Results for 'Roland Pabisch'

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  1.  9
    Derivation of the time dilatation effect from fundamental properties of photons.Roland Pabisch - 1999 - New York: Springer.
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  2. (1 other version)Two Treatises of Government.Roland Hall - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65):365.
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    Sensory feedback to the cerebral cortex during voluntary movement in man.P. E. Roland - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):129-147.
  4. Mandatory Vaccination: An Unqualified Defence.Roland Pierik - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (2):381-398.
    The 2015 Disneyland outbreak of measles in the US unequivocally brought to light what had been brewing below the surface for a while: a slow but steady decline in vaccination rates resulting in a rising number of outbreaks. This can be traced back to an increasing public questioning of vaccines by an emerging anti-vaccination movement. This article argues that, in the face of diminishing vaccination rates, childhood vaccinations should not be seen as part of the domain of parental choice but, (...)
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  5. Camera Lucida : reflections on photography.Roland Barthes - 2010 - In Christopher Want, Philosophers on Art From Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader. Columbia University Press.
  6. Motor compatibility: The bidirectional link between behavior and evaluation.Roland Neumann, Jens Förster & Fritz Strack - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 371--391.
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  7. Fulfilled present and rhythm of life.Roland Kipke - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):23-42.
    Definition of the problem: The connection between time and the good life has already been worked out for a number of medical specialties and practices. However, what role does the temporality of the good life play for medicine as a whole? That is the central question of this article. Arguments: The good life is here understood as a meaningful life. Living meaningfully is only possible through present action. A fulfilled presence in this sense is therefore an essential aspect of the (...)
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    Beyond Noise: Using Temporal ICA to Extract Meaningful Information from High-Frequency fMRI Signal Fluctuations during Rest.Roland N. Boubela, Klaudius Kalcher, Wolfgang Huf, Claudia Kronnerwetter, Peter Filzmoser & Ewald Moser - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Das ‚gute Leben‘ in der Bioethik [The “good life” in bioethics].Roland Kipke - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):115-128.
    Definition of the problem: Contemporary bioethics as an academic discipline mainly focuses on moral questions – according to its articulated self-concept and the explicit arguments in most areas of bioethical reflection. Concepts and theories of the good life are hardly considered. Arguments: In reality the ‘good life’ plays a much more important role than it is assumed, but mostly only in an implicit way. The article demonstrates this by referencing three selected fields of bioethical discussion. Hence the article argues that (...)
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    Survival and Disembodied Existence.Roland Puccetti - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (81):404-405.
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    Mill and Liberalism.Roland Hall - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (58):69-71.
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    Randbemerkungen Husserls zu Heideggers 'Sein und Zeit' und 'Kant und Das Problem der Metaphysik'.Roland Breeur - 1994 - Husserl Studies 11 (1-2):3-63.
  13. Basic Tasks of Cultural Semiotics.Roland Posner - 2003 - Semiotics:307-353.
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    How to Kill with a Ballpoint: Credibility in Dutch Forensic Science.Roland Bal - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (1):52-75.
    A woman is found lying dead on the floor of the living room of her house in Leiden, the Netherlands, and because of a swollen and a slightly wounded eyelid, an autopsy is performed on the body the day after it is found. Behind the wound, there is a whole ballpoint pen, which entered the head of the deceased through her right eye causing mortal brain damage. How did it get there? This question was to cause a stir in Dutch (...)
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    Schopenhauer.Roland Hall - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (55):174-175.
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    The Art of Thinking: Port-Royal Logic.Roland Hall, Antoine Arnauld, James Dickoff, Patricia James & Charles W. Hendel - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (62):75.
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    Lorentz Transformation Under a Discrete Dynamical Time and Continuous Space.Roland Riek - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-12.
    The Lorentz transformation of space and time between two reference frames is one of the pillars of the special relativity theory. As a result of the Lorentz transformation, space and time are only relative and are entangled, while the Minkowski metric is Lorentz invariant. For this reason, the Lorentz transformation is one of the major obstructions in the development of physical theories with quantized space and time. Here is described the Lorentz transformation of a physical system with a discrete dynamical (...)
