Results for 'Rhetorical value'

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  1.  50
    Value-bifurcation in bioscience: The rhetoric of research justification.Laurie Anne Whitt - 1999 - Perspectives on Science 7 (4):413-446.
  2.  18
    Rhetoric and Substance in Value Theory: An Appraisal of the New Orthodox Marxism.David Laibman & D. L. - 2000 - Science and Society 64 (3):310 - 332.
    A recent trend among Marxist economists tries to vindicate Marx, in opposition to criticism from mainstream economics and to developments in what may be called the mainstream of Marxist theory in the 20th century. It does this, however, by insisting on the literal truth of Marx's formulations, especially in Volume III of Capital. Well-known difficulties with these formulations are countered by resort to a "temporal" interpretation, in which inputs and outputs are differently timedated. This, however, reduces either to the abandonment (...)
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    Sharing values to safeguard the future: British Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration as epideictic rhetoric.John E. Richardson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):171-191.
    This article explores the rhetoric, and mass mediation, of the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration ceremony, as broadcast on British television. I argue that the televised national ceremonies should be approached as an example of multi-genre epideictic rhetoric, working up meanings through a hybrid combination of genres, author/animators and modes. Epideictic rhetoric has often been depreciated as simply ceremonial ‘praise or blame’ speeches. However, given that the topics of praise/blame assume the existence of social norms, epideictic also acts to presuppose (...)
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    Countering Expert Uncertainty: Rhetorical Strategies from the Case of Value-Added Modeling in Teacher Evaluation.Glory Tobiason - 2019 - Minerva 57 (1):109-126.
    This study investigates how uncertainty works in science policy debates by considering an unusual case: one in which uncertainty-based arguments for delay come from the scientific community, rather than industry actors. The case I present is the central use of value-added modeling in the evaluation of individual teachers, a controversial trend in education reform. In order to understand how policy actors might counter inconvenient statements of uncertainty from experts, I analyze speeches from Education Secretary Arne Duncan, a committed and (...)
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    Intrinsic Versus Instrumental Values of Argumentation: The Rhetorical Dimension of Argumentation. [REVIEW]Lilian Bermejo-Luque - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (4):453-474.
    I distinguish four current strategies for integrating a rhetorical perspective within normative models for argumentation. Then I propose and argue for a fifth one by defending a conception of acts of arguing as having a rhetorical dimension that provides conditions for characterizing good argumentation, understood as argumentation that justifies a target-claim.
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  6. The rhetoric of deliberation: Some problems in Kantian theories of deliberative democracy.John O'Neill - 2002 - Res Publica 8 (3):249-268.
    Deliberative or discursive models of democracy have recently enjoyed a revival in both political theory and policy practice. Against the picture of democracy as a procedure for aggregating and effectively meeting the given preference of individuals, deliberative theory offers a model of democracy as a forum through which judgements and preferences are formed and altered through reasoned dialogue between free and equal citizens. Much in the recent revival of deliberative democracy, especially that which comes through Habermas and Rawls, has Kantian (...)
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    Rhetoric and the Rule of Law.Neil MacCormick - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:51-67.
    The thesis that propositions of law are intrinsically arguable is opposed by the antithesis that the Rule of Law is valued for the sake of legal certainty. The synthesis considers the insights of theories of rhetoric and proceduralist theories of practical reason, then locates the problem of indeterminacy of law in the context of the challengeable character of governmental action under free governments. This is not incompatible with, but required by the Rule of Law, which is misstated as securing legal (...)
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    Reconciling Competence and Consent in Opioid-Dependence Research: The Value of Vulnerability Rhetoric.Michael O. S. Afolabi & Stephen O. Sodeke - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (12):48-50.
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    Rhetoric and Philosophy.Richard A. Cherwitz & Henry W. Johnstone Jr (eds.) - 1990 - Routledge.
    This important volume explores alternative ways in which those involved in the field of speech communication have attempted to find a philosophical grounding for rhetoric. Recognizing that rhetoric can be supported in a wide variety of ways, this text examines eight different philosophies of rhetoric: realism, relativism, rationalism, idealism, materialism, existentialism, deconstructionism, and pragmatism. The value of this book lies in its pluralistic and comparative approach to rhetorical theory. Although rhetoric may be the more difficult road to philosophy, (...)
