Results for 'Roberto Ángel'

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  1. Narratología en la novela híbrida no será la tierra de Jorge Volpi.Roberto Ángel G. - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:41-54.
    El presente texto efectúa un estudio narratológico de la novela de Jorge Volpi No será la Tierra. Se analiza la estructura contradictoria del libro, la multiplicidad de tramas, el narrador polifónico, el tiempo posapocalíptico, el espacio antiutópico y desencantado y los personajes, coprotagonistas del siglo XX. Todas estas características antes mencionadas contribuyen, en el ámbito de la desterritorialización, a desalojar posturas que tienden a anquilosarse en conceptos fijos y sin movimiento, por lo que los distintos rasgos narratológicos en las novelas (...)
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    Defensa de lo local en Nuestra América y Coney Island de José Martí: el ensayo como un espacio para la ideología dentro de las raíces hispanoamericanas.Roberto Ángel - 2015 - Arbor 191 (774):a254.
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    Los distintos discursos en "elegía a Gabriela mistral" de Enrique lihn.Roberto Ángel - 2010 - Alpha (Osorno) 30.
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    Gamificación: Un recurso para la motivación y la fidelización en los museos.Miguel Ángel Novillo López, Óscar Costa Román, Amelia Barrientos Fernández, Francisco Javier Pericacho Gómez, Amaya Arigita García & Roberto Sánchez Cabrero - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:170-181.
    La gamificación o ludificación, entendida como la aplicación de la filosofía del juego en contextos no lúdicos, está experimentando en los últimos años un desarrollo espectacular en áreas de diversa naturaleza. Si bien está más que comúnmente aceptado que las funciones principales de los museos consisten en preservar y dar a conocer sus colecciones, resulta fundamental que logren conectar de manera satisfactoria con los usuarios empleando para ello medios y estrategias innovadoras y accesibles. En las siguientes páginas ponemos de manifiesto (...)
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    A fidelidade à terra: arte, natureza e política: assim falou Nietzche IV.Roberto Charles Feitosa de Oliveira, Miguel Angel de Barrenechea, Paulo Pinheiro & Carole Gubernikoff (eds.) - 2003 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FAPERJ.
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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning based algorithm detection of malware-infected nodes in IoT networks.Marcos Severt, Roberto Casado-Vara, Ángel Martín del Rey, Héctor Quintián & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing technology that connects everyday devices to the Internet, enabling wireless, low-consumption and low-cost communication and data exchange. IoT has revolutionized the way devices interact with each other and the internet. The more devices become connected, the greater the risk of security breaches. There is currently a need for new approaches to algorithms that can detect malware regardless of the size of the network and that can adapt to dynamic changes in the network. (...)
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    A Framework to Move Forward on the Path to Eco-innovation in the Construction Industry: Implications to Improve Firms' Sustainable Orientation.María-del-Val Segarra-Oña, Angel Peiró-Signes & Roberto Cervelló-Royo - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1469-1484.
    This paper examines key aspects in the innovative behavior of the construction firms that determine their environmental orientation while innovating. Structural equation modeling was used and data of 222 firms retrieved from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel for 2010 to analyse the drivers of environmental orientation of the construction firms during the innovation process. The results show that the environmental orientation is positively affected by the product and process orientation of construction firms during the innovation process. Furthermore, the positive relation (...)
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    Application of the Gait Deviation Index to Study Gait Impairment in Adult Population With Spinal Cord Injury: Comparison With the Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury Levels.Isabel Sinovas-Alonso, Diana Herrera-Valenzuela, Roberto Cano-de-la-Cuerda, Ana de los Reyes-Guzmán, Antonio J. del-Ama & Ángel Gil-Agudo - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The Gait Deviation Index is a multivariate measure of overall gait pathology based on 15 gait features derived from three-dimensional kinematic data. GDI aims at providing a comprehensive, easy to interpret, and clinically meaningful metric of overall gait function. It has been used as an outcome measure to study gait in several conditions: cerebral palsy, post-stroke hemiparetic gait, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson’s disease, among others. Nevertheless, its use in population with Spinal Cord Injury has not been studied yet. The (...)
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  9. Homenaje al filósofo venezolano Alberto Rosales.Roberto Walton - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 15 (8).
    Axiological foundations of free speach. Belandria, Margarita y González R., Javier Voluntad, ausencias, y normas: el sustrato histórico del positivismo en el derecho. Will, absences and norms: the historical background of positivism in law. Carpintero Benítez, Francisco Nominalismo jurídico, escolástica española y tradición republicana. Juridical nominalism, spanish scholasticism and republican tradition. Casanova Guerra, Carlos El primer principio de la razón práctica en la teoría de la ley natural de John Finnis. The first principle of practical reason in John Finnis´s natural (...)