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  18.  34
    The Source of Learning is Thought” Reading the Chin-ssu lu (近思錄) with a “Western Eye.Roland Reichenbach - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):36-51.
    The contribution focuses on Neo-Confucian texts as collected by Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian and is a look from the ‘outside’, from the perspective of German theories of Bildung. It aims at demonstrating that among other insights that today’s readers may gather from Neo-Confucian literature, one aspect protrudes from others: that learning can be considered as a virtue—even a meta-virtue—a form of life and mode of self-formation of the person. It does not seem exaggerated, from this perspective, to state that (...)
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    Why the Mind is Not in the Head but in the Society's Connectionist Network.Roland Fischer - 1990 - Diogenes 38 (151):1-28.
    Nothing seems more possible to me than that people some day will come to the definite opinion that there is no copy in the… nervous system which corresponds to a particular thought, or a particular idea, or, memory.WittgensteinIn a recent essay it was emphasized that brain and mind appear to the mind as complementary and reciprocally recursive domains of a hermeneutic circle (Fischer, 1987). An outstanding and not yet recognized feature of this hermeneutic circle is that interpretation within this circle (...)
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  20. Self-respect: A neglected concept.Constance E. Roland & Richard M. Foxx - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (2):247 – 288.
    Although neglected by psychology, self-respect has been an integral part of philosophical discussion since Aristotle and continues to be a central issue in contemporary moral philosophy. Within this tradition, self-respect is considered to be based on one's capacity for rationality and leads to behaviors that promote autonomy, such as independence, self-control and tenacity. Self-respect elicits behaviors that one should be treated with respect and requires the development and pursuit of personal standards and life plans that are guided by respect for (...)
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    Boundary Configurations in Science Policy: Modeling Practices in Health Care.Roland Bal & Stans van Egmond - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (1):108-130.
    This article addresses the role of science and science advisory bodies in modeling practices for the support of policy-making procedures in the Netherlands in the field of health care. The authors show, based on a detailed investigation of a prestigious interdisciplinary modeling project in which an economic care model was developed for governmental use, that science advisory bodies are entangled with the policy actors they advise in what we call boundary configurations. Boundary configurations are strongly situated interconnections between science advisory (...)
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  22. Concept grounding and knowledge of set theory.Jeffrey W. Roland - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):179-193.
    C. S. Jenkins has recently proposed an account of arithmetical knowledge designed to be realist, empiricist, and apriorist: realist in that what’s the case in arithmetic doesn’t rely on us being any particular way; empiricist in that arithmetic knowledge crucially depends on the senses; and apriorist in that it accommodates the time-honored judgment that there is something special about arithmetical knowledge, something we have historically labeled with ‘a priori’. I’m here concerned with the prospects for extending Jenkins’s account beyond arithmetic—in (...)
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  23. Conceptualizing Cultural Groups and Cultural Difference: The Social Mechanism-Approach.Roland Pierik - 2005 - Ethnicities 4 (4):523-544.
    The aim of this article is to present a conceptualization of cultural groups and cultural difference that provides a middle course between the Scylla of essentialism and the Charybdis of reductionism. The method I employ is the social mechanism approach. I argue that cultural groups and cultural difference should be understood as the result of cognitive and social processes of categorization. I describe two such processes in particular: categorization by others and self- categorization. Categorization by others is caused by processes (...)
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  24. 2 theory of the text.Roland Barthes - 1981 - In Robert Young, Untying the text: a post-structuralist reader. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 31.
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    Excluders.Roland Hall - 1959 - Analysis 20 (1):1 - 7.
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    Inwiefern verletzt Folter die Menschenwürde?Roland Kipke - 2021 - In Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt, ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 205-226.
