Results for 'Sandra Verelst'

947 found
  1.  70
    Incidence and preventability of adverse events requiring intensive care admission: a systematic review.Annemie Vlayen, Sandra Verelst, Geertruida E. Bekkering, Ward Schrooten, Johan Hellings & Neree Claes - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):485-497.
  2. Integrative pluralism.Sandra D. Mitchell - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (1):55-70.
    The `fact' of pluralism in science is nosurprise. Yet, if science is representing andexplaining the structure of the oneworld, why is there such a diversity ofrepresentations and explanations in somedomains? In this paper I consider severalphilosophical accounts of scientific pluralismthat explain the persistence of bothcompetitive and compatible alternatives. PaulSherman's `Levels of Analysis' account suggeststhat in biology competition betweenexplanations can be partitioned by the type ofquestion being investigated. I argue that thisaccount does not locate competition andcompatibility correctly. I then defend anintegrative (...)
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  3. Ceteris paribus — an inadequate representation for biological contingency.Sandra D. Mitchell - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):329-350.
    It has been claimed that ceteris paribus laws, rather than strict laws are the proper aim of the special sciences. This is so because the causal regularities found in these domains are exception-ridden, being contingent on the presence of the appropriate conditions and the absence of interfering factors. I argue that the ceteris paribus strategy obscures rather than illuminates the important similarities and differences between representations of causal regularities in the exact and inexact sciences. In particular, a detailed account of (...)
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    The Multiple Bottom Lines of Corporate Citizenship: Social Investing, Reputation, and Responsibility Audits.Sandra Waddock - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (3):323-345.
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    (2 other versions)Poetic intuition and the Bounds of sense: Metaphor and metonymy in Schopenhauer's philosophy.Sandra Shapshay - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):211-229.
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    Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic ...
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    Some Perceptions of the Implications of High Technology for Minnesota Schools.Sandra B. Westby - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):211-215.
    Advances in technology are accelerating the momentum for change in all sectors of society. There is at present a lag time between the actual development and implementation of new technology and the public consciousness of the issues involved. The rapid rate of social change, however, emphasizes the critical role of the educational system and the need to continually estimate and evaluate direction to best serve the common good. Forty-five influential Minnesota leaders in education, business/industry and government were interviewed on issues (...)
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    Hedging and rounding in numerical expressions.Sandra Williams & Richard Power - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (1):193-223.
    Previous accounts of hedges assume that they cause language to become vague or fuzzy ; however, hedges can actually sharpen numerical concepts by giving explicit information about approximation, especially where bare numbers appear misleadingly round or precise. They can also tell hearers about the direction of approximation. This article provides a first empirical account of interactions between hedging and rounding in numerical expressions. We demonstrate that hedges occur more commonly with round numbers than with non-round ones. However, we also provide (...)
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    The Social Construct of Writing and Thinking: Evidence of How the Expansion of Writing Technology Affects Consciousness.Sandra C. Williamson & Gail S. Corso - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):32-45.
    The technology for the digitized text creates fluid meaning, representing its culture in transition from the dominance of the single-authored text with its hierarchically ordered system. This new architecture for the digitized word has been making explicit the shift from human consciousness reflecting the interiority of the self to a human consciousness reflecting self in relation to others. Educators using the technology of networked writing environments need to understand how the technology functions and intervenes for pedagogical processes during models of (...)
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  10.  50
    Research 2.0: Social Networking and Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) Genomics.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & LaVera Crawley - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):35-44.
    The convergence of increasingly efficient high throughput sequencing technology and ubiquitous Internet use by the public has fueled the proliferation of companies that provide personal genetic information (PGI) direct-to-consumers. Companies such as 23andme (Mountain View, CA) and Navigenics (Foster City, CA) are emblematic of a growing market for PGI that some argue represents a paradigm shift in how the public values this information and incorporates it into how they behave and plan for their futures. This new class of social networking (...)
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  11.  36
    Valuation Contests over the Commoditisation of the Moabi Tree in South-Eastern Cameroon.Sandra Veuthey & Julien-François Gerber - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (2):239-264.
