Results for 'Richard Thiele'

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  1.  8
    1. ABHANDLUNGEN: Χ. Ueber den codex Mosquensis der homerischen hymnen.Richard Thiele - 1875 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 34 (1-4):193-206.
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    Living Texts from India.Peter Gaeffke, Richard K. Barz & Monika Thiel-Horstmann - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):847.
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    Principles for creating a single authoritative list of the world’s species.Stephen Garnett, Les Christidis, Stijn Conix, Mark J. Costello, Frank E. Zachos, Olaf S. Bánki, Yiming Bao, Saroj K. Barik, John S. Buckeridge, Donald Hobern, Aaron Lien, Narelle Montgomery, Svetlana Nikolaeva, Richard L. Pyle, Scott A. Thomson, Peter Paul van Dijk, Anthony Whalen, Zhi-Qiang Zhang & Kevin R. Thiele - 2020 - PLoS Biology 18 (7):e3000736.
    Lists of species underpin many fields of human endeavour, but there are currently no universally accepted principles for deciding which biological species should be accepted when there are alternative taxonomic treatments (and, by extension, which scientific names should be applied to those species). As improvements in information technology make it easier to communicate, access, and aggregate biodiversity information, there is a need for a framework that helps taxonomists and the users of taxonomy decide which taxa and names should be used (...)
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    Zur Analyse der Empfindungen. Briefe von Anton Marty und Richard Semon an Ernst Mach.Joachim Thiele - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 25 (4):590 - 606.
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    Die Aktualität des Republikanismus.Thorsten Thiel & Christian Volk (eds.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    In den letzten drei Dekaden ist es zu einer Renaissance des Republikanismus gekommen. Ein spezifisch republikanisches Freiheitsverstandnis und die Debatte um entpolitisierende Wirkungen komplexer liberaler Demokratien haben sich dabei als in hohem Masse anschlussfahig an eine Vielzahl gegenwartiger Diskurse - von Global Governance bis hin zu Postdemokratie - erwiesen. Das Verstandnis von Republikanismus als einer modernen politischen Theorie wurde so weiter gestarkt und republikanische Ansatze gelten wieder als der zentrale Gegenspieler eines liberalen Staats- und Politikverstandnisses. Der Sammelband greift diese Renaissance (...)
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    Aphrodisias K. Thiel: Erzählung und Beschreibung in den Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodios: Ein Beitrag zur Poetik des hellenistischen Epos. (Palingenesia, 45.) Pp. xii+263. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1993. Paper, DM 96/Sw. fr. 96/Ös 749. [REVIEW]Richard Hunter - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (02):396-397.
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    Schleiermacher as 'catholic': A charge in the rhetoric of modern theology.John E. Thiel - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37 (1):61–82.
    Books reviewed in this article: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Texts Under Negotiation. By Walter Brueggemann. In the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post‐Modern World. By Jerome A. Miller. Interpreting Hebrew Poetry. By David L. Petersen and Kent Harold Richards. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume I: Aαρωυ‐Eυωχ. Edited by Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneiders. The Secretary in the Letters of Paul. By E. Randolph Richards. Revelation. By Wilfrid J. Harrington. Conversion to Christianity: Historical and (...)
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    The Life of Isaac Newton.Richard S. Westfall - 1993 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Isaac Newton was indisputably one of the greatest scientists in history. His achievements in mathematics and physics marked the culmination of the movement that brought modern science into being. Richard Westfall's biography captures in engaging detail both his private life and scientific career, presenting a complex picture of Newton the man, and as scientist, philosopher, theologian, alchemist, public figure, President of the Royal Society, and Warden of the Royal Mint. An abridged version of his magisterial study Never at Rest, (...)
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  9. .Richard Alston - unknown
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    Timely Meditations: Martin Heidegger and Postmodern Politics.Leslie Paul Thiele - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Focusing on the concept of freedom, Leslie Paul Thiele makes Heidegger's philosophical works speak directly to politics in a postmodern world. Neither excusing Heidegger for his political sins nor ignoring their lesson, Thiele nonetheless refrains from polemic in order creatively to engage one of the greatest philosophers of our time. The product of this engagement is a vindication of a democratic and ecological politics firmly grounded in philosophic inquiry. Using Heidegger's understanding of freedom as a point of departure, (...)
