Results for 'Samir Ahmed'

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  1.  18
    Positividad y negatividad del aburrimiento: una hermenéutica de la cotidianidad.Samir Ahmed Dasuky Quiceno & Juan Pablo Galvis Mejía - 2023 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 35 (1):92-119.
    En el presente artículo se pretende comprender el horizonte en el que la sociedad contemporánea construye su sentido de la cotidianidad, a partir de la positividad y negatividad del aburrimiento. El método empleado será la propuesta interpretativa de Heidegger, orientado por el concepto de cotidianidad en dialogo con Han, en lo referente a la manifestación del aburrimiento en la vida cotidiana de los sujetos. En una primera instancia se abordan las determinaciones de la racionalidad instrumental y el neoliberalismo en la (...)
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    Una reflexión psicoanalítica sobre la segregación en tiempos de la Covid-19 y del discurso de la ciencia.Isabella Betancur Patiño & Samir Ahmed Dasuky Quiceno - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-18.
    Debido a la contingencia por Covid-19, los Estados deciden frenar la economía y delimitar su espacio personal. Esto provocó como respuesta colectiva la segregación debida al apalabramiento al cual fue sometido el discurso por parte de la ciencia y el capitalismo. La pregunta investigativa ¿qué es lo estructural del sujeto que, apalabrado por el discurso de la ciencia, encuentra formas de segregar? que orientó la reflexión se respondió metodológicamente por el rigor en la conjetura. Para ello, se desarrollaron dos acápites: (...)
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    A Neat Embedding Theorem For Expansions Of Cylindric Algebras.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (1):41-51.
    We generalize two classical results on cylindric algebra to certain expansions of cylindric algebras where the extra operations are defined via first order formulas. The first result is the Neat Embedding Theorem of Henkin and the second is Monk's classical non-finitizability result of the class of representable algebras. As a corollary we obtain known classical results of Johnson and Biro published in the Journal of Symbolic logic.
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  4. The Class Snr (3) CA (k) is Not Closed Under Completions (vol 16, pg 427, 2008).Tarek Sayed-Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (1):155-155.
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  5. An Omitting Types Theorem for first order logic with infinitary relation symbols.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):564-570.
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    Neat embeddings and amalgamation.Tarek Sayed Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2006 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 35 (4):163-171.
  7.  12
    EFL University Instructors' Perspectives on Social Media's Influence on Student Writing Skill.Dr Awmnia Samir Eassa Ahmed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:998-1017.
    In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of daily life exerting a significant influence on various aspects of our society including education. This study investigates the impact of social media on the writing skills of students learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at universities in Saudi Arabia. The research focuses on the perspectives of EFL instructors regarding how social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, affect students' writing abilities. A quantitative research design was (...)
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    The Class SNr3CAk is Not Closed Under Completions.T. Sayed-Ahmed & B. Samir - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (5):427-429.
  9.  27
    An Omitting Types Theorem for first order logic with infinitary relation symbols.Tarek Sayed Ahmed & Basim Samir - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):564-570.
    In this paper, an extension of first order logic is introduced. In such logics atomic formulas may have infinite lengths. An Omitting Types Theorem is proved.
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  10. El discurso del amo: de Hegel a Lacan.Dasuky Quiceno & Samir Ahmed - 2010 - Escritos 18 (40):100-124.
    Este escrito pretende abordar lo que el psicoanálisis ha denominado el discurso del amo, como discurso del inconsciente, realizando un giro del discurso del amo propuesto por Hegel que lo plantea como deseo de reconocimiento a lo que Lacan propone como reconocimiento del deseo, en tanto que el sujeto es un efecto del lenguaje y por tanto sujeto deseante.
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  11. Basso, KH 160 Bauer, J. 169 Becker, AL 133, 137 Beeman, W. 67.J. Benjamin, Ahmed Al-Shahi, P. C. Almond, R. Alter, Idi49 Amin, Samir Amin, Rabbi Yehudah Amital, N. T. Ammerman, R. M. Anderson & A. Appadurai - 1995 - In Wendy James, The pursuit of certainty: religious and cultural formulations. New York: Routledge.