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    Philosophy of Geometry from Riemann to Poincaré Roberto Torretti Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1978. Pp. xiii, 459. $50.00 U.S. [REVIEW]Roger B. Angel - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (2):384-391.
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    De la crisis de la comunidad a la comunidad de la crisis. Algunas paradojas del estar en común.Ángeles Ma del Rosario Pérez Bernal & María Luisa Bacarlett - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (2):307-335.
    En el presente artículo se hace un recorrido por la idea de comunidada través de algunos pensadores contemporáneos que han tratado de repensar el estar en común asumiendo algunas de sus paradojas. Para autores como Roberto Esposito, Jean-Luc Nancy y Giorgio Agamben, pensar “la comunidad” implica reflexionarla a partir de las paradojas y contrasentidos que contiene, tanto anivel conceptual como a nivel de la realidad cotidiana. La paradoja central que resume tales contrasentidos es la que afirma que la comunidad (...)
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    González hinojosa, Roberto Andrés: "Estructura de la ciencia Y posibilidad Del conocimiento a partir de Eduardo Nicol. Esbozo de Una nueva idea de razón", uaem, méxico, 2010, 347p. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2013 - Agora 32 (1).
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  13. (1 other version)On Aquinas's Theological Reliabilism.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):653-62.
    In an essay titled Aquinas on the Foundations of Knowledge, Eleonore Stump rejects the idea that Aquinas's epistemology is foundationalist. I agree with Stump, and share in her conviction that the Angelic doctor developed instead what can be seen as a kind of theological reliabilism. In this article, I intend to take her position a step further. First, I would like to show that Thomistic reliabilism falls into a vicious circle if seen as based on a merely rational theism. Second, (...)
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    Economic Interplay Forecasting Business Success.Nicola Amoroso, Loredana Bellantuono, Alfonso Monaco, Francesco De Nicolò, Ernesto Somma & Roberto Bellotti - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    A startup ecosystem is a dynamic environment in which several actors, such as investors, venture capitalists, angels, and facilitators, are the protagonists of a complex interplay. Most of these interactions involve the flow of capital whose size and direction help to map the intricate system of relationships. This quantity is also considered a good proxy of economic success. Given the complexity of such systems, it would be more desirable to supplement this information with other informative features, and a natural choice (...)
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    Roberto Bondì, Karl Schuhmann, Michel-Pierre Lerner, Miguel Ángel Granada y Susana Gómez López, Bernardino Telesio y la nueva imagen de la naturaleza en el Renacimiento, presentación de Miguel Ángel Granada, Siruela , Madrid, 2013, 248 pp. [REVIEW]Carmen Silva - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):149-153.
    Resumen La historia ocupa un papel marginal en las teorías actuales de la globalización. Esto no deja de sorprender, pues “globalización” es, en esencia, un concepto que describe un proceso de la historia. Menos aún se habla de la filosofía de la historia, sobre todo porque ha caído en descrédito. Sin embargo, casi todas las argumentaciones emplean modelos de interpretación propios de la filosofía de la historia. Se conjetura qué tendencias generales le son inherentes a la globalización y si apuntan (...)
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    Michel Foucault: Introduction to Kant’s anthropology. Semiotext, translated by Roberto Nigro and Kate Briggs: Los Angeles, 2008, 160 pp, $14.94 , ISBN: 978-1584350545. [REVIEW]Colin McQuillan - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (4):579-585.
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    El manicomio letrado en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño.Bernardo Patricio Rocco Núñez - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):223-232.
    The article studies the tradicional locus of madhouse present in 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, but taking into consideration also the desert and the church as spaces where the enunciation of madness is expands: the madman’s truth. To this end, three aspects that configure the heuristic notion of lettered madhouse are analyzed: the digressive diagrams, the phobic philology, and enlightened hospice. In short, it shows how Bolaño elaborates in his novel a critical and ironic vision of Latin American literary intelligentsia (...)
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    Lea Melandri, Love and Violence, translated from Italian. Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books.Lea Melandri & Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press, State University Press of New York.
    A critical, philosophical engagement of the psychological structures that propagate the continued oppression of women. In this book, the Italian feminist thinker Lea Melandri argues that systemic violence against women has deep psychoanalytic roots. Drawing inspiration from the work of Freud and the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elvio Fachinelli, along with feminist practices of consciousness-raising, Melandri demonstrates how male dominance and female subservience are established by society through a binary and oppositional understanding of sex and gender. This understanding—and the oppression and (...)
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  19. Descartes: el proyecto de la investigación pura, de Bernard Williams.Ángel García Rodríguez - 1996 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):109-112.
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  20. La biblioteca fantástica El libro sobre la mesa.Ángel María Sopó - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9:15-38.
