Results for 'S. Verweij'

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  1.  34
    Academic freedom under siege.Nancy S. Jecker, Marcel Verweij, Vardit Ravitsky, Tenzin Wangmo & Mohammed Ghaly - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    This paper describes a global pattern of declining academic freedom, often driven by powerful political interference with core functions of academic communities. It argues that countering threats to academic freedom requires doubling down on ethics, specifically standards of justice and fairness in pursuing knowledge and assigning warrant to beliefs. Using the example of the selection of a Qatari university to host the 2024 World Congress of Bioethics, the authors urge fairness towards diverse groups over time and efforts to counter injustices (...)
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    Management as system synchronization: The case of the Dutch A2 Passageway Maastricht project.S. Verweij - 2012 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 14 (4):17-37.
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  3. Understanding political responsibility in corporate citizenship: towards a shared responsibility for the common good.Marcel Verweij, Vincent Blok & Tjidde Tempels - 2017 - Journal of Global Ethics 13 (1):90-108.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate on political corporate social responsibility it is assumed that under globalization business is taking up a greater political role. Apart from economic responsibilities firms assume political responsibilities taking up traditional governmental tasks such as regulation of business and provision of public goods. We contrast this with a subsidiarity-based approach to governance, in which firms are seen as intermediate actors who (...)
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    Sustainability as an Intrinsic Moral Concern for Solidaristic Health Care.Marcel Verweij & Hans Ossebaard - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (4):261-271.
    Environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change have adverse impacts on global health. Somewhat paradoxically, health care systems that aim to prevent and cure disease are themselves major emitters and polluters. In this paper we develop a justification for the claim that solidaristic health care systems should include sustainability as one of the criteria for determining which health interventions are made available or reimbursed – and which not. There is however a complication: most adverse health effects (...)
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  5. Ethical Promises and Pitfalls of OneHealth.Marcel Verweij & Bernice Bovenkerk - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):1-4.
    Emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, Hendra, SARS, West Nile, Hepatitis E and avian influenza have led to a renewed recognition of how diseases in human beings, wildlife and livestock are interlinked. The changing prevalence and spread of such infections are largely determined by human activities and changes in environment and climate—where the latter are often also caused by human activities. Since the beginning of the 21st century, these insights have been brought together under the heading of OneHealth—a concept that (...)
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  6. Big Food’s Ambivalence: Seeking Profit and Responsibility for Health.Tjidde Tempels, Marcel Verweij & Vincent Blok - unknown
    In this article, we critically reflect on the responsibilities that the food industry has for public health. Although food companies are often significant contributors to public health problems, the mere possibility of corporate responsibility for public health seems to be excluded in the academic public health discourse. We argue that the behavior of several food companies reflects a split corporate personality, as they contribute to public health problems and simultaneously engage in activities to prevent them. By understanding responsibility for population (...)
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  7.  23
    Editorial: Ethics in public health: Bloomberg's battle and beyond.M. F. Verweij & A. Dawson - unknown
    The growing prevalence of obesity and related conditions such as Type II diabetes is held by many to be a major public health problem in developed countries, and increasingly in developing countries as well. If we wish to tackle this problem, it will be a major task. Individuals will have to change their consumption and exercise patterns, companies will have to improve the products they make and how they market them, nutrition experts and communities will have to redefine what is (...)
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  8. (1 other version)How (Not) to Argue for the Rule of Rescue. Claims of Individuals versus Group Solidarity.Marcel Verweij - 2015 - In Gohen Glen, Daniels Norman & Eyal Nir (eds.), Identified versus Statistical Victims. An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Oxford University Press. pp. 137-149.
    The rule of rescue holds that special weight should be given to protecting the lives of assignable individuals in need, implying that less weight is given to considerations of cost-effectiveness. This is sometimes invoked as an argument for funding or reimbursing life-saving treatment in public healthcare even if the costs of such treatment are extreme. At first sight one might assume that an individualist approach to ethics—such as Scanlon’s contractualism—would offer a promising route to justification of the rule of rescue. (...)
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  9.  45
    Comrades or Friends? On Friendship in the Armed Forces.Desiree Verweij - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (4):280-291.
    This article discusses the difference between comradeship, brotherhood, and friendship in a military context. The difference between these bonds will be made clear with the help of the story of Achilles and Patroclus, poems of the war poets, and Aristotle's books on friendship in the Ethica Nicomachea, amplified with insightful reflections on this classical text by several present-day philosophers.
