Results for 'Robin Jordan'

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  1.  69
    Understanding male interpersonal violence: A discourse analytic approach to accounts of violence on the door.Robin Jordan & Geoffrey Beattie - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (144):101-141.
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    A pragmatist philosophy of psychological science and its implications for replication.Ana Gantman, Robin Gomila, Joel E. Martinez, J. Nathan Matias, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Jordan Starck, Sherry Wu & Nechumi Yaffe - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  3. Reconceptualizing solidarity as power from below.Robin Zheng - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):893-917.
    I propose a new concept of solidarity, which I call “solidarity from below,” that highlights an aspect of solidarity widely recognized in popular uses of the term, but which has hitherto been neglected in the philosophical literature. Solidarity from below is the collective ability of otherwise powerless people to organize themselves for transformative social change. I situate this concept with respect to four distinct but intertwined questions that have motivated extant theorizing about solidarity. I explain what it means to conceptualize (...)
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  4. Respect and Care: Toward Moral Integration.Robin S. Dillon - 1992 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):105 - 132.
    In her provocative discussion of the challenge posed to the traditional impartialist, justice-focused conception of morality by the new-wave care perspective in ethics, Annette Baier calls for ‘a “marriage” of the old male and newly articulated female... moral wisdom,’ to produce a new ‘cooperative’ moral theory that ‘harmonize[s] justice and care.’ I want in this paper to play matchmaker, proposing one possible conjugal bonding: a union of two apparently dissimilar modes of what Nel Noddings calls ‘meeting the other morally,’ a (...)
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    Evil and Van Inwagen.Jeff Jordan - 2003 - Faith and Philosophy 20 (2):236-239.
  6. Kvantifikator för en Dag.Robin Cooper - unknown
    In a recent paper Asher and Pustejovsky propose a type theoretical approach to account for cases of copredication which had motivated Pustejovsky to introduce dot types in the Generative Lexicon. In this paper I will propose an alternative treatment to that given by Asher and Pustejovsky using type theory with records. I will suggest that using record types not only gives us a simple and intuitive account of dot types but also makes an important connection between copredication and the use (...)
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    Husserl’s Position in the School of Brentano.Robin D. Rollinger - 1999 - Springer.
    Phenomenology, according to Husserl, is meant to be philosophy as rigorous science. It was Franz Brentano who inspired him to pursue the ideal of scientific philosophy. Though Husserl began his philosophical career as an orthodox disciple of Brentano, he eventually began to have doubts about this orientation. The Logische Unterschungen is the result of such doubts. Especially after the publication of that work, he became increasingly convinced that, in the interests of scientific philosophy, he had to go in a direction (...)
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    (1 other version)The teleological argument.Robin Collins - 2007 - In Paul Copan & Chad Meister (eds.), Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 202–281.
    This is a condensed version of an in-process book on the fine-tuning argument for God’s existence. In this 48,000 word essay, I first develop a probabilistic framework for articulating the argument, and then use this framework to answer in detail many of the objections commonly raised against it. Along the way, I present some of the fine-tuning evidence itself and consider major objections against the evidence; further, there are two major sections dealing with the multiverse objection, particularly that based on (...)
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    Chemical substances and the limits of pluralism.Robin Findlay Hendry - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 14 (1):55-68.
    In this paper I investigate the relationship between vernacular kind terms and specialist scientific vocabularies. Elsewhere I have developed a defence of realism about the chemical elements as natural kinds. This defence depends on identifying the epistemic interests and theoretical conception of the elements that have suffused chemistry since the mid-eighteenth century. Because of this dependence, it is a discipline-specific defence, and would seem to entail important concessions to pluralism about natural kinds. I argue that making this kind of concession (...)
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    Authorisation and Representation before Leviathan.Robin Douglass - 2018 - Hobbes Studies 31 (1):30-47.
    _ Source: _Volume 31, Issue 1, pp 30 - 47 In this article, I show that Hobbes’s account of the generation of the commonwealth in both _The Elements of Law_ and _De Cive_ relies on ideas that he would come to theorise in terms of authorisation and representation in _Leviathan_. In this respect, I argue that the _Leviathan_ account is better understood as filling in gaps and resolving equivocations in Hobbes’s theory, rather than marking a decisive break in his thinking. (...)
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  11.  18
    Legitimacy and the Field of Science and Religion.Peter N. Jordan - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):792-804.
    Prompted by the concerns about legitimacy that Josh Reeves expresses in his book Against Methodology in Science and Religion: Recent Debates on Rationality and Theology, this article considers how the field of science and religion, and the disciplines and scholars that comprise it, should think about the pursuit of legitimacy today. It begins by examining four features of any conferral of legitimacy on an object. It then looks more closely at distance and its effects on judgments of legitimacy. It first (...)
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    Nuevas aportaciones a la historia de la Iglesia parroquial de Gilena, Sevilla.Jorge Alberto Jordán Fernández - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (1):213-236.
    Ampliación de un estudio anterior en la que se dan a conocer nuevas aportaciones acerca del devenir histórico de la iglesia parroquial de Gilena desde sus orígenes, en el siglo XVI, hasta el siglo XIX.