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    Biobanks in the low- and middle-income countries of the Arab Middle East region: challenges, ethical issues, and governance arrangements—a qualitative study involving biobank managers.Henry Silverman, Rania Labib, Ehsan Gamel, Alya Elgamri, Maha Emad Ibrahim, Mamoun Ahram & Ahmed Samir Abdelhafiz - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundBiobanks have recently been established in several low- and middle-income countries in the Arab region of the Middle East. We aimed to explore the views of biobank managers regarding the challenges, ethical issues, and governance arrangements of their biobanks.MethodsIn-depth semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of eight biobank managers from Egypt, Jordan, and Sudan. Interviews were performed either face-to-face, by phone, or via Zoom and lasted approximately 45–75 min. After verbal consent, interviews were recorded and then transcribed. (...)
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    Perceptions, attitudes, and willingness of the public in low- and middle-income countries of the Arab region to participate in biobank research.Henry Silverman, Latifa Adarmouch, Nada Taha Mostafa, Manal Shahouri, Ehsan Gamel, Eman Elsebaie, Karima El-Rhazi, Zeinab Mohammed, Alya Elgamri, Maha Emad Ibrahim, Ahmed Samir Abdelhafiz, Samar Abd ElHafeez, Fatma Abdelgawad & Mamoun Ahram - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-18.
    Population-based genomics studies have proven successful in identifying genetic variants associated with diseases. High-quality biospecimens linked with informative health data from diverse segments of the population have made such research possible. However, the success of biobank research depends on the willingness of the public to participate in this type of research. We aimed to explore the factors associated with the willingness of the public to participate in biobank research from four low- and middle-income countries in the Arab region (Egypt, Jordan, (...)
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    Development and validation of an instrument to measure physician awareness of bioethics and medical law in Oman.Abdullah S. Al-Mujaini, Mohammed Al-Alawi, Nadiya S. Al-Kharousi, Nusaiba A. Al-Mawali, Maryam K. Al-Rawahi, Yahya M. Al-Farsi, Samir Al-Adawi, Anuradha Ganesh & Ahmed S. Al-Busaidi - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundA different ethos with respect to the perception of medical ethics prevails in societies in transition such as those in the Arabian Peninsula, which makes it difficult to apply international principles of bioethics in medical practice. This study aimed to develop and psychometrically test an instrument that measures physicians’ awareness of bioethics and medical law and their attitudes towards the practice of medical ethics. Additionally, it examined physician correlates influencing the awareness of bioethics.MethodsFollowing a rigorous review of relevant literature by (...)
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    Knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices regarding plagiarism among health researchers in Egypt and Lebanon: a multicenter questionnaire study.Asmaa Abdelnaby, Nivine Abbas, Ahmed Samir Abdelhafiz, Zeinab Mohammed, Sara Yasser, Nada Taha, Sara Makkeyah, Maha Mohammed & Henry J. Silverman - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    To enhance efforts against plagiarism, a deeper understanding of its various aspects is essential. This cross-sectional questionnaire study assessed the knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, and self-reported plagiarism practices among health researchers in Egypt and Lebanon. A validated questionnaire was distributed to postgraduate students and faculty members across 15 universities through personal emails and health researcher-specific social media platforms. Out of 283 respondents, the mean knowledge score was 14.8 ± 3.7 out of a possible 27.0, indicating moderate knowledge of plagiarism. Attitudes (...)
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  16. The Promise of Happiness.Sara Ahmed - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    _The Promise of Happiness_ is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: “I just want you to be happy”; “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the “happiness duty,” the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which (...)
  17. Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, others.Sara Ahmed - 2006 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Introduction: find your way -- Orientations toward objects -- Sexual orientation -- The orient and other others -- Conclusion: disorientation and queer objects.
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    Evidence, Decision and Causality.Arif Ahmed - 2014 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Most philosophers agree that causal knowledge is essential to decision-making: agents should choose from the available options those that probably cause the outcomes that they want. This book argues against this theory and in favour of evidential or Bayesian decision theory, which emphasises the symptomatic value of options over their causal role. It examines a variety of settings, including economic theory, quantum mechanics and philosophical thought-experiments, where causal knowledge seems to make a practical difference. The arguments make novel use of (...)
