Results for 'Scientific knowledge wissenschaftliches Wissen'

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  1. Werner Heisenberg’s Position on a Hypothetical Conception of Science.Gregor Schiemann - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann, The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 251-268.
    Werner Heisenberg made an important – and as yet insufficiently researched – contribution to the transformation of the modern conception of science. This transformation involved a reassessment of the status of scientific knowledge from certain to merely hypothetical – an assessment that is widely recognized today. I examine Heisenberg’s contribution in particular by taking his conception of “closed theories” as an example according to which the established physical theories have no universal and exclusive, but only a restricted validity. (...)
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    Werner Heisenberg’s Position on a Hypothetical Conception of Science.Gregor Schiemann - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann, The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 251-268.
    Werner Heisenberg made an important – and as yet insufficiently researched – contribution to the transformation of the modern conception of science. This transformation involved a reassessment of the status of scientific knowledge from certain to merely hypothetical – an assessment that is widely recognized today. I examine Heisenberg’s contribution in particular by taking his conception of “closed theories” as an example according to which the established physical theories have no universal and exclusive, but only a restricted validity. (...)
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    Demographic Knowledge and Nation‐Building: The Peruvian Census of 1940.Raúl Necochea López - 2010 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 33 (3):280-296.
    Demografisches Wissen und ‘Nation‐Building’: Der peruanische Zensus von 1940. Die Demografen, die 1940 die peruanische Volkszählung organisierten, stellten die zunehmende ethnische Heterogenität Perus als Zeichen aufbrechender kultureller Grenzen und als Symbol einer tragfähigen peruanischen Identität dar. Diese besondere demografische Dynamik war ihrer Ansicht nach ein Motor der nationalen Entwicklung. Dieser Aufsatz analysiert die verschiedenen Formen, in denen Demografen kulturelle Heterogenität als einen potentiellen Vorteil des Landes konstruierten. Hierdurch wird deutlich, wie akademisches Wissen über ethnische Hybridität mit den nationalistischen (...)
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  4. Werner Heisenbergs Position zu einer hypothetischen Wissenschaftsauffassung in seinen populären Reden und Aufsätzen.Gregor Schiemann - 2007 - In M. Gerhard, Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie.
    Werner Heisenberg hat einen wichtigen, noch nicht hinreichend untersuchten Beitrag zum Wandel des neuzeitlichen Wissenschaftsverständnisses geleistet. Der Wandel führte von der Charakterisierung des wissenschaftlichen Wissens als sichere Erkenntnis zu seiner - heute weithin anerkannten - Charakterisierung als bloß hypothetische Erkenntnis. Anfänge dieses Wandlungsprozesses lassen sich im 19. Jahrhundert nachweisen (z.B. bei John Hersehel, William Whewell oder Hermann von Helmholtz). Ich möchte am Beispiel von Heisenberg der Frage nachgehen, welchen Einfluss die Begründung der Quantenmechanik, die seine Wissenschaftsauffassung prägte, auf den Prozess (...)
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    Praktisches Wissen, Wissenschaft und Katastrophen. Zur Geschichte der sozialwissenschaftlichen Katastrophenforschung, 1949–1989.Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (4):350-367.
    Practical Knowledge, Science and Disasters. The History of Social Science Disaster Research, 1949–1979. During the second half of the twentieth century several US-American social science “disaster research groups” conducted field studies after earthquakes, factory explosions and “racial riots”. Their aim was to provide practical knowledge that could be applied in the planning and managing of future disasters of both peace- and wartime nature. In this paper, I will elaborate on how this research goal conflicted with some scientists’ aspirations (...)
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  6.  14
    Wissenschaftsgeschichte heute.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):417-419.
    History of Science Today. The paper argues for a theoretically demanding history of science along three lines. (1) History of science requires a permanent reflection on the concept of history. (2) It demands an epistemological reflection on the historically changing forms of knowledge. (3) An intimate knowledge of scientific practice is necessary, be it more theoretically or more practically oriented. These competences can be brought together in a multitude of ways, but they need to complement each other.
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    Die „historische Studie“ SOLIDARITY als Antwort der Forschung auf die Sars-CoV-2 PandemieThe “Historic Study” SOLIDARITY—Research’s Answer to the Sars-CoV-2 Pandemic. [REVIEW]Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio & Maria Marloth - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (2):219-225.
