Results for 'Rita Márcia Magalhães Furtado'

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  1.  31
    Filosofia e Imagens e Educação.Rita Márcia Magalhães Furtado, Renata Pereira Lima Aspis & Sônia Campaner Miguel Ferrari - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (1):1.
    Num mundo onde tudo se tornou imagem, parece da maior importância investigar filosoficamente as conexões entre imagens e educação. As imagens-marketing, compondo desejos capturados por um capitalismo que já traz prontos os mundos e seus sentidos, assumiram o status de arte e impregnam tudo - os sentidos, os raciocínios, a imaginação… elas educam. Ora, se é mesmo assim, interessa investigar as relações possíveis entre filosofia e imagem e educação. É o que propõe este dossiê.
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    Arte e Educação.Rita Márcia Magalhães Furtado - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    As questões que norteiam esta reflexão se colocam no entrecruzamento da Arte com a Educação bem como na inserção destas no mercado influenciado pelo poder midiático. A intervenção do educador apresenta-se como mediação que irá se contrapor à velocidade técnica imposta e buscar na interação logos/pathos a experiência do olhar pensante sobre a obra de arte.
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    Motivação para aprender: relação com o desempenho de estudantes.Rita da Penha Campo Zenorini, Acácia Aparecida Angeli Santos & Rebecca de Magalhães Monteiro - 2011 - Paideia 21 (49):157-164.
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    Padrões de Ajustamento na Aposentadoria.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães, Daniela Valle Krieger, Aline Groff Vivian, Márcia Carvalho S. Straliotto & Maslowa Pereira Poeta - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 19:57-68.
    O estudo investigou a experiência de transição para a aposentadoria na perspectiva subjetiva dos sujeitos que a vivenciaram. Foram entrevistados 20 trabalhadores aposentados no período de até 18 meses após o desligamento de suas atividades laborais. As entrevistas seguiram roteiro semi-estruturado e..
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    Letramento literário dentro e fora da escola: a recepção de O olho de vidro do meu avô, de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós.Hércules Tolêdo Corrêa & Rosângela Márcia Magalhães - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022005.
    Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre o letramento literário a partir da recepção da obra O olho de vidro do meu avô, de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós, por meio da análise de depoimentos de leitores comuns – a literatura no cotidiano dos indivíduos - e de trechos de artigos científicos sobre a obra – a literatura no campo acadêmico. Apresentamos também uma sequência didática desenvolvida com alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública de Itabirito, interior de Minas (...)
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    O que é ser um "bom" psicoterapeuta?Márcia Michele de Souza & Rita Petrarca Teixeira - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:45-54.
    Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer as percepções de psicoterapeutas e pacientes em psicoterapia psicanalítica acerca das características essenciais ao exercício da psicoterapia. Participaram da pesquisa cinco profissionais da área e cinco pacientes em tratamento nesta mesma abordagem teórica. O ..
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    O contributo Das congregações religiosas para a educação tradicional da mulher em portugal.Justino Pereira de Magalhães - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):151-157.
    O fator religioso foi uma componente fundamental da educação tradicional. Nas sociedades tradicionais, a mulher assumiu a delicada função de preservar as memórias e as práticas tradicionais de educação das gerações jovens. Assim, a vigilância do comportamento religioso da mulher foi muito rigorosa. As congregações religiosas, designadamente a Congregação das Ursulinas, assumiram a partir do Concilio de Trento a principal função de ensinar e educar as mulheres. Com efeito, quando se instalaram em Portugal no século XVIII, as Ursulinas tinham já (...)
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    Dignity of older people in a nursing home: Narratives of care providers.Rita Jakobsen & Venke Sørlie - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):289-300.
    The purpose of this study was to illuminate the ethically difficult situations experienced by care providers working in a nursing home. Individual interviews using a narrative approach were conducted. A phenomenological-hermeneutic method developed for researching life experience was applied in the analysis. The findings showed that care providers experience ethical challenges in their everyday work. The informants in this study found the balance between the ideal, autonomy and dignity to be a daily problem. They defined the culture they work in (...)
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    Cognitive explanations and cognitive ethology.Rita E. Anderson - 1986 - In William Bechtel, Integrating Scientific Disciplines. University of Chicago Press. pp. 323--336.
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    Fatos do espírito humano.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães - 2004 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Academia Brasileira de Letras. Edited by Luiz Alberto Cerqueira.
  11.  46
    La filosofía realista y naturalista de John Dewey: contribuciones para una epistemología en la actualidad.Edna Maria Magalhães do Nascimento - 2017 - Educação E Filosofi 31 (62):909-942.
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    The gender of modernity.Rita Felski - 1995 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    If our sense of the past is inevitably shaped by the explanatory logic of narrative, then the stories that we create in turn reveal the inescapable presence and ...
