Results for 'Roland Everett'

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    The Renewal of Education Through the Science of the Spirit: Fourteen Lectures Given to Swiss Teachers in Basel from 20th April to 11th May 1920.Rudolf Steiner & Roland Everett - 1981
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    La ramification selon everett: une interprétation critiquée mais logiquement impeccable de la mécanique quantique.Roland Frïasé - 1987 - History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (2):215-241.
    Pour résoudre les paradoxes bien connus de la mécanique quantique, on propose une interprétation par ramification (ou univers parallèles) analogue à celle d?Everett, mais avec des différences: (i) on propose une infinité continue de branches, dont les poids (o[ugrave] probabilités) se calculent par intégrale; (ii) les branches sont séparées par des ramifieurs qui se propagent à la vitesse de la lumière. Lorsqu?est négligeable la composante d?énergie négative de la fonction d?onde, le poids de chaque branche en un point donné (...)
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    Jane Roland Martin, School Was Our Life: Remembering Progressive Education (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2018).Randall Everett Allsup - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (2):230-235.
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    A Reappraisal of Bennett Reimer and His Meanings of Art.Randall Everett Allsup & Judy Lewis - 2015 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 23 (2):168.
    Consistent throughout his writings on aesthetics and education, Bennett Reimer maintained the idea that music must be understood and studied as non-conceptual. Music’s forms of knowing point to the subjective realms of life and operate effectively without the assistance or necessity of language. An education in the arts is an education in feelings, a claim that became untenable in an age of evidence and standardization. Critics hostile to a characterization of music as unknowable pointed to very clear concepts, locating the (...)
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    Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education by Randall Everett Allsup (review).Juliet Hess - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (1):100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education by Randall Everett AllsupJuliet HessRandall Everett Allsup, Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2016).As a leading voice in music education, Randall Allsup works continually to reconceptualize music education toward democratic and socially just praxis.1 He routinely challenges the field to become self-conscious of practices that limit forward (...)
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    The Child's Changing Consciousness: As the Basis of Pedagogical Practice.Rudolf Steiner - 1996 - SteinerBooks.
    Translated from the German by Roland Everett and edited by Rhona Everett.
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    Sensory feedback to the cerebral cortex during voluntary movement in man.P. E. Roland - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):129-147.
  8. Motor compatibility: The bidirectional link between behavior and evaluation.Roland Neumann, Jens Förster & Fritz Strack - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 371--391.
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    To prevent means to know: Explicit but no implicit agency for prevention behavior.Roland Pfister, Solveig Tonn, Lisa Weller, Wilfried Kunde & Katharina A. Schwarz - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104489.
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    Evidence amalgamation in the sciences: an introduction.Roland Poellinger, Jürgen Landes & Samuel C. Fletcher - 2019 - Synthese 196 (8):3163-3188.
    Amalgamating evidence from heterogeneous sources and across levels of inquiry is becoming increasingly important in many pure and applied sciences. This special issue provides a forum for researchers from diverse scientific and philosophical perspectives to discuss evidence amalgamation, its methodologies, its history, its pitfalls, and its potential. We situate the contributions therein within six themes from the broad literature on this subject: the variety-of-evidence thesis, the philosophy of meta-analysis, the role of robustness/sensitivity analysis for evidence amalgamation, its bearing on questions (...)
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    Der Sinn des Lebens und das gute Leben.Roland Kipke - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68 (2):180-202.
    Definition of the problem: Contemporary bioethics as an academic discipline mainly focuses on moral questions – according to its articulated self-concept and the explicit arguments in most areas of bioethical reflection. Concepts and theories of the good life are hardly considered. Arguments: In reality the ‘good life’ plays a much more important role than it is assumed, but mostly only in an implicit way. The article demonstrates this by referencing three selected fields of bioethical discussion. Hence the article argues that (...)
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    Strong Enumeration Reducibilities.Roland Sh Omanadze & Andrea Sorbi - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (7):869-912.
    We investigate strong versions of enumeration reducibility, the most important one being s-reducibility. We prove that every countable distributive lattice is embeddable into the local structure $L(\mathfrak D_s)$ of the s-degrees. However, $L(\mathfrak D_s)$ is not distributive. We show that on $\Delta^{0}_{2}$ sets s-reducibility coincides with its finite branch version; the same holds of e-reducibility. We prove some density results for $L(\mathfrak D_s)$ . In particular $L(\mathfrak D_s)$ is upwards dense. Among the results about reducibilities that are stronger than s-reducibility, (...)
