselves, but to their members. Adapting Margaret Gilbert's (...)
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  6. Kant’s Account of Epistemic Normativity.Reza Hadisi - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (3):576-610.
    According to a common interpretation, most explicitly defended by Onora O’Neill and Patricia Kitcher, Kant held that epistemic obligations normatively depend on moral obligations. That is, were a rational agent not bound by any moral obligation, then she would not be bound by any epistemic obligation either. By contrast, in this paper, I argue that, according to Kant, some epistemic obligations are normatively independent from moral obligations, and are indeed normatively absolute. This view, which I call epistemicism, has two parts. (...)
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    Reflexive Water Management in Arid Regions: The Case of Iran.Mohammed Reza Balali, Josef ~Keulartz & Michiel Korthals - 2009 - Environmental Values 18 (1):91-112.
    To illuminate the problems and perspectives of water management in Iran and comparable (semi-) arid Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, three paradigms can be distinguished: the traditional, the industrial and the reflexive paradigm. Each paradigm is characterised by its key technical system, its main social institution and its ethico-religious framework. Iran seems to be in a state of transition from the ‘hydraulic mission’ of industrial modernity to a more reflexive approach to water management. This article sketches the contours (...)
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  8. Evaluating need for cognition: A case study in naturalistic epistemic virtue theory.Reza Lahroodi - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):227 – 245.
    The recent literature on epistemic virtues advances two general projects. The first is virtue epistemology, an attempt to explicate key epistemic notions in terms of epistemic virtue. The second is epistemic virtue theory, the conceptual and normative investigation of cognitive traits of character. While a great deal of work has been done in virtue epistemology, epistemic virtue theory still languishes in a state of neglect. Furthermore, the existing work is non-naturalistic. The present paper contributes to the development of a naturalistic (...)
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  9.  53
    Meta-awareness, mind wandering and negative mood in the context of the continuity hypothesis of dreaming.Reza Maleeh & Shaghayegh Konjedi - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):105-131.
    In the waking state, in the absence of meta-awareness, mind wandering with specific contents can lead to negative mood. Such negative mood can be incorporated into dreaming according to the continuity hypothesis of dreaming. In this paper we argue that in the presence of what we call ‘sustained phenomenal meta-awareness’, negative mood would not follow mind wandering in waking. Sustained phenomenal meta-awareness has a non-sensory, non-affective phenomenal character. It is essentially intransitive, prereflectively self-aware, non-propositional, non-conceptual and devoid of subject-object structure. (...)
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  10. Transatlantic publication fashions : in search of quality and methodology in law journal articles.Reza Dibadj - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.), Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  11. Differential cruelty: a critique of ontological reason in light of the philosophy of cruelty.Reza Negarestani - 2009 - Angelaki 14 (3):69 – 84.
  12.  40
    The Creation of the Human Being in Thomas Aquinas and Mullā Ṣadrā.Reza Rezazadeh - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (3):639-648.
    The creation of the human being is an issue that has arisen from time to time in both Western and Eastern philosophy. Does the human soul have an eternal preexistence, or was it, just like the body, created at a point in time? If created at a point in time, does the soul join the body as a created but incorporeal existence or does it join the body as a physical thing that changes into an incorporeal existence? Finally, does God (...)
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    The Role of Sikh Liberalism in Promoting Communal Harmony in Today’s World.Md Mohshin Reza - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:189-209.
    This study examines the role of the principle of Sikh liberalism in promoting communal harmony in today’s world. Communal harmony has been under threat in almost all countries for decades, and bigotry, distrust, and animosity prevail among the followers of diverse faithbased communities. Individuals need to be whole-hearted, liberal in approach, and tolerant toward the followers of other communities to reduce such inconsistencies in our society. The paper explores that the ideology of Sikh liberalism can be a role model for (...)
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    Whose Experience is the Measure of Justice?Banakar Reza - 2007 - Legal Ethics 10 (2):209-222.
    Robert Alexy’s theory of legal argumentation is among the notable contributions made to mainstream jurisprudence in the last three decades. Remaining true to its rational discursive mission, it engages with both analytical positivism and natural law theories. A recent collection of essays edited by George Pavlakos explores Alexy’s theory from a number of philosophical standpoints, revealing its theoretical potential and flaws. By doing so, this volume helps us to gain a better understanding of the implications of Alexy’s theory of legal (...)
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  15. Evaluational Internalism, Epistemic Virtues, and the Significance of Trying.Reza Lahroodi - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Research 31:1-20.
