Results for 'Roberto Palomba'

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  1.  79
    Spinoza.Antonio Negri & Roberto Palomba - 2013 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34 (1):85-96.
  2.  5
    Scienza e sociologia.Giuseppe Palomba - 1966 - Napoli: Giannini.
  3.  33
    Pragmatism and the Wide View of Democracy.Roberto Frega - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    The aim of this book is to provide a fresh, wider, and more compelling account of democracy than the one we usually find in conventional contemporary political theory. Telling the story of democracy as a broad societal project rather than as merely a political regime, Frega delivers an account more in tune with our everyday experience and ordinary intuitions, bringing back into political theory the notion that democracy denotes first and foremost a form of society, and only secondarily a specific (...)
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  4. Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community.Roberto Esposito - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Introduction : nothing in common -- Fear -- Guilt -- Law -- Ecstasy -- Experience -- Appendix : nihilism and community.
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  5. Logics Based on Linear Orders of Contaminating Values.Roberto Ciuni, Thomas Macaulay Ferguson & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 29 (5):631–663.
    A wide family of many-valued logics—for instance, those based on the weak Kleene algebra—includes a non-classical truth-value that is ‘contaminating’ in the sense that whenever the value is assigned to a formula φ⁠, any complex formula in which φ appears is assigned that value as well. In such systems, the contaminating value enjoys a wide range of interpretations, suggesting scenarios in which more than one of these interpretations are called for. This calls for an evaluation of systems with multiple contaminating (...)
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  6. La philosophie du Son.Roberto Casati & Jérôme Dokic - unknown
    We discuss the distinction between the sensory modalities; the metaphysics of sounds; and the structure of sound space. We defend a physicalist conception of sounds, without accepting the identification of sounds with sound-waves in the medium. Sounds, we hold, are events in resonating objects. We evaluate the two main accounts of orientation in perceptual space: relationism and absolutism. We then address Strawson's problem of whether the logical space of sounds could be spatial in the full sense of the term. In (...)
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  7. The basic problem of the theory of levels of reality.Roberto Poli - 2001 - Axiomathes 12 (3):261-283.
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    Levels of Reality and the Psychological Stratum.Roberto Poli - 2006 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2 (2):163-180.
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    Levels.Roberto Poli - 1998 - Axiomathes 9 (1-2):197-211.
  10. Posthumanist manifesto: a pluralistic approach.Roberto Marchesini - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Posthumanism is the key to interpreting the twenty-first century and represents an international research program on the relationship with technology and the biosphere and new forms of citizenship and identity. This book clarifies the common denominators that differentiate posthumanism from other proposals.
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    We Should Not Use Randomization Procedures to Allocate Scarce Life-Saving Resources.Roberto Fumagalli - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):87-103.
    In the recent literature across philosophy, medicine and public health policy, many influential arguments have been put forward to support the use of randomization procedures to allocate scarce life-saving resources. In this paper, I provide a systematic categorization and a critical evaluation of these arguments. I shall argue that those arguments justify using RAND to allocate SLSR in fewer cases than their proponents maintain and that the relevant decision-makers should typically allocate SLSR directly to the individuals with the strongest claims (...)
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    Mereological endurantism and being a whole at a time: reply to Costa.Roberto Loss - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2874-2883.
    Damiano Costa has recently offered a novel mereological definition of endurantism based on the idea that for an object to be wholly present at a time is for it to be a whole at that time. In this paper, I argue that Costa’s is not a definition of endurantism, since the idea that every object is a whole at every time it exists can be accepted by endurantists and perdurantists alike.
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  13. The Structure of Spatial Localization.Roberto Casati & Achille Varzi - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (2):205 - 239.
    What are the relationships between an entity and the space at which it is located? And between a region of space and the events that take place there? What is the metaphysical structure of localization? What its modal status? This paper addresses some of these questions in an attempt to work out at least the main coordinates of the logical structure of localization. Our task is mostly taxonomic. But we also highlight some of the underlying structural features and we single (...)
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  14. “For unto every one that hath shall be given”. Matthew properties for incremental confirmation.Roberto Festa - 2012 - Synthese 184 (1):89-100.
    Confirmation of a hypothesis by evidence can be measured by one of the so far known incremental measures of confirmation. As we show, incremental measures can be formally defined as the measures of confirmation satisfying a certain small set of basic conditions. Moreover, several kinds of incremental measure may be characterized on the basis of appropriate structural properties. In particular, we focus on the so-called Matthew properties: we introduce a family of six Matthew properties including the reverse Matthew effect; we (...)
