Results for 'Sara Leopold'

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    Polanyi's Reflections On Chomsky.Sara Leopold - 1984 - Tradition and Discovery 12 (2):3-15.
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    On the transcendental undercurrents of phenomenology: the case of the living body.Sara Heinämaa - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):237-257.
    Today the phenomenological concept of the lived body figures centrally in several philosophical and special scientific debates. In these wide and widening fields, the concept is used with multiple different meanings. In order to clarify and delineate the debates, this paper provides an explication of the phenomenological-transcendental methods. It argues that these methods help us remove the most fundamental ambiguities of the concept of embodiment by distinguishing between the main constituents of the lived body and by illuminating their mutual relations.
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    Social justice-oriented narratives in European urban food strategies: Bringing forward redistribution, recognition and representation.Sara A. L. Smaal, Joost Dessein, Barend J. Wind & Elke Rogge - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):709-727.
    More and more cities develop urban food strategies to guide their efforts and practices towards more sustainable food systems. An emerging theme shaping these food policy endeavours, especially prominent in North and South America, concerns the enhancement of social justice within food systems. To operationalise this theme in a European urban food governance context we adopt Nancy Fraser’s three-dimensional theory of justice: economic redistribution, cultural recognition and political representation. In this paper, we discuss the findings of an exploratory document analysis (...)
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    Development of a Model of Moral Distress in Military Nursing.Sara T. Fry, Rose M. Harvey, Ann C. Hurley & Barbara Jo Foley - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):373-387.
    The purpose of this article is to describe the development of a model of moral distress in military nursing. The model evolved through an analysis of the moral distress and military nursing literature, and the analysis of interview data obtained from US Army Nurse Corps officers (n = 13). Stories of moral distress (n = 10) given by the interview participants identified the process of the moral distress experience among military nurses and the dimensions of the military nursing moral distress (...)
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  5. What is rivalling during binocular rivalry?Nikos K. Logothetis, David A. Leopold & D. L. Sheinberg - 1996 - Nature 30 (6575):621-624.
  6.  36
    After Politics: Governing through Affect?Sara Baranzoni - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (1):120-142.
    This article analyses some of the governmental issues at stake in contemporary institutional politics in its confrontation with the challenges of digitalisation. Through notions such as algorithmic governmentality (Rouvroy and Berns), platformisation (Bratton, Stiegler), extractivism, and the affect theory (Massumi), and following a symptomatologic method, we will try to establish and discuss some key points that could be useful in order to update certain concepts regarding micro- and biopolitics (Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault), the public sphere, and the management of social (...)
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    Mindfulness meditation practice and executive functioning: Breaking down the benefit.Sara N. Gallant - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 40:116-130.
  8.  52
    Harlequin Resistance? Romance Novels as a Model for Resisting Objectification.Sara Kolmes & Matthew A. Hoffman - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1):30-41.
    Romance novels are primarily aimed at, written about, and written for women. They have been accused of being fantasies which feature sexually objectified heroines who are passive recipients of overwhelming masculine sexual energy. After shoring up these critiques of romance novels with A.W. Eaton’s account of how art can objectify its subjects, we examine a challenge to romance novels: does the sexual content in romance novels objectify its heroines? There is strong reason to think so. However, we argue that careful (...)
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  9. Wijsbegeerte der geschiedenis.Karel Leopold Bellon - 1953 - Antwerpen,: Standaard-Boekhandel.
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    The Neural Representation of a Repeated Standard Stimulus in Dyslexia.Sara D. Beach, Ola Ozernov-Palchik, Sidney C. May, Tracy M. Centanni, Tyler K. Perrachione, Dimitrios Pantazis & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The neural representation of a repeated stimulus is the standard against which a deviant stimulus is measured in the brain, giving rise to the well-known mismatch response. It has been suggested that individuals with dyslexia have poor implicit memory for recently repeated stimuli, such as the train of standards in an oddball paradigm. Here, we examined how the neural representation of a standard emerges over repetitions, asking whether there is less sensitivity to repetition and/or less accrual of “standardness” over successive (...)
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    Exploitative, irresistible, and coercive offers: why research participants should be paid well or not at all.Sara Belfrage - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (1):69-86.