    While there is general agreement about the list of epistemic virtues, there has been much controversy over what it is to be an epistemic virtue. Three competing theories have been offered: evaluational externalism, evaluational internalism, and mixed theories. A major problem with internalism, the focus of this paper, is that it disconnects the value of epistemic virtue from actual success in the real world (the Disconnection Problem). Relying on a novel thesis about the relation of “trying” and “exercise of virtue,” (...)
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  16.  41
    The time(s) of the photographed.Reza Tavakol - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (2):195-206.
    The relationship between the photographic and optical images and time has been the subject of great deal of debate. Despite their differences, what many of these considerations have in common is their focus on the receiver, whether mechanical, biological, social or the memory and imagination of the observer. My aim here is to shift the emphasis from the receiver to the object or vista that is photographed or viewed and to explore how the constraints implied by our modern understanding of (...)
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  17. Ghazālī's Transformative Answer to Scepticism.Reza Hadisi - 2021 - Theoria 88 (1):109-142.
    In this paper, I offer a reconstruction of Ghazālī's encounter with scepticism in the Deliverance from Error. For Ghazālī, I argue, radical scepticism about the possibility of knowledge ensues from intellectualist assumptions about the nature of justification. On the reading that I will propose, Ghazālī holds that foundational knowledge can only be justified via actions that lead to transformative experiences.
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    Word associations contribute to machine learning in automatic scoring of degree of emotional tones in dream reports.Reza Amini, Catherine Sabourin & Joseph De Koninck - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1570-1576.
    Scientific study of dreams requires the most objective methods to reliably analyze dream content. In this context, artificial intelligence should prove useful for an automatic and non subjective scoring technique. Past research has utilized word search and emotional affiliation methods, to model and automatically match human judges’ scoring of dream report’s negative emotional tone. The current study added word associations to improve the model’s accuracy. Word associations were established using words’ frequency of co-occurrence with their defining words as found in (...)
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    Herbert Simon, innovation, and heuristics.Reza Kheirandish & Shabnam Mousavi - 2018 - Mind and Society 17 (1-2):97-109.
    Herbert Simon viewed innovation as a particular type of problem-solving behavior that entails refocus of attention and search for alternatives outside the existing domain of standard operations. This exploration outside of standard routines involves heuristic-based discovery and action, such as satisficing search for information and options. In our observations on the innovation process, we focus on knowledge generation. We propose viewing the process of generating knowledge—when knowledge is sufficient to instigate action, but not necessarily enough to eliminate the uncertainty of (...)
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  20.  21
    Gutting’s critical View to the Truth-Independent Justification Models on Believe in God.Reza Akbari & Khaled ZandSalimi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 10 (19):75-91.
    Justification of believe in God had been one of the most challenging problem throughout history of philosophy. The problem is "is believe in god epistemically justified?" Gutting's theory in justification of theism is combined of two parts. He critiques Witgenstainian's view firstly, and then considers Aquinas’, Plantinga's, and some other views as incorrect views on theism. Gutting says that Witgenstainians and Tomistic approaches cannot draw a religious language exactly. He also considers Plantinga's view as an incorrect view, because it is (...)
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  21.  40
    The role of gossip, reputation and charisma in inducing cooperation.Reza Hasmath & Peter Jaworski - manuscript
    This paper argues that gossip can be a central element in inducing cooperation. The underlying assumption here is that human beings value payoffs in most societies, and are willing to have less now for more in the future. This basic interaction is tempered through gossip - as our behavior now may affect our future interactions and subsequent payoffs. As such, reputation matters and plays a crucial role in inducing cooperation. In order for gossip to be an effective policing mechanism a (...)
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  22. Lived World According to Hayy ibn Yaqzan and the Lifeworld.Reza Rokoee - 2013 - Filozofia 68:45-59.
  23. The justification of induction : A rationalistic solution for the classic problem of induction.Reza Sadeghi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):215-252.
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    On the Domain of Applicability of General Relativity.Reza Tavakol & Roustam Zalaletdinov - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):307-331.
    We consider the domain of applicability of general relativity (GR), as a classical theory of gravity, by considering its applications to a variety of settings of physical interest as well as its relationship with real observations. We argue that, as it stands, GR is deficient whether it is treated as a microscopic or a macroscopic theory of gravity. We briefly discuss some recent attempts at removing this shortcoming through the construction of a macroscopic theory of gravity. We point out that (...)
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  25.  28
    Philosophy in early Safavid Iran: Najm al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Nayrīzī and his writings.Reza Pourjavady - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    This book is about a Muslim Shi’i philosopher of the early 16th century, Najm al-Din Mahmud al-Nayrizi.