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    Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science, and Psychoanalysis.Richard Webster - 1996 - Basic Books.
    Examines modern controversies over Freud and Freudian thought while questioning the theory of infantile sexuality and showing where Freud consistently misdiagnosed his patients and failed to make his claimed cures.
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    A biological interpretation of moral systems.Richard D. Alexander - 1985 - Zygon 20 (1):3-20.
    . Moral systems are described as systems of indirect reciprocity, existing because of histories of conflicts of interest and arising as outcomes of the complexity of social interactions in groups of long‐lived individuals with varying conflicts and confluences of interest and indefinitely iterated social interactions. Although morality is commonly defined as involving justice for all people, or consistency in the social treatment of all humans, it may have arisen for immoral reasons, as a force leading to cohesiveness within human groups (...)
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    Gnothi sauton: Festschrift für Arbogast Schmitt zum 75. Geburtstag.Brigitte Kappl, Sven Meier & Arbogast Schmitt (eds.) - 2018 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Gnothi sauton - Erkenne dich selbst! Das Streben nach Erkenntnis und Selbsterkenntnis, das nach antiker Auffassung der Gott selbst in dieser Aufforderung dem Menschen ans Herz legt, bildet ein zentrales Moment von Arbogast Schmitts jahrzehntelanger Beschaftigung mit antiker Literatur und Philosophie, die zugleich immer auch eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit modernen Konzepten und Positionen darstellt. Die vorliegende Festschrift vereint zwolf neue Beitrage zur antiken Philosophie, Literatur und Literaturtheorie, in denen Schuler, Freunde und Weggefahrten Arbogast Schmitts dieses Erkenntnisstreben beantworten und fortsetzen. Mit (...)
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    Pragmatic Action.Richard Alterman, Roland Zito-Wolf & Tamitha Carpenter - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (1):53-105.
    This paper begins with a discussion of two features of the everyday task environment. First, the everyday task environment is designed, and an important part of the design is the provision of explicit information to guide the individual in the adaptation of his activity. Second, some task environments are semi‐permanent. These two features of the task environment reveal some important characteristics in the psychology of the individual. When novelty occurs, expansion in the range of behavior of the individual is guided (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Moral Conscience Through the Ages.Richard Sorabji - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Sorabji presents a unique discussion of the development of moral conscience over a period of 2500 years, from the playwrights of the fifth century BCE to the present. He addresses key topics including the original meaning and continuing nature of conscience, the ideas of freedom of religion and conscience with climaxes in the early Christian centuries and the seventeenth, the disputes on absolution or 'terrorisation' of conscience, dilemmas of conscience, and moral double-bind, the reliability of conscience if it (...)
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    The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy (review).Donald Rutherford - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):165-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy by Daniel Garber, Michael AyersDonald RutherfordDaniel Garber, Michael Ayers, editors. The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xii + 1616. Cloth, $175.Over a decade in preparation, this latest addition to the Cambridge History of Philosophy is an enormous achievement—both in its size and the contribution it makes to redefining [End Page 165] the landscape of (...)
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  17. Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption.Richard Wolin - 1986 - Studies in Soviet Thought 31 (1):65-67.
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    Nurse leaders’ role in medical assistance in dying: A relational ethics approach.Tracy Thiele & Jennifer Dunsford - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):993-999.
    Recent changes to the Criminal Code of Canada have resulted in the right of competent adult Canadians to request medical assistance in dying (MAID). Healthcare professionals now can participate if the individual meets specific outlined criteria. There remains confusion and lack of knowledge about the specific role of nurses in MAID. MAID is a controversial topic and nurses may be faced with the challenge of balancing the duty to provide routine care, with moral reservations about MAID. The role of a (...)
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    12 Freedom and Contextualism.Richard Feldman - 2004 - In M. O'Rourke J. K. Campbell (ed.), Freedom and Determinism. MIT Press. pp. 255.
