Results for 'Ryszard Bartnik'

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  1.  17
    Northern Ireland’s Interregnum. Anna Burns’s Depiction of a (Post)-Troubles State of (In)security.Ryszard Bartnik - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:64-83.
    This paper aims to present the main contours of Burns’s literary output which, interestingly enough, grows into a personal understanding of the collective mindset of -Troubles Northern Ireland. It is legitimate, I argue, to construe her fiction as a body of work shedding light on certain underlying mechanisms of sectarian violence. Notwithstanding the lapse of time between 1998 and 2020, the Troubles’ toxic legacy has indeed woven an unbroken thread in the social fabric of the region. My reading of the (...)
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  2. "Przyjąłem Spinozę za wzór" : Schellinga próba zbudowania metafizyki absolutu / Ryszard Panasiuk.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42:151-160.
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    Matrix approach in methodology of sentential calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1973 - Studia Logica 32 (1):7 - 39.
  4.  19
    A theory and methodology of inductive learning.Ryszard S. Michalski - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 20 (2):111-161.
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    Probabilistic Theism and the Classical Doctrine of Actus Purus.Ryszard Mordarski - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):187-203.
    Teizm probabilistyczny a tradycyjna doktryna actus purus Teizm probabilistyczny Dariusza Łukasiewicza wyrasta z nieklasycznego rozumienia natury Boga, zwłaszcza atrybutów prostoty i wszechmocy. Redefinicja tych atrybutów w kategoriach współczesnej filozofii analitycznej powoduje, że teizm probabilistyczny jest bliższy teizmu otwartego niż klasycznego teizmu. Jednak niezwykle ważną zasługą tego podejścia jest opracowanie wszechstronnego komponentu naukowego dla teizmu otwartego, co powoduje, że teizm probabilistyczny umożliwia poszerzenie teizmu otwartego o perspektywę współczesnej nauki. Fundamentalnym znaczeniem teizmu probabilistycznego jest nie tyle pogodzenie występowania zdarzeń przypadkowych z teorią (...)
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    Theory of Logical Calculi: Basic Theory of Consequence Operations.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1988 - Dordrecht, Boston and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The general aim of this book is to provide an elementary exposition of some basic concepts in terms of which both classical and non-dassicallogirs may be studied and appraised. Although quantificational logic is dealt with briefly in the last chapter, the discussion is chiefly concemed with propo gjtional cakuli. Still, the subject, as it stands today, cannot br covered in one book of reasonable length. Rather than to try to include in the volume as much as possible, I have put (...)
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  7. Temporalne aspekty odpowiedzialności.Ryszard Banajski - 2002 - Prakseologia 142 (142):55-66.
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  8. Atlas (Greek mythology) 49 Augustine, St. 187 Bacon, F. 189 Bakunin, M. 183, 190 Ballerowicz, L. 176 n. 5.Father C. Bartnik, L. Von Beethoven, H. Bergson, P. Bergson, Rabbi Hillel, E. Bevin, Bishop Pieronek, Bishop T. Pieronek, O. Von Bismarck & M. Black - 1999 - In Ian Charles Jarvie & Sandra Pralong (eds.), Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years: The Continuing Relevance of Karl Popper. New York: Routledge.
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  9. L'Interpr6tation thecologique de la crise de l'Empire romain par Leon le Grand.Czeslaw Bartnik - 1968 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 63:745-84.
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    Nauki ekonomiczne w świetle nowych wyzwań gospodarczych.Ryszard Bartkowiak & Janusz Ostaszewski (eds.) - 2010 - Warszawa: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie.
  11. Problem historii uniwersalnej w teilhardyzmie.Czesław Bartnik - 1972 - Lublin,: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Prolegomena to a Discussion on the Meaning of History.Czesław S. Bartnik & Aleksandra Rodzińska - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (1):29-37.
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    The Uprising—Day Four.Ryszard Józef Boreński - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (7-9):125-127.
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  14. Zasada wygładzania i myślenie nieliniowe,".Ryszard Łączkowski - 1986 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 1:85.
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    Inspirations and Controversies: From the Letters Between K. Twardowski and A. Meinong.Ryszard Jadczak - 1998 - In Katarzyna Kijania-Placek & Jan Woleński (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 43--52.
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    Teksty etyczne w spuściźnie naukowej Kazimierza Twardowskiego.Ryszard Jadczak - 1996 - Etyka 29:237-245.
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  17. Koncepcja podmiotu poznania w Fenomenologii ducha Hegla.Ryszard Panasiuk - 1976 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 22.
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    Ogrom zła i odrobina dobra: cztery lektury biblijne.Ryszard Przybylski - 2006 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sic!.
