Results for 'Salas Carreón'

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  1.  39
    Conceptualising moral resilience for nursing practice.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Katherine Curtis & Ann Gallagher - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12291.
    The term ‘moral resilience’ has been gaining momentum in the nursing ethics literature. This may be due to it representing a potential response to moral problems such as moral distress. Moral resilience has been conceptualised as a factor that inhibits immoral actions, as a favourable outcome and as an ability to bounce back after a morally distressing situation. In this article, the philosophical analysis of moral resilience is developed by challenging these conceptualisations and highlighting the risks of such limiting perspectives. (...)
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    Assessment of precipitates of aged Ti-6Al-4V alloy by ultrasonic attenuation.Hector Carreon, Maria Carreon & Antonio Dueñas - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (1):58-68.
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  3. La Controversia de Indias y el descubrimiento de la multiculturalidad y de los derechos humanos.W. Carreón - 2000 - Analogía Filosófica 14 (2):197-209.
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    Interpretación del otro como criminal. Bases para la construcción de una criminología fenomenológica.Wael Sarwat Hikal-Carreón - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    En el presente artículo se propone crear un margen conceptual para la construcción de una criminología fenomenológica que aborde el conocimiento de cómo se interpretan las conductas de las personas a través de las percepciones de otros, enfocado a la constitución de la conducta criminal, delincuencial, violenta o antisocial, que, siendo estos provenientes de la naturaleza de variadas ciencias, provoca tener horizontes amplios en el entendimiento que en la misma esencia lo vuelven complejo, la criminología actual, tiene en sí, varios (...)
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    Relativism and the expressivist bifurcation.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):357-378.
    Traditional expressivists want to preserve a contrast between the representational use of declarative sentences in descriptive domains and the non-representational use of declarative sentences in other areas of discourse. However, expressivists have good reasons to endorse minimalism about representational notions, and minimalism seems to threaten the existence of such a bifurcation. Thus, there are pressures for expressivists to become global anti-representationalists. In this paper I discuss how to reconstruct in non-representationalist terms the sort of bifurcation traditional expressivists were after. My (...)
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    "Apologética racionalista" de Abu Qurrah en el "Maymar fi WuÞud al-Haliq wa-l-din al-qawim" II/2, 12-14.Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala - 2005 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 22:41-56.
    Traducción y estudio de la sección 11,2,12-14 del Maymar fi "wupud al-Haliq wa-l-din al-qawim" de Teodoro Abu Qurrah. Buscando demostrar que el cristianismo es la única religión verdadera, Abu Qurrah plantea un método analítico de corte apologético que desarrolla a partir de criterios racionalistas de naturaleza comparatista, adoptando para ello un discurso expositivo, moralista o escriturista en cada caso, de acuerdo con sus necesidades.
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    Indigenismos Y nivelacion léxica Del español americano en Los sigLos XVI Y XVII.Cristina Tabernero Sala - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 33:215-231.
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  8.  32
    Kant e Lonergan: O a priori no Conhecimento Humano.Giovanni B. Sala - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (4):1071 - 1102.
    O presente ensaio, aqui publicado em tradução original para Português, constitui uma secção muito significativa da conhecida obra de Giovanni B. Sala sobre Lonergan e a sua relação com Kant. Trata-se de um estudo comparativo das teorias do conhecimento de Immanuel Kant e de Bernard Lonergan, tomando-se como ponto de partida uma análise do estatuto do a priori no conhecimento humano tal como no-lo apresenta a Crítica da Razão Pura, de Kant, para depois se apresentarem as respectivas lacunas, insuficiências e (...)
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    El conocimiento natural de Dios desde la filosofía.Francisco Javier Aznar-Sala - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (308):455-467.
    La idea de Dios se ha ido debilitando en el imaginario colectivo y cada vez son menos los que la secundan. No cabe duda de que la revelación positiva de lo divino ha quedado únicamente para aquellos que dicen creer, pero tradicionalmente se dieron unas vías de acceso a lo divino que fueron jalonadas desde el quehacer filosófico. El artículo pretende recorrer ese camino desde postulados cosmológicos y antropológicos, con la intención de establecer un puente de diálogo estrictamente racional.
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  10. Das Gesetz oder das Gute? II. Teil. Alleiniges Prinzip des sittlich Guten Willens ist Die Allgemeine Gesetzmässigkeit der Handlungen überhaupt.Gb Sala - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (2):315-352.
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  11.  26
    Análisis del aborto desde un punto de vista conceptual.Francisco Javier Aznar Sala - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Abortion analysis from a conceptual point of view Análise do abordo do ponto de vista conceitual Abortion is one of the most serious attacks against intergenerational solidarity because it directly attacks filiation. The diachrony establishes the protection of the weakest and the love between parents and children. This is broken from the attacks on the figure of the child. This paper moves in the concepts and the need to contribute in favor of life in today’s society. For this, it is (...)
