Results for 'Scientists Professional ethics'

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  1. Professional ethics and the 'good' of science.Ruth Chadwick - 2005 - .
    Proposals for an ethical code for scientists raise questions about the usefulness of the framework of professional ethics for debating relevant issues surrounding ethics and science. Is science a profession and if so should its professional ethic be self-derived or subject to external input? What needs to be addressed is the nature of the 'good' that science promotes. Explanations of science as a public good in terms of knowledge and diversity are possibilities, but science's answer (...)
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    Professional ethics and social responsibility: military work and peacebuilding.M. A. Hersh - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1545-1561.
    This paper investigates four questions related to ethical issues associated with the involvement of engineers and scientists in 'military work', including the influence of ethical values and beliefs, the role of gendered perspectives and moves beyond the purely technical. It fits strongly into a human (and planet)-centred systems perspective and extends my previous AI and Society papers on othering and narrative ethics, and ethics and social responsibility. It has two main contributions. The first involves an analysis of (...)
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  3. Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This encyclopedia, edited by the past editors and founder of the Journal of Business Ethics, is the only reference work dedicated entirely to business and professional ethics. Containing over 2000 entries, this multi-volume, major research reference work provides a broad-based disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to all of the key topics in the field. The encyclopedia draws on three interdisciplinary and over-lapping fields: business ethics, professional ethics and applied ethics although the main focus is (...)
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    Anthropology goes to war: professional ethics & counterinsurgency in Thailand.Eric Wakin - 1992 - Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
    In 1970 a coalition of student activists opposing the Vietnam War circulated documents revealing the involvement of several prominent social scientists in U.S. counterinsurgency activities in Thailand--activities that could cause harm to the people who were the subject of the scholars' research. The disclosure of these materials, which detailed meetings with the Agency for International Development and the Defense Department, prompted two members of the Ethics Committee of the American Anthropological Association to issue an unauthorized rebuke of the (...)
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    The Socially Responsive Self: Social Theory and Professional Ethics.Larry May - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book should prove provocative reading for philosophers, political scientists, social theorists, professionals of many stripes, and ethicists.
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    Using Ethical Reasoning to Amplify the Reach and Resonance of Professional Codes of Conduct in Training Big Data Scientists.Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Andrew J. Russell, Gregory J. Morgan, Kevin T. FitzGerald, Jeff Collmann, Lee Vinsel, Michael Steinmann & Lisa M. Dolling - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1485-1507.
    The use of Big Data—however the term is defined—involves a wide array of issues and stakeholders, thereby increasing numbers of complex decisions around issues including data acquisition, use, and sharing. Big Data is becoming a significant component of practice in an ever-increasing range of disciplines; however, since it is not a coherent “discipline” itself, specific codes of conduct for Big Data users and researchers do not exist. While many institutions have created, or will create, training opportunities to prepare people to (...)
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    Response to commentaries: ethical preparedness in genomic medicine—how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues.Kate Sahan & Kate Lyle - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):532-533.
    We read with great interest the commentaries submitted in response to our paper about clinical scientists and the role of ethical preparedness1. The responses raised some important themes that intersect with those discussed in our paper, and we are grateful for the opportunity to expand on them. Pruski2 highlights the importance of ethics education for clinical scientists, noting insufficient provision of such teaching within the clinical science profession. This gap means that scientists completing higher specialist training, (...)
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    Prayer as Therapy: A Challenge to Both Religious Belief and Professional Ethics.Cynthia B. Cohen, Sondra E. Wheeler, David A. Scott, Barbara Springer Edwards & Patricia Lusk - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):40-47.
    Scientists seeking hard evidence of prayer's curative powers misunderstand the nature of prayer in the Western theistic traditions. Yet theistically consonant ways in which religious belief may influence health do not figure as they should in current professional practice.
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    The ethical professor: a practical guide to research, teaching and professional life.Lorraine Eden - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kathy Lund Dean & Paul M. Vaaler.