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  19. „Rzeczywisty tajny radca” Theodor W. Adorno i „Doktor Faustus: Tomasza Manna.Ryszard Różanowski - 2010 - Nowa Krytyka 24.
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    Risk propensity, absent-mindedness and depression versus involvement in accidents.Ryszard Studenski - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (4):333-343.
    Relations between individual traits and frequency of causing accidents have been analyzed. On the basis of results from 465 women and 277 men it has been found that the causing of accidents correlates with risk propensity and with risk taking influenced by self-destructive motivation. Persons often causing accidents are also absent minded to a greater degree, and experience depressive moods more frequently than persons rarely involved in accidents.
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  21.  11
    Filozof do filozofa. Wokół listu Bolesława Micińskiego do ks. Augustyna Jakubisiaka.Ryszard Zajączkowski - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):159-178.
    W artykule zaprezentowano nieznany list Bolesława Micińskiego do ks. Augustyna Jakubisiaka znaleziony w jego archiwum w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryżu. Jest to okazja do przypomnienia tych wybitnych, choć nieco zapomnianych filozofów oraz do prezentacji ich powiązań intelektualnych. Poznali się w 1937 r. w Paryżu i odtąd utrzymywali bliskie kontakty, aż do śmierci Micińskiego w 1943 r. Od początku łączył ich sprzeciw wobec idealistycznej filozofii niemieckiej oraz neopozytywizmu Koła Wiedeńskiego z jego materializmem, scjentyzmem i sceptycyzmem. Miciński odkrywał u ks. Jakubisiaka bliskie (...)
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  22.  10
    Working Wonders : How to Make the Impossible Happen.Ryszard Praszkier - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    The difference between what's possible and what's not is a construct of the human mind, a matter of perspective, and it's one that can be changed. Working Wonders explains the fundamentals that shape the mind: how it builds walls to protect itself and how a person can tear those walls down to tackle challenges that would have previously been discounted as unrealistic. This volume shares case studies featuring people making the impossible a reality and, in doing so, changing the world (...)
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  23. Theory of Logical Calculi, Basic Theory of Consequence Operations.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (3):623-629.
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    Variable precision logic.Ryszard S. Michalski & Patrick H. Winston - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 29 (2):121-146.
  25. Ostatni ezoterysta. Uwagi Leo Straussa o ezoterycznym charakterze twórczości Gottholda Ephraima Lessinga.Ryszard Mordarski - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)):135-152.
    Author: Mordarski Ryszard Title: THE LAST ESOTERIC THINKER. LEO STRAUSS’S REMARKS ON THE ESOTERIC CHARACTER OF GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING’S WORKS (Ostatni ezoterysta. Uwagi Lea Straussa o ezoterycznym charakterze twórczości Gottholda Ephraima Lessinga) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 135-152 Keywords: LEO STRAUSS, LESSING, ESOTERIC CHARACTER, MAIMONIDES Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:According to Leo Strauss, the great thinkers of the political philosophy from Plato, through al-Farabi and Maimonides, (...)
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    Society as a Department Store: Critical Reflections on the Liberal State.Ryszard Legutko - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    In Society as a Department Store Ryszard Legutko wrestles with the emancipatory ideology promulgated by postmodernists, libertarians, and liberal thinkers. Legutko argues that modern Western liberals have embraced a revolutionary ethic; they have turned their backs on their own cultural heritage, and used its political and ideological apparatus to destroy classical metaphysics and epistemology. The book considers the paradoxical implications of this state of affairs for Eastern European intellectuals arguing that, with the triumph of liberalism over communism, these intellectuals (...)
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    The Mathematical Soul: An Antique Prototype of the Modern Mathematisation of Psychology.Ryszard Stachowski (ed.) - 1992 - Rodopi.
    An Antique Prototype of the Modern Mathematisation of Psychology Ryszard Stachowski. (1) matter or that which is not in itself a particular thing, (2) form or essence, which is that precisely in accordance with which a thing is called a this, and ...
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  28. The Factual Content of Empirical Theories.Ryszard Wojcicki - 1975 - In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives. Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 95--122.
  29. Edukacyjne przygotowanie do różnych ról społecznych.Ryszard Banajski - 2005 - Prakseologia 145 (145):59-74.
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  30. Infrastruktura etycza w biznesie.Ryszard Banajski - 2009 - Prakseologia 149 (149):167-186.
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  31. A Personalistic Philosophy of History.Czesław Stanisław Bartnik - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (1):193-199.
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    Development and Humanization in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin and Its Reception in Poland.Czesław S. Bartnik - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (2):45-53.
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    Imminent immortality?Ewa Bartnik - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10:39.
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    Szkice do systemu personalizmu.Czesław Stanisław Bartnik - 2006 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    The Realness of a Personal Meaning of History.Czesław S. Bartnik & Norbert M. Karava - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (2):125-132.
