Results for 'Robin Baird-Smith'

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    Easy Ride for a Difficult Writer. [REVIEW]Robin Baird-Smith - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (3/4):741-743.
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    One Shrewd Wife in all the World.David Baird-Smith - 1984 - Moreana 21 (3-4):93-94.
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    Carroll Thomas Andrews : A Mass For All Seasons, G.I.A. Publications, 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60638 : G 1813. [REVIEW]David Baird-Smith - 1982 - Moreana 19 (Number 75-19 (3-4):209-209.
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    Paris, 22 Juin 1989. [REVIEW]Anne Baird-Smith - 1990 - Moreana 27 (Number 101-27 (1-2):200-200.
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    Thomas More : Precurseur Des Conciles Vatican I ET II. [REVIEW]David Baird-Smith - 2009 - Moreana 46 (1):266-267.
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  6. Aristotle's Prior Analytics.Robin Smith - 1989 - Hackett Publishing Company.
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    (1 other version)Prior Analytics. Aristotle & Robin Smith - 1989 - New York: Kessinger Publishing. Edited by Gisela Striker.
    WE must first state the subject of our inquiry and the faculty to which it belongs: its subject is demonstration and the faculty that carries it out demonstrative science.
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    Topics.Robin Aristotle & Smith - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Robin Smith & Aristotle.
    them. Though Aristotle does not say so, presumably the questioner who conceals in this way must be prepared, when challenged, to show that the conclusion...
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  9. Aristotle's Logic.Robin Smith - 2007 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  10. What Is Aristotelian Ecthesis?Robin Smith - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):113-127.
    I consider the proper interpretation of the process of ecthesis which Aristotle uses several times in the Prior analytics for completing a syllogistic mood, i.e., showing how to produce a deduction of a conclusion of a certain form from premisses of certain forms. I consider two interpretations of the process which have been advocated by recent scholars and show that one seems better suited to most passages while the other best fits a single remaining passage. I also argue that ecthesis (...)
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  11. Aristotle on the uses of dialectic.Robin Smith - 1993 - Synthese 96 (3):335 - 358.
  12. Logic.Robin Smith - 1994 - In Jonathan Barnes, The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Aristotle's Theory of Demonstration.Robin Smith - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 51–65.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Necessity and Predication “Through Itself” Demonstrations, Universals, and the Objects of Scientific Knowledge The Route to the Principles Axioms, Common Principles, and Self‐evidence Demonstration and Analysis Bibliography.
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  14. Completeness of an Ecthetic Syllogistic.Robin Smith - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (2):224-232.
  15. The Relationship of aristotle's Two Analytics.Robin Smith - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (2):327-335.
    In 1928, Friedrich Solmsen argued that Aristotle'sPosterior Analyticswas largely composed before thePrior Analytics. Ross rejected Solmsen's position in 1939, and a rather lengthy series of rebuttals and counter-attacks between the two scholars followed. Quite recently, Jonathan Barnes has revived this issue with arguments in favour of something very close to Solmsen's thesis: that Aristotle first developed a theory of demonstration (‘apodeictic’) before he had worked out the syllogistic, and that thePosterior Analyticswas originally conceived against this background. Subsequently, when Aristotle formulated (...)
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  16. Aristotle, Topics I, VIII, and Selections.Robin Smith - 1997 - Oxford University Press.
  17. Dialectic and Method in Aristotle.Robin Smith - 1999 - In May Sim, From Puzzles to Principles?: Essays on Aristotle's Dialectic. Lexington Books.
    In his 1961 paper "Tithenai ta Phainomena",1 G. E. L. Owen addressed the problem of the relationship between science as preached in the Analytics and the practice of the Aristotelian treatises. However, he gave this venerable crux a novel twist by focusing on a different aspect of the issue. According to the Prior Analytics , it appears that the first premises of scientific demonstrations must be obtained from collections (historiai) of facts derived from empirical observation. However, many of the treatises (...)
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  18. Dialectic and the Syllogism.Robin Smith - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (S1):133-151.
  19. The Syllogism in Posterior Analytics I.Robin Smith - 1982 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 64 (2):113-135.
  20. Immediate Propositions and Aristotle’s Proof Theory.Robin Smith - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:47-68.
  21. Aristotle as Proof Theorist.Robin Smith - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 27 (2/4):590-597.
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    Chrestomathia.Robin Barrow, Jeremy Bentham, M. J. Smith & W. H. Burston - 1985 - British Journal of Educational Studies 33 (1):87.
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    But if the syllogistic is the most brilliant part of Aristotle's.Robin Smith - 1995 - In Jonathan Barnes, The Cambridge companion to Aristotle. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 27.
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  24. Prior Analytics.Robin Smith - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):633-635.
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    On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations.Robin James Smith & Richard Fitzgerald - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book is devoted to the reintroduction of the remarkable approach to sociological inquiry developed by Harvey Sacks. Sacks's original analyses - concerned with the lived detail of action and language-in-interaction, discoverable in members' actual activities - demonstrated a means of doing sociology that had previously seemed impossible. In so doing, Sacks provided for highly technical, detailed, yet stunningly simple solutions to some of the most trenchant troubles for the social sciences relating to language, culture, meaning, knowledge, action, and social (...)
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  26. Predication and deduction in Aristotle: Aspirations to completeness.Robin Smith - 1991 - Topoi 10 (1):43-52.