    Introduction -- Ethics and research -- Twenty questions : ethical research dilemmas and PHD students -- Research pitfalls for new entrants to the academy -- Scientists behaving badly: insights from the fraud triangle -- Slicing and dicing : ex ante approaches -- Slicing and dicing : ex post approaches -- Retraction : mistake or misconduct? -- Double-blind review in the age of google and powerpoint -- Ethics in research scenarios : what would you do? -- Thought leader (...)
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    Elements of ethics for physical scientists.Sandra C. Greer - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    A guide to the everyday decisions about right and wrong faced by physical scientists and research engineers. This book offers the first comprehensive guide to ethics for physical scientists and engineers who conduct research. Written by a distinguished professor of chemistry and chemical engineering, the book focuses on the everyday decisions about right and wrong faced by scientists as they do research, interact with other people, and work within society. The goal is to nurture readers' ethical (...)
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    Scientists at the bar: the professional world of patent lawyers.John M. Conley & Lynn Mather - 2012 - In Leslie C. Levin & Lynn M. Mather, Lawyers in practice: ethical decision making in context. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 245.
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  12. Assen yossifov.Professionalization Of Scientists - 1979 - In János Farkas, Sociology of science and research. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Startup Ethics: Ethically Responsible Conduct of Scientists and Engineers at Theranos.Robert E. McGinn - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-21.
    Studies of ethical challenges that can confront practicing scientists and engineers in the entrepreneurial stage of the overarching research-and-innovation process are virtually non-existent. This paper explores ethical challenges that arose at a specific entrepreneurial startup: Theranos, the defunct blood-testing company. The fundamental ethical responsibilities of scientists and engineers offer a framework useful for evaluating the conduct of practicing scientists and engineers from an ethical responsibility perspective. Questionable conduct by Theranos’s former top managers has been widely discussed. However, (...)
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    Professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists in public discourse.P. S. Copland - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):61-62.
    Minorities who disagree with the “scientific consensus” must be allowed to air their viewsI will begin by discussing the example used in Schüklenk’s paper1 of the self proclaimed “HIV dissidents” and then discuss whether the recommendations made are useful and could be applied to other examples in science.Schüklenk’s primary concern according to his title is with the professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists engaging in public discourse. The example given is of the effect that self proclaimed HIV dissidents have (...)
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    Engineering Ethics in China.Hengli Zhang & Michael Davis - 2018 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 37 (1):105-135.
    This article describes China’s century-long concern with the professional ethics of engineers, especially a succession of codes of engineering ethics going back at least to 1933. This description is the result both of our own archival research and of “philosophical history”, the application of concepts from the philosophy of professions to the facts historians (or we) have discovered. Engineers, historians, social scientists, and philosophers of technology, as well as students of professional ethics, should find (...)
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  16.  46
    Professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists in public discourse.Udo Schuklenk - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):53-60.
    This article describes how a small but vocal group of biomedical scientists propagates the views that either HIV is not the cause of AIDS, or that it does not exist at all. When these views were rejected by mainstream science, this group took its views and arguments into the public domain, actively campaigning via newspapers, radio, and television to make its views known to the lay public. I describe some of the harmful consequences of the group's activities, and ask (...)
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    The professional approach to engineering ethics: Five research questions.Michael Davis - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):379-390.
    This paper argues that research for engineering ethics should routinely involve philosophers, social scientists, and engineers, and should focus for now on certain basic questions such as: Who is an engineer? What is engineering? What do engineers do? How do they make decisions? And how much control do they actually have over what they do?
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  18. Environmental Pollution and Professional Responsibility: Ibsen's A Public Enemy as a Seminar on Science Communication and Ethics.Hub Zwart - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (3):349-372.
    Dr Stockmann, the principal character in Henrik Ibsen's A Public Enemy, is a classic example of a whistle-blower who, upon detecting and disclosing a serious case of environmental pollution, quickly finds himself transformed from a public benefactor into a political outcast by those in power. If we submit the play to a ‘second reading’, however, it becomes clear that the ethical intricacies of whistle-blowing are interwoven with epistemological issues. Basically, the play is about the complex task of communicating scientific (notably (...)
