Results for 'S. Sweeney'

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  1.  36
    Three Lectures on Modern ArtLayman's Guide to Modern Art: Painting for a Scientific Age.H. H., Katherine S. Dreier, James Johnson Sweeney, Naum Gabo, Mary Chalmers Rathbun & Bartlett H. Hayes - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (2):148.
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    A follow-up neurobiological study: why volunteer?J. S. Sturges, D. R. Sweeney & D. Pickar - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (1):9-12.
    There is usually great concern over the use of psychiatric patients for clinical research, as it raises the ethical and legal issues of human dignity and autonomy. In this paper the authors describe and evaluate a follow-up neurobiological study of patients who had been discharged from a psychiatric research ward at least ten months earlier. It is pointed out that such studies are rare and that the writers were provided with the unique opportunity to examine attitudinal and motivational dimensions involved (...)
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  3.  14
    Meister Eckhart's book of darkness & light: meditations on the path of the wayless way.Jon M. Sweeney & Mark S. Burrows (eds.) - 2023 - Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads.
    Meister Eckhart has been a huge influence on spirituality for more than 800 years. This book of meditations is for people seeking the 'wayless way.' It is not for those looking for a simple path. These fresh, stunning renderings of Eckhart's writings in poetic form bring life to one of the great spiritual voices of any age. They reveal what it means to love God and find meaning in darkness-not darkness in general, but your darkness. Only when you are in (...)
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    Lexicon plotinianum.S. Leo Sweeney - 1981 - Philosophical Topics 12 (1):265-267.
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  5. Does nursing have the power to change the health care system.Sandra S. Sweeney & Karen E. Witt - 1990 - In Joanne McCloskey Dochterman & Helen K. Grace (eds.), Current Issues in Nursing. Mosby. pp. 3.
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  6. Traditions, transitions, and transformations of power in nursing.S. S. Sweeney - 1990 - In Joanne McCloskey Dochterman & Helen K. Grace (eds.), Current Issues in Nursing. Mosby. pp. 459--465.
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    The Church and Latin American Women in Their Struggle for Equality and Justice.Shulamit Goldsmit & Ernest S. Sweeney - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (2):176-188.
  8.  23
    Differential effects of "display lags" and "control lags" on the performance of manual tracking systems.W. D. Garvey, J. S. Sweeney & H. P. Birmingham - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (1):8.
  9.  52
    The Church in Communist Cuba: Reflections on the Contemporary Scene.Juan Bazdresch & Ernest S. Sweeney - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (3):224-235.
  10.  56
    Allende’s Election and the Catholic Church in Chile.Ernest S. Sweeney - 1981 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 56 (4):371-386.
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    “Safe” and “cleverer” answers(phaedo, 100b sqq.) In Plato's discussion of participation and immortality.S. J. Leo Sweeney - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):239-251.
  12. The "Great Chain of Being" in Scheler's Philosophy.Robert Sweeney - 1981 - Analecta Husserliana 11:99.
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    (1 other version)Reference and Refiguration in Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics.Robert D. Sweeney - 1988 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 62:71-79.
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    Greek and Medieval Studies in Honor of Leo Sweeney, S.J.Leo Sweeney (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This book brings together never-before published contributions of leading scholars in Greek and Medieval thought. The list of thinkers examined includes Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius, Gregory of Nyssa, Anselm, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Harclay, William of Auvergne, Paulus Soncinas and William of Alnwick.
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  15.  19
    Data and life on the street.David Sweeney, Tim Regan, Siân Lindley & Alex S. Taylor - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    What does the abundance of data and proliferation of data-making methods mean for the ordinary person, the person on the street? And, what could they come to mean? In this paper, we present an overview of a year-long project to examine just such questions and complicate, in some ways, what it is to ask them. The project is a collective exercise in which we – a mixture of social scientists, designers and makers – and those living and working on one (...)
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  16. The consultation as Rubik's Cube.K. Sweeney - forthcoming - Medical Humanities.
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  17.  30
    “Safe” and “Cleverer” Answers in Plato’s Discussion of Participation and Immortality.Leo Sweeney - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):239-251.
  18.  44
    Conflict and Change in the Church in Latin America.Ernest S. Sweeney - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (2):112-124.