    ZusammenfassungDieser Beitrag ist Teil des Forums COVID-19: Perspektiven in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Das neuartige Coronavirus stellt die Weltgemeinschaft vor eine große Herausforderung. Das Wissen über das Virus und seine Eigenschaften ist lückenhaft, aber der Bedarf, politische und medizinische Entscheidungen an wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis auszurichten ist groß. Diese Lage führt zu einer Dynamisierung der Forschung. Ein prominentes Beispiel ist die WHO-Studie SOLIDARITY. Die epistemologischen Besonderheiten und die daraus resultierenden ethischen Implikationen werden in diesem Beitrag näher beleuchtet.This paper is part of (...)
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    Vier Bemerkungen „zur Lage der Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Deutschland“.Moritz Epple - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):345-349.
    Four Remarks Concerning “the Situation of the History of Science in Germany”. The following remarks contain four brief reflections, based on my experience in teaching the history of science: (1) on the limitations of any national perspective on the history of science, (2) on the subject and task of the history of science, (3) on the power and weakness of knowledge as topics for the history of science, and (4) on the possibilities of scientific imagination as a critical (...)
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  9.  23
    Gangarten des Rationalen. Zu den Zeitstrukturen der Quantenrevolution.Michael Stöltzner - 2009 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 32 (2):176-192.
    Paces of Rationality in the History of Science: On the Temporal Structures of the Quantum Revolution. I argue that the Kuhnian picture of scientific revolutions must be modified by introducing various levels of historical reality (or historiographical reconstruction) and reference points for rational justification in order to permit the constant movement back and forth between long shots and close‐ups that is indispensable in the history of science. Such an account makes it possible to describe a scientific revolution not (...)
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  10.  12
    Gewöhnliche Erfahrung.Matthias Jung - 2014 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Ordinary, unmethodical experience forms our lives. It accumulates when we interact with our environment as living beings, and combines cognitive, affective and volitional elements. In it, questions of meaning and value and issues of knowledge become strongly interdependent. In a normative sense, modern culture has tremendously upgraded the status of ordinary people's experience. However, at the same time, our world is increasingly determined by the methodological experience of the (natural) sciences and by the technology they have made (...)
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  11.  9
    Die Dunkle Materie des Wissens: über Leerstellen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.Uwe Hinrichs - 2014 - Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
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    Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis und Wissensgewissheit im wissenschaftsphilosophischen Diskurs von ca. 1230 bis um 1350.Theodor Wolfram Köhler - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    The monograph offers an in-depth, source-oriented presentation and analysis of the complex discussions that took place between ca. 1230 and 1350 on the differentiation and expansion of the structural concept of scientific knowledge and certainty in lifeworld-contingent areas of investigation. It makes transparent a development in the course of which a graduated, multidimensional conception of knowledge and certainty emerges. In the process, the masters gain pioneering insights into the philosophy of science. Starting from the key data provided (...)
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  13.  37
    Wissenschaftliche Kreativität Empirische und wissenschaftspraktische Hinweise.Bernward Joerges - 1977 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 8 (2):383-404.
    Scientific creativity, i.e. the production of new and socially effective empirical knowledge, can itself be subjected to empirical analysis. Research on the determinants of creative work in science suggests that the internal and external world of creative scientists is characterised by a series of tensions or "oppositions of forces" which "normally" cannot be integrated. Conversely, creative work in science can be understood as the provision of new answers to scientific problems where conventional answers are no longer sufficient (...)
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  14.  36
    Wissen und Umwelt in der „partizipatorischen Diktatur“Knowledge and Environment in the “Participatory Dictatorship”.Christian Möller - 2018 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 26 (4):367-403.
    Zusammenfassung1989/90 war die DDR ein ökologisch gescheiterter Staat. Doch während Eingaben aus der Bevölkerung und kritische Umweltgruppen im Laufe der 1980er Jahre immer offener gegen die vorhandenen Umweltprobleme protestierten, blieben die etablierten Wissenschaften merkwürdig stumm und waren allem Anschein nach nicht in der Lage, geeignete Konzepte zur Lösung der Umweltkrise zu entwickeln. Knapp 20 Jahre zuvor hatte jedoch in der DDR ein umweltpolitischer Aufbruch eingesetzt, der maßgeblich von wissenschaftlichen Reforminitiativen getragen wurde. Die Aufnahme des Natur- und Umweltschutzgedankens in die Verfassung (...)