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    Infection control measures in times of antimicrobial resistance: a matter of solidarity.Marcel Verweij, Marlies Hulscher, Aura Timen & Babette Rump - 2020 - Monash Bioethics Review 38 (Suppl 1):47-55.
    Control measures directed at carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms are traditionally approached as a trade-off between public interests on the one hand and individual autonomy on the other. We propose to reframe the ethical issue and consider control measures directed at carriers an issue of solidarity. Rather than asking “whether it is justified to impose strict measures”, we propose asking “how to best care for a person’s carriership and well-being in ways that do not imply an unacceptable risk for others?”. A (...)
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  11.  25
    Cultural Theory’s contributions to climate science: reply to Hansson.Marco Verweij, Steven Ney & Michael Thompson - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-13.
    In his article, ‘Social constructionism and climate science denial’, Hansson claims to present empirical evidence that the cultural theory developed by Dame Mary Douglas, Aaron Wildavsky and ourselves leads to science denial. In this reply, we show that there is no validity to these claims. First, we show that Hansson’s empirical evidence that cultural theory has led to climate science denial falls apart under closer inspection. Contrary to Hansson’s claims, cultural theory has made significant contributions to understanding and addressing climate (...)
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  12.  55
    Ottawa Statement from the Sparking Solutions Summit on Population Health Intervention Research : Déclaration d’Ottawa issue du sommet Provoquer des solutions sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations.Erica Ruggiero, Louise Potvin, John P. Allegrante, Angus Dawson, Marcel Verweij, Evelyn Leeuw, James R. Dunn, Eduardo Franco, Katherine L. Frohlich, Robert Geneau, Suzanne Jackson, Jay S. Kaufman, Alfredo Morabia, Kenneth R. Mcleroy & Valéry Ridde - unknown
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    Obligatory precautions against infection.Marcel Verweij - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):323–335.
    ABSTRACT If we have a duty not to infect others, how far does it go? This question is often discussed with respect to HIV transmission, but reflection on other diseases like influenza raises a number of interesting theoretical issues. I argue that a duty to avoid infection not only yields requirements for persons who know they carry a disease, but also for persons who know they are at increased risk, and even for those who definitely know they are completely healthy. (...)
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  14.  47
    Ethics in Public Health: Bloomberg's Battle and Beyond.Marcel Verweij & Angus Dawson - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (3):231-232.
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    Ariadne en Dionysos: vrouw-metaforen en verlangen in het werk van Nietzsche.Désirée Elisabeth Maria Verweij - 1993 - Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
    Proefschrift Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. Onderzoek naar de metaforische functie van de vrouw en het vrouwelijke in het werk van Nietzsche, gerelateerd aan Nietzsche's concept van het dionysische. Dit concept van het dionysische wordt uitgewerkt als thematisering van het verlangen.
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    Children's Health, Public Health.M. Verweij & A. Dawson - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (2):107-108.
  17.  37
    You eat what you are: Moral dimensions of diets tailored to one's genes.Franck L. B. Meijboom, Marcel F. Verweij & Frans W. A. Brom - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (6):557-568.
    Thanks to developments in genomics,dietary recommendations adapted to genetic riskprofiles of individual persons are no longerscience fiction. But what are the consequencesof these diets? An examination of possibleimpacts of genetically tailor-made diets raisesmorally relevant concerns that are analogous to(medical-ethical) considerations aboutscreening and testing. These concerns oftengive rise to applying norms for informedconsent and for the weighing of burdens andbenefits. These diets also have a broaderimpact, especially because food patterns arefull of personal, social and cultural meanings.Diets will change one's food patterns (...)
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    Do's and dont's for ethics committees: Practical lessons learned in the netherlands. [REVIEW]Marcel Verweij, Frans W. A. Brom & Alex Huibers - 2000 - HEC Forum 12 (4):344-357.
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  19. Ethics and Military Practice.Désirée Verweij, Peter Olsthoorn & Eva van Baarle (eds.) - 2022 - Leiden Boston: Brill.
