Results for 'Scherzer Otmar'

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  1.  39
    A Study of Theory of Mind in Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Theory or Many Theories?Peter Scherzer, Edith Leveillé, André Achim, Emilie Boisseau & Emmanuel Stip - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Evidence from paranoid schizophrenia for more than one component of theory of mind.Peter Scherzer, André Achim, Edith Léveillé, Emilie Boisseau & Emmanuel Stip - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    21. Sterben und Tod im Alter.Reinhard Schmitz-Scherzer - 1994 - In Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Alter Und Altern: Ein Interdisziplinärer Studientext Zur Gerontologie. De Gruyter. pp. 544-562.
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  4. The Church and Healing.Carl J. Scherzer - 1950
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  5. Generic trees.Otmar Spinas - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (3):705-726.
    We continue the investigation of the Laver ideal ℓ 0 and Miller ideal m 0 started in [GJSp] and [GRShSp]; these are the ideals on the Baire space associated with Laver forcing and Miller forcing. We solve several open problems from these papers. The main result is the construction of models for $t , where add denotes the additivity coefficient of an ideal. For this we construct amoeba forcings for these forcings which do not add Cohen reals. We show that (...)
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  6.  23
    Partition numbers.Otmar Spinas - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 90 (1-3):243-262.
    We continue [21] and study partition numbers of partial orderings which are related to /fin. In particular, we investigate Pf, be the suborder of /fin)ω containing only filtered elements, the Mathias partial order M, and , ω the lattice of partitions of ω, respectively. We show that Solomon's inequality holds for M and that it consistently fails for Pf. We show that the partition number of is C. We also show that consistently the distributivity number of ω is smaller than (...)
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    Silver Antichains.Otmar Spinas & Marek Wyszkowski - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):503-519.
    In this paper we investigate the structure of uncountable maximal antichains of Silver forcing and show that they have to be at least of size d, where d is the dominating number. Part of this work can be used to show that the additivity of the Silver forcing ideal has size at least the unbounding number b. It follows that every reasonable amoeba Silver forcing adds a dominating real.
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    Dominating projective sets in the Baire space.Otmar Spinas - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (3):327-342.
    We show that every analytic set in the Baire space which is dominating contains the branches of a uniform tree, i.e. a superperfect tree with the property that for every splitnode all the successor splitnodes have the same length. We call this property of analytic sets u-regularity. However, we show that the concept of uniform tree does not suffice to characterize dominating analytic sets in general. We construct a dominating closed set with the property that for no uniform tree whose (...)
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  9. Analytic countably splitting families.Otmar Spinas - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):101-117.
    A family A ⊆ ℘(ω) is called countably splitting if for every countable $F \subseteq [\omega]^{\omega}$ , some element of A splits every member of F. We define a notion of a splitting tree, by means of which we prove that every analytic countably splitting family contains a closed countably splitting family. An application of this notion solves a problem of Blass. On the other hand we show that there exists an $F_{\sigma}$ splitting family that does not contain a closed (...)
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  10.  25
    No Tukey reduction of Lebesgue null to Silver null sets.Otmar Spinas - 2018 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 18 (2):1850011.
    We prove that consistently the Lebesgue null ideal is not Tukey reducible to the Silver null ideal. This contrasts with the situation for the meager ideal which, by a recent result of the author, Spinas [Silver trees and Cohen reals, Israel J. Math. 211 473–480] is Tukey reducible to the Silver ideal.
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    Canonical behavior of borel functions on superperfect rectangles.Otmar Spinas - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (2):173-220.
    We describe a list of canonical functions from 2 to ℝ such that every Borel measurable function from 2 to ℝ, on some superperfect rectangle, induces the same equivalence relation as some canonical function.
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    Kopfwelten: was ist wahr an unserer Wahrnehmung?Otmar Bucher - 2011 - Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
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  13. The Global System between Integration and Fragmentation.Otmar Holl - 2007 - In Ewa Czerwińska-Schupp (ed.), Values and Norms in the Age of Globalization. Peter Lang. pp. 1--30.
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  14.  31
    How can striate vision contribute to the detection of objects within a homonymous visual field defect?Otmar Meienberg - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):455.
  15.  18
    Die Προϑεωρία des Theodoretos von Kyrrhos zur Έλλη- νιϰω̃ν ϑεραπεντιϰη παϑημάτων.Otmar Schissel - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    VIII.Lollianos aus Ephesos.Otmar Schissel - 1927 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 82 (1-4):183-203.