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    A Rhetoric of Turns: Signs and Symbols in Education.Kris Rutten & Ronald Soetaert - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (4):604-620.
    In our research and teaching we explore the value and the place of rhetoric in education. From a theoretical perspective we situate our work in different disciplines, inspired by major ‘turns’: linguistic, cultural, anthropological/ethnographic, interpretive, semiotic, narrative, literary, rhetorical etc. In this article we engage in the discussion about what all these turns might entail for education by elaborating on what it implies to read the world as a ‘text'—as is central in a semiotic approach—and by introducing new (...)
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    Rhetoric as a Means for Sustainable Development Policy.Gael Plumecocq - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (5):529-549.
    This paper examines the hypothesis that all public policies are based, at least in part, on rhetorical strategies. By analysing public policies implemented in the context of sustainable development, this article emphasises the need for and the challenges of providing legitimate foundations for the rhetorical means used to encourage change; it is these foundations that determine a given policy's efficacy. To do so, historical analyses are used, as well as socio-economic perspectives examined through textual analysis. The text concludes (...)
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    Articulating Values Through Identity Work: Advancing Family Business Ethics Research.Marleen Dieleman & Juliette Koning - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):675-687.
    Family values are argued to enable ethical family business conduct. However, how these arise, evolve, and how family leaders articulate them is less understood. Using an ‘identity work’ approach, this paper finds that the values underpinning identity work: arise from multiple sources, evolve in tandem with the context; and, that their articulation is relational and aspirational, rather than merely historical. Prior research mostly understood family values as rooted in the past and relatively stable, but our rhetorical analysis unlocks a (...)
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  13.  14
    Classical Rhetoric and the Promotion of the New World.Andrew Fitzmaurice - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):221-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Classical Rhetoric and the Promotion of the New WorldAndrew FitzmauriceFor many years historians have characterized the relation between the Old World and the New as an encounter in which the New was assimilated to the Old. There is a striking uniformity in the reasons given for this process. It is argued that in their “discovery” the Europeans encountered a world which was radically different from their own and for (...)
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  14.  31
    The Ethos of Drama: Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth.Robert L. King - 2010 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Rhetorical ethos and dramatic theory -- Syntax, style, and ethos -- The worth of words -- Memory and ethos -- Shaw, ethos, and rhetorical wit -- Athol Fugard's dramatic rhetoric -- Rhetoric and silence in Holocaust drama.
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    Rhetoric on the bleachers, or, the rhetorician as melancholiac.Philippe-Joseph Salazar - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 356-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric on the Bleachers, or, The Rhetorician as MelancholiacPhilippe-Joseph SalazarThose who cannot remember rhetoric are condemned to repeat it.*French philosopher Jacques Bouveresse (2008) asks, in his most recent book, Why is it that we think we need literary works, in addition to science and philosophy, to help solve moral questions? As one reviewer notes, this comes as a surprise from a man “better known as a specialist of Wittgenstein, (...)
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  16. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation.Chaïm Perelman & Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1969 - Notre Dame, IN, USA: Notre Dame University Press. Edited by Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca.
    The New Rhetoric is founded on the idea that since “argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, it is, in its entirety, relative to the audience to be influenced,” says Chaïm Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, and they rely, in particular, for their theory of argumentation on the twin concepts of universal and particular audiences: while every argument is directed to a specific individual or group, the orator decides what information and what approaches will achieve (...)
  17.  41
    Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition (review).Lawrence William Rosenfield - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (1):94-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.1 (2000) 94-96 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition. Janet M. Atwill. London: Cornell University Press, 1998. Pp. xvi + 235. $35.00 hard cover. Much like Weimar, Germany, American civil society has been buffeted for a half-century by both the lunatic right, hiding behind the mask of religious freedom, and (...)
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    The Philosophy and Rhetoric of Auditor Independence Concepts.Sara Ann Reiter & Paul F. Williams - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):355-376.