    Democratic societies expect their armed forces to act in a morally responsible way, which seems a fair expectation given the fact that they entrust their armed forces with the monopoly of violence. However, this is not as straightforward and unambiguous as it sounds. Present-day military practices show that political assignments, social and cultural contexts, innovative technologies and organisational structures, present military personnel with questions and dilemma’s that can have far-reaching consequences for all involved – not in the last place for (...)
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  20. Moral principles for allocating scarce medical resources in an influenza pandemic.Marcel Verweij - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):159--169.
    One of the societal problems in a new influenza pandemic will be how to use the scarce medical resources that are available for prevention and treatment, and what medical, epidemiological and ethical justifications can be given for the choices that have to be made. Many things may become scarce: personal protective equipment, antiviral drugs, hospital beds, mechanical ventilation, vaccination, etc. In this paper I discuss two general ethical principles for priority setting (utility and equity) and explain how these principles will (...)
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  21.  32
    Over ‘caritas’ en de belofte van de ‘juiste intentie’.Désirée Verweij - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (1):29-44.
    On ‘caritas’ and the promise of ‘right intent’Back to the roots of justice in warIn classical Just War texts, the criterion of ‘right intent’ is considered a key concept with regard to the justice of a war as such, since it refers to the basiciustusdisposition from which the other criteria (ad bellumas well asin belloandpost bellum) should be applied. However, in current JW debates, determined to a large extent by Traditionalists and Revisionists, the importance of this key concept threatens to (...)
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    Influenza vaccination in Dutch nursing homes: Is tacit consent morally justified?M. F. Verweij & M. A. Van den Hoven - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (1):89-95.
    Objectives: Efficient procedures for obtaining informed (proxy) consent may contribute to high influenza vaccination rates in nursing homes. Yet are such procedures justified? This study’s objective was to gain insight in informed consent policies in Dutch nursing homes; to assess how these may affect influenza vaccination rates and to answer the question whether deviating from standard informed consent procedures could be morally justified. Design: A survey among nursing home physicians. Setting & Participants: We sent a questionnaire to all (356) nursing (...)
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  23.  26
    Critical Realism as a Meta-Framework for Understanding the Relationships between Complexity and Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Lasse Gerrits & Stefan Verweij - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (2):166 - 182.
    Many methods are used in research on complexity. One of these is qualitative comparative analysis. Although many authors allude to the relationships between complexity and QCA, these links are rarely made explicit. We propose that one way of doing so is by using critical realism as a meta-framework. This article discusses the viability of this approach by examining the extent to which QCA is a complexity-informed method. This question is answered in three steps. First, we discuss the nature of complexity (...)
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  24.  5
    Questioning Behaviour in Monocultural and Intercultural Technical Business Negotiations: The Dutch—Spanish Connection.Maurits J. Verweij & Jan M. Ulijn - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (2):217-248.
    This article addresses the issue of asking questions as an important element of international business negotiation where there are differences in cultural background. A Dutch-Spanish difference in questioning was related to differences between the two parties in uncertainty reduction and negotiation goals. All 480 questions in 8 simulated Kelley game negotiations were reviewed: both monocultural and intercultural, i.e. 2 cultures and 3 languages. This analysis may also allow an illustration of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis which holds, at least in its weak (...)
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    Moral Aspects of “Moral Injury”: Analyzing Conceptualizations on the Role of Morality in Military Trauma.Tine Molendijk, Eric-Hans Kramer & Désirée Verweij - 2018 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (1):36-53.
    ABSTRACTIn clinical circles, the concept of “moral injury” has rapidly gained traction. Yet, from a moral philosophical point of view the concept is less clear than is suggested. That is, in current conceptualizations of moral injury, trauma’s moral dimension seems to be understood in a rather mechanistic and individualized manner. This article makes a start in developing an adequately founded conceptualization of the role of morality in deployment-related distress. It does so by reviewing and synthesizing insights from different disciplines into (...)
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    Twin pregnancy reduction is not an ‘all or nothing’ problem: a response to Räsänen.Dunja Begović, Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & E. J. Verweij - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (2):139-141.
    In his paper, ‘Twin pregnancy, fetal reduction and the ‘all or nothing problem’, Räsänen sets out to apply Horton’s ‘all or nothing’ problem to the ethics of multifetal pregnancy reduction from a twin to a singleton pregnancy. Horton’s problem involves the following scenario: imagine that two children are about to be crushed by a collapsing building. An observer would have three options: do nothing, save one child by allowing their arms to be crushed, or save both by allowing their arms (...)