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  19. Differences that matter: feminist theory and postmodernism.Sara Ahmed - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Differences That Matter challenges existing ways of theorising the relationship between feminism and postmodernism which ask 'is or should feminism be modern or postmodern?' Sara Ahmed suggests that postmodernism has been allowed to dictate feminist debates and calls instead for feminist theorists to speak (back) to postmodernism, rather than simply speak on (their relationship to) it. Such a 'speaking back' involves a refusal to position postmodernism as a generalisable condition of the world and requires closer readings of what postmodernism (...)
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    3 Species and Organisms: What Are the Problems?Ellen Clarke & Samir Okasha - 2013 - In Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman, From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 55.
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  21. Kin Selection and Its Critics.Jonathan Birch & Samir Okasha - 2015 - BioScience 65 (1):22-32.
    Hamilton’s theory of kin selection is the best-known framework for understanding the evolution of social behavior but has long been a source of controversy in evolutionary biology. A recent critique of the theory by Nowak, Tarnita, and Wilson sparked a new round of debate, which shows no signs of abating. In this overview, we highlight a number of conceptual issues that lie at the heart of the current debate. We begin by emphasizing that there are various alternative formulations of Hamilton’s (...)
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  22. The philosophy of faqirs: two discourses on Vedantism alias Sufi-ism before the Islamic association..Ahmed Hussain - 1940 - Lahore (India): Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf.
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    Yalan--: Sanat Konuşmaları.Ahmed Adnan Saygun - 2009 - Bağlam Yayıncılık.
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  24. Energy Efficiency Prediction using Artificial Neural Network.Ahmed J. Khalil, Alaa M. Barhoom, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser, Musleh M. Musleh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (9):1-7.
    Buildings energy consumption is growing gradually and put away around 40% of total energy use. Predicting heating and cooling loads of a building in the initial phase of the design to find out optimal solutions amongst different designs is very important, as ell as in the operating phase after the building has been finished for efficient energy. In this study, an artificial neural network model was designed and developed for predicting heating and cooling loads of a building based on a (...)
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  25. A Proposed Knowledge Based System for Desktop PC Troubleshooting.Ahmed Wahib Dahouk & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (6):1-8.
    Abstract: Background: In spite of the fact that computers continue to improve in speed and functions operation, they remain complex to use. Problems frequently happen, and it is hard to resolve or find solutions for them. This paper outlines the significance and feasibility of building a desktop PC problems diagnosis system. The system gathers problem symptoms from users’ desktops, rather than the user describes his/her problems to primary search engines. It automatically searches global databases of problem symptoms and solutions, and (...)
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    The class of neat reducts is not Boolean closed.Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2008 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 37 (1):51-61.
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  27. Stopping the Murdering Martyrs.Ahm Van Iersel - 2005 - In Wim Smit, Just war and terrorism: the end of the just war concept? Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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  28. De la philosophie politique et sociale de l'Islam.Ahmed Sékou Touré - 1982 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Rethinking the Taqlīd–Ijtihād Dichotomy: A Conceptual-Historical Approach.Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2):285.
    The primary and secondary sources of Islamic law often assume a binary distinction between ijtihād and taqlīd, ignoring a third level of engagement with the sources, which was conceptualized by some jurists as forming a distinct category. In this article I discuss the evolution of the terms ijtihād, taqlīd, and ittibāʿ, using a conceptual-historical approach. I argue that the use of taqlīd to mean “precedent-following” did not emerge as a technical term until after the time of al-Shāfiʿī. The distinction between (...)
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    Arendt and Adorno: political and philosophical investigations.Lars Rensmann & Samir Gandesha (eds.) - 2012 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno, two of the most influential political philosophers and theorists of the twentieth century, were contemporaries with similar interests, backgrounds, and a shared experience of exile. Yet until now, no book has brought them together. In this first comparative study of their work, leading scholars discuss divergences, disclose surprising affinities, and find common ground between the two thinkers. This pioneering work recovers the relevance of Arendt and Adorno for contemporary political theory and philosophy and lays (...)
