Results for 'Rose Kagawa'

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  1.  3
    Guaranteed Income: A Policy Landscape Review of 105 Programs in the United States.Sarina Rodriguez, Rose Kagawa, Vikram Koundinya, Daniel Choe, Bapu Vaitla, Alyx Volzer & Catherine Brinkley - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    Cash assistance programs have been piloted as Basic or Guaranteed Income across the United States. This research asks how programs are being designed and evaluated, with implications for how collective program impacts are understood. To answer this question, we assemble and review 105 programs based in the United States, covering over 40,000 beneficiaries. We compare eligibility criteria, funding sources, distribution amounts, program administration, pilot duration, and evaluation measures. We find that just over half of the programs use income-based qualifications and (...)
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    Valence framing effects on moral judgments: A meta-analysis.Kelsey McDonald, Rose Graves, Siyuan Yin, Tara Weese & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104703.
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    Introduction.Rose-Mary Sargent - 2013 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 3 (1):135-136.
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  4. Political violence: a contradiction in terms.Rose A. Owen - 2024 - In Kathryn Lawson & Joshua Livingstone (eds.), Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil: unprecedented conversations. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Scientific experiment and legal expertise: The way of experience in seventeenth-century england.Rose-Mary Sargent - 1989 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 20 (1):19-45.
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    Science and Society.Hilary Rose, Steven Rose & David F. Horrobin - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):78-80.
  7. Concluzii la Cass. 1re civ. 7. oct. 1998, Recueil Dalloz.J. Sainte-Rose - unknown
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    Robert Boyle and the masculine methods of science.Rose-Mary Sargent - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):857-867.
    In her recent case study, Elizabeth Potter attempts to show how Boyle's experimental method was biased by gender considerations. Part of her argument focuses on the combination of the “invisibility” of women in Boyle's published work together with his unpublished comments on female chastity, and part concerns Boyle's rejection of the animistic explanation of his air pump experiments by Francis Line. I argue that the historical and biographical elements of the case make Potter's arguments questionable. In addition, I address whether (...)
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    The Discourses of Science. Marcello Pera, Clarissa Botsford.Rose-Mary Sargent - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):397-397.
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    Mind-brain; Puccetti & Dykes' non-solution to a non-problem.Steven P. R. Rose - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):363-364.
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    The One Human Family.Rose Hudson-Wilkin - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (1):52-54.
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    The Conscious Brain.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1973 - Paragon House.
  13. On the value of economic growth.Julie L. Rose - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):128-153.
    Must a society aim indefinitely for continued economic growth? Proponents of economic growth advance three central challenges to the idea that a society, having attained high levels of income and wealth, may justly cease to pursue further economic growth: if environmentally sustainable and the gains fairly distributed, first, continued economic growth could make everyone within a society and globally, and especially the worst off, progressively better off; second, the pursuit of economic growth spurs ongoing innovation, which enhances people’s opportunities and (...)
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    Transplant research and deceased donors: laws, licences and fear of liability.J. F. Douglas, M. L. Rose, J. H. Dark & A. J. Cronin - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (3):140-145.
    Transplantation research on samples and organs from deceased donors in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is under threat. The key problems relate to difficulties encountered in gaining consent for research projects, as distinct from consent to donation for clinical transplantation. They are due partly to the terms of the Human Tissue Act 2004 (the 2004 Act), and partly to its interpretation by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA). They include excessive interaction with donor representatives regarding ‘informed consent’ to research projects, uncertainty (...)
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    St. Thomas as a Critic.Sister Rose Emmanuella - 1947 - New Scholasticism 21 (3):303-330.
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    Dramatic Approaches to Creative Fidelity.Katharine Rose Hanley - 1977 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 51:193-199.
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    The Deuteros Plous in Plato’s Phaedo.Lynn E. Rose - 1966 - The Monist 50 (3):464-473.
    A distressing number of philosophers and classicists think that the deuteros plous or “second best” mentioned at Phaedo 99c9-dl is the hypothetical method. Many of them will even tell you that Plato says the hypothetical method is the deuteros plous, and that they are not merely interpreting his meaning. They usually back off, however, when challenged on this point, for there jus isn’t any such statement by Plato. Nor, I think, does Plato give us any justification at all for taking (...)
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  18. Multispecies Knots of Ethical Time.Deborah Bird Rose - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (1):127-140.
    Death narratives, nurturance, and transitive crossings within species and between species open pathways into entanglements of life of earth. This paper engages with time in both sequential and synchronous modes, investigating interfaces where time, species, and nourishment become densely knotted up in ethics of gift, motion, death, life, and desire. The further aim is to consider the dynamic ripples generated by anthropogenic mass death in multispecies knots of ethical time, and to gesture toward a practice of writing as witness.