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  27.  52
    How autonomy is understood in discussions on the ethics of nudging.Anastasia Vugts, Mariëtte Hoven, Emely Vet & Marcel Verweij - unknown
    Nudging is considered a promising approach for behavioural change. At the same time, nudging has raised ethical concerns, specifically in relation to the impact of nudges on autonomous choice. A complexity is that in this debate authors may appeal to different understandings or dimensions of autonomy. Clarifying the different conceptualisations of autonomy in ethical debates around nudging would help to advance our understanding of the ethics of nudging. A literature review of these considerations was conducted in order to identify and (...)
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  28.  39
    Maintaining Trust in Newborn Screening.Simone van der Burg & Marcel Verweij - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (5):41-47.
    Newborn screening consists of taking a few drops of blood from a baby's heel in the first week of life and testing it for a list of disorders. In the United States and most countries in Europe, newborn screening programs began in the 1960s and 1970s with screening for phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare metabolic disease that causes severe and irreversible mental retardation unless treated before problems arise. As knowledge about rare diseases expanded and new screening technologies were introduced—such as the (...)
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    Early recognition and rapid action in zoonotic emergencies : A framework document for the proposed contribution of Wageningen University & Research to a global response for early recognition and rapid action in zoonotic emergencies.Wim Poel, Andries Koops, Ron Bergevoet, Frank Langevelde, Bieneke Bron, Peter Bonants, Joukje Siebenga, Ludo Hellebrekers, Jeroen Dijkman, Henk Hogeveen, Gorben Pijlman, Willem Jan Knibbe, Jose L. Gonzales, Joost Neerven, Jeroen Kortekaas, Alex Bossers, Marcel Zwietering, Marcel Verweij, Bart Steenhuijsen Piters & Marijn Poortvliet - unknown
    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting health and economic crisis has caused major disruptions in the functioning of food systems and revived the discussion on what forms balanced, effective and responsible crisis management. As part of its thought leadership and its social responsibility in times of crisis, WUR is uniquely placed to contribute to the scientific knowledge base and data collection mechanisms required for early recognition and rapid response. In addition, WUR takes on the challenge to generate timely insights into (...)
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  30.  24
    Case 2: Exceptions to National MRSA Prevention Policy for a Medical Resident with Untreatable MRSA Colonization.B. Rump, C. Kessler, Ewout Fanoy, Marjan Wassenberg, André Krom, M. F. Verweij & Jim Steenbergen - unknown
    A Dutch medical student has the potentially more virulent Panton-Valentine leukocidin form of MRSA colonization yet shows no signs or symptoms of infection. More than a year ago, a routine MRSA screening of health care personnel providing care for MRSA-positive patients detected the colonization. Since then, the student has been treated intensively but unsuccessfully in an attempt to decolonize her. During this decolonization period, the medical student was barred from performing patient-related interventions, temporarily interrupting her medical residency. After initial treatment (...)
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    Ethics of early detection of disease risk factors: A scoping review.Sammie N. G. Jansen, Bart A. Kamphorst, Bob C. Mulder, Irene van Kamp, Sandra Boekhold, Peter van den Hazel & Marcel F. Verweij - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Scientific and technological advancements in mapping and understanding the interrelated pathways through which biological and environmental exposures affect disease development create new possibilities for detecting disease risk factors. Early detection of such risk factors may help prevent disease onset or moderate the disease course, thereby decreasing associated disease burden, morbidity, and mortality. However, the ethical implications of screening for disease risk factors are unclear and the current literature provides a fragmented and case-by-case picture. Methods To identify key ethical considerations (...)
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    Burt uses a fallacious motte-and-bailey argument to dispute the value of genetics for social science.Brendan P. Zietsch, Abdel Abdellaoui & Karin J. H. Verweij - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e231.
    Burt's argument relies on a motte-and-bailey fallacy. Burt aims to argue against the value of genetics for social science; instead she argues against certain interpretations of a specific kind of genetics tool, polygenic scores (PGSs). The limitations, previously identified by behavioural geneticists including ourselves, do not negate the value of PGSs, let alone genetics in general, for social science.
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  33. Understanding Solidarity (With a Little Help from Your Friends): Response to Dawson and Verweij.B. Prainsack & A. Buyx - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):206-210.