    Folter gilt weithin als paradigmatisches Beispiel einer Verletzung der Menschenwürde. Doch was macht Folter zu einem so eindeutigen Fall einer Menschenwürdeverletzung? Das ist die Leitfrage dieses Beitrags. Dazu werden zwei Menschenwürdetheorien herangezogen und auf ihr Potential hin untersucht, die Folter als paradigmatische Menschenwürdeverletzung verständlich zu machen: zum einen Ralf Stoeckers Theorie, die die individuelle Identität und die darauf aufbauende kontingente Würde in den Mittelpunkt stellt; zum anderen meine Theorie, die die menschliche Orientierung an einem sinnvollen Leben ins Zentrum rückt.
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    Consensus progress in brain science.Roland Puccetti - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):116-123.
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    The alleged manipulospatiality explanation of right hemisphere visuospatial superiority.Roland Puccetti - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):75-76.
  29. Hayek's Social and Political Thought.Roland Kley - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (277):473-475.
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    Postmodern knowledge, modern beliefs, and the curriculum.Roland Reichenbach - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):237–244.
  31. The will as King over the powers of the soul: Uses and sources of an image in the thirteenth century.Roland J. Teske - 1994 - Vivarium 32 (1):62-71.
  32.  19
    Hybrid Management Configurations in Joint Research.Roland Bal, Marleen Bekker & Rik Wehrens - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (1):6-41.
    Researchers are increasingly expected to deliver “socially robust knowledge” that is not only scientifically reliable but also takes into account demands from societal actors. This article focuses on an empirical example where these additional criteria are explicitly organized into research settings. We investigate how the multiple “accountabilities” are managed in such “responsive research settings.” This article provides an empirical account of such an organizational format: the Dutch Academic Collaborative Centres for Public Health. We present a cross-case analysis of four collaborative (...)
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    Concrete Causation: About the Structures of Causal Knowledge.Roland Poellinger - 2012 - Dissertation, Lmu Munich
    Concrete Causation centers about theories of causation, their interpretation, and their embedding in metaphysical-ontological questions, as well as the application of such theories in the context of science and decision theory. The dissertation is divided into four chapters, that firstly undertake the historical-systematic localization of central problems (chapter 1) to then give a rendition of the concepts and the formalisms underlying David Lewis' and Judea Pearl's theories (chapter 2). After philosophically motivated conceptual deliberations Pearl's mathematical-technical framework is drawn on for (...)
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    Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine.Roland J. Teske - 1996
    Augustine established that the distension of the mind is a necessary condition of our perceiving temporal wholes. At the same time, as Teske explains, this condition is unnatural to the rational soul and results from original sin.
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    Scheinneutralität: Über einen Vorschlag zur Regelung des assistierten Suizids und die Frage nach der Legitimität seines gesetzlichen Verbots.Roland Kipke - 2019 - In Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Gelingendes Sterben: Zeitgenössische Theorien Im Interdisziplinären Dialog. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 299-326.
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  36. On Naturalism in the Quinean Tradition.Jeffrey W. Roland - 2013 - In Matthew C. Haug, Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory? New York: Routledge.
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    Augustine's philosophy of memory.Roland Teske - 2001 - In Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 148--158.
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    Pritchard’s Epistemology and Necessary Truths.Jeffrey W. Roland & Jon Cogburn - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2521-2541.
    Duncan Pritchard has argued that his basis-relative anti-luck construal of a safety condition on knowing avoids the problem with necessary truths that safety conditions are often thought to have, viz., that beliefs the contents of which are necessarily true are trivially safe. He has further argued that adding an ability condition to truth, belief, and his anti-luck safety conditions yields an adequate account of knowledge. In this paper, we argue that not only does Pritchard’s anti-luck safety condition have a problem (...)
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    In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue.Roland Axtmann - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):415-434.
    How is distributive justice possible with respect to immigration if political decisions about entry and membership cannot be grounded in the symmetry of a prior commonality, human or otherwise, that could guarantee reciprocal relations between members and nonmembers? This paper deals with both aspects of this question. Initially, it engages critically with Seyla Benhabib's plea for ‘dialogical universalism,’ showing why the strong discontinuity between political and moral reciprocity precludes understanding distributive justice as the process of mediating between political particularity and (...)