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  26. Mental Being, A New Perspective.Reza Akbari - unknown - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 14.
    Mental being has always been an issue of paramount importance and interest to Muslim philosophers. The first philosopher to raise mental being as an independent philosophical case is Fakhr al-din Razi. Others including Khwaje Nassir Tusi, Katebi Qazwini, Taftazani and Mulla Sadra have also used various reasons to prove the existence of mental being. In his famous book of Asfar, Mulla Sadra introduces three philosophical reasons:a) Istibsar i.e. envisaging possible beings which are non-existing as well as impossible beingsb) Celestial revelation; (...)
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  27. Mulla sadra’s philosophical innovations and their impacts on the theory of the microcosm and the macroanthropo.Reza Akbari - 2007 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 47.
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  28. Permissibility of the Use of Empirical Sciences in Epistemology.Rezā Akbari - unknown - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 42.
    The traditional approaches to epistemology are task-oriented and enjoy prescriptive aspects. They do not allow the employment of empirical sciences in epistemology. This is because they believe that such sciences lack any kind of prescriptive aspect and enjoy a descriptive nature. Some contemporary epistemological theoreticians, such as realist naturalists, believe that we have no choice but to employ empirical sciences in epistemology, for they provide us with a more accurate understanding of concepts such as justification and knowledge. It appears that (...)
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  29.  9
    Die „Antinomie“ des § 3 der Tugendlehre.Reza Mosayebi - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 443-456.
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    Hinweise zu den Autorinnen und Autoren.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 307-310.
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  31.  23
    Intelligence, emotional intelligence, and emo-sensory intelligence: Which one is a better predictor of university students’ academic success?Reza Pishghadam, Maryam Faribi, Mahtab Kolahi Ahari, Farzaneh Shadloo, Mohammad Javad Gholami & Shaghayegh Shayesteh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The primary aim of this study was to determine the role of psychometric intelligence, emotional intelligence, and emo-sensory intelligence in university students’ academic achievement. To this end, 212 university students at different academic levels, composed of 154 females and 58 males, were asked to complete the Raven’s Progressive Matrices, the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, and the Emo-Sensory Intelligence Scale. Data were then matched with students’ Grade Point Averages as a measure of their academic achievement. The results revealed that students’ level (...)
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    Southeast Asian Landscapes Are Facing Rapid Transition: A Study in the State of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia.Mohammad Imam Hasan Reza - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (2):118-127.
    Southeast Asian landscapes have been shifting from natural landscapes to the modified landscapes at a rate faster than ever. Ecological integrity is under tremendous pressure due to the anthropogenic developmental activities. Little attention, however, has been paid to identify the major underlying causes of this rapid landscape transformation. This article discusses these issues from the point of view of a landscape ecologist. Landsat TM 30 m satellite images of 1988, 1996, and Landsat ETM+ 30 m image of 2005 were classified (...)
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    (1 other version)To buy or not to buy organic food: Evaluating the moderating effect of gender using PLS-MGA.Reza Saleki, Farzana Quoquab & Jihad Mohammad - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Development of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Students.Reza Shahrokh - 1998 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 18 (2):52-64.
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    Pragmatism, Bohr, and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Reza Maleeh & Parisa Amani - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):353-367.
    In this article, we argue that although Bohr's version of the Copenhagen interpretation is in line with several key elements of logical positivism, pragmatism is the closest approximation to a classification of the Copenhagen interpretation, whether or not pragmatists directly influenced the key figures of the interpretation. Pragmatism already encompasses important elements of operationalism and logical positivism, especially the liberalized Carnapian reading of logical positivism. We suggest that some elements of the Copenhagen interpretation, which are in line with logical positivism, (...)
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  36.  16
    Wittgenstein’s Movements of Thought and the Socratic Tradition of Philosophy.Reza Hosseini - 2023 - Philosophical Papers 52 (2):89-107.
    By situating Wittgenstein's handwritten manuscripts in the Socratic tradition of philosophy, I argue that contrary to Wittgenstein's misjudgement about the role and impact of the Socratic conception of philosophy, his own way of doing philosophy has much in common with that of philosophers in the Socratic tradition in terms of orientation and rhetorical style. Focusing on Movements of Thought, the latest edition of Wittgenstein's Koder Diaries, I argue that the convergence of philosophical and personal remarks in Wittgenstein's handwritten manuscripts is (...)
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  37. Ghazālī's epistemology.Reza Hadisi - 2022 - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
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    The Infinite Turn and Speculative Explanations in Cosmology.Reza Tavakol & Fabio Gironi - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):785-798.