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    What ethical approaches are used by scientists when sharing health data? An interview study.Deborah Mascalzoni, Heidi Beate Bentzen & Jennifer Viberg Johansson - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundHealth data-driven activities have become central in diverse fields (research, AI development, wearables, etc.), and new ethical challenges have arisen with regards to privacy, integrity, and appropriateness of use. To ensure the protection of individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms in a changing environment, including their right to the protection of personal data, we aim to identify the ethical approaches adopted by scientists during intensive data exploitation when collecting, using, or sharing peoples’ health data.MethodsTwelve scientists who were collecting, using, (...)
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  20. Teaching ethics to scientists and engineers: Moral agents and moral problems.Caroline Whitbeck - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):299-308.
    In this paper I outline an “agent-centered” approach to learning ethics. The approach is “agent-centered” in that its central aim is to prepare students toact wisely and responsibly when faced with moral problems. The methods characteristic of this approach are suitable for integrating material on professional and research ethics into technical courses, as well as for free-standing ethics courses. The analogy I draw between ethical problems and design problems clarifies the character of ethical problems as they (...)
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    The scientist and the advertisement: Reklamegutachten in imperial Germany.Joris Mercelis - 2020 - History of Science 58 (4):507-532.
    In late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, the integration of product-evaluating certificates and reports ( Gutachten) into advertisements triggered repeated condemnations of “advertisement- Gutachten” ( Reklamegutachten), and scientists and science administrators introduced various restrictions to prevent the appearance of such documents. At the same time, the provision of Gutachten to private individuals and firms seemed crucial to the success of many private and public laboratories. Some chemical and other professionals, moreover, argued that the authoring and use of Reklamegutachten could (...)
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    When Scientists Go to War.Richard Peterson - 2009 - In Melville Y. Stewart, Science and Religion in Dialogue. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 420--428.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * 1 Science and Scientists in Conflict – the Case of Bohr and Heisenberg * 2 Professional/Personal Ethics in a Time Of War – Meitner, Einstein, Compton, and Wilson * 3 An Existential Experience: The Epiphany of the First Atomic Bomb Test * References.
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  23. Ethical conflicts during the social study of clinical practice: the need to reassess the mutually challenging research ethics traditions of social scientists and medical researchers.Klaus Hoeyer, Lisa Dahlager & Niels Lynöe - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (1):41-45.
    When anthropologists and other social scientists study health services in medical institutions, tensions sometimes arise as a result of the social scientists and health care professionals having different ideas about the ethics of research. In order to resolve this type of conflict and to facilitate mutual learning, we describe two general categories of research ethics framing: those of anthropology and those of medicine. The latter focuses on protection of the individual through the preservation of autonomy expressed (...)
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    Ethical reflection of Chinese scientists on the dual-use concerns of emerging medical biotechnology.Xiaonan Wang, Mingtao Huang, Hui Shao, Kun Li & Xiaomei Zhai - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Emerging medical biotechnology typically exhibits a ‘dual-use’ nature, which, while promoting human well-being, concurrently presents potential risks of misuse or abuse, thereby posing significant threats. Globally, including in China, emerging medical biotechnology is developing rapidly. To understand the views and perspectives of Chinese scientists on dual-use concerns, this empirical study conducted semistructured qualitative interviews with researchers (n=14) from various specialties within the Chinese medical field, analysing their perspectives and ethical considerations regarding dual-use concerns. The findings of this study reveal (...)
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    Teaching ethics to scientists and engineers: Moral agents and moral problems. [REVIEW]Dr Caroline Whitbeck - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):299-308.
    In this paper I outline an “agent-centered” approach to learning ethics. The approach is “agent-centered” in that its central aim is to prepare students toact wisely and responsibly when faced with moral problems. The methods characteristic of this approach are suitable for integrating material on professional and research ethics into technical courses, as well as for free-standing ethics courses.The analogy I draw between ethical problems and design problems clarifies the character of ethical problems as they are (...)
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    Ethical Challenges to Risk Scientists: An Exploratory Analysis of Survey Data.Laura Goldberg & Michael Greenberg - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (2):223-241.