    We analyse the nature of grassroots conflicts over the commercial logging of moabi by foreign firms in South-eastern Cameroon. Moabi offers a good starting point for understanding forest resistances because it crystallises nature conservation, commercial, as well as local interests as it provides oil, medicine and other use values to local populations and particularly to women. Combining a political ecology approach with elements of ecological economics, we find that the conflicts on moabi extraction can be analysed in terms of conflicting (...)
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  12.  21
    A recepción Del exemplum mitológico de níobe desde la poesía helenística a la literatura latina imperial.Sandra Plaza Salguero - 2022 - Argos 45:e0027.
    El relato mitológico de Níobe es un motivo constante en la literatura antigua que se remonta a la Ilíada de Homero. Así, esta primera referencia textual sobre Níobe ha sido reutilizada, remodelada e incluso reinterpretada a lo largo de los siglos hasta la literatura latina de época imperial. No solo nos referimos aquí al relato mítico, en términos de forma o contenido, sino también a la conexión entre el uso y función del propio episodio. Todo ello indica el dinamismo de (...)
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  13.  12
    Zu Agrippas caeruleum vexillum.Sandra Scheuble-Reiter - 2020 - História 69 (1):95.
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    Attentional Networks in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease.Sandra E. Black - unknown
    By combining a flanker task and a cuing task into a single paradigm, the authors assessed the effects of orienting and alerting on conflict resolution and explored how normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) modulate these attentional functions. Orienting failed to enhance conflict resolution; alerting was most beneficial for trials without conflict, as if acting on response criterion rather than on information processing. Alerting cues were most effective in the older groups— healthy aging and AD. Conflict resolution was impaired only (...)
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  15.  72
    Politics of Vulnerability and Responsibility for Ordinary Others.Sandra Laugier - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):207-223.
    The ethics of care has contributed to modifying a dominant conception of ethics and changed the way we conceive vulnerability. It has introduced ethical stakes into politics, weakening, through its critique of theories of justice, the seemingly obvious link between an ethics of justice and political liberalism. However, care corresponds to a quite ordinary reality: the fact that people look after one another, take care of one another and thus are responsible. The aim of this paper is to connect the (...)
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  16.  56
    Sexism or Fair Play.Sandra McCalla - 2019 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (2):259-273.
    It is true that not all women are born equal, and likewise, not all men are born equal, so before the game even starts, there are some athletes with longer legs, bigger hands and unusually high testosterone levels. These are natural properties and structures that have the potential to cause an unfair advantage. It is argued that since athletes are not born equal, natural properties should not be controlled or suppressed but ought to be considered as fair play in sports. (...)
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  17.  30
    Nous qui vivons dans le présent.Sandra Guigonis - 2010 - Cités 42 (2):89.
    Comment naît une rencontre? Comment cela commence-t-il? Et même, cela commence-t-il?Un jour cela est. Et c’est l’évidence même. Il y avait pourtant bien un avant. Et voilà que l’instant de la rencontre rend aux possibles, ouvre d’emblée la brèche qui fonde le présent de l’après en dessoclant cet autre présent qui est le présent de l’avant.Il est là l’instant, gueulait...
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  18.  62
    La canalización del dolor y el estancamiento del sufrimiento en Schopenhauer y De Quincey.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2011 - Discusiones Filosóficas 12 (18):107-123.
    E n e s t e a r t í c u l o s o n d e a r é , t a n t ol a c a n a l i z a c i ó n d e l d o l o r c o mo e lest ancami ent o del suf ri mi ent o en l ospensami ent os de Schopenhauer y DeQuincey, respectivamente. En el caso delliterato inglés veremos que es (...)
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  19.  13
    (1 other version)La Despersonalización Como Metafísica Vivencial de la Voluntad de Vivir.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2010 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 66:145-162.
    Este artículo sobre la despersonalización como metafísica vivencial de la voluntad de vivir deja de manifiesto que a través de fenómenos asociados a la despersonalización es posible vivenciar que no solo somos sujetos cognoscentes, sino que también en nuestra interioridad somos cosa en sí. A partir de esta vivencia sondearemos la posibilidad de hacernos autoconscientes de aquel noúmeno volente para captar la esencia íntima de las cosas, encarando a la voluntad, es decir, enfrentándose a uno mismo. He aquí cuando la (...)