    ABSTRACTThis paper begins with the assumption that it is morally problematic when people in need are offered money in exchange for research participation if the amount offered is unfair. Such offers are called ‘coercive’, and the degree of coerciveness is determined by the offer's potential to cause exploitation and its irresistibility. Depending on what view we take on the possibility to compensate for the sacrifices made by research participants, a wish to avoid ‘coercive offers’ leads to policy recommendations concerning payment (...)
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    El nacimiento de Dioniso en las "Bacantes" de Eurípides: la opinión de Cadmo y la de Tiresias.Sara Macías Otero - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:59-74.
    The main theme of Euripides’ Bacchae is Dionysus’ divinity and its recognition by the Thebans. The birth of Dionysus is a key point in the myth to determine that he is a god, consequently the playwright makes several of his characters mention it from different points of view. There are two versions clearly in conflict: on the one hand, Dionysus and his worshippers defend that he is a son of Zeus and, therefore, a god who must be venerated. On the (...)
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  13.  18
    Decolonising (critical) social theory: Enfleshing post-Covid futurities.Sara C. Motta - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 170 (1):58-77.
    Decolonial/anti-colonial Black, Indigenous and Mestiza feminist movements and scholar-activists foreground how the oft-touted apocalypse that the Covid-19 pandemic heralds is not new, nor does it signify the great rupture into chaos that those from within modernity-coloniality often claim it to be. Rather Covid-19 is preceded by and will be out-lived by the apocalyptic anti-life onto-epistemological logics that are foundational to the (re)production of hetero-patriarchal capitalist-(settler) coloniality. However, one would commit the violence of reproduction of the epistemological logics and (ir)rationalities constitutive (...)
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    Hands and faces: The expression of modality in ZEI, Iranian Sign Language.Sara Siyavoshi - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (4):655-686.
    This paper presents a study of modality in Iranian Sign Language (ZEI) from a cognitive perspective, aimed at analyzing two linguistic channels: facial and manual. While facial markers and their grammatical functions have been studied in some sign languages, we have few detailed analyses of the facial channel in comparison with the manual channel in conveying modal concepts. This study focuses on the interaction between manual and facial markers. A description of manual modal signs is offered. Three facial markers and (...)
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  15. Adaptive norm-based coding of face identity.Gill Rhodes & David Leopold - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
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    Traditionen und Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie: Festschrift für Rudolf Haller.Rudolf Haller, Wolfgang Leopold Gombocz, Heiner Rutte & Werner Sauer - 1989
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  17. Radioglaube an Gott.Adalbert Wenceslaus Heinrich Leopold Maria Sternberg - 1925 - Berlin,: Verlag für Kulturpolitik.
    Einleitung.--Der Mensch und das dynamische Spannungsnetz des Weltalls.--Kirche, Religion und Wissenschaft.--Geld, gold, papier und Bajonette!
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    Der Mensch als Mitmensch.Leopold von Wiese - 1964 - Bern,: Francke.
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    Das Soziale im Leben und im Denken.Leopold von Wiese - 1956 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
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  20.  26
    Fashioning Sufi: body politics of androgynous sacred aesthetics.Sara Shroff - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (3):407-419.
    Revered as the ‘Queen of Qawwali’ and ‘Queen of Sufi music’, sixty-seven-year-old Abida Parveen is a spiritual phenomenon who transcends gender while performing. She is known for her signature fashion style of buttoned-up masculine-cut kurta with matching shalwar and an ajrak shawl. Her aesthetic circulates within transnational and national fashion media and popular cultural spaces through descriptors such as androgynous, masculine, modest, indigenous and sacred. As a highly respected figure with widely circulating performances on both the national and international stages, (...)
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    Orientations.Sara Ahmed, Romain/Emma-Rose Bigé & Daphné Pons - 2021 - Multitudes 82 (1):197-203.
    Quel est l’étrange point commun qui réunit l’orientation spatiale, l’orientation sexuelle et l’orientalisme? Comment notre expérience intime de l’espace comme orienté et nos peurs de désorientation jouent-ils sur nos manières d’appréhender les dissidences de genre et de sexualité? Autant de questions que la phénoménologie de Sara Ahmed explore dans ce texte en s’interrogeant sur la manière dont les espaces que nous habitons redressent nos comportements et comment celleux qui désobéissent à cette rectitude sont lues comme étranges, obliques, bref : (...)
