Results for 'Råa Mahåadevaâsarmåa'

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  1. Mahåamahopåadhyåaya Padmabhåuòsaòna 'Sråipaòtòtåabhiråama'såastråismôrtigranthaòh.P. N. Pattabhirama Sastri, Råa Mahåadevaâsarmåa & Råaòsòtråiyasaòmskôrtavidyåapåiòtham Tirupati - 1993 - Råaòsòtråiyasaòmskôrtavidyåapåiòtham.
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    Children’s perceptions of social robots: a study of the robots Pepper, AV1 and Tessa at Norwegian research fairs.Roger Andre Søraa, Pernille Søderholm Nyvoll, Karoline Blix Grønvik & J. Artur Serrano - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):205-216.
    This article studies perceptual differences of three social robots by elementary school children of ages 6–13 years at research fairs. The autonomous humanoid robot Pepper, an advanced social robot primarily designed as a personal assistant with movement and mobility, is compared to the teleoperated AV1 robot—designed to help elementary school children who cannot attend school to have a telepresence through the robot—and the flowerpot robot Tessa, used in the eWare system as an avatar for a home sensor system and dedicated (...)
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    CSR-Washing is Rare: A Conceptual Framework, Literature Review, and Critique.Shawn Pope & Arild Wæraas - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):173-193.
    Growth in CSR-washing claims in recent decades has been dramatic in numerous academic and activist contexts. The discourse, however, has been fragmented, and still lacks an integrated framework of the conditions necessary for successful CSR-washing. Theorizing successful CSR-washing as the joint occurrence of five conditions, this paper undertakes a literature review of the empirical evidence for and against each condition. The literature review finds that many of the conditions are either highly contingent, rendering CSR-washing as a complex and fragile outcome. (...)
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    Volte-Face on the Welfare State: Social Partners, Knowledge Economies, and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies.Magnus Bergli Rasmussen & Øyvind Søraas Skorge - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):222-254.
    To what extent organized employers and trade unions support social policies is contested. This article examines the case of work-family policies, which have surged to become a central part of the welfare state. In that expansion, the joint role of employers and unions has largely been disregarded in the comparative political economy literature. The article posits that the shift from Fordist to knowledge economies is the impetus for the social partners’ support for WFPs. If women make up an increasing share (...)
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  5. Qaḍāyā fī al-fikr al-muʻāṣir: al-ʻawlamah, ṣirāʻ al-ḥaḍāraāt, al-ʻawdah ilál-akhlāq..Muḥammad ʻĀbid Jābirī - 1997 - Bayrūt: Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah al-ʻArabīyah.
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    Refuting a Standpoint by Appealing to Its Outcomes: Reductio ad Absurdum vs. Argument from Consequences.Henrike Jansen - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (3):249-266.
    Used informally, the Reductio ad Absurdum (RAA) consists in reasoning appealing to the logically implied, absurd consequences of a hypothetical proposition, in order to refute it. This kind of reasoning resembles the Argument from Consequences, which appeals to causally induced consequences. These types of argument are sometimes confused, since it is not worked out how these different kinds of consequences should be distinguished. In this article it is argued that the logical consequences in RAA-argumentation can take different appearances and that (...)
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  7. Abstracts in Iranian dental journals: A linguistic analysis.Enayat A. Shabani & Nafiseh Emadi - 2021 - International Journal of Language Studies 4 (15):127-152.
    This study investigated the rhetorical move structure of the dental sciences research article abstract (RAA) genre using Swales’ (2004) model of move analysis, CARS (Create a Research Space), to find the frequency of rhetorical moves and steps in RAAs of the selected journals and also to examine the association between the frequency of moves and steps in the RAAs. To this end, 251 abstracts from articles published in 2018, 2019, and 2020 in four Iranian PubMed-indexed dentistry journals were selected and (...)
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    Understanding the Underlying Causes of Tensions That Arise in ICU Care for Older Patients.George Agich, Michael Dunn, Michael Gusmano & Shahla Siddiqui - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):148-157.
