Results for 'Sally Rogers'

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  1.  38
    Evidence from optic ataxia does not support a distinction between planning and control mechanisms in human motor control.Roger Newport, Sally Pears & Stephen R. Jackson - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):45-46.
    Evidence from optic ataxic patients with bilateral lesions to the superior parietal lobes does not support the view that there are separate planning and control mechanisms located in the IPL and SPL respectively. The aberrant reaches of patients with bilateral SPL damage towards extrafoveal targets seem to suggest a deficit in the selection of appropriate motor programmes rather than a deficit restricted to on-line control.
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    School Effectiveness for Whom?: Challenges to the School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movements.Roger Slee, Sally Tomlinson & Gaby Weiner (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    School effectiveness research together with what is now described as the 'school improvement movement' has captured both the Conservative and New Labour imaginations as a basis for educational planning and policy making in the UK. Internationally school effectiveness enjoys and expanding and enthusiastic audience. This book provides a critique of this research genre, particularly in the light of the recent calls for teaching to go 'back to the basics'. The editors argue that this school effectiveness research is simplistic in its (...)
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    High-Performance Bioinstrumentation for Real-Time Neuroelectrochemical Traumatic Brain Injury Monitoring.Konstantinos I. Papadimitriou, Chu Wang, Michelle L. Rogers, Sally A. N. Gowers, Chi L. Leong, Martyn G. Boutelle & Emmanuel M. Drakakis - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    Analyzing the Different Voice: Feminist Psychological Theory and Literary Texts.Lyn Mikel Brown, Susan Currier, Sally L. Kitch, Kathleen Gregory Klein, Gail L. Mortimer, Annie G. Rogers, Betty Sasaki, Barbara Schapiro, Mirella Servodidio, Donna D. Simms & Susan Sulriman (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    These essays apply influential, pathbreaking psychological studies about women's lives to literature. In their analyses of fictional portraits, contributors both challenge and confirm psychological theories about female identity, about 'connection/separation' as developmental catalysts, and about the impact of gender on 'voice,' moral decision-making, and epistemology in relation to classical and contemporary literary texts, written by both women and men.
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  6. The Value of Real-time Automated Explanations in Stochastic Planning.Claudia V. Goldman, Ronit Bustin, Wenyuan Qi, Zhengyu Xing, Rachel McPhearson-White & Sally Rogers - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence.
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    They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War.Sallie B. King - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):127-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 127-150 [Access article in PDF] They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War Sallie B. KingJames Madison UniversityNhat Chi Mai was a lay disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh and member of the Order of Interbeing, an Engaged Buddhist order founded by Nhat Hanh. On May 16, 1967, Vesak, the celebration of the birth of the Buddha, she burned herself (...)
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    Gowan Dawson;, Bernard Lightman;, Claire Brock;, Marwa Elshakry;, Sujit Sivasundaram;, Ralph O'Connor;, Roger Luckhurst;, Justin Sausman . Victorian Science and Literature. 4 volumes. xxii + xxxvi + xli + xxii + 1,754 pp., illus., index. London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2012. $625. [REVIEW]Sally Shuttleworth - 2013 - Isis 104 (4):850-851.
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    A. J. Angulo. William Barton Rogers and the Idea of MIT. xv + 220 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. $55. [REVIEW]Sally Kohlstedt - 2009 - Isis 100 (4):916-917.
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    Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2 edited by Rosemarie Pilkington.Michael Potts - 2014 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 27 (4).
    In recent years a number of books have been published that offer short autobiographical essays of academics, focusing on their research and how their life history affected their scholarly development. These could be labeled as "intellectual journey narratives." Some volumes focus on philosophers and their religious faith or lack thereof (e.g., Clark, 1997, Antony, 2007). Psychology has its own version of the intellectual journey narrative, in T. S. Krawiec's (1972, 1974, 1978) multivolume set of autobiographical essays by contemporary psychologists. In (...)
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    The unconscious in social and political life.David Morgan (ed.) - 2019 - Bicester, Oxfordshire: Phoenix Publishing House.
    Traumatic events happen in every age, yet there is a particularly cataclysmic feeling to our own epoch that is so attractive to some and so terrifying to others. The terrible events of September 11th 2001 still resonate and the repercussions continue to this day: the desperation of immigrants fleeing terror, the uncertainty of Brexit, Donald Trump in the White House, the rise of the alt-right and hard left, increasing fundamentalism, and terror groups intent on causing destruction to the Western way (...)