    This paper analyzes the rhetoric surrounding the profession’s presentations of auditor independence. We trace the evolution of thecharacter of the auditor from Professional Man in the early years of the twentieth century to the more public and abstract figures of Judicial Man and Economic Man. The changing character of the auditor in the profession’s narratives of legitimation reflects changes in the role of auditing, in the economic environment, and in the values of American society. Economic man is a self-interested and (...)
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  19.  38
    Rhetorical definition: A French initiative.Nancy S. Struever - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):pp. 401-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetorical Definition:A French InitiativeNancy S. StrueverRhetoric as TheoryIl y a quelque chose de démesuré et de prématuré à entreprendre une histoire de la rhétorique dans I'Europe moderne(Fumaroli 1999).When in his preface to the Histoire de la rhétorique Marc Fumaroli states that the project itself is overambitious and premature, he proceeds to justify his judgment by listing the complications of rhetorical definition: rhetoric is Protean in nature, and (...)
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  20.  59
    Nobel Rhetoric; or, Petrarch’s Pendulum.Philippe-Joseph Salazar - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (4):pp. 373-400.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nobel Rhetoric; or, Petrarch's PendulumPhilippe-Joseph SalazarVery many authors who have their roots in other countries work in Europe, because it is only here where you can be left alone and write, without being beaten to death. It is dangerous to be an author in big parts of Asia and Africa.1The ceremony of [Petrarch's] coronation was performed on the Capitol, by his friend and patron the supreme magistrate of the (...)
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  21.  42
    Rhetoric and Community: Studies in Unity and Fragmentation (review).Lester C. Olson - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (2):182-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.2 (2000) 182-186 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Rhetoric and Community: Studies in Unity and Fragmentation Rhetoric and Community: Studies in Unity and Fragmentation. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Ed. J. Michael Hogan. Series ed. Thomas W. Benson. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 1998. Pp. xxxviii + 315. $39.95. Based on papers and critical responses presented at the Fourth Biennial Public Address Conference, which was (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Aristotle: A Translation.Richard Claverhouse Jebb (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1909, this book presents a translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric by the renowned British classical scholar and politician Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb. An editorial introduction and supplementary notes by Sir John Edwin Sandys are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the works of Aristotle.
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    The Issue of Rhetoric for Christian Apologists in the Second Century.Anastasios G. Maràs - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):409-421.
    Viewing rhetoric as a product of pagan culture, the Apologists take a negative stance toward it. For Justin the art of persuasion may be useful in all areas ofpublic life but it is useless when it comes to the metaphysical truth of Christianity. The strength to teach or interpret Christianity, Justin posits, comes from God, not rhetoric. For his part, Tatian dismisses forensic rhetoric on the grounds that it often subverts Christian ethics by defending injustice, sycophancy and money-making, in effect (...)
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  24.  50
    Family Values: Subjects Between Nature and Culture.Kelly Oliver - 1997 - Routledge.
    Family Values shows how the various contradictions at the heart of Western conceptions of maternity and paternity problematize our relationships with ourselves and with others. Using philosophical texts, psychoanalytic theory, studies in biology and popular culture, Kelly Oliver challenges our traditional concepts of maternity which are associated with nature, and our conceptions of paternity which are embedded in culture. Oliver's intervention calls into question the traditional image of the oppositional relationship between nature and culture, maternal and paternal. Family Values also (...)
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  25. Rhetorical Circulation in Late Capitalism: Neoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective Energy.Catherine Chaput - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (1):1-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetorical Circulation in Late CapitalismNeoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective EnergyCatherine ChaputIn the world we have known since the nineteenth century, a series of governmental rationalities overlap, lean on each other, challenge each other, and struggle with each other: art of government according to truth, art of government according to the rationality of the sovereign state, and art of government according to the rationality of economic agents, and (...)
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  26.  17
    Rhetorical Action in Rektoratsrede: Calling Heidegger's Gefolgschaft.Matthew Sharpe - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (2):176-201.
    ABSTRACT This article analyzes Heidegger's rhetoric in his most famous political address, the Rektoratsrede, which he delivered at the University of Freiburg on 27 May 1933. After I set out the political and philosophical kairos of the Rektoratsrede by drawing on Heidegger's contemporary lectures, letters, and Ponderings, in part 2 I use classical rhetorical resources and Heidegger's philosophy of temporality in Sein und Zeit to analyze the arrangement of his speech. In part 3, I examine two key National Socialist (...)