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    Outline of a Course in the Philosophy of Education.E. Jordan - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (5):614-615.
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  14. Can Manipulators Mislead Market Observers?Robin Hanson - unknown
    We study experimental markets where privately informed traders exchange simple assets, and where uninformed third parties are asked to forecast the values of these assets, guided only by market prices. Although prices only partially aggregate information, they significantly improve the forecasts of third parties. In a second treatment, a portion of traders are given preferences over the forecasts made by observers. Although we find evidence that these traders attempt to manipulate prices in order to influence the beliefs of observers, we (...)
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    On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations.Robin James Smith & Richard Fitzgerald - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book is devoted to the reintroduction of the remarkable approach to sociological inquiry developed by Harvey Sacks. Sacks's original analyses - concerned with the lived detail of action and language-in-interaction, discoverable in members' actual activities - demonstrated a means of doing sociology that had previously seemed impossible. In so doing, Sacks provided for highly technical, detailed, yet stunningly simple solutions to some of the most trenchant troubles for the social sciences relating to language, culture, meaning, knowledge, action, and social (...)
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    Human conversational behavior.Robin I. M. Dunbar, Anna Marriott & Neil D. C. Duncan - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (3):231-246.
  17. Dialectic and Method in Aristotle.Robin Smith - 1999 - In May Sim (ed.), From Puzzles to Principles?: Essays on Aristotle's Dialectic. Lexington Books.
    In his 1961 paper "Tithenai ta Phainomena",1 G. E. L. Owen addressed the problem of the relationship between science as preached in the Analytics and the practice of the Aristotelian treatises. However, he gave this venerable crux a novel twist by focusing on a different aspect of the issue. According to the Prior Analytics , it appears that the first premises of scientific demonstrations must be obtained from collections (historiai) of facts derived from empirical observation. However, many of the treatises (...)
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    Relationships, Obligations, Normativity, and Depth: A Response to Kellenberger.Robin Attfield - 2013 - Theoretical and Applied Ethics 2 (1):51-66.
    This paper supplies a critique of James Kellenberger’s thesis that relationships are deeper than principles because principles derive from and are determined by relationships. Relationships are admittedly sometimes normative, but it is implausible that an acceptable general theory of normativity can be based on this fact. The first section concerns Kellenberger’s initial thesis, which derives normativity from actual relationships. The following two sections concern his revised thesis, disclosed two-thirds of the way through his article, that normativity is conferred by proper (...)
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    Footnotes to Evolution.David Starr Jordan, E. G. Conklin, F. M. Mcfarland & J. P. Smith - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (4):452-452.
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    Multi‐Scale Contingencies During Individual and Joint Action.J. Scott Jordan, Daniel S. Schloesser, Jiuyang Bai & Drew Abney - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):36-54.
    The present paper describes a joint action paradigm in which individuals or pairs utilized two computer keys to keep a dot stimulus moving inside a larger rectangle. Members of a pair could neither see nor hear each other. This paradigm allowed us to combine the discrete-trial type dependent variables commonly utilized by representational theorists, with the continuous, temporal dependence variables utilized by dynamical theorists. Analysis revealed that individuals kept the dot in the rectangle longer than dyads and did so by (...)
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  21. La théorie platonicienne de l'A mour.Léon Robin - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (3):12-13.
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    The Search for Society: Quest for a Biosocial Science and Morality.Robin Fox - 1989 - Rutgers University Press.
  23.  83
    The dynamic moral self: A social psychological perspective.Benoît Monin & Alexander H. Jordan - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley (eds.), Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press. pp. 341--354.
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  24. Claims, interests and environmental concern'.Robin Attfield - forthcoming - Ethics and the Environment. Oxford: Corpus Christi College.
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  25. Dictating Democracy.Robin Barrow - 2007 - Journal of Thought 42 (1/2):27-41.
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  26. Philosophy of education: past, present and future'.Robin Barrow - 1997 - In David N. Aspin (ed.), Logical empiricism and post₋empiricism in educational discourse. Johannesburg: [Distributed by] Thorold's Africana Books.
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  27. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII.Glasscock Robin - 2009
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    Shared Secrets Come Cheap.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Imagine two people share a secret which would hurt them each $1000 worth if it got out. You offer to pay them each $1 to (verifiably) tell you their secret. If this is a one-shot simultaneous game, there are two pure-strategy equilibria: one where they both tell and another where neither of them tell. But since the no-tell equilibria makes them both better off, your chances aren’t good.
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    Child development and theories of culture: A historical perspective.Robin L. Harwood - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):523-523.
  30.  12
    Ruling Bodies: A Study of Coercion and Punishment in Plato's Republic, Laws, and Gorgias.Robin Varma - 2022 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book examines how Plato theorized about coercion and punishment in the Republic, the Laws, and the Gorgias. It highlights a problem in the way we understand coercion in modern politics, and then offers a new framework and context for thinking about this.
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  31. (1 other version)Beyond Anthropocentrism.Robin Attfield - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 69:29-46.