    It is intended to show how Foucault, in “The Fantastic Library”, analyzes the structural way of self –exclusion experience in the saint, as a contribution of his general project of a critic history of the thought, and searches a pretext to look into a real game of the temptation and the lectic determinations of interest in the fractal hermeneutic.
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  21. Trascendencia y acontecimiento: la crítica de Maldiney a Heidegger.Ángel Viñas Vera - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (309):765-784.
    Henri Maldiney, fenomenólogo francés está aún por descubrir en la investigación hispana. Analizar su diálogo crítico con Heidegger es una manera adecuada de entrar en sus obras. Abordar el diálogo sobre temas como el acontecimiento y el ser humano es decisivo porque estos son temas centrales en la obra de ambos. Al hacerlo, mostraremos que para Maldiney la analítica existenciaria es insuficiente para comprender la apertura radical que es el ser humano. El acontecimiento y lo pático son categorías decisivas para (...)
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  22. Informaciones.Roberto J. Walton - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9).
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  23. Tautología.Angel Nepomuceno Fernández - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Más allá de la democracia deliberativa.Ángel Oquendo - 2005 - Polis 10.
    El artículo contrasta las teorías de Habermas y Nino mostrando la complejidad de la idea de democracia deliberativa, a la vez de sostener que una crítica de las teorías de Habermas y Nino abre la posibilidad de esbozar una visión democrática que trasciende la deliberación. Desarrolla el modo en que los autores entienden la democracia y vinculan sus visiones entre la deliberación democrática y la reflexión moral, y con los asuntos éticos y transaccionales. Señala que Habermas permite más distinciones que (...)
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    On the life of Asclepiades of Bithynia.Roberto Polito - 1999 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 119:48-66.
  26. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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    Real-Time Sound and Motion Feedback for Violin Bow Technique Learning: A Controlled, Randomized Trial.Angel David Blanco, Simone Tassani & Rafael Ramirez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The production of good sound generation in the violin is a complex task that requires coordination and spatiotemporal control of bowing gestures. The use of motion-capture technologies to improve performance or reduce injury risks in the area of kinesiology is becoming widespread. The combination of motion accuracy and sound quality feedback has the potential of becoming an important aid in violin learning. In this study, we evaluate motion-capture and sound-quality analysis technologies developed inside the context of the TELMI, a technology-enhanced (...)
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    Afectividad, responsividad y responsabilidad. Introducción a una arqueología de la vida afectiva y su sifnificación ética a partir del pensamiento de E. Levinas.Ángel E. GarridoMaturano - 2011 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 38:269-288.
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    Las pruebas del absoluto según Leibniz.Ángel Luis González (ed.) - 1996 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
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    Toward a formal language for unsharp properties.Roberto Giuntini & Heinz Greuling - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (7):931-945.
    Some algebraic structures of the set of all effects are investigated and summarized in the notion of a(weak) orthoalgebra. It is shown that these structures can be embedded in a natural way in lattices, via the so-calledMacNeille completion. These structures serve as a model ofparaconsistent quantum logic, orthologic, andorthomodular quantum logic.
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    Timespace for Emotions: Anachronism in Flaubert, Bal/williams Gamaker, Munch and Knausgård.Miguel Ángel Hernández Navarro - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):98-113.
    Quoting Flaubert through time, Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker’s Madame B brings Madame Bovary’s reflections on love and emotions to the present day, in a productive anachronism. Their work produces an intertemporal space where the past is relevant for the present, and the present enables us to understand the past. Intimacy and routine are central in their exploration of Flaubert’s contemporaneity. Those issues are precisely one of the keys in Karl Ove Knausgård’s project of literary autobiography, where he expands (...)
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    Agostinho e a “Descoberta” da Vontade: Estudo Complementar.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2020 - Dissertatio 50:27-60.
    Resumo: No presente artigo, busca-se esclarecer os conceitos agostinianos de “vontade” e “livre-arbítrio”, em especial com base no Livro I da obra De libero arbitrio. Procura-se situar a abordagem agostiniana no contexto da história filosófica do conceito de vontade, bem como detalhar aspectos próprios e específicos da primeira fase de escritos de Agostinho sobre a vontade e a liberdade em comparação com períodos posteriores. Defende-se a ideia de que a estrutura da teoria da ação livre de Agostinho é fundamentalmente apresentada (...)
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    The Problem of Position. Ajdukiewicz and Leib˙niz on Intensional Expressions.Roberto Poli - 1995 - In Vito Sinisi & Jan Woleński (eds.), The heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Rodopi. pp. 40--249.
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    Quantum MV algebras.Roberto Giuntini - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (3):393 - 417.