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    Should rare diseases get special treatment?Monica Magalhaes - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):86-92.
    Orphan drug policy often gives ‘special treatment’ to rare diseases, by giving additional priority or making exceptions to specific drugs, based on the rarity of the conditions they aim to treat. This essay argues that the goal of orphan drug policy should be to make prevalence irrelevant to funding decisions. It aims to demonstrate that it is severity, not prevalence, which drives our judgments that important claims are being overlooked when treatments for severe rare diseases are not funded. It shows (...)
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    Uses of literature.Rita Felski - 2008 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    Proposing that the interaction between reader and literature involves four “modes of textual engagement” — recognition, enchantment, knowledge, and shock — The Uses of Literature bridges the gap between literary theory and common-sense beliefs about why we read literature.
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    The causal cognition of wrong doing: incest, intentionality, and morality.Rita Astuti & Maurice Bloch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The neurocircuitry of impaired insight in drug addiction.Rita Z. Goldstein, A. D. Craig, Antoine Bechara, Hugh Garavan, Anna Rose Childress, Martin P. Paulus & Nora D. Volkow - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (9):372-380.
  17. Anthropologists as Cognitive Scientists.Rita Astuti & Maurice Bloch - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):453-461.
    Anthropology combines two quite different enterprises: the ethnographic study of particular people in particular places and the theorizing about the human species. As such, anthropology is part of cognitive science in that it contributes to the unitary theoretical aim of understanding and explaining the behavior of the animal species Homo sapiens. This article draws on our own research experience to illustrate that cooperation between anthropology and the other sub-disciplines of cognitive science is possible and fruitful, but it must proceed from (...)
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  18. The Neurocircuitry of Impaired Insight in Drug Addiction.Rita Z. Goldstein, D. A., Antoine Bechara, Hugh Garavan, Anna Rose Childress, Martin P. Paulus & Nora D. Volkow - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (9):372.
  19. The AGE Effect on Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Sociodemographic, Perceptions and Psychological Accounts.Rita Pasion, Tiago O. Paiva, Carina Fernandes & Fernando Barbosa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20. Make It Short and Easy: Username Complexity Determines Trustworthiness Above and Beyond Objective Reputation.Rita R. Silva, Nina Chrobot, Eryn Newman, Norbert Schwarz & Sascha Topolinski - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  21.  32
    The Morality of Security : A Theory of Just Securitization.Rita Floyd - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    When is it permissible to move an issue out of normal politics and treat it as a security issue? How should the security measures be conducted? When and how should the securitization be reversed? Floyd offers answers to these questions by combining security studies' influential securitization theory with philosophy's long-standing just war tradition, creating a major new approach to the ethics of security: 'Just Securitization Theory'. Of interest to anyone concerned with ethics and security, Floyd's innovative approach enables scholars to (...)
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    Ethical Responsibility - An Arendtian Turn.Rita A. Gardiner - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (1):31-50.
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  23. Searching for Otherness: The View of a Novel.Susana Magalhães & Ana Carvalho - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):139-164.
    The ethical issues concerning the use of PGD to select embryos of a particular HLA type are numerous. They arise from the potentially conflicting interests between those of the pre-existing child, the subject of a treatment which may be curative, and those of the sibling to be created, who cannot give consent to the donation, together with the problem of the destruction of potentially healthy embryos. This essay focuses on the web of vulnerabilities affecting the parents, the sick child and (...)
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    Imaginação e superstição no tratado teológico político.Rogério Silva de Magalhães - 2008 - Cadernos Espinosanos 19:103.
    Neste artigo, procura-se demonstrar que, para Espinosa, do capítulo I ao XV do TTP, a imaginação e a superstição estão diretamente vinculadas ao sentimento do medo na medida em que o medo e a superstição revelam uma possibilidade de manifestação confusa e inadequada da imaginação, a qual nem sempre opera de forma negativa. De fato, a superstição e crença desmesurada no poder da imaginação são causadas, em geral, pelo medo de males futuros ou de não obter os bens almejados. A (...)
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    “O amor é o que o amor faz” - histórias de representatividade e pertencimento em Amor de cabelo, de Matthew A. Cherry.Milena Magalhães & Rosana Nunes Alencar - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64231p.
    ABSTRACT This text reflects on the representativeness of the kinky hair (or afro-textured hair) as an element of racial belonging in children’s literature, based on the book Hair Love, by the African American director, producer, and writer Matthew A. Cherry. To do so, it investigates how the illustrations by Vashti Harrison, also an African American, align with the text to express a vision of black individuals and of their family without usual stereotypes. Drawing on bell hooks’ notion of love, this (...)