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    Additivity of the two-dimensional Miller ideal.Otmar Spinas & Sonja Thiele - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (6):617-658.
    Let ${{\mathcal J}\,(\mathbb M^2)}$ denote the σ-ideal associated with two-dimensional Miller forcing. We show that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the additivity of ${{\mathcal J}\,(\mathbb M^2)}$ is bigger than the covering number of the ideal of the meager subsets of ω ω. We also show that Martin’s Axiom implies that the additivity of ${{\mathcal J}\,(\mathbb M^2)}$ is 2 ω .Finally we prove that there are no analytic infinite maximal antichains in any finite product of ${\mathfrak{P}{(\omega)}/{\rm fin}}$.
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    Countable filters on ω.Otmar Spinas - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):469-478.
    Two countable filters on ω are incompatible if they have no common infinite pseudointersection. Letting α(P f ) denote the minimal size of a maximal uncountable family of pairwise incompatible countable filters on ω, we prove the consistency of t $.
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  19. The Covering Numbers of Some Mycielski Ideals May Be Different.Otmar Spinas - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-26.
    We show that in the Silver model the inequality $\mathrm {cov}(\mathfrak {C} _2) < \mathrm {cov}(\mathfrak {P}_2)$ holds true, where $\mathfrak {C}_2$ and $\mathfrak {P}_2$ are the two-dimensional Mycielski ideals.
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    Antichains of perfect and splitting trees.Paul Hein & Otmar Spinas - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (3-4):367-388.
    We investigate uncountable maximal antichains of perfect trees and of splitting trees. We show that in the case of perfect trees they must have size of at least the dominating number, whereas for splitting trees they are of size at least \\), i.e. the covering coefficient of the meager ideal. Finally, we show that uncountable maximal antichains of superperfect trees are at least of size the bounding number; moreover we show that this is best possible.
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  21.  55
    Independence and consistency proofs in quadratic form theory.James E. Baumgartner & Otmar Spinas - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1195-1211.
  22.  55
    Dominating and unbounded free sets.Slawomir Solecki & Otmar Spinas - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):75-80.
    We prove that every analytic set in ω ω × ω ω with σ-bounded sections has a not σ-bounded closed free set. We show that this result is sharp. There exists a closed set with bounded sections which has no dominating analytic free set, and there exists a closed set with non-dominating sections which does not have a not σ-bounded analytic free set. Under projective determinacy analytic can be replaced in the above results by projective.
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  23.  26
    Mad spectra.Saharon Shelah & Otmar Spinas - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (3):901-916.
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    Different covering numbers of compact tree ideals.Jelle Mathis Kuiper & Otmar Spinas - 2025 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 64 (1):259-278.
    We investigate the covering numbers of some ideals on ω2{^{\omega }}{2}{} ω 2 associated with tree forcings. We prove that the covering of the Sacks ideal remains small in the Silver and uniform Sacks model, respectively, and that the coverings of the uniform Sacks ideal and the Mycielski ideal, C2{\mathfrak {C}_{2}} C 2, remain small in the Sacks model.
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    Subliminal primes for global or local processing influence judgments of vehicular traffic.Stefanie Hüttermann, Otmar Bock & Daniel Memmert - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:230-234.
  26.  24
    Large cardinals and projective sets.Haim Judah & Otmar Spinas - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (2):137-155.
    We investigate measure and category in the projective hierarchie in the presence of large cardinals. Assuming a measurable larger than $n$ Woodin cardinals we construct a model where every $\Delta ^1_{n+4}$ -set is measurable, but some $\Delta ^1_{n+4}$ -set does not have Baire property. Moreover, from the same assumption plus a precipitous ideal on $\omega _1$ we show how a model can be forced where every $\Sigma ^1_{n+4}-$ set is measurable and has Baire property.
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    On the structure of $\vec{\Delta_4^1}$ -sets of reals.Haim Judah & Otmar Spinas - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (5):301-312.
  28.  34
    On the structure of [mathematical formula]-sets of reals.Haim Judah & Otmar Spinas - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (4):301-312.
  29.  15
    Who's Leading This Dance?: Theorizing Automatic and Strategic Synchrony in Human-Exoskeleton Interactions.Gavin Lawrence Kirkwood, Christopher D. Otmar & Mohemmad Hansia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:624108.
