Results for 'Richard Marimón'

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  1.  14
    Pupillary entrainment reveals individual differences in cue weighting in 9-month-old German-learning infants.Mireia Marimon, Barbara Höhle & Alan Langus - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105054.
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    Invariant Keisler measures for $\omega $ -categorical structures.Paolo Marimon - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-17.
    A recent article of Chernikov, Hrushovski, Kruckman, Krupinski, Moconja, Pillay, and Ramsey finds the first examples of simple structures with formulas which do not fork over the empty set but are universally measure zero. In this article we give the first known simple $\omega $ -categorical counterexamples. These happen to be various $\omega $ -categorical Hrushovski constructions. Using a probabilistic independence theorem from Jahel and Tsankov, we show how simple $\omega $ -categorical structures where a formula forks over $\emptyset $ (...)
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    Children’s Learning of Non-adjacent Dependencies Using a Web-Based Computer Game Setting.Mireia Marimon, Andrea Hofmann, João Veríssimo, Claudia Männel, Angela D. Friederici, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:734877.
    Infants show impressive speech decoding abilities and detect acoustic regularities that highlight the syntactic relations of a language, often codedvianon-adjacent dependencies (NADs, e.g.,issinging). It has been claimed that infants learn NADs implicitly and associatively through passive listening and that there is a shift from effortless associative learning to a more controlled learning of NADs after the age of 2 years, potentially driven by the maturation of the prefrontal cortex. To investigate if older children are able to learn NADs,Lammertink et al. (...)
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  4. El alma humana entre intelectual en potencia, segun Tomas de Aquino?R. Marimon Battlo - 1988 - Sapientia 43 (170):369-378.
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    On the non-measurability of ω\omega -categorical Hrushovski constructions.Paolo Marimon - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-36.
    We study ω\omega ω -categorical MS-measurable structures. Our main result is that a certain class of ω\omega ω -categorical Hrushovski constructions, supersimple of finite SU-rank is not MS-measurable. These results complement the work of Evans on a conjecture of Macpherson and Elwes. In constrast to Evans’ work, our structures may satisfy independent n-amalgamation for all n. We also prove some general results in the context of ω\omega ω -categorical MS-measurable structures. Firstly, in these structures, the dimension in (...)
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  6. Reconocimiento visual móvil: el futuro de la realidad aumentada móvil.David Marimón, Tomasz Adamek, Kerstin Göllner & Carlos Domingo - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 84:10-12.
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    Through the Decreased Values Gap to Increased Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment.Ivan Malbaši´C., Marta Mas-Machuca & Frederic Marimon - 2018 - Journal of Human Values 24 (2):101-115.
    The purpose of this article is to clarify whether congruence between espoused and attributed organizational values (CEAOV) in contemporary business circumstances is a necessity or just ‘nice to have’. Accordingly, two objectives are formulated: (a) to investigate whether CEAOV has a direct impact on organizational effectiveness and (b) to assess the mediating effect of organizational commitment between CEAOV and organizational effectiveness. The research was conducted within 15 Croatian companies ( n = 523). Data were collected through content analysis of the (...)
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  8. Medial frontal cortex: from self-generated action to reflection on one's own performance.Hakwan C. Lau Richard E. Passingham, Sara L. Bengtsson - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (1):16.
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    Real-time heuristic search.Richard E. Korf - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 42 (2-3):189-211.
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    Legal Pragmatism.Richard A. Posner - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (1-2):147-159.
    This essay describes modern American legal pragmatism. Its origins in pragmatist philosophy are traced, and it is compared with the law and economics movement in American law and the formalist style of Continental legal theory. The essay argues that the inevitability of legal pragmatism in America, and its dispensability in Europe, reflect fundamental institutional and cultural differences rather than mere accidents of history or legal thought.
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    A pragmatist view of contemporany analytic philosophy.Richard Rorty - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (16):29-40.
    En la primera parte de este artículo se discute el punto de vista del filósofo de las ciencias Arthur Fine, sobre el realismo y el antirealismo. Se establecen algunas relaciones semánticas y pragmáticas con D. Davidson y R. Brandon, sin dejar de insistir en que el lenguaje ya no puede seguir s..
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    Social theory as metaphor On the logic of discovery for the sciences of conduct.Richard H. Brown - 1976 - Theory and Society 3 (2):169-197.
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    metaphysics In The Thirties And Why Should Anyone Care Now?Richard Creath - 2014 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 17:67-76.
    We live in a metaphysical age. And I do not mean just that too many people still believe The Prophecies of Nostradamus and/or the horoscopes found in most local newspapers. It is a metaphysical age among philosophers – even among those who shun horoscopes and are frankly embarrassed to fi nd Nostradamus so prominently displayed in the metaphysics section of their campus bookstore. Nowadays, distinguished philosophers in prestigious departments proudly call themselves metaphysicians. They all know, of course, that Carnap and (...)