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    Einstein und die kosmische religion.Lydia Jaeger - 2006 - Philosophia Naturalis 43 (2):313-327.
    The most influential physicist of the 20th century considered his scientific activity to be a contribution to ,,cosmic religion". Starting from his own writings, the article presents Einstein's religious views and questions the extent to which his pantheistic convictions can provide the necessary foundations for human knowledge and action. German Der bedeutendste Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts fasste seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit als Beitrag zur ,,kosmischen Religion auf. Der Artikel zeichnet die Religionsauffassung Einsteins an Hand von Originaltexten nach und fragt, (...)
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    Standards und Wissen: zur Praxis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis: eine philosophisch-systematische Untersuchung.Lara Huber - 2019 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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  17. The Ethical Impact of Statistical Knowledge and Probabilities / Wie statistischer Erkenntnisgewinn und Wahrscheinlichkeiten die Ethik verändern.Annette Dufner - 2024 - In Andreas Bartels & Dennis Lehmkuhl, Weshalb auf die Wissenschaft hören? Berlin: Springer.
    Scientific findings nowadays often rely on statistical analyses, are expressed in terms of probabilities, and are frequently developed based on model calculations. These circumstances contribute to a disconnect between scientific predictions and people's everyday risk assessments. Situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate issues, or the downsides of global trade are particularly affected by this phenomenon. In these areas especially, the growth of knowledge implies new and far-reaching ethical (preventive) obligations for humanity. This chapter argues that a (...)
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  18. We are not Witnesses to a New Scientific Revolution.Gregor Schiemann - 2011 - In Alfred Nordmann, Hans Radder & Gregor Schiemann, Science Transformed?: Debating Claims of an Epochal Break. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 31-42.
    Do the changes that have taken place in the structures and methods of the production of scientific knowledge and in our understanding of science over the past fifty years justify speaking of an epochal break in the development of science? Gregor Schiemann addresses this issues through the notion of a scientific revolution and claims that at present we are not witnessing a new scientific revolution. Instead, Schiemann argues that after the so-called Scientific Revolution in the (...)
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  19.  18
    Knowledge and Error: Sketches on the Psychology of Enquiry.Ernst Mach - 1975 - Reidel.
    Erkenntnis und Irrtum. Skizzen zur Psychologie der Forschung. Von E. MACH Emer. Professor an der Unlversltlt Wlen. LEIPZIG Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth 1905. INTRODUCTION XIII On a number of occasions Mach expressed the sentiment, especially in his correspondence, that America was the land of intellectual freedom and opportunity, the coming frontier for a new radical empiricism that would help to wash metaphysics out of philosophy. In 1901 he sponsored the German edition of Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics (1881) (...)
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    Das prädiskursive einverständnis. Wissenschaftlicher wahrheitsbegriff und prozedurale rechtfertigung.Armin Grunwald - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (2):205-223.
    The pre-discoursive agreement. Theory of scientific truth and procedural justification. — On basis of the constructive philosophy of science, the attention is focussed to the pre-discoursive elements of discoursive theories of truth. By using a pragmatic approach it is shown that foundation of those pre-discoursive elements, like discourse rules or the basic terminology, is possible though the discourse rules are not available at this level. Propositions which can be shown in the presented theory to be true, always describe a (...)
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  21.  30
    (1 other version)Werturteile AlS wissenschaftliche aussagen?Reiner Porstmann - 1974 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 5 (2):323-328.
    It is the purpose to examine Krafts arguments and proofs on the basis of the evidence which gives reality. His derivation of principles with unlimited validity is not successful, judgements concerning "basic valuations of human culture" being inhomogeneous and historically bound. The way to introduce norms into scientific statements by "teleological" foundation is only valid for "normal" principles, basic must be excluded. The fruitfulness of the first step is appreciated and illustrated by economic examples. Jointly in connection with this (...)
