Results for 'Samuel Bucheli'

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  1.  47
    Justifications for common knowledge.Samuel Bucheli, Roman Kuznets & Thomas Studer - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (1):35-60.
    Justification logics are epistemic logics that explicitly include justifications for the agents' knowledge. We develop a multi-agent justification logic with evidence terms for individual agents as well as for common knowledge. We define a Kripke-style semantics that is similar to Fitting's semantics for the Logic of Proofs LP. We show the soundness, completeness, and finite model property of our multi-agent justification logic with respect to this Kripke-style semantics. We demonstrate that our logic is a conservative extension of Yavorskaya's minimal bimodal (...)
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    Die Homilien Zum Ersten Buch Samuel.Alfons Fürst (ed.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    Few of Origen s sermons on the Book of Samuel and the Book of Kings have been preserved. Yet they include some of his most famous teachings, including the impromptu homily on the witch of Endor, with its profound meditations on the descent of Christ and the Prophets into hell. Since this sermon has been handed down in Greek, it provides insight for the reader about the preacher Origen s original voice.".
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  3. Edifying versus rational hermeneutics : Hermann Samuel Reimarus' revision of Johann Adolf Hoffmann's 'Neue Erklärung des Buchs Hiob'.Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann - 2011 - In Martin Mulsow, Between philology and radical enlightenment: Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768). Boston: Brill.
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    Die Fragmente des Origenes zu den Samuel- und Königsbüchern.Alfons Fürst - 2014 - In Die Homilien Zum Ersten Buch Samuel. De Gruyter. pp. 253-278.
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    I. Die Predigten des Origenes über die Samuel- und Königsbücher.Alfons Fürst - 2014 - In Die Homilien Zum Ersten Buch Samuel. De Gruyter. pp. 3-12.
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    Carl Schmitts Reichsordnung: Strategie Für Einen Europäischen Großraum.Felix Blindow - 1999 - De Gruyter.
    Carl Schmitt hat in seiner Schrift 'Völkerrechtliche Großraumordnung mit Interventionsverbot für raumfremde Mächte' von 1939 versucht, dem Reichsbegriff zu einer völkerrechtlichen Renaissance zu verhelfen. 'Reich' ist bei ihm gedacht als Kern einer europäischen Hegemonialordnung. Die Präsentation dieser Konzeption hat im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland sofort eine lebhafte Debatte ausgelöst. Der Verfasser versucht, sie nachzuzeichnen, wobei auf bisher unveröffentlichte Dokumente aus dem umfangreichen Nachlass Carl Schmitts zurückgegriffen wird. Der Autor weist auch auf die Parallelen zwischen Schmitts Konzeption vom 'totalen Staat' und jene vom (...)
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    Zoroastrian ethics.Maganlal Amritlal Buch - 1919 - Mumbai: K.R. Cama Oriental Institute.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Der absolute Autor - Neue Annäherungen an Hans Blumenberg.Robert Buch - 2021 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 63 (1):135-148.
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    Theory Evaluation and Formulation: A Reply to Ludic Theory through A.N.Whitehead´s Aesthetic Experience.Camilo Osejo-Bucheli - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (4):415-440.
    This article uses Whitehead's process ontology and epistemology to propose Aesthetic Experience as a theory that can be used in organizational studies. The article starts from the intersections of ludic theory and aesthetics, to formulate a theory of Aesthetic Experience that improves and promotes enjoyment, creativity, satisfaction, and productivity in the workspace. Located in a process ontology and epistemology, we propose a simple approach for theory evaluation, using thought experiments to identify issues in the formulations of extant theories, and formulate (...)
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  10.  49
    The pathos of the real: on the aesthetics of violence in the twentieth century.Robert Buch - 2010 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In praise of cruelty : Bataille, Kafka, and Ling-Chi -- Fragmentary description of a disaster : Claude Simon -- The resistance to pathos and the pathos of resistance : Peter Weiss -- Medeamachine : the "fallout" of violence in Heiner Müller -- Epilogue : Francis Bacon, or, The brutality of fact.
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    Whiteheadian Experience in Beer’s Cybernetic Model: Policy-making in Cooperative Societies.Camilo Osejo-Bucheli - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (1):41-58.
    Policymaking carries an intrinsic problem in the measurement of the effectiveness of policy. Stafford Beer proposed in 1975, to measure the eudaemonia generated by the implementation of a policy in a society to determine its effectiveness. To achieve this end, he devised a system that compares differential rates of change in eudaemonia. Despite the effectiveness of Beer’s idea, policies regarding highly subjective issues, such as the complex case of symbolic inequalities pose a new challenge. In this article, the author sets (...)