    Wearable robots are an emerging form of technology that allow organizations to combine the strength, precision, and performance of machines with the flexibility, intelligence, and problem-solving abilities of human wearers. Active exoskeletons are a type of wearable robot that gives wearers the ability to effortlessly lift up to 200 lbs., as well as perform other types of physically demanding tasks that would be too strenuous for most humans. Synchronization between exoskeleton suits and wearers is one of the most challenging requirements (...)
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    Meeting infinitely many cells of a partition once.Heike Mildenberger & Otmar Spinas - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (7):495-503.
    We investigate several versions of a cardinal characteristic $ \frak f$ defined by Frankiewicz. Vojtáš showed ${\frak b} \leq{\frak f}$ , and Blass showed ${\frak f} \leq \min({\frak d},{\mbox{\rm unif}}({\bf K}))$ . We show that all the versions coincide and that ${\frak f}$ is greater than or equal to the splitting number. We prove the consistency of $\max({\frak b},{\frak s}) <{\frak f}$ and of ${\frak f} < \min({\frak d},{\mbox{\rm unif}}({\bf K}))$.
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    Different cofinalities of tree ideals.Saharon Shelah & Otmar Spinas - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (8):103290.
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    Regularity properties for dominating projective sets.Jörg Brendle, Greg Hjorth & Otmar Spinas - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72 (3):291-307.
    We show that every dominating analytic set in the Baire space has a dominating closed subset. This improves a theorem of Spinas [15] saying that every dominating analytic set contains the branches of a uniform tree, i.e. a superperfect tree with the property that for every splitnode all the successor splitnodes have the same length. In [15], a subset of the Baire space is called u-regular if either it is not dominating or it contains the branches of a uniform tree, (...)
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    Medical oath: use and relevance of the Declaration of Geneva. A survey of member organizations of the World Medical Association.Zoé Rheinsberg, Ramin Parsa-Parsi, Otmar Kloiber & Urban Wiesing - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):189-196.
    The Declaration of Geneva is one of the core documents of medical ethics. A revision process was started by the World Medical Association in 2016. The WMA has also used this occasion to examine how the Declaration of Geneva is used in countries throughout the world by conducting a survey of all WMA constituent members. The findings are highly important and raise urgent questions for the World Medical Association and its National Medical Associations : The Declaration of Geneva is only (...)
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    Multitasking During Simulated Car Driving: A Comparison of Young and Older Persons.Konstantin Wechsler, Uwe Drescher, Christin Janouch, Mathias Haeger, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage & Otmar Bock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Cognitive—Motor Interference in an Ecologically Valid Street Crossing Scenario.Christin Janouch, Uwe Drescher, Konstantin Wechsler, Mathias Haeger, Otmar Bock & Claudia Voelcker-Rehage - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Karl Otmar von Aretin: Das Alte Reich 1648-1806, Bd. 2: Kaisertradition und europäische Großmachtpolitik , Bd. 3: Das Reich und der österreichisch-preußische Dualismus . Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1997, 578 u. 657 S. [REVIEW]Hans-Christof Kraus - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 52 (2):178-179.
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    After the Fall: Political Whitewashing, Professional Posturing, and Personal Refashioning in the Postwar Career of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer.Sheila Weiss - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):722-758.
  38.  59
    Fred Appenzeller. An independence result in quadratic form theory: infinitary combinatorics applied to ε-Hermitian spaces. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 54 , pp. 689–699. - Otmar Spinas. Linear topologies on sesquilinear spaces of uncountable dimension. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 139 , pp. 119–132. - James E. Baumgartner, Matthew Foreman, and Otmar Spinas. The spectrum of the Γ-invariant of a bilinear space. Journal of algebra, vol. 189 , pp. 406–418. - James E. Baumgartner and Otmar Spinas. Independence and consistency proofs in quadratic form theory. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 56 , pp. 1195–1211. - Otmar Spinas. Iterated forcing in quadratic form theory. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 79 , pp. 297–315. - Otmar Spinas. Cardinal invariants and quadratic forms. Set theory of the reals, edited by Haim Judah, Israel mathematical conference proceedings, vol. 6, Gelbart Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 1993, distributed by t. [REVIEW]Paul C. Eklof - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):285-286.
  39.  39
    Entwicklungsgeschichte des griechischen Romanes im Altertum. By Otmar Schissel Von Fleschenberg. Pp. xx + 110. Halle: Niemeyer. M.3.40. [REVIEW]S. Gaselee - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (04):126-.