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    The Evidence-Base for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents: A Narrative Synthesis.Nick Midgley, Rose Mortimer, Antonella Cirasola, Prisha Batra & Eilis Kennedy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite a rich theoretical and clinical history, psychodynamic child and adolescent psychotherapy has been slow to engage in the empirical assessment of its effectiveness. This systematic review aims to provide a narrative synthesis of the evidence base for psychodynamic therapy with children and adolescents. Building on two earlier systematic reviews, which covered the period up to 2017, the current study involved two stages: an updated literature search, covering the period between January 2017 and May 2020, and a narrative synthesis of (...)
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    The Impacts of Incentives for International Publications on Research Cultures in Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences.Xin Xu, Alis Oancea & Heath Rose - 2021 - Minerva 59 (4):469-492.
    Incentives for improving research productivity at universities prevail in global academia. However, the rationale, methodology, and impact of such incentives and consequent evaluation regimes are in need of scrutinization. This paper explores the influences of financial and career-related publishing incentive schemes on research cultures. It draws on an analysis of 75 interviews with academics, senior university administrators, and journal editors from China, a country that has seen widespread reliance on international publication counts in research evaluation and reward systems. The study (...)
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  21.  51
    Freedom of Association and the Temporal Coordination Problem.Julie L. Rose - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):261-276.
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  22. 10 Social justice, self-interest and Salman Rushdie.Caroline Rose Nagel - 1999 - In James D. Proctor & David Marshall Smith (eds.), Geography and ethics: journeys in a moral terrain. New York: Routledge.
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    Premise order in Aristotle's syllogistic.Lynn E. Rose - 1966 - Phronesis 11 (2):154-158.
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    Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity.Nikolas Rose, Rasmus Birk & Nick Manning - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):121-144.
    Social theory has much to gain from taking up the challenges of conceptualizing ‘mental health’. Such an approach to the stunting of human mental life in conditions of adversity requires us to open up the black box of ‘environment’, and to develop a vitalist biosocial science, informed by and in conversation with the life sciences and the neurosciences. In this paper we draw on both classical and contemporary social theory to begin this task. We explore human inhabitation – how humans (...)
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  25. Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt,.James Henry Breasted, H. J. Rose & Edward Conze - 1959
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  26. Baconian experimentalism: Comments on McMullin's history of the philosophy of science.Rose-Mary Sargent - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (3):311-318.
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    (1 other version)Explaining the Success of Science.Rose-Mary Sargent - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:55 - 63.
    Various explanations for the success of science have become central to both sides of the philosophical debate over scientific realism. In this paper I argue that the recent attempt by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, in Leviathan and the Air-Pump, to provide a sociological explanation for the success of experimental science fails to make any significant contribution to this debate because of (1) the historical prejudgments that they employ and (2) their oversimplification of present-day philosophy of science.
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    Perception.Sam Rose & Bence Nanay - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 93–102.
    Both Arthur Danto and Jerry Fodor are modularist: they both think that perception is an encapsulated process that is in no way influenced by any kind of non‐perceptual processing. Danto's aesthetics can in part be separated out from his modularism, leading us to draw slightly different but arguably even more interesting conclusions from famous thought experiments such as the Gallery of Indiscernibles. Danto firmly rejects this post‐Wittgensteinian turn, offering evidence for his position that perception is neutral to language and cognition (...)
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    Consciousness: philosophical, psychological and neural theories.David Rose - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical approaches -- The history of the mind-body problem -- The philosophy of neuroscience -- Recent advances in functionalism I : homuncular functionalism -- Recent advances in functionalism II : teleological functionalism -- Representation and the physical basis of mental content -- Conscious and unconscious representations -- Brain dynamics, attention and movement -- Memory and perception -- The where and when of visual experience -- Multiple types of consciousness.
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    The Radicalisation of science: ideology of/in the natural sciences.Hilary Rose & Steven Peter Russell Rose (eds.) - 1976 - London: Macmillan.
  31. (1 other version)Lifelines: Biology Beyond Determinism.Steven Rose - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (1):132-134.
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    Marcel.Katharine Rose Hanley - 2003 - Renascence 55 (3):241-258.
  33. Experimental Metaphysics.David Rose (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume brings together a range of views aimed at addressing the question of how cognitive science might be relevant to metaphysics.
  34. Where does the misery come from? Psychoanalysis, feminism, and the event.Jacqueline Rose - 1989 - In Richard Feldstein & Judith Roof (eds.), Feminism and psychoanalysis. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 25--39.
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    Postmodern Political Values: Pluralism and Legitimacy in the Thought of John Rawls and Gianni Vattimo.David Rose - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (4):416-433.