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  20. Epictetus on proairesis and self.Richard Sorabji - 2007 - In Theodore Scaltsas & Andrew S. Mason (eds.), The philosophy of Epictetus. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  21. Implications of Socio-Cultural Contexts for the Ethics of Clinical Trials.Richard E. Ashcroft, D. Chadwick, S. Clark, Richard H. T. Edwards & Lucy Frith - 1997 - Core Research.
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    Rethinking economics as social theory.Richard E. Wagner - 2022 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Taking an innovative look at the origins of economics, this forward-thinking book relocates economics from a materialistic general theory of rational action into an idealistic theory of social organization and individual action. Adding new insightful analytical methods such as complexity theory, graph theory and computational modelling to the original insights of the Scottish Enlightenment, Richard Wagner explores economics in an ever-changing society, looking at the key civilizing processes and the important social questions. Rethinking Economics as Social Theory moves away (...)
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  23. The Dream of Descartes.Richard A. Watson (ed.) - 1987 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    The late Gregor Sebba was fond of describing his monumental _Bibliographia Cartesiana: A Critical Guide to the Descartes Literature, 1800–1960 _as a by-product of his research begun in 1949 for an article he had in mind titled _The Dream of Descartes._ The bibliography has been indispensable to Descartes scholars since its appearance in 1964. When Sebba died in 1985, his manuscript for _The Dream of Descartes _was still unfinished. Here, with materials provided by Aníbal A. Bueño, Richard H. Popkin, (...)
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    (1 other version)The intellectual and social organization of the sciences.Richard Whitley - 1984 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Increasing attention is paid in the social sciences and management studies to the constitution and claims of different theories, perspectives, and "paradigms." This book is one of the most respected and robust analyses of these issues. For this new paperback edition Richard Whitley--a leadingfigure in European business education--has written a new introduction which addresses the particular epistemological issues of business management studies.
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  25. (1 other version)Formal Philosophy. [REVIEW]Richard Montague - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):573-578.
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    Dangerous minds: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the return of the far right.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):63-66.
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    Das Wahre und das Falsche: Studien zu Freges Auffassung von Wahrheit.Dirk Greimann (ed.) - 2003 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
    Frege hat in seinen Schriften zu den philosophischen Grundlagen der Logik eine eigenwillige Konzeption der Wahrheit skizziert, der zufolge das Wahre und das Falsche keine Eigenschaften von Sätzen oder Gedanken sind, sondern Gegenstände, die von Sätzen bezeichnet werden. In dem vorliegenden Sammelband werden zentrale Komponenten dieser Konzeption näher beleuchtet: die Thesen der Undefinierbarkeit der Wahrheit und der Redundanz des Wortes „wahr“, die Auffassung der Wahrheitswerte als Gegenstände, das so genannte slingshot-Argument, die Konzeption der Tatsachen als wahre Gedanken und die Bestimmung (...)
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    The Philosophical Imagination: Selected Essays.Richard Moran - 2017 - New York: Oup Usa.
    The Philosophical Imagination is a collection of essays ranging over a wide range of philosophical themes: from the emotional engagement with fictions, to the functioning of metaphor in poetry and in rhetoric, to the concept of beauty in Kant and in Proust, and the nature of the first-person perspective in thought and action.
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    Morality and Power in a Chinese Village.Richard Madsen & Richard W. Madsen - 1984 - Univ of California Press.
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  30. Frege und das slingshot-Argument.Martin Grajner - 2003 - In Dirk Greimann (ed.), Das Wahre und das Falsche: Studien zu Freges Auffassung von Wahrheit. Hildesheim: G. Olms. pp. 225-246.
    Frege hat in seinen Schriften zu den philosophischen Grundlagen der Logik eine eigenwillige Konzeption der Wahrheit skizziert, der zufolge das Wahre und das Falsche keine Eigenschaften von Sätzen oder Gedanken sind, sondern Gegenstände, die von Sätzen bezeichnet werden. In dem vorliegenden Sammelband werden zentrale Komponenten dieser Konzeption näher beleuchtet: die Thesen der Undefinierbarkeit der Wahrheit und der Redundanz des Wortes „wahr“, die Auffassung der Wahrheitswerte als Gegenstände, das so genannte slingshot-Argument, die Konzeption der Tatsachen als wahre Gedanken und die Bestimmung (...)
