Results for 'Salvino di Gallarate'

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  1.  13
    Interiorità: principio della filosofia: contributi al XLV Convegno del Centro di studi filosofici di Gallarate, aprile 1990.Salvino Biolo & Luigi Alici (eds.) - 1992 - Genova: Marietti.
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  2. Nascita e morte dell'uomo: problemi filosofici e scientifici della bioetica: contributi al XLVI Convegno del Centro di studi filosofici di Gallarate, aprile 1991.Francesc Abel & Salvino Biolo (eds.) - 1993 - Genova: Marietti.
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  3. Vetera novis augere: studi in onore di Carlo Giacon per il 25⁰ Convegno degli assistenti universitari del movimento di Gallarate.Carlo Giacon (ed.) - 1982 - [Roma]: La Goliardica.
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    Enciclopedia Filosofica. Seconda edizione interamente rielaborata. Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate. 6 vols. (Sansoni, Florence: vol. 1, 1967, pp. xx + 1600 col.; vol. 2, 1968, pp. xiii + 1600 col.; vol. 3, 1968, pp. xv + 1614 col.; vol. 4, 1969, pp. xiv + 1602 col.; vol. 5, 1969, pp. xiv + 1598 col.; vol. 6, 1969, pp. xiv + 1416 col. Price not stated.). [REVIEW]Frederick C. Copleston - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (174):348-.
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  5. "Sociologia e Filosofia". Atti del XIX Convegno di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate[REVIEW]L. Ricci - 1966 - Giornale di Metafisica 21:862.
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    Feys Robert. Logique formalisée moderne et philosophie des sciences. Atti del IX Convegno del Centro di Studi Filosofici tra Professori Universitari Gallarate 1953, Il problema della scienza, Morcelliana, Brescia 1954, pp. 58–60. [REVIEW]Charles A. Baylis - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):400-401.
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    La Metafisica. [REVIEW]John R. Catan - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):153-155.
    These volumes are the much augmented and heavily revised commentary and text by Giovanni Reale of Aristotle's Metaphysics, which was originally issued in two volumes in the series Collana di Filosofi Antichi from the Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate, published by Luigi Loffredo Editore, Naples. The volumes are part of the collection entitled "Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi," published by the Centro di Ricerche di Metafisica of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, (...)
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    Cristo el Médico.Salvino Caruana - 2023 - Augustinus 68 (2):255-283.
    El artículo aborda la figura de Cristo como Médico, y hace en primer lugar una presentación sintética del acercamiento de los escritores patrísticos anteriores a san Agustín a este tema. De este modo se presenta el pensamiento de san Ignacio de Antioquía, san Policarpo de Esmirna,sSan Justino, san Clemente de Alejandría, Orígenes, Tertuliano, san Cipriano, Juan Casiano, Efrén el Sirio, entre otros. Posteriormente aborda directamente el tema en las obras agustinianas, para destacar cómo la humanidad está herida por el pecado (...)
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    Epistemology and phenomenology of religions: creative insights into intercultural and interreligious dialogue.Salvino Azzopardi - 2018 - New Delhi: Christian World Imprints. Edited by Kuruvila Pandikattu.
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    La Questione dell'utilitarismo.Salvino Biolo (ed.) - 1991 - Genova: Marietti.
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    Reciproco influsso tra la conversione morale e la conversione religiosa in S. Agostino.Salvino Biolo - 1987 - Augustinianum 27 (1-2):303-316.
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    Los efectos de la música en el libro VI del ‘De Musica’ de Agustín.Salvino Caruana & Aurora Campos - 2023 - Augustinus 68 (1):1-21.
    The article deals with Augustine’s De Musica, first of all highlighting the structure of the Work, and then focusing on Book VI, stressing its main themes. A presentation is made of the main texts in Augustine’s works in which music is discussed. Subsequently, the presence of the hymn Deus creator Omnia in the work of St. Augustine is explored.
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    Bioetica, fede e cultura.Salvino Leone - 1995 - Roma: Armando.
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    The features of a “Mediterranean” Bioethics.Salvino Leone - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):431-436.
    Even if somebody considers inappropriate any geographic adjective for Bioethics, nevertheless we think that there are some specific features of “Mediterranean” Bioethics that could distinguish it from a “Northern-European and Northern-American” one. First of all we must consider that medical ethics was born and grew in Mediterranean area. First by the thought of great Greek philosophers as Aristotle (that analyse what ethics is), then by Hippocrates, the “father” of medical ethics. The ethical pattern of Aristotle was based on “virtues” and (...)