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    Sacri Canones Editandi: Studies on Medieval Canon Law in Memory of Jirí Kejr (Ius canonicum medii aevi, vol. 1) Edited by Pavel Otmar Krafl. Pp. 266, Brno, Reprocentrum, 2017, npg. [REVIEW]Norman Tanner - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):781-782.
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    The traveller as a concept’s translator: study of the hispanic and indigineous words in Der Wochenmarkt in Cartago.Lía de Luxán Hernández - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:133-147.
    Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis de los hispanismos e indigenismos que emplea el austríaco Karl Ritter von Scherzer en la descripción de un mercado local costarricense y se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones de incorporación de términos americanos en las lenguas europeas. El procedimiento utilizado para ello en este paper consiste en un gradiente creado mediante distintas metodologías de análisis filológicas, traductológicas y culturales. Los resultados arrojan indicios acerca de la domesticación o extranjerización de esas (...)
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    Karl Jaspers - Philosophy on the Way to "World Philosophy": Philosophie Auf Dem Weg Zur "Weltphilosophie".Leonard H. Ehrlich & Richard Wisser (eds.) - 1999 - BRILL.
    Contents/Inhalt: Preface. Vorwort. Abbreviations/Siglen. I. JASPERS ON WORLD PHILOSOPHY AND WORLD HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY/JASPERS ÜBER WELT-PHILOSOPHIE UND WELTGESCHICHTE DER PHILOSOPHIE. Nekrolog von Karl Jaspers selbst verfaßt. Obituary by Karl Jaspers himself. Karl JASPERS: Weltgeschichte der Philosophie - Zweites Buch: Geschichte der Gehalte: Einleitung. Karl JASPERS: World History of Philosophy - Second Volume: History of the Substantive Contents of Philosophic Thought. Introduction. II. INTRODUCTION/EINLEITUNG. Leonard H. EHRLICH: Opening Remarks. Introduction of Jeanne Hersch, Honorary President of the Conference. Jeanne HERSCH: Von der (...)
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    Der permanente Dammbruch.Santiago Ewig - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (1):43-51.
    In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, eine formale Kritik der Begründungen zu leisten, die die beiden Neuropathologen Otmar Wiestler und Oliver Brüstle für die Notwendigkeit und ethische Zulässigkeit der Forschung an humanen embryonalen Stammzellen im Rahmen verschiedener Beiträge geliefert haben. Es zeigt sich, dass 1. die ethische Güterabwägung mit außergewöhnlichen Behandlungsaussichten arbeitet, deren Evidenz nicht allgemein einsichtig bzw. akzeptiert ist; 2. die ethischen Entscheidungen im Rahmen der Güterabwägung erkennbar den Forderungen folgen, die sich aus der eigenen naturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellung ergeben; und (...)
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    The Changing Fortunes of Central Banking.Philipp Hartmann, Haizhou Huang & Dirk Schoenmaker (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Understanding the changing role of central banks and their recent novel policies is essential for analysing many economic and financial issues, ranging from financial regulation and crisis, to exchange rate dynamics and regime changes, and QE and prolonged low interest rates. This book features contributions by the world's leading experts on central banking, providing in accessible essays a fascinating review of today's key issues for central banks. Luminaries including Stephen Cecchetti, Takatoshi Ito, Anil Kashyap, Mervyn King, Donald Kohn, Otmar (...)
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    The Blood from Auschwitz and the Silence of the Scholars.Benno Müller-Hill - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (3):331 - 365.
    The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics in Berlin-Dahlem was the centre of scientific racism in Nazi Germany. Its bad history culminated in a research project to analyse the molecular basis of racial differences in the susceptibility to various infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. Josef Mengele, a former postdoc of the director of the institute, Otmar von Verschuer, collected blood samples and other material in Auschwitz from families and twins of Jews and Gypsies. The blood samples (...)
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  46.  75
    Human Genetics and Politics as Mutually Beneficial Resources: The Case of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics During the Third Reich.Sheila Faith Weiss - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (1):41-88.
    This essay analyzes one of Germany's former premier research institutions for biomedical research, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics (KWIA) as a test case for the way in which politics and human heredity served as resources for each other during the Third Reich. Examining the KWIA from this perspective brings us a step closer to answering the questions at the heart of most recent scholarship concerning the biomedical community under the swastika: (1) How do we explain (...)
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