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    (1 other version)Evidentialism.Richard Swinburne - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 681–688.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited Additional recommended readings.
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    Properties Over Substance.Richard Fumerton - 2012 - In Dan Ryder, Justine Kingsbury & Kenneth Williford, Millikan and her critics. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 123–134.
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    Editorial introduction: Philosophy of Biology in Historical and Cultural Contexts.Richard M. Burian & Marjorie Grene - 1992 - Synthese 91 (1-2):1-7.
  17. Communism and the Avant-Garde.Richard Wolin - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 12 (1):81-93.
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    Kant's Anatomy of the Intelligent Mind.Richard E. Aquila - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (4):583-589.
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    Life expectancy in less developed countries: socioeconomic development or public health?Richard G. Rogers & Sharon Wofford - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (2):245-252.
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  20. Social theory, postmodernism, and the critique of development.Richard Peet - 1997 - In Georges Benko & Ulf Strohmayer, Space and social theory: interpreting modernity and postmodernity. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 33--72.
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  21. Mental particulars, mental events, and the bundle theory.Richard Aquila - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):109-120.
    I argue, First, That the bundle theory is compatible with certain views of mental states as alterations in an underlying substance. Then I distinguish between momentary and enduring experiencers and argue that the bundle theory does not imply the possibility of experiences apart from experiencers, But at most apart from enduring experiencers. Finally, I reject strawson's claim that the bundle theory implies that some particular person's experience might instead have belonged to some other person. Regarding experiences as events rather than (...)
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  22. Liberalism and historicism : Benedetto Croce and the political role of idealism in modern italy, 1890-1952.Richard Bellamy - 1985 - In Athanasios Moulakis, The Promise of history: essays in political philosophy. New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    Minutes of the 2004 Eastern Division Executive Committee Meeting.Richard Bett - 2005 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 79 (1):143 - 145.
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    Still Primus Inter Pares for Understanding and Opposing the Capitalist System.Richard A. Brosio - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    1.Richard Cohen & Jeffrey L. Kosky - forthcoming - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes.
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  26. Call for Papers.Richard Double - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 75 (1/2):173.
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    Werner Krauss-Montagen, aus Anlaß seiner Briefedition.Richard Faber - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 56 (1):73-79.
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    Regular embeddings of the stationary tower and Woodin's Σ 2 2 maximality theorem.Richard Ketchersid, Paul B. Larson & Jindřich Zapletal - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):711-727.
    We present Woodin's proof that if there exists a measurable Woodin cardinal δ, then there is a forcing extension satisfying all $\Sigma _{2}^{2}$ sentences ϕ such that CH + ϕ holds in a forcing extension of V by a partial order in V δ . We also use some of the techniques from this proof to show that if there exists a stationary limit of stationary limits of Woodin cardinals, then in a homogeneous forcing extension there is an elementary embedding (...)
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    Skill, Practice, and Virtue: Some Questions and Objections for Aaron Stalnaker.Richard Kim - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (2):520-524.
    It is a pleasure to be a part of such great intellectual company in discussing Professor Stalnaker's very rich and insightful book. It is practically impossible not to be impressed by Stalnaker's breadth of knowledge, deep understanding of early Chinese texts, and keen observations about how the early Chinese philosophers offer intellectual resources still very much relevant to us today. My comments will focus on the relationship between skill and virtue. I'll ask one clarificatory question and offer two potential objections (...)
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  30. 'An instinct for truth': Darwin on Galapagos.Richard Lansdown - 2000 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 40:109-122.
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  31. A Naturalistic View of Human Dignity.Richard T. McClelland - 2011 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 32 (1):5.
    References to human dignity abound in contemporary political, legal, and ethical documents and practices, including a widening representation in bioethical contexts. Appeals to dignity characteristically involve some notion of equality and the idea that there is some range of actions which ought never to be directed at persons . However, much of this contemporary use of dignity leaves the concept itself under-developed or poorly grounded. This sometimes conduces to a broadly skeptical view that dignity has any determinate content, or that (...)
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    The role of choice in learning as a function of meaning and between- and within-subjects designs.Richard A. Monty & Lawrence C. Perlmuter - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):235.
  33. Dionysos, Money, and Drama.Richard Seaford - 2003 - Arion 11 (2).
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    Vor der Interpretation: Sprache und Erfahrung in Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktion und Pragmatismus.Richard Shusterman - 1996
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  35. Der Stachel der Ethik.Richard Skala - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:18-18.
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    Attentional factors in depth perception.Richard D. Walk - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):83-84.
