Results for 'Savani Bartholdy'

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  1.  20
    Task-Based and Questionnaire Measures of Inhibitory Control Are Differentially Affected by Acute Food Restriction and by Motivationally Salient Food Stimuli in Healthy Adults.Savani Bartholdy, Jiumu Cheng, Ulrike Schmidt, Iain C. Campbell & Owen G. O'Daly - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Personality traits and complex problem solving: Personality disorders and their effects on complex problem-solving ability.Ulrike Kipman, Stephan Bartholdy, Marie Weiss, Wolfgang Aichhorn & Günter Schiepek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Complex problem solving can be interpreted as the number of psychological mechanisms that allow us to reach our targets in difficult situations, that can be classified as complex, dynamic, non-transparent, interconnected, and multilayered, and also polytelic. The previous results demonstrated associations between the personality dimensions neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion and problem-solving performance. However, there are no studies dealing with personality disorders in connection with CPS skills. Therefore, the current study examines a clinical sample consisting of people with personality and/or depressive (...)
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    Are There Advantages to Believing in Fate? The Belief in Negotiating With Fate When Faced With Constraints.Evelyn W. M. Au & Krishna Savani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Do You Always Choose What You Like? Subtle Social Cues Increase Preference-Choice Consistency among Japanese But Not among Americans.Yukiko Uchida, Krishna Savani, Hidefumi Hitokoto & Koichi Kaino - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Applicants’ Fairness Perceptions of Algorithm-Driven Hiring Procedures.Maude Lavanchy, Patrick Reichert, Jayanth Narayanan & Krishna Savani - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics.
    Despite the rapid adoption of technology in human resource departments, there is little empirical work that examines the potential challenges of algorithmic decision-making in the recruitment process. In this paper, we take the perspective of job applicants and examine how they perceive the use of algorithms in selection and recruitment. Across four studies on Amazon Mechanical Turk, we show that people in the role of a job applicant perceive algorithm-driven recruitment processes as less fair compared to human only or algorithm-assisted (...)
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  6.  29
    Implicit Morality Theories: Employees’ Beliefs About the Malleability of Moral Character Shape Their Workplace Behaviors.Zhiyu Feng, Fong Keng-Highberger, Hu Li & Krishna Savani - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):193-216.
    Implicit morality theories refer to people’s beliefs about whether individuals’ moral character is fixed or malleable. Drawing on the social cognitive theory of morality, we examine the relationship between employees’ implicit morality theories and their organizational citizenship behaviors toward coworkers (OCBC) and coworker-directed deviance (CDD) through a moral self-regulatory mechanism. A laboratory experiment (Study 1), an online experiment (Study 2), and a multi-wave, multi-source field survey (Study 3) found that the more employees held a fixed belief about morality, the lower (...)
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  7. "Allerhöchste Allgemeinheit" und "genaueste Bestimmtheit" musikalischer Bedeutungen. Ein Versuch, die Paradoxa Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys, Arthur Schopenhauers und Susanne Langers aufzulösen.Krzysztof Guczalski - 2003 - International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 34 (2):103-126.
    In The World as Will and Representation (Vol. I, Book 3, § 52) by Arthur Schopenhauer we find the following, striking words: It is just this universality that belongs uniquely to music, together with the most precise distinctness, that gives it that high value as the panacea of all our sorrows. (p. 262) Accordingly, music ... is in the highest degree a universal language ... Yet its universality is by no means that empty universality of abstraction, but is of quite (...)
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  8.  42
    Fra Leopold Ranke ed Eduard Gans. Un autografo inedito di Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy dalle lezioni rankiane del 1827 sulla Rivoluzione Francese.Corrado Bertani - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):709-730.
    Between Leopold Ranke and Eduard Gans - Certain circumstances and stylistic considerations lead us to believe that the manuscript MS. 114 in the Mendelssohn Archive at the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin is evidence of a course in "Contemporary History" held by Leopold Ranke at the city’s university in the summer term of 1827. The course was on the chronological history of the French Revolution. Ranke had already dealt with the same subject the year before, though in a less detailed manner. And (...)
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  9.  24
    Colloque «les savanis et l'épistémologie vers la fin du XIXe siècle ».Editors Revue de Synthèse - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (1-2):281.
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  10.  20
    "Ancient music – Historical singing" ("Alte Musick – Historischer Gesang") in German Music Universities.Круглова Е.В - 2023 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 2:12-26.
    The article is devoted to the actual problem of historically grounded performance of Baroque vocal music by academic vocalists. Listening activity, the demand for ancient music in Russia raises issues for performers that need to be resolved within the framework of historical performance practice. To fulfill all the conditions, it becomes important to receive an appropriate specialized education. In Russia, little attention is paid to the professional training of academic vocalists in the field of historical singing or baroque singing, whereas (...)
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  11.  15
    Early German Romanticism: Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis.Ernst Behler - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder, A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 68–82.