    In this paper we respond to Angus Dawson’s and Marcel Verweij’s recent editorial on ‘Solidarity: A Moral Concept in need of Clarification’. While Dawson’s and Verweij’s call for a broader solidarity-based research agenda is highly timely, their critique of our Report on ‘Solidarity as an Emerging Concept in Bioethics’ (2011) is based on some mistaken assumptions and misinterpretations of our arguments. These are (1) a fundamental misunderstanding of the importance of practice in our conceptualisation of solidarity; (2) a (...)
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    Thinking Ahead: Bioethics and the Future, the Future of Bioethics. Challenges, Changes, Concepts: 11th IAB World Congress of Bioethics, Rotterdam, 26.–29. Juni 2012, organisiert von: Inez de Beaufort , Angus Dawson, Hans van Delden, Søren Holm, Maartje Schermer und Marcel Verweij[REVIEW]Jan-Ole Reichardt & Markus Rüther - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):79-81.
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  35.  54
    Does Population Health Have an Intrinsically Distributional Dimension?Lynette Reid - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):24-36.
    Verweij and Dawson claim that population health has a distributive dimension; Coggon argues that this presupposes a normative commitment to equity in the very definition of population health, which should, rather, be neutral. I describe possible sources of the distributive view, several of which do not presuppose egalitarian commitments. Two relate to the nature of health as a property of individuals ; two relate to the epistemology and pragmatics of public and population health. A fifth source of the distributive (...)
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    Three types of jewish existence in Nietzsche's philosophy.S. Ronen - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9:107-121.
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  37. Problemy logiki nauchnogo issledovanii︠a︡ i analiz struktury nauki: lekt︠s︡ii-doklady na strukturno-sistemnom seminare (ii︠u︡nʹ-ii︠u︡lʹ 1965 g.).G. P. Shchedrovit︠s︡kiĭ - 2004 - Moskva: Putʹ.
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  38. Henas dialogos pou proēgeitai tēs epochēs tou.Geōrgios Iō Kaloutsēs - 1970
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  39. Religiozno-filosofskai︠a︡ sistema V.D. Kudri︠a︡vt︠s︡eva-Platonova.I. V. T︠S︡vyk - 1997 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  40. Obshchai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo prava.S. S. Alekseev - 1963 - Sverdlovsk,:
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  41. (1 other version)Locke’s Philosophy of Science and Knowledge.R. S. Woolhouse - 1971 - Philosophy 47 (181):276-278.
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    Apo to atomo sto prosōpo: mia nea theōrēsē tou anthrōpou, tēs koinōnias kai tēs paideias.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 2011 - Leukōsia: Ekdosē Homilou Pneumatikēs Ananeōseōs.
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  43. On Aristotle's Categories.S. Marc Cohen & Gareth B. Matthews - 1991 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by S. Marc Cohen & Gareth B. Matthews.
    Translation with notes of Ammonius' Commentary on Aristotle's Categories.
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    The Objectives and Strategy of Cimon's Expedition to Cyprus.S. Thomas Parker - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (1):30.
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    Project or Symbol?: (On N.F. Fedorov's Religious Projectivism).S. Golovanenko - 2008 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 47 (2):49-64.
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    Otto Duintjer, Onuitputtelijk is de waarheid. Budel 2002: Damon. 136 pagina’s. ISBN: 9055732850.S. Griffioen - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):164-166.
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    James's Will-To-Believe Doctrine.James C. S. Wernham - 1987 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    In 1896 William James published an essay entitled The Will to Believe, in which he defended the legitimacy of religious faith against the attacks of such champions of scientific method as W.K. Clifford and Thomas Huxley. James's work quickly became one of the most important writings in the philosophy of religious belief. James Wernham analyses James's arguments, discusses his relation to Pascal and Renouvier, and considers the interpretations, and misinterpretations, of James's major critics. Wernham shows convincingly that James was unaware (...)
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    A filozófia keresztje: a megbocsátás problémája Vladimir Jankélévitch morálfilozófiájában.S. Béla Visky - 2016 - Kolozsvár: Exit Kiadó.
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    The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Books XIII. aud XIV. Edited by Charles Simmons, M.A. Macmillan. 4 s. 6 d.S. G. Owen - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (07):199-200.
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    Just War Theory and the ANC's Armed Struggle.S. R. Miller - 1990 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):80-102.
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