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    Encadré : Les difficultés du dialogue Francophonie-Monde arabe.Ahmed Moatassine - 2004 - Hermes 40:220.
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  32. On the complexity of axiomatizations of the class of representable quasi-polyadic equality algebras.Tarek Sayed-Ahmed - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (4):384-394.
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    Some Results on Amalgamation in Algebraic Logic.T. Sayed Ahmed - 2006 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 14 (4):623-627.
  34. Dicing with death.Arif Ahmed - 2014 - Analysis 74 (4):587-592.
    You should rather play hide-and-seek against someone who cannot predict where you hide than against someone who can, as the article illustrates in connection with a high-stakes example. Causal Decision Theory denies this. So Causal Decision Theory is false.
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  35. Philosophy of Biology.Andrew Hamilton, Samir Okasha & Jay Odenbaugh - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff, Philosophies of the Sciences. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 184–212.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction What Are the Biological Sciences (Not)? Systematics Ecology and Evolution Levels of Selection Conclusion References.
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  36. Hume and the Independent Witnesses.Arif Ahmed - 2015 - Mind 124 (496):1013-1044.
    The Humean argument concerning miracles says that one should always think it more likely that anyone who testifies to a miracle is lying or deluded than that the alleged miracle actually occurred, and so should always reject any single report of it. A longstanding and widely accepted objection is that even if this is right, the concurring and non-collusive testimony of many witnesses should make it rational to believe in whatever miracle they all report. I argue that on the contrary, (...)
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    Does CEO Risk-Aversion Affect Carbon Emission?Ashrafee Hossain, Samir Saadi & Abu S. Amin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1171-1198.
    Does CEO tolerance to risk affect a firm’s long-run sustainability? Using CEO insider debt holding, we show that CEO’s risk-aversion encourages immoral yet rational decisions of emitting more greenhouse gas thereby adversely affecting the firm’s long-run sustainability. Our result is robust to several endogeneity tests including a quasi-natural experiment. Our finding also suggest that to mitigate potential adverse reactions from stakeholders, carbon emitting firms with risk-averse CEOs tend to spend more on CSR activities. Much of the heterogeneity in our results (...)
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    On geometric mean fitness: a reply to Takacs and Bourrat.Bengt Autzen & Samir Okasha - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (5):1-7.
    In a recent paper, Takacs and Bourrat (Biol Philos 37:12, 2022) examine the use of geometric mean reproductive output as a measure of biological fitness. We welcome Takacs and Bourrat’s scrutiny of a fitness definition that some philosophers have adopted uncritically. We also welcome Takacs and Bourrat’s attempt to marry the philosophical literature on fitness with the biological literature on mathematical measures of fitness. However, some of the main claims made by Takacs and Bourrat are not correct, while others are (...)
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  39.  58
    Living a feminist life.Sara Ahmed - 2015 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Feminism is sensational -- On being directed -- Willfulness and feminist subjectivity -- Trying to transform -- Being in question -- Brick walls -- Fragile connections -- Feminist snap -- Lesbian feminism -- Conclusion 1: A killjoy survival kit -- Conclusion 2: A killjoy manifesto.
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  40. Push the Button.Arif Ahmed - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):386-395.
    Opponents of Causal Decision Theory (CDT) sometimes claim (i) that it gives the wrong advice in Egan-style cases, where the CDT-endorsed act brings news that it causes a bad outcome; (ii) that CDT gives the right advice in Newcomb cases, where it is known in advance that the CDT-act causes you to be richer than the alternative. This paper argues that (i) and (ii) cannot both be true if rational preference over acts is transitive.
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    Making data science systems work.Phoebe Sengers & Samir Passi - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    How are data science systems made to work? It may seem that whether a system works is a function of its technical design, but it is also accomplished through ongoing forms of discretionary work by many actors. Based on six months of ethnographic fieldwork with a corporate data science team, we describe how actors involved in a corporate project negotiated what work the system should do, how it should work, and how to assess whether it works. These negotiations laid the (...)