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    Martin Heidegger : cahier.Michel Haar - 1983 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Lire Heidegger, c'est relire autrement tout ce que nous lisons. Ce Cahier invite à mieux comprendre la pensée heideggérienne autours des thèmes principaux qu'il aborde.Des essais, témoignages et lettres retracent l'impacte de sa pensée dans la culture moderne.Textes de : Walter Biemel, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ernst Jünger, Roger Munier, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Luc Marion, John Sallis, David Farrel Krell, Jean-François Courtine, Jean Beauffret, Dominique Janicaud, Otto Pöggeler, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Jean-Pierre Charcosset, F. Wybrands, Jacques Taminiaux, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Marc (...)
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    Aesthetics I. [REVIEW]P. N. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):548-549.
    This is another volume in the continuing series published under the auspices of Tulane University. It contains eight articles. Ramona Cormier’s article "The Concept of Isolation in Contemporary Aesthetic Theory" uses the term isolation in accordance with Langer’s definition. In order to develop her point Cormier distinguishes between the historicity of an art work and the historiography of the work. On the basis of this she discusses briefly the attitudes of Jerome Schiller, Clive Bell, T. S. Eliot, Jerome Stolnitz, Roger (...)
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  14. Theory of recursive functions and effective computability.Hartley Rogers - 1987 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
  15. Gender and race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?Sally Haslanger - 2000 - Noûs 34 (1):31–55.
    It is always awkward when someone asks me informally what I’m working on and I answer that I’m trying to figure out what gender is. For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic world, the term ‘gender’ has come to function as the polite way to talk about the sexes. And one thing people feel pretty confident about is their knowledge of the difference between males and females. Males are those human beings with a range of familiar primary and (...)
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    Answering Animals: Neil Abramson’s Unsaid.Sally Borrell - 2013 - Society and Animals 21 (6):594-595.
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  17. What is a (social) structural explanation?Sally Haslanger - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):113-130.
    A philosophically useful account of social structure must accommodate the fact that social structures play an important role in structural explanation. But what is a structural explanation? How do structural explanations function in the social sciences? This paper offers a way of thinking about structural explanation and sketches an account of social structure that connects social structures with structural explanation.
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  18. Political Solidarity.Sally J. Scholz - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Experiences of solidarity have figured prominently in the politics of the modern era, from the rallying cry of liberation theology for solidarity with the poor and oppressed, through feminist calls for sisterhood, to such political movements as Solidarity in Poland. Yet very little academic writing has focused on solidarity in conceptual rather than empirical terms. Sally Scholz takes on this critical task here. She lays the groundwork for a theory of political solidarity, asking what solidarity means and how it (...)
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    Hegel's Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity.Sally Sedgwick - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Sally Sedgwick presents a fresh account of Hegel's critique of Kant's theoretical philosophy. She argues that Hegel offers a compelling critique of and alternative to the conception of cognition that Kant defended in his 'Critical' period, and explores Hegel's claim to derive from Kantian doctrines clues to a superior form of idealism.
  20. Racism, Ideology, and Social Movements.Sally Haslanger - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (1):1–22.
    Racism, sexism, and other forms of injustice are more than just bad attitudes; after all, such injustice involves unfair distributions of goods and resources. But attitudes play a role. How central is that role? Tommie Shelby, among others, argues that racism is an ideology and takes a cognitivist approach suggesting that ideologies consist in false beliefs that arise out of and serve pernicious social conditions. In this paper I argue that racism is better understood as a set of practices, attitudes, (...)
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  21. (1 other version)What is a Social Practice?Sally Haslanger - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 82:231-247.
    This paper provides an account of social practices that reveals how they are constitutive of social agency, enable coordination around things of value, and are a site for social intervention. The social world, on this account, does not begin when psychologically sophisticated individuals interact to share knowledge or make plans. Instead, culture shapes agents to interpret and respond both to each other and the physical world around us. Practices shape us as we shape them. This provides resources for understanding why (...)
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  22. What good are our intuitions: Philosophical analysis and social kinds.Sally Haslanger - 2006 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 80 (1):89-118.
    Across the humanities and social sciences it has become commonplace for scholars to argue that categories once assumed to be “natural” are in fact “social” or, in the familiar lingo, “socially constructed”. Two common examples of such categories are race and gender, but there many others. One interpretation of this claim is that although it is typically thought that what unifies the instances of such categories is some set of natural or physical properties, instead their unity rests on social features (...)
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  23. Endurance and Temporary Intrinsics.Sally Haslanger - 1989 - Analysis 49 (3):119-125.
  24. II—Roger Crisp: Moral Testimony Pessimism: A Defence.Roger Crisp - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):129-143.