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  27.  66
    Religious Minorities' Web Rhetoric: Romanian and Hungarian Ethno-Pagan Organizations.Rozalia Bako & Laszlo-Attila Hubbes - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):127-158.
    The comparative study of Romanian and Hungarian Neopagan organizations with an ethnocentric or "Ethno-pagan" ideology is an exploratory research aimed at mapping the similarities and the differences between these religious minorities, with a highlight on their level of institutionalization, their core values and degree of political mobilization. Zalmoxian groups and organizations promote the revival of Romanian spirituality through a process of reconnection to its ancient, supposedly Dacian and Thracian roots; by the same token, Hungarian Shamanist movements are aimed at recovering (...)
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    The Web-Rhetoric of Companies Offering Home-Based Personal Health Monitoring.Anders Nordgren - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (2):103-118.
    In this paper I investigate the web-rhetoric of companies offering home-based personal health monitoring to patients and elderly people. Two main rhetorical methods are found, namely a reference to practical benefits and a use of prestige words like “quality of life” and “independence”. I interpret the practical benefits in terms of instrumental values and the prestige words in terms of final values. I also reconstruct the arguments on the websites in terms of six different types of argument. Finally, I (...)
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  29.  65
    Self, value, and narrative: a Kierkegaardian approach.Anthony Rudd - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Anthony Rudd presents a striking new account of the self as an ethical, evaluative being.
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  30.  10
    The deep ecology of rhetoric in Mencius and Aristotle: a somatic guide.Douglas Robinson - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    _Discusses philosophers Mencius and Aristotle as socio-ecological thinkers._ Mencius (385–303/302 BCE) and Aristotle (384–322 BCE) were contemporaries, but are often understood to represent opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum. Mencius is associated with the ecological, emergent, flowing, and connected; Artistotle with the rational, static, abstract, and binary. Douglas Robinson argues that in their conceptions of rhetoric, at least, Mencius and Aristotle are much more similar than different: both are powerfully socio-ecological, espousing and exploring collectivist thinking about the circulation of energy (...)
  31.  65
    Rhetorical Argumentation in Italian Academic Discourse.Manuti Amelia, Cortini Michela & Mininni Giuseppe - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (1):101-124.
    The recent trend in institutional communication research seems to foster the image of the University as a private organization significantly oriented towards a policy of customer satisfaction. Following the concept of organizational culture, institutional settings too are conceived as organizational contexts, where discourse is a privileged vehicle to convey and spread values, traditions and artifacts, both through internal and external communication practices. Thus, within academic discourse organizational culture is shaped and perpetuated by specific devices of rhetorical argumentation. The corpus (...)
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  32.  19
    Rhetorical Criticism: An Interpretation of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Richard L. Lanigan - 1969 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 2 (2):61 - 71.
    Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological method of description, Reduction and intentionality is interpreted as a schema for rhetorical criticism. The existential nature of "man speaking" becomes the object of criticism, As opposed to traditional concerns with rhetorical "effects" or auditor reactions. Merleau-Ponty's separation of authentic or existential speech (speaking) and sedimented speech (the spoken word) allows the critic to distinguish social-Cultural values from individual volitions in a given communication "gestalt". The dialectic of a body-Subject in communication with others can be examined (...)
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  33.  50
    The Rhetorical Imagination of Kenneth Burke (review).Daniel L. Smith - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2):172-176.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.2 (2003) 172-176 [Access article in PDF] The Rhetorical Imagination of Kenneth Burke. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Ross Wolin. Series ed. Thomas W. Benson. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2001. Pp. xviii + 256. $34.95, cloth. Ross Wolin's The Rhetorical Imagination of Kenneth Burke offers its readers an interesting mix of intellectual history and conceptual explication, along with an element of biography, which (...)
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    Contagion, Quarantine and Constitutive Rhetoric: Embodiment, Identity and the “Potential Victim” of Infectious Disease.Julie Homchick Crowe - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (3):421-441.
