Results for 'Rüdiger Thomas'

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  1.  79
    Nietzsche's theory of knowledge.Ruediger Hermann Grimm - 1977 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    CHAPTER ONE THE WORLD AS WILL TO POWER /. What there is for Nietzsche Any philosophical system which claims to be at all comprehensive must answer, ...
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    Chapter 8 Urban Politics, Globalisation and the Metropolis in Southeast Asia.Ruediger Korff - 2006 - Global Bioethics 19 (1):97-105.
    This chapter addresses the distinction between private and public and the difference between ‘public’ and ‘official’. Drawing on a comparative analysis of Asian cities, it looks at the ways in which the local, the national and the global levels, which serve different, sometimes contrasting, interests, are negotiated and reconciled in the city. The chapter suggests that different forms of reconciliation have brought about an alternative ‘insitutionalisation’ of the public space. Such an institutionalisation is reflected in the access to, and dissemination (...)
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    Can metacognition be explained in terms of perceptual symbol systems?Ruediger Oehlmann - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):629-630.
    Barsalou's theory of perceptual symbol systems is considered from a metacognitive perspective. Two examples are discussed in terms of the proposed perceptual symbol theory. First, recent results in research on feeling-of-knowing judgement are used to argue for a representation of familiarity with input cues. This representation should support implicit memory. Second, the ability of maintaining a theory of other people's beliefs (theory of mind) is considered and it is suggested that a purely simulation-based view is insufficient to explain the available (...)
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    Local Signature and Sensational Extensity.W. C. Ruediger - 1921 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 4 (6):469.
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    Monism and consciousness.W. C. Ruediger - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (13):347-352.
  6. On the ground of understanding.Ruediger Bubner - 1994 - In Brice R. Wachterhauser, Hermeneutics and truth. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 68--82.
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    Introduction: Being as Appropriation.Ruediger Hermann Grimm - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (2):146-151.
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    Circularity and self-reference in Nietzsche.Ruediger Herman Grimm - 1979 - Metaphilosophy 10 (3-4):289-305.
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    Ripping off the cover: Has digitization changed what's really in the book?Ruediger Wischenbart - 2008 - Logos 19 (4):196-202.
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    (1 other version)Prolegomena for an economic theory of morals.Ruediger Waldkirch - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (1):61–70.
    Ethical theories have been largely focused on finding and clarifying certain amoral principles. However fruitful the communication of moral principles for providing orientation in modern society might be, a serious omission has been made in that the problem of implementation is not addressed. Two fundamental question have neither been raised nor answered: Why should self‐interested individuals follow the proposed moral principles in their daily conduct? Are societal institutions of such a design that is in the power of the individuals to (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Why neural correlates of consciousness are fine, but not enough.Ruediger Vaas - 1999 - Anthropology and Philosophy 3 (3):121-141.
    The existence of neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) is not enough for philosophical purposes. On the other hand, there's more to NCC than meets the sceptic's eye. (I) NCC are useful for a better understanding of conscious experience, for instance: (1) NCC are helpful to explain phenomenological features of consciousness – e.g., dreaming. (2) NCC can account for phenomenological opaque facts – e.g., the temporal structure of consciousness. (3) NCC reveal properties and functions of consciousness which cannot be elucidated either (...)
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  12.  17
    Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature.Thomas S. Engeman - 2000
    A collection of late 20th-century scholarship devoted to Thomas Jefferson as a politician, writer, philosopher, Christian and economist.
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    Thomas More's silence and the ethics of conscience.Thomas Mathew Pooley - 2019 - Moreana 56 (2):190-212.
    This article explores silence and the ethics of conscience through a study of the life and late letters of Sir Thomas More. More's silence is a paradigm case for the contest of conscience under conditions of tyranny, and it is one of the most influential in the formulation of principles of conscience and human rights in modern constitutional democracies. The article focuses on More's prosecution by King Henry VIII, and offers close analysis of the concept of conscience discussed in (...)
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    Thomas Fuller's The holy state and the profane state.Thomas Fuller - 1938 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Maximilian Graff Walten.