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    Von der Entdeckung des "wahren" Vico.Richard Wisser - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 41 (4):302-324.
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    An Introduction to Plato's Laws. [REVIEW]Richard Kraut - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (1):123-127.
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    The New Politics of Masculinity: Men, Power and Resistance. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. 192 pp. [REVIEW]Richard Collier - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (3):345-346.
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  40. "Unlocking the Text: Fundamental Issues in Literary Theory": Jeremy Hawthorn. [REVIEW]Richard Dutton - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (4):393.
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    Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory. [REVIEW]Richard E. Palmer - 1993 - International Studies in Philosophy 25 (3):150-152.
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    Pater patriae M. strothmann: Augustus—vater der res publica. Zur funktion der drei begriffe restitutio—saeculum—Pater patriae im augusteischen principat . Pp. 320. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner verlag. 2000. Paper, dm 98. isbn: 3-515-07663-. [REVIEW]Richard D. Weigel - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):159-.
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    Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague.Richard Montague - 1974 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  44. (1 other version)IRichard Wollheim.Richard Wollheim - 2003 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 77 (1):131-147.
    [Richard Wollheim] Any experiential view of pictorial meaning will assign to each painting an appropriate experience through which its mean can be recovered. When the meaning is representational, what is the nature of the appropriate experience? If there is agreement that the experience is to be described as seeing-in, disagreement breaks out about how seeing-in is to be understood. This paper challenges two recent interpretations: one in terms of perceived resemblance, the other in terms of imagining seeing. Neither view (...)
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  45. I—Richard Moran: Testimony, Illocution and the Second Person.Richard Moran - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):115-135.
    The notion of ‘bipolar’ or ‘second‐personal’ normativity is often illustrated by such situations as that of one person addressing a complaint to another, or asserting some right, or claiming some authority. This paper argues that the presence of speech acts of various kinds in the development of the idea of the ‘second‐personal’ is not accidental. Through development of a notion of ‘illocutionary authority’ I seek to show a role for the ‘second‐personal’ in ordinary testimony, despite Darwall's argument that the notion (...)
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  46. Take care of freedom and truth will take care of itself: interviews with Richard Rorty.Richard Rorty - 2006 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Eduardo Mendieta.
    This volume collects a number of important and revealing interviews with Richard Rorty, spanning more than two decades of his public intellectual commentary, engagement, and criticism. In colloquial language, Rorty discusses the relevance and nonrelevance of philosophy to American political and public life. The collection also provides a candid set of insights into Rorty's political beliefs and his commitment to the labor and union traditions in this country. Finally, the interviews reveal Rorty to be a deeply engaged social thinker (...)
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    Richard Rorty: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Literature.Richard Rumana (ed.) - 2002 - Rodopi.
    Demonstrating Richard Rorty's breadth of scholarship and his influence on diverse issues across the social sciences and humanities, this comprehensive bibliography contains 1,165 citations. A unique reference work on neo-pragmatism, this bibliography is essential for anyone researching Rorty's work and its impact on philosophy, literature, the arts, religion, the social sciences, politics, and education.
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    Dear Carnap, Dear Van: The Quine-Carnap Correspondence and Related Work: Edited and with an Introduction by Richard Creath.Richard Creath (ed.) - 1990 - University of California Press.
    Rudolf Carnap and W. V. Quine, two of the twentieth century's most important philosophers, corresponded at length—and over a long period of time—on matters personal, professional, and philosophical. Their friendship encompassed issues and disagreements that go to the heart of contemporary philosophic discussions. Carnap was a founder and leader of the logical positivist school. The younger Quine began as his staunch admirer but diverged from him increasingly over questions in the analysis of meaning and the justification of belief. That they (...)
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  49.  14
    Against Bosses, Against Oligarchies: A Conversation with Richard Rorty.Richard Rorty, Derek Nystrom & Kent Puckett - 1998 - Prickly Paradigm Press.
    Nystrom and Puckett's pamphlet gives us the most comprehensive picture available of Richard Rorty's political views. This is Rorty being avuncular, cranky, and straightforward: his arguments on patriotism, the political left, and philosophy—as usual, unusual—are worth pondering. This pamphlet will appeal to all those interested in Rorty's distinct brand of pragmatism and leftist politics in the United States.
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    Richard Meier, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art.Richard Meier - 1997
    This clearly designed and illustrated book is dedicated to a complete overview of Richard Meier's Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, completed in 1995. Located in the area of the Casa de la Caritat, a former monastic enclave, this extraordinary building maintains a unique dialogue between the city's old urban fabric and the contemporary art housed within the museum. Barcelona's first institution devoted entirely to twentieth-century art, this museum synthesizes the striking contemporaneity of its bold architecture and the rich medieval (...)
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