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    The Pre-zygote Identity as a Moral Issue.Salvino Leone - 2008 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (1):15-21.
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    A synthetic theory of rationality: Propositions and aporia.Salvino A. Salvaggio - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):81 – 84.
  17. De l'etat de nature à société civile: "contrat special" et intelligibilité de la transicion chez Spinoza negli indici computerizzati.Salvino A. Salvaggio - 1992 - Filosofia Oggi 15 (58):205-218.
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  18. Liberté et détermination: un humanisme extra-religieux? A propos du très jeune Marx.Salvino A. Salvaggio - 1993 - Filosofia Oggi 16 (62):255-274.
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  19. Spinoza et le problème de la liberté.Salvino A. Salvaggio - 1991 - Filosofia Oggi 14 (53):59-80.
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  20.  10
    What future for future generations?: a programme of UNESCO and the International Environment Institute.Emmanuel Agius & Salvino Busuttil (eds.) - 1994 - Valletta, Malta: Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta.
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  21. Prométhée contre les moralistes. De l'inceste à l'abus sexuel. Une relecture éthique.Bernadette Bawin-Legros & Salvino A. Salvaggio - 1990 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 88:141-155.
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    La filosofia de lo inexpresable: bosquejo de una interpretacion y una critica de la filosofia de Bergson.Pedro Salvino Zulen - 1920 - Lima,: Impreso en los talleres tipograficos de Sanmarti y Cia..
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  23. Interfaces: essays in philosophy and bordering areas in honour of Peter Serracino Inglott.Peter Serracino Inglott, Joe Friggieri, Busuttil, Salvino & D. (eds.) - 1997 - [Malta]: University of Malta.
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  24. Law and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Reader.Robert V. Percival, Dorothy C. Alevizatos, Prue Taylor, Emmanuel Agius & Salvino Busuttil - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (1):127-129.
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  25. Enactive Ethics: Difference Becoming Participation.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo & Hanne De Jaegher - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):241-256.
    Enactive cognitive science combines questions in epistemology, ontology, and ethics by conceiving of bodies as open-ended and mutually transforming through activity. While enaction is not a theory of ethics, it can contribute to its foundations. We present a schematization of enactive ideas that underlie traditional distinctions between Being, Knowing, and Doing. Ethics in this scheme begins in the relation between knowing and becoming. Critical of dichotomous thinking, we approach the questions of alterity and ethical reality. Alterity is relevant to the (...)
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  26. Informational richness and its impact on algorithmic fairness.Marcello Di Bello & Ruobin Gong - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (1):25-53.
    The literature on algorithmic fairness has examined exogenous sources of biases such as shortcomings in the data and structural injustices in society. It has also examined internal sources of bias as evidenced by a number of impossibility theorems showing that no algorithm can concurrently satisfy multiple criteria of fairness. This paper contributes to the literature stemming from the impossibility theorems by examining how informational richness affects the accuracy and fairness of predictive algorithms. With the aid of a computer simulation, we (...)
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  27. When statistical evidence is not specific enough.Marcello Di Bello - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12251-12269.
    Many philosophers have pointed out that statistical evidence, or at least some forms of it, lack desirable epistemic or non-epistemic properties, and that this should make us wary of litigations in which the case against the defendant rests in whole or in part on statistical evidence. Others have responded that such broad reservations about statistical evidence are overly restrictive since appellate courts have expressed nuanced views about statistical evidence. In an effort to clarify and reconcile, I put forward an interpretive (...)
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  28.  58
    The Malaise of the Soul at Work: The Drive for Creativity, Self-Actualization, and Curiosity in Education.Mario Di Paolantonio - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (6):601-617.
    Franco “Bifo” Berardi tells us that the current transformation of every domain of social life into economy has led to “the subjugation of the soul to work processes.” There is a newfound love of work and, consequently, writes Berardi, “no desire, no vitality seems to exist anymore outside of the economic enterprise.” Concerned as it once was with “fostering the soul,” and concerned as it now is with preparing students for the job market, what role might education have in Berardi’s (...)