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    Kalibrierung der Wissenschaft – Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis.Nicola Mößner & Klaus Erlach (eds.) - 2022 - Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
    Datafizierung, Publizierung, Metrisierung – unter diesen Stichpunkten untersuchen die AutorInnen des vorliegenden Bandes die Auswirkungen der zunehmenden Digitalisierung auf die Erzeugung, Auswahl, Bereitstellung und Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis. Wie wird Wissen aus den Weiten des digitalen Raums herausgefiltert? Wie wird es generiert? Was wird als Wissen verfügbar gemacht – und was nicht? Wie und von wem wird das digital erfasste Wissen evaluiert? Diese den Wissenschaftsbetrieb herausfordernden Fragen diskutieren ExpertInnen aus Philosophie, Informations- und Bibliothekswissenschaft sowie Informatik. Ihre Beiträge reflektieren (...)
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  23.  86
    Wissen, Verstehen und Weisheit.Christoph Baumberger - 2019 - In Martin Grajner & Guido Melchior, Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 110-115.
    Die Erkenntnistheorie wird meist als Theorie des Wissens charakterisiert. In jüngerer Zeit ist der alleinige Fokus auf Wissen kritisiert und sind weitere epistemische Güter diskutiert worden. Verstehen und Weisheit sind von besonderer Bedeutung. Erstens ist Verstehen ein hohes und Weisheit vielleicht das höchste epistemische Gut; beide scheinen epistemisch wertvoller zu sein als Wissen (Riggs 2003). Zudem ist unklar, ob der epistemische Wert von Wissen den Wert seiner Bestandteile (z.B. wahre, gerechtfertigte Meinung) übersteigt. Es ist behauptet worden, dass (...)
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    Die deduktiv-nomologische erklärung AlS hauptmotiv empirisch-wissenschaftlicher tätigkeit.Edmund Nierlich - 1988 - Erkenntnis 29 (1):1 - 33.
    In this paper an attempt is made at developing the notion of a real and complete empirical explanation as excluding all forms of potential or incomplete explanations. This explanation is, however, no longer conceived as the proper aim of empirical science, for it can certainly be gleaned from recent epistemological publications that no comprehensive notion of a real and complete scientific explanation is likely to be constructed from within empirical science. Contrary to common understanding the empirical explanation, deductive-nomological as (...)
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  25. Scientific rationality, human consciousness, and pro-religious ideas.Alfred Gierer - 2019 - In Wissenschaftliches Denken, das Rätsel Bewusstsein und pro-religiöse Ideen. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen&Neumann. pp. 83-93.
    The essay is an English version of the German article "Wissenschaftliche Rationalität, menschliches Bewusstsein und pro-religiöse Ideen". It discusses immanent versus transcendent concepts in the context of the art of living, as well as the understanding of human consciousness in the context of religion. Science provides us with a far reaching understanding of natural processes, including biological evolution, but also with deep insights into its own intrinsic limitations. This is consistent with more than one interpretation on the “metatheoretical“, that is (...)
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    Wer hat das Wissen in der Wissenschaft versteckt?: 12 wissenschaftstheoretische Studien.Helmut Hofbauer - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The book "Wer hat das Wissen in der Wissenschaft versteckt?" [Who had hidden knowledge in science?] is about the organisational character of science - "science" as understood in continental Europa as social & natural sciences. The reason for this interest is that, as it is the case with other things, human beings undertake scientific enquiries because they, as individuals, have certain interests related to the content of their activities, they want to know certain things. Then, when an (...)
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    Wissen produzieren, lokalisieren und imaginieren. Von „falschen Karten“ und „wissenschaftlichen Expeditionen“ in der Auseinandersetzung um Guyana (1880er bis 1900er Jahre). [REVIEW]Sebastian Dorsch - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (1):39-63.
    Producing, Localising, and Imagining Knowledge. On “false maps” and “scientific expeditions” in the Brazilian‐French Debates about Guyana (1880s–1900s). This paper analyses the interferences between knowledge production, space and colonial claims from translocal, actor‐based perspectives. Due to its ‘thickness’ the examined material, found particularly at the Perthes collection (Gotha/Germany), allows multifaceted views on a topic which influences our scientific knowledge‐based world views. In his writings the Swiss naturalist Emil Göldi underlined his point of view that was (...)