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    Environmental Political Theory’s Contribution to Sustainability Studies.Seaton Tarrant & Leslie Paul Thiele - 2016 - In Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer & David Schlosberg (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this chapter, we examine the relationship between environmental political theory and the development of sustainability studies within US higher education. We assess the incorporation of environmental political theory authors in sustainability classrooms and the extent to which environmental political theory and sustainability studies classrooms engage in experiential, skills-based learning. We situate this pedagogy as an extension of the tradition of the liberal arts, especially as developed by John Dewey, and effectively, as citizenship skill development for democratic societies. To teach (...)
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    Career of Toleration: John Locke, Jonas Proast, and After.Richard Vernon - 1997 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    John Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration is one of the canonical English-language texts in the history of the idea of toleration. Its publication in 1689 sparked a heated debate with Anglican cleric Jonas Proast, and in recent years the Locke-Proast cont.
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  33. Analyzing Marx.Richard W. Miller - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (1):157-172.
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    Freedom and its conditions: discipline, autonomy, and resistance.Richard E. Flathman - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Can any of us ever really be free? Do we follow the rules our society gives us because we want to, or because we are forced to? Discipline, Freedom, Resistance challenges the received wisdom that discipline and freedom are opposite and mutually exclusive. Though it is typically argued that a well-ordered liberal society must discipline its more unruly citizens to maintain freedom for all, Flathman shows how resistance to rules can mean more than criminals breaking laws. Resistance can also mean (...)
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    What happened to participatory research at the International Potato Center?Graham Thiele, Elske van de Fliert & Dindo Campilan - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (4):429-446.
    During the 1980s, when a flexibleapproach to research, known asfarmer-back-to-farmer, was developed, theInternational Potato Center (CIP) became famousfor participatory research. Subsequently itappeared to have lost leadership in this field.This article documents participatory researchactivities in CIP over the past thirty years tofind out what happened. Even in the 1980s,implementation of participatory research wasactually limited. Participatory research in thecenter grew unevenly, with little clearencouragement from the CGIAR. Decentralizationof social scientists in the 1990s led to thefragmentation of participatory research and, inthe absence of (...)
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  36. Episodic-like memory in animals: psychological criteria, neural mechanisms and the value of episodic-like tasks to investigate animal models of neurodegenerative disease.Richard G. M. Morris - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway (eds.), Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
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    Subjektivität.Richard Schottky (ed.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Klaus DÜSING: Strukturmodelle des Selbstbewußtseins. Ein systematischer Entwurf. Christian KLOTZ: Reines Selbstbewußtsein und Reflexion in Fichtes Grundlegung der Wissenschaftslehre. Hans-Peter FALK: Existenz und Licht. Zur Entwicklung des Wissensbegriffs in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1805. Akira OMINE: Das Problem der Reflexion bei Kierkegaard und Fichte. Erich HEINTEL: Zum Problem des "Ich" als "daseiende Transzendentalität". Von David Hume zu Ernst Mach und dem "Wiener Kreis". Günter ZÖLLER: Bestimmung zur Selbstbestimmung: Fichtes Theorie des Willens. VERMISCHTE BEITRÄGE. Richard SCHOTTKY†: Staatliche Souveränität und individuelle (...)
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    A note on the Condorcet jury theorem for couples.Raphael Thiele - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):355-364.
    A jury and two valid options are given. Each agent of the jury picks exactly one of these options. The option with the most votes will be chosen by the jury. In the N-couple model of Althöfer and Thiele, the jury consisted of 2N agents. These agents form N independent couples, with dependencies within the couples. The authors assumed that the agents who form a couple have the same competence level. In this note, we relax this assumption by allowing (...)
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    Repräsentation und Autonomieprinzip: Kants Demokratiekritik und ihre Hintergründe.Ulrich Thiele - 2003 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Kant wird normalerweise zu den 'doktrinären' Begründern des rein-parlamentarischen Demokratiemodells gerechnet; schließlich habe er, nicht zuletzt veranlaßt durch den Jakobiner-Terror, die reine Demokratie als Despotie erkannt und im Gegenzug allein die repräsentative Demokratie als mit den Freiheitsrechten vereinbar gewertet. Diese populäre Ansicht bezweifelt Ulrich Thiele in der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung. Er zeigt auf, daß Kant, von Rousseau inspiriert, eine mehrdimensionale Theorie der demokratischen Gesetzgebung entworfen hat, die sowohl parlamentarische als auch plebiszitäre Verfahren zu ihrem Recht kommen läßt.Wenn Kant sagt, die (...)