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  12.  29
    Addressing Internalized Weight Bias and Changing Damaged Social Identities for People Living With Obesity.Ximena Ramos Salas, Mary Forhan, Timothy Caulfield, Arya M. Sharma & Kim D. Raine - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  13.  17
    Institut Borja de Bioética, Universitat Ramon Llull.Núria Terribas I. Sala - 2011 - In de la Torre Díaz & Francisco Javier (eds.), Pasado, presente y futuro de la bioética española. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
  14. Conocimiento metódico y no metódico: so pretexto de una incursión acerca de la dialéctica según Platón.J. F. A. Sala - 1990 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 68:220-229.
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  15.  16
    Lonergan on the Virtually Unconditioned as the Ground of Judgment.Giovanni Sala - 2011 - Lonergan Workshop 22:457-482.
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  16.  35
    ¡Necesito seguir trabajando! Una revisión conceptual sobre la adicción al trabajo.Edwin Salas-Blas & Anthony Copez-Lonzoy - 2018 - Cultura 32:331-352.
  17.  28
    Using panicogenic inhalations of carbon dioxide enriched air to induce attentional bias for threat: Implications for the development of anxiety disorders.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, John P. Forsyth, Christopher R. Berghoff & Timothy R. Ritzert - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (8):1474-1482.
  18.  44
    The role of family liaisons in research ethics consultations.Halle Showalter Salas, Zuraya Aziz & Douglas S. Diekema - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):27 – 28.
  19.  15
    El pensamiento de Darío Salas a través de algunos de sus escritos: selección de textos y glosas históricas, esbozo biográfico y bibliografía.Darío Salas - 1987 - Santiago de Chile: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile. Edited by Salas Neumann & S. Emma.
  20.  49
    Extreme Betting.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Ratio 32 (1):32-41.
    It is often thought that bets on the truth of known propositions become irrational if the losing costs are high enough. This is typically taken to count against the view that knowledge involves assigning credence 1. I argue that the irrationality of such extreme bets can be explained by considering the interactions between the agent and the bookmaker. More specifically, the agent’s epistemic perspective is altered by the fact that the bookmaker proposes that unusual type of bet. Among other things, (...)
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  21.  8
    al-Niẓām al-khuluqī fī al-Islām.ʻAbd al-Salām & ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Abū ʻĀmir - 2003 - Ḥāʼil: Dār al-Andalus lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  22. Los pliegues de Satanás.Arturo E. Sala - 2000 - In Susana Raquel Barbosa (ed.), Márgenes de la justicia: diez indagaciones filosóficas. Buenos Aires: GEA-Grupo Editor Altamira.
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  23.  36
    (1 other version)La verdad del otro y la práctica ecuménica en Leibniz.Salas Ortueta Jaime de - 1991 - Theoria 6 (1/2):161-173.
    It is possible to describe certain basic principles that underlie Leibniz’s political activities. These principles do not literally determine the specific steps Leibniz takes, but play a much more decisive role than that due to mere metaphysical principles. They provide a general frame work for his activities and a point of reference towards which his reflections tend. Particular attention is paid here to the concept of perspective and its presence in Leibniz’s correspondence with Bossuet, Pellison and Madame de Brinon and (...)
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  24.  51
    A Defence of the Indispensability of Metaphor.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Philosophical Investigations 42 (3):241-263.
    I argue for the possibility of the thesis that metaphors are indispensable for grasping and expressing certain propositions. I defend this possibility against the objection that, if metaphors express propositions, once these propositions are identified they should be specifiable by non‐metaphorical means. I argue that this objection loses its strength if one adopts a Wittgensteinian, particularist view of thought, according to which grasping a propositional thought requires the ongoing exercise of a suitable skill often not characterizable by algorithmic rules. Within (...)
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  25.  33
    Conserved functional organization of the amniote telencephalic pallium.Cosme Salas, Cristina Broglio & Fernando Rodríguez - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):568-569.
    The dorsal and medial pallial formations of mammals, birds, and reptiles show overall functional striking similarities. Most of these similarities have been frequently considered examples of convergent evolution. However, a considerable amount of neurobiological comparative evidence suggests the presence of a common basic pattern of vertebrate forebrain organization. This common pattern can support functional conservation.
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  26. La visión Wittgensteiniana del marco lingüístico explicativo del psicoanálisis Freudiano y Lacaniano.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2013 - Escritos 21 (46):69-109.