    The word “romanticism” designates in German as in other European languages a broad movement in literature that originated at the beginning of the nineteenth century and has often been characterized as an opposition to the preceding age of rationalism and Enlightenment. Situated between the classicist schools of taste of the previous century and the realistic and naturalistic trends in literature of the later nineteenth century, Romanticism or romantic literature is the product of the creative power of the imagination; it appeals (...)
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  12.  25
    Weltanschauungsmusik.Hermann Danuser - 2009 - [Schliengen]: Ed. Argus.
    Einleitung. Auftakt ; Welt, Anschauung, Weltanschauung : Begriffshorizonte für Musik ; Weltanschauung und Kunst ; Der Begriff "Weltanschauung" ; Zur Konzeption des Buches : Ästhetisch-kulturelle Inbilder der Moderne ; Ästhetische und gesellschaftlische Moderne -- Gemeinschaft. Eine Idee und ihre Korruption : zur Einführung ; Das Finale von Beethovens neunter Symphonie -- Bildung. Anagogische Formationen : zur Einführung ; Symphonische Mythen bei Franz Liszt ; Musiklyrische Schicksalsformen bei Johannes Brahms -- Religion. Religion, Nation, Kunst : zur Einführung ; Geistliche Weltanschauungmusik von (...)
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  13.  12
    Schicksal und Geschichte: Antigone im Spiegel der Deutungen und Gestaltungen seit Hegel und Hölderlin.Otto Pöggeler - 2004 - Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
    In der deutschen Geistesgeschichte wurde seit Hegel und Hölderlin die Geschichte als tragischer Prozess verstanden. Ein Drama wie die Antigone des Sophokles sollte als das vollkommenste Werk der Kunst die griechische Deutung des Miteinanders der Menschen und der Götter zeigen. Hegel legte aber dar, dass die Antigone mit den Reigen ihrer Chöre auf einer modernen Bühne nicht aufführbar sei. Doch zehn Jahre nach seinem Tod dirigierte sein Hörer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Potsdam und Berlin seine Vertonung der Antigone. Hölderlins Sophokles-Übertragungen (...)
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  14.  94
    Hybrid Elections Broaden Complexity-Theoretic Resistance to Control.Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra & Jörg Rothe - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (4):397-424.
    Electoral control refers to attempts by an election's organizer to influence the outcome by adding/deleting/partitioning voters or candidates. The important paper of Bartholdi, Tovey, and Trick [1] that introduces control proposes computational complexity as a means of resisting control attempts: Look for election systems where the chair's task in seeking control is itself computationally infeasible.We introduce and study a method of combining two or more candidate-anonymous election schemes in such a way that the combined scheme possesses all the resistances to (...)
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  15.  44
    (1 other version)Ernst Friedrich Albert Baur - ein Beitrag zum liberal-konservativen Pfarrerbild im 19. Jahrhundert.Christian Homrichhausen - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (1):239-260.
    E. Fr. A. Baur repräsentiert einen durch die Berliner Erwedtung, die Befreiungskriege und die in Schleiermacher, Fries und Fichte idealistisch gebrochene Aufklärung geprägten Frömmigkeitstypus. Schönheit, gefühlsmäßiges Erleben, Selbstreflexion und die Geschichtlidikeit der Gotteserfahrung sind der Bezugsrahmen für die religiöse Erfahrung, inhaltlich bestimmt durch die in der kirchenmusikalisdien Reformbewegung relgiös-ästhetisdie Stimmung von politischem Aufbruch, Patriotismus, christozentrischer Kirdilichkeit und mittelbarer Abhängigkeit vom Universum. In der erwecklidivermittlungstheologischen Predigt soll die Gemeinde in diesen Erfahrungen weitergeführt werden. Der Freiheitsgedanke und der Patriotismus werden von A. (...)
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  16.  18
    Rechtsordnung Und Ethik der Solidarität: Der Strafrechtler Und Philosoph Arthur Baumgarten.Gerd Irrlitz - 2008 - Akademie Verlag.
    In dieser Monographie wird, beginnend mit einem biographischen und zeitgeschichtlichen Grundriss, zum ersten Mal das umfangreiche strafrechtliche, rechtsphilosophische und philosophische Gesamtwerk Arthur Baumgartens dargestellt. Baumgarten war im Jahr seiner bei Franz v. Liszt verteidigten Dissertation nach Genf berufen worden und lehrte in Köln, Basel, Frankfurt/M. und Berlin. Von der dreiteiligen "Wissenschaft vom Recht" urteilte Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy im "Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts", hier sei die Jurisprudenz auf Philosophie gegründet, und die Lehre Baumgartens werde neben Stammler und Nelson die stärkste (...)
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  17. Darwin's legacy. [REVIEW]Nathalie Gontier - 2010 - Theory in Biosciences 63.
    The year 2009 has been a year of numerous commemorations of both scientific and non-scientific achievements that contributed to the advancement of human kind. Protestants celebrated the 500th anniversary of the birth of Calvin; literary critics celebrated the 200th anniversary of the poet Edgar Allan Poe; and the musical genius Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was also born 200 years ago. 2009 further marked the bicentennial of the birth of Louis Braille, the inventor of Braille; and Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of (...)
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