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    Os fins da arte.Debora Pazetto, Giorgia Cecchinato & Rachel Costa (eds.) - 2018 - Belo Horizonte: Relicário.
    Este livro inclui as palestras apresentadas no XIII Congresso Internacional de Estética, ocorrido em Belo Horizonte em outubro de 2017, cujo título, “Os fins da arte”, explora o duplo sentido do termo “fim” que, polissêmico, indica término, conclusão e epílogo, assim como o propósito, a meta, o objetivo, a motivação, e ainda o limite e a decadência. O uso plural desse termo amplifica, ainda, suas possibilidades de interpretação. Os textos deste livro mostram de modo evidente o quanto a questão do (...)
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    How and When Do Leaders Influence Employees’ Well-Being? Moderated Mediation Models for Job Demands and Resources.Rita Berger, Jan Philipp Czakert, Jan-Paul Leuteritz & David Leiva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Why a theory of human nature cannot be based on the distinction between universality and variability: lessons from anthropology.Rita Astuti & Maurice Bloch - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):83-84.
    We welcome the critical appraisal of the database used by the behavioral sciences, but we suggest that the authors' differentiation between variable and universal features is ill conceived and that their categorization of non-WEIRD populations is misleading. We propose a different approach to comparative research, which takes population variability seriously and recognizes the methodological difficulties it engenders.
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    The Rise of Modern Sport on the Arabian Peninsula: Politics, Art, Ethics.Rita Elizabeth Risser - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (3):287-288.
    On behalf of the 9th Annual Gulf Research Meetings at the University of Cambridge, this special issue of Sport, Ethics and Philosophy is the proceedings of the GRM Meeting on ‘The Rise of Modern Sp...
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    Social Inferences From Faces as a Function of the Left-to-Right Movement Continuum.Rita Mendonça, Margarida V. Garrido & Gün R. Semin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. What Is It Like To Be Past?Ernani Magalhaes - manuscript
    The Growing Block Theory of time asserts that temporal reality encompasses all present and past things. The world grows as things come to be present. When something becomes past it does not cease to be, it simply moves away from the growing edge of reality. Thus past things are just like present ones, except not present. But if past things are just as real as present ones, and qualitatively just like them, how can I tell if what is happening is (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrative Reciprocity.Rita Charon - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s1):21-24.
    I have become curious about reciprocity within clinical practice. A vast topic that mobilizes considerations of money, knowledge, kinship, power, culture, and uses of the body, reciprocity is a strong means by which to achieve the egality required of just health care. Within health care, reciprocity might enable not only so‐called shared decision‐making and patient autonomy. It might open the door to mutual acknowledgement of the value of each participant's beliefs and habits. It might appear as a humble realization that (...)
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    Does Meditation Alter Brain Responses to Negative Stimuli? A Systematic Review.Andressa A. Magalhaes, Leticia Oliveira, Mirtes G. Pereira & Carolina B. Menezes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  34.  39
    Comprehension of reversible sentences in “agrammatism”: a meta-analysis.Rita Sloan Berndt, Charlotte C. Mitchum & Anne N. Haendiges - 1996 - Cognition 58 (3):289-308.
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    Early Plant Learning in Fiji.Rita Anne McNamara & Annie E. Wertz - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):115-149.
    Recent work with infants suggests that plant foraging throughout evolutionary history has shaped the design of the human mind. Infants in Germany and the US avoid touching plants and engage in more social looking toward adults before touching them. This combination of behavioral avoidance and social looking strategies enables safe and rapid social learning about plant properties within the first two years of life. Here, we explore how growing up in a context that requires frequent interaction with plants shapes children’s (...)
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  36.  50
    Meta-Analytic Evidence for a Reversal Learning Effect on the Iowa Gambling Task in Older Adults.Rita Pasion, Ana R. Gonçalves, Carina Fernandes, Fernando Ferreira-Santos, Fernando Barbosa & João Marques-Teixeira - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:298425.
    Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is one of the most widely used tools to assess economic decision-making. However, the research tradition on aging and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) has been mainly focused on the overall performance of older adults in relation to younger or clinical groups, remaining unclear whether older adults are capable of learning along the task. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine older adults’ decision-making on the IGT, to test the effects of aging on reversal learning (45 studies) (...)
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  37.  18
    Contemplative Studies and Hinduism: Meditation, Devotion, Prayer, and Worship.Rita DasGupta Sherma & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2020 - Routledge India.
    This book is one of the first wide-ranging academic surveys of the major types and categories of Hindu contemplative praxis. It explores diverse spiritual and religious practices within the Hindu traditions and Indic hermeneutical perspectives to understand the intricate culture of meditative communion and contemplation, devotion, spiritual formation, prayer, ritual, and worship. The volume extends and expands the conceptual reach of the fields of Contemplative Studies and Hindu Studies. The chapters in the volume cover themes in Hindu contemplative experience from (...)