    La filosofía de Wittgenstein, en cada una de sus dos etapas, presenta criterios para evaluar el psicoanálisis. La primera evaluación es explícita al psicoanálisis freudiano y lo rechaza. La segunda evaluación es conjeturada en este texto para aceptar la versión del psicoanálisis lacaniano. Para exponer ambas se realiza un análisis teórico conceptual de la literatura wittgensteiniana sobre Freud y sobre la pragmática lingüística aplicada a: la ruptura de la unidad del significante sobre el significado que tomó Lacan de Saussure; la (...)
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  27. Makaḷē kēḷ.H. Salāhuttīn̲ - 1968
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  28. Words and images. Peindre avec des mots : les proverbes-rubus de Pieter Bruegel l'Ancien.Irene Salas - 2010 - In Pierre-Alexis Mevel & Helen Tattam (eds.), Language and its contexts: transposition and transformation of meaning? = Le langage et ses contexts: transposition et transformation du sens? New York: Peter Lang.
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  29.  20
    Psychological inflexibility and valuing happiness: Dangerous liaisons.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, A. Sebastian Lombas, Sonia Salvador & Ginesa López-Crespo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous evidence has shown that excessive valuing happiness may relate to lower psychological wellbeing across cultures. Considering the lack of data with Spanish population, we examined the relation between tightly holding happiness emotion goals and subjective wellbeing in a sample of Spanish women, and explored the mediation role exerted by psychological inflexibility components in the relation between valuing happiness and subjective wellbeing. A female adult sample filled out measures of excessive valuing happiness, psychological inflexibility, positive affect, negative affect, and life (...)
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  30.  24
    Hegel’s Cocktail: From Metaphysics to Logic and Back Again.Lorenzo Sala - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (4):427-432.
    I criticise Pippin’s understanding of the relation between Hegel, Kant, and pre-Kantian metaphysics. Contrary to Pippin’s view, I contend that Hegel did not see the pre-Kantian investigation of being qua being as essentially hopeless. On the contrary, through an analysis of Hegel’s criticisms of Kant and of Hegel’s notion of thought, I contend that Hegel is much closer to pre-Kantian metaphysics than to Kant.
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    A priori philosophy of nature in Hegel and German rationalism.Lorenzo Sala & Anton Kabeshkin - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (5):797-817.
    Hegel’s many remarks that seem to imply that philosophy should proceed completely a priori pose a problem for his philosophy of nature since, on this reading, Hegel offers an a priori derivation of...
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  32.  89
    The place of unreasonable people beyond Rawls.Roberta Sala - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (3):253-270.
    In this article I look for an alternative way in which ‘unreasonable’ people may be included in a liberal society. Differing from Rawls, whose reasonable hope is for unreasonable people gradually to adhere to liberal institutions so that, over time, an overlapping consensus is reached, I propose the alternative way of them supporting these institutions as a special modus vivendi, which does not require them to renounce their non-reasonableness. First I detail the Rawlsian notion of reasonableness and unreasonableness; second, I (...)
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  33.  25
    Is autobiographical impairment due to a deficit of recollection? An overview of studies on Alzheimer dements, frontal and global amnesic patients.Sergio Della Sala, Marcella Laiacona, Hans Spinnler & Cristina Trivelli - 1992 - In Martin A. Conway, David C. Rubin, H. Spinnler & W. Wagenaar (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  34. Hume and Newton.Jaime de Salas - 1991 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (1):21-38.
    I argue that, while Hume’s approach to Newton is sometimes critical and sometimes not, Hume’s position with regard to newtonian method is coherent overall. Rather than speaking of two Humes (one a newtonian, the other not), from an humean perspective we should rather speak of two Newtons: the positivist and the theologian.
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    Dynamics of Multimodal Families of m-Modal Maps.S. González-Salas, B. B. Cassal-Quiroga, J. Tuxpan & E. Campos - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    In this work, we introduce families of multimodal maps based on logistic map, i.e., families of m-modal maps are defined on an interval I ⊂ ℝ, which is partitioned into non-uniform subdomains, with m ∈ ℕ. Because the subdomains of the partition are not uniform, each subdomain contains a unimodal map, given by the logistic map, that can have different heights. Therefore, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for these modal maps present a multimodal family of m-modal maps, i.e., (...)
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    Applying an Evolutionary Approach of Risk-Taking Behaviors in Adolescents.Javier Salas-Rodríguez, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta & Natalia del Pino-Brunet - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Risk-taking behaviors in adolescents have traditionally been analyzed from a psychopathological approach, with an excessive emphasis on their potential costs. From evolutionary theory we propose that risk-taking behaviors can be means through which adolescents obtain potential benefits for survival and reproduction. The present study analyses sex differences in three contexts of risk in the evolutionary specific domains and the predictive value of these domains over risk-taking behaviors, separately in female and male adolescents. 749 adolescents valued their risk perception, expected benefits (...)