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  20.  39
    Effects of consent form information on self-disclosure.Sandra T. Sigmon, Kelly J. Rohan, Diana Dorhofer, Lisa A. Hotovy, Peter C. Trask & Nina Boulard - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):299 – 310.
    When researchers encounter preexisting psychological distress in participants, ethical codes provide little guidance on how to balance issues of beneficence and autonomy. Although researchers may inform participants what will occur given responses indicating distress, this information may lead to biased self-reports. This important issue was addressed in this study by manipulating consent form information regarding the type of psychopathology to be assessed and various levels of possible follow-up. In comparing responses on self-report measures of anxiety, depression, and general psychological distress, (...)
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  21.  35
    Meaning as merging: The hermeneutics of reinterpreting King Lear in the light of the Hsiao-Ching.Sandra A. Wawrytko - 1986 - Philosophy East and West 36 (4):393-408.
  22.  41
    Peirce's Ultimate Logical Interpretant and Dynamical Object: A Pragmatic Perspective.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (2):195 - 210.
  23. The Greatest Difficulty for Plato’s Theory of Forms: the Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c—134c.Sandra Peterson - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):1-16.
  24.  41
    Praxeology and Agency in J. L. Austin.Sandra Laugier - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:151-172.
    Que chez J. L. Austin le langage soit action n’est pas nouveau. Il est toutefois important de comprendre – et cela est plus radical – comment l’introduction de l’idée des actes de langage transforme non seulement la conception du langage, mais la conception de l’action et fragilise conjointement la signification, et l’action. Chez Austin, c’est le triplet « acte de langage »/« échec »/« excuse » qui est central – j’essaierai à partir de cette articulation de montrer en quel sens, (...)
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  25.  31
    What is required to institutionalize Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal?Sandra Raponi - 2014 - Journal of International Political Theory 10 (3):302-324.
    Although Kant argues that a world republic with coercive public law is the only rational way to secure a lawful cosmopolitan condition, he states that it is an unachievable ideal, and he proposes a voluntary, non-coercive federation of states as a substitute. While some scholars have criticized Kant for moving away from this ideal due merely to pragmatic considerations, I argue that his rejection of a coercive world republic is based on his conception of state sovereignty and what is required (...)
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  26.  51
    Pragmatism's Shared Metaphysical Vision: A Symposium on Sandra B. Rosenthal's "Speculative Pragmatism".Andrew J. Reck, John E. Smith & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):341 - 380.
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  27.  12
    Conscience and Religious Freedom Division Marks Its First Anniversary with Action.Sandra H. Johnson - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):4-5.
    In January 2018, the Trump administration established the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights with the explicit goal of intensifying legal protection of religious and conscience objections in health care. The establishment of OCR’s new division illustrates the significant powers of administrative agencies to mold the substance of law without seeking legislative action. The mere formation of a division dedicated to protecting conscience rights is already having a significant impact; (...)
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  28.  12
    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.David G. Alpher, Sandra I. Cheldelin, Rom Harre, S. Ayse Kadayifici-Orellana, Joseph V. Montville, Marc H. Ross, Dennis J. D. Sandole, Peter N. Stearns, Lena Tan & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    (1 other version)¿Cómo logra Schopenhauer tomar conciencia de la voluntad en cuanto cosa en sí?Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:109-121.
    En este artículo sondearemos los modos de conciencia de un sujeto que intenta desencadenarse de la voluptuosidad y del dolor, dado que la conciencia que posibilita el descubrimiento de la voluntad en cuanto cosa en sí es fruto del éxtasis de su negación. Testimonios personales del filósofo aunados con referentes platónicos y kantianos entre la conciencia empírica y la mejor, ayudarán a esclarecer el desencadenamiento de la metafísica de la voluntad. In this article we shall delve into the conscience moods (...)
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    The metaphysical ecstasies in Schopenhauer's and De Quincey's thoughts.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (15):97 - 111.