  19.  45
    Introduction.Ernest S. Sweeney - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (2):109-111.
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  20.  60
    The Church and Liberation in Latin America.Ernest S. Sweeney - 1986 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 61 (3):307-320.
  21.  61
    The Nature and Power of Religion in Latin America.Ernest S. Sweeney - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (2):149-163.
  22.  21
    Holy rhetoric: Anselm’s prayers and the phenomenology of divine compassion.Terence Sweeney - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (5):447-465.
    In this essay, I examine Anselm’s ‘Prayers and Meditations’ as rhetorical prayers. I consider the basic structure of prayer as address to the Divine. For Anselm, this address is rhetorically struct...
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  23.  28
    Einstein’s Dreams.John H. Sweeney - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 67 (4):811-834.
    The article discusses Albert Einstein’s unique ability to devise, pursue, and exploit imaginary physical situations: his dreams. Although such thought- or gedanken-experiments were always based on commonly held premises, Einstein was able, over and over, to use gedankenexperiments to capture the barest physical essentials of a situation, and to proceed from those essentials to their inescapable consequences, no matter how astonishing, no matter how remote from previous conventional wisdom. The paper describes and discusses the thought-experiments that Einstein used in achieving (...)
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  24.  7
    Thomas Aquinas’s „Quaestiones de anima“ and the Difference between a Philosophical and a Theological Approach to the Soul.Michael J. Sweeney - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 587-594.
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  25. Anselm's Proslogion: The Desire for the Word.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2003 - The Saint Anselm Journal 1:157-177.
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  26.  15
    Sacramental presence after Heidegger: onto-theology, sacraments, and the mother's smile.Conor Sweeney - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Theology after Heidegger must take into account history and language as constitutive elements in the pursuit of meaning. Quite often, this prompts a hurried flight from metaphysics to an embrace of an absence at the center of Christian narrativity. In this book, Conor Sweeney explores the "postmodern" critique of presence in the context of sacramental theology, engaging the thought of Louis-Marie Chauvet and Lieven Boeve. Chauvet is an influential postmodern theologian whose critique of the perceived onto-theological constitution of presence (...)
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  27.  12
    The Philosophical Contexts of Sartre’s the Wall and Other Stories: Stories of Bad Faith.Kevin W. Sweeney - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    The Philosophical Contexts of The Wall and Other Stories presents a philosophical analysis of all five stories in Sartre’s short-story collection, concentrating on characters’ acts of bad faith. Kevin W. Sweeney argues that each of the five stories has its own philosophical problem that serves as the context for the narrative, and that Sartre constructs each story as a reply to the philosophical issue in the context and as support for his position on that issue.
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  28.  41
    Roger Bacon and Albert the Great on Aristotle’s Notion of Science.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2015 - Quaestio 15:447-456.
    The paper examines the different uses of and responses to Aristotle’s account of science in the first wave of interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of science and works in natural science and metaphysics in the early 13th century in Roger Bacon and Albert the Great. The author argues that Bacon reduces all the disciplines to mathematics as the most scientific discipline, even as he argues that experimentum is at the center of scientific evidence and conclusions. Albert the Great, by contrast, gives (...)
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  29.  59
    A defence of the Kaplanian theory of sentence truth.Paula Sweeney - unknown
    When David Kaplan put forward his theory of sentence truth incorporating demonstratives, initially proposed in ‘Dthat’ and later developed in ‘Demonstratives’ and ‘Afterthoughts’, it was, to his mind, simply a matter of book-keeping, a job that had been pushed aside as a complication when a truth conditional semantics had been proposed. The challenges considered in this thesis are challenges to the effect that Kaplan’s theory of sentence truth is, for one reason or another, inadequate. My overarching aim is to defend (...)
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  30. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa , commonly (...)
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  31.  33
    Participation in Plato’s Dialogues.Leo Sweeney - 1988 - New Scholasticism 62 (2):125-149.