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  37.  79
    Abduction and the Origin of “Musement”: Peirce’s “Neglected Argument for the Reality of God”.Elizabeth Salas - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):459-471.
    This paper is an evaluation of C. S. Peirce’s late essay “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God”, based on the two logical values that he calls “productiveness” and “security.” After reviewing the unique logical form of “abduction” and noting that it is a formal fallacy—and so enjoys less “security” than deduction or induction—I turn to the extraordinary case of abduction that is found in “A Neglected Argument.” I argue that the productiveness of the Neglected Argument is found in (...)
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  38. Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on the Analogy between God and Creatures.Victor Salas - 2010 - Mediaeval Studies 72:283-312.
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  39.  26
    (1 other version)Bausteine zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Kritik der reinen Vernunft Kants.Giovanni B. Sala - 1987 - Kant Studien 78 (1-4):153-169.
    The article tries to retrace the emergence of kant's "critique of pure reason". Already in the sixties, Kant faced the problem of metaphysics and came to the result that the conclusions of pure reason have only a subjective value. Hereby the material content of transcendental dialectic was reached. Only afterwards kant examined the underlying ontology and came to his transcendental idealism. On this new base kant should have had to revise his former critique of special metaphysics. However, He did this (...)
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    Contents.Giovanni B. Sala - 1994 - In Lonergan and Kant. University of Toronto Press.
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  41. Die Introspektion als Schlüssel zur Erkenntnislehre des hl. Thomas von Aquin.Giovanni B. Sala - 1974 - Theologie Und Philosophie 49 (2/3):477.
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  42.  35
    Der „reale Verstandesgebrauch“ in der Inauguraldissertation Kants von 1770.Giovanni B. S. J. Sala - 1978 - Kant Studien 69 (1-4):1-16.
  43.  31
    Galen on the Definition of Disease.Luis Alejandro Salas - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (4):603-634.
  44.  26
    Los agravios reificantes hacia los «indios» como problema ante la filosofía de la comprensión.Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala - 2012 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 6 (6):101-123.
    The colonization and domination of America led to «reification», that is, reifying the term «indian». This raises a current and also exemplary challenge, to other parts of the world, given the contemporary ethnic plurality: overcoming this unjust reification through understanding beyond mere knowledge. To put it in modern terms: the acknowledgement of the fusion of significant horizons, accomplished in three moments: 1) the awareness of the offensive practice towards «the Indians» in the Colonial and post-colonial era; 2) the interpretation of (...)
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  45.  6
    La verità sospesa: ragionevolezza e irragionevolezza nella filosofia politica di John Rawls.Roberta Sala - 2012 - Napoli: Liguori.
  46. Person and Gift According to Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II.Elizabeth Salas - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (1):99-124.
    This paper examines the meaning of what Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II calls “The Law of the Gift,” namely, “Man, who is the only creature on earth which God willed for itself, can fully find himself only through a sincere gift of himself.” After explaining what it means to be “willed for itself,” I consider how “finding oneself only through a gift of self ” is justified. I then argue that in his theory of self-gift,Wojtyła/John Paul II espouses an “embodied” altruism. (...)
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  47.  35
    Suárez: Between Scholasticism and Modernity.Victor Salas - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (2):276-278.
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    Mountain Mandalas: Shugendō in Kyūshū, by Allan G. Grapard.Emanuela Sala - 2019 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (1):127-130.
    Mountain Mandalas: Shugend? in Ky?sh?, by Allan G. Grapard. Bloomsbury. 2016. 320 pp. Hb. £90. ISBN–13: 9781474249003. Pb. £31. ISBN-13: 9781350044937. Ebook £34.54. ISBN-13: 9781474249027.
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    Kant Und Die Frage Nach Gott: Gottesbeweise Und Gottesbeweiskritik in den Schriften Kants.Giovanni B. Sala - 1989 - De Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  50.  39
    Faith overcoming metaphysics: Gianni Vattimo and Thomas Aquinas on being.Victor Salas - 2022 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 92 (2):99-113.
    This paper considers Gianni Vattimo’s rejection of metaphysical conceptions of being in favor of a hermeneutic ontology developed along the lines of ‘weak thought.’ I argue that Vattimo’s critique neglects an abiding pluralism within the very history of metaphysical thought itself; at least some metaphysical conceptions of being in that history do not fall prey to his critique. To establish my claim I turn to Thomas Aquinas, whose metaphysics is couched within a larger theological context and presents itself dynamically, thereby (...)
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