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    Wissen und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.Friedrich Steinle - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):425-428.
    Knowledge and the History of Science. This essay asks how the object of history of knowledge could be delineated so as to keep it distinct from the history of science (that has always dealt with knowledge) and, at the same time, to keep it specific enough not to turn into a general history of all human activities. By way of discussing the type of knowledge we could call ‘scientific’, and arguing that history of science should (...)
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    Paul Ehrlich und der Nobelpreis. Die Konstruktion wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz.Axel Cäsar Hüntelmann - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (1):47-72.
    Paul Ehrlich and the Nobel Prize. The Construction of Scientific Excellence. From the first award in 1901 until now the Nobel Prize was and is valued as the highest recognition of the scientific community for the outstanding – excellent – scientific work of a researcher. And insofar, winning the Nobel Prize was a highlight in Paul Ehrlich's life. But from the first nomination in 1901 until 1908, when he was awarded the prize, it was a long way. (...)
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    Die Neuordnung pflanzengeografischen Wissens als „Transitzone“ Wallacea. Ein amerikanisches Expansionsprojekt auf den Philippinen, 1902–1928.Sonja Walch - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):245-264.
    The Reshaping of Phytogeographical Knowledge as the “Transition zone” Wallacea: An American Expansion Project in the Philippines, 1902–1928. This paper examines the development of a concept that to this day plays an important role in biogeography: the region Wallacea. Focussing on the work of the American tropical botanist Elmer D. Merrill in the Philippines, I argue that his research on the geographical movement and settlement of Philippine plants reflects a shift in the United States’ scientific and cultural understanding (...)
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    Wissensideale und Wissenskulturen in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ideals and Cultures of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe.Wolfgang Detel & Claus Zittel (eds.) - 2002 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Was verstand man unter Wissen im 17. Jahrhundert? Welche Ideal des Wissens und welche Kriterien des Wissens wurden formuliert, wie konkurrierten diese Konzepte miteinander, wie und warum wurden einige etabliert, andere nicht? Welche notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen sollten erfüllt sein, damit einer Person Wissen zugeschrieben werden, und welchen Methoden wurden vorgeschlagen, um zu überprüfen, ob Wissensansprüche zu Recht bestehen? Dieser Sammelband vereinigt exemplarische Fallstudien international bekannter Spezialisten in der Erforschung der frühen Neuzeit, die das übliche Verständnis der Beziehung (...)
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    Ist Wissenschaft, was Wissen schafft?: Grundzüge der Forschung zwischen Geistesblitz und Grosslabor.Jörg Friedrich - 2019 - München: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Modern sciences produce knowledge and findings which improve technological advance and our quality of life in every regard. But do the sciences also provide us with a genuine knowledge about the world in the sense of giving us insights into that which is taking place? This book traces the most important approaches, which have in past decades attempted to make intelligible the contemporary forms of scientific research and progress. The book suggests a new approach for a philosophy (...)
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    Wissen und Glauben um 2000: zu einer weltbewegenden Problematik und ihrer Herkunft.Walter Falk - 2003 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. Edited by Harald Seubert.
    Das Verhältnis von Glauben und Denken kann als Angelpunkt und Motor der neuzeitlichen Geschichte begriffen werden. Walter Falks Werk zeigt in singulärer Weise, auf welchen teilweise verdrängten Fundamenten der wissenschaftliche Fortschrittsglaube beruhte und bietet eine kritische Analyse der 'Legitimität der Neuzeit', die ebenbürtig neben den großen Arbeiten von Hans Blumenberg, Michel Foucault oder Joachim Ritter bestehen kann. Walter Falk geht anhand der Metapher von der Weltmaschine, die sich seit 1770 in verschiedenen Texten und in Modifikationen findet, der Fortschrittsgeschichte und ihrer (...)
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  34. Formen des Wissens im Wechselspiel.Günter Abel - 2015 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (2-3).