  32.  17
    Three Notions of Analysis (Resolutio) and the Structure of Reasoning in Aquinas.Eileen C. Sweeney - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):197-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THREE NOTIONS OF RESOLUTIO AND THE STRUCTURE OF REASONING IN AQUINAS 1 EILEEN c. SWEENEY Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts RESOLUTIO, better known by the English transliteration of its Greek counterpart, "analysis," has been touted as " the conceptual model for some of the most important ideas in the history of philosophy, including the history of the methodology and philosophy of science." 2 But while resolution /analysis may (...)
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  33. Anselmian Meditation: Imagination, Aporia and Argument.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2013 - Saint Anselm Journal 9 (1):1-14.
    The claim of this paper is that there is a common form of reflection in Anselm’s prayers and the Proslogion and Monologion. The practice of meditation, of rumination and introspection, is the crucial link between these works, mostly thought of as philosophy or speculative theology, and as opposed to Anselm’s monastic practices of meditative prayer and thoughtful examination of self and scripture. The philosophical meditations are, like the prayers, the product of an imaginative project, in this case of reasoning as (...)
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  34. Anselm on Human Finitude: A Dialogue with Existentialism.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2014 - Saint Anselm Journal 10 (1).
    The paper discusses Anselm's account of human finitude and freedom through his discussion of what it means to receive what we have from God in De casu diaboli. The essay argues that Anselm is considering the same issue as Jean Paul Sartre in his account of receiving a gift as incompatible with freedom. De casu diaboli takes up this same question, asking about how the finite will can be free, which requires that it have something per se, when there is (...)
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  35.  55
    Chunk and Permeate: The Infinitesimals of Isaac Newton.David John Sweeney - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-23.
    In the paper of Brown and Priest 2004, the authors developed the chunk and permeate method, which they described as a ?paraconsistent reasoning strategy?. There it is suggested that the method of chunk and permeate could apply to the historical infinitesimal calculus. However, no attempt was made to look at actual historical examples. In this paper, I show that the method of chunk and permeate can indeed apply, as a rational reconstruction, to certain of Isaac Newton's arguments that use infinitesimals. (...)
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  36. "Esse Primum Creatum" in Albert the Great's "Liber de Causis et Processu Universitatis".Leo Sweeney - 1980 - The Thomist 44 (4):599.
  37. Relihan, Joel C. The Prisoner’s Philosophy: Life and Death in Boethius’s Consolation, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007, in Religious Studies Review 36 (3) (2010): 234.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2010 - Religious Studies Review 36 (3):234.
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  38.  10
    Christus der Lehrer des Sittlichen: Die christologischen Grundlagen für die Erkenntnis des Sittlichen nach der Lehre Bonaventuras. [REVIEW]S. Sweeney - 1970 - Speculum 45 (2):294-295.
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    Abelard's Historia Calamitatum and Letters: Self as Search and Struggle.Eileen Sweeney - 2007 - Poetics Today 28 (2):303-336.
    In this essay, I offer an interpretation of Abelard's Historia Calamitatum and letters exchanged with Heloise, arguing that both are informed by the attempt to look below the surfaces of language, self, and action to a reality beneath and to achieve authenticity, by which I mean coherence between surface and depth. This reading shows an emerging sense of self and self-knowledge based on the relationship between external act and internal intention. While using traditional medieval narrative forms, I argue, Abelard gives (...)
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  40. The Impact of Perceived Ethical Culture of the Firm and Demographic Variables on Auditors’ Ethical Evaluation and Intention to Act Decisions.Breda Sweeney, Don Arnold & Bernard Pierce - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (4):531-551.
    This study examined the impact of perceived ethical culture of the firm and selected demographic variables on auditors’ ethical evaluation of, and intention to engage in, various time pressure-induced dysfunctional behaviours. Four audit cases and questionnaires were distributed to experienced pre-manager level auditors in Ireland and the U.S. The findings revealed that while perceived unethical pressure to engage in dysfunctional behaviours and unethical tone at the top were significant in forming an ethical evaluation, only perceived unethical pressure had an impact (...)
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  41.  43
    Hope against Hope.Terence Sweeney - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):165-184.
    This essays considers hope as an essential aspect of Kierkegaard’s philosophy. Comparing his pseudonymous works with Works of Love helps us to understand hope as the breath of the eternal, which is experienced in time as future possibility. True hope rests in the future eternal good and not in optimistic or calculative expectations. Hope is a necessary condition of the self on the journey to the eternal and as such is constitutive of the self. It is the belief in the (...)