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  12.  85
    Social Network Analysis and Critical Realism.Hubert Buch-Hansen - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (3):306-325.
    Social network analysis (SNA) is an increasingly popular approach that provides researchers with highly developed tools to map and analyze complexes of social relations. Although a number of network scholars have explicated the assumptions that underpin SNA, the approach has yet to be discussed in relation to established philosophies of science. This article argues that there is a tension between applied and methods-oriented SNA studies, on the one hand, and those addressing the social-theoretical nature and implications of networks, on the (...)
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    Am Leitfaden des Leibes.Robert Buch - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2023 (2):100-119.
    Blumenberg’s preoccupation with Husserl aimed at the anthropological implications of the latter’s transcendental phenomenology. The paper addresses some connections in Blumenberg’s posthumous Beschreibung des Menschen (Description of Man), in particular the nexus between body/embodiment, lifeworld, and intersubjectivity, to critically assess a few of his claims. The paper concludes by turning to two key concepts for Blumenberg’s anthropological transformation of Husserl’s phenomenology: self-preservation and reflection.
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    Critical realism, the climate crisis and (de)growth.Hubert Buch-Hansen & Peter Nielsen - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (3):347-363.
    What does it entail to study the climate crisis from – or consistently with – a critical realist perspective? The paper addresses this question in three steps. First, it considers the boundaries of critical realism in relation to climate crisis research. In this context it identifies climate science as a field that in important respects resonates implicitly with critical realism. Conversely, a book by human ecologist Andreas Malm is introduced as an example of a work that, while sympathetic to critical (...)
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  15.  13
    Conception dialectique Des antinomies juridiques1.H. Buch - 1964 - Dialectica 18 (1‐4):372-391.
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    Le Droit et le Fait dans la jurisprudence du conseil d'etat de belgique1.H. Buch - 1961 - Dialectica 15 (3‐4):481-506.
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    Nicola Zambon: Das Nachleuchten der Sterne. Konstellationen der Moderne bei Hans Blumenberg.Robert Buch - 2020 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 73 (3):235-244.
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    Vorwort.Robert Buch & Nicola Zambon - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2023 (2):6-16.
    The phenomenology of time-consciousness marks one of the high points of Blumenberg’s philosophy; the issue is broached in Lifetime and World Time (1986), on the one hand, and in the posthumously published works Description of Man (2006), Theory of the Life-World and Phenomenological Writings (2018), on the other hand. Setting out from Blumenberg’s critical analysis of Husserl’s genetic phenomenology, this article endeavors to reconstruct and interpret the most important aspects of Blumenberg’s own descriptions of the structures of time-consciousness. Special attention (...)
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    ‘It Helped Me Sort of Face the End of the World’: The Role of Emotions for Third Sector Climate Change Engagement Initiatives.Milena Büchs, Emma Hinton & Graham Smith - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (5):621-640.
    This paper examines the role that attention to emotions around climate change can play for third sector climate change engagement initiatives, an area to which the literature on such initiatives has paid little attention. It focuses on Carbon Conversations, a programme that explicitly acknowledges the role of difficult emotions and underlying values in people's engagement with climate change. While there are limitations to this approach, results show that it can help certain audiences engage more deeply with issues around climate change (...)
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    Wissenschaft, Technik, Humanität: Beiträge zu einer konkreten Ethik.Alois Johannes Buch & Jörg Splett (eds.) - 1982 - Frankfurt/Main: J. Knecht.
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  21. Studying Engineering Practice.Anders Buch - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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    À propos d’un certain jargon de l’authenticité musicale.Esteban Buch - 2014 - Noesis 22:57-71.
    En partant de la notion de « jargon » mobilisée par Adorno dans son livre contre Heidegger, cet article entend contribuer à une histoire sociale du concept d’authenticité, dans une perspective critique qui s’intéresse à ses usages au sein de différents milieux musicaux et musicologiques. Le rock et la pop, les musiques ethniques et/ou traditionnelles, les musiques anciennes, sont autant de contextes où dans la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle ont pris forme de manière indépendante ce qu’on peut appeler des (...)
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  23.  18
    Sapere aude revisited and revised.Anders Buch & Joakim Juhl - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1506-1507.
  24.  66
    Umbuchung: Säkularisierung als Schuld und als Hypothek bei Hans Blumenberg.Robert Buch - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (4):338-358.