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    Survival and Disembodied Existence.Roland Puccetti - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (81):404-405.
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    Mill and Liberalism.Roland Hall - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (58):69-71.
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    Schopenhauer.Roland Hall - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (55):174-175.
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    The great c-fiber myth: A critical note.Roland Puccetti - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (June):303-305.
  17.  9
    Ends Without a Cause: A Response to Dimitris Vardoulakis.Roland Végső - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):288-294.
    What does it mean to ‘calculate’—today? The pause introduced by the dash in this question marks the inescapable necessity of historicizing the problem of calculation. In his provocative essay, ‘Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual: Heidegger’s Reading of Aristotle and the Construction of an Action without Ends’, Dimitris Vardoulakis proposes a philosophical and political programme in order to counter the negative effects of ‘Heidegger’s mistake’ (the conflation of causality and instrumentality through a mistranslation of Aristotle) that has led to the (...)
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    The Source of Learning is Thought” Reading the Chin-ssu lu (近思錄) with a “Western Eye.Roland Reichenbach - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):36-51.
    The contribution focuses on Neo-Confucian texts as collected by Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian and is a look from the ‘outside’, from the perspective of German theories of Bildung. It aims at demonstrating that among other insights that today’s readers may gather from Neo-Confucian literature, one aspect protrudes from others: that learning can be considered as a virtue—even a meta-virtue—a form of life and mode of self-formation of the person. It does not seem exaggerated, from this perspective, to state that (...)
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    The influence of mood on the intensity of emotional responses: Disentangling feeling and knowing.Roland Neumann, Beate Seibt & Fritz Strack - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):725-747.
    The results of three experiments suggest that pre-existing mood increases the intensity of affectively congruent emotions while dampening the intensity of incongruent emotions independent of attributional knowledge. This result was obtained using a new method for inducing mood states unobtrusively and with minimal or no cognitive concomitants. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that for participants who were exposed to positive feedback a pre-existing positive mood led to stronger feelings of pride in comparison to negative mood. The results of Experiments (...)
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    Why the Mind is Not in the Head but in the Society's Connectionist Network.Roland Fischer - 1990 - Diogenes 38 (151):1-28.
    Nothing seems more possible to me than that people some day will come to the definite opinion that there is no copy in the… nervous system which corresponds to a particular thought, or a particular idea, or, memory.WittgensteinIn a recent essay it was emphasized that brain and mind appear to the mind as complementary and reciprocally recursive domains of a hermeneutic circle (Fischer, 1987). An outstanding and not yet recognized feature of this hermeneutic circle is that interpretation within this circle (...)
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  21. Self-respect: A neglected concept.Constance E. Roland & Richard M. Foxx - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (2):247 – 288.
    Although neglected by psychology, self-respect has been an integral part of philosophical discussion since Aristotle and continues to be a central issue in contemporary moral philosophy. Within this tradition, self-respect is considered to be based on one's capacity for rationality and leads to behaviors that promote autonomy, such as independence, self-control and tenacity. Self-respect elicits behaviors that one should be treated with respect and requires the development and pursuit of personal standards and life plans that are guided by respect for (...)
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    Boundary Configurations in Science Policy: Modeling Practices in Health Care.Roland Bal & Stans van Egmond - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (1):108-130.
    This article addresses the role of science and science advisory bodies in modeling practices for the support of policy-making procedures in the Netherlands in the field of health care. The authors show, based on a detailed investigation of a prestigious interdisciplinary modeling project in which an economic care model was developed for governmental use, that science advisory bodies are entangled with the policy actors they advise in what we call boundary configurations. Boundary configurations are strongly situated interconnections between science advisory (...)
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    “The Early Specialised Bird Catches the Worm!” – A Specialised Sampling Model in the Development of Football Talents.Roland Sieghartsleitner, Claudia Zuber, Marc Zibung & Achim Conzelmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24. The Loving God: Some Observations on John Hick's "Evil and the God of Love".Roland Puccetti - 1967 - Religious Studies 2 (2):255 - 268.
    Philosophers of religion divide neatly into two camps on the problem of evil: those who think it fatal to the concept of a loving God and those who do not. The latter have established a wide array of defensive positions down through the centuries, but none that has proved impregnable to sceptical attack. In his new book Mr Hick wisely abandons these older fortifications and falls back on highly mobile reserves. Not for him the ‘Fall of Man’ thesis, with its (...)