  27. Some studies of logical transformations in the prior analytics.Robin Smith - 1981 - History and Philosophy of Logic 2 (1-2):1-9.
    I argue that Prior analyticsII.5?7, 8?10, and 1.45 actually contain studies of processes for transforming arguments into other arguments which Aristotle carried out before having completed the theory of perfecting syllogisms by reduction to first-figure moods as presented in Prior analytics1.4?7. This position rejects Ross's opinion that these passages are ?mental gymnastics?, and Patzig's view that some of these texts contain studies of alternative axiomatizations or other logical studies posterior to the completion of the basic theory of syllogisms.
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  28. Unlearned Knowledge: Aristotle on How We Come to Know Prin- ciples.Robin Smith - unknown
    At the beginning of the Posterior Analytics, Aristotle says that “all learning and all rational teaching arises from previously existing knowledge”. How, then, can we have any knowledge? If all our knowledge is acquired by learning that depends on previously existing knowledge, then we would have an infinite regress of still prior knowledge, with the result that we cannot learn anything without having learned something else first. If we reject this possibility, then the only one that remains is that we (...)
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  29. “None of the arts that gives proofs about some nature is interrogative”: Questions and Aristotle's concept of science.Robin Smith - manuscript
    Modern interpreters have often regarded Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics as a mystery, or even a bit of an embarrassment. In his treatises on natural science and ethics, Aristotle is constantly concerned to review the opinions of his predecessors and of people in general; where appropriate, he also takes note of experiential observations, some of them highly specialized. However, the traditional view of the Posterior Analytics is that it advances an almost Cartesian picture of sciences as deductive systems founded on intuitively evident (...)
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    Relativism, Objectivity, and Law.Robin West & Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 1990 - Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
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    Commentary.Robin Alexander-Smith - 1982 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 1 (3):71-73.
  32. An Analysis of the Concept of Truth.Robin Smith - 1965 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
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  33. Ancient Greek modal logic.Robin Smith - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski, The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
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    Ancient Greek Philosophical Logic.Robin Smith - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 9–23.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Origins: Parmenides and Zeno Dialectic and the Beginnings of Logical Theory Aristotle and the Theory of Demonstration The Regress Argument of Posterior Analytics I.3 Time and Modality: The Sea‐Battle and the Master Argument Sentential Logic in Aristotle and Afterwards.
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  35. Ancient Philosophical Logic.Robin Smith - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Aristotle's Regress Argument.Robin Smith - 1996 - In Ignacio Angelelli & María Cerezo, Studies on the History of Logic: Proceedings of the III. Symposium on the History of Logic. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 21-32.
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  37. Aristotle's theory of evidence.Robin Smith - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):99-118.
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    Colloquium 7.Robin Smith - 1993 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 9 (1):261-285.
  39. Mass terms, generic expressions, and Plato's theory of forms.Robin Smith - 1978 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (2):141-153.
  40. New Light on Aristotle’s Modal Concepts.Robin Smith - 1985 - Ancient Philosophy 5 (1):67-75.
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  41. On Eliminating the Art Object.Robin Smith - 1970 - Dialectica 24 (4):261-6.
  42. Plato's Dialectic From the Standpoint of Aristotle's First Logic.Robin A. Smith - 1974 - Dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University
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    Telling the CAQDAS code: Membership categorization and the accomplishment of ‘coding rules’ in research team talk.Robin James Smith & William Housley - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (4):417-434.
    During the course of this article we examine data gathered from two research meetings in which coding issues and data organization are being discussed in relation to the use of the software package Atlas.ti. The meetings were concerned with the organization and coding of semi-structured interviews carried out by three different groups as part of a wider collaborative research project. A number of papers have considered aspects of coding practice in teams or small groups; however, little work exists on the (...)
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  44. What use is Aristotle's Organon?Robin Smith - 1993 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 9:261-285.
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  45. An Interprofessional Journal on HealthCare Institutions' Ethical and Legal Issues.Robin Fretwell Wilson & Martha Neff-Smith - forthcoming - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues.
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  46. Contributions and correspondence should be sent to the editorial assistant at university of Durham centre for the history of the human sciences.Robin Williams, Roger Smith, Donna Harris, Hans Aarsleff, Svetlana Alpers, Stephen Bann, Gillian Beer, Seyla Benhabib, Roy Boyne & William Connolly - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (2):158.
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    HECs: Are they evaluating their performance? [REVIEW]Robin Fretwell Wilson, Martha Neff-Smith, Donald Phillips & John C. Fletcher - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (1):1-34.
    Although the incidence and composition of HECs has been well characterized, little is known about how HECs assess their performance. In order to describe the incidence of HEC self-evaluation, the methods HECs use to evaluate their performance, and the characteristics of HECs that influence self-evaluation, we surveyed the readers ofHospital Ethics. 290 HECs in 45 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and three Canadian provinces, completed questionnaires. Of the 241 HECs included in the data analysis, 97.9% had performed (...)
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    Logic, Dialectic and Science in Aristotle.Robert Bolton & Robin Smith - 1994 - New Image Press Mathesis Publications.
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  49. Michael Ferejohn, The Origins of Aristotelian Science. [REVIEW]Robin Smith - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13:18-21.
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    Elementary Formal Logic.G. N. Georgacarakos & Robin Smith - 1979 - McGraw-Hill Companies.
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