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  36. Teilhardowska wizja dziejów.Czesław Bartnik - 1975 - Lublin: Wydawn. Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
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  37. Organizacja i zarządzanie nauką i techniką w Niemieckiej Republice Demokratycznej.Ryszard Fraczek - 1988 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 24:81.
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  38. Twardowski and the rationality of beliefs.Ryszard Kleszcz - 2022 - In Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki (eds.), At the Sources of the Twentieth-Century Analytical Movement: Kazimierz Twardowski and His Position in European Philosophy. Boston: BRILL.
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  39. The unseen birthgivers": the essence of the masculine soul in the philosophical-theological reflections of Edith Stein.Ryszard Kozlowski - 2016 - In Jerzy Machnacz, Monika Małek-Orłowska & Krzysztof Serafin (eds.), The hat and the veil: the phenomenology of Edith Stein = Hut und Schleier: die Phänomenologie Edith Steins. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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  40. L'homme, l'histoire et l'universe chez Hegel et Marx (Człowiek, historia i wszechświat w filozofii Hegla i Marksa).Ryszard Panasiuk - 1983 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 2.
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    The Universal Character of Andrzej Wierciński’s Concepts and Their Use in Social Sciences.Ryszard Stefański & Adam Zamojski - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (3-4):109-120.
    It is an attempt to exemplify the style of Wierciński’s scientific approach. The first part (A. Zamojski) presents his concept of the peculiarity of the specific human nature which is polarized into the animal side versus the human potential. The second part (R. Stefański) describes the anthropological concept of ideological development with the focus on the notion of ideological control subsystem. The latter can be employed as a tool of surveying the internal consistency of social organizations.
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    Edukacja dialektyczna i szkoła przyszłości.Ryszard ¡Ukaszewicz & W. P. Centralny Program Badaân Podstawowych 08 I. Kierunek Rozwoju Systemu Oâswiaty - 1991 - Wrocław: Zakad Nar Nauk.
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    Ethical Leadership: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda.Changsuk Ko, Jianhong Ma, Roman Bartnik, Mark H. Haney & Mingu Kang - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (2):104-132.
    Over the past decade, ethical leadership has increasingly become one of the most popular topics in the areas of leadership and business ethics. As a result, there now exists a substantial body of empirical research addressing ethical leadership issues, but the findings reported by this body of research are highly fragmented. The topic has advanced to the stage where a review and synthesis of existing literature can provide great value and help move the scholarly conversation forward. The primary purposes of (...)
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    Society as a department store.Ryszard Legutko - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (3):327-343.
    In a departure from traditional Western political theory that is reminiscent of left?wing anarchism, contemporary libertarianism rejects the necessity of making political choices based on a value hierarchy, instead claiming that it is possible for all individuals to pursue their divergent values simultaneously?as long as each respects the equal rights of others to do the same. The caveat, however, hides a conflict of loyalties that would plague a libertarian society: on the one hand are the particular loyalties of one's preferred (...)
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  45.  37
    On matrix representations of consequence operations of Łlukasiewicz's sentential calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (14‐18):239-247.
  46. Beyond prototypes and frames: The two-tiered concept representation.Ryszard S. Michalski - 1993 - In Iven van Mechelen, James Hampton, Ryszard S. Michalski & Peter Theuns (eds.), Categories and Concepts: Theoretical Views and Inductive Data Analysis. Academic Press. pp. 145--172.
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    The Logic of Plausible Reasoning: A Core Theory.Allan Collins & Ryszard Michalski - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (1):1-49.
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    Władysław Tatarkiewicz jako historyk filozofii. Kilka uwag.Ryszard Palacz - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Palacz Ryszard Title: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ AS A HISTORIAN OF PHILOSOPHY – A FEW REMARKS (Władysław Tatarkiewicz jako historyk filozofii. Kilka uwag) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 487-495 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, TEACHING OF PHILOSOPHY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:Władysław Tatarkiewicz (1886–1980) was a versatile scholar, active and fertile in a number of fields: Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Ethics, Aesthetics, and also History of (...)
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    Cooperation Between a Doctor and a Podiatrist to Improve the Quality of Life of Patients with Ingrown Toenails.Ryszard Żaba, Ewa Baum & Tomasz Trochanowski - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (3):663-670.
    Cooperation between doctors of various specialties and other medical specialists is the standard of care in the treatment of patients. Due to the variety of diseases and the dynamic development of medicine in general, it is difficult to be an expert in every field and know all the recommended treatments. An example of such cooperation is the joint treatment of patients with the problem of ingrown toenails. The article contains an analysis of patients who received treatment in a doctor’s office (...)
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  50. Biurokracja a sprawność i etyka administracji.Ryszard Banajski - 1998 - Prakseologia 138 (138).
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