    There exists the putative assumption that since those values that legitimate social practices and institutions are liberal values, then the most coherent form of justification for their universal applicability must — and can only — be a liberal one. The aim of this article is to unravel the foundations of this assumption and, in doing so, to demonstrate that the transition from comprehensive to political liberalism is an expression of postmodern concerns at the heart of liberalism. The central claim I (...)
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    Shock deformation of polycrystalline aluminium.M. F. Rose & T. L. Berger - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (150):1121-1133.
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    Some Second Thoughts On Vergil's Eclogues.H. J. Rose - 1954 - Mnemosyne 7 (1):57-68.
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    The Epigram on Pindar's Death.H. J. Rose - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (2):121-122.
    There is an epigram preserved in two lives of Pindar, that in the scholia Ambrosiana and the rambling biography of the poet by Eustathios. It is perhaps most conveniently accessible in von Christ's larger edition of Pindar, pp. ci and cii, and runs as follows: μλα ρωτμχτε καμητισ λιуφωνιινδρ‘nu; κλατ θуατρεσ πιντα, αρуθεν μoσ κντκμζσ νδoθι κρωσσλειψαν' π' ༀπ ξεινησ θρα πρκαïσ. IIρωτμχη Eustathius. 2. Éκλατα ινδρ θуατρεσ East. et Ambr., corr. Gerhard.
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    Theories of nature from Hegel to Marx.Margaret A. Rose - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (2):150-160.
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    The PSDA: A Logical Next Step.M. Rose Gasner - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (3):173-177.
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    The Question of Zionism: Continuing the Dialogue.Jacqueline Rose - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (2):512.
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    Voicing the “communal heart”.Miranda Rose - 2009 - Angelaki 14 (1):109 – 124.
    The poetic … would be that which you desire to learn, but from and of the other, thanks to the other and under dictation, by heart. Derrida, “Che cos’è la Poesia?” 227 I dare not pretend to be any...
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    Zeus Meilichios, Zeus Agamemnon, and Zanes.H. J. Rose - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (7-8):147-149.
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    Obstetric Sonar, Media Archaeology, Feminist Critique.Rose Rowson - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-10.
    The snub-nosed, reclining, and serene image of the fetus is commonplace in cultural representations and analyses of obstetric ultrasound. Yet following the provocation of various feminist scholars, taking the fetal sonogram as the automatic object of concern vis-à-vis ultrasound cedes ground to anti-abortionists, who deploy fetal images to argue that life begins at conception and that the unborn are rights bearing subjects who must be protected. How might feminists escape this analytical trap, where discussions of ultrasonics must always be engaged (...)
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    The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope. Catherine Wilson.Rose-Mary Sargent - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):170-171.
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    Mapping the Mountain: An Open Model of Creativity for String Education.Rose Sciaroni - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):4.
    Abstract:In the pedagogy of Western classical string music, creativity is often viewed according to the works of luminary composers, suggesting the question: how might string teachers, students, and musicians conceive of creativity? After problematizing standard definitions and ontological ideas of musical creativity, I outline an open model using the poststructuralist philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari. Expanding upon Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of mapping and tracing, this open model describes creativity as a continual process of exploration and rethinking, with or without (...)
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    Towards a conceptual and methodological framework for determining robot believability.Robert Rose, Matthias Scheutz & Paul Schermerhorn - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (2):314-335.
    Making interactions between humans and artificial agents successful is a major goal of interaction design. The aim of this paper is to provide researchers conducting interaction studies a new framework for the evaluation of robot believability. By critically examining the ordinary sense of believability, we first argue that currently available notions of it are underspecified for rigorous application in an experimental setting. We then define four concepts that capture different senses of believability, each of which connects directly to an empirical (...)
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    Désidentifiées.Romain/Emma-Rose Bigé - 2021 - Multitudes 82 (1):169-175.
    « Nous savons que nous voulons nous retrouver. Tout ce dont nous avons besoin, c’est des cérémonies qui nous rassembleront » écrit la poétesse afro-féministe Alexis Pauline Gumbs. Les noms que nous utilisons pour nous dire font parfois office de cérémonies : un nom nous appelle, et nous répondons à son invocation. Ce peut être un cri de ralliement « Not GAY as in Happy but QUEER as in Fuck You! », mais même les collectifs les plus émeutiers et les (...)
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    A Man between Two Worlds: Pierre Borel and His Discours nouveau prouvant la pluralité des mondes of 1657.Marie-Rose Carré - 1974 - Isis 65 (3):322-335.
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    Schools for Young Offenders.Gordon R. Cross & Gordon Rose - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):78.
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