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  42. Indexicals and utterance production.Dylan Dodd & Paula Sweeney - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (3):331-348.
    We distinguish, among other things, between the agent of the context, the speaker of the agent's utterance, the mechanism the agent uses to produce her utterance, and the tokening of the sentence uttered. Armed with these distinctions, we tackle the the ‘answer-machine’, ‘post-it note’ and other allegedly problematic cases, arguing that they can be handled without departing significantly from Kaplan's semantical framework for indexicals. In particular, we argue that these cases don't require adopting Stefano Predelli's intentionalism.
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  43.  7
    I'd rather be dead than be a girl: implications of Whitehead, Whorf, and Piaget for inclusive language in religious education.John Marcus Sweeney - 2009 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    In I'd Rather Be Dead Than Be a Girl, John Marcus Sweeney explains a threefold thesis of a study that language influences how human beings perceive reality, that the development of theoretical constructs can help explain resistances to and possibilities for inclusive language, and that the implementation of inclusive language is an important goal for religious education." "The study begins with a description of the problem to be considered, that is, the role of sexist language in perpetuating sexual discrimination. (...)
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  44.  9
    Christian Philosophy: Greek, Medieval, Contemporary Reflections.Leo Sweeney - 1997 - New York: P. Lang.
    Christian Philosophy concerns the perennial paradox of reason/revelation and philosophy/theology by reflecting on: whether philosophy has ever been «pure» i.e., free of beliefs; how Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus helped prepare for Christian philosophy; how these practiced it: Bonaventure, Guerric, Albert, Aquinas, Maritain. As monists Marcel and Whitehead confirm that philosophy cannot be faith but must remain distinct and yet dependent on it if philosophy is to be Christian. This book closes by studying how Aquinas' positions are an antidote to current trends (...)
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    Justice Through Diversity?: A Philosophical and Theological Debate.Michael J. Sweeney (ed.) - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Justice Through Diversity brings together a Who’s Who of contemporary scholars in an attempt to understand one of the central commitments in the modern world.
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  46.  33
    Use of Discretionary Environmental Accounting Narratives to Influence Stakeholders: The Case of Jurors’ Award Assessments.W. Eric Lee & John T. Sweeney - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):673-688.
    This experimental study extends prior capital market and environmental accounting research by utilizing the theoretical underpinnings of legitimation through impression management, source credibility bias, perceived trust, and ideology in assessing the influence of discretionary environmental accounting narratives on jurors’ punitive damage award assessments. We utilize mock jurors as environmental stakeholders and find that: jurors in a court case involving corporate environmental malfeasance assess lower punitive damage awards against a firm that provides discretionary disclosure on its website regarding future abatement and (...)
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  47.  17
    New Readings of Anselm of Canterbury's Intellectual Methods.John T. Slotemaker & Eileen Sweeney (eds.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    New readings of Anselm’s speculative and spiritual writings brought in light of questions and thinkers from Augustine to today.
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    ‘You Made us for Yourself:’ Creation in Augustine’s Confessions. By Jared Ortiz. Pp. xxvi, 256, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2016, $79.00. [REVIEW]Terence Sweeney - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):743-744.
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    Global Intimacies: China and/in the Global South.Lisa Rofel & Megan Sweeney - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):466-468.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 251 7 preface 8 In recent years, people all over the world have become ever more aware of being drawn into intimate—and unequal—relations with one another, whether through environmental crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, global economic commodity chains, violent conflicts, forced displacements, or political protests and social movements. This special issue features China’s so-called rising presence as one of (...)
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  50.  29
    Boethius's In Ciceronis Topica. [REVIEW]Eileen C. Sweeney - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (1):152-153.
    This companion volume to Stump's earlier translation of Boethius's De topicis differentiis contains Stump's translation of Boethius's lengthy commentary on Cicero's Topica, extensive explanatory notes, and a short, basic explanation of ancient and medieval notions of the categories and predicables. Much of this volume depends on the earlier one; most of the introduction on Boethius is repeated from the earlier work, and many of the explanatory notes refer the reader to the earlier volume. Though the two Boethian texts have the (...)
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