Results for 'Rudolf Engel'

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  1.  38
    Der Erste Kritiker Marxens.Rudolf Hirsch - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 9 (3):246-257.
    Am 26. Juni 1956 wiederholte sich zum hundertsten Male der Todestag Max Stirners. Durch das Erscheinen seines Werkes "Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum", in dem er seine Zeit, die nachhegelianische Epoche, schonungslos kritisierte, war er bei den einen berühmt, bei anderen berüchtigt geworden. In neuerer Zeit lenkte er die allgemeine Aufmerksamkeit vor allem durch Nietzsche und durch die posthum erschienene Kritik Marxens an seinem Werk wieder auf sich, die letzterer 1845/46 gemeinsam mit Engels verfaßte, der Zeitumstände wegen aber "der nagenden (...)
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    Omlijning van een nieuw begrip van transcendentaalfilosofie: Een kritiek op Husserls reductie van de fenomenologie tot een transcendentale.Rudolf Boehm - 1972 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (3):407 - 433.
    Mit dem vorliegenden Beitrag sucht der Verf. eine Begründung für die auch von anderen Phänomenologen geteilte Meinung zu geben, daß einer entschiedenen Auswirkung der „wesentlich neuen” Intentionen der Phänomenologie die ihr von Husserls selbst gegebene transzendentalphilosophische Formulierung im Wege steht. Zum Zweck der Begründung dieser Meinung wird die Idee der Transzendentalphilosophie — den schwankenden Umschreibungen Husserls und schon Kants gegenüber - bestimmt als die einer Theorie der notwendigen Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des Gegebenseins von etwas überhaupt, verbunden mit der Idee des (...)
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  3. Belief and normativity.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Disputatio 2 (23):179-203.
    The thesis that mental content is normative is ambiguous and has many forms. This article deals only with the thesis that normativity is connected to our mental attitudes rather than with the content of the attitudes, and more specifically with the view that it is connected to belief. A number of writers have proposed various versions of a ‘norm of truth’ attached to belief. I examine various versions of this claim, and defend it against recent criticisms according to which this (...)
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    Foundations of Logic and Mathematics.Rudolf Carnap - 1937 - Chicago, IL, USA: U. Of Chicago P.
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  5. Doxastic Correctness.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):199-216.
    Normative accounts of the correctness of belief have often been misconstrued. The norm of truth for belief is a constitutive norm which regulates our beliefs through ideals of reason. I try to show that this kind of account can meet some of the main objections which have been raised against normativism about belief: that epistemic reasons enjoy no exclusivity, that the norm of truth does not guide, and that normativism cannot account for suspension of judgement.
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  6. A Basic System of Inductive Logic, Part I.Rudolf Carnap - 1971 - In Richard C. Jeffrey (ed.), Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 34--165.
  7.  67
    Must your reasons move you?N. L. Engel-Hawbecker - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (9):2429-2449.
    Many authors assume that we are rationally required to be somewhat moved by any recognized reason. This assumption turns out to be unjustified if not false, both in general and under any non-trivial restriction. Even its most plausible forms are contradicted by the possibility of exclusionary reasons. Some have doubted the latter’s possibility. But these doubts are also shown to be unfounded, and exclusionary reasons’ pervasive role in normative theorizing is defended.
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  8. Is epistemic luck compatible with knowledge?Mylan Engel - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):59-75.
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  9.  21
    What's the Use of Truth?Pascal Engel & Richard Rorty - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    What is truth? What value should we see in or attribute to it? The war over the meaning and utility of truth is at the center of contemporary philosophical debate, and its arguments have rocked the foundations of philosophical practice. In this book, the American pragmatist Richard Rorty and the French analytic philosopher Pascal Engel present their radically different perspectives on truth and its correspondence to reality. Rorty doubts that the notion of truth can be of any practical use (...)
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    (1 other version)Binding and the neural correlates of consciousness.Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):16-25.
  11. Personal and doxastic justification in epistemology.Mylan Engel - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 67 (2):133-150.
  12. What’s Wrong with Contextualism, and a Noncontextualist Resolution of the Skeptical Paradox.Mylan Engel - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):203-231.
    Skeptics try to persuade us of our ignorance with arguments like the following: 1. I don’t know that I am not a handless brain-in-a-vat [BIV]. 2. If I don’t know that I am not a handless BIV, then I don’t know that I have hands. Therefore, 3. I don’t know that I have hands. The BIV argument is valid, its premises are intuitively compelling, and yet, its conclusion strikes us as absurd. Something has to go, but what? Contextualists contend that (...)
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  13. Philosophical thought experiments : in or out of the armchair?Pascal Engel - 2011 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Sophie Roux (eds.), Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Brill.