    Through a rhetorical analysis of fragments of language used by United States public health experts, victims, and advocates during the early periods of polio, HIV and COVID-19, this project shows how constitutive rhetoric within infectious disease discourse articulates the subject position of potential victim for different publics. The author finds that the analyzed discourse simultaneously calls forth a negative identity that asks people to not become something and also asks for actions to prevent disease spread – and, in doing (...)
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    Valuing the Environment in Conservation Economics: Conceptual and Structural Barriers.Fabien Medvecky - 2014 - Ethics and the Environment 19 (2):39.
    Valuing conservation and biodiversity outcomes in economic analysis is difficult, as it is in health economics. Because health economics has previously had to respond to the many challenges currently faced by conservation economics, health economists have developed very successful tools for responding to these challenges which conservation economists can draw upon. What is surprising is that despite rhetorical support for the use of these economic analysis tools in conservation valuations, in practice, these economic tools are used far less frequently (...)
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    Managerialism Rhetorics in Portuguese Higher Education.Rui Santiago & Teresa Carvalho - 2012 - Minerva 50 (4):511-532.
    In Portugal, as elsewhere, the rhetoric of managerialism in higher education is becoming firmly entrenched in the governmental policymakers’ discourse and has been widely disseminated across the institutional landscape. Managerialism is an important ideological support of New Public Management policies and can be classified as a narrative of strategic change. In this paper, we analyse how far the managerialism narrative has been injected into the discursive repertory of Portuguese academics in their role as the co-ordinators of the higher education institutions’ (...)
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  37.  40
    The Future of Knowing and Values: Information Technologies and Plato's Critique of Rhetoric.Susan B. Levin - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (2):153-177.
    The most contentious issue in current debates about human enhancement is whether it properly belongs to human aspiration to outstrip our human ceiling in cognition and longevity so radically that the result would not be improved human beings but instead "posthumans." Transhumanists answer strongly in the affirmative and hence vigorously support our directing available and foreseeable technologies to that end. According to Nick Bostrom, transhumanism is "an outgrowth of secular humanism and the Enlightenment." Our "ceasing to be human is [not] (...)
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    The Rhetoric of the ‘Passive Patient’ in Indian Medical Negligence Cases.Supriya Subramani - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (4):349-366.
    In this paper, I examine the rhetoric employed by court judgements, with a particular emphasis on the narrative construct of the ‘passive patient’. This construction advances and reinforces paternalistic values, which have scant regard for the patients’ preferences, values, or choices within the legal context. Further, I critique the rhetoric employed and argue that the use of this rhetoric is the basis for a precedent that limits the understanding and respect of patients. Through this paper, I present the contemporary use (...)
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    The philosophical rhetoric of socrates' mission.Robert Metcalf - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2):143-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Philosophical Rhetoric of Socrates’ MissionRobert Metcalf"We shall dismiss this business of Chaerephon, as it is nothing but a cheap and sophistical tale [sophistikon kai phortikon diegema]"—Colotes, according to Plutarch's Moralia 14, 1116f-1117a.Socrates' account of his "mission" on behalf of the god at Delphi is one of the most memorable parts of his most famous memorial in Plato's Apology. But it is also controversial as to what it means (...)
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    Revolution, rupture, rhetoric.Chris Fleming & John O’Carroll - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (1):39-57.
    This article traces certain rhetorics of knowledge-change as well as a few models of such change. In particular, it focuses on models that emphasize novelty and sudden transformation. To this end, the works of Thomas Kuhn, and the debates surrounding his celebrated modeling of the paradigm, are explored. Having established – at least in an illustrative fashion – the role of novelty in Kuhn’s philosophy of science, we then look more briefly at the mid-career work of Michel Foucault (his Order (...)
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  41. Rhetoric, Narrative, and the Lifeworld: The Construction of Collective Identity.Alan G. Gross - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (2):118-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric, Narrative, and the Lifeworld: The Construction of Collective IdentityAlan G. GrossAt the beginning of King Lear, at the point of ceding his throne to his three daughters, Lear asks each for a public acknowledgment of her love. Goneril and Regan flatter their father with effusive declarations, but Lear’s youngest, and his favorite, Cordelia, refuses to do so:I love your Majesty According to my bond; no more or less...................... (...)