    I. Introduction, notes, and appendix -- II. A facsimile of the first edition, 1642, reduced in size.
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    Thomas More to His Friend Peter Giles, Warmest Greetings.Thomas More - 2014 - In Utopia: Second Edition. Yale University Press. pp. 137-140.
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    Thomas von Aquin.Thomas Aquinas (ed.) - 1988 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und (...)
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  17.  37
    Thomas Reid - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen & James Harris - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Essays on the Active Powers of Man was Thomas Reid's last major work. It was conceived as part of one large work, intended as a final synoptic statement of his philosophy. The first and larger part was published three years earlier as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. These two works are united by Reid's basic philosophy of common sense, which sets out native principles by which the mind operates in both its intellectual and active aspects. The (...)
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  18.  33
    Peer Review: Cultural Pluralism or Cultural Uniformity: Bestselling Fiction Books in Europe.Miha Kovač & Ruediger Wischenbart - 2009 - Logos 20 (1):249-261.
  19.  21
    How to Begin Studying Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Hibbs - unknown
    Thomas Hibbs is the Dean of the Honors College at Baylor University.
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    Thomas Szasz, primary values and major contentions.Thomas Szasz - 1983 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Richard E. Vatz & Lee S. Weinberg.
    "The complete list of the works of Thomas S. Szasz": pages 237-253.
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  21.  1
    Thomae Rhaedi Britanni... peruigilia metaphysica desideratissima.Thomas Rhaedus, M. J., Joachimus Moersius & Johann Hallervord - 1616 - Prostant Apud Joannem Hallervordeum ..
  22.  12
    The hymn of Thomas Taylor: to the sacred majesty of truth.Thomas Taylor - 2013 - Westbury, Wiltshire: The Prometheus Trust. Edited by Guy Wyndham-Jones.
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    Thomas Hobbes: Elementa Philosophiae I de Corpore.Thomas Hobbes - 2000 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Le De Corpore, publie pour la premiere fois en 1655, est non seulement l'oeuvre majeure de Hobbes en matiere de logique, de philosophie premiere et de physique, mais egalement un des plus grands textes metaphysiques du XVIIe siecle. On y trouve une theorie de la logique comme calcul dont l'un des elements decisifs est une critique du langage en vue de determiner exactement les modalites par lesquelles nous signifions nos pensees et designons les choses. Cette logique est la condition d'une (...)
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  24. The Workes of Sir Thomas More.Thomas More & William Rastell - 1557 - At the Costes of I. Cawod, I. Waly, and R. Tottell.
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    Thomas Kuhn.Thomas Nickles (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus offers a series of introductory volumes to many of the dominant philosophical thinkers of the current age. Thomas Kuhn, the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed the way we think about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life (...)
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  26.  10
    Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: zur Logik des politischen Körpers.Thomas Schneider - 2003 - Springe: Zu Klampen!.
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    Hilbert's new problem.Larry Wos & Ruediger Thiele - 2001 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 30 (3):165-175.
  28. Kant on the cheap: Thomas Scanlon interviewed.Thomas Scanlon & Alex Voorhoeve - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 16:29-30.
    A short interview with Thomas Scanlon about his contractualist moral theory. (Note: A revised and expanded version appears in Conversations on Ethics, OUP 2009).
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  29. Works of Thomas Hill Green, 3 volumes.Thomas Hill Green & Editor Nettleship, R. L. - 1885 - London: Longmans, Green, and Co..
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  30. The life of Thomas Paine.Thomas Rickman - unknown
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  31.  43
    Thomas Aquinas on Virtue.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas produced a voluminous body of work on moral theory, and much of that work is on virtue, particularly the status and value of the virtues as principles of virtuous acts, and the way in which a moral life can be organized around them schematically. Thomas Osborne presents Aquinas's account of virtue in its historical, philosophical and theological contexts, to show the reader what Aquinas himself wished to teach about virtue. His discussion makes the complexities of Aquinas's (...)