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    Bold Women, Bad Assets: Honour, Property and Techno-Promiscuities.Sara Shroff - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):62-78.
    In June 2016, Qandeel Baloch, a 26-year-old Pakistani social media star, was murdered. Her death sparked both public outrage and a policy debate around ‘honour killing’, digital rights and sex-positive sexuality across Pakistan and its diasporas. Qandeel challenged what constitutes a proper Pakistani woman, an authentic Baloch and a respectable digital citizen. As a national sex symbol, she failed at the gendered workings of respectable heterosexuality, and during her short lifetime she optimised this failure and public fetish as a technologically (...)
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    Charles S. Peirce and Religion: Biographic Elements and Main Writings.Sara Barrena - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-10.
    Peirce's relationship with religion, both in his personal life and in his thought, was deeper than has been considered so far. The question of God was for him more important than it might seem at first glance. His writings contain numerous references to religious issues, closely linked to his most important notions of philosophy and science. In this article, the most important biographical data to understand Peirce's relationship with religion are provided; his main notions about God are also examined and, (...)
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  24. Keeping it Intimate: A Meditation on the Power of Horror.Sara Beardsworth - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (1):127-131.
    The paper is a reading of Julia Kristeva, The Severed Head . It first interprets a dual historical element in Kristeva's text on "capital visions," her selection of exemplars of the artistic representation of severed heads. On the one hand, there are the aesthetic trajectories themselves, from skull art to artistic modernism. On the other hand, there is an implicit history of "horror" in psychoanalysis in this text, going from Freud through Lacan to Kristeva. The paper then indicates the tone (...)
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    The philosophical foundations of Kristeva's thought.Sara Beardsworth - unknown
    The critical reception of Kristeva's writings has largely been in the field of feminist thought, literary studies and social theory. Her thought has been appreciated or abandoned on the grounds of its argument that the concepts and practices of 'psychoanalysis' and 'literature' present the truth of modern social and political relations - in distinction from and criticism of philosophical 'system' . The thesis implicitly challenges this general reception of I (...)
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    The Logic of the History of Ideas and the Study of Comparative Political Theory.Sara R. Jordan & Cary J. Nederman - 2012 - Journal of the History of Ideas 73 (4):627-641.
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    Psychiatry as a medical discipline: Epistemological and theoretical issues.Sara Campolonghi & Luisa Orrù - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (4):300-311.
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    Planning later life with dementia: comparing family caregivers’ perspectives on biomarkers with laypersons’ attitudes towards genetic testing of dementia prediction.Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan, Leopold Lohmeyer & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - New Genetics and Society 39 (1):52-79.
    Predictive medicine presents opportunities to consider later life under conditions of illness, such as dementia. This paper examines how family caregivers (N = 27) assess the opportunity of prediction and early diagnosis of dementia for oneself based on their particular experience. Furthermore, it compares their attitudes with laypersons’ attitudes (N = 43) towards genetic testing of APOE. By this, we elaborate how much personal experience impacts anticipation and affects, but also moral attitudes towards predictive medicine. Differences in our settings do (...)
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    Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano di Vittorio Alfieri: ricognizione critica e nuove prospettive.Sara Gallegati - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):241-249.
    Il contributo propone una ricognizione della critica sul Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano di Vittorio Alfieri dai primi decenni del Novecento fino gli anni Duemila. L’opera è stata considerata a lungo alla stregua di un esercizio letterario, e solo a partire dagli anni ‘80 del Novecento, grazie agli studi di Giuseppe Rando, ne è stato riconosciuto il valore politico e storico all’interno dell’opera alfieriana. Attraverso il presente studio si cercherà pertanto di offrire una panoramica della critica dell’opera, analizzando l’evoluzione degli (...)
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  30. Adaptation to complex visual patterns in humans and monkeys.David A. Leopold & Bondar & Igor - 2005 - In Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.), Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision. Oxford University Press.
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    Gehirne und Personen.Martina Fürst, Wolfgang Leopold Gombocz & Christian Hiebaum (eds.) - 2008 - ontos.