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    Merleau-Ponty, Lewis and Kant.Patrick L. Bourgeois & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):13-23.
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  32. What Factors Influenced Young Adults to Vote in the 2020 Presidential Election?Hye-Young Yun & Sandra Graham - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    Using data drawn from a racially/ethnically diverse sample of participants ( N = 1,489; 52% female; Mage_T1: 18.10; 34% Latino, 21% White, 20% Asian, 11% Black, 11% multiracial/multiethnic, and 3% other), we conducted a binary logistic regression to identify which factors during adolescence and early adulthood were associated with voting behavior in the 2020 presidential election. There were three main findings. First, young adults who had more cross-racial/ethnic friendships and those who participated in volunteer activities during their senior year of (...)
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  33. O bioetičkoj edukaciji.Sandra Radenović - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (3):315-317.
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  34.  64
    C. I. Lewis and the Paradox of the Esthetic.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1971 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 20:95-115.
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    From the Phenomenology of Time Toward Process Metaphysics: Pragmatism and Heidegger.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1991 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 5 (3):161 - 179.
  36.  44
    Leadership: Toward New Philosophical Foundations.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 1995 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 14 (3):25-41.
  37.  11
    Logic and "Ontological Commitment": Lewis and Heidegger.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1995 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (4):247 - 255.
  38. The Pragmatic a Priori: A Study in the Epistemology of C. I. Lewis.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1977 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 13 (1):84-86.
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    The "world" of C. I. Lewis.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (4):589-597.
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    The 'Would-Be' Present of C. S. Peirce.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (3):155 - 162.
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  41.  28
    GARCÍA VARAS, Ana (ed.), Filosofía de la imagen. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2011.Sandra Santana - 2013 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 50:101-103.
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  42. Judaism and the Justification of Abortion for Nonmedical Reasons.B. Lubarsky Sandra - 1995 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman (eds.), Contemporary Jewish ethics and morality: a reader. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 392.
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    Strengthening Capacity for Human Research Protections: A Joint Initiative of Yale University, CIDEIM, and UniValle.Gloria I. Palma Sandra L. Alfano, Laura E. Piedrahita, Kathleen T. Uscinski - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (5):16.
    As an international IRB collaboration project, we set out to develop an approach to enhance the understanding of issues related to the conduct of human research with an international partner. While the larger project included two specific aims, the activities supporting the first aim are addressed in this paper—specifically, human research protection program capacity strengthening in Cali, Colombia, through the development of an infrastructure that supports the conduct of human research with appropriate protection of subjects and access to new resources (...)
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  44.  38
    Tom's Story: An Unethical Tale?Sandra Harrison - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (2):216-218.
  45. Crônica: fronteira da narrativa histórica.Sandra Jatahy Pesavento - forthcoming - História.
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  46. On Rhythmic Modes.Sandra Pinegar - 1994 - Theoria 8:73.
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  47.  18
    Visibilidad, invisibilidad y expresión: reflexiones en torno a la «ontología del sentir» propuesta por Merleau-Ponty.Sandra Pinardi - 2012 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 14:49-65.
    Este artículo indaga y reflexiona en torno a la «ontología del sentir» elaborada por Maurice Merleau-Ponty, especialmente sobre su noción de carne. Se procurará hacer evidente que la noción de carne es un intento radical de Merleau-Ponty para desarmar las nociones autónomas de sujeto elaboradas tanto por la modernidad filosófica como por la fenomenología, proponiendo en su lugar una noción «pasiva» de sujeto que está fundada en una primacía ontológica de la sensibilidad: en un Sensible en sí al que entiende (...)
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  48.  21
    Sinaida Michalskaja’s philosophical Windows.Sandra Plummer - 2014 - Philosophy of Photography 5 (1):2-18.
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  49. Comisión Provincial por la Memoria, presentación de Actividades.Sandra María Raggio & Laura Lenci - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):10 - 20.
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  50. Los relatos de la Noche de los Lápices: Modos de narrar el pasado reciente.Sandra María Raggio - 2011 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:10 - 8.
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