Results for 'Savino Pezzotta'

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  1. Non violenza.Savino Pezzotta - 2007 - Studium 103 (1):11-17.
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    Connecting sites and images: Archeology as controversial knowledge in modern İzmir.Melania Savino - 2017 - History of Science 55 (3):364-382.
    In Turkey, the period after the establishment of the Republic saw archeological representations play an active role in defining the ancient past and producing new disciplinary knowledge. Visual practices emerged as important sites for the formation of a new conception of the ancient past in the larger context of the political and cultural discourse over the modernization of the country. Based on museum guidebooks, official publications, and archival documents, this paper focuses on the İzmir region after the establishment of the (...)
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    The Gift of Desire: The “inner voice” between Neuroscience and Theory of Attachment.Anna Daniela Savino - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):105-121.
    What is profoundly under question, especially today, in the aftermath of the pandemic, is on one hand the phenomenon of desire, on the other hand the experience and capability of desiring of the human being. Taking a look at the social situation of the country – recalling first the investigation of the 44th Censis Report 2010, the contents of which in some ways are re-proposed in a naturally volved way in the following one of 2020 –, we are given an (...)
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    The norm of Political moral: the intellectual project of Antonio Gramsci.Giovann Savino - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (2):84-96.
    In the present paper we analyze the formation and the development of Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician, ideas during and after the 1917 Russian revolution. Beginning as journalist and militant in the Italian Socialist Party Turin branch, Gramsci saw in the revolutionary events in Russia the presence of the working class' "strength”, as the main actor in transforming the society in a "collective body”. After 1917, during the "Biennio rosso” in 1919-1920, Gramsci was the chief redactor of "Ordine Nuovo” review, (...)
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  5. Francesco Acri: la fortuna e l'opera.Savino Blasucci - 1992 - Bari: Laterza.
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    Il pensiero politico di Aristotele.Savino Blasucci - 1977 - Bari: Edizioni Levante.
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  7. Leopardi e la sua "carica conoscitiva".Savino Blasucci - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):329-342.
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  8. La fortuna e l'opera di Francesco Acri.Savino Blasucci - 1991 - Filosofia Oggi 14 (55):405-418.
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  9. L'ironia in Socrate e in Platone.Savino Blasucci - 1969 - Trani,: Vecchi.
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  10. La sapienza di Socrate.Savino Blasucci - 1970 - Miscellanea Francescana 70 (4):329-347.
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  11. Nietzsche e Socrate: significato di una polemica.Savino Blasucci - 1983 - Bari: Levante.
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    Hints for a formal language inspired by Lewis structures.Savino Longo - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 24 (3):315-330.
    Summary In this work we elaborate on the idea of a formal theory for a limited but important part of structural chemistry, that described by Lewis’ methods and VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion). For this purpose, recursive functions and propositional functions are defined, that apply to formal expressions of the structure, based on a finite set of symbols. This approach allows for the expression of numerous questions of chemical interest. The formalization of basic structural chemistry based on Lewis/VSEPR method (...)
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    Loss of Creation and its Recovery Through Aquinas and Bonaventure.Sister Damien Marie Savino & John P. Hittinger - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1067):5-21.
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    Manus, quae supplevit, inscripsit scholia Theophili Protospatharii. Galien, Théophile et le commentaire mélange aux Aphorismes d’Hippocrate.Christina Savino - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):1025-1040.
    Galen’s commentary on the Hippocratic Aphorisms is transmitted by a large amount of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. Some of them remarkably display a “mixed” text, in which Galen’s commentary is combined with passages from the later commentator Theophilus. Most important among these is the Marc. gr. V 9 (coll. 1017), which inserts two large passages by Theophilus into the Galenic commentary (i. e. VI 1-38; VII 12-73). Both of them were copied by the late physician and student of John Argyropoulos (...)
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    Neuroestetica: bellezza, arte e cervello.Angela Savino - 2020 - Palermo: Nuova Ipsa editore. Edited by Ottavio De Clemente.
    Il testo si apre con una breve descrizione divulgativa della biologia della visione, dalla percezione delle linee complesse ai colori, e di come questa si sia evoluta nel corso dei millenni, da meccanismo pro-sopravvivenza legato all'analisi dell’ambiente naturale e dei propri simili, a strumento di valutazione e apprezzamento della composizione artistica. Indaga le analogie tra lo sviluppo del cervello nei bambini affetti da disturbi dello spettro affettivo e relazionale (autismo) e le rappresentazioni iconografiche degli uomini primitivi, dal paleolitico al neolitico. (...)