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    Negotiating Value: Comparing Human and Animal Fracture Care in Industrial Societies.Chris Degeling - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (1):77-101.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, human and veterinary surgeons faced the challenge of a medical marketplace transformed by technology. The socioeconomic value ascribed to their patients was changing, reflecting the increasing mechanization of industry and the decreasing dependence of society on nonhuman animals for labor. In human medicine, concern for the economic consequences of fractures “pathologized” any significant level of posttherapeutic disability, a productivist perspective contrary to the traditional corpus of medical values. In contrast, veterinarians adapted to (...)
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  43. Values and Comparative Politics.Alan Cribb - 1988 - Dissertation, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis considers the place of values in comparative political inquiry. After a review of the debate in the philosophy of social science between the positivist and hermeneutic approaches , the argument is divided into two parts. The first part looks at the origins, and consequences, of the attempt to establish a positivistic value-free comparative political science. The second part considers the basis, and the potential nature, of (...)
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    The Prospects for Rhetoric in the Late Plato.Christopher W. Tindale - 2021 - In Joseph Andrew Bjelde, David Merry & Christopher Roser (eds.), Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity. Cham: Springer. pp. 173-183.
    Plato’s engagement with rhetoric continues past the early and middle dialogues, like the Gorgias and the Phaedrus, contrary to the views of commentators. And that engagement recognizes a positive value to rhetoric as a necessary tool for leading people to justice. The paper explores rhetoric’s relation to Platonic dialectic through an examination of its role in late dialogues where the method of dialectic is most pronounced.
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    Postulational Rhetoric and Presumptive Tautologies: The Genre of the Pedagogical, Negativity, and the Political.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (4):427-437.
    In the paper I analyze two features of the genre of the pedagogical. First is a particular usage of “should” statements where one can identify an effect of erasing present normative behavior, while that which is postulated is turned into an unattainable ideal, or a value. Second, I analyze “presumptive tautologies” in the discourse of aims of education. I focus on negative dimensions of these two features and, using theoretical insights from Laclau and Rancière, I connect them to the (...)
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    Rademaker Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint. Polysemy & Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term. Pp. xii + 375, gs. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Cased, €85, US$115. ISBN: 90-04-14251-7. [REVIEW]David Konstan - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):16-18.
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    Kenneth Burke on dialectical-rhetorical transcendence.James P. Zappen - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (3):pp. 279-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kenneth Burke on Dialectical-Rhetorical TranscendenceJames P. ZappenKenneth Burke's concept of rhetoric is complex and elusive, increasingly so as it becomes intertwined and infused with dialectic in the long third part of A Rhetoric of Motives and in some essays published shortly thereafter (1951; 1955; 1969b [1950], 183–333).1 The connection between Burke's rhetoric and dialectic is well established (Brummett 1995; Crusius 1986; 1999, 120–21; Wess 1996, 136–216; Wolin 2001, (...)
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  48.  51
    The rhetoric of artifacts and the decline of classical humanism: the case of Josef Strzygowski.Suzanne L. Marchand - 1994 - History and Theory 33 (4):106-130.
    This essay argues that in overlooking the assault on the autonomy, unity, and tenacity of the classical world underway in Europe after 1880, historians have failed to appreciate an important element of historiographical reorientation at the fin de siècle. This second "revolution" in humanistic scholarship challenged the conviction of the educated elite that European culture was rooted exclusively in classical antiquity in part by introducing as evidence non-textual forms of evidence; the testimony of artifacts allowed writers to reach beyond romantic-nationalist (...)
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    Rhetoric of Acceptable Environmental Action in Finnish Business.Tiina Onkila - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:360-371.
    In this study I describe and interpret the arguments that are used in the interviews with environmental managers in the production of acceptable environmental action in business. The interest especially focuses on stakeholder relations and environmental values produced in the argumentation. In the results of the study I indicate that different types of arguments are used to produce acceptability that, while they may be conflicting, all of them are arguable.
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    Against Value in the Arts and Education.Sam Ladkin, Robert McKay & Emile Bojesen (eds.) - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary volume exploring the damage to the arts, arts’ funding and education through the rhetoric, manipulation and auditing of value. The collection includes contributions from anthropology, the history of art, literature, education, musicology, political science, and philosophy.
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