    The concept of »systematic knowledge research« is being developed. Systematic knowledge research assumes an irreducible variety of types of knowledge. The focus lies on researching the intersections and interactions of the different types of knowledge. Clarifying the mechanisms of interaction of the knowledge types in everyday life, sciences, technologies, and arts represents a cross-cutting issue for philosophy and all scientific disciplines, technologies, and arts as well as an independent research subject. At the same time, (...)
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    „Gedankenwanderung“: Ludwik Flecks Morphologie des Wissens.Michael Neumann - 2014 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 22 (1-2):49-68.
    This article traces some of the transformation that the fields of folk psychology and anthropology underwent in the late nineteenth century. Ludwik Fleck, in developing his sociology of knowledge, drew on both of these fields; a legacy that makes it possible to conceive of his epistemology as a theory of communication. Fleck, in grounding his understanding of the relationship between sociality and communication on insights from these two disciplines, proposed the morphological concept of an organic formation of all (...) knowledge. Naturalising knowledge production in this manner, Fleck postulated a program of deciphering, reading, and translation that would relate all forms of knowledge back to the rules and conditions of its making. In this morphological conception of the processes of knowledge production, Fleck’s sociology bears significant similarities with the description of social institutions by French sociologists Marcel Mauss and Emile Durkheim, who also drew on insights from late-nineteenth-century folk psychology and anthropology. (shrink)
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    Die Emergenz von Wissen und das Plagiat in Goethes wissenschaftstheoretischen Schriften.Anne-Kathrin Reulecke - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (1):43-58.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's texts on the philosophy of science (The Experiment as Mediator Between Object and Subject, 1793) and (Meteors of the Literary Sky, 1820) both discuss the fundamental epistemological question how knowledge emerges: They ask how scientists can gain universally valid knowledge by observing natural phenomena and to what extent the individual researcher is affected by the scientific community. In this paper, Goethe's writings are presented as alternatives to the contemporary discussions on scientific plagiarism. (...)
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    Kontrast und Wissen.Robin Rehm - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 54 (1):69-102.
    Malevich’s main Suprematist works, such as ›Black Square‹, ›Black Circle‹, and ›Black Cross‹ from 1915, consist of black shapes on white ground. Surprisingly this series of shapes strongly resembles scientific black-and-white images used for research on colour theory, physiological optics, and psychology throughout the 19th century. This paper examines the parallels between Malevich’s paintings and the scientific drawings in three steps: It first characterizes black-and-white images in general, using Edmund Husserl’s definition of the term ›contrast‹. Secondly, the paper (...)
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    The Spirit of the Vienna Circle Devoted to Questions of Lebens- and Weltauffassung.Arne Naess - 1998 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 5:359-367.
    The history of the Vienna Circle is bound up with what was called the Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung. But with the requirements of the members when it came to deciding whether a sentence expressed scientific knowledge or not, the basic sentences expressing a Lebens- und Weltauffassung would scarcely qualify as such, nor would hypotheses about a scientific world view. The Wissenschaftlichkeit ofphysicalism, logical behaviorism,logical syntax, unity of science, were hypothetical at best, and in my opinion should not be identified (...)
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    Transformation and deformation of scientific knowledge in connection with changes in society.A. A. Kartashova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (5):347.
    In the article, the main directions of development of science are considered in the context of the analysis of the strategies of modern social development and formation of social knowledge. This topic is considered in close connection with historical, global, national trends in the society. The relevance of this study relates to changes occurring in modern society: changing of requirements for scientific knowledge and education in connection with scientific and technological revolution, transition from the information society (...)
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  40.  42
    Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory.Barry Barnes - 1974 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1974. Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory centres on the problem of explaining the manifest variety and contrast in the beliefs about nature held in different groups and societies. It maintains that the sociologist should treat all beliefs symmetrically and must investigate and account for allegedly "correct" or "scientific" beliefs just as he would "incorrect" or "unscientific" ones. From this basic position a study of scientific beliefs is constructed. The sociological interest of such beliefs (...)
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    Scientific Knowledge as Historical and Cultural Phenomenon.Vladislav A. Lektorsky - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 10:205-212.
    I intend to demonstrate that the usual understanding of the ideals and norms of scientific cognition, which is often considered inseparable from the very notion of science itself, arose in concrete historical conditions; furthermore, these ideals and norms were connected with a certain type of research and a certain type of culture. As we are beginning to realize, such an understanding of ideals and norms does not work in other historical and cultural situations. I also try to show that (...)