    After the first wave of writings in environmental philosophy in the early 1970s, which were mostly critical of anthropocentrism, a new trend emerged which sought to humanise this subject, and to revive or vindicate anthropocentric stances. Only in this way, it was held, could environmental values become human values, and ecological movements manage to become social ecology. Later writers have detected tacit anthropocentrism lurking even in Deep Ecology, or have defended ‘perspectival anthropocentrism’, as the inevitable methodology of any system of (...)
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  32. Copredication, dynamic generalized quantification and lexical innovation by coercion.Robin Cooper - unknown
    We propose a record type theoretical account of cases of copredication which have motivated the introduction of dot types in the Generative Lexicon. We will suggest that using record types gives us a simple and intuitive account of dot types and also makes a connection between copredication and the use of hypothetical contexts in a record type theoretic analysis of dynamic generalized quantifiers. We propose a view of lexical innovation which draws both on Pustejovsky’s original work on the Generative Lexicon (...)
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  33.  51
    The Opioid Epidemic in Indian Country.Robin T. Tipps, Gregory T. Buzzard & John A. McDougall - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):422-436.
    The national opioid epidemic is severely impacting Indian Country. In this article, we draw upon data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to describe the contours of this crisis among Native Americans. While these data are subject to significant limitations, we show that Native American opioid overdose mortality rates have grown substantially over the last seventeen years. We further find that this increase appears to at least parallel increases seen among non-Hispanic whites, who are often thought to be (...)
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    Aspect kinds.Robin Stenwall - 2007 - In Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski (eds.), Rethinking Explanation. Springer. pp. 193--203.
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  35. Frege: Evidence for self-evidence.Robin Jeshion - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):131-138.
  36. Uncommon priors require origin disputes.Robin Hanson - 2006 - Theory and Decision 61 (4):319-328.
    In standard belief models, priors are always common knowledge. This prevents such models from representing agents’ probabilistic beliefs about the origins of their priors. By embedding standard models in a larger standard model, however, pre-priors can describe such beliefs. When an agent’s prior and pre-prior are mutually consistent, he must believe that his prior would only have been different in situations where relevant event chances were different, but that variations in other agents’ priors are otherwise completely unrelated to which events (...)
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  37.  30
    Der Preis der Wahrheit. Gabe, Geld und Philosophie.Robin Celikates - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (4):343.
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    The Foundations of the Social: Between Critical Theory and Reflexive Sociology.Robin Celikates - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (5):782-787.
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  39. Is English really a formal language?Robin Cooper - unknown
    • languages as sets of strings and early transformational grammar • interpreted languages as sets of string-meaning pairs • Montague in ‘Universal Grammar’: There is in my opinion no important theoretical difference between natural languages and the artificial languages of logicians; indeed I consider it possible to comprehend the syntax and semantics of both kinds of languages within a single natural and mathematically precise theory.
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  40. Zhou Dunyi's Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate Explained (Taijitu shuo) : A Construction of the Confucian Metaphysics.Robin Wang - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):307-323.
  41.  46
    Justice and Non-Human Animals- Part I.Robin Attfield & Rebekah Humphreys - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):1-11.
    It is widely held that moral obligations to non-human beings do not involve considerations of justice. For such a view, nonhuman interests are always prone to be trumped by human interests. Rawlsian contractarianism comprises an example of such a view. Through analysis of such theories, this essay highlights the problem of reconciling the claim that humans have obligations to non-humans with the claim that our treatment of the latter is not a matter of justice. We argue that if it is (...)
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    Isagreement is unpredictable.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Given common priors, no agent can publicly estimate a non-zero sign for the difference between his estimate and another agent’s future estimate. Thus rational agents cannot publicly anticipate the direction in which other agents will disagree with them.  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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  43.  26
    Man and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility. Keith Thomas.Robin Attfield - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):588-589.
  44.  8
    Reconciling the God of Traditional Theism with the World’s Evils.Robin Attfield - 2020 - Religions 11 (10).
    Replying to James Sterba’s argument for the incompatibility of the world’s evils with the existence of the God of traditional theism, I argue for their compatibility, using the proposition that God has reasons for permitting these evils. Developing this case involves appeal to an enlarged version of both the Free Will Defence and Hick’s Vale of Soul-Making Defence, in the context of God’s decision to generate the kind of natural regularities conducive to the evolution of a range of creatures, including (...)
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  45.  13
    Editorial: Publicity, the public and professors.Robin Barrow - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (3):223-227.
  46. Or what's a Evean For?'The Importance of Aims in Education'.Robin Barrow - 1999 - In Roger Marples (ed.), The aims of education. New York: Routledge.
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  47. Alternatives to Austerity: The Need for a Public Utility Finance System.Robin Blackburn - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 165:10.
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  48. Luiz Althusser i walka o marksizm.Robin Blackburn & Gareth Stedman Jones - 1985 - Colloquia Communia 19 (2):33-50.
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    Ruskin's Philosophy.Robin George Collingwood - 1971 - Quentin Nelson.
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  50. Philosophie religieuse.Léon Robin, Ernest Fraenkel, E. Unger, Guéroult, G. Gusdorf & E. Duprat - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 122 (7):100-110.
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