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    Representation and duality theory for diagonalizable algebras.Roberto Magari - 1975 - Studia Logica 34 (4):305 - 313.
    The duality theory established by Halmos in [2] for boolean hemimorphism applies of course to the diagonalizable algebra, because ντν is an hemimorphism. For commodity in working on diagonalizable algebras we recall the basic facts and give the characteristic conditions on the dual of ντν.
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  16. How to Change the Past in One-Dimensional Time.Roberto Loss - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):1-11.
    The possibility of changing the past by means of time-travel appears to depend on the possibility of distinguishing the past as it is ‘before’ and ‘after’ the time-travel. So far, all the metaphysical models that have been proposed to account for the possibility of past-changing time-travels operate this distinction by conceiving of time as multi-dimensional, and thus by significantly inflating our metaphysics of time. The aim of this article is to argue that there is an intuitive sense in which past-changing (...)
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  17.  17
    Formal Ontology: Papers Presented at the International Summer School in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence on "Formal Ontology", Bolzano, Italy, July 1-5, 1991, Central European Institute of Culture.Roberto Poli & Peter Simons (eds.) - 1996 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer.
    Formal ontology combines two ideas, one originating with Husserl, the other with Frege: that of ontology of the formal aspects of all objects, irrespective of their particular nature, and ontology pursued by employing the tools of modern formal disciplines, notably logic and semantics. These two traditions have converged in recent years and this is the first collection to encompass them as a whole in a single volume. It assembles essays from authors around the world already widely known for their work (...)
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    Terms of the Political: Community, Immunity, Biopolitics.Roberto Esposito - 2012 - Fordham University Press.
    An invaluable introduction to the breadth and rigor of Esposito's thought, the book will also welcome readers already familiar with Esposito's characteristic skill in overturning and breaking open the language of politics.
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    Two: The Machine of Political Theology and the Place of Thought.Roberto Esposito - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
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  20. How to Make a Gunky Spritz.Roberto Loss - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):250-259.
    In its simplest form, a Spritz is an aperitif made with (sparkling) water and (white) wine. A ‘gunky Spritz’, as I will call it, is a Spritz in which the water and the wine are mixed through and through, so that every proper part of the Spritz has a proper part containing both water and wine. In the literature on the notion of location the possibility of mixtures like a gunky Spritz has been thought of as either threatening seemingly intuitive (...)
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  21. On atomic composition as identity.Roberto Loss - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 18):4519-4542.
    In this paper I address two important objections to the theory called ‘ Composition as Identity’ : the ‘wall-bricks-and-atoms problem’, and the claim that CAI entails mereological nihilism. I aim to argue that the best version of CAI capable of addressing both problems is the theory I will call ‘Atomic Composition as Identity’ which consists in taking the plural quantifier to range only over proper pluralities of mereological atoms and every non-atomic entity to be identical to the plurality of atoms (...)
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  22.  46
    Persons and Things.Roberto Esposito - 2016 - Paragraph 39 (1):26-35.
    The present article delineates how the Roman and Christian dispositif of the person has increasingly brought about a neat division between persons and things. This has had devastating effects for both. On the one hand, things are reduced not only to servile objects but also to disposable commodities. On the other, the process of derealization of things is paralleled by that of depersonalization of persons; different typologies of persons emerge, historically reproduced by the distinction between real persons and those that (...)
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  23.  65
    On the fittingness of agential evaluations.Roberto Keller - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (2):251–268.
    According to a leading view, emotions such as admiration, contempt, pride, and shame are important vehicles of agential development. Through admiration and contempt, we establish models and countermodels against which to shape our character; through pride and shame, we get a sense of how we measure up to them. Critics of this view object that these emotions always deliver uncompromising evaluations: admiration casts people in a completely positive light, while contempt casts aspersion on them. Therefore, insofar as they lack the (...)
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  24.  14
    First steps in experimental phenomenology.Roberto Poli - 2006 - In Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz, Artificial Cognition Systems. Idea Group Publishers.
  25. Three obstructions: Forms of causation, chronotopoids, and levels of reality.Roberto Poli - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (1):1-18.
    The thesis is defended that the theories of causation, time and space, and levels of reality are mutually interrelated in such a way that the difficulties internal to theories of causation and to theories of space and time can be understood better, and perhaps dealt with, in the categorial context furnished by the theory of the levels of reality. The structural condition for this development to be possible is that the first two theories be opportunely generalized.
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  26. Open future, supervaluationism and the growing-block theory: a stage-theoretical account.Roberto Loss - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14249-14266.