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    Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental Construction?Harry Settanni - 1992 - University Press of America.
    This book defends the constructivist view of science, namely, the view that scientific theories are mental constructions in the mind of the scientist, rather than the realist view that scientific theories are accounts of what nature itself is like. To prove this point, evolution theory is contrasted with "creation science" as two paradigms or extremely divergent theories, each of which, as a mental construct, explains the data or facts of the natural world equally well. Contents: Realism vs. Constructivism; (...)
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    Scientific knowledge.Philip Kitcher - 2002 - In Paul K. Moser, The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 385--408.
    In “Scientific Knowledge,” Philip Kitcher challenges arguments that deny the truth of the theoretical claims of science, and he attempts to discover reasons for endorsing the truth of such claims. He suggests that the discovery of such reasons might succeed if we ask why anyone thinks that the theoretical claims we accept are true and then look for answers that reconstruct actual belief‐generating processes. To this end, Kitcher presents the “homely argument” for scientific truth, which claims that (...)
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    Scientific Knowledge and the Deep Past: History Matters.Adrian Currie - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Historical sciences like paleontology and archaeology have uncovered unimagined, remarkable and mysterious worlds in the deep past. How should we understand the success of these sciences? What is the relationship between knowledge and history? In Scientific Knowledge and the Deep Past: History Matters, Adrian Currie examines recent paleontological work on the great changes that occurred during the Cretaceous period - the emergence of flowering plants, the splitting of the mega-continent Gondwana, and the eventual fall of the dinosaurs (...)
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    Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries.Bettina-Johanna Krings, Hannot Rodríguez & Anna Schleisiek (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS.
    The aim of this book is to understand and critically appraise science-based transgression dynamics in their whole complexity. It includes contributions from experts with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as philosophy, history and sociology. Thus, it is in itself an example of boundary transgression. Scientific disciplines and their objects have tended to be seen as permanent and distinct. However, science is better conceived as an activity that constantly surpasses, erases and rebuilds all kinds of boundaries, either disciplinary, socio-ethical or ecological. (...)
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  46. Epistemic dependence and collective scientific knowledge.Jeroen de Ridder - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1):1-17.
    I argue that scientific knowledge is collective knowledge, in a sense to be specified and defended. I first consider some existing proposals for construing collective knowledge and argue that they are unsatisfactory, at least for scientific knowledge as we encounter it in actual scientific practice. Then I introduce an alternative conception of collective knowledge, on which knowledge is collective if there is a strong form of mutual epistemic dependence among scientists, which (...)
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  47. Scientific knowledge: a sociological analysis.Barry Barnes - 1996 - London: Athlone. Edited by David Bloor & John Henry.
    Although science was once seen as the product of individual great men working in isolation, we now realize that, like any other creative activity, science is a highly social enterprise, influenced in subtle as well as obvious ways by the wider culture and values of its time. Scientific Knowledge is the first introduction to social studies of scientific knowledge. The authors, all noted for their contributions to science studies, have organized this book so that each chapter (...)
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    Scientific knowledge.F. Walter Meyerstein - 1991 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 17:55.
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  49. Collective Scientific Knowledge.Melinda Fagan - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (12):821-831.
    Philosophical debates about collective scientific knowledge concern two distinct theses: groups are necessary to produce scientific knowledge, and groups have scientific knowledge in their own right. Thesis has strong support. Groups are required, in many cases of scientific inquiry, to satisfy methodological norms, to develop theoretical concepts, or to validate the results of inquiry as scientific knowledge. So scientific knowledge‐production is collective in at least three respects. However, support for (...)
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  50. Why Scientific Knowledge Is Still the Best.Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 7 (9):18-32.
    In his latest attack, even though he claims to be a practitioner of “close reading” (Wills 2018b, 34), it appears that Wills still has not bothered to read the paper in which I defend the thesis he seeks to attack (Mizrahi 2017a), or any of the papers in my exchange with Brown (Mizrahi 2017b; 2018a), as evidenced by the fact that he does not cite them at all. This explains why Wills completely misunderstands Weak Scientism and the arguments for the (...)
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