    Surveys of almost 1,500 members of three professional societies that do risk analysis found that 3 in 10 respondents had observed a biased research design, 2 in 10 had observed plagiarism, and 1 in 10 observed data fabrication or falsification. Respondents with many years in risk analysis, business consultants, and industrial hygienists reported the greatest prevalence of misconduct. These respondents perceived poor science, economic implications of the research, and lack of training in ethics as causes of misconduct. They (...)
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    The Professionalization of Sustainability.Deborah Rigling Gallagher - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:195-200.
    This study seeks to understand how underlying professional values may affect sustainable redevelopment outcomes. It considers the process by which a variety of professionals: engineers, scientists, designers, planners, architects and financial analysts, develop a professional norm of sustainability as they sustainably redevelop contaminated brownfield sites. Employees and associates of a private equity firm managing a portfolio of brownfield sites across North America and Western Europe were interviewed and resultant data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology. A framework (...)
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  28. A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: Preliminary evidence of training effectiveness.Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples & Lynn D. Devenport - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (4):315 – 339.
    In recent years, we have seen a new concern with ethics training for research and development professionals. Although ethics training has become more common, the effectiveness of the training being provided is open to question. In the present effort, a new ethics training course was developed that stresses the importance of the strategies people apply to make sense of ethical problems. The effectiveness of this training was assessed in a sample of 59 doctoral students working in the (...)
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    Ethical issues in disability and rehabil[i]tation: report of a 1989 international conference.Barbara Duncan & Diane E. Woods (eds.) - 1989 - New York, N.Y., USA: World Rehabilitation Fund.
    This monograph consists of five parts: (1) introductory material including a conference overview; (2) papers presented at an international symposium on the topic of ethical issues in disability and rehabilitation as a section of the Annual Conference of the Society for Disability Studies; (3) responses to the symposium, prepared by four of the participants; (4) selected additional papers which offer views from perspectives or cultures not represented at the Denver conference; and (5) an annotated international bibliography. Representatives from 10 countries (...)
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    Professional Autonomy.Michael Davis - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (4):441-460.
    Employed professionals (e.g., accountants or engineers)-and those who study them-sometimes claim that their status as employeesdenies them the “autonomy” necessary to be “true professionals.” Is this a conceptual claim or an empirical claim? How might it be proved or disproved? This paper draws on recent work on autonomy to try to answer these questions. In the course of doing that, it identifies three literatures concerned with autonomy and suggests an approach bringing them together in a way likely to be useful (...)
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    Mind the Gap: Formal Ethics Policies and Chemical Scientists’ Everyday Practices in Academia and Industry.Itai Vardi & Laurel Smith-Doerr - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (2):176-198.
    Asymmetrical convergence is the increasing overlap between academic and industrial sectors, but with academia moving closer toward for-profit industrial norms than vice versa. Although this concept, developed by Kleinman and Vallas, is useful, processes of asymmetrical convergence in daily laboratory life are largely unexplored. Here, observations of three lab groups of chemical scientists in academic and industry contexts illustrate variation in interactions with ethics-related policies. Findings show more tension for academic science with business-based practices, such as the move (...)
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    Conceptualizing Boundaries for the Professionalization of Healthcare Ethics Practice: A Call for Empirical Research.Nancy C. Brown & Summer Johnson McGee - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (4):325-341.
    One of the challenges of modern healthcare ethics practice is the navigation of boundaries. Practicing healthcare ethicists in the performance of their role must navigate meanings, choices, decisions and actions embedded in complex cultural and social relationships amongst diverse individuals. In light of the evolving state of modern healthcare ethics practice and the recent move toward professionalization via certification, understanding boundary navigation in healthcare ethics practice is critical. Because healthcare ethics is endowed with many boundaries which (...)
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  33. Animal psychology and ethology in Britain and the emergence of professional concern for the concept of ethical cost.H. A. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (2):235-262.
    It has been argued that if an animal is psychologically like us, there may be more scientific reason to experiment upon it, but less moral justification to do so. Some scientists deny the existence of this dilemma, claiming that although there are scientifically valuable similarities between humans and animals that make experimentation worthwhile, humans are at the same time unique and fundamentally different. This latter response is, ironically, typical of pre-Darwinian beliefs in the relationship between human and non-human animals. (...)