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    The Practice of Experimental Psychology: An Inevitably Postmodern Endeavor.Roland Mayrhofer, Christof Kuhbandner & Corinna Lindner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of psychology is to understand the human mind and behavior. In contemporary psychology, the method of choice to accomplish this incredibly complex endeavor is the experiment. This dominance has shaped the whole discipline from the self-concept as an empirical science and its very epistemological and theoretical foundations, via research practice and the scientific discourse to teaching. Experimental psychology is grounded in the scientific method and positivism, and these principles, which are characteristic for modern thinking, are still upheld. Despite (...)
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    A reply to professor Margolis.Roland Puccetti - 1975 - Philosophy of Science 42 (3):281-285.
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    Consensus progress in brain science.Roland Puccetti - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):116-123.
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    The alleged manipulospatiality explanation of right hemisphere visuospatial superiority.Roland Puccetti - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):75-76.
  29.  52
    Marxism, Religion and the Taiping Revolution.Roland Boer - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):3-24.
    This study offers a specific interpretation of the Taiping Revolution in China in the mid-nineteenth century. It was not only the largest revolutionary movement in the world at the time, but also one that was inspired by Christianity. Indeed, it marks the moment when the revolutionary religious tradition arrived in China. My account of the revolution stresses the role of the Bible, its radical reinterpretation by the Taiping revolutionaries, and the role it played in their revolutionary acts and reconstruction of (...)
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    John Tyndall and the Early History of Diamagnetism.Roland Jackson - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (4):435-489.
    SummaryJohn Tyndall, Irish-born natural philosopher, completed his PhD at the University of Marburg in 1850 while starting his first substantial period of research into the phenomenon of diamagnetism. This paper provides a detailed analysis and evaluation of his contribution to the understanding of magnetism and of the impact of this work on establishing his own career and reputation; it was instrumental in his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1852 and as Professor of Natural Philosophy at the (...)
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  31. Hayek's Social and Political Thought.Roland Kley - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (277):473-475.
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    Introducing Routine Varicella Vaccination? Not so Fast!Roland Pierik - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):65-67.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 65-67.
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  33. The will as King over the powers of the soul: Uses and sources of an image in the thirteenth century.Roland J. Teske - 1994 - Vivarium 32 (1):62-71.
  34.  97
    Being human: Why and in what sense it is morally relevant.Roland Kipke - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (2):148-158.
    The debate on the question of the moral status of human beings and the boundaries of the moral community has long been dominated by the antagonism between personism and speciesism: either certain mental properties or membership of the human species is considered morally crucial. In this article, I argue that both schools of thought are equally implausible in major respects, and that these shortcomings arise from the same reason in both cases: a biological notion of being human. By contrast, I (...)
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    Concrete Causation: About the Structures of Causal Knowledge.Roland Poellinger - 2012 - Dissertation, Lmu Munich
    Concrete Causation centers about theories of causation, their interpretation, and their embedding in metaphysical-ontological questions, as well as the application of such theories in the context of science and decision theory. The dissertation is divided into four chapters, that firstly undertake the historical-systematic localization of central problems (chapter 1) to then give a rendition of the concepts and the formalisms underlying David Lewis' and Judea Pearl's theories (chapter 2). After philosophically motivated conceptual deliberations Pearl's mathematical-technical framework is drawn on for (...)
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    Converging Realities: Toward a Common Philosophy of Physics and Mathematics.Roland Omnès - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    The philosophical relationship between mathematics and the natural sciences is the subject of Converging Realities, the latest work by one of the leading thinkers on the subject.
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  37. On Naturalism in the Quinean Tradition.Jeffrey W. Roland - 2013 - In Matthew C. Haug, Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory? New York: Routledge.
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    Augustine's philosophy of memory.Roland Teske - 2001 - In Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 148--158.
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    Dare We Build a New Global Order?Roland Sintos Coloma - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (1):114-115.
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    Pritchard’s Epistemology and Necessary Truths.Jeffrey W. Roland & Jon Cogburn - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2521-2541.
    Duncan Pritchard has argued that his basis-relative anti-luck construal of a safety condition on knowing avoids the problem with necessary truths that safety conditions are often thought to have, viz., that beliefs the contents of which are necessarily true are trivially safe. He has further argued that adding an ability condition to truth, belief, and his anti-luck safety conditions yields an adequate account of knowledge. In this paper, we argue that not only does Pritchard’s anti-luck safety condition have a problem (...)