    This paper defends moral testimony pessimism, the view that there is something morally or epistemically regrettable about relying on the moral testimony of others, against several arguments in Lillehammer. One central such argument is that reliance on testimony is inconsistent with the exercise of true practical wisdom. Lillehammer doubts whether such reliance is always objectionable, but it is important to note that moral testimony pessimism is best understood as a view about the pro tanto, rather than the overall, badness of (...)
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  25. Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not by Reason (Alone).Sally Haslanger - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):210-223.
  26. What are we talking about? The semantics and politics of social kinds.Sally Haslanger - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (4):10-26.
    Theorists analyzing the concepts of race and gender disagree over whether the terms refer to natural kinds, social kinds, or nothing at all. The question arises: what do we mean by the terms? It is usually assumed that ordinary intuitions of native speakers are definitive. However, I argue that contemporary semantic externalism can usefully combine with insights from Foucauldian genealogy to challenge mainstream methods of analysis and lend credibility to social constructionist projects.
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  27. (1 other version)Cognition as a Social Skill.Sally Haslanger - 2019 - Tandf: Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (1):5-25.
    Much contemporary social epistemology takes as its starting point individuals with sophisticated propositional attitudes and considers (i) how those individuals depend on each other to gain (or lose) knowledge through testimony, disagreement, and the like and (ii) if, in addition to individual knowers, it is possible for groups to have knowledge. In this paper I argue that social epistemology should be more attentive to the construction of knowers through social and cultural practices: socialization shapes our psychological and practical orientation so (...)
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  28. Distinguished Lecture: Social structure, narrative and explanation.Sally Haslanger - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):1-15.
    Recent work on social injustice has focused on implicit bias as an important factor in explaining persistent injustice in spite of achievements on civil rights. In this paper, I argue that because of its individualism, implicit bias explanation, taken alone, is inadequate to explain ongoing injustice; and, more importantly, it fails to call attention to what is morally at stake. An adequate account of how implicit bias functions must situate it within a broader theory of social structures and structural injustice; (...)
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  29. Persistence through time.Sally Haslanger - 2003 - In Michael J. Loux & Dean W. Zimmerman, The Oxford handbook of metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 315--354.
  30. Ontology and Social Construction.Sally Haslanger - 1995 - Philosophical Topics 23 (2):95-125.
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    Perfect Being Theology.Rogers Katherin A. Rogers - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    That being than which a greater cannot be conceived.' This was the way in which the living God of biblical tradition was described by the great Medieval philosophers such as Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas.Contemporary philosophers find much to question, criticise and reject in the traditional analysis of that description. Some hold that the attributes traditionally ascribed to God - simplicity, necessity, immutability, eternity, omniscience, omnipotence, creativity and goodness - are inherently incoherent individually, or mutually inconsistent. Others argue that the divinity (...)
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  32. I—Culture and Critique.Sally Haslanger - 2017 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1):149-173.
    How do we achieve social justice? How do we change society for the better? Some would argue that we must do it by changing the laws or state institutions. Others that we must do it by changing individual attitudes. I argue that although both of these factors are important and relevant, we must also change culture. What does this mean? Culture, I argue, is a set of social meanings that shapes and filters how we think and act. Problematic networks of (...)
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  33. Systemic and Structural Injustice: Is There a Difference?Sally Haslanger - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (1):1-27.
    The terms ‘structural injustice’ and ‘systemic injustice’ are commonly used, but their meanings are elusive. In this paper, I sketch an ontology of social systems that embeds accounts of social structures, relations, and practices. On this view, structures may be intrinsically problematic, or they may be problematic only insofar as they interact with other structures in the system to produce injustice. Because social practices that constitute structures set the backdrop for agency and identity, socially fluent agents reproduce the systems, often (...)
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  34. Anselm on Freedom.Katherin Rogers - 2008 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Can human beings be free and responsible if there is an all-powerful God? Anselm of Canterbury offers viable answers to questions which have plagued religious people for at least two thousand years. Katherin Rogers examines Anselm's reconciliation of human free will and divine omnipotence in the context of current philosophical debates.
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    Pandemic racism – and the nursing response.Sally Thorne - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12371.
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  36. Why bioethics needs a concept of vulnerability.Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie & Susan Dodds - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (2):11-38.
    Concern for human vulnerability seems to be at the heart of bioethical inquiry, but the concept of vulnerability is under-theorized in the bioethical literature. The aim of this article is to show why bioethics needs an adequately theorized and nuanced conception of vulnerability. We first review approaches to vulnerability in research ethics and public health ethics, and show that the bioethical literature associates vulnerability with risk of harm and exploitation, and limited capacity for autonomy. We identify some of the challenges (...)