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    The impact of current developments in the neurosciences on the concept of psychiatric diseases.Felix Thiele & Barbara Hawellek - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (1-2):1-2.
    The impact of current developments in the neurosciences on the concept of psychiatric diseases Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10202-008-0054-2 Authors Felix Thiele, Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Germany Barbara Hawellek, Universität Bonn Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Bonn Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 6 Journal Issue Volume 6, Numbers 1-2.
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    The Argument of the Tractatus: Its Relevance to Contemporary Theories of Logic, Language, Mind, and Philosophical Truth.Richard M. McDonough - 1986 - State University of New York Press.
    The Argument of the "Tractatus" presents a single unified interpretation of the Tractatus based on Wittgenstein's own view that the philosophy of logic is the real foundation of his philosophical system.
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  42. A common intentional framework for ape and human communication.Richard Moore - 2015 - Current Anthropology 56 (1):71-72.
  43. ‘To Believe In This World, As It Is’: Immanence and the Quest for Political Activism.Kathrin Thiele - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (Suppl):28-45.
    In What is Philosophy?, Deleuze and Guattari make the claim that ‘[i]t may be that believing in this world, in this life, becomes our most difficult task, or the task of a mode of existence still to be discovered on our plane of immanence today. This is the empiricist conversion.’ What are we to make of such a calling? The paper explicates why and in what sense this statement is of exemplary significance both for an appropriate understanding of Deleuze's political (...)
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    Selection does not operate primarily on genes.Richard M. Burian - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 141–164.
    This chapter offers a review of standard views about the requirements for natural selection to shape evolution and for the sorts of ‘units’ on which selection might operate. It then summarizes traditional arguments for genic selectionism, i.e., the view that selection operates primarily on genes (e.g., those of G. C. Williams, Richard Dawkins, and David Hull) and traditional counterarguments (e.g., those of William Wimsatt, Richard Lewontin, and Elliott Sober, and a diffuse group based on life history strategies). It (...)
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    Judging Hannah Arendt.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (5):706-714.
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    Autonomy and Normativity: Investigations of Truth, Right and Beauty.Richard Dien Winfield - 2001 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Through constructive arguments covering the principal topics and controversies in epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics, Autonomy and Normativity demonstrates how truth, right and beauty can retain universal validity without succumbing to the mistaken Enlightenment strategy of seeking foundations for rational autonomy. Presenting a compact, yet comprehensive statement of a powerful and provocative alternative to the reigning orthodoxies of current philosophical debate, Richard Winfield employs Hegelian techniques and presents a radical and systematic critique of the work of mainstream thinkers including: Kant, (...)
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    A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin.Richard Crouter (ed.) - 2004 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    When wealthy Jewish industrialist David Friedländer proposed in 1799 that Berlin's Jews undergo a sham conversion to Christianity in return for full German citizenship, he touched off a political and theological debate that would continue to define the relation between Jewish and German identity for more than a century. In the series of provocative letters collected here, Friedländer, Protestant leader Wilhelm Abraham Teller, and young Christian theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher debate Friedländer's radical proposal. In so doing, they grapple with many of (...)
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    A Right to Believe.Richard L. Barber - 1955 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 4:19-30.
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    Theology and Other Matters.Richard L. Barber - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (1):136 - 138.
    Although any generalization in matters of such scope is risky, the central issue involved would seem to be this: Can man achieve, and know that he has achieved, a true and adequate philosophy? The Jesuit tendency is to stress the developmental aspects of philosophy and theology, identifying them more closely with the natural sciences. The Dominicans, on the other hand, see in this tendency great dangers, with theological pluralism as perhaps the gravest, short of outright skepticism.
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    Fission yeast on the brink of meiosis.Richard Egel - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (9):854-860.
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