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  25. Postgrowth and Wellbeing. Challenges to Sustainable Welfare.Milena Büchs & Max Koch - 2017
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    Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory.Anders Buch & Theodore R. Schatzki (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Humanistic theory for more than the past 100 years is marked by extensive attention to practice and practices. Two prominent streams of thought sharing this focus are pragmatism and theories of practice. This volume brings together internationally prominent theorists to explore key dimensions of practice and practices on the background of parallels and points of contact between these two traditions. The contributors all are steeped in one or both of these streams and well-known for their work on practice. The collected (...)
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  27.  21
    Engaging social science students in the philosophy of science: 10 pieces of advice on how to teach a difficult subject.Hubert Buch-Hansen - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (4):385-400.
    It can be challenging to introduce the philosophy of social science (PoS) to students in the social sciences. Noting the lack of literature providing guidance to the prospective PoS teacher, this paper outlines several pieces of advice on how to engage social science undergraduates in the subject. This advice centres on showing the relevance of the PoS in academia and beyond, reducing complexity and presenting only a few contending PoS perspectives. It is also proposed to use textbooks with caution or (...)
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  28.  25
    La afirmación de la libertad en el pensamiento de Duns Escoto.Lucas Buch - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):317-331.
    The purpose of this article is to explore John Duns Scotus’s thought on Freedom, in order to achieve some elements that might be useful for a systematic study. Starting from the distinction between “natural” and “free” active potencies, it shows what is more specific of Freedom. Being a pure perfection, for Scotus, it can be applied to God and creatures as well. After exposing the content and origin of the distinction, the article provides an account of Duns Scotus’s thought on (...)
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  29.  13
    Chapter 2. Cosmology in Stoicism. The Discourse of Physics.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Das Pathos des Realen: Francis Bacon.Robert Buch - 2010 - In Cornelia Zumbusch, Pathos: Zur Geschichte Einer Problematischen Kategorie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 191-204.
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    L'ecole mystique de Lyon, 1776-1847.Joseph Buche - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:337.
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    The Vicissitudes of the Flesh and the Dreamwork of Modernism.Robert Buch - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):33-44.
    The article explores a number of closely related concepts in Eric Santner’s wide-ranging and yet concentrated oeuvre: the concept of the flesh, which is at the center of The Royal Remains, along with two more recent additions to Santner’s lexicon, the “void of knowledge” and “surplus scarcity,” both developed in Untying Things Together. Examining the logic and correlation of these concepts, the paper seeks to highlight certain tensions in Santner’s thought but also the possibilities his analyses of human stasis offer. (...)
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    Chapter 3. Philo’s Divine Generation. The Safer Way to Truth.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    The sense of a beginning: theory of the literary opening.Niels Buch Leander - 2018 - Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
    The Sense of a Beginning is the first comprehensive exploration of the openings of novels. With a title that deliberately echoes Frank Kermode's famous book on endings, the book addresses the formal challenge of opening lines, especially in modernism, and illustrates their significance to both literary creation and literary criticism. Niels Buch Leander's approach is wide-ranging, examining how beginnings in fiction relate to beginnings in nature, how they work from a formal and narrative point of view, how modernist self-awareness plays (...)
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    Technological Evolution and Cooperative Identity: A Genealogical Analysis using Simondon's Cybernetic Process Philosophy.Camilo Osejo-Bucheli - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (3):353-376.
    This paper explores the evolution of cooperative societies through the lens of Gilbert Simondon's cybernetic process philosophy, emphasizing the preservation of cooperative identity. Cooperative societies, which promote values such as equality and solidarity, face challenges in maintaining their identity amidst technological advancements and changing socio-economic conditions. Traditional theories of organisational identity, which focus on centrality, distinctness, and continuity, fall short in addressing the dynamic nature of cooperative evolution. Simondon's philosophy offers a robust framework for understanding these transformations. Key concepts like (...)
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    Chapter 5. John’s Call from the Wilderness for a Better Guidance of the Way to the Lord.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Chapter 6. Regeneration as Hermeneutical Competence. The Johannine Signs and the Meta-Story of Pneumatic Transformations.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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  38. What is Egalitarianism?Samuel Scheffler - 2003 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 31 (1):5-39.
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    Relacionalidad y trascendencia de la libertad en el pensamiento de Duns Escoto.Lucas Buch - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):451-467.
    Escoto es uno de los pensadores medievales que con más fuerza afirmó la especificidad de lo libre en las potencias del alma, distinguiéndolo netamente de lo natural. Llevó su postura hasta ciertas conclusiones que parecieron demasiado atrevidas, incluso para autores intelectualmente muy cercanos. Por eso, se le ha presentado a veces como un precedente de la visión moderna de la libertad como autonomía absoluta. Este artículo se acerca a su pensamiento, repasando tres aspectos de su propuesta que permiten ofrecer una (...)