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  37. Ideology, Generics, and Common Ground.Sally Haslanger - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 179--207.
    Are sagging pants cool? Are cows food? Are women more submissive than men? Are blacks more criminal than whites? Taking the social world at face value, many people would be tempted to answer these questions in the affirmative. And if challenged, they can point to facts that support their answers. But there is something wrong about the affirmative answers. In this chapter, I draw on recent ideas in the philosophy of language and metaphysics to show how the assertion of a (...)
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  38. The Frederick J. Streng Book Award: An Interview with Paul Ingram and Sallie King.Sallie B. King & Paul O. Ingram - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):313-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Frederick J. Streng Book Award:An Interview with Paul Ingram and Sallie KingSallie B. King and Paul O. IngramSallie King and Paul Ingram have been named winners of the 2003 Frederick J. Streng Book Award for their edited collection The Sound of Liberating Truth: Buddhist-Christian Dialogues in Honor of Frederick J. Streng (Curzon, 1999). Sallie King is professor of philosophy and religion at James Madison University in Harrisonburg,Virginia. Paul (...)
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    Freedom and Self Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Katherin A. Rogers presents a new theory of free will, based on the thought of Anselm of Canterbury. We did not originally produce ourselves. Yet, according to Anselm, we can engage in self-creation, freely and responsibly forming our characters by choosing 'from ourselves' between open options. Anselm introduces a new, agent-causal libertarianism which is parsimonious in that, unlike other agent-causal theories, it does not appeal to any unique and mysterious powers to explain how the free agent chooses. After setting (...)
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    The Undiscovered Dewey: Religion, Morality, and the Ethos of Democracy.Melvin L. Rogers - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    _The Undiscovered Dewey_ explores the profound influence of evolution and its corresponding ideas of contingency and uncertainty on John Dewey's philosophy of action, particularly its argument that inquiry proceeds from the uncertainty of human activity. Dewey separated the meaningfulness of inquiry from a larger metaphysical story concerning the certainty of human progress. He then connected this thread to the way in which our reflective capacities aid us in improving our lives. Dewey therefore launched a new understanding of the modern self (...)
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  41. How Not to Change the Subject.Sally Haslanger - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss, Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Songs of nature: John Sallis on paintings by Cao Jun.John Sallis - 2020 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    This latest philosophical text by John Sallis is inspired by the work of contemporary Chinese painter Cao Jun. It carries out a series of philosophical reflections on nature, art, and music by taking up Cao Jun's art and thought, with a focus on questions of the elemental. Sallis's reflections are not a matter of simply relating art works to philosophical thought, as theoretical insights and developments run throughout Cao Jun's writings and inform many of his artistic works. Sallis maintains abundant (...)
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  43. What knowledge is and what it ought to be: Feminist values and normative epistemology.Sally Haslanger - 1999 - Philosophical Perspectives 13:459-480.
  44. "But mom, crop-tops are cute!" Social knowledge, social structure and ideology critique.Sally Haslanger - 2007 - Philosophical Issues 17 (1):70–91.
  45. Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: An Introduction.Sally S. Sedgwick - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Immanuel Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals of 1785 is one of the most profound and important works in the history of practical philosophy. In this introduction to the Groundwork, Sally Sedgwick provides a guide to Kant's text that follows the course of his discussion virtually paragraph by paragraph. Her aim is to convey Kant's ideas and arguments as clearly and simply as possible, without getting lost in scholarly controversies. Her introductory chapter offers a useful overview of Kant's (...)
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    (1 other version)Roger North's the musicall grammarian: 1728.Roger North - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Mary Chan & Jamie Croy Kassler.
    Roger North's The Musicall Grammarian 1728, first published in 1990, is a treatise on musical eloquence in all its branches. Of its five parts, I and II, on the orthoepy, orthography and syntax of music, constitute a grammar; III and IV, on the arts of invention and communication, form a rhetoric; and V, on etymology, consists of a history. Two substantial chapters of commentary introduce the text, which is edited here for the first time in its entirety: Jamie Kassler places (...)
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  47. Failures of Methodological Individualism: The Materiality of Social Systems.Sally Haslanger - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (4):512-534.
  48. Why I Don’t Believe in Patriarchy: Comments on Kate Manne’s Down Girl.Sally Haslanger - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (1):220-229.
  49. Persistence, change, and explanation.Sally Haslanger - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 56 (1):1 - 28.
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    Un fragment inédit de l'Opus tertium de Roger Bacon.Roger Bacon - 1909 - Ad Claras Aquas (Quaracchi) prope Florentiam,: ex typographia Collegii S. Bonaventurae. Edited by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem.
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