    I present a ‘stage-theoretical’ interpretation of the supervaluationist semantics for the growing-block theory of time according to which the ‘nodes’ on the branching tree of historical possibilities are taken to be possible stages of the growth of the growing-block. As I will argue, the resulting interpretation (i) is very intuitive, (ii) can easily ward off an objection to supervaluationist treatments of the growing-block theory presented by Fabrice Correia and Sven Rosenkranz, and (iii) is also not saddled by the problems affecting (...)
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    The normativity of democracy.Roberto Frega - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (3):371-392.
    The aim of this paper is to advance our understanding of the normative grammar of the concept of democracy by distinguishing two levels at which a political concept may play a normative function, a...
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    Istituzione.Roberto Esposito - 2021 - Bologna: Il mulino.
  29.  11
    Approaching Brentano's theory of categories.Roberto Poli - 2004 - In Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Wolfgang Huemer, Phenomenology and analysis: essays on Central European philosophy. Lancaster: Ontos. pp. 285-322.
  30. Res, ens and aliquid.Roberto Poli - 1996 - In Roberto Poli & Peter Simons, Formal Ontology: Papers Presented at the International Summer School in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence on "Formal Ontology", Bolzano, Italy, July 1-5, 1991, Central European Institute of Culture. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer. pp. 1-26.
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    Firms as coalitions of democratic cultures: towards an organizational theory of workplace democracy.Roberto Frega - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (3):405-428.
    The theory of the firm initially developed by Ronald Coase has made explicit the political nature of firms by putting hierarchy at the heart of the economic process. Theories of workplace democracy articulate this intuition in the normative terms of the conditions under which this political power can be legitimate. This paper presents an organizational theory of workplace democracy, and contends that the democratization of firms requires that we take their organizational dimension explicitly into account. It thus construes democracy as (...)
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  32. The Referents of 'Being' in Plato's Sophist.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - In Brisson Luc, Halper Edward & Perry Richard, Plato’s Sophist. Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum. Baden Baden: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 349-356.
    I argue that part of Plato's strategy to neutralize the paradox of falsehood is to pin down various referents of the name 'being', τὸ ὄν. I focus on four and track their role in the dialogue's argument. They are: (1) any primary being; (2) the Kind Being; (3) any participant in the Kind Being; (4) a set of participants in the Kind Being.
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    Bacon e la restaurazione di Parmenide.Roberto Bondì - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia 92 (2):327-340.
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    Hospital doctors' self‐rated skills in and use of evidence‐based medicine – a questionnaire survey.Roberto S. Oliveri, Christian Gluud & Peer A. Wille-Jørgensen - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):219-226.
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    Totalitarianism or biopolitics? Concerning a philosophical interpretation of the twentieth century.Roberto Esposito - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (4):633-644.
  36. Modeling the interaction of computer errors by four-valued contaminating logics.Roberto Ciuni, Thomas Macaulay Ferguson & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - In Rosalie Iemhoff, Michael Moortgat & Ruy de Queiroz, Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. Folli Publications on Logic, Language and Information. pp. 119-139.
    Logics based on weak Kleene algebra (WKA) and related structures have been recently proposed as a tool for reasoning about flaws in computer programs. The key element of this proposal is the presence, in WKA and related structures, of a non-classical truth-value that is “contaminating” in the sense that whenever the value is assigned to a formula ϕ, any complex formula in which ϕ appears is assigned that value as well. Under such interpretations, the contaminating states represent occurrences of a (...)
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  37. The Singular Relational plus Relativistic Content View.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (1):93-114.
    My aim is to defend a peculiar epistemic version of the particularity thesis, which results from a sui generis combination of what I call the ‘singular relational view’ and what I call the ‘relativistic content view.’ Particulars are not represented as part of putative singular content. Instead, we are perceptually acquainted with them in the relevant sense that experience puts us in direct perceptual contact with them. And the content of experience is best modeled as a propositional function, that is, (...)
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  38. From Judgment to Rationality: Dewey's Epistemology of Practice.Roberto Frega - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (4):591-610.
    The question of rationality and of its role in human agency has been at the core of pragmatist concerns since the beginning of this movement. While Peirce framed the horizon of a new understanding of human reason through the idea of inquiry as aiming at belief-fixation and James stressed the individualistic drives that move individuals to action, it is in Dewey’s writing that we find the deepest understanding of the naturalistic and normative traits of rationality considered as the qualifying attribute (...)