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    A disjointed account of the illusion of auditory continuity: in favor of hearing everyday sounds but against hearing semantic properties.Elvira Di Bona - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I will investigate the auditory illusion of continuity, which is the phenomenon of auditory occlusion in which we are able to hear a sound as continuous even though it has been masked by another sound. This phenomenon seems to have a perceptual nature when it occurs in the context of everyday sounds, while it seems to have a cognitive nature when it occurs in the context of speech sounds. This difference has the following consequences: (1) We need to have a (...)
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    Complex Motor Learning and Police Training: Applied, Cognitive, and Clinical Perspectives.Paula M. Di Nota & Juha-Matti Huhta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  31. Across the Uncanny Valley: The Ecological, the Enactive, and the Strangely Familiar.E. A. Di Paolo - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):327-329.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction” by Martin Flament Fultot, Lin Nie & Claudia Carello. Upshot: I contrast enactivist and ecological perspectives on some of the themes raised by the authors. I discuss some of their worries about the notion of sense-making and other epistemological aspects of enactivism.
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    Between Faith and Judgement: Kant’s Dual Conception of Moral Certainty.Sara Di Giulio - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (2):187-207.
    There are two main meanings in Kant’s concept of moral certainty (moralische Gewissheit, certitudo moralis): first, it applies to the kind of certainty embodied in rational faith in the existence of God and a future life; second, it applies to the conscientiousness (Gewissenhaftigkeit) required of an agent in the practice of moral judgement. Despite the growing attention to Kant’s theory of conscience and his concept of conscientiousness, this article is the first to discuss ‘moral certainty’ as the aim of ‘conscientiousness’ (...)
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    Presence and Absence in Expression: Meaning-Intention in the Revisions of the Logical Investigations. Di Huang - forthcoming - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.
    This paper examines Edmund Husserl's revised account of expression in his 1913–1914 revisions of the Logical Investigations. Rejecting the Investigations’ thesis that linguistic meanings are constituted in a distinctive class of essentially non-intuitive meaning intentions, Husserl develops a new conception of empty intention, a new analysis of the intuitively fulfilled discourse and a phenomenology of the indicative tendency. While these revisions have been acknowledged, their motivation, connection, and significance remain under-explored in the existing literature. By comparing the Investigations and the (...)
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    The self and its defences.M. Di Francesco, M. Marraffa & A. Paternoster - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book we offer a theory of the self, whose core ideas are that the self is a process of self-representing, and this process aims mainly at defending the self-conscious subject against the threat of its metaphysical inconsistence. In other words, the self is essentially a repertoire of psychological manoeuvres whose outcome is a self-representation aimed at coping with the fundamental fragility of the human subject. Our picture of the self differs from both the idealist and the eliminative approaches (...)
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    A review and analysis of new Italian law 219/2017: ‘provisions for informed consent and advance directives treatment’.Marco Di Paolo, Federica Gori, Luigi Papi & Emanuela Turillazzi - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):17.
    In December 2017, Law 219/2017, ‘Provisions for informed consent and advance directives’, was approved in Italy. The law is the culmination of a year-long process and the subject of heated debate throughout Italian society. Contentious issues are addressed in the law. What emerges clearly are concepts such as quality of life, autonomy, and the right to accept or refuse any medical treatment – concepts that should be part of an optimal relationship between the patient and healthcare professionals. The law maximizes (...)
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  36.  16
    Ethics and Politics of the Built Environment: Gardens of the Anthropocene.Marcello Di Paola - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    ​This book proposes and defends the practice of urban gardening as an ecologically and socially beneficial, culturally innovative, morally appropriate, ethically uplifting, and politically incisive way for individuals and variously networked collectives to contribute to a successful management of some defining challenges of the Anthropocene – this new epoch in which no earthly place, form, entity, process, or system escapes the reach of human activity – including urban resilience and climate change.
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    Approaching the Discriminatory Work Environment as Stressor: The Protective Role of Job Satisfaction on Health.Donatella Di Marco, Rocio López-Cabrera, Alicia Arenas, Gabriele Giorgi, Giulio Arcangeli & Nicola Mucci - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  38. I love my children: am I racist? On the wish to be biologically related to one’s children.Ezio Di Nucci - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):814-816.