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  41. The Neutral State and the Mandatory Crucifix.Roland Pierik & Wibren van der Burg - 2011 - Religion and Human Rights 6 (3):259–264.
    In this article we present a conceptual overview of relevant interpretations of what state neutrality may imply; we suggest a distinction between inclusive neutrality and exclusive neutrality. This distinction provides a useful framework for understanding the several positions as presented by the parties in the Lautsi case. We conclude by suggesting a solution of the Lautsi case that might provide a more viable solution.
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    In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue.Roland Axtmann - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):415-434.
    How is distributive justice possible with respect to immigration if political decisions about entry and membership cannot be grounded in the symmetry of a prior commonality, human or otherwise, that could guarantee reciprocal relations between members and nonmembers? This paper deals with both aspects of this question. Initially, it engages critically with Seyla Benhabib's plea for ‘dialogical universalism,’ showing why the strong discontinuity between political and moral reciprocity precludes understanding distributive justice as the process of mediating between political particularity and (...)
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  43. Persons and relics.Roland Breeur & Arnold Burms - 2008 - Ratio 21 (2):134–146.
    We describe a number of puzzling phenomena and use them as evidence for a hypothesis about why bodily continuity matters for personal identity. The phenomena all belong to a particular kind of symbolisation: each of them illustrates how an entity (object or person) sometimes acquires symbolic significance in virtue of a material link with the symbolised entity. Relics are the most obvious example of what happens here: they are cherished, desired or respected, not because of their intrinsic features, but because (...)
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  44. The fragments of the averroes latinus (comments of the logica vetus) in darmstadt university and national library, ms. 426.Roland Hissette - 2011 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 78 (1):1-24.
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    Western Policies on Child Labor Abroad.Roland Pierik & Mijke Houwerzijl - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (2):193-218.
    Child labor evokes deep emotions and is cause for growing international concern. Most recent global estimates show that 186 million children are engaged in full time economic activity.
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    Non-empty open intervals of computably enumerable sQ 1-degrees.Roland Omanadze & Irakli Chitaia - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We prove that if $A$, $B$ are noncomputable c.e. sets, $A<_{sQ_{1}}B$ and [($B$ is not simple and $A\oplus B\leq _{sQ_{1}}B$) or $B\equiv _{sQ_{1}}B\times \omega $], then there exist infinitely many pairwise $sQ_{1}$-incomparable c.e. sets $\{C_{i}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that $A<_{sQ_{1}}C_{i}<_{sQ_{1}}B$, for all $i\in \omega $. We also show that there exist infinite collections of $sQ_{1}$-degrees $\{\boldsymbol {a_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ and $\{\boldsymbol {b_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that for every $i, j,$ (1) $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {a_{i+1}}$, $\boldsymbol {b_{j+1}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {b_{j}}$ and $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {b_{j}}$; (...)
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    Our True Life at Last Revealed and Illumined.Roland Breeur - 2023 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):145-162.
    This article tries to establish a possible close affinity between Malebranche’s “Research after Truth” and Proust’s one. There are some surprising parallels on the level of the description and the status of the sensations and the dreams. But moreover, we will suggest how some aspects of Malebranche’s metaphysical project resonate in Proust’s vision on art.
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    Saint Augustine as Philosopher.Roland J. Teske - 1992 - Augustinian Studies 23:7-32.
  49.  63
    Memory and Self: A Neuropathological Approach.Roland Puccetti - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (200):147 - 153.
    [We understand by ‘person’] a thinking intelligent being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider itself, as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times and places….There has been a tendency among philosophers ever since Locke to conflate the problem of the self with the problem of personal identity, and since memory is clearly essential to a sense of one's identity through time, it is easy to suppose that having a concept of self requires memory too.
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  50. Borowski on the relative identity of persons.Roland Puccetti - 1978 - Mind 87 (346):262-263.
    Borowski ("identity and personal identity," "mind", Volume lxxxv, Number 340, October 1976, Pages 481-502) claims that if x's brain were successfully transplanted into y's body, Our judgment of who the survivor z really is would be relative to our interest in z: for example, If the body y is that of an athlete or film actor, We would say it is y if we are athletic coaches or film directors. This view completely overlooks that acting talents and athletic skills are (...)
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