    Infinity, in various guises, has been invoked recently in order to ‘explain’ a number of important questions regarding observable phenomena in science, and in particular in cosmology. Such explanations are by their nature speculative. Here we introduce the notions of relative infinity, closure, and economy of explanation and ask: to what extent explanations involving relative or real constructed infinities can be treated as reasonable?
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  39.  27
    Evaluating the Credibility of Storied Matter in the Context of Agential Realism.Reza Arab & Sue Lovell - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (6):50-66.
    This study is defined within the context of the critical posthuman project of decentring humanist subjectivity. We argue that because agential realism, and the agency and performativity that go with it, do not enable non-human matter to be accountable, only human matter, in its intra-active becoming with non-human matter, can support an ethical project. Secondly, we map our understanding of Barad’s agential realism, explaining the importance of agential cuts in phenomena-in-their-becoming that are the world worlding itself, and evaluate ethics, agency, (...)
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  40.  21
    Relation of Ontology and Aesthetics in Mullā Sadrā’s Theosophy.Rezā Akbari - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 7 (25):88-102.
    Mullā Sadrā appeared in the philosophical field when the prevalent philosophical questions were principality of existence and principality of quiddity. Although he first held the theory of principality of quiddity, later in a cognitional rotation he accepted the theory of principality of existence. Such a rotation gradually causes a wide revolution in the realm of philosophy, and consequently it yields principles such as unity of existence, analogicity of existence, and intensification of existence. He propounds external objectivity of existence, knowledge, beauty (...)
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  41.  30
    On the macroscopic response, microstructure evolution, and macroscopic stability of short-fibre-reinforced elastomers at finite strains: I – Analytical results.Reza Avazmohammadi & Pedro Ponte Castañeda - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (10):1031-1067.
  42.  24
    A Dyadic Approach to Understanding Associations Between Job Stress, Marital Quality, and Dyadic Coping for Dual-Career Couples in Iran.Reza Fallahchai, Maryam Fallahi & Ashley K. Randall - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Possibilism or Actualism A Critical Analysis of Timothy Williamson s viewpoints.Reza Hajiebrahim & Vahideh Sadeghi - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (4):108-136.
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    Consciousness: Emergent and Real.Reza Maleeh & Achim Stephan - 2015 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 6 (3):486-491.
    In this paper, we propose three lines of argumentation against Nannini’s eliminativist approach towards consciousness and the Self. First, we argue that the premises he uses to argue for eliminativism can equally well be used to draw a completely different conclusion in favor of naturalistic dualism according to which phenomenal consciousness irreducibly emerges from a physical substrate by virtue of certain psychophysical laws of nature. Nannini proposes that in contrast to dualistic theses which represent the manifest image of the world, (...)
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  45. Justification and analysis of knowledge.Reza Mohammadzadeh - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):11-44.
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  46.  Philosophical analysis.Reza Mohamadzadeh - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):67-99.
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    Frontmatter.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter.
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    Inhalt.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter.
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    Kant Und Menschenrechte.Reza Mosayebi (ed.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    Zentrale Begriffe in der Menschenrechtsdebatte, wie Würde, Autonomie, Menschheit und Freiheit, sind zugleich charakteristisch für die praktische Philosophie Kants. Kant nimmt bei fast allen, zum Teil kontroversen philosophischen Menschenrechtstheorien auf die eine oder andere Weise die Rolle eines bedeutenden Bezugspunkts ein. Dies gilt nicht nur für die moralischen Begründungstheorien, sondern auch für die Vertreter der heute einflussreichen „Politischen Konzeption“ der Menschenrechte, die auf eine unmittelbare moralische Rechtfertigung der Menschenrechte verzichten. Es fragt sich jedoch sowohl in systematischer wie ideengeschichtlicher Hinsicht, ob (...)
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  50.  21
    Vocabulary Repetition Following Multisensory Instruction Is Ineffective on L2 Sentence Comprehension: Evidence From the N400.Reza Pishghadam, Haniyeh Jajarmi, Shaghayegh Shayesteh, Azin Khodaverdi & Hossein Nassaji - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Putting the principles of multisensory teaching into practice, this study investigated the effect of audio-visual vocabulary repetition on L2 sentence comprehension. Forty participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. A sensory-based model of instruction was used to teach a list of unfamiliar vocabularies to the two groups. Following the instruction, the experimental group repeated the instructed words twice, while the control group received no vocabulary repetition. Afterward, their electrophysiological neural activities were recorded through electroencephalography while doing a sentence (...)
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