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  32. ha-Tsevirah ha-yotseret.Leopold Götz - 1951 - [Tel-Aviv]:
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    Arische Religion.Leopold von Schroeder & Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - 1914 - Leipzig,: H. Haessel.
    1. Bd. Einleitung. Der altarische Himmelsgott, das höchste gute Wesen. -- 2. Bd. Naturverehrung und Lebensfeste.
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  34. Systematic Sociology.Leopold von Wiese - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (32):497-498.
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    Relational Economy.Sara Mandray - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (2):271-285.
    Muhammad Yunus, Franck Riboud, Grameen Danone, those are some names and projects that may come to mind when thinking about social entrepreneurship. But what about Paul of Tarsus, John Chrysostom or Basil of Caesarea? In this theoretical article, we propose to revisit the ancient notion of oikonomia. Greek philosophers and after them the Church Fathers have drawn for more than twelve centuries the contours of this notion. In the light of their works, we consider the promise of an economy that (...)
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    Moral distress among undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice: A scoping review.Sara Soares dos Santos, Simone de Godoy, Agostinho A. C. Araújo, Diego Santiago Montandon, Ítalo Rodolfo Silva, Chris Gastmans & Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: The ethical challenges faced by undergraduate nursing students and nurses may lead to moral distress, negatively affecting learning capacity and self-confidence and potentially influencing the quality of patient care. Objective: To examine the state of knowledge regarding the moral distress among undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice. Methods: This scoping review followed JBI guidelines. First, the LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PubMed/MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and ProQuest databases were consulted. Next, the reference lists of the studies included in the (...)
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    Meaning in a Changing Context: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Authorial Revision.Sara Miglietti - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (4):474-494.
    SummaryIn this article, I seek to develop a genetic/diachronic approach to the phenomenon of authorial revision, and to the interpretation of texts that exist in multiple versions. In all such cases, the reconstruction of textual meaning cannot be separated from the reconstruction of the process through which the text in its ‘final’ form came into being; furthermore, an understanding of the author's intentions in (re)writing cannot be entirely separated from an understanding of his/her motives for (re)writing. This article is divided (...)
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  38.  17
    Impossible Labour History: Solidarity Dreams and Antiblack Subsumption.Sara-Maria Sorentino - 2024 - Oxford Literary Review 46 (1):49-74.
    Labour, for capitalist critique, is not just slavery analogised; it is slavery materialised and expanded. Across the Marxist terrain, class struggle is presupposed by the struggle not to be a slave: the struggle of ‘the worker’ combats a slavery simultaneously more complex, because it is more mediated, and implicitly more emancipatory, because it materialises what has been called ‘objective possibility’. In this article, I track symptoms of the sublation of slavery by labour in the telling of ‘new labour history’ and (...)
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    The Censor as Reader: Censorial Responses to Bodin's Methodus in Counter-Reformation Italy.Sara Miglietti - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (5):707-721.
    SUMMARYThis essay investigates censorial responses to Jean Bodin's Methodus in Counter-Reformation Italy, using evidence from Italian libraries and archives to shed new light on the process that led to the inclusion of the work in the Roman Expurgatory Index of 1607. By examining the diverse, and sometimes conflicting, opinions that Catholic censors expressed on Bodin's text and the ‘errors’ it contained, the essay shows that even a relatively cohesive ‘reading community’ such as that of Counter-Reformation censors could nurture fundamental disagreement (...)
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    Reasoning in transition: Inner dialogue and communication.Sara Greco Morasso - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):535-546.
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    Comparison of Weighted Lag Adaptive LASSO with Autometrics for Covariate Selection and Forecasting Using Time-Series Data.Sara Muhammadullah, Amena Urooj, Faridoon Khan, Mohammed N. Alshahrani, Mohammed Alqawba & Sanaa Al-Marzouki - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    In order to reduce the dimensionality of parameter space and enhance out-of-sample forecasting performance, this research compares regularization techniques with Autometrics in time-series modeling. We mainly focus on comparing weighted lag adaptive LASSO with Autometrics, but as a benchmark, we estimate other popular regularization methods LASSO, AdaLASSO, SCAD, and MCP. For analytical comparison, we implement Monte Carlo simulation and assess the performance of these techniques in terms of out-of-sample Root Mean Square Error, Gauge, and Potency. The comparison is assessed with (...)