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  32.  10
    (4 other versions)The Writings of Thomas Paine: Not Dated.Thomas Paine (ed.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    Thomas Paine was a hugely influential revolutionary pamphleteer, whose writings were instrumental in bringing about some of the greatest political changes the world has seen. Paine's enduring importance lies not so much in the depth of his political philosophy as in his great abilities as a communicator of political ideas. Conway's Writings was the first complete critical collection of Paine's works, and his Life was the first account to show Paine in a positive light.
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    Siger of Brabant vs. Thomas Aquinas on Theology.Thomas P. Bukowski - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):25-32.
  34.  72
    The written liar and Thomas Oliver.Ivo Thomas - 1965 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 (3):201-208.
  35.  10
    III. Die Lehre des Thomas von Aquin zur Magie, 1. Texte aus dem Sentenzenkommentar.Thomas Linsenmann - 2000 - In Die Magie bei Thomas von Aquin. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 99-140.
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  36. Thomas Jefferson aan Roger C. Weightman.Thomas Pangle - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Moge onze keuze het signaal zijn voor de oproep aan mensen om de ketenen te verbreken, waaronder de monnikachtige onwetendheid en het bijgeloof, die hen ertoe hadden overreed zichzelf vast te binden, en om de zegeningen en veiligheid van het zelfbestuur te aanvaarden.'.
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    The correspondence of Thomas Reid.Thomas Reid - 2002 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by Paul Wood.
    Thomas Reid is now recognized as one of the towering figures of the Enlightenment. Best known for his published writings on epistemology and moral theory, he was also an accomplished mathematician and natural philosopher, as an earlier volume of his manuscripts edited by Paul Wood for the Edinburgh Reid Edition, Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation, has shown. The Correspondence of Thomas Reid collects all of the known letters to and from Reid in a fully annotated form. (...)
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    Eco-philosophy and harmony of nature: collected works of Dr Thomas Manickam, CMI.Thomas Manickam - 2019 - Bangalore, India: Dharmaram Publications. Edited by Sebastian Alackapally.
  39. Thomas Morus Vtopia, Herausg. Von V. Michels Und T. Ziegler.Thomas More & Victor Karl T. Michels - 1895
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  40. II—Thomas Baldwin.Thomas Baldwin - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):157-174.
    [Robert Stalnaker] Saul Kripke made a convincing case that there are necessary truths that are knowable only a posteriori as well as contingent truths that are knowable a priori. A number of philosophers have used a two-dimensional model semantic apparatus to represent and clarify the phenomena that Kripke pointed to. According to this analysis, statements have truth-conditions in two different ways depending on whether one considers a possible world 'as actual' or 'as counterfactual' in determining the truth-value of the statement (...)
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  41. Essay by Thomas Donaldson and Lee E. Preston presented at: The Toronto Conference–Reflections on Stakeholder Theory.Thomas Donaldson - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (1):105-108.
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  42. Thomas Baldwin: G. E. Moore.Thomas Wetterström - 1992 - Theoria 58 (2/3):223.
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    The De Malo of Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Hibbs - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (4):562-563.
  44.  9
    La independencia de la Costa Firme justificada por Thomas Paine treinta años ha.Thomas Paine - 1949 - Caracas:
    Selections from Paine's Common sense, Dissertation of the first principles of government, and Dissertations on government, the affairs of the bank, and paper money, along with several American federal documents and state constitutions, all in Spanish.
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    The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn: incommensurability in science.Thomas S. Kuhn - 2022 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Bojana Mladenović.
    This book contains the text of Thomas Kuhn's unfinished book, The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development, which Kuhn himself described as "a return to the central claims of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the problems that it raised but did not resolve." The Plurality of Worlds is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper "Scientific Knowledge as a Historical Product" and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, "The (...)
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    Common sense and other works by Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 2019 - Minneapolis: First Avenue Editions.
    Explore Thomas Paine's political and philosophical ideology in this collection of his most famous works.
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    The works of Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 1934 - New York city,: W.H. Wise & company.
  48. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes vol. 3.Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - Bohn.
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  49. Michael stoltzner/thomas Uebel (hg.): Wiener kreis.Thomas Bruckner - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (3):241.
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    Petri Thomae: In primum librum Sententiarum.Peter Thomae - 2003 - Franciscan Studies 61 (1):11-34.
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