    We introduce the notion of quantum MV algebra (QMV algebra) as a generalization of MV algebras and we show that the class of all effects of any Hilbert space gives rise to an example of such a structure. We investigate some properties of QMV algebras and we prove that QMV algebras represent non-idempotent extensions of orthomodular lattices.
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    The event and the (non-)phenomenon: Marion/Derrida.Roberto Terzi - 2017 - Phainomenon 26 (1):155-183.
    The issue of the event and its relation to the concept of phenomenon has been widely spread in the French phenomenology of the last decades. Firstly, this article aims at retracing some general aspects of the role of the event in what has been called the “New phenomenology in France” and raises the problem of a distinction between different uses of this concept. Secondly, it analyses in two phases the presence of this topic in Marion’s phenomenology. On the one hand, (...)
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    Community of Enquiry and Ethics of Responsibility.Roberto Tibaldeo - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (1):407-418.
    The article assumes that Lipman’s paradigm of ‘Philosophy for Children’ as a ‘Community of Inquiry’ is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to collective life as such. In particular, it examines the possible contribution of philosophy to the practical and ethical dynamics which, nowadays, seem to characterise many deliberative public contexts. Lipman’s idea of CI is an interesting interpretative key for such contexts. As a result, the article highlights the possibility (...)
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  37. Nietzsche e la filosofia politica del XIX secolo.Roberto Escobar - 1978 - Milano: Il formichiere.
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    El Dios de los filósofos.Ángel Álvarez Gómez - 1996 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 23:147-188.
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    Imparare a ragionare: un manuale di logica.Roberto Giovanni Timossi - 2011 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
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    Evaluation of a Sound Quality Visual Feedback System for Bow Learning Technique in Violin Beginners: An EEG Study.Angel David Blanco & Rafael Ramirez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:411199.
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    Bayesian sensitivity principles for evidence based knowledge.Ángel Pinillos - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (2):495-516.
    In this paper, I propose and defend a pair of necessary conditions on evidence-based knowledge which bear resemblance to the troubled sensitivity principles defended in the philosophical literature. We can think of the traditional principles as simple but inaccurate approximations of the new proposals. Insofar as the old principles are intuitive and used in scientific and philosophical contexts, but are plausibly false, there’s a real need to develop precise and correct formulations. These new renditions turned out to be more cautious, (...)
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    Exploratory techniques to analyse Ecuador's tourism industry.Anita Herrera, Ángel Arroyo, Alfredo Jiménez & Álvaro Herrero - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1018-1035.
    The analysis of the operation of tourism companies will provide valid information for the design of policies to reactivate the tourism industry, which has been strongly affected during the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The objective of this paper is to use soft computing techniques to analyse tourism companies in Ecuador. First of all, dimensionality reduction methods are applied: principal component analysis, isometric feature mapping and locally linear embedding, on data of tourism enterprises in Ecuador for the year 2015. In addition, (...)
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    El problema de la intuición de lo no existente y el escepticismo ockhamista.Ángel Luis González - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (2):115-143.
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  44. La antropología moral de la igualdad.Ángel González - 2001 - Isegoría 24:223-249.
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    Nieto Blanco, Carlos (2021). El mundo desde dentro: El pensamiento de José Ferrater Mora.Ángel González - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:284-287.
    Nieto Blanco, Carlos El mundo desde dentro: El pensamiento de José Ferrater MoraSevilla: Renacimiento. Iluminaciones, 520 p.ISBN 9788418387418.
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    Science at the Club: Putrefaction as an artistic medium.Angel Lartigue - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):173-184.
    Science at the Club explores the architecture of the nightclub space as a nucleus for queer testimony, relating it to a judiciary courtroom. This performance challenges legal doctrines of forensic identification and the binary of life and death, by transforming biological and forensic material into ephemeral essences within the performance of the dance floor. Divided into a case study surrounding my performances at nightclubs, research courses taken in human remains recovery and visits to various burial sites of South Texas, I (...)
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    Carne y luz.Ángel Enrique Garrido Maturano - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (1):63-80.
    El artículo estudia la noción de cuerpo propio y su relación con el mundo en el pensamiento de J. Patočka. Primero analiza la referencia al mundo de las características esenciales del cuerpo propio. Luego muestra en qué medida dicho cuerpo puede ser concebido como resultado del movimiento ontogénico, fenomenológico, regenerativo y teleológico de encarnación del mundo en el hombre. A continuación explicita el sentido último de la existencia corporal humana como movimiento ético de desencarnación del hombre para el mundo. Finalmente (...)
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  48. Anti-Teodicea y ateísmo en Albert Camus.Angel Medina - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (241):487-498.
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    Demythologizing History.Angel Medina - 1971 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 45:139-146.
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  50. The right to privacy.Colleen Angel - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (2):11-25.
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