    Objective: We hypothesized that the reasons behind this tension are complex and can be understood better by applying social psychology theory.Design: A qualitative methodology was drawn on for data collection and thematic analysis, with focus group discussions adopted for interviews with patient families and ICU physicians. Additionally, we used a social psychology theory, the reasoned action approach (RAA) framework, to understand these tensions.Setting: Two 15-bedded ICUs of an academic university–affiliated teaching hospital in Singapore.Subjects: A total of 72 physicians and family (...)
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    The Works of al-Kāfiyajī and Its Contribution to the Arabic Linguistic: Identification, Classification and Evaluation.Murat Tala - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1081-1111.
    Muhyiddîn el-Kâfiyecî (öl. 879/1474), on beşinci yüzyıl Saruhanoğulları, Osmanlı ve Memlüklü alimlerindendir. Yüzden çok eser yazmıştır. Makale Kâfiyeci’nin hayatı ve eserlerini araştırır. Yazdığı eserler, onun, Arap dili, Arap grameri, belagat, tarih metodolojisi, hadis ve usulü, tefsir ve usulü, fıkıh ve usulü, kelâm, tasavvuf, dil felsefesi, semantik, metafizik meseleler, geometri, optik ve astronomi gibi konularda uzmanlaştığını göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci en önemli eserlerini Arap dili ve mantık sahalarında yazmıştır. Eserleri içerisinde yaptığı linguistik çözümlemeler, onun yetkin bir dil alimi olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci eserlerini yazarken (...)
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    Beta‐Adrenergic Blockers as a Potential Treatment for COVID‐19 Patients.Natesan Vasanthakumar - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000094.
    More than 15 million people have been affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) and it has caused 640 016 deaths as of July 26, 2020. Currently, no effective treatment option is available for COVID‐19 patients. Though many drugs have been proposed, none of them has shown particular efficacy in clinical trials. In this article, the relationship between the Adrenergic system and the renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system (RAAS) is focused in COVID‐19 and a vicious circle consisting of the Adrenergic system‐RAAS‐Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (...)
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  11. Majmūʻah-ʼi duvvum-i muṣannafāt-i Shaykh Ishrāq Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyá Suhravardī dar ḥikmat-i llāhī: mushtamil bar 1. Kitāb Ḥikmat al-ishrāq (matn-i ʻArabī) 2. Risālah fī iʻtiqād al-ḥukamāʼ (matn-i ʻArabī) 3. Qiṣṣat al-ghurbah al-gharībah (matn-i ʻArabī bā tarjumah va sharḥ-i Fārsī.Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī - 1952 - Tihrān: Instītū Īrān va Firānsah, Qismat-i Īrānshināsī. Edited by Henry Corbin.
    v. 1. Kitāb al-Talwīḥāt, Kitāb al-Muqāwamāt, Kitāb al-Mashāriʻ wa-al-muṭāraạ̄t al-lawḥīyah wa-al-ʻarshīyah, Prolégomènes -- v. 2., pt. 1. Kitāb Ḥikmat al-ishrāq (matn-i ʻArabī), Risālah fī iʻtiqād al-ḥukamāʼ (matn-i ʻArabī), Qiṣṣat al-ghurbah al-gharbīyah (matn-i ʻArabī bā tarjumah va sharḥ-i Fārsī), Prolégomènes II.
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    The Review of Evidences That al-Tabarsī Used in The Argument of Recitations. [REVIEW]Nesrişah Saylan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):977-991.
    al-Tabarsī is one of the glossators in the Shī‘ah gloss tradition in the second middle period or first sagacity period. al-Tabarsī who had a wide knowledge in the various knowledge branches was mentioned as a glossator, narrator of Mohammad’s all sayings, deeds and approvals and scribe. One of compilations that al-Tabarsī wrote it in the field of gloss is Macmau-l-bayān fī tafsīri-l-Qur’ān. The glossator who widely included the recitations in this work used some evidence related to their averment while he (...)
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