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    Raimondo Lullo: opere e vita straordinaria di un grande pensatore medievale.Sara Muzzi - 2016 - Milano (Italy): Edizioni Terra Santa.
    Raimondo Lullo (1232-1316) è una figura poliedrica, difficile da cogliere nella sua complessità. Un autore lontano nel tempo ma di sorprendente attualità, soprattutto nel suo essere "uomo del Mediterraneo" i cui orizzonti culturali spaziarono dall'una all'altra delle sue sponde e delle sue civiltà. Dopo aver riconosciuto e descritto ciò che le religioni del Libro avevano in comune e in cosa differivano, Lullo cercò di realizzare un dialogo basato non sulla loro uguaglianza, ma su una parità che deriva dalla dignità personale (...)
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    Bilder der Präzision: Praktiken der Verfeinerung in Technik, Kunst und Wissenschaft.Matthias Bruhn & Sara Hillnhütter (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Präzision ist ein Schlüsselbegriff in Technik, Kunst und Wissenschaft, der in enger Verbindung mit Verfahren der Messung und Feinmechanik steht, aber auch die Schärfe sprachlicher Begriffsbildung oder die Synchronisation tänzerischer Bewegungen beschreiben kann. Die Wissenschaftsgeschichte zeigt, dass der Bedarf nach grösstmöglicher Präzision auch die Widersprüche von Messung und Modell, Versuch und Vorhersage in sich aufgenommen hat - abweichende Messergebnisse wurden so zum eigentlichen Beleg für die Genauigkeit einer Methode und den Bedarf ihrer weiteren Raffinierung. Der interdisziplinäre Blick auf verschiedene Felder (...)
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    Cues trigger depiction schemas for robots, as they do for human identities.Eliott K. Doyle & Sara D. Hodges - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e27.
    Clark and Fischer's three levels of depiction of social robots can be conceptualized as cognitive schemas. When interacting with social robots, humans shift between schemas similarly to how they shift between identity category schemas when interacting with other humans. Perception of mind, context cues, and individual differences underlie perceptions of which level of depiction is most situationally relevant.
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    “Your risk is low, because …”: argument-driven online genetic counselling.Uwe Hartung, Sara Rubinelli & Peter J. Schulz - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (3):199-214.
    Advances in genetic research have created the need to inform consumers. Yet, the communication of hereditary risk and of the options for how to deal with it is a difficult task. Due to the abstract nature of genetics, people tend to overestimate or underestimate their risk. This paper addresses the issue of how to communicate risk information on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer through an online application. The core of the paper illustrates the design of OPERA, a risk assessment instrument (...)
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    Citation Index.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson (ed.), Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 239-244.
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    Ethics of Mathematical Modeling in Public Health: The Case of Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Africa.Stuart Rennie, Sara Levintow, Adam Gilbertson & Winnie Kavulani Luseno - 2024 - Public Health Ethics 17 (3):125-138.
    Mathematical modelling has played an increasingly prominent role in public health responses, for example by offering estimates of how infectious disease incidence over time may be affected by the adoption of certain policies and interventions. In this paper, we call for greater research and reflection into the ethics of mathematical modeling in public health. First, we present some promising ways of framing the ethics of mathematical modeling that have been offered in the very few publications specifically devoted to this subject. (...)
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    Priesthood: A Comparative Study.Johannes Renger & Leopold Sabourin - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):117.
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    Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā der Maitrāyaṇīya śākhāMaitrayani Samhita der Maitrayaniya sakha.Ludo Rocher & Leopold von Schroeder - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):572.
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    Solidarity and Theories of Collective Action.Sara Rachel Chant - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 82:106-122.
    The concept of solidarity is of central importance to the political sense of collective action. But it is a curious fact that solidarity is virtually unmentioned across the large and growing literature in philosophical collective action theory. Instead, we see discussions of collective action overwhelmingly focus on epistemic conditions and group-level correlates of individual action explanations such as collective intentions, collective beliefs, and so on. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the relationship between solidarity and collective action theory. (...)
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