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    Overview and critique of Piaget's genetic epistemology, 1965-1980.Rita Vuyk - 1981 - New York: Academic Press.
    v. 1. Piaget's genetic epistemology, 1965-1980.--v. 2. Critique of Piaget's genetic epistemology, 1965-1980.
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    Comentários e pensamentos.Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães - 2001 - Londrina: Editora UEL.
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    A estética de Georg Lukács: pressupostos para a prática escolar.Carlos Henrique Ferreira Magalhães - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:142-154.
    Este ensaio teórico tem a finalidade de caracterizar os pressupostos antropomorfização e realismo na Estética de Lukács. A tensão que a objetividade promove na subjetividade do ser social, proporcionada pela arte realista, possibilita ao homem se aproximar dos ritmos das contradições da realidade. Isso permite ao homem aguçar sua crítica e buscar sua emancipação. Acreditamos que uma prática escolar sustentada pela necessidade de se apropriar da cultura clássica com as múltiplas contradições da realidade constitui-se numa alternativa para proporcionar uma Educação (...)
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    “Love Is What Love Does” - Stories of Representation and Belonging in Hair Love, by Matthew A. Cherry.Milena Magalhães & Rosana Nunes Alencar - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64231p.
    RESUMO Este texto reflete sobre a representatividade do cabelo crespo como elemento de pertencimento racial na literatura infantil, ancorando-se no livro Amor de cabelo, do diretor, produtor e escritor negro norte-americano Matthew A. Cherry. Para tanto, investiga como as imagens da ilustradora Vashti Harrison, também uma norte-americana negra, comungam com o texto para expressarem uma visão da pessoa negra e de seu núcleo familiar sem os estereótipos usuais. Cotejando a noção de amor de bell hooks, esta análise empreende uma leitura (...)
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    Multi‐source research designs on ethical leadership: A literature review.Anabela Magalhães, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos & Leonor Pais - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):345-364.
    The aim of this article is to undertake a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical research that uses multi‐source methods for collecting data about Ethical Leadership (EL). Research on this sensitive subject benefits from the inclusion of data from more than one source, in order to be better supported, and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of leadership and business ethics issues. The search strategy retrieved a total of 50 multi‐source empirical studies on the topic of EL, published until December (...)
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  43. Pena da Rainha e seu Foral.Teresa Avelina Marques Magalhaes - 1998 - Humanitas 50:369-394.
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    Partilhas do Saber. Diálogos Entre Filosofia e Literatura.A. Magalhães - 2009 - Páginas de Filosofía 1 (2):47-59.
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    Resenha: Teologia do Riso: humor e mau humor na Bíblia e no cristianismo. Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2017. 574p. il.Antonio Carlos de Melo Magalhães & Leandro Scarabelot - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):981-986.
    Book review: FERRAZ, Salma; MAGALHÃES, Antônio C. M.; BRANDÃO, Eli et alii.. Teologia do Riso: humor e mau humor na Bíblia e no cristianismo. Campina Grande: EDUEPB, 2017. 574p. il. ISBN: 978-85-7879-409-5 ISBN E-BOOK: 978-85-7879-410-1.
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    Uma introdução ao BBT: um método projetivo para a clarificação da inclinação profissional; An introduction to BBT: a projective method for clarification of professional preferences.Mauro de Oliveira Magalhães - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 15:103-110.
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  47. Formação do Estado, Cidadania e Identidade Nacional: comentários sobre a formação do Estado moderno ea construção da Europa.Carlos Augusto Teixeira Magalhães - 2002 - Enfoques 1 (1).
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    End-of-Life Decisions and Double Effect.Rita L. Marker - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (1):99-119.
    The doctrine of double effect has a firm, respected position within Roman Catholic medical ethics. In addition, public debate often incorporates this doctrine when determining the acceptability of certain actions. This essay examines and assesses the application of this doctrine to end-of-life decisions. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.1 (Spring 2011): 99–119.
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  49. Memory and anticipation: The practice of narrative ethics.Rita Charon & Martha Montello - 2002 - In Rita Charon & Martha Montello, Stories matter: the role of narrative in medical ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Patient autonomy: A view from the kitchen.Rita M. Struhkamp - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (1):105-114.
    In contemporary liberal ethics patient autonomy is often interpreted as the right to self-determination: when it comes to treatment decisions, the patient is given the right to give or withhold informed consent. This paper joins in the philosophical and ethical criticism of the liberal interpretation as it does not regard patient autonomy as a right, rule or principle, but rather as a practice. Patient autonomy, or so I will argue, is realised in the concrete activities of day-to-day health care, in (...)
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