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    “Sherry’s Secret”: Case study and commentary on research ethics.Leslie R. Sims - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (1):147-150.
    The case and commentaries below were developed as part of a project, Graduate Research Ethics Education, undertaken by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF Grant No. SBR 9421897 and NSF Grant No. 9817880). The project aims at training graduate students in research ethics and building a community of scientists and engineers who are interested in and capable of teaching research ethics. As part of the project, (...)
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    “I think all of us should have […] much better training in ethics.” Ethical challenges in policy making during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an interview study with Swiss policy makers and scientists.Caroline Brall, Felix Gille, Caroline Schlaufer, Rouven Porz & Ralf J. Jox - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic posed many unprecedented challenges to health care systems and public health efforts worldwide. Policy making and science were deeply intertwined, in particular with regard to the justification of health policy measures. In this context, ethical considerations were often at the core of decision-making trade-offs. However, not much is known about the actual ethical challenges encountered by policy makers and scientists involved in policy advice. With this study, we therefore aim to explore the ethical challenges during (...)
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    Facing the Pariah of Science: The Frankenstein Myth as a Social and Ethical Reference for Scientists.Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich & Ed Finn - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):737-759.
    Since its first publication in 1818, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus has transcended genres and cultures to become a foundational myth about science and technology across a multitude of media forms and adaptations. Following in the footsteps of the brilliant yet troubled Victor Frankenstein, professionals and practitioners have been debating the scientific ethics of creating life for decades, never before have powerful tools for doing so been so widely available. This paper investigates how engaging with the Frankenstein (...)
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    (2 other versions)Ethics and the Practice of Forensic Science.Robin T. Bowen - 2009 - Boca Raton: Crc Press.
    Offering a lively source of debate for professionals and academics, this volume provides a window on a topic that is frequently fraught with uncertainty.
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    Food Ethics Education.Rui Costa & Paola Pittia (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Although many consider professional ethics in the food supply chain an essential topic that should be covered in any degree program, few higher education institutions currently include a module on ethics in their study programs. Instead, ethics is taught in tandem to the core curriculum and is often embedded in the contents of other modules rather than treated as a subject in its own right. Ethics, however, is important enough to warrant a different teaching and (...)
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    Research Ethics Capacity Development in Africa: Exploring a Model for Individual Success.Joseph Ali, Adnan A. Hyder & Nancy E. Kass - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):55-62.
    The Johns Hopkins‐Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program (FABTP) has offered a fully‐funded, one‐year, non‐degree training opportunity in research ethics to health professionals, ethics committee members, scholars, journalists and scientists from countries across sub‐Saharan Africa. In the first 9 years of operation, 28 trainees from 13 African countries have trained with FABTP. Any capacity building investment requires periodic critical evaluation of the impact that training dollars produce. In this paper we describe and evaluate FABTP and the efforts of (...)
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    Ethics for graduate researchers: a cross-disciplinary approach.Maureen Junker-Kenny, Linda Hogan & Cathriona Russell (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford: Elsevier.
    This is an edited collection that is intended both as a primer for core concepts and principles in research ethics and as an in-depth exploration of the contextualisation of these principles in practice across key disciplines.
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  41. Research ethics capacity development in Africa: Exploring a model for individual success.A. L. I. Joseph, Adnan A. Hyder & Nancy E. Kass - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):55-62.
    The Johns Hopkins-Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program (FABTP) has offered a fully-funded, one-year, non-degree training opportunity in research ethics to health professionals, ethics committee members, scholars, journalists and scientists from countries across sub-Saharan Africa. In the first 9 years of operation, 28 trainees from 13 African countries have trained with FABTP. Any capacity building investment requires periodic critical evaluation of the impact that training dollars produce. In this paper we describe and evaluate FABTP and the efforts of (...)
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  42. Business Ethics at the Millennium.R. Edward Freeman - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):169-180.