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  40. Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought.Samuel Scheffler - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a collection of eleven essays by one of the most interesting moral philosophers currently writing. It examines challenges to liberal thought posed by the changing circumstances of the modern world such as the conflicting tendencies toward global integration, and greater ethnic and communal identification. The author considers whether liberal principles of justice can accommodate social and global interdependencies while reaffirming the importance of individual responsibility and acknowledging the significance of people's diverse personal and communal allegiances.
  41.  14
    Contemplating or Acting? Which Immersive Modes Should Be Favored in Virtual Reality During Physiotherapy for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation.Hélène Buche, Aude Michel, Christina Piccoli & Nathalie Blanc - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundEven though virtual reality is more and more considered for its power of distraction in different medical contexts, the optimal conditions for its use still have to be determined in order to design interfaces adapted to therapeutic support in oncology.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to examine the benefits of VR using two immersion methods and comparing them with each other in a population of women with breast cancer who have undergone breast surgery, during scar massage sessions.MethodsIn a physiotherapy center, (...)
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  42. Vigilance and control.Samuel Murray & Manuel Vargas - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (3):825-843.
    We sometimes fail unwittingly to do things that we ought to do. And we are, from time to time, culpable for these unwitting omissions. We provide an outline of a theory of responsibility for unwitting omissions. We emphasize two distinctive ideas: (i) many unwitting omissions can be understood as failures of appropriate vigilance, and; (ii) the sort of self-control implicated in these failures of appropriate vigilance is valuable. We argue that the norms that govern vigilance and the value of self-control (...)
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  43.  10
    Der unendliche Umweg.Robert Buch - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2021 (1):22-47.
    The philosopher Hans Blumenberg whose hundredth anniversary was celebrated last year is known above all for wide-ranging historical studies: onmyth, on philosophical metaphors, on the idea of secularization and the genealogy of the modern age. He is less well known as a critical reader and commentator of Husserl’s phenomenology. The article surveys and reviews Blumenberg’s ‘phenomenological writings’, now available in four separate volumes, by examining a number of prominent motifs in Blumenberg’s unfinished engagement with Husserl. First, his preoccupation with Husserl’s (...)
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    Social Appearances: A Philosophy of Display and Prestige.Robert Buch - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (1):138-141.
    The field of aesthetics has long left behind the boundaries that once delimited its territory. Its scope has widened, and its spectrum has become remarkably div.
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    Ärzteethos und Suizidbeihilfe: theologisch-ethische Untersuchung zur Praxis der ärztlichen Suizidbeihilfe in der Schweiz.Stefan Buchs - 2018 - Würzburg: Echter Verlag.
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    Chapter 1. History of Research. Cosmos in the Fourth Gospel.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    Chapter 4. The First Pneumatic Event. The Descent of the Spirit as Jesus’ Divine Generation.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - In "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel. De Gruyter.
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    “Death to the Enemies of the Revolution”: Heiner Müller's Versuchsreihe.Robert Buch - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (144):52-65.
    Violence seems to be the central preoccupation in the work of Heiner Müller: from the early plays on the painful birth of a new socialist state, the German Democratic Republic (GDR), built on the ruins of one and overshadowed by the rise of another totalitarian system, to the political parables and allegories borrowed from Greek and Shakespearean tragedy; from his adaptations of some of the bloodiest episodes of the French, Russian, and German revolutions to the late dramatic experiments bent on (...)
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    "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Since Origen and Chrysostom, John s Gospel has been valued as the most spiritual among the New Testament writings. Although Origen recognizes the Stoic character of John s statement that God is pneuma, an examination of the gospel in light of Stoic physics has not yet been carried out. Instead the Johannine spirit has been absorbed into the Word and lost its distinct character as physical mediator between the divine and humane spheres. Combining her insight into Stoic physics and ancient (...)
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    Ideas para "Escuchar Malvinas".Esteban Buch - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e122.
    Este artículo explora el cruce de la historia cultural y los estudios sonoros que propone el libro Escuchar Malvinas. Músicas y sonidos de la guerra, compilado por el autor junto con Abel Gilbert en 2022. Desarrolla tres ideas, presentes en ese libro y en otros textos del autor (como el libreto para la ópera Aliados de Sebastian Rivas): i) la guerra de Malvinas como una forma de radioteatro, a partir de los comunicados de la Junta Militar y el Estado Mayor (...)
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