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    Rejection of Good Manuscripts: Possible Reasons, Consequences and Solutions.Ahmed Ibrahim Fathelrahman - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (1).
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    Chaos synchronization of a fractional-order modified Van der Pol-Duffing system via new linear control, backstepping control and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy approaches.Ahmed Ezzat Matouk - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):116-124.
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    What does ‘solidarity economy’ mean? Contours and feasibility of a theoretical and political project.Pepita Ould Ahmed - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):425-435.
    The market relationships are being contested. This can be seen in the increasing number of alternative social experiments in the ‘North’ and the ‘South’ which propose to think out the present market relationships in a different way, in particular in establishing exchange value and in facilitating access to trade. These practical alternatives are supported by trends in academic circles that over the past three decades have opposed neoliberal capitalism and individualism in today's commercialised society. Calling for greater solidarity and social (...)
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  45. Collective Feelings.Sara Ahmed - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):25-42.
    This article examines ‘collective feelings’ by considering how ‘others’ create impressions on the surfaces of bodies. Rather than considering ‘collective feeling’ as ‘fellow feeling’ or in terms of feeling ‘for’ the collective, the article suggests that how we respond to others in intercorporeal encounters creates the impression of a collective body. In other words, how we feel about others is what aligns us with a collective, which paradoxically ‘takes shape’ only as an effect of such alignments. The article considers different (...)
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  46. Arntzenius on ‘Why ain’cha rich?’.Arif Ahmed & Huw Price - 2012 - Erkenntnis 77 (1):15-30.
    The best-known argument for Evidential Decision Theory (EDT) is the ‘Why ain’cha rich?’ challenge to rival Causal Decision Theory (CDT). The basis for this challenge is that in Newcomb-like situations, acts that conform to EDT may be known in advance to have the better return than acts that conform to CDT. Frank Arntzenius has recently proposed an ingenious counter argument, based on an example in which, he claims, it is predictable in advance that acts that conform to EDT will do (...)
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  47. AI and privacy concerns: a smart meter case study.Jillian Carmody, Samir Shringarpure & Gerhard Van de Venter - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (4):492-505.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate privacy concerns arising from the rapidly increasing advancements and use of artificial intelligence technology and the challenges of existing privacy regimes to ensure the on-going protection of an individual’s sensitive private information. The authors illustrate this through a case study of energy smart meters and suggest a novel combination of four solutions to strengthen privacy protection. Design/methodology/approach The authors illustrate how, through smart meter obtained energy data, home energy providers can use (...)
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  48. Belief Liberation.Richard Booth, Samir Chopra, Aditya Ghose & Thomas Meyer - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (1):47-72.
    We provide a formal study of belief retraction operators that do not necessarily satisfy the postulate. Our intuition is that a rational description of belief change must do justice to cases in which dropping a belief can lead to the inclusion, or ‘liberation’, of others in an agent's corpus. We provide two models of liberation via retraction operators: ρ-liberation and linear liberation. We show that the class of ρ-liberation operators is included in the class of linear ones and provide axiomatic (...)
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  49. Exploiting Cyclic Preference.Arif Ahmed - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):975-1022.
    Probably many people have cyclic preferences: they prefer A to B, B to C and C to A for some objects of choice A, B and C. Recent work has resurrected the objection to cyclic preference that agents possessing them are open to exploitation by means of ‘money pumps’. The paper briefly reviews this work and proposes a general approach to problems of sequential choice that makes cyclic preference immune to exploitation by means of these new mechanisms.
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  50. Causal Decision Theory: A Counterexample.Arif Ahmed - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (2):289-306.
    The essay presents a novel counterexample to Causal Decision Theory (CDT). Its interest is that it generates a case in which CDT violates the very principles that motivated it in the first place. The essay argues that the objection applies to all extant formulations of CDT and that the only way out for that theory is a modification of it that entails incompatibilism. The essay invites the reader to find this consequence of CDT a reason to reject it.
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