    Business ethics, as a discipline, appears to be at a crossroads. Down one avenue lies more of the same: mostly philosophers takingwhat they know of ethics and ethical theory and applying it to business. There is a long tradition of scholars working in the area known as “business and society” or “social issues in management.” Most of these scholars are trained as social scientists and teach in business schools. Their raison d’etre has been admirable: trying to get (...)
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    Scientism as a Social Response to the Problem of Suicide.Scott J. Fitzpatrick - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):613-622.
    As one component of a broader social and normative response to the problem of suicide, scientism served to minimize sociopolitical and religious conflict around the issue. As such, it embodied, and continues to embody, a number of interests and values, as well as serving important social functions. It is thus comparable with other normative frameworks and can be appraised, from an ethical perspective, in light of these values, interests, and functions. This work examines the key values, interests, and functions of (...)
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    4 Es: ethics, engineering, economics & environment.John Stewart Buckeridge - 2011 - Annandale, N.S.W.: The Federation Press.
    At the dawn of Europe, an extraordinary Greek philosopher-engineer--biologist named Aristotle strove to develop a code that the good person could live by. Aristotle's concepts have much resonance with us today. Although there are differences in the way in which we perceive things, basically we all share the same aspirations and needs.This new edition will be of value to the globally-focused engineer and scientist; it includes case studies from both developed and developing nations to help students and practitioners unravel the (...)
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    Ethical Decision Making in the Conduct of Research: Role of Individual, Contextual and Organizational Factors: Commentary on “Science, Human Nature, and a New Paradigm for Ethics Education”.Philip J. Langlais - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):551-555.
    Despite the importance of scientific integrity to the well-being of society, recent findings suggest that training and mentoring in the responsible conduct of research are not very reliable or effective inhibitors of research misbehavior. Understanding how and why individual scientists decide to behave in ways that conform to or violate norms and standards of research is essential to the development of more effective training programs and the creation of more supportive environments. Scholars in business management, psychology, and other disciplines (...)
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    Animal psychology and ethology in Britain and the emergence of professional concern for the concept of ethical cost.David A. H. Wilson - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (2):235-262.
    It has been argued that if an animal is psychologically like us, there may be more scientific reason to experiment upon it, but less moral justification to do so. Some scientists deny the existence of this dilemma, claiming that although there are scientifically valuable similarities between humans and animals that make experimentation worthwhile, humans are at the same time unique and fundamentally different. This latter response is, ironically, typical of pre-Darwinian beliefs in the relationship between human and non-human animals. (...)
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  47. Social Research Ethics: An Examination of the Merits of Covert Participant Observation.Martin Bulmer (ed.) - 1982 - Holmes & Meier Publishers.
  48.  48
    Computing and technology ethics: engaging through science fiction.Emanuelle Burton - 2023 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Judith Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Cory Siler & Sara-Jo Swiatek.
    Provides a comprehensive introduction to ethical frameworks and of many of the modern issues arising in technology ethics including computing, privacy, artificial intelligence, and more.
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  49. From environmental to ecological ethics: Toward a practical ethics for ecologists and conservationists.Ben A. Minteer & James P. Collins - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (4):483-501.
    Ecological research and conservation practice frequently raise difficult and varied ethical questions for scientific investigators and managers, including duties to public welfare, nonhuman individuals (i.e., animals and plants), populations, and ecosystems. The field of environmental ethics has contributed much to the understanding of general duties and values to nature, but it has not developed the resources to address the diverse and often unique practical concerns of ecological researchers and managers in the field, lab, and conservation facility. The emerging field (...)
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    Gaps, conflicts, and consensus in the ethics statements of professional associations, medical groups, and health plans.N. D. Berkman - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):395-401.
    Background: Patients today interact with physicians, physician groups, and health plans, each of which may follow distinct ethical guidelines.Method: We systematically compared physician codes of ethics with ethics policies at physician group practices and health plans, using the 1998–99 policies of 38 organisations—18 medical associations , nine physician group practices , and 12 health plans —selected using random and stratified purposive sampling. A clinician and a social scientist independently abstracted each document, using a 397-item health care ethics (...)
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