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    Categories of the impolitical.Roberto Esposito - 2015 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The notion of the "impolitical" developed in this volume draws its meaning from the exhaustion of modernity's political categories, which have become incapable of giving voice to any genuinely radical perspective. The impolitical is not the opposite of the political but rather its outer limit: the border from which we might glimpse a trajectory away from all forms of political theology and the depoliticizing tendencies of a completed modernity. The book's reconstruction of the impolitical lineage-which is anything but uniform-begins with (...)
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  40. Pragmatist Epistemologies.Roberto Frega (ed.) - 2011 - Lexington books.
    In a series of ten articles from leading American and European scholars, Pragmatist Epistemologies explores the central themes of epistemology in the pragmatist tradition through a synthesis of new and old pragmatist thought, engaging contemporary issues while exploring from a historical perspective. It opens a new avenue of research in contemporary pragmatism continuous with the main figures of pragmatist tradition and incorporating contemporary trends in philosophy. Students and scholars of American philosophy will find this book indispensable.
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    Postdemocracy and biopolitics.Roberto Esposito - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (3):317-324.
    The problem facing society today, which is only superficially defined in terms of ‘postdemocracy’ or exorcised as populism, is not the limits or defects of democracy, but, on the contrary, its completion in the figure of its opposite. One must be aware that the horizon has profoundly and irreversibly changed. At this point, what is at stake is no longer a simple reform of society’s institutions; rather, we are faced with a socio-cultural transformation that runs much deeper than our entire (...)
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    Crafting Europe from CERN to Dubna: Physics as diplomacy in the foundation of the European Physical Society.Roberto Lalli - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):103-131.
    The year 1968 is universally considered a watershed in history, as the world was experiencing an accelerated growth of anti-establishment protests that would have long-lasting impacts on the cultural, social, and political spheres of human life. On September 26, amid social and political unrest across the globe, 62 physicists gathered in Geneva to found the European Physical Society. Among these were the official representatives of the national physical societies of 18 countries in both Eastern and Western Europe, who signed the (...)
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  43. Topological Essentialism.Roberto Casati & Achille Varzi - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 100 (3):217-236.
    Considering topology as an extension of mereology, this paper analyses topological variants of mereological essentialism (the thesis that an object could not have different parts than the ones it has). In particular, we examine de dicto and de re versions of two theses: (i) that an object cannot change its external connections (e.g., adjacent objects cannot be separated), and (ii) that an object cannot change its topological genus (e.g., a doughnut cannot turn into a sphere). Stronger forms of structural essentialism, (...)
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  44.  13
    Immunità comune: biopolitica all'epoca della pandemia.Roberto Esposito - 2022 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a..
  45.  24
    Anticipation, Agency and Complexity.Roberto Poli & Marco Valerio (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume presents a selection of the Proceedings of the Workshop on Anticipation, Agency and Complexity held in Trento on April 2017. The contributions contained in the book brilliantly revolve around three core concepts: agency, complexity and anticipation, giving precious insights to further define the discipline of anticipation. In a world that moves increasingly fast, constantly on the verge of disruptive events, more and more scholars and practitioners in any field feel in need of new approaches to make sense of (...)
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  46. New Papers on the Present: Focus on Presentism.Roberto Ciuni, Giuliano Torrengo & Kristie Miller (eds.) - 2013 - Philosophia Verlag.
    The book is divided into three parts. The first, containing three papers, focuses on the characterization of the central tenets of previii sentism (by Neil McKinnon) and eternalism (by Samuel Baron and Kristie Miller), and on the ‘sceptical stance’ (by Ulrich Meyer), a view to the effect that there is no substantial difference between presentism and eternalism. The second and main section of the book contains three pairs of papers that bring the main problems with presentism to the fore and (...)
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  47. Expressive Inquiry and Practical Reasoning.Roberto Frega - 2009 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 23 (4):307-327.
  48. Evolutionary Prolegomena to a Pragmatist Epistemology of Belief.Roberto Frega - 2011 - In Pragmatist Epistemologies. Lexington books.
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    Formal aspects of reduplication.Roberto Poli - 1994 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 2 (5):87-102.
    Aristotle’s presentation of ontology advanced at the beginning of the fourth book of Metaphysics is universally known: “there is a science which studies being qua being...”. Needless to say, this is a familiar sentence: unfortunately, it is also quite an odd one. Why Aristotle does not simply say that ontology is the theory of being? Is there any difference between ‘theory of being’ and ‘theory of being qua being’? In brief, the problem is to decide whether the two expressions ‘the (...)
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    Terza persona: politica della vita e filosofia dell'impersonale.Roberto Esposito - 2007 - Torino: Einaudi.
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