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  14. The Commonsense Case for Ethical Vegetarianism.Mylan Engel Jr - 2016 - Between the Species: A Journal of Ethics 19 (1):2-31.
    The article defends ethical vegetarianism, which, for present purposes, is stipulatively taken to be the view that it is morally wrong to eat animals when equally nutritious plant-based foods are available. Several examples are introduced to show that we all agree that animals deserve some direct moral consideration and to help identify and clarify several commonsense moral principles—principles we all accept. These principles are then used to argue that eating animals is morally wrong. Since you no doubt accept these principles, (...)
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  15.  46
    Layered Constructivism: The Plural Sources of Practical Reasons.Laura Engel - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1721-1744.
    Constructivism as a distinct metaethical position has garnered significant interest in recent years due in part to Sharon Street’s theory, Humean metaethical constructivism. According to Street’s account, practical reasons are constructed by individual valuing entities. On this view, then, whether a particular reason applies to an individual is completely contingent upon what that individual actually values. In this article I argue for the recognition of multiple sources of practical reasons and values, including both individuals and communities. The resulting view, which (...)
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  16. Belief and the right kind of reason.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):19-34.
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  17. Mysticism east and west.Rudolf Otto - 1932 - New York,: Macmillan. Edited by Bertha L. Bracey & Richenda C. Payne.
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  18.  25
    Mysticism East and West: a comparative analysis of the nature of mysticism.Rudolf Otto - 1960 - Wheaton, Ill., U.S.A.: Thesophical Pub. House. Edited by Bertha L. Bracey & Richenda C. Payne.
  19. Sosa on the normativity of belief.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (3):617-624.
    Sosa takes epistemic normativity to be kind of performance normativity: a belief is correct because a believer sets a positive value to truth as an aim and performs aptly and adroitly. I object to this teleological picture that beliefs are not performances, and that epistemic reasons or beliefs cannot be balanced against practical reasons. Although the picture fits the nature of inquiry, it does not fit the normative nature of believing, which has to be conceived along distinct lines.
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    The cognition–knowledge distinction in Kant and Dilthey and the implications for psychology and self-understanding.Rudolf Makkreel - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):149-164.
    Both Kant and Dilthey distinguish between cognition and knowledge, but they do so differently in accordance with their respective theoretical interests. Kant’s primary cognitive interest is in the natural sciences, and from this perspective the status of psychology is questioned because its phenomena are not mathematically measurable. Dilthey, by contrast, reconceives psychology as a human science.For Kant, knowledge is conceptual cognition that has attained certainty by being part of a rational system. Dilthey also links knowledge with certainty; however, he derives (...)
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  21. Direct physiologic evidence for scene segmentation by temporal coding.Andreas K. Engel, P. Kreiter Konig & Wolf Singer - 1991 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 88:1936-40.
  22. The false modesty of the identity theory of truth.Pascal Engel - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (4):441 – 458.
    The identity theory of truth, according to which true thoughts are identical with facts, is very hard to formulate. It oscillates between substantive versions, which are implausible, and a merely truistic version, which is difficult to distinguish from deflationism about truth. This tension is present in the form of identity theory that one can attribute to McDowell from his views on perception, and in the conception defended by Hornsby under that name.
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  23. (2 other versions)Wahrheit und Bewährtung.Rudolf Carnap - 1936 - Actes du Congr”Es International de Philosophie Scientifique:18--23.
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  24. Volitionism and Voluntarism about Belief.Pascal Engel - 2002 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):265-281.
    This paper attempts to clarify some issues about what is usually called “doxastic voluntarism”. This phrase often hides a confusion between two separate (although connected) issues: whether beliefis or can be, as a matter of psychological fact, under the control of the will, on the one hand, and whether we can have practical reasons to believe something, or whether our beliefs are subject to any sort of “ought”, on the other hand. The first issue -- which I prefer to call (...)
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  25. Dispositional belief, assent, and acceptance.Pascal Engel - 1999 - Dialectica 53 (3-4):211–226.
    I discuss Ruth Marcus' conception of beliefs as dispositional states related to possible states of affaires. While I agree with Marcus that this conception accounts for the necessary distinction between belief and linguistic assent, I argue that the relationship between dispositional beliefs and our assent attitudes is more complex, and should include other mental states, such as acceptances, which, although they contain voluntary elements, are further layers of dispositional doxastic attitudes.
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  26. Trust and the doxastic family.Pascal Engel - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (1):17-26.