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    Paläographische Beobachtungen zum galenischen Kodex Marc. gr. App. V 10 (coll. 1444).Christina Savino - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (1):153-162.
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    Point defect-dislocation interaction in a crystal under tension.E. J. Savino - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (2):323-340.
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    Recentiores non deteriores: Indagine sui manoscritti recenti del Contra Iulianum di Cirillo Alessandrino.Christina Savino - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (2):223-241.
    The manuscript tradition of Cyril of Alexandria’s apologetical work Contra Iulianum consists altogether of fourteen codices; among these, six are late exemplars of the Renaissance, characterized by a very contaminated text. Despite their limited value for the constitutio textus, they seem to be fundamental to reconstructing the history of the text itself. This philological investigation clearly shows that the six recentiores have to be considered as a group; provides information and details about them – concerning scribes, owners and genesis – (...)
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    Senso mistico e senso letterale nel Commento a Giobbe di Nachmanide.Daniele Savino - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:105-131.
    Il _ Commento al Libro di Giobbe _ di Mosè Nachmanide rappresenta un ideale corollario antropologico ed escatologico al suo imponente _ Commento alla Torah _. Esponente di spicco della comunità ebraica di Gerona e della locale scuola cabalistica, dove agli insegnamenti del provenzale Isacco il Cieco si associano elementi provenienti dalla tradizione talmudica, ellenistica e araba, Nachmanide propone una lettura esoterico-cabalistica di _ Giobbe _ volta a confutare l’apparente inconciliabilità ontologica tra l’esperienza del dolore individuale e l’ordine di un (...)
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  20. The matrixes of the expressive discourse in the'Essai Sur l'Origine des Langues' by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.D. Savino - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (4):593-625.
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    Un Excerptum del Quod Animi Mores di Galeno trascritto da Poliziano (clm 807, ff. 74v–75v). Edizione, traduzione e commento. [REVIEW]Christina Savino - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (1):54-77.
    Among the witnesses of Galen’s Quod animi mores has been not yet employed the excerptum contained in the miscellaneous codex of Munich Clm 807, written in 1491 by the well-known humanist Angelo Poliziano. This excerptum seems to depend on the same model as the 1525 editio princeps, the so–called Aldina, which is currently supposed to be lost. It thus represents the only instrument of control for this traditional branch as well as a precious witness to the interest aroused by this (...)
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    Let's talk about our “being”: A linguistic-based ontology framework for coordinating agents.Maria Teresa Pazienza, Savino Sguera & Armando Stellato - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (3-4):305-332.
    In open scenarios, agents willing to cooperate must impact the communication barrier between them and their unknown partners. If agents are not relying on any agreement about the meaning they ascribe to the symbols used in the conversation, semantic misalignments will arise on the discourse domain as well, thus making the communication impossible. In wide and heterogeneous scenarios offered by the Web (and its newborn semantic incarnation), traditional and meaning-safe methodologies for communication need to keep abreast of new dynamic communicative (...)
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  23. 3. Atheistic Science: The only Option?F. Sr Damien Marie Savino - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (4).
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    Heidegger, Afropessimism, and the Harlem Renaissance: An Interview with Calvin Warren.Calvin Warren, Michelle E. Banks, Robert Savino Oventile & Yuliana Samson - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):112-121.
    Abstract:Calvin Warren talks about Heidegger's influence on Afropessimism, and about the philosophical significance of the Harlem Renaissance.
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  25. .Traduzione E. Note di Angelo Pupi & Note Rivedute da Daniele Savino - 1989 - In Johann Georg Hamann (ed.), Lettere. Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Savino Blasucci, Socrate. Saggio sugli aspetti costruttivi dell'ironia. Milano, Marzorati, 1972. 15 × 21, 247 p.Jean-Claude Margolin - 1974 - Revue de Synthèse 95 (73-74):86-87.
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    New perspectives on the Historia Augusta- (e.) savino ricerche sull’ Historia Augusta. Pp. XII + 341, b/w & colour ills. Naples: Naus editoria, 2017. Paper, €50. Isbn: 978-88-7478-049-5. - (D.) rohrbacher the play of allusion in the Historia Augusta. Pp. XIV + 246. Madison, wi and London: The university of wisconsin press, 2016. Paper, us$65. Isbn: 978-0-299-30600-7. [REVIEW]Martin Shedd - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):480-484.
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