    Is the wish to be biologically related to your children legitimate? Here, I respond to an argument in support of a negative answer to this question according to which a preference towards having children one is biologically related to is analogous to a preference towards associating with members of one’s own race. I reject this analogy, mainly on the grounds that only the latter constitutes discrimination; still, I conclude that indeed a preference towards children one is biologically related to is (...)
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    Attention is a sterile concept; iterative reentry is a fertile substitute.Vincent Di Lollo - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:45-49.
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    Material culture both reflects and causes human cognitive evolution.Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Ben White, Avel Guénin–Carlut, Axel Constant & Andy Clark - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e7.
    Our commentary suggests that different materialities (fragile, enduring, and mixed) may influence cognitive evolution. Building on Stibbard-Hawkes, we propose that predictive brains minimise errors and seek information, actively structuring environments for epistemic benefits. This perspective complements Stibbard-Hawkes' view.
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    Il suono: l'esperienza uditiva e i suoi oggetti.Elvira Di Bona - 2018 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore. Edited by Vincenzo Santarcangelo.
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    RETRACTED: An empirical analysis of the impact of higher education on economic growth: The case of China.Arshad di QiAli, Tao Li, Yuan-Chun Chen & Jiachao Tan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:959026.
    China's domestic labor market has limited demand for tertiary graduates due to an unbalanced industrial structure, with a weak contribution to economic performance over the past decade. This study estimates the asymmetric effects of higher education progress (highly educated employed workforce), higher education utilization (highly educated unemployed workforce), and the separate effects of higher education utilization interactions with high-tech industries on economic growth in China from 1980 to 2020. Using a Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model, this study finds that (...)
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  43.  32
    Heidegger and Contemporary Philosophy: Technology, Living, Society & Science.Carmine Di Martino (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This text illuminates the relevance and importance of Heidegger’s thought today. The chapters address the modern living conditions of intense social transformation intertwined with the continuous and rapid development of technologies that redefine the borders between nations and cultures. Technology globalizes markets, customs, the exchange of information, and economic flows but also – as Heidegger reminds us – revolutionizes the way we relate to bodies, to life, and to earth, by way of introducing both unprecedented opportunities and great dangers.
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  44. Aristotle on Improving One's Character.Gianluca di Muzio - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (3):205 - 219.
    Contrary to what most interpreters hold, in the "Nicomachean Ethics" Aristotle is not committed to the view that people of established vicious character could never become good. The present paper proves this result (1) by giving a better reading of 1114 a 12-21, a passage which has traditionally been taken to assert that unjust and self-indulgent people are doomed to a lifetime of vice; (2) by showing that when Aristotle refers to self-indulgent people as "incurable", he does not mean that (...)
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    Editorial: Digital Skills and Life-Long Learning: Digital Learning as a New Insight of Enhanced Learning by the Innovative Approach Joining Technology and Cognition.Dina Di Giacomo, Pierpaolo Vittorini & Pilar Lacasa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Kasuistik Und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal Bis Kant: Akten der Kant-Pascal-Tagung in Tübingen, 12.–14. April 2018.Sara Di Giulio & Alberto Frigo (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Trotz der Hinweise an wichtigen Stellen in Kants Schriften richtet die Kantforschung ihre Aufmerksamkeit nur selten auf die Jahrhunderte währende Tradition der Kasuistik und den Begriff des Gewissens, der in ihrem Rahmen ausgearbeitet wird. Eingehend untersucht wird in diesem Buch insbesondere der Zeitabschnitt von Pascals "Briefen in die Provinz" bis zu Kants eigener Kritik des Probabilismus und seinem Entwurf einer Kasuistik als Teil der ethischen Methodenlehre.
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    Vicious Times.Ezio Di Nucci - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (5):847-849.
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  48. A probabilistic analysis of cross‐examination using Bayesian networks.Marcello Di Bello - 2021 - Philosophical Issues 31 (1):41-65.
    Philosophical Issues, Volume 31, Issue 1, Page 41-65, October 2021.
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    Collecting What? Collecting as an Everyday Aesthetic Act.Laura Di Summa - 2022 - In Peter Cheyne, Imperfectionist Aesthetics in Art and Everyday Life. London: Routledge.
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    Brain Responses to Faces and Facial Expressions in 5-Month-Olds: An fNIRS Study.Renata Di Lorenzo, Anna Blasi, Caroline Junge, Carlijn van den Boomen, Rianne van Rooijen & Chantal Kemner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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