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  40. Roman Historical Exempla in Seneca.Roland G. Mayer - 2008 - In John G. Fitch, Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Western Policies on Child Labor Abroad.Roland Pierik & Mijke Houwerzijl - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (2):193-218.
    Child labor evokes deep emotions and is cause for growing international concern. Most recent global estimates show that 186 million children are engaged in full time economic activity.
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    Non-empty open intervals of computably enumerable sQ 1-degrees.Roland Omanadze & Irakli Chitaia - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We prove that if $A$, $B$ are noncomputable c.e. sets, $A<_{sQ_{1}}B$ and [($B$ is not simple and $A\oplus B\leq _{sQ_{1}}B$) or $B\equiv _{sQ_{1}}B\times \omega $], then there exist infinitely many pairwise $sQ_{1}$-incomparable c.e. sets $\{C_{i}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that $A<_{sQ_{1}}C_{i}<_{sQ_{1}}B$, for all $i\in \omega $. We also show that there exist infinite collections of $sQ_{1}$-degrees $\{\boldsymbol {a_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ and $\{\boldsymbol {b_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that for every $i, j,$ (1) $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {a_{i+1}}$, $\boldsymbol {b_{j+1}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {b_{j}}$ and $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {b_{j}}$; (...)
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    Our True Life at Last Revealed and Illumined.Roland Breeur - 2023 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):145-162.
    This article tries to establish a possible close affinity between Malebranche’s “Research after Truth” and Proust’s one. There are some surprising parallels on the level of the description and the status of the sensations and the dreams. But moreover, we will suggest how some aspects of Malebranche’s metaphysical project resonate in Proust’s vision on art.
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    Erasmus of Christendom.Roland Herbert Bainton - 1969 - New York,: Scribner.
    Born the illegitimate son of a priest, and plagued throughout life by illness and poverty, Erasmus of Rotterdam was sought everywhere for his wit and erudition. No man in Europe had so many friends in high places: a lifelong cosmopolitan, he moved from country to country, lodging in palaces and in the households of public printers, a friend of Thomas More and Henry VIII and a correspondent of Luther and the pope. A true man of letters, Erasmus wrote and translated (...)
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  45. Lazare au royaume de l’Hadès.Roland Breeur - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:199-217.
    In this article, the author analyses Cernuda’s long poem “Lazaro”, in order to elucidate the inner relation between desire and reality that is central in his entire work. That relation is important not only in order to understand how imagination influences poetical creation, but also how poetical creativity acquires its autonomy and independency.
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    Essai sur la logique de l'indeterminisme et la ramification de l'espace-temps.Roland Fraïssé - 1974 - Synthese 29 (1-4):27 - 54.
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    Saint Augustine as Philosopher.Roland J. Teske - 1992 - Augustinian Studies 23:7-32.
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    Commentary.Roland Schinzinger & Mike W. Martin - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 3 (1):67-77.
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    Sinnverneinung. Warum der assistierte Suizid uns alle angeht.Roland Kipke - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (4):521-538.
    Definition of the problem: The ethical debate about assisted suicide remains controversial and is also based in part on assumptions that are taken for granted, but which, on closer inspection, lack a justification. Arguments: The article develops a new approach by focusing on the social dimension of the denial of meaning in life, which is often expressed by suicides. For a fundamental social connection is included in the human orientation towards the goal of a meaningful life, namely an implicit appreciation (...)
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    Maladie: de la phénomenologie a la thérapie.Roland Vaschalde - 2007 - Phainomenon 13 (1):155-162.
    We would like to conduct a phenomenological analysis of illness beyond the characteristics which define it scientifically, in order to consider the suffering experience of the sick person which, in reality, constitute its authentic truth. Following Michel Henry’s philosophy which defines life as pathetic self-affection, we will understand that illness may and must first of all be considered as an intense form of this unsurmountable link to one’s self which concerns the very essence of everyone of us as a living (...)
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