    This article examines Keith Lehrer's distinction between belief and acceptance and how it differs from other accounts of belief and of the family of doxastic attitudes. I sketch a different taxonomy of doxastic attitudes. Lehrer's notion of acceptance is mostly epistemic and at the service of his account of the "loop of reason", whereas for other writers acceptance is mostly a pragmatic attitude. I argue, however, that his account of acceptance underdetermines the role that the attitude of trust plays in (...)
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    Ger-Handworterbuch der Philoso.Rudolf Eisler - 2016 - E. S. Mittler Und Sohn.
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    Evidence, Epistemic Luck, Reliability, and Knowledge.Mylan Engel - 2021 - Acta Analytica 37 (1):33-56.
    In this article, I develop and defend a version of reliabilism – internal reasons reliabilism – that resolves the paradox of epistemic luck, solves the Gettier problem by ruling out veritic luck, is immune to the generality problem, resolves the internalism/externalism controversy, and preserves epistemic closure.
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    Temporal coding in the visual cortex: New vistas on integration in the nervous system.Andreas K. Engel, P. Kreiter Konig & Schillen A. K. - 1992 - Trends in Neurosciences 15:218-26.
  30. Reine Vernunft und Staatsvernunft.Rudolf Goldscheid - 1902 - Wien,: Anzengruber-verlag.
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  31. Regelbrauch und Übereinkunft.Rudolf Haller - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1):117.
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    Sprache und Erkenntnis als soziale Tatsache: Beiträge des Wittgenstein-Symposiums von Rom 1979.Rudolf Haller (ed.) - 1981 - Wien: Holder Pichler Tempsky.
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  33. Die kategorien des Aristoteles..Rudolf Witten - 1903 - Leipzig-Reudnitz,: Druck von A. Hoffmann.
  34. Tatwelt und Erfahrungswissen.Rudolf Zocher - 1948 - [Reutlingen,: Cryphius-Verlag.
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    Elijah del Medigo and Paduan Aristotelianism: investigating the human intellect.Michael Engel - 2016 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Historical and philosophical background -- Del Medigo on the material intellect -- Del Medigo on the agent intellect -- Del Medigo on conceptualisation -- Hic homo intelligit?
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  36. Mysticism East and West: A Comparative Analysis of the Nature of Mysticism.Rudolf Otto - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (28):485-486.
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  37. Dějiny a eschatologie.Rudolf Bultmann - 1992 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 5:1-10.
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  38. Die drei Johannesbriefe.Rudolf Bultmann - 1967
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  39. Zmartwychwstanie umarłych.Rudolf Bultmann & Karl Barth - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (23).
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    Humankind at a Turning Point? Feminist Perspectives.Maja Pellikaan-Engel - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (1):232 - 240.
    This paper was presented at the XIX World Congress of Philosophy, "Mankind at a Turning Point: Philosophical Perspectives" held in Moscow, August 22-28, 1993. The author, representing the International Association of Women Philosophers, criticizes the use of "Mankind" in the Congress title and incorporates a resolution, subsequently passed unanimously by the steering committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie, that calls for the use of non-sexist language at future World Congresses.
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    Wittgenstein and Kant.S. Morris Engel - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (4):483-513.
  42.  98
    What ontological arguments don’t show.Mylan Engel - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):97-114.
    Daniel Dombrowski contends that: a number of versions of the ontological argument [OA] are sound; the deity whose existence is most well established by the OA is the deity picked out by Hartshorne’s neoclassical concept of God; skeptics who insist that the OA only shows that “if God exists, then God exists necessarily” are contradicting themselves, and the OA is worth a great deal since it effectively demonstrates the rationality of theism. I argue that theses and are clearly false and (...)
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  43. Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism Revisited.Rudolf Bernet - 2004 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4:1-20.
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    From chaos to wholeness.Rudolf Arnheim - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (2):117-120.
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    Reviews of books.Rudolf Carnap - 1939 - Erkenntnis 8 (1):182-190.
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    Rejoinder to mr. Kaufmann's reply.Rudolf Carnap - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (4):609-611.
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  47. Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie.Rudolf Eisler - 1907 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth.
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    (1 other version)Der wahrheitsgehalt der religion.Rudolf Eucken - 1901 - Leipzig,: Veit & comp..
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Der Wahrheitsgehalt der Religion" verfügbar.
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  49. Von der kantischen 'Kritik' zur, 'eigentlichen Metaphysik'- und darüber noch hinaus?Rudolf Langthaler - 2020 - In Christoph Böhr & Rémi Brague (eds.), Metaphysik: von einem unabweislichen Bedürfnis der menschlichen Vernunft: Rémi Brague zu Ehren. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS.
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    Hermann Cohens philosophie der mathematik..Rudolf Odebrecht - 1906 - Berlin,